minor improvements
[distro-setup] / filesystem / etc / profile.d / environment.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 if [ -f $HOME/path-add-function ]; then
3 . $HOME/path-add-function
4 path-add /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin /a/exe /a/opt/bin
5 # if usr merge, dont need it
6 if [[ ! -L /sbin ]]; then
7 path-add /sbin
8 fi
9 path-add --end $HOME/.cabal/bin
10 path-add --end /snap/bin
13 # ~/.local is newer, eg ruby 3.0+
14 for p in $HOME/.gem/ruby/*/bin $HOME/.local/share/gem/ruby/*/bin; do
15 path-add --ifexists --end $p
16 done
18 if [ -r /etc/alternatives/java_sdk ]; then
19 export JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/java_sdk
20 path-add /etc/alternatives/java_sdk
21 fi
23 export GUIX_PROFILE=/root/.config/guix/current
24 if [ -f $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile ]; then
25 . $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile
26 fi
27 path-add $HOME/.guix-profile/bin
28 export GUIX_LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale
30 fi
33 export EDITOR="emacsclient"
34 # this makes emacsclient file/-c start a server instance if none is running,
35 # instead of some alternate editor logic
38 export PITHOSFLY_SAVE_DIR=/a/pandora_rips4
40 # makes subsequent syscalls to localtime use cached timezone,
41 # so basically restart the comp if you change time zones,
42 # and avoid a few syscalls, which makes a tiny tiny perf difference.
43 # I also set this in
44 # /a/c/filesystem/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/tz.conf
45 # https://blog.packagecloud.io/eng/2017/02/21/set-environment-variable-save-thousands-of-system-calls/
46 export TZ=:/etc/localtime
48 # ubuntu starts gpg agent automatically with /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agent.
49 # fedora doesn't, which left me to figure this out, and google was no help.
50 # fedora documentation is often quite bad :(
51 # This is mostly copied from that file.
52 # Main difference is that we eval the result of starting gpg-agent,
53 # while that file executes it through xsession specific var.
54 # Also make sourcing the pidfile make more sense.
55 # End result should be the same afaik.
56 # for gpg-agent to work when calling gpg from the command line,
57 # we need an environment variable that is setup via the eval.
58 # which is why we do this upon login, so it can propogate
59 # It is also written to the file $HOME/.gnupg/gpg-agent-info-$(hostname)
60 # I'm not aware if that is ever used, but just fyi.
61 # I also added the bit about xmessaging the stderr,
62 # because I'd like to know if the command fails
63 if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then
64 : ${GNUPGHOME=$HOME/.gnupg}
66 GPGAGENT=/usr/bin/gpg-agent
67 PID_FILE="$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent-info-$(hostname)"
69 if ! $GPGAGENT 2>/dev/null; then
70 temp="$(mktemp)"
71 eval "$($GPGAGENT --homedir /p/do-not-delete --daemon --sh --write-env-file=$PID_FILE 2>$temp)"
72 temperr="$(cat "$temp")"
73 [ -n "$temperr" ] && xmessage "gpg-agent stderr: $temperr"
74 elif [ -r "$PID_FILE" ]; then
75 . "$PID_FILE"
76 export GPG_AGENT_INFO
77 fi
78 fi
80 # and broken again. see /usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/90gpg-agent
81 export GPG_AGENT_INFO=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1
83 # and now trisquel9 + mate + i3 has broken ssh agent. I've had to fix
84 # ssh or gpg agent like 10 times in different distros, and once again, i
85 # randomly figured out this hack because there is no documentation. ssh
86 # agent is started by a systemd service, which runs a wrapper script,
87 # which adds env vars with some dbus thing. This is too much of a pita
88 # to make work in ash/posix. I could just export the agent relevant
89 # vars, but it seems like its better to just get whatever is missing,
90 # but not override existing things because theres stuff like PWD. This
91 # doesn't set SSH_AGENT_PID, but apparently its not needed anymore.
92 # Note: what a huge pita to write this in posix shell.
93 # update: disabled this hackery since I'm not using it in t11
94 # if test "$EUID" && [ "$EUID" != 0 ]; then
95 # _sysenv=$(mktemp)
96 # _sysenvnames=$(mktemp)
97 # _unsetnames=$(mktemp)
98 # if systemctl --user show-environment >$_sysenv 2>/dev/null; then
99 # grep -o '^[^=]*' $_sysenv | sort > $_sysenvnames
100 # env -0 | grep -zo '^[^=]*' | xargs -0 printf "%s\n" | sort | \
101 # comm --nocheck-order -13 - $_sysenvnames >$_unsetnames
102 # while read -r unsetname; do
103 # while read -r sysenv; do
104 # case "$sysenv" in
105 # "$unsetname"*) eval export "$sysenv" ;;
106 # esac
107 # done < $_sysenv
108 # done < $_unsetnames
109 # rm -f $_tmpf
110 # fi
111 # fi
113 # and it seems that if we log into mate, it screws up the systemd env var anyways.
114 for _file in $(pgrep -a '^ssh-agent$' | sed -r 's/.*-a *([^ ]+).*/\1/'); do
115 if test -O "$_file"; then
116 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$_file"
117 break
118 fi
119 done
121 # in t11, user ssh-agent once again stopped working, it isn't started anymore
122 # by i3. So, enough is enough, I just made a service that will try to
123 # start it all the time for the user. If the var isn't set by the above,
124 # just set them to the values I know are in the service.
125 if ! test "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"; then
126 if [ "$EUID" = 0 ]; then
127 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/openssh_agent
128 else
129 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/openssh_agent
130 fi
131 fi
134 # background:
135 # ubuntu has 002 for non-system users, debian has 022. 002 makes groups
136 # be rw instead of r.
137 #
138 # I think the actual setting is somewhere in the pam settings, I haven't
139 # bothered to figure that out.
140 #
141 # ubuntu is more user friendly when using multiple users. However,
142 # it also makes it so if you create a file as a regular user then move
143 # it to become a system file, it's got slightly wrong permissions, and
144 # sometimes thing break. Also, copying files between ubuntu and debian
145 # makes things inconsistent. So stick with 022 umask always.
146 #
147 # One security concern is where some unixes put every user in a same
148 # group, so if you copy files there with exact perms, that is probably
149 # not what you want. I don't use a system like that, so I don't
150 # care.
151 umask 022
152 # this is how we could test for non-system user
154 #if test "$(id -u)" -ge 1000; then : fi