parted doesn't document default alignment so set it
[automated-distro-installer] / fai / config / hooks / partition.DEFAULT
1 #!/bin/bash -x
3 set -eE -o pipefail
4 trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?"' ERR
6 # # fai's setup-storage won't do btrfs on luks,
7 # # so we do it ourself :)
9 skiptask partition ||: # for running out of fai
11 #### begin configuration
13 bootn=1
14 swapn=2
15 rootn=3
16 bios_grubn=4
17 boot_end=804
18 lastn=$bios_grubn
20 if ifclass VM; then
21 d=vd
22 else
23 d=sd
24 fi
26 letters=()
27 if ifclass TWO_DISK; then
28 letters=(a b)
29 elif ifclass ONE_DISK; then
30 letters=(a)
31 elif ifclass MANY_DISK; then
32 for dev in /dev/${d}?; do letters+=(${dev#/dev/${d}}); done
33 else
34 exit 1
35 fi
36 ##### end configuration
39 bpart() {
40 dev_n=$1
41 case ${#@} in
42 [1-3]) mkfs.btrfs -f $@ ;;
43 [4-9]*|[1-3]?*) mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid10 -d raid10 $@ ;;
44 esac
45 }
47 devs=(${letters[@]/#//dev/${d}})
48 crypt_devs=(${letters[@]/#//dev/mapper/crypt_dev_${d}})
49 first_boot_dev=${devs[0]}$bootn
51 partition=true
53 # somewhat crude detection of whether to partition
54 for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
55 x=($dev[0-9])
56 [[ ${#x[@]} == ${lastn} ]] || partition=true
57 for (( i=1; i <= $lastn; i++ )); do
58 [[ -e ${dev}$i ]] || partition=true
59 done
60 for part in $dev$rootn $dev$bootn; do
61 # type tells us it's not totally blank
62 blkid | grep "^${part}:.*TYPE=" &>/dev/null || partition=true
63 done
64 done
66 #partition=true # for temporarily override
68 # keyfiles generated like:
69 # head -c 2048 /dev/urandom | od | s dd of=/q/root/luks/host-demohost
70 luks_dir=${LUKS_DIR:-/var/lib/fai/config/distro-install-common/luks}
71 if ifclass tp; then
72 lukspw=$(cat $luks_dir/traci)
73 else
74 lukspw=$(cat $luks_dir/ian)
75 fi
76 if ifclass demohost; then
77 lukspw=x
78 fi
81 crypt=/dev/mapper/crypt_dev_${d##/dev/}a$rootn
84 if ifclass frodo; then
85 # next upgrade is prolly 16 gigs of memory, across ~8 devices
86 swap_end=$((3500 + boot_end))
87 else
88 # 1.5 x based on
89 swap_end=$(( $(grep ^MemTotal: /proc/meminfo| awk '{print $2}') * 3/(${#devs[@]} * 2 ) / 1000 + boot_end ))
90 fi
92 mkdir -p /tmp/fai
93 shopt -s nullglob
94 if $partition; then
95 for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
96 for x in $dev[0-9]; do wipefs -a $x; done
97 done
98 for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
99 parted -s $dev mklabel gpt
100 # gpt ubuntu cloud image uses ~4. fai uses 1 MiB. ehh, i'll do 4.
101 # also, using MB instead of MiB causes complains about alignment.
102 pcmd="parted -a optimal -s -- $dev"
103 $pcmd mkpart primary "ext3" 4MB ${boot_end}MiB
104 $pcmd mkpart primary "linux-swap" ${boot_end}MiB ${swap_end}MiB
105 $pcmd mkpart primary "" ${swap_end}MiB -0
106 $pcmd mkpart primary "" 1MiB 4MiB
107 $pcmd set $bios_grubn bios_grub on
108 $pcmd set $bootn boot on # generally not needed on modern systems
109 # the mkfs failed randomly on a vm, so I threw a sleep in here.
110 sleep .1
113 luks_dev=$dev$rootn
114 yes YES | cryptsetup luksFormat $luks_dev $luks_dir/host-$HOSTNAME \
115 -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 256 || [[ $? == 141 ]]
116 yes "$lukspw" | \
117 cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file $luks_dir/host-$HOSTNAME \
118 $luks_dev || [[ $? == 141 ]]
119 # background: Keyfile and password are treated just
120 # like 2 ways to input a passphrase, so we don't actually need to have
121 # different contents of keyfile and passphrase, but it makes some
122 # security sense to a really big randomly generated passphrase
123 # as much as possible, so we have both.
124 #
125 # This would remove the keyfile.
126 # yes 'test' | cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/... \
127 # /key/file || [[ $? == 141 ]]
129 cryptsetup luksOpen $luks_dev crypt_dev_${luks_dev##/dev/} \
130 --key-file $luks_dir/host-$HOSTNAME
131 done
132 bpart ${crypt_devs[@]/%/$rootn}
133 mount $crypt /mnt
134 else
135 for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
136 cryptsetup luksOpen $dev$rootn crypt_dev_${dev##/dev/}$rootn \
137 --key-file $luks_dir/host-$HOSTNAME || [[ $? == 141 ]]
138 done
139 sleep 1
140 mount -o subvolid=0 $crypt /mnt
141 # systemd creates subvolumes we want to delete.
142 s=($(btrfs subvolume list --sort=-path /mnt |
143 sed -rn 's#^.*path\s*(root/\S+)\s*$#\1#p'))
144 for subvol in ${s[@]}; do btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/$subvol; done
145 btrfs subvolume set-default 0 /mnt
146 btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/root
147 fi
148 bpart ${devs[@]/%/$bootn}
151 ## create subvols ##
152 cd /mnt
153 for x in q home root; do
154 btrfs subvolume list . | grep "$x$" >/dev/null || btrfs subvolume create $x
155 done
156 for x in root/a q/a; do
157 mkdir -p $x
158 chown 1000:1000 $x
159 chmod 755 $x
160 done
161 btrfs subvolume set-default \
162 $(btrfs subvolume list . | grep 'root$' | awk '{print $2}') .
163 chattr -Rf +C root
164 cd /
165 umount /mnt
166 mount $first_boot_dev /mnt
167 cd /mnt
168 btrfs subvolume create boot
169 btrfs subvolume set-default \
170 $(btrfs subvolume list . | grep 'boot$' | awk '{print $2}') .
171 cd /
172 umount /mnt
173 ## end create subvols ##
177 cat > /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
178 $crypt / btrfs noatime,subvol=/root 0 0
179 $crypt /q btrfs noatime,subvol=/q 0 0
180 /q/a /a none bind 0 0
181 $crypt /home btrfs noatime,subvol=/home 0 0
182 $first_boot_dev /boot btrfs noatime,subvol=/boot 0 0
183 EOF
185 swaps=()
186 for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
187 s=crypt_swap_${dev##/dev/}$swapn
188 swaps+=(/dev/mapper/$s)
189 cat >>/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
190 crypt_dev_${dev##/dev/}$rootn $dev$rootn none keyscript=/root/keyscript,discard,luks
191 $s $dev$swapn /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256,hash=ripemd160
192 EOF
193 cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
194 /dev/mapper/$s none swap sw 0 0
195 EOF
196 done
199 # swaplist seems to do nothing.
200 cat >/tmp/fai/ <<EOF
202 BOOT_PARTITION=\${BOOT_PARTITION:-$first_boot_dev}
203 BOOT_DEVICE=\${BOOT_DEVICE:-"${devs[0]}"}
204 SWAPLIST=\${SWAPLIST:-"${swaps[@]}"}
205 EOF