limit sound notifications to my stuff
[distro-setup] / subdir_files / .config / dunst / dunstrc
1 [global]
2 monitor = 0
3 follow = mouse
4 geometry = "300x5-30+20"
5 indicate_hidden = yes
6 shrink = no
7 transparency = 0
8 notification_height = 0
9 separator_height = 2
10 padding = 8
11 horizontal_padding = 8
12 frame_width = 3
13 frame_color = "#aaaaaa"
14 separator_color = frame
15 sort = yes
16 idle_threshold = 120
17 font = Monospace 8
18 line_height = 0
19 markup = full
20 format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
21 alignment = left
22 vertical_alignment = center
23 show_age_threshold = 60
24 word_wrap = yes
25 ellipsize = middle
26 ignore_newline = no
27 stack_duplicates = true
28 hide_duplicate_count = false
29 show_indicators = yes
30 icon_position = left
31 min_icon_size = 0
32 max_icon_size = 32
33 icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/
34 sticky_history = yes
35 history_length = 20
36 dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
37 browser = /usr/bin/sensible-browser
38 always_run_script = true
39 title = Dunst
40 class = Dunst
41 startup_notification = false
42 verbosity = mesg
43 corner_radius = 0
44 ignore_dbusclose = false
45 force_xinerama = false
46 mouse_left_click = close_current
47 mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
48 mouse_right_click = close_all
49 [experimental]
50 per_monitor_dpi = false
51 [shortcuts]
52 close = ctrl+space
53 close_all = ctrl+shift+space
54 history = ctrl+grave
55 context = ctrl+shift+period
56 [urgency_low]
57 background = "#222222"
58 foreground = "#888888"
59 timeout = 10
60 [urgency_normal]
61 background = "#285577"
62 foreground = "#ffffff"
63 timeout = 10
64 [urgency_critical]
65 background = "#900000"
66 foreground = "#ffffff"
67 frame_color = "#ff0000"
68 timeout = 0
70 # above are the defaults from t11 in /etc/xdg/dunst/dunstrc
72 [play_sound]
73 stack_tag = "profanity"
74 script = /b/ds/sound-alert
77 # default light blue is too light
78 #[urgency_normal]
79 # background = "#335EA8"