consistent license, various updates
[buildscripts] / emacs
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # I, Ian Kelling, follow the GNU license recommendations at
3 # They
4 # recommend that small programs, < 300 lines, be licensed under the
5 # Apache License 2.0. This file contains or is part of one or more small
6 # programs. If a small program grows beyond 300 lines, I plan to switch
7 # its license to GPL.
9 # Copyright 2024 Ian Kelling
11 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
15 #
17 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21 # limitations under the License.
24 if [[ -s ~/.bashrc ]];then . ~/.bashrc;fi
26 #set -x
27 # arg = git commit to check out
29 update=false
30 bootstrap=false
31 recompile=false
32 show_pkgs=false
33 dryrun=false
35 while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
36 case $1 in
37 -b) bootstrap=true; recompile=true ;;
38 -n) dryrun=true ;;
39 -r) recompile=true ;;
40 --no-r) recompile=false ;;
41 -u) update=true ;;
42 -p) show_pkgs=true ;;
43 --) break ;;
44 *) echo "$0: error: bad arg: $1" >&2; exit 1 ;;
45 esac
46 shift
47 done
50 # Og = optmize, but keep gdb working
51 export CFLAGS="-Og -g3"
53 export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
54 pupdate
56 # some distros, the package name is like emacs25, some its just emacs
57 ver=$(apt-cache showsrc emacs | sed -rn 's/^Version: 1:([0-9]+).*/\1/p' | sort -n | tail -n1) ||:
58 for x in {35..25} ""; do
59 if [[ $ver ]] && (( ver >= x )); then
60 echo latest_emacs=emacs
61 latest_emacs=emacs
62 break
63 fi
64 if apt-cache showsrc emacs$x 2>/dev/null |grep . &>/dev/null; then
65 echo latest_emacs=$x
66 latest_emacs=emacs$x
67 break
68 fi
69 done
71 # ccache is a missing build dep for mu
72 pkgs=(gawk attr autoconf-archive git install-info ccache)
73 ##### warning, apt-rdepends seems to look at the newest version of the package,
74 ##### not the one that build-dep would install.
75 if $show_pkgs; then
76 echo ${pkgs[*]}
77 for x in $latest_emacs maildir-utils; do
78 # todo, this gives fake provided packages like mailx, and then
79 # fai ignores them.
80 #
81 if ! type -p apt-rdepends &>/dev/null; then
82 sudo apt-get -y install --purge --auto-remove apt-rdepends
83 fi
84 apt-rdepends -p --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS $x/$(debian-codename)|sed -rn 's/^\s*Build-Depends: (\S+).*/\1/p'
85 done
86 exit 0
87 fi
90 #building emacs, INSTALL.BZR
92 # gawk and attr were no longer automatically installed in stretch,
93 # looking back, i assume i got some error.
94 # autoconf-archive due to come error
95 pi ${pkgs[@]}
97 #git repo
98 dir=/a/opt/emacs-$(distro-name)$(distro-num)
99 last_build=$dir/iank-emacs-build
101 # e/e because autofs failing to mount will make it so
102 # you cant ls whatever directory it is in, so we
103 # need an extra directory. i dunno why this was like this instead of just $dir-nox.
104 #dirs=($dir $dir-nox/.iank/e/e)
106 dirs=($dir $dir-nox)
108 m cd /a/opt/emacs
110 if [[ -e $dir ]]; then
111 m cd $dir
112 rev=$(cat $last_build 2>/dev/null) ||:
113 head=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
114 if ! $recompile && ! $bootstrap && [[ $rev == "$head" ]]; then
115 echo "already compiled, exiting"
116 exit 0
117 fi
118 if [[ $rev != "$head" ]]; then
119 bootstrap=true
120 fi
121 else
122 head=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
123 bootstrap=true
124 fi
126 if $dryrun; then
127 echo recompile=$recompile bootstrap=$bootstrap update=$update
128 exit 0
129 fi
131 if $bootstrap; then
132 m rsync --delete -ra /a/opt/emacs/ $dir
133 recompile=true
134 fi
136 case $(distro-name) in
137 fedora )
138 logq s yum-builddep -y emacs
139 logq pi texlive-dvipng
140 ;;&
141 debian|ubuntu|trisquel)
142 # todo: unknown for other distros, this will fail
143 logq p -y build-dep maildir-utils
144 # oddly, on ubuntu 14.04 this installs postfix, but I dun care
145 # ubuntu 14.04 gave this error message
146 # Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libpng-dev
147 # this is satisfied by dvipng. the build-dep is just wrong
148 # minor bug I'm not going to bother reporting.
149 #
150 # note, useful command to see build dep packagages:
151 # apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS emacs25
152 logq p -y build-dep $latest_emacs
153 ;;&
154 esac
156 if $recompile; then
158 nox=false
159 for d in ${dirs[@]}; do
160 if $nox; then
161 # Commented stuff in this block had something to do with ssh / autofs, im not really using nox right now,
162 # so unless I figure out why it was this way, ignore this.
163 # m mkdir -p ${d%/*}
164 m rsync --delete -ra $dir/ $d
165 #
166 # mp=$HOME/.iank/e/e
167 # if mountpoint $mp &>/dev/null; then
168 # m sudo umount $mp
169 # fi
170 # m mkdir -p $mp
171 # m sudo mount -o bind $d $mp
172 # m sudo chown $USER:$USER $mp
173 # m cd $mp
175 # instead of $mp above
176 m cd $d
177 else
178 m cd $d
179 fi
180 # todo, consider when this should be uncommented
181 #logq s make uninstall
182 m find ~/.emacs.d/ -name '*.elc' -delete
184 # git version
185 if [[ $1 ]]; then
186 m i clean -xxxfd
187 elif $update; then
188 m i fetch
189 m i clean -xxxffd
190 m i reset --hard origin/master
191 m i clean -xxxffd
192 fi
193 # autogen is usually only for the first build, assume it works
194 logq ./ all
195 # I tried changing O2 to O3, don't know if it made it faster or slower so I went back to 02.
196 # Also, link-time-optimization based on ./INSTALL
198 # for debugging, use -Og, or -O0 to make debug really correspond to sources
199 # dunno why I have had -std=gnu99 in the past
200 #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -Og'
201 export CFLAGS='-g3 -Og'
202 #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -O2' logq ./configure --enable-link-time-optimization
203 # on ubuntu 12.04, the above fails, says my c compiler won't work, so intead, just use defaults
204 if $nox; then
205 # mix of flags from arch and debians build flags
206 # note, youd think we could just run make again, but the
207 # build system isnt smart enough, we have to recompile
208 # from scratch.
209 logq ./configure --without-x --without-sound --without-gsettings --without-gconf
210 ln -s ~/.emacs.d .
211 else
212 logq ./configure
213 fi
214 logq make -j `nproc` bootstrap
215 logq make -j `nproc`
216 if ! $nox; then
217 logq sudo make install
218 # make emacs always work for root
219 sudo /a/exe/lnf /usr/local/bin/emacs /usr/bin
220 fi
221 nox=true
222 done
223 else
224 m cd ${dirs[0]}
225 logq sudo make install
226 # make emacs always work for root
227 m sudo /a/exe/lnf /usr/local/bin/emacs /usr/bin
228 fi
230 #git clone
231 # note: master failed on t8, i moved back to the commit before a bug
232 #
233 # from its HACKING file
237 if $recompile; then
238 # note, not totally sure its right to put this within recompile, but its taking up most of the time, so going for it.
239 logq emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/compile-init-dir.el
240 fi
242 # as of 01-2017, built-in org mode has a bug that
243 # org-edit-src-exit does not get bound, so using latest
244 #/a/bin/buildscripts/org-mode
246 # disabled as i haven't used it in a while
247 # if $update; then
248 # logq pi bzr
249 # cd ~/.emacs.d/src/mediawiki-el
250 # bzr pull
251 # fi
254 # not keeping up with the latest gnus development.
255 # # instructions from the README
256 # # the byte-recompile-directory seems to compile gnus,
257 # # but gnus complains that it should be compiled when it starts
258 # cd ~/.emacs.d/src/gnus
259 # if [[ $1 == *u* ]]; then
260 # i pull
261 # fi
262 # logq ./configure
263 # logq make
265 my-update-info-dir
267 echo $head >$last_build