i think this fixes i3 issues
[distro-setup] / pkgs
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # I, Ian Kelling, follow the GNU license recommendations at
3 # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-recommendations.en.html. They
4 # recommend that small programs, < 300 lines, be licensed under the
5 # Apache License 2.0. This file contains or is part of one or more small
6 # programs. If a small program grows beyond 300 lines, I plan to switch
7 # its license to GPL.
9 # Copyright 2024 Ian Kelling
11 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
15 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21 # limitations under the License.
23 # meant to be sourced
24 #
25 # packages with the same name across distros.
27 p1=(
28 bind9-host
29 cryptsetup
30 lvm2
31 mbuffer
32 moreutils
33 screen
34 tmux
35 )
36 p2=(
37 bash-completion
38 curl
39 eatmydata
40 etckeeper
41 ethtool
42 fping
43 git
44 haveged
45 htop
46 iptables
47 mailutils
48 nano
49 nmon
50 needrestart
51 ntp
52 rdiff-backup
53 ruby
54 ruby-rest-client
55 traceroute
56 tree
57 uptimed
58 vim
59 wget
60 )
62 # swh-plugins is for karaoke pulsaudio filter.
63 # mutagen for pithos
64 # guvcview set webcam brightness to highest
65 # pidgin-otr, i went into pidgin pluggin settings and generated a key for some accounts
66 # xawtv has webcam cli control. v4lctl bright 80%; v4lctl list
67 # guvcview also adjusts webcam
68 # pv is used by btrbk
69 # libterm-readkey-perl for rt cli tool
70 # fonts pkgs are an attempt to get less block characters
71 # gnat-5 & ccache is for coreboot
72 # gnat-5 doesnt exist in nabia, might not even be needed for coreboot anymore so removed it
73 # python3-dnspython is needed by some ansible module
75 # python3-autopep8 is nice, etiona only has python2 version, not bothering
76 # to setup a conditional or pin to nabia.
78 # metastore is for /p/c commit hook to store user/perms
81 p3=(
82 at
83 adb
84 ansible
85 apache2
86 apache2-doc
87 apg
88 apt-doc
89 apt-listchanges
90 apt-rdepends
91 apt-show-versions
92 aptitude-doc-en
93 arandr
94 arbtt
95 # dictionary / thesaurus
96 artha
97 asciidoc
98 backupninja
99 barrier
100 bash-doc
101 # not using it currently and it has a dependency problem
102 # beets
103 # beets-doc
104 binutils-doc
105 bind9-doc
106 bind9utils
107 # for system76 laptop with i3 keybind.
108 brightnessctl
109 build-essential
110 bwm-ng
111 ccache
112 cheese
113 cloc
114 # pretty complex config. i just setup to ignore my password managerf
115 # according to the docs, and C-M-v to open the main window
116 copyq
117 cpulimit
118 cron
119 csvkit
120 cvs
121 debian-archive-keyring
122 debug-me
123 debootstrap
124 debconf-doc
125 devscripts
126 dillo
127 dirmngr
128 dos2unix
129 dosfstools
130 dnsutils
131 dsh
132 dunst
133 python3-dnspython
134 # better du in t11+
135 duf
136 duplicity
137 elinks
138 evince
139 exim4-doc-html
140 exfat-fuse
141 # was exfat-utils before aramo
142 exfatprogs
143 expect
144 # for ftp upload dejagnu test
145 libdate-manip-perl libemail-messageid-perl
146 fakeroot
147 fail2ban
148 fdupes
149 feh
150 filelight
151 firejail
152 flashrom
153 fonts-noto
154 fonts-roboto
155 fonts-thai-tlwg
156 fonts-thai-tlwg-otf
157 ftp-upload
158 fzf
159 xfonts-intl-asian
160 fonts-sil-lateef
161 gajim
162 gawk-doc
163 # gcc suggests
164 make manpages-dev autoconf automake libtool flex bison
165 gcc-doc
166 gdb
167 gdb-doc
168 geoip-bin
169 geoip-database
170 gimp
171 git-doc
172 git-email
173 git-cvs
174 git-svn
175 gitk
176 glibc-doc
177 goaccess
178 gnome-screenshot
179 # color picker
180 gpick
181 grepmail
182 guvcview
183 gwenview
184 # for my / office hp printers
185 hplip
186 html-xml-utils
187 html2text
188 hunspell
189 i3lock
190 i3status
191 iftop
192 iotop
193 info
194 inotify-tools
195 ipcalc
196 iputils-tracepath
197 iperf3
198 iproute2-doc
199 irqbalance
200 jq
201 kid3-qt
202 kid3-cli
203 konsole
204 knot-dnsutils
205 libterm-readkey-perl
206 libreoffice
207 linphone
208 linux-doc
209 lshw
210 make-doc
211 manpages
212 manpages-dev
213 markdown
214 # probably add this in t12. it is utilities for maildir.
215 # for now, building from source
216 # mblaze
217 mb2md
218 mdadm
219 meld
220 memtester
221 metastore
222 mhonarc
223 mmdebstrap
224 mp3gain
225 mps-youtube
226 mpv
227 mumble
228 mupdf
229 mutt
230 nagstamon
231 namazu2
232 ncdu
233 # gnupload dependency
234 ncftp
235 nethogs
236 nginx-doc
237 nmap
238 nyancat
239 nzbget
240 obs-studio
241 offlineimap
242 oathtool
243 opendkim-tools
244 p7zip-full
245 paprefs
246 parted
247 parted-doc
248 pass
249 pavucontrol
250 pdfgrep
251 perl-doc
252 pianobar
253 pinentry-tty
254 pinentry-gtk2
255 pidgin
256 pidgin-otr
257 pixz
258 # unattended-upgrades.log: Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status
259 powermgmt-base
260 profanity
261 pry
262 # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/bluetooth
263 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
264 pv
265 python3-doc
266 qemu-user-static
267 qimgv
268 qrencode
269 readline-doc
270 rename
271 reportbug
272 # first exist in t11 afaik
273 ripgrep
274 rfkill
275 rng-tools
276 rygel
277 sakura
278 schroot
279 shellcheck
280 # for sig2dot
281 signing-party
282 sipcalc
283 socat
284 # add-apt-repository
285 software-properties-common
286 speex
287 sox
288 sqlite3-doc
289 squashfs-tools
290 strace
291 subversion
292 swaks
293 swh-plugins
294 tar-doc
295 tcpdump
296 tcl
297 tcl-tclreadline
298 telnet
299 tmate
300 transmission-remote-gtk
301 trash-cli
302 tty-clock
303 units
304 uuid-runtime
305 vlc
306 wamerican-huge
307 wireless-tools
308 w3m
309 whois
310 wondershaper
311 xawtv
312 xbacklight
313 xdot
314 # needed for some i3 hacks
315 xdotool
316 xloadimage
317 xprintidle
318 xscreensaver
319 xscreensaver-data-extra
320 xscreensaver-gl
321 xscreensaver-gl-extra
322 global
323 python3-pygments
324 )
326 # shellcheck disable=SC2034
327 pall=(${p1[@]} ${p2[@]} ${p3[@]} )