fix bug when sshing to fqdn etc
[distro-setup] / .gitconfig
1 [user]
2 name = Ian Kelling
3 email =
4 #email =
5 [alias]
6 # Always use the git lg alias instead of git log. It's too easy to get
7 # confused by not seeing branches in git log output.
8 lg = log --graph --decorate
9 co = checkout
10 s = status
11 ci = commit
12 lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
14 [core]
15 excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
16 [credential]
17 helper = cache
19 # new option, but not available yet on debian wheezy
20 # [push]
21 # default = simple
23 # based on ghc advice,
24 #
25 [diff]
26 ignoreSubmodules = dirty
27 tool = meld
28 # gitinspector complained
29 renamelimit = 5000
31 [gitreview]
32 username = iank
33 remote = origin
34 [color]
35 ui = auto
36 status = auto
37 branch = auto
38 interactive = auto
39 diff = auto
40 # for hooks.
41 [init]
42 templatedir = ~/.git_template
43 [difftool]
44 tool = meld
45 prompt = false
46 [format]
47 # This seemed like a good idea, but it broke interactive rebase, so disabled.
48 # for format-patch, use --base=auto. This means we need to do
49 # git branch --set-upstream-to, but that should be done automatically
50 # based on other settings.
51 # useAutoBase = true
52 [branch]
53 # Disabled as this was to be used with useAutoBase, which didn't work as expected.
54 # sets local branches to have the same remote tracking branch.
55 # This allows the useAutoBase setting to work without having to
56 # setup the branch specially with
57 # git branch --set-upstream-to origin/my_branch
58 # or git checkout -b my-branch origin/whatever
59 # autoSetupMerge = always
61 # git pull always does rebase by default
62 autoSetupRebase = always
63 [push]
64 default = simple