fix reexecing issues
[distro-setup] / .inputrc
1 # case insensitive completion
2 set completion-ignore-case on
3 # - to _ insensitive completion
4 set completion-map-case on
6 # todo: explain this :)
7 set menu-complete-display-prefix on
9 # for readline-complete.el
10 set bell-style none
11 set completion-display-width 0
13 # preserve cusror location in history items.
14 # unfortunately, this does not work when using vi-mode and j or k
15 # I would like to make a patch to fix this.
16 set history-preserve-point on
19 # show all completions all the time
20 set show-all-if-ambiguous on
21 # this does a partial complete if it can before showing completions
22 set show-all-if-unmodified on
25 # nice in bash, but messes up completion in emacs shell
26 #set visible-stats on
27 set visible-stats off
29 # turn off pager for completion
30 set page-completions off
32 # to answer this question in bash-completion README:
33 # Q. When completing on a symlink to a directory, bash does not append
34 # the trailing / and I have to hit <Tab> again. I don't like this.
35 set mark-symlinked-directories on
37 # i had this set in the past to make c-u work, but it doesn't seem to be needed now.
38 # not sure if it affected any other keybinds.
39 #set bind-tty-special-chars off
43 # key bindings:
45 # note c-i/m/h/w are unusable, duplicating tab, enter, ctrl-del or something, backspace
46 # C-x would be hard to rebind because emacs.
48 "\C-q": exchange-point-and-mark
49 # default not bound
51 "\C-e": kill-region
52 # default M-S-3
53 "\C-a": insert-comment
55 # default is C-M-y
56 "\e,": yank-nth-arg
58 "\C-f": menu-complete
59 "\C-b": menu-complete-backward
61 # arrow keys. for other terminals, see
62 # this can be conditioned based on the term, see the term keyword in
63 # bash's readline manual section
64 #"\eOc": forward-word
65 #"\eOd": backward-word
66 "\e[1;5C": forward-word
67 "\e[1;5D": backward-word
69 Control-Space: set-mark
71 # default is C-M-e which kinda sucks
72 "\C-t": shell-expand-line
74 # ctrl-delete
75 "\e[3;5~": kill-word
77 # default is C-x C-e
78 "\C-g": edit-and-execute-command
80 # default is C-y
81 "\C-v": yank
83 # default is C-M-y
84 "\C-\M-v": yank-pop
86 # by default, not bound
87 "\C-p": dabbrev-expand # similar menu-complete, except for commands in history
89 # default is C-q. this matches emacs.
90 "\C-\M-q": quoted-insert
92 # default is C-x C-u
93 "\C-d": undo
103 ####### commented out stuff ###########
105 # vi mode settings and observatoins
106 # double pound indicates it is only commented because I am not using vi mode
107 ##set editing-mode vi
109 # completion from history. how cool
110 ##Control-SPACE: dynamic-complete-history
112 # this is just kinda cool to show off:
113 ##"\M-{": complete-into-braces
116 # by default / and ? do a non-incremental search. This changes that.
117 # the downside is that you have to type ctrl-v then / to get the actual char.
118 ##set keymap vi-command
119 ##"/": reverse-search-history
120 ##"?": forward-search-history
121 # make g go to the end of history. emacs has some meta key for this,
122 # but we are not using g, so why not.
123 ##"g": end-of-history
124 # yank-pop from emacs mode, hacked into vim-mode.
125 ##"o": vi-yank-pop
126 # vim uses m<letter> to set a mark and `<letter> to return to a mark specified
127 # by letter. On a single line, this doesn't make much sense. So I'm using the
128 # emacs way of a single mark. In vi-mode, you can do dm<letter> to delete a
129 # mark. Emacs has its own delete and copy region commands. I'd like to hack the
130 # source code to make d` delete to the mark and y` yank to the mark. I'm
131 # leaving it for now, we will see how this works out in actual emacs when I get
132 # my vi keybinds setup there.
133 ##"`": exchange-point-and-mark
134 ##"v": set-mark
135 ##"m": kill-region
136 ##"-": yank-last-arg
137 ##"_": yank-nth-arg
141 # w and b are normally always tripping over punctuation as word separators, I
142 # think having W and B act like that is a bit more efficient default. And this
143 # "shell" functions see words as the shell does, which is cool.
144 # These are also only included as bash commands.
145 # this is enables in .bashrc, after testing if bash version is > 4
146 # "b": shell-backward-word
147 # "w": shell-forward-word
148 # here we are with the unwrapped word, back and end functions, (that should get fixed).
149 #"w": vi-fWord
150 #"W": vi-fword
151 #b: vi-bWord
152 #B: vi-bword
153 #"e": vi-eWord
154 #"E": vi-eword
155 #
156 #unfortunately thre is another bug: binding for example W to vi-fword makes it
157 #show that its bound to that and also vi-fWord, and the upper case one is what
158 #
159 #happens
160 #
161 # I added a hack to the readline sources to reverse the upper/lowercase check on these
163 # I would like to make a patch to make the command 'shell-end-word'
167 # for some reason, binding the '=' key doesn't work.
169 # for some reason, the documentation of the same commands seems to be more
170 # extensive in bash. There are extra commands listed in the bash documentation
171 # too, but so far they seem to be shell specific.
173 # "p": yank
174 #set keymap vi-insert
175 #
176 #notes:
177 #
178 #normal mode has this, which doesn't make sense. 'i' still works fine. whatever.
179 # vi-insertion-mode (not bound)
180 #
181 # normal mode default keybinds also have this:
182 # vi-fword (not bound)
183 # vi-fWord (not bound)
184 #
185 # vi-bword (not bound)
186 # vi-bWord (not bound)
187 #
188 # Looking in the readline sources, those are the real forward and back
189 # commands, but they are wrapped in this: and its corresponding back version.
190 # "W": vi-next-word
191 # "w": vi-next-word
192 # What this wrapper does is check for upper/lower case, do terminal ding if its
193 # at the eol, and handle negative counts prefixed to it.
194 #
195 # This command:
196 # "_": vi-yank-arg
197 # works like this emacs command:
198 # yank-last-arg
199 # except it puts you in insert mode afterwards, so you can't make successive
200 # calls to go to earlier last arguments.
201 #
202 # Emacs has a kill ring. yank means paste. yank-pop means go down the kill
203 # ring, this only has an effect after a yank, or a yank-pop that was after a
204 # yank. Vim also has a kill ring plugin, that has a yank-pop, and a yank-push,
205 # to browse forward in the kill ring. In emacs there is no forward function,
206 # you simply undo the yank. In bash vi-mode, undoing the yank undoes it
207 # entirely, not each item in the kill ring. This isn't a big deal. In both
208 # emacs and vi-mode, the kill ring stays in the new position regardless of the
209 # undo. Vi-mode does not allow you to yank-pop after the vi pastes 'p' and 'P',
210 # 1 problem is the cursor is in a little different position than an emacs yank.
211 # I think I can modify the readline sources fairly easily to make this
212 # possible.
213 # There is an interesting incompatibility between vi and emacs mode. Emacs mode
214 # always has the block be 1 square after the cursor. Same in vi-insert, but in
215 # vi-normal, its on top of the character and can't go beyond the last
216 # character, so if you do a yank at the last character in vi-normal, it does
217 # not put the cursor after the last character like a normal yank because it
218 # cant, and then you can't yank-pop because the cursor is in the wrong spot.
219 #
220 #