[distro-setup] / machine_specific / kd / filesystem / etc / default / prometheus-node-exporter
1 # Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server.
2 # Due to shell scaping, to pass backslashes for regexes, you need to double
3 # them (\\d for \d). If running under systemd, you need to double them again
4 # (\\\\d to mean \d), and escape newlines too.
5 ARGS="--web.listen-address="
7 # prometheus-node-exporter supports the following options:
8 #
9 # --collector.arp
10 # Enable the arp collector (default: enabled).
11 # --collector.bcache
12 # Enable the bcache collector (default: enabled).
13 # --collector.bcache.priorityStats
14 # Expose expensive priority stats.
15 # --collector.bonding
16 # Enable the bonding collector (default: enabled).
17 # --collector.btrfs
18 # Enable the btrfs collector (default: enabled).
19 # --collector.buddyinfo
20 # Enable the buddyinfo collector (default: disabled).
21 # --collector.conntrack
22 # Enable the conntrack collector (default: enabled).
23 # --collector.cpu
24 # Enable the cpu collector (default: enabled).
25 #
26 # Enables metric cpu_info.
27 #
28 # Filter the `bugs` field in cpuInfo with a value that must be a regular
29 # expression.
30 #
31 # Filter the `flags` field in cpuInfo with a value that must be a regular
32 # expression.
33 # --collector.cpufreq
34 # Enable the cpufreq collector (default: enabled).
35 # --collector.disable-defaults
36 # Set all collectors to disabled by default.
37 # --collector.diskstats
38 # Enable the diskstats collector (default: enabled).
39 # --collector.diskstats.ignored-devices="^(ram|loop|fd|(h|s|v|xv)d[a-z]|nvme\\d+n\\d+p)\\d+$"
40 # Regexp of devices to ignore for diskstats.
41 # --collector.drbd
42 # Enable the drbd collector (default: disabled).
43 # --collector.edac
44 # Enable the edac collector (default: enabled).
45 # --collector.entropy
46 # Enable the entropy collector (default: enabled).
47 # --collector.fibrechannel
48 # Enable the fibrechannel collector (default: enabled).
49 # --collector.filefd
50 # Enable the filefd collector (default: enabled).
51 # --collector.filesystem
52 # Enable the filesystem collector (default: enabled).
53 # --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types="^(autofs|binfmt_misc|bpf|cgroup2?|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|iso9660|mqueue|nsfs|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|selinuxfs|squashfs|sysfs|tracefs)$"
54 # Regexp of filesystem types to ignore for filesystem collector.
55 # --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points="^/(dev|proc|run|sys|mnt|media|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/)"
56 # Regexp of mount points to ignore for filesystem collector.
57 # --collector.hwmon
58 # Enable the hwmon collector (default: enabled).
59 # --collector.infiniband
60 # Enable the infiniband collector (default: enabled).
61 # --collector.interrupts
62 # Enable the interrupts collector (default: disabled).
63 # --collector.ipvs
64 # Enable the ipvs collector (default: enabled).
65 # --collector.ipvs.backend-labels="local_address,local_port,remote_address,remote_port,proto,local_mark"
66 # Comma separated list for IPVS backend stats labels.
67 # --collector.ksmd
68 # Enable the ksmd collector (default: disabled).
69 # --collector.loadavg
70 # Enable the loadavg collector (default: enabled).
71 # --collector.logind
72 # Enable the logind collector (default: disabled).
73 # --collector.mdadm
74 # Enable the mdadm collector (default: enabled).
75 # --collector.meminfo
76 # Enable the meminfo collector (default: enabled).
77 # --collector.meminfo_numa
78 # Enable the meminfo_numa collector (default: disabled).
79 # --collector.mountstats
80 # Enable the mountstats collector (default: disabled).
81 # --collector.netclass
82 # Enable the netclass collector (default: enabled).
83 # --collector.netclass.ignored-devices="^$"
84 # Regexp of net devices to ignore for netclass collector.
85 # --collector.netdev
86 # Enable the netdev collector (default: enabled).
87 # --collector.netdev.device-exclude="^lo$"
88 # Regexp of net devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).
89 # --collector.netdev.device-include=COLLECTOR.NETDEV.DEVICE-INCLUDE
90 # Regexp of net devices to include (mutually exclusive to device-exclude).
91 # --collector.netstat
92 # Enable the netstat collector (default: enabled).
93 # --collector.netstat.fields="^(.*_(InErrors|InErrs)|Ip_Forwarding|Ip(6|Ext)_(InOctets|OutOctets)|Icmp6?_(InMsgs|OutMsgs)|TcpExt_(Listen.*|Syncookies.*|TCPSynRetrans)|Tcp_(ActiveOpens|InSegs|OutSegs|OutRsts|PassiveOpens|RetransSegs|CurrEstab)|Udp6?_(InDatagrams|OutDatagrams|NoPorts|RcvbufErrors|SndbufErrors))$"
94 # Regexp of fields to return for netstat collector.
95 # --collector.network_route
96 # Enable the network_route collector (default: disabled).
97 # --collector.nfs
98 # Enable the nfs collector (default: enabled).
99 # --collector.nfsd
100 # Enable the nfsd collector (default: enabled).
101 # --collector.ntp
102 # Enable the ntp collector (default: disabled).
103 # --collector.ntp.ip-ttl=1
104 # IP TTL to use while sending NTP query.
105 # --collector.ntp.local-offset-tolerance=1ms
106 # Offset between local clock and local ntpd time to tolerate.
107 # --collector.ntp.max-distance=3.46608s
108 # Max accumulated distance to the root.
109 # --collector.ntp.protocol-version=4
110 # NTP protocol version.
111 # --collector.ntp.server-is-local
112 # Certify that collector.ntp.server address is not a public ntp server.
113 # --collector.ntp.server=""
114 # NTP server to use for ntp collector.
115 # --collector.perf
116 # Enable the perf collector (default: disabled).
117 # --collector.perf.cpus=""
118 # List of CPUs from which perf metrics should be collected.
119 # --collector.perf.tracepoint=COLLECTOR.PERF.TRACEPOINT...
120 # Perf tracepoint that should be collected.
121 # --collector.powersupply.ignored-supplies="^$"
122 # Regexp of power supplies to ignore for powersupplyclass collector.
123 # --collector.powersupplyclass
124 # Enable the powersupplyclass collector (default: enabled).
125 # --collector.pressure
126 # Enable the pressure collector (default: enabled).
127 # --collector.processes
128 # Enable the processes collector (default: disabled).
129 # --collector.qdisc
130 # Enable the qdisc collector (default: disabled).
131 # --collector.qdisc.fixtures=""
132 # Test fixtures to use for qdisc collector end-to-end testing.
133 # --collector.rapl
134 # Enable the rapl collector (default: enabled).
135 # --collector.runit
136 # Enable the runit collector (default: disabled).
137 # --collector.runit.servicedir="/etc/service"
138 # Path to runit service directory.
139 # --collector.schedstat
140 # Enable the schedstat collector (default: enabled).
141 # --collector.sockstat
142 # Enable the sockstat collector (default: enabled).
143 # --collector.softnet
144 # Enable the softnet collector (default: enabled).
145 # --collector.stat
146 # Enable the stat collector (default: enabled).
147 # --collector.supervisord
148 # Enable the supervisord collector (default: disabled).
149 # --collector.supervisord.url="http://localhost:9001/RPC2"
150 # XML RPC endpoint.
151 # --collector.systemd
152 # Enable the systemd collector (default: enabled).
153 # --collector.systemd.enable-restarts-metrics
154 # Enables service unit metric service_restart_total.
155 # --collector.systemd.enable-start-time-metrics
156 # Enables service unit metric unit_start_time_seconds.
157 # --collector.systemd.enable-task-metrics
158 # Enables service unit tasks metrics unit_tasks_current and unit_tasks_max.
159 # --collector.systemd.unit-exclude=".+\\.(automount|device|mount|scope|slice|target)"
160 # Regexp of systemd units to exclude. Units must both match include and not
161 # match exclude to be included.
162 # --collector.systemd.unit-include=".+"
163 # Regexp of systemd units to include. Units must both match include and not
164 # match exclude to be included.
165 # --collector.tcpstat
166 # Enable the tcpstat collector (default: disabled).
167 # --collector.textfile
168 # Enable the textfile collector (default: enabled).
169 #"/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter"
170 # Directory to read text files with metrics from.
171 # --collector.thermal_zone
172 # Enable the thermal_zone collector (default: enabled).
173 # --collector.time
174 # Enable the time collector (default: enabled).
175 # --collector.timex
176 # Enable the timex collector (default: enabled).
177 # --collector.udp_queues
178 # Enable the udp_queues collector (default: enabled).
179 # --collector.uname
180 # Enable the uname collector (default: enabled).
181 # --collector.vmstat
182 # Enable the vmstat collector (default: enabled).
183 # --collector.vmstat.fields="^(oom_kill|pgpg|pswp|pg.*fault).*"
184 # Regexp of fields to return for vmstat collector.
185 # --collector.wifi
186 # Enable the wifi collector (default: disabled).
187 # --collector.wifi.fixtures=""
188 # Test fixtures to use for wifi collector metrics.
189 # --collector.xfs
190 # Enable the xfs collector (default: enabled).
191 # --collector.zfs
192 # Enable the zfs collector (default: enabled).
193 # --collector.zoneinfo
194 # Enable the zoneinfo collector (default: disabled).
195 # --log.format=logfmt
196 # Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json].
197 # --log.level=info
198 # Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info,
199 # warn, error].
200 # --path.procfs="/proc"
201 # Procfs mountpoint.
202 # --path.rootfs="/"
203 # Rootfs mountpoint.
204 # --path.sysfs="/sys"
205 # Sysfs mountpoint.
206 # --web.config=""
207 # [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to config yaml file that can enable TLS or
208 # authentication.
209 # --web.disable-exporter-metrics
210 # Exclude metrics about the exporter itself (promhttp_*, process_*, go_*).
211 # --web.listen-address=":9100"
212 # Address on which to expose metrics and web interface.
213 # --web.max-requests=40
214 # Maximum number of parallel scrape requests. Use 0 to disable.
215 # --web.telemetry-path="/metrics"
216 # Path under which to expose metrics.