stream improvements
[distro-setup] / filesystem / etc / cron.d / ian
1 # field allowed values
2 # ----- --------------
3 # minute 0–59
4 # hour 0–23
5 # day of month 1–31
6 # month 1–12 (or names, see below)
7 # day of week 0–7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
10 # default is /bin/sh
11 SHELL=/bin/bash
12 # default is /usr/bin:/bin
13 PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/a/exe
14 MAILTO=root
15 */10 * * * * root rootsshsync |& log-once -15 rootsshsync
16 # If theres any logged errors we didnt handle in 4 days, maybe we accidentally missed them,
17 # so report if we did
18 4 9 * * 5 root /a/bin/ds/check-stale-alerts
19 4 10 * * 5 root /a/bin/ds/check-radicale
20 4 15 * * 5 iank /a/bin/ds/mailclean
21 14 * * * * root /a/bin/ds/bk-backup |& log-once -24 bk-backup
22 0 7 * * * iank failmail myupgrade-iank
23 20 7 * * * root myupgrade |& log-once -1 myupgrade
24 20 5 * * * root prof-backup |& log-once -1 prof-backup
25 19 * * * * root check-crypttab
26 4 20 * * 5 iank /usr/local/bin/check-lets-encrypt-ssl-settings
27 4 21 * * 5 iank /b/ds/auto-commit-changes /a /p
28 4 24 * * 5 iank failmail /b/ds/eggdrop-upgrade
29 # avoid dnssec expirations. This is a hack, what we should
30 # do instead is something like, sign only if expiration is
31 # coming soon, and send an email notication, because this
32 # push a version that is in the midst of editing. Whatever,
33 # I rarely edit them.
34 0 16 5 * * iank brcrun bindpush