minor fixes
[distro-setup] / distro-end
1 #!/bin/bash -l
2 # Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 errcatch
18 set -x
20 exec &> >(sudo tee -a /var/log/distro-end)
21 echo "$0: $(date): starting now)"
23 src="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"
25 end_msg() {
26 = local y
27 IFS= read -r -d '' y ||:
28 end_msg_var+="$y"
29 }
31 spa() { # simple package add
32 simple_packages+=($@)
33 }
35 distro=$(distro-name)
37 pending_reboot=false
39 # template
40 case $distro in
41 esac
43 pup
45 simple_packages=(
46 htop
47 mailutils
48 nmon
49 rdiff-backup
50 ruby
51 ruby-rest-client
52 tree
53 vim
54 wcd
55 )
57 case $HOSTNAME in
58 lj|li) : ;;
59 *)
60 # universal packages
61 # swh-plugins is for karaoke pulsaudio filter.
62 # mutagen for pithos
63 simple_packages+=(
64 apache2
65 bwm-ng
66 chromium
67 cron
68 debconf-doc
69 duplicity
70 eclipse
71 evince
72 fdupes
73 feh
74 filelight
75 gcc-doc
76 gdb
77 gitk
78 goaccess
79 gnome-screenshot
80 i3lock
81 jq
82 linux-doc
83 locate
84 manpages
85 manpages-dev
86 meld
87 mumble
88 nmap
89 offlineimap
90 p7zip
91 paprefs
92 pavucontrol
93 pdfgrep
94 pianobar
95 pidgin
96 python3-mutagen
97 reportbug
98 squashfs-tools
99 swh-plugins
100 tcpdump
101 transmission-remote-gtk
102 vlc
103 )
104 ;;
105 esac
109 ########### begin section including li ################
112 case $distro in
113 debian)
114 if [[ `debian-archive` == testing ]]; then
115 pi acme-tiny
116 fi
117 esac
119 case $distro in
120 fedora) spa unrar ;;
121 *) spa unrar-free ;;
122 esac
125 case $distro in
126 arch)
127 # ubuntu 14.04 uses b-cron,
128 # but its not maintained in arch.
129 # of the ones in the main repos, cronie is only one maintained.
130 # fcron appears abandoned software.
131 pi cronie
132 sgo cronie
133 ;;
134 *) : ;; # other distros come with cron.
135 esac
138 case $distro in
139 debian|ubuntu)
140 pi debian-goodies
141 ;;
142 esac
145 case $distro in
146 *) pi at ;;&
147 arch) sgo atd ;;
148 esac
151 case $distro in
152 debian) pi curl;;
153 arch) : ;;
154 # fedora: unknown
155 esac
157 case $distro in
158 # tk for gitk
159 arch) spa git tk ;;
160 *) spa git ;;
161 esac
163 case $distro in
164 arch) spa the_silver_searcher ;;
165 debian|ubuntu) spa silversearcher-ag ;;
166 # fedora unknown
167 esac
169 case $distro in
170 debian|ubuntu) spa ntp;;
171 arch)
172 pi ntp
173 sgo ntpd
174 ;;
175 # others unknown
176 esac
179 # no equivalent in other distros:
180 case $distro in
181 debian|ubuntu)
182 pi aptitude
183 if ! dpkg -s apt-file &>/dev/null; then
184 # this condition is just a speed optimization
185 pi apt-file
186 s apt-file update
187 fi
188 # for debconf-get-selections
189 spa debconf-utils
190 ;;
191 esac
193 case $distro in
194 ubuntu|debian) spa ack-grep ;;
195 arch|fedora) spa ack ;;
196 # fedora unknown
197 esac
199 case $distro in
200 arch|debian|ubuntu)
201 spa bash-completion
202 ;;
203 # others unknown
204 esac
210 # disable motd junk.
211 case $(distro-name) in
212 debian)
213 # allows me to pipe with ssh -t, and gets rid of spam
214 # http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=85822
215 # i'd rather disable the service than comment the init file
216 # this says disabling the service, it will still get restarted
217 # but this script doesn't do anything on restart, so it should be fine
218 s dd of=/var/run/motd.dynamic if=/dev/null
219 # stretch doesn't have initscripts pkg installed by default
220 if [[ $(debian-codename) == jessie ]]; then
221 s update-rc.d motd disable
222 fi
223 ;;
224 ubuntu)
225 # this isn't a complete solution. It still shows me when updates are available,
226 # but it's no big deal.
227 s t /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text /etc/update-motd.d/00-header
228 ;;
229 esac
231 # automatic updates
232 # reference:
233 # https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/sect.regular-upgrades.html
234 # /etc/cron.daily/apt calls unattended-upgrades
235 # /usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades# cat README.md
236 # /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
237 if isdebian; then
238 setup-debian-auto-update
239 fi
241 # we've got a few dependencies later on, so install them now.
242 pi "${simple_packages[@]}"
243 simple_packages=()
245 # website setup
246 case $HOSTNAME in
247 lj|li)
249 case $HOSTNAME in
250 lj) domain=iank.bid; exit 0 ;;
251 li) domain=iankelling.org ;;
252 esac
253 /a/h/setup.sh $domain
254 /a/h/build.rb
256 sudo -E /a/bin/mediawiki-setup/mw-setup-script
257 #$src/phab-setup
259 pi-nostart mumble-server
260 s sed -ri "s/^ *(serverpassword=).*/\1$(< /a/bin/bash_unpublished/mumble_pass)/" /etc/mumble-server.ini
261 sgo mumble-server
263 vpn-server-setup -d
265 sudo dd of=/etc/systemd/system/vpnmail.service <<EOF
266 [Unit]
267 Description=Turns on iptables mail nat
269 [Service]
270 Type=oneshot
271 RemainAfterExit=yes
272 ExecStart=/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination
273 ExecStop=/sbin/iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination
275 [Install]
276 WantedBy=openvpn.service
277 EOF
278 ser daemon-reload
279 ser enable vpnmail.service
280 acme-tiny-wrapper mail.iankelling.org
281 sgo openvpn
282 tu /etc/hosts <<<"mail.iankelling.org"
285 echo "$0: $(date): ending now)"
286 exit 0
287 ;;
288 esac
291 ########### end section including li/lj ###############
293 case $distro in
294 debian|ubuntu)
295 # suggests because we want the resolvconf package.
296 # todo: check other distros to make sure it's installed
297 pi-nostart --install-suggests openvpn
298 # pi-nostart does not disable
299 ser disable openvpn
300 ;;
301 *) pi openvpn;;
302 esac
304 if private-host; then
305 vpn-mk-client-cert -n mail li
306 cn=$(s openssl x509 -noout -nameopt multiline -subject \
307 -in /etc/openvpn/client/mail.crt | \
308 sed -rn 's/^\s*commonName\s*=\s*(.*)/\1/p')
309 echo "ifconfig-push" | \
310 ssh root@li dd of=/etc/openvpn/client-config/"$cn"
311 fi
312 ser enable mailroute
313 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
314 # note, this will need to be changed when the mail host changes
315 sgo openvpn-client@mail
316 fi
318 ## android studio setup
319 # this contains the setting for android sdk to point to
320 # /a/opt/androidsdk, which is asked upon first run
321 lnf /a/opt/.AndroidStudio2.2 ~
322 # android site says it needs a bunch of packages for ubuntu,
323 # but I googled for debian, and someone says you just need lib32stdc++6 plus the
324 # jdk
325 # https://pid7007blog.blogspot.com/2015/07/installing-android-studio-in-debian-8.html
326 # see w.org for more android studio details
327 spa lib32stdc++6 default-jdk
330 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
331 # It\'s simpler to just worry about running it in one place for now.
332 # I assume it would work to clone it\'s config to another non-phone
333 # and just run it in one place instead of the normal having a
334 # separate config. I lean toward using the same config, since btrfs
335 # syncs between comps.
336 case $distro in
337 arch) pi syncthing ;;
338 ubuntu|debian)
339 # testing has relatively up to date packages
340 if ! isdebian-testing; then
341 # based on error when doing apt-get update:
342 # E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found.
343 pi apt-transport-https
344 # google led me here:
345 # https://apt.syncthing.net/
346 curl -s https://syncthing.net/release-key.txt | sudo apt-key add -
347 s="deb http://apt.syncthing.net/ syncthing release"
348 if [[ $(cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list) != $s ]]; then
349 echo "$s" | s dd of=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list
350 p update
351 fi
352 fi
353 pi syncthing
354 ;;
355 esac
356 sgo syncthing@ian # runs as ian
358 # these things persist in ~/.config/syncthing, which I save in
359 # /p/c/machine_specific
360 # open http://localhost:8384/
361 # change listen address from default to tcp://:22001,
362 # this is because we do port forward so it doesn\'t have to use
363 # some external server, but the syncthing is broken for port forward,
364 # you get a message, something "like connected to myself, this should not happen"
365 # when connecting to other local devices, so I bump the port up by 1,
366 # based on
367 # https://forum.syncthing.net/t/connected-to-myself-should-not-happen/1763/19.
368 # Without this, it was being stuck syncing at 0%.
369 # Set gui username and password.
370 #
371 # install syncthing via f-droid,
372 # folder setting, turn off master folder (makes it read only).
373 # on phone, add device, click bar code icon
374 # on dekstop, top right, actions, device id
375 # after adding, notification will appear on desktop to confirm
376 #
377 # add folder to sync phone, notification will appear on desktop
378 # to set folder location.
379 #
380 # On phone, set settings to run syncthing all the time, and
381 # show no notification.
382 #
383 # Folder versioning would make sense if I didn\'t already use btrfs
384 # for backups. I would choose staggered, or trash can for more space.
385 #
386 # if needed to install on a remote comp:
387 # ssh -L 8384:localhost:8384 -N frodo
388 # open http://localhost:8384/
389 #
390 # Note, the other thing i did was port forward port 22000,
391 # per https://docs.syncthing.net/users/firewall.html
392 fi
396 # no equivalent in other distros:
397 case $distro in
398 debian|ubuntu)
399 # for gui bug reporting
400 spa python-vte
401 ;;
402 esac
405 ####### misc packages ###########
407 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
408 case $distro in
409 debian|ubuntu)
410 # note i had to do this, which is persistent:
411 # cd /i/k
412 # s chgrp debian-transmission torrents partial-torrents
414 # syslog says things like
415 # 'Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 425984'
416 # google suggets giving it even more than that
417 tu /etc/sysctl.conf<<'EOF'
418 net.core.rmem_max = 67108864
419 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
420 EOF
421 s sysctl -p
423 # some reason it doesn't seem to start automatically anyways
424 pi-nostart transmission-daemon
426 # the folder was moved here after an install around 02/2017.
427 # it contains runtime data,
428 # plus a simple symlink to the config file which it's
429 # not worth separating out.
430 s lnf -T /q/transmission-daemon /var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config/transmission-daemon
431 #
432 # config file documented here, and it's the same config
433 # for daemon vs client, so it's documented in the gui.
434 # https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles#Options
435 #
436 # I originaly setup rpc-whitelist, but after using
437 # routing to a network namespace, it doesn't see the
438 # real source address, so it's disabled.
439 #
440 # Changed the cache-size to 256 mb, reduces disk use.
441 # It is a read & write cache.
442 #
443 s ruby <<'EOF'
444 require 'json'
445 p = '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json'
446 File.write(p, JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(File.read(p)).merge({
447 'rpc-whitelist-enabled' => false,
448 'rpc-authentication-required' => false,
449 'incomplete-dir' => '/i/k/partial-torrents',
450 'incomplete-dir-enabled' => true,
451 'download-dir' => '/i/k/torrents',
452 "speed-limit-up" => 800,
453 "speed-limit-up-enabled" => true,
454 "peer-port" => 61486,
455 "cache-size-mb" => 256,
456 "ratio-limit" => 5.0,
457 "ratio-limit-enabled" => true,
458 })) + "\n")
459 EOF
461 # make sure its not enabled, not sure if this is needed
462 ser disable transmission-daemon
463 sgo transmission-daemon-nn
464 ;;
465 # todo: others unknown
466 esac
467 fi
469 # adapted from /var/lib/dpkg/info/transmission-daemon.postinst
470 if ! getent passwd debian-transmission > /dev/null; then
471 case $distro in
472 arch)
473 s useradd \
474 --system \
475 --create-home \
476 --home-dir /var/lib/transmission-daemon \
477 --shell /bin/false \
478 debian-transmission
479 ;;
480 *)
481 s adduser --quiet \
482 --system \
483 --group \
484 --no-create-home \
485 --disabled-password \
486 --home /var/lib/transmission-daemon \
487 debian-transmission
488 ;;
489 esac
490 fi
492 # dunno why it's there, but get rid of it
493 case $HOSTNAME in
494 li|lj) s rm -rf /home/linode ;;
495 esac
497 # arch had a default config,
498 # debian had nothing until you start it.
499 # With a little trial an error, here is a minimal config
500 # taken from the generated one, plus changes that the
501 # settings ui does, without a bunch of ui crap settings.
502 #
503 # only settings I set were
504 # hostname
505 # auto-connect
506 # password
509 # the password is randomly generated on first run
510 rpc_pass=$(s ruby <<'EOF'
511 require 'json'
512 p = '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json'
513 puts JSON.parse(File.read(p))["rpc-password"]
514 EOF
515 )
517 for f in /home/*; do
518 d=$f/.config/transmission-remote-gtk
519 u=${f##*/}
520 s -u $u mkdir -p $d
521 s -u $u dd of=$d/config.json <<EOF
522 {
523 "profiles" : [
524 {
525 "profile-name" : "Default",
526 "hostname" : "transmission",
527 "rpc-url-path" : "/transmission/rpc",
528 "username" : "",
529 "password" : "$rpc_pass",
530 "auto-connect" : true,
531 "ssl" : false,
532 "timeout" : 40,
533 "retries" : 3,
534 "update-active-only" : false,
535 "activeonly-fullsync-enabled" : false,
536 "activeonly-fullsync-every" : 2,
537 "update-interval" : 3,
538 "min-update-interval" : 3,
539 "session-update-interval" : 60,
540 "exec-commands" : [
541 ],
542 "destinations" : [
543 ]
544 }
545 ],
546 "profile-id" : 0,
547 "add-options-dialog" : false
548 }
549 EOF
550 done
552 pi wget
553 case $HOSTNAME in
554 tp|frodo)
555 case $distro in
556 debian|ubuntu)
557 log=$(mktemp)
558 cd /a/opt
559 wget -nv -N https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
560 errallow
561 set -o pipefail
562 s dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb |& tee $log
563 code=$?
564 errcatch
565 case $code in
566 0) : ;;
567 *)
568 # previously I had a more specific search, but dpkg
569 # changed it\'s output as of 7/2016
570 if grep 'dependency problems' \
571 $log &>/dev/null; then
572 s apt-get -fy install
573 else
574 exit 1
575 fi
576 ;;
577 esac
578 ;;
579 arch)
580 pi google-chrome
581 ;;
582 esac
583 ;;
584 esac
586 # printer
587 case $distro in
588 arch)
589 pi cups ghostscript gsfonts # from arch wiki cups page
590 pi hplip # from google
591 s gpasswd -a $USER sys # from arch wiki
592 sgo org.cups.cupsd.service
593 # goto
594 # administration tab, add new printer button.
595 # In debian, I could use hte recommended driver,
596 # in arch, I had to pick out the 6L driver.
597 ;;
598 debian|ubuntu)
599 spa hplip
600 ;;
601 # other distros unknown
602 esac
605 case $distro in
606 ubuntu|debian) pi --no-install-recommends mairix notmuch ;;
607 fedora|arch) spa mairix notmuch ;;
608 esac
609 case $distro in
610 arch) spa nfs-utils ;;
611 ubuntu|debian) spa nfs-client ;;
612 esac
613 case $distro in
614 ubuntu|debian) spa par2 ;;
615 arch|fedora) spa par2cmdline ;;
616 esac
618 # needed for my tex resume
619 case $distro in
620 ubuntu|debian) spa texlive-full ;;
621 arch) spa texlive-most ;;
622 # fedora unknown
623 esac
625 case $distro in
626 ubuntu)
627 # flash, unrar, codecs, ms fonts.
628 # This has a manual prompt.
629 spa ubuntu-restricted-extras
630 ;;
631 fedora)
632 pi yum-utils
633 # rpm fusion recommended codecs
634 s su -c "yum localinstall -y --nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm"
635 pi gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-ffmpeg\
636 xine-lib-extras-freeworld
637 ;;
638 esac
640 case $distro in
641 # optional dep for firefox for h.264 video
642 arch) spa gst-libav ;;
643 # other distros, probably come by default
644 esac
646 case $distro in
647 fedora|ubuntu|debian) spa gnupg-agent ;;
648 arch) : ;;
649 esac
652 case $distro in
653 fedora) spa pinentry-gtk ;;
654 *) : ;; # comes default or with other packages
655 esac
657 case $distro in
658 arch) spa firefox pulseaudio;;
659 *) : ;; # comes default or with other packages
660 esac
663 case $distro in
664 arch) spa ttf-dejavu;;
665 debian|ubuntu) spa fonts-dejavu ;;
666 # others unknown
667 esac
670 case $distro in
671 arch) spa xorg-xev;;
672 debian|ubuntu) spa x11-utils ;;
673 # others unknown
674 esac
676 case $distro in
677 arch) pi virt-install;;&
678 debian|ubuntu) pi virtinst ;;&
679 *) pi virt-manager ;; # creates the libvirt group in debian at least
680 # others unknown
681 esac
682 # allow user to run vms, from debian handbook
683 for x in ian traci; do s usermod -a -G libvirt,kvm $x; done
684 # bridge networking as user fails. google lead here, but it doesn't work:
685 # oh well, I give up.
686 # http://wiki.qemu.org/Features-Done/HelperNetworking
687 # s mkdir /etc/qemu
688 # f=/etc/qemu/bridge.conf
689 # s dd of=$f <<'EOF'
690 # allow br0
691 # EOF
692 # #s chown root:qemu $f # debian has somethig like qemu-libvirt. equivalent?
693 # s chmod 640 $f
696 case $distro in
697 arch) spa cdrkit;;
698 debian|ubuntu) spa genisoimage;;
699 # others unknown
700 esac
702 case $distro in
703 arch) spa spice-gtk3 ;;
704 debian|ubuntu) spa spice-client-gtk;;
705 # others unknown
706 esac
708 # general known for debian/ubuntu, not for fedora
709 case $distro in
710 arch)
711 # cdrkit for cloud-init isos
712 # dnsmasq & ebtables for nat networking in libvirt
713 # qemu for qemu-img, bind-tools for dig
714 # dmidecode just because syslog complains
715 pi unzip xorg-xmodmap dmidecode ebtables\
716 bridge-utils dnsmasq qemu bind-tools
717 # otherwise we get error about accessing kvm module.
718 # seems like there might be a better way, but google was a bit vague.
719 s sed -ri --follow-symlinks '/^ *user *=/d' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
720 echo 'user = "root"' | s tee -a /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
721 # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=206206
722 # # this should prolly go in the wiki
723 sgo virtlogd.socket
724 # guessing this is not needed
725 #sgo virtlogd.service
726 sgo libvirtd
728 ;;
729 esac
731 case $distro in
732 arch) pi virtviewer ;;
733 *) : ;; # other distros have it as a dependency afaik.
734 esac
738 case $distro in
739 fedora) cabal install shellcheck ;;
740 *) spa shellcheck ;;
741 # unknown for older ubuntu
742 esac
745 case $distro in
746 arch|debian|ubuntu) spa pumpa ;;
747 # others unknown. do have a buildscript:
748 # /a/bin/buildscripts/pumpa ;;
749 esac
752 case $distro in
753 debian|ubuntu) spa android-tools-adbd/unstable ;;
754 arch) spa android-tools ;;
755 # other distros unknown
756 esac
758 case $distro in
759 debian)
760 # if [[ `debian-archive` == testing ]]; then
761 # # has no unstable dependencies
762 # pi bitcoind/unstable
763 # fi
764 s cp /a/opt/bitcoin/contrib/init/bitcoind.service /etc/systemd/system
765 ser daemon-reload
767 dir=/nocow/.bitcoin
768 s mkdir -p $dir
769 s chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin $dir
770 dir=/etc/bitcoin
771 s mkdir -p $dir
772 s chown -R root:bitcoin $dir
773 s chmod 750 $dir
774 f=$dir/bitcoin.conf
776 # pruning decreases the bitcoin dir to 2 gb, keeps
777 # just the recent blocks. can't do a few things like
778 # import a wallet dump.
779 # pruning works, but people had to do
780 # some manual stuff in joinmarket. I dun need the
781 # disk space, so not bothering yet, maybe in a year or so.
782 # https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket/issues/431
783 #https://bitcoin.org/en/release/v0.12.0#wallet-pruning
784 #prune=550
786 s dd of=$f <<EOF
787 rpcbind=
788 server=1
789 rpcpassword=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
790 rpcuser=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
792 # Joinmarket
793 walletnotify=curl -sI --connect-timeout 1 http://localhost:62602/walletnotify?%s
794 alertnotify=curl -sI --connect-timeout 1 http://localhost:62602/alertnotify?%s
795 EOF
796 ;;
797 # other distros unknown
798 esac
799 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
800 pi libsodium-dev python-pip
801 cd /a/opt/joinmarket
802 # using develop branch, as it seems to be mostly bug fixes,
803 # and this is quite new software.
804 # note: python3 does not work.
805 # has seg fault error due to some bug, but it still works
806 pip install -r requirements.txt || [[ $? == 139 ]]
807 # we need bitcoin.conf in the data dir according to
808 # https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket/wiki/Running-JoinMarket-with-Bitcoin-Core-full-node
809 # following the example .service script, I don\'t have it there,
810 # and I generate it, so lets just symlink it.
811 sudo -u bitcoin ln -sf /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf /nocow/.bitcoin
813 # one time, manually did python wallet-tool.py generate.
814 # The "wallet" is just a key which deterministically generates addresses.
815 # One time: move the wallet, then link to it.
816 # ln -s /p/joinmarket/wallet.json wallets
817 #
818 # see wallet addresses via:
819 # python wallet-tool.py wallet.json
820 # send to the first 3 mixing depth 0 addresses.
821 # depths are like "identities", to separate out association with
822 # each other. the big hash in that output is the depth/branch id,
823 # ignore it afaik.
824 #
825 # after sending btc to wallet from a 3rd party service, check that
826 # at least 20% of utxo of each transaction was sent to you,
827 # btc listtransactions 10 0 true
828 # btc getrawtransaction TXID 1
829 #
830 # to view status, do
831 # python wallet-tool.py wallet.json history
832 #
833 # to help make other people,
834 # python yield-generator-basic.py wallet.json
836 for var in rpcuser rpcpassword; do
837 u="$(s sed -rn "s/^$var=(.*)/\1/p" /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)"
838 # escape backslashes
839 u="${u//\\/\\\\\\\\}"
840 # escape commas
841 u="${u//,/\\,}"
842 sed -ri "s,^(rpc_${var#rpc}\s*=).*,\1 $u," joinmarket.cfg
843 done
844 sed -ri "s/^\s*(blockchain_source\s*=).*/\1 bitcoin-rpc/" joinmarket.cfg
846 # dunno about sharing a wallet between multiple instances
847 # manually did, wallet.dat symlinked in /nocow/.bitcoin
848 #sgo bitcoind
849 fi
854 # proprietary flash. going without for now
855 # case $distro in
856 # debian)
857 # pi flashplugin-nonfree
858 # esac
862 case $distro in
863 fedora)
864 cd $(mktemp -d)
865 wget http://tamacom.com/global/global-6.3.2.tar.gz
866 ex global*
867 cd global-6.3.2
868 # based on https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags
869 ./configure --with-exuberant-ctags=/usr/bin/ctags
870 make
871 s make install
872 s pip install pygments
873 ;;
874 *)
875 pi global
876 ;;&
877 arch)
878 pi python2-pygments
879 ;;
880 debian|ubuntu)
881 pi python-pygments
882 ;;
883 esac
886 case $distro in
887 debian)
888 pi task-cinnamon-desktop
889 # in settings, change scrolling to two-finger,
890 # because the default edge scroll doesn\'t work.
891 pu transmission-gtk
892 ;;
893 # others unknown
894 esac
896 case $distro in
897 arch) spa apg ;;
899 # already in debian jessie
900 esac
905 # note this failed running at the beginning of this file,
906 # because no systemd user instance was running.
907 # Doing systemd --user resulted in
908 # Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set
910 if isdebian-testing; then
911 # as of 7/2016, has no unstable deps, and is not in testing anymore.
912 pi synergy/unstable
913 else
914 pi synergy
915 fi
917 # case $distro in
918 # # ubuntu unknown. probably the same as debian, just check if the
919 # # init scripts come with the package.
920 # debian)
921 # # copied from arch, but moved to etc
922 # s dd of=/etc/systemd/user/synergys.service <<'EOF'
923 # [Unit]
924 # Description=Synergy Server Daemon
925 # After=network.target
927 # [Service]
928 # User=%i
929 # ExecStart=/usr/bin/synergys --no-daemon --config /etc/synergy.conf
930 # Restart=on-failure
932 # [Install]
933 # WantedBy=multi-user.target
934 # EOF
935 # s dd of=/etc/systemd/user/synergys.socket <<'EOF'
936 # [Unit]
937 # Conflicts=synergys@.service
939 # [Socket]
940 # ListenStream=24800
941 # Accept=false
943 # [Install]
944 # WantedBy=sockets.target
945 # EOF
946 # # had this fail with 'Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory'
947 # # then when I tried it manually, it worked fine...
948 # if ! systemctl --user daemon-reload; then
949 # sleep 2
950 # echo retrying systemd user daemon reload
951 # systemctl --user daemon-reload
952 # fi
953 # ;;&
954 # *)
955 # # taken from arch wiki.
956 # s dd of=/etc/systemd/system/synergyc@.service <<'EOF'
957 # [Unit]
958 # Description=Synergy Client
959 # After=network.target
961 # [Service]
962 # User=%i
963 # ExecStart=/usr/bin/synergyc --no-daemon frodo
964 # Restart=on-failure
965 # # per man systemd.unit, StartLimitInterval, by default we
966 # # restart more than 5 times in 10 seconds.
967 # # And this param defaults too 200 miliseconds.
968 # RestartSec=3s
970 # [Install]
971 # WantedBy=multi-user.target
972 # EOF
973 # s systemctl daemon-reload
974 # case $HOSTNAME in
975 # x2|treetowl)
976 # ser enable synergyc@ian
977 # ser start synergyc@ian ||: # X might not be running yet
978 # ;;
979 # frodo)
980 # systemctl --user start synergys ||:
981 # systemctl --user enable synergys
982 # ;;
983 # esac
984 # ;;
985 # esac
988 ######### end misc packages #########
991 # packages I once used before and liked, but don't want installed now for
992 # various reasons:
993 # python-sqlite is used for offlineimap
994 # lxappearance python-sqlite dolphin paman dconf-editor
998 ######## unfinished
1000 # todo, finish configuring smart.
1002 pi smartmontools
1003 # mostly from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/S.M.A.R.T.
1004 # turn on smart. background on options:
1005 # first line, -a = test everyting on all devices.
1006 # -S on, turn on disk internal saving of vendor specific info,
1007 # from google, seems like this is usually already on and fairly standard.
1008 # -o on, turn on 4 hour period non-performance degrading testing.
1009 # short test daily 2-3am, extended tests Saturdays between 3-4am:
1010 sched="-s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)"
1011 s sed -i --follow-symlinks "s#^[[:space:]]*DEVICESCAN.*#\
1012 DEVICESCAN -a -o on -S on -n standby,q $sched \
1013 -m ian@iankelling.org -M exec /usr/local/bin/smart-notify#" /etc/smartd.conf
1015 # in the default configuration of at least ubuntu 14.04, resolvconf is
1016 # configured to order any nameservers associated with tun* or tap*
1017 # before the normal internet interfaces, which means they are always
1018 # consulted first. This is often slower and undesirable, ie. local dns
1019 # queries go from 0ms to 10+ or 100+ ms. To reverse the ordering, you
1020 # can do:
1021 #sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '/tun\*\|tap\*/d' /etc/resolvconf/interface-order
1022 # however, this breaks dns lookup for hosts on the openvpn lan.
1023 # I can\'t figure out why hosts on the normal lan would not be
1024 # broken under the default ordering, except the host I was
1025 # testing with previously had an entry in /etc/hosts.
1027 ############# end unfinished
1029 ########### misc stuff
1031 devs=()
1032 for dev in $(s btrfs fi show /boot | sed -nr 's#.*path\s+(\S+)$#\1#p'); do
1033 devs+=($(devbyid $dev),)
1034 done
1035 devs[-1]=${devs[-1]%,} # jonied by commas
1037 # on grub upgrade, we get prompts unless we do this
1038 s debconf-set-selections <<EOF
1039 grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect ${devs[*]}
1040 EOF
1043 # the wiki backup script from ofswiki.org uses generic paths
1044 s lnf /p/c/machine_specific/li/mw_vars /root
1045 s lnf /k/backup/wiki_backup /root
1047 s cedit /etc/goaccess.conf <<'EOF' || [[ $? == 1 ]]
1048 # all things found from looking around the default config
1049 # copied existing NCSA Combined Log Format with Virtual Host, plus %L
1050 log-format %^:%^ %h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" %D
1051 time-format %H:%M:%S
1052 date-format %d/%b/%Y
1053 log-file /var/log/apache2/access.log
1054 color-scheme 2
1056 # tip: copy access.log files to a stretch host directory, then run
1057 # jessie's goaccess is too old for some options, and it's
1058 # not easily installed from a testing.
1059 # goaccess --ignore-crawlers -f <(cat *) -a -o html > x.html
1060 EOF
1063 case $distro in
1064 debian|ubuntu)
1065 case `debian-archive` in
1066 stable)
1067 s dd of=/etc/apt/preferences.d/unison-gtk <<'EOF'
1068 Explanation: Allow unison-gtk to be upgraded
1069 Package: unison-gtk
1070 Pin: release a=testing
1071 Pin-Priority: 500
1072 EOF
1073 # dont think using testing is needed since I figured out how to
1074 # deal with mismatching unison compilers, but I dont
1075 # see any reason to revert it, since it only installs
1076 # a single package which is primarily a single binary
1077 ;;
1078 esac
1079 pi unison/testing
1080 pi unison-gtk/testing # after to make it the default unison
1081 ;;
1082 arch)
1083 pi unison gtk2
1084 ;;
1085 esac
1087 case $distro in
1088 arch)
1089 # default is alsa, doesn\'t work with with pianobar
1090 s dd of=/etc/libao.conf <<'EOF'
1091 default_driver=pulse
1092 EOF
1093 ;;
1094 esac
1096 # note, for jessie, it depends on a higher version of btrfs-tools.
1097 #
1098 # # disabled due to my patch being in btrbk
1099 # case $distro in
1100 # arch|debian|ubuntu) pi btrbk ;;
1101 # # others unknown
1102 # esac
1103 cd /a/opt/btrbk
1104 s make install
1105 spa pv # for progress bar when running interactively.
1106 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
1107 # backup/sync manually on others hosts for now.
1108 sgo btrbk.timer
1109 # note: to see when it was last run,
1110 # ser list-timers
1111 fi
1113 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]] && [[ `debian-archive` != testing ]]; then
1114 # fail2 ban is broken, with a workaround, per
1115 # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=770171
1116 # ill wait a while to see if it gets fixed
1117 pi fail2ban
1118 sgo fail2ban
1119 fi
1125 case $distro in
1126 debian|ubuntu) s gpasswd -a ian adm ;; #needed for reading logs
1127 esac
1129 # tor
1130 case $distro in
1131 # based on
1132 # https://www.torproject.org/docs/rpms.html.en
1133 # https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en
1134 # todo: figure out if the running service needs to be restarted upon updates
1137 # todo on fedora: setup non-dev packages
1138 fedora)
1139 s dd of=/etc/yum.repos.d/torproject.repo <<'EOF'
1140 [tor]
1141 name=Tor experimental repo
1142 enabled=1
1143 baseurl=http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/rpm/tor-testing/fc/20/$basearch/
1144 gpgcheck=1
1145 gpgkey=http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/rpm/RPM-GPG-KEY-torproject.org.asc
1147 [tor-source]
1148 name=Tor experimental source repo
1149 enabled=1
1150 autorefresh=0
1151 baseurl=http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/rpm/tor-testing/fc/20/SRPMS
1152 gpgcheck=1
1153 gpgkey=http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/rpm/RPM-GPG-KEY-torproject.org.asc
1154 EOF
1156 # to be secure, take a look at the fingerprint reported from the following install, and see if it matches from the link above:
1157 # 3B9E EEB9 7B1E 827B CF0A 0D96 8AF5 653C 5AC0 01F1
1158 sgo tor
1159 /a/bin/buildscripts/tor-browser
1160 ;;
1161 ubuntu)
1162 tu /etc/apt/sources.list "deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org $(debian-codename) main"
1163 gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
1164 gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
1165 p update
1166 pi deb.torproject.org-keyring
1167 pi tor
1168 /a/bin/buildscripts/tor-browser
1169 ;;
1170 debian)
1171 pi tor
1172 /a/bin/buildscripts/tor-browser
1173 ;;
1174 arch)
1175 pi tor tor-browser-en
1176 sgo tor
1177 ;;
1178 # ubuntu unknown
1179 esac
1181 # nfs server
1182 case $distro in
1183 fedora)
1184 end_msg <<'EOF'
1185 fedora todo: disable the firewall or find a way to automate it.
1186 there's an unused section in t.org for tramikssion firewall setup
1188 fedora manual config for nfs:
1189 s firewall-config
1190 change to permanent configuration
1191 check the box for nfs
1192 was hard to figure this out, not sure if this is all needed, but
1193 unblock these too
1194 mountd: udp/tcp 20048
1195 portmapper, in firewall-config its called rpc-bind: udp/tcp 111
1196 troubleshooting, unblock things in rpcinfo -p
1197 make sure to reload the firewall to load the persistent configuration
1200 EOF
1201 pi nfs-utils
1202 sgo nfs-server
1203 ;;
1204 debian|ubuntu)
1205 pi nfs-server
1206 ;;
1207 arch)
1208 pi nfs-utils || pending_reboot=true
1209 sgo rpcbind
1210 # this failed until I rebooted
1211 sgo nfs-server
1212 ;;
1213 esac
1215 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
1216 # nohide = export filesystems mounted deeper than the export point
1217 # fsid=0 makes this export the "root" export
1218 # not documented in the man page, but this means
1219 # 1. it can be mounted with a shorthand of server:/
1220 # 2. exports that are subdirectories of this one will automatically be mounted
1221 tu /etc/exports <<'EOF'
1222 /k,fsid=0,nohide,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check,insecure)
1223 EOF
1224 s exportfs -rav
1225 fi
1228 e "$end_msg_var"
1231 # persistent virtual machines
1233 case $distro in
1234 debian|ubuntu)
1235 pi libosinfo-bin;
1236 ;;
1237 esac
1239 # distro may not know about win 10 yet.
1240 variant=win7
1241 if ! virt-install --os-variant list &>/dev/null; then # we are using a newer virt-install
1242 for v in 10 8.1 8; do
1243 if osinfo-query os | gr "^\s*win${v/./\\.}\s" &>/dev/null; then
1244 variant=win$v
1245 break
1246 fi
1247 done
1248 fi
1250 if ! s virsh list --all --name | grep -xF win10 &>/dev/null; then
1252 # created account with
1253 # win10vmian@outlook.com, and easy to remember password
1254 # win 10 virtio, makes disk way way way faster
1255 # wget https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/latest-virtio/virtio-win.iso
1256 # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU#Change_Existing_Windows_VM_to_use_virtio
1257 # for installing virtio after initial install instead of with initial iso:
1258 # qemu-img create -f qcow2 fake.qcow2 1G
1259 # --disk=/a/images/virtio-win.iso,device=cdrom \
1260 # --disk=/a/images/fake.qcow2,bus=virtio
1261 # Also,
1262 # went to device manager, saw 2 pci devices with yellow !,
1263 # did search for drivers, pick cdrom location, done.
1264 #
1265 # from http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-10-a.html.
1266 # google said there was a control panel option for it, but
1267 # that turned out to be a lie.
1268 # Put this in a .bat file and run as administrator to turn off
1269 # hyberboot which fucks things up.
1270 # REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" /V HiberbootEnabled /T REG_dWORD /D 0 /F
1271 # power settings, turn off display: never
1272 # run "control userpasswords2", turn on automatic login.
1273 # note: when changing devices, I just undefine, the create the vm again.
1275 if [[ -e /a/images/win10.qcow2 ]]; then
1276 s virt-install --noautoconsole --graphics spice,listen= \
1277 --disk=/a/images/win10.qcow2,bus=virtio --vcpus 2 -r 4096 -w bridge=br0 \
1278 -n win10 --import --os-variant $variant --cpu host-model-only
1280 s virsh destroy win10
1281 fi
1283 if [[ -e /a/images/win7.qcow2 ]]; then
1284 # this one hasn\'t had the virtio fix done yet.
1285 s virt-install --noautoconsole --graphics spice,listen= \
1286 --disk=/a/images/win7.qcow2 --vcpus 2 -r 4096 -w bridge=br0 \
1287 -n win7 --import --os-variant win7 --cpu host-model-only
1288 s virsh destroy win7
1289 # had a problem with --cpu host, so trying out
1290 # --cpu host-model-only
1291 fi
1292 fi
1295 if [[ $HOSTNAME == treetowl ]]; then
1296 pi samba
1297 # note samba re-reads it\'s config every 1 minute
1298 case $distro in
1299 arch) s cp /etc/samba/smb.conf.default /etc/samba/smb.conf ;;
1300 esac
1302 # add 2 lines after workgroup option
1303 s sed -ri --follow-symlinks '/^\s*encrypt passwords\s*=/d' /etc/samba/smb.conf
1304 s sed -ri --follow-symlinks '/^\s*map to guest\s*=/d' /etc/samba/smb.conf
1305 s sed -i --follow-symlinks 's/\(\s*workgroup\s*=\).*/\1 WORKGROUP\n\tencrypt passwords = yes\n\tmap to guest = bad password/' /etc/samba/smb.conf
1306 # remove default homes section. not sharing that.
1307 s sed -ri --follow-symlinks '/^\s*\[homes\]/,/\s*\[/d' /etc/samba/smb.conf
1309 if ! grep -xF '[public]' /etc/samba/smb.conf &>/dev/null; then
1310 s tee -a /etc/samba/smb.conf <<'EOF'
1311 [public]
1312 guest ok = yes
1313 read only = no
1314 path = /kr
1315 EOF
1316 fi
1318 case $distro in
1319 debian|ubuntu)
1320 # systemd claims it generates units from /etc/init.d, but it
1321 # clearly doesn\'t in debian. I have no idea how they are
1322 # related. fuck debian right now. It\'s not documented. samba
1323 # has a systemd init file linked to /dev/null. There\'s this
1324 # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=769714 which
1325 # claims samba\'s sub-services will be started automatically by
1326 # systemd... it didn\'t on install, wonder if it will on
1327 # boot. It clued me in how to start it manually though. Nothing
1328 # in /usr/share/doc/samba, debian admin guide says nothing about
1329 # any of this. (this is in debian testing as of 4/2016).
1331 s /etc/init.d/samba start
1332 ;;
1333 arch)
1334 sgo samba
1335 ;;
1336 esac
1337 fi
1339 tu /etc/hosts <<< " $(hostname).lan $(hostname)"
1342 ######### begin stuff belonging at the end ##########
1345 # Apps we want to override others for default file handler:
1346 # simplest way in debian is to just install them last.
1347 simple_packages+=(
1348 mpv
1349 )
1351 case $distro in
1352 ubuntu|debian)
1353 spa spacefm-gtk3 ;;
1354 arch)
1355 spa spacefm ;;
1356 esac
1359 pi "${simple_packages[@]}"
1362 if $pending_reboot; then
1363 echo "$0: pending reboot and then finished. doing it now."
1364 s reboot now
1365 else
1366 echo "$0: $(date): ending now)"
1367 fi