Since 2017, most code I've written is in support of FSF and GNU, usually system administration related and not public or not publicized. The most generally useful public package I've written is a Bash stack trace and error handling library, Bash Bear Trap, and a Bash Style Guide that talks about Bash error handling.

If you find any of these useful, let me know. Patches welcome, email to

A few of these are mirrored on sourcehut account in case that helps people contribute or use them.

List all projects
Project Description Last Change
basic-https-conf apache/nginx config & let's encrypt 5 months ago
cedit Create/modify a comment-delimited section in a config... 5 months ago
distro-functions Identify distros & abstract package managers 4 months ago
lnf Create symlinks forcefully 6 months ago
log-quiet Log output, conditionally email or print it 5 months ago
newns Nat a network namespace. systemd friendly 6 months ago
small-misc-bash Utility bash programs 5 months ago
spray A speed reading mode for Emacs 6 years ago
tee-unique Append LINE if it's not already in FILE 6 months ago
visible-mark Emacs minor mode to highlight mark(s) 8 years ago
vpn-setup Setup openvpn client & server 6 months ago
work-notes Personal FSF Sysadmin related notes and todos 2 months ago
Historical archive. They don't work or have been superseded.
mediawiki-setup Mediawiki setup guide / fully automated script 5 years ago
I don't use these anymore, they may or may not work, patches welcome
bbdb-csv-import Import csv into Emacs’s bbdb contact database 8 years ago
evhz Show mouse refresh rate under linux + evdev 6 months ago
Personalized for my use. Useful as examples or to copy specific parts
automated-distro-installer PXE install w multi-boot, btrfs & Libreboot support 4 weeks ago
buildscripts Build and install misc software 4 months ago
distro-setup ~16k lines of my .bashrc + lots of my configs 3 weeks ago
dot-emacs ~2k lines of elisp 3 months ago Content and automated setup of 6 months ago