input-setup dependency to git
[distro-setup] / input-setup
1 #!/bin/bash -l
2 #set -x
3 mi() {
4 xinput --get-feedbacks "$1" | grep "threshold"
5 xinput --get-feedbacks "$1" | grep "accelNum\|accelDenom"
6 xinput --list-props "$1" | grep "Device Accel Profile\|Device Accel Constant Deceleration\|Device Accel Velocity Scaling"
7 }
8 ms() {
9 xinput --set-ptr-feedback "$1" $2 ${3%/*} ${3#*/}
10 xinput --set-prop "$1" 'Device Accel Profile' $4
11 xinput --set-prop "$1" 'Device Accel Constant Deceleration' $5
12 xinput --set-prop "$1" 'Device Accel Velocity Scaling' $6
13 mi "$1"
14 }
15 set_device_id() {
16 if device_id=$(xinput --list | grep -m 1 "$1"); then
17 device_id=${device_id##*id=}
18 device_id=${device_id%%[[:space:]]*}
19 else
20 return 1
21 fi
22 }
24 case $HOSTNAME in
25 treetowl*|iank-dev|frodo)
26 # todo, differentiate for work pc
27 #/a/bin/radl
28 if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]]; then
29 echo "error. empty DISPLAY var" >> /a/gdm-keyboard-error.log
30 else
31 xkbcomp /a/c/.Xkeymap $DISPLAY
33 xkbset m # setup mouse keys, which I have altered
35 xkbset exp =m # stop mousekeys expiring after a timeout
37 xset r rate 200 13 # decrease rate delay
38 xbindkeys # configured to grab left and right scroll button presses
39 fi
42 #right scroll wheel, change from button 4 & 5 to 13 and 14.
43 # also changes the middle click to 12, even though I'm not using it anymore
44 if set_device_id "04d9:048e"; then
45 xinput --set-button-map "$device_id" 1 12 3 13 14 6 7
46 fi
48 ms 'Kensington Kensington Slimblade Trackball' 100 4000/1 7 6.5 1.5
49 xinput --set-button-map 'Kensington Kensington Slimblade Trackball' 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12
51 # razer naga middle mouse stopped working. it's settings were:
52 #ms "$device_id" 100 1000/1 7 4 1
54 if set_device_id "SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse"; then
55 ms "$device_id" 100 1000/1 7 4 1
56 #ms "$device_id" 1 7/2 2 2.5 2
58 # makes it compatible with what windows sends using synergy
59 xinput --set-button-map "$device_id" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15
61 # under the new "improved" libinput, the mouse speed/accel has
62 # changed all around and is much more limited.
63 # Other xinput commands will fail and this will succeed.
64 xinput --set-prop "$device_id" "libinput Accel Speed" '.8'
65 fi
68 # disable the mouse movements of my mouse-wheel only mouse
69 if set_device_id "USB Optical Mouse"; then
70 xinput --set-prop "$device_id" 'Device Accel Constant Deceleration' 10000
71 # 12 is to effectively disable the middle click button
72 xinput --set-button-map "$device_id" 1 12 3 10 11 6 7
73 fi
74 /a/bin/bash_unpublished/gpg
75 ;;
76 frodo*)
77 ;;
78 esac
80 # for desktop and htpc
81 set_device_id "Logitech Unifying Device"
82 xinput --set-prop "$device_id" 'Evdev Middle Button Emulation' 1
85 #ms 'Kensington Kensington Slimblade Trackball' 1 7/2 2 4 5 = 2.01
86 # ms 9 10 20/1 6 4 .2
87 #ms 9 10 35/1 6 5 .2 = 1.82
88 #ms 9 10 1200/1 7 5 .2 = 1.82 after a practice round
89 #
90 #ms 9 10 140/1 6 7 .1 = 2.0 after a practice round.
91 #feels like the slow is finally too slow, and fast too fast
92 # ms 9 10 50/1 6 6 .2 = 1.83 after
93 # ms 9 10 90/1 6 6 .1 = 1.86
94 #ms 9 10 3000/1 7 6 .1 = 1.81
95 #ms 9 1 15/1 3 6 3 = 2.0
96 #ms 9 1 10/1 3 4 2 = 1.91
97 #ms 9 1 8/1 3 5 4 = 1.98
98 #ms 9 1 10/2 2 5 2.5 = 1.99
99 #ms 9 100 3000/1 7 5 1 = 1.86
100 #ms 9 100 1500/1 7 5 1.5 = 1.87
101 #ms 9 100 2200/1 7 6 1.5 = 1.81
102 #ms 9 100 2200/1 7 5 1.5 = 1.83
103 #ms 9 100 3000/1 7 6 1.5 = 1.88
104 #ms 9 1 100/1 4 6 15 = 1.85
105 #ms 9 100 3000/1 7 7 1.5 = 1.85, but had a 1.76 on first try...
106 # ms 9 100 3500/1 7 7 1.5 = 1.73, 1.68 a1 1.74, 1.83, 1.75, 1.78, 1.76
107 # ms 9 100 4000/1 7 7 1.5 = 1.80
108 # ms 9 100 4000/1 7 8 1.5 = 1.78
109 # ms 9 100 4000/1 7 8 1.8 = 1.88
110 # ms 9 100 4800/1 7 8 1.5 = 1.85
111 # ms 9 100 4000/1 7 6.5 1.5 = 1.83. stickig with this, upped speeds a bit to make it more practical for normal windows
112 # new day
113 # ms 9 100 3500/1 7 7 1.5 = 1.92
114 # ms 9 1 7/2 2 5 5 = 1.9
115 # ms 9 100 3500/1 7 7 1.5 = 1.62
116 # felt like having it a bit faster for a while, but switched back
117 #ms 'Kensington Kensington Slimblade Trackball' 100 3500/1 7 5 1.5
120 #set +x