[distro-setup] / distro-end
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Copyright (C) 2019 Ian Kelling
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
5 # shellcheck source=/a/bin/ds/.bashrc
6 export LC_USEBASHRC=t; if [[ -s ~/.bashrc ]]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi
8 ### setup
9 source /a/bin/errhandle/err
10 src="$(readlink -f -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"; src=${src%/*} # directory of this file
12 if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
13 echo "$0: error: run as regular user" >&2
14 exit 1
15 fi
17 err-cleanup() {
18 echo 1 >~/.local/distro-end
19 }
21 # shellcheck source=./pkgs
22 source $src/pkgs
24 echo "$0: $(date) starting now)"
25 # see example of usage to understand.
26 end_msg() {
27 local y
28 IFS= read -r -d '' y ||:
29 end_msg_var+="$y"
30 }
31 end() {
32 e "$end_msg_var"
33 echo 0 >~/.local/distro-end
34 if $pending_reboot; then
35 echo "$0: pending reboot and then finished. doing it now."
36 echo "exiting with status 0"
37 sudo reboot now
38 else
39 echo "$0: $(date): ending now)"
40 echo "exiting with status 0"
41 fi
42 exit 0
43 }
44 pre="${0##*/}:"
45 sudo() {
46 printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"
47 SUDOD="$PWD" command sudo "$@";
48 }
49 m() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; "$@"; }
50 e() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; }
51 distro=$(distro-name)
52 codename=$(debian-codename)
53 codename_compat=$(debian-codename-compat)
54 pending_reboot=false
55 sed="sed --follow-symlinks"
57 # when we schroot, it will fail if we are in a directory that doesnt exist in the chroot
58 cd /
60 ## template:
61 # case $distro in
62 # esac
64 case $HOSTNAME in
65 li|bk|je) : ;;
66 *)
67 # get sudo pass cached right away
68 if ! sudo -nv 2>/dev/null; then
69 sudo -v
70 fi
71 ;;
72 esac
74 # old repo. remove when all machines updated
75 sudo rm -fv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wireguard-ubuntu-wireguard-bionic.list
76 # remove old file
77 sudo rm -fv /etc/apt/preferences.d/minetest
79 #### initial packages
80 pup
81 if isdeb; then
82 pi aptitude
83 fi
85 # avoid prompts
86 sudo debconf-set-selections <<EOF
87 popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean true
88 EOF
90 ########### begin section including vps ################
91 pi ${p2[@]}
94 conflink
96 sudo rm -fv
98 # no equivalent in other distros:
99 if isdeb && pcheck apt-file; then
100 # this condition is just a speed optimization
101 pi apt-file
102 sudo apt-file update
103 fi
106 # disable motd junk.
107 case $distro in
108 debian)
109 # allows me to pipe with ssh -t, and gets rid of spam
110 # http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=85822
111 # i'd rather disable the service than comment the init file
112 # this says disabling the service, it will still get restarted
113 # but this script doesn't do anything on restart, so it should be fine
114 sudo truncate -s0 /var/run/motd.dynamic
115 ;;
116 trisquel|ubuntu)
117 # this isn't a complete solution. It still shows me when updates are available,
118 # but it's no big deal.
119 sudo rm -fv /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text /etc/update-motd.d/00-header
120 ;;
121 esac
128 # dogcam setup. not using atm
129 # case $HOSTNAME in
130 # lj|li)
131 # /a/bin/webcam/install-server
132 # ;;
133 # kw)
134 # /a/bin/webcam/install-client
135 # ;;
136 # esac
139 ## not actually using prometheus just yet
140 # # office is not exposed to internet yet
141 # if [[ $HOSTNAME != kw ]]; then
142 # ## prometheus node exporter setup
143 # web-conf -f 9100 -p 9101 apache2 $(hostname -f) <<'EOF'
144 # #https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authtype
145 # # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011102/apache-reverse-proxy-with-basic-authentication
146 # <Location />
147 # AllowOverride None
148 # AuthType basic
149 # AuthName "Authentication Required"
150 # # setup one time, with root:www-data, 640
151 # AuthUserFile "/etc/prometheus-htpasswd"
152 # Require valid-user
153 # </Location>
154 # EOF
155 # fi
158 pi debootstrap
159 ######### begin universal pinned packages ######
160 case $(debian-codename) in
161 nabia|etiona|flidas)
162 sudo rm -fv /etc/apt/preferences.d/etiona-buster
163 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/trisquel-debian <<EOF
164 Explanation: Debian* includes Debian + Debian Backports
165 Package: *
166 Pin: release o=Debian*
167 Pin-Priority: -100
168 EOF
169 ;;&
170 # needed for debootstrap scripts for fai since fai requires debian
171 flidas)
172 # moved to fai
173 #curl http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/project/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg | s apt-key add -
174 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/flidas-xenial <<EOF
175 Package: *
176 Pin: release a=xenial
177 Pin-Priority: -100
179 Package: *
180 Pin: release a=xenial-updates
181 Pin-Priority: -100
183 Package: *
184 Pin: release a=xenial-security
185 Pin-Priority: -100
187 Package: firefox
188 Pin: release n=xenial
189 Pin-Priority: 500
190 EOF
191 sd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xenial.list 2>/dev/null <<EOF
192 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main
193 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main
194 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-security main
195 EOF
197 if ! apt-key list | grep /C0B21F32 &>/dev/null; then
198 # moved to fai
199 #sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32
200 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/flidas-bionic <<EOF
201 Package: *
202 Pin: release a=bionic
203 Pin-Priority: -100
205 Package: *
206 Pin: release a=bionic-updates
207 Pin-Priority: -100
209 Package: *
210 Pin: release a=bionic-security
211 Pin-Priority: -100
212 EOF
213 fi
215 # better to run btrfs-progs which matches our kernel version
216 # (note, renamed from btrfs-tools)
217 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/btrfs-progs <<EOF
218 Package: btrfs-progs libzstd1
219 Pin: release a=bionic
220 Pin-Priority: 1005
222 Package: btrfs-progs libzstd1
223 Pin: release a=bionic-updates
224 Pin-Priority: 1005
226 Package: btrfs-progs libzstd1
227 Pin: release a=bionic-security
228 Pin-Priority: 1005
229 EOF
232 t=$(mktemp)
233 cat >$t <<EOF
234 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main
235 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main
236 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-security main
237 EOF
238 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic.list
239 if ! diff -q $t $f; then
240 sudo cp $t $f
241 sudo chmod 644 $f
242 m p update
243 fi
245 # no special reason, but its better for btrfs-progs to
246 # be closer to our kernel version
247 pi btrfs-progs
249 if [[ ! -e /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/xenial ]]; then
250 t=$(mktemp -d)
251 cd $t
252 m aptitude download debootstrap/xenial
253 m ex ./*
254 sudo cp ./usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/* /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts
255 fi
257 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/flidas-etiona <<EOF
258 Package: *
259 Pin: release a=etiona
260 Pin-Priority: -100
262 Package: *
263 Pin: release a=etiona-updates
264 Pin-Priority: -100
266 Package: *
267 Pin: release a=etiona-security
268 Pin-Priority: -100
270 Package: *
271 Pin: release a=etiona-backports
272 Pin-Priority: -100
273 EOF
275 t=$(mktemp)
276 cat >$t <<EOF
277 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ etiona main
278 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ etiona-updates main
279 deb http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/ etiona-security main
280 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ etiona-backports main
281 EOF
282 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/etiona.list
283 if ! diff -q $t $f; then
284 sudo cp $t $f
285 n s chmod 644 $f
286 m p update
287 fi
289 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/debian-goodies <<EOF
290 Package: debian-goodies
291 Pin: release n=etiona
292 Pin-Priority: 1005
293 EOF
296 # dont use buster because it causes dist-upgrade to think its downgrading
297 # packages while really just reinstalling the same version.
298 f=/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01iank
299 sudo rm -fv $f
300 # # stupid buster uses some key algorithm not supported by flidas gpg that apt uses.
301 # sd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01iank <<'EOF'
302 # Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "true";
303 # EOF
305 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster.list
306 sudo rm -fv $f
308 # newer version needed for false positive in checkrestart.
309 # I did buster at first, but other problem above with having
310 # buster repos. not sure if the false positive exists in etiona.
311 pi debian-goodies
313 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/shellcheck <<EOF
314 Package: shellcheck
315 Pin: release a=etiona
316 Pin-Priority: 1005
318 Package: shellcheck
319 Pin: release a=etiona-updates
320 Pin-Priority: 1005
322 Package: shellcheck
323 Pin: release a=etiona-security
324 Pin-Priority: 1005
325 EOF
327 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/bash <<EOF
328 Package: bash
329 Pin: release a=etiona
330 Pin-Priority: 1005
332 Package: bash
333 Pin: release a=etiona-updates
334 Pin-Priority: 1005
336 Package: bash
337 Pin: release a=etiona-security
338 Pin-Priority: 1005
339 EOF
342 ;;&
343 nabia|etiona)
344 # for ziva
345 #p install --no-install-recommends minetest/buster libleveldb1d/buster libncursesw6/buster libtinfo6/buster
346 doupdate=false
347 for n in buster bullseye; do
348 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/$n.list
349 t=$(mktemp)
350 case $n in
351 buster)
352 cat >$t <<'EOF'
353 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian buster main
354 deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian buster main
356 deb http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main
357 deb-src http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main
359 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian buster-updates main
360 deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian buster-updates main
362 deb http://http.debian.net/debian buster-backports main
363 deb-src http://http.debian.net/debian buster-backports main
364 EOF
365 ;;
366 bullseye)
367 cat >$t <<'EOF'
368 EOF
369 cat >$t <<EOF
370 deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main
371 deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main
373 deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bullseye-security main
374 deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bullseye-security main
376 deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-updates main
377 deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-updates main
379 deb http://http.debian.net/debian bullseye-backports main
380 deb-src http://http.debian.net/debian bullseye-backports main
381 EOF
382 ;;
383 esac
385 if ! diff -q $t $f; then
386 doupdate=true
387 s cp $t $f
388 s chmod 644 $f
389 fi
390 done
391 if $doupdate; then
392 curl -s https://ftp-master.debian.org/keys/archive-key-10-security.asc | sudo apt-key add -
393 curl -s https://ftp-master.debian.org/keys/archive-key-10.asc | sudo apt-key add -
394 p update
395 fi
397 if [[ ! -e /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/bullseye ]]; then
398 t=$(mktemp -d)
399 cd $t
400 m aptitude download debootstrap/bullseye
401 m ex ./*
402 sudo cp ./usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/* /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts
403 fi
405 ;;&
406 etiona)
407 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/focal <<'EOF'
408 Package: *
409 Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
410 Pin-Priority: -100
411 EOF
413 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/spamassassin <<'EOF'
414 Package: spamassassin sa-compile spamc
415 Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
416 Pin-Priority: 500
417 EOF
418 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/spamassassin <<'EOF'
419 Package: spamassassin sa-compile spamc
420 Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
421 Pin-Priority: 500
422 EOF
423 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/psd <<'EOF'
424 Package: profile-sync-daemon
425 Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
426 Pin-Priority: 500
427 EOF
429 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/focal.list
430 t=$(mktemp)
431 cat >$t <<'EOF'
432 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal main universe
433 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-updates main universe
434 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-security main universe
435 EOF
436 if ! diff -q $t $f; then
437 sudo dd if=$t of=$f 2>/dev/null
438 p update
439 fi
443 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/nabia-etiona <<'EOF'
444 Package: *
445 Pin: release n=nabia*,o=Trisquel
446 Pin-Priority: -100
447 EOF
449 f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nabia.list
450 t=$(mktemp)
451 cat >$t <<'EOF'
452 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia main
453 deb-src http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia main
455 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia-updates main
456 deb-src http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia-updates main
458 deb http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/ nabia-security main
459 deb-src http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/ nabia-security main
461 # Uncomment this lines to enable the backports optional repository
462 deb http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia-backports main
463 deb-src http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel/ nabia-backports main
464 EOF
465 if ! diff -q $t $f; then
466 sudo dd if=$t of=$f 2>/dev/null
467 p update
468 fi
470 # duplicated in fai. Pin for bionic + ubuntu so that ppas dont get
471 # matched.
472 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/etiona-bionic <<'EOF'
473 Package: *
474 Pin: release n=bionic,o=Ubuntu
475 Pin-Priority: -100
476 Package: firefox
477 Pin: release n=bionic,o=Ubuntu
478 Pin-Priority: 500
479 EOF
481 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/etiona-sa <<'EOF'
482 Package: *
483 Pin: release n=bionic,o=Ubuntu
484 Pin-Priority: -100
485 EOF
487 ;;&
488 *)
489 if isdeb; then
490 pi debian-goodies shellcheck
491 fi
492 ;;
493 esac
497 case $codename_compat in
498 focal)
499 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/nabia-btrfs-progs <<'EOF'
500 Package: btrfs-progs
501 Pin: release a=buster-backports
502 Pin-Priority: 500
503 EOF
504 p install btrfs-progs
505 ;;
506 esac
509 # 2020-03-03 old file
510 s rm -fv /etc/apt/preferences.d/radicale
511 ######### end universal pinned packages ######
514 case $codename in
515 etiona)
516 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/obs <<EOF
517 Package: libfdk-aac1
518 Pin: release n=bionic
519 Pin-Priority: 500
520 EOF
521 sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/chromium <<EOF
522 Package: chromium-*
523 Pin: release n=bionic
524 Pin-Priority: 500
525 EOF
527 ;;
528 esac
532 ##### begin automatic upgrades (after checkrestart has been installed) ####
533 # if apt-config-auto-update is installed,
534 # it also has similar config, in a file 10something,
535 # but i think his overrides it since its higher number.
536 # This file was part of the automatic-updates package,
537 # and it has a configu option to not get new package lists,
538 # which seems pretty stupid to me, you cant actually upgrade
539 # anything if you dont have the new package list.
540 sd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades <<'EOF'
541 APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
542 APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages "1";
543 APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "7";
544 APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";
545 EOF
547 # fyi: default file has comments about available options,
548 # you may want to read that, do pkx unattended-upgrades
549 # default is just security updates. this list found from reading
550 # match_whitelist_string() in $(which unattended-upgrades)
551 sd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades <<EOF
552 Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root";
553 Unattended-Upgrade::MailOnlyOnError "true";
554 Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";
555 Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {
556 "o=*,l=*,a=*,c=*,site=*,n=*";
557 };
558 EOF
560 # old files
561 sudo rm -f /etc/cron.d/unattended-upgrade-reboot /usr/local/bin/zelous-unattended-reboot /etc/cron.d/myupgrade
563 # myupgrade cron exists in /etc/cron.d/ian
565 ##### end automatic upgrades ####
568 # commented in case i want to use this sometime later
569 # sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/buster-backports <<EOF
570 # Package: *
571 # Pin: release a=buster-backports
572 # Pin-Priority: 500
573 # EOF
575 if [[ -e /etc/wireguard/wghole.conf ]]; then
576 reload=false
577 if [[ ! -e /etc/systemd/system/wg-quick@wghole.service.d/override.conf ]]; then
578 reload=true
579 fi
580 sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/wg-quick@wghole.service.d
581 sd /etc/systemd/system/wg-quick@wghole.service.d/override.conf <<'EOF'
582 [Unit]
583 StartLimitIntervalSec=0
585 [Service]
586 Restart=on-failure
587 RestartSec=20
588 EOF
589 if $reload; then ser daemon-reload; fi
590 sgo wg-quick@wghole
591 fi
593 ###### begin website setup
594 case $HOSTNAME in
595 li|bk|je)
596 pi bind9
597 f=/var/lib/bind/db.b8.nz
598 if [[ ! -e $f ]]; then
599 dnsb8
600 fi
601 ;;&
602 bk)
603 sgo wg-quick@wgmail
605 # i just dont feel like setting up a special purpose ssh key to do this automatically.
606 end_msg <<'EOF'
607 # run this once for bk on local machine:
608 # only used for old openvpn setup
609 /a/exe/vpn-mk-client-cert -c bk.b8.nz -b expertpath -n mail li.iankelling.org
610 EOF
611 end
612 ;;
613 je)
614 end
615 ;;
616 li)
618 m /a/h/setup.sh iankelling.org
620 # start mumble only when im going to use it, since i dont use it much
621 pi-nostart mumble-server
622 sudo $sed -ri "s/^ *(serverpassword=).*/\1$(< /a/bin/bash_unpublished/mumble_pass)/" /etc/mumble-server.ini
624 # do certificate to avoid warning about unsigned cert,
625 # which is overkill for my use, but hey, I'm cool, I know
626 # how to do this.
627 m web-conf apache2 mumble.iankelling.org
628 sudo rm -fv /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mumble.iankelling.org
630 # general vpn for as needed use
631 vpn-server-setup -d -r -4 10.5.5 -p 443 -n hole
633 # todo: consider if this should exist for the
634 # other vpn server
635 teeu /etc/openvpn/server/hole.conf <<'EOF'
636 client-to-client
637 EOF
639 # sullivan d8
640 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/sd8 <<'EOF'
641 ifconfig-push
642 EOF
643 # hsieh d8
644 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/hd8 <<'EOF'
645 ifconfig-push
646 EOF
648 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/onep9 <<'EOF'
649 ifconfig-push
650 EOF
651 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/bo <<'EOF'
652 ifconfig-push
653 EOF
654 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/sy <<'EOF'
655 ifconfig-push
656 EOF
657 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/kw <<'EOF'
658 ifconfig-push
659 EOF
660 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/x3 <<'EOF'
661 ifconfig-push
662 EOF
663 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/x2 <<'EOF'
664 ifconfig-push
665 EOF
666 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/wclient <<'EOF'
667 ifconfig-push
668 EOF
669 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/frodo <<'EOF'
670 ifconfig-push
671 EOF
672 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/amy <<'EOF'
673 ifconfig-push
674 EOF
675 sd /etc/openvpn/client-config-hole/kd <<'EOF'
676 ifconfig-push
677 EOF
679 # for adding to current system:
680 #vpn-mk-client-cert -s "" -n hole
681 # adding to remove system 107,
682 #vpn-mk-client-cert -s "" -n hole -c -b hd8 iankelling.org
683 #
684 # for wireguard hole vpn
685 # wghole
687 # requested from linode via a support ticket.
688 # https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/an-overview-of-ipv6-on-linode/
689 # ipv6 stuff pieced together
690 # via slightly wrong information from
691 # https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install/blob/master/openvpn-install.sh
692 # https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/IPv6
693 # and man openvpn.
694 #
695 # This uses a public /64, but afaik, that is not needed for my
696 # current use case, since I'm doing ipv6 nat, they could be private
697 # and nat to a public address. I'm doing ipv6 nat in order to have 2
698 # vpn clients that externally share the same ip when sending so they
699 # share ip reputation. Note, the eth0 and tunx needed to be
700 # different subnets. On the same, I saw some neighbor packet go
701 # unanswered, tcpdump showed packets getting lost. I tried splitting the
702 # /64, it didn't work but I didn't investigate closely.
705 # not starting as i intend to replace it
706 m vpn-server-setup -s -i tunmail -n mail -d -6 2600:3c00:e002:3800::/64 2600:3c00:e002:3800::1/64
707 sudo tee /etc/openvpn/client-config-mail/mailclient <<'EOF'
708 ifconfig-push
709 ifconfig-ipv6-push 2600:3c00:e002:3800::4/64
710 EOF
711 sudo tee /etc/openvpn/client-config-mail/expertpath <<'EOF'
712 ifconfig-push
713 ifconfig-ipv6-push 2600:3c00:e002:3800::5/64
714 EOF
717 sudo dd of=/etc/systemd/system/vpn-mail-forward.service <<'EOF'
718 [Unit]
719 Description=Turns on iptables mail nat
720 BindsTo=openvpn-server@mail.service
722 [Service]
723 Type=oneshot
724 RemainAfterExit=yes
725 ExecStart=/a/bin/distro-setup/vpn-mail-forward tunmail start
726 ExecStop=/a/bin/distro-setup/vpn-mail-forward tunmail stop
728 [Install]
729 RequiredBy=openvpn-server@mail.service
730 EOF
731 ser daemon-reload
734 # needed for li's local mail delivery.
735 tu /etc/hosts <<<" mx.iankelling.org"
737 # wgmail handles this.
738 #sgo vpn-mail-forward.service
739 # old:
740 #sgo openvpn-server@mail
741 sgo wg-quick@wgmail
743 # setup let's encrypt cert
744 m web-conf apache2 mail.iankelling.org
745 # TODO, i expanded the above cert manually to mx.iankelling.org, this should be captured
746 # in the automation here. We use mail.iankelling.org as our ehlo name when sending mail
747 # but our mx record is mx.iankelling.org. Initially I was just using mail.iankelling.org,
748 # but the problem is I want multiple ips to be able to identify as mail.iankelling.org,
749 # but a subset to be mx.iankelling.org. Afaik, there is no problem with having
750 # our mail cert be for mail.iankelling.org, and have people connect to mx.ian...,
751 # but it doesn't make logical sense to do this.
752 sudo rm -fv /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mail.iankelling.org{,-redir}.conf
753 ser reload apache2
755 a2enmod -q proxy proxy_http
756 domain=cal.iankelling.org
757 web-conf -f - apache2 $domain <<'EOF'
758 # https://radicale.org/2.1.html
759 #https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authtype
760 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011102/apache-reverse-proxy-with-basic-authentication
761 <Location /radicale/>
762 Options +FollowSymLinks +Multiviews +Indexes
763 AllowOverride None
764 AuthType basic
765 AuthName "Authentication Required"
766 # setup one time, with root:www-data, 640
767 AuthUserFile "/etc/caldav-htpasswd"
768 Require valid-user
769 RequestHeader set X-Script-Name /radicale/
770 RequestHeader set X-Remote-User expr=%{REMOTE_USER}
771 ProxyPass "" retry=0
772 ProxyPassReverse ""
773 </Location>
774 EOF
775 # nginx version of above would be:
776 # auth_basic "Not currently available";
777 # auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/caldav/htpasswd;
781 ###### begin znc setup #####
782 pi znc
784 # https://wiki.znc.in/FAQ seems to imply that znc doesn\'t need restart after cert change.
785 # to get into the web interface,
786 # then use non-main browser or else it doebsn't allow it based on ocsp stapling from my main site.
787 # https://iankelling.org:12533/
788 # login as ian, pass is in pass store, the part after :
790 # znc config generated by doing
791 # znc --makeconf
792 # selected port is also used in erc config
793 # comma separated channel list worked.
794 # while figuring things out, running znc -D for debug in foreground.
795 # to exit and save config:
796 # /msg *status shutdown
797 # configed auth on freenode by following
798 # https://wiki.znc.in/Sasl:
799 # /query *sasl
800 # RequireAuth yes
801 # Mechanism PLAIN
802 # Set MyNickservName pa$$w0rd
803 # created the system service after, and had to do
804 # mv /home/iank/.znc/* /var/lib/znc
805 # sed -i 's,/home/iank/.znc/,/var/lib/znc,' /var/lib/znc/config/znc.conf
806 # and made a copy of the config files into /p/c
807 # /msg *status LoadMod --type=global log -sanitize
808 # todo: in config file AllowWeb = true should be false. better security if that is off unless we need it.
809 # /msg *status LoadMod --type=network perform
810 # /query *perform add PRIVMSG ChanServ :invite #fsf-office
811 # /msg *perform add JOIN #fsf-office
812 # /msg *status LoadMod NickServ
813 #
814 # i set Buffer = 500
815 # also ran /znc LoadMod clearbufferonmsg
816 # it would be nice if erc supported erc query buffers by doing
817 # /msg *status clearbuffer <name of the query/receiver
818 # on killing the,
819 # an example seems to be here: https://github.com/zenspider/elisp/blob/master/rwd-irc.el
820 # if that was the case i could remove the module clearbufferonmsg
821 # also would be nice if erc supported
822 # https://wiki.znc.in/self-message
823 # https://wiki.znc.in/Query_buffers \
824 #
825 if ! getent passwd znc > /dev/null; then
826 sudo useradd --create-home -d /var/lib/znc --system --shell /sbin/nologin --comment "Account to run ZNC daemon" --user-group znc
827 fi
828 sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/znc
829 sudo chown -R znc:znc /var/lib/znc
830 # Avoid restarting if possible, reconnecting to irc is annoying.
831 # The unit file was made active with conflink.
832 # Note, avoid using ser here because we wrap sudo to prints the command first.
833 if [[ $(systemctl is-active znc) != active ]]; then
834 sgo znc
835 fi
836 ###### stop znc setup #####
838 end
839 ;;
840 esac
841 ###### end website setup
843 ########### end section including li/lj ###############
846 #### desktop stuff
848 ### system76 things ###
849 case $HOSTNAME in
850 sy|bo)
851 # note, i stored the initial popos packages at /a/bin/data/popos-pkgs
852 if [[ ! -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/system76.list ]]; then
853 # https://blog.zackad.dev/en/2017/08/17/add-ppa-simple-way.html
854 sd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/system76.list <<EOF
855 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/system76-dev/stable/ubuntu $codename_compat main
856 deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/system76-dev/stable/ubuntu $codename_compat main
857 EOF
858 # ubuntu keyserver is prone to intermittent failures
859 trysleep 4 15 s apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 5D1F3A80254F6AFBA254FED5ACD442D1C8B7748B
860 p update
861 # https://support.system76.com/articles/install-ubuntu/
862 # but i'm hoping this is not needed
863 # sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/system76 <<'EOF'
864 # Package: *
865 # Pin: release o=LP-PPA-system76-dev-stable
866 # Pin-Priority: 1001
867 # EOF
868 pi system76-driver system76-firmware
869 # if you get a notice about a firmware update, the notifier on i3
870 # is too dumb to do anything when you click it. so to see
871 # a changelog, cd to
872 # /var/cache/system76-firmware-daemon
873 # extract the xz files there, one will contain a changelog.
874 # then to install an update:
875 # s system76-firmware-cli schedule
876 fi
877 ;;
878 esac
880 case $distro in
881 trisquel|ubuntu)
883 # ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
884 if [[ ! -s /etc/apt/sources.list.d/obs.list ]]; then
885 # https://blog.zackad.dev/en/2017/08/17/add-ppa-simple-way.html
886 sd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/obs.list <<EOF
887 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/obsproject/obs-studio/ubuntu $codename_compat main
888 deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/obsproject/obs-studio/ubuntu $codename_compat main
889 EOF
890 trysleep 4 15 s apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys BC7345F522079769F5BBE987EFC71127F425E228
891 p update
892 fi
893 ;;
894 esac
896 case $codename_compat in
897 xenial)
898 # mate-indicator-applet and beyond are msc things I noticed diffing a
899 # standard install with mine.
900 pi xorg lightdm mate-desktop-environment mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-indicator-applet anacron
901 ;;
902 stretch)
903 pi task-mate-desktop
904 ;;
905 buster)
906 # todo: figure out mate for buster
907 # pi task-gnome-desktop
908 ;;
909 bionic|focal)
910 # i had installing mate-indicator-applet, but im not sure why so i removed
911 pi xorg lightdm mate-desktop-environment mate-desktop-environment-extras anacron
913 # pi gnome-core
914 # # apt-get update periodically fails with an appstream error.
915 # # this removes gnome-core, but its just a package for dependencies
916 # p -y remove appstream
919 # by default, it sleeps when not logged in to x/wayland and on ac power.
920 # stop that.
921 if id -u gdm &>/dev/null; then
922 sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type 'nothing'
923 fi
924 ;;&
925 focal)
926 # lightdm startup fails without this. on etiona, we got unity-greeter installed automatically,
927 # it would probably work on nabia too, but google just lead me to this and it works fine.
928 pi lightdm-gtk-greeter
929 # ok, this is really weird
930 # normally this file has
931 sd /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start <<'EOF'
932 # this is very odd.
933 # this file normally just has: exec $STARTUP
934 # but then ~/.xsession-errors
935 # says $STARTUP is not found, which appears to be the real
936 # error, but normal bash doesnt operate that way.
937 # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/im-config/+bug/1879352
938 eval exec $STARTUP
939 EOF
940 # also, gdm wayland was default, had to do
941 # dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
942 # and choose lightdm.
943 #
944 ;;
945 esac
948 if [[ $codename_compat == flidas ]]; then
949 # doesnt exist in newer
950 pi gnupg-doc
951 fi
954 case $distro in
955 trisquel)
956 case $codename in
957 *)
958 # firefox would work here too, apt would select abrowser.
959 # and the update-alternatives thing i think is becuz firefox is
960 # generally available before abrowser and this helps fix things
961 # up when we have both.
962 pi abrowser
963 s update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/abrowser
964 ;;
965 esac
966 ;;
967 ubuntu)
968 pi firefox
969 ;;
970 debian)
971 pi firefox-esr
972 ;;
973 esac
975 # newer distros just use adb for package name it seems
976 case $codename_compat in
977 bionic|stretch)
978 pi android-tools-adbd
979 ;;
980 esac
982 case $codename_compat in
983 focal)
984 pi libext2fs-dev libzstd-dev
985 cd /a/opt/btrfs-progs
986 ;;
987 esac
990 case $codename_compat in
991 bionic)
992 pi python-vte
993 ;;
994 *)
995 pi reportbug-gtk
996 ;;
997 esac
999 # not packaged in newer distros it seems
1000 case $codename_compat in
1001 bionic|buster|stretch)
1002 pi dtrx
1003 ;;
1004 esac
1007 # TODO: some of the X programs can be removed from pall when using wayland
1009 # depends gcc is a way to install suggests. this is apparently the only
1010 # way to install suggests even if the main package is already
1011 # installed. reinstall doesn't work, uninstalling can cause removing
1012 # dependent packages.
1013 pi ${pall[@]} $(apt-cache search ruby[.0-9]+-doc| awk '{print $1}') $($src/distro-pkgs)
1016 # commented, not worth the hassle i think.
1017 #seru enable psd
1018 #seru start psd
1021 # old filename
1022 sudo rm -fv /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/iank.conf
1024 # website is dead june 14 2019. back in october, but meh
1025 sudo rm -fv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iridium-browser.list
1026 # case $distro in
1027 # debian)
1028 # pi chromium ;;
1029 # trisquel|ubuntu)
1030 # wget -qO - https://downloads.iridiumbrowser.de/ubuntu/iridium-release-sign-01.pub|sudo apt-key add -
1031 # t=$(mktemp)
1032 # cat >$t <<EOF
1033 # deb [arch=amd64] https://downloads.iridiumbrowser.de/deb/ stable main
1034 # #deb-src https://downloads.iridiumbrowser.de/deb/ stable main
1035 # EOF
1036 # f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/iridium-browser.list
1037 # if ! diff -q $t $f; then
1038 # s cp $t $f
1039 # s chmod 644 $f
1040 # p update
1041 # fi
1042 # pi iridium-browser
1043 # ;;
1044 # esac
1047 ### begin home vpn server setup
1050 # # this section done initially to make persistent keys.
1051 # # Also note, I temporarily set /etc/hosts so my host was
1052 # # b8.nz when running this, since the vpn client config
1053 # # generator assumes we need to go to that server to get
1054 # # server keys.
1055 # vpn-server-setup -rds
1056 # s cp -r --parents /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys /p/c/filesystem
1057 # s chown -R 1000:1000 /p/c/filesystem/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys
1058 # # kw = kgpe work machine.
1059 # for host in x2 x3 kw; do
1060 # vpn-mk-client-cert -b $host -n home b8.nz 1196
1061 # dir=/p/c/machine_specific/$host/filesystem/etc/openvpn/client
1062 # mkdir -p $dir
1063 # s bash -c "cp /etc/openvpn/client/home* $dir"
1064 # # note: /etc/update-resolv-conf-home also exists for all systems with /p
1065 # done
1067 # key already exists, so this won't generate one, just the configs.
1068 # m vpn-server-setup -rds
1069 # sudo tee -a /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf <<'EOF'
1070 # push "dhcp-option DNS"
1071 # push "route"
1072 # client-connect /a/bin/distro-setup/vpn-client-connect
1073 # EOF
1074 # sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks 's/10.8./10.9./g;s/^\s*port\s.*/port 1196/' /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf
1076 # if [[ $HOSTNAME == tp ]]; then
1077 # if [[ -e /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-server@.service ]]; then
1078 # vpn_service=openvpn-server@server
1079 # else
1080 # vpn_service=openvpn@server
1081 # fi
1082 # sgo $vpn_service
1083 # fi
1084 ### end vpn server setup
1086 ##### rss2email
1087 if mountpoint /p &>/dev/null; then
1088 # note, see bashrc for more documentation.
1089 pi rss2email
1090 sd /etc/systemd/system/rss2email.service <<'EOF'
1091 [Unit]
1092 Description=rss2email
1093 After=multi-user.target
1095 [Service]
1096 User=iank
1097 Type=oneshot
1098 # about 24 hours of failures
1099 # it copies over its files without respecting symlinks, so
1100 # we pass options to use different location.
1101 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sysd-mail-once -288 rss2email r2e -d /p/c/rss2email.json -c /p/c/rss2email.cfg run
1102 EOF
1103 sd /etc/systemd/system/rss2email.timer <<'EOF'
1104 [Unit]
1105 Description=rss2email
1107 [Timer]
1108 # for initial run. required.
1109 OnActiveSec=30
1110 # for subsequent runs.
1111 OnUnitInactiveSec=300
1113 [Install]
1114 WantedBy=timers.target
1115 EOF
1116 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
1117 fi
1120 ######### begin irc periodic backup #############
1121 if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
1122 sd /etc/systemd/system/ircbackup.service <<'EOF'
1123 [Unit]
1124 Description=irc li backup
1125 After=multi-user.target
1127 [Service]
1128 User=iank
1129 Type=oneshot
1130 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sysd-mail-once irc-backup rsync -rlptDhSAX root@iankelling.org:/var/lib/znc/moddata/log/iank/freenode/ /k/irclogs
1131 EOF
1132 sd /etc/systemd/system/ircbackup.timer <<'EOF'
1133 [Unit]
1134 Description=irc li backup hourly
1136 [Timer]
1137 OnCalendar=hourly
1139 [Install]
1140 WantedBy=timers.target
1141 EOF
1142 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
1143 sgo ircbackup.timer
1144 fi
1147 ######### end irc periodic backup #############
1150 pi-nostart openvpn
1151 # pi-nostart does not disable
1152 ser disable openvpn
1155 if [[ -e /p/c/gen-fsf-vpn ]]; then
1156 /p/c/gen-fsf-vpn
1157 fi
1159 if [[ -e /p/c/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem/etc/openvpn/client/hole.crt ]]; then
1160 sgo openvpn-client@hole
1161 fi
1163 if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
1164 vpn-mk-client-cert -b frodo -n hole iankelling.org
1165 fi
1167 ############# begin syncthing setup ###########
1168 case $HOSTNAME in
1169 kd|frodo)
1170 f=/usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg
1171 if [[ ! -e $f ]]; then
1172 s curl -s -o $f https://syncthing.net/release-key.gpg
1173 fi
1174 s="deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.syncthing.net/ syncthing stable"
1175 if [[ $(cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list) != "$s" ]]; then
1176 echo "$s" | sd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list
1177 p update
1178 fi
1179 pi syncthing
1180 ;;&
1181 frodo)
1182 m lnf -T /w/syncthing /home/iank/.config/syncthing
1183 ser daemon-reload # syncthing likely not properly packaged
1184 sgo syncthing@iank # runs as iank
1185 ;;
1186 kd)
1188 # 1003 just happens to be what was on my system
1189 if ! getent passwd ziva; then
1190 s groupadd -g 1003 ziva
1191 # syncthing state / config / db are all in ~/.config/syncthing
1192 s useradd -g 1003 -u 1003 -d /d/ziva-home -c ziva -s /bin/bash ziva
1193 fi
1194 sgo syncthing@ziva
1195 ;;
1196 esac
1198 # user for short term use dropping of privileges
1200 if ! getent group zu &>/dev/null; then
1201 s groupadd -g 1023 zu
1202 fi
1203 if ! getent passwd zu &>/dev/null; then
1204 s useradd -g 1023 -u 1023 -c zu -s /bin/bash zu
1205 fi
1208 # these things persist in ~/.config/syncthing, which I save in
1209 # /w/syncthing (not in /p, because syncthing should continue to
1210 # run on home server even when using laptop as primary device)
1211 # open http://localhost:8384/
1212 # change listen address from default to tcp://:22001,
1213 # this is because we do port forward so it doesn\'t have to use
1214 # some external server, but the syncthing is broken for port forward,
1215 # you get a message, something "like connected to myself, this should not happen"
1216 # when connecting to other local devices, so I bump the port up by 1,
1217 # based on
1218 # https://forum.syncthing.net/t/connected-to-myself-should-not-happen/1763/19.
1219 # Without this, it was being stuck syncing at 0%.
1220 # Set gui username and password.
1221 #
1222 # install syncthing via f-droid,
1223 # folder setting, turn off send only.
1224 # on phone, add device, click bar code icon
1225 # on dekstop, top right, actions, device id
1226 # after adding, notification will appear on desktop to confirm
1227 #
1228 # syncing folder. from phone to desktop: select desktop in the
1229 # folder on phone\'s sync options, notification will appear in
1230 # desktop\'s web ui within a minute. For the reverse, the
1231 # notification will appear in android\'s notifications, you have to
1232 # swipe down and tap it to add the folder. It won\'t appear in the
1233 # syncthing ui, which would be intuitive, but don\'t wait for it
1234 # there. The notification may not work, instead open the web gui
1235 # from in the app, there should be a notification within there.
1236 #
1237 # On phone, set settings to run syncthing all the time, and
1238 # show no notification.
1239 #
1240 # Folder versioning would make sense if I didn\'t already use btrfs
1241 # for backups. I would choose staggered, or trash can for more space.
1242 #
1243 # if needed to install on a remote comp:
1244 # ssh -L 8384:localhost:8384 -N frodo
1245 # open http://localhost:8384/
1246 #
1247 # Note, the other thing i did was port forward port 22000,
1248 # per https://docs.syncthing.net/users/firewall.html
1250 ############# end syncthing setup ###########
1254 ####### begin misc packages ###########
1256 # template
1257 case $codename in
1258 flidas)
1259 :
1260 ;;
1261 esac
1263 sudo update-alternatives --set pinentry /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
1266 # sakura config is owned by ian
1267 m reset-sakura
1268 m reset-konsole
1269 m sudo -u user2 -i reset-konsole
1270 # user2 xscreensaver we don't want to reset
1271 m reset-xscreensaver
1274 # this would install from cabal for newer / consistent version across os, but it screws up xmonad, so disabled for now.
1275 # this is also in primary-setup
1276 # pi libxss-dev # dependency based on build failure
1277 # cabal update
1278 # cabal install --upgrade-dependencies --force-reinstalls arbtt
1279 # also, i assume syncing this between machines somehow messed up the data.
1280 if mountpoint /p &>/dev/null; then
1281 case $codename in
1282 etiona|nabia)
1283 pi arbtt
1284 # same as seru enable arbtt, but works over ssh when systemctl --user causes error:
1285 # Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
1286 lnf -T /a/bin/ds/subdir_files/.config/systemd/user/arbtt.service /home/iank/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/arbtt.service
1287 # allow failure
1288 seru start arbtt ||:
1289 ;;
1290 esac
1291 fi
1294 m primary-setup
1296 if [[ ! -e ~/.linphonerc && -e /p/.linphonerc-initial ]]; then
1297 m cp /p/.linphonerc-initial ~/.linphonerc
1298 fi
1300 # linphone in t10 wont do dns with systemd-resolved or something
1301 s teeu /etc/hosts <<'EOF'
1302 watson.fsf.org
1303 EOF
1307 ### begin spd install
1308 if mountpoint /p &>/dev/null; then
1309 pi libswitch-perl libdigest-md5-file-perl libgnupg-interface-perl
1310 t=$(mktemp)
1311 m wget -O $t http://mirror.fsf.org/fsfsys-trisquel/fsfsys-trisquel/pool/main/s/spd-perl/spd-perl_0.2-1_amd64.deb
1312 sudo dpkg -i $t
1313 m rm $t
1314 # this guesses at the appropriate directory, adjust if needed
1315 perldir=(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.*)
1316 m sudo ln -sf ../../../perl/5.18.2/SPD/ ${perldir[0]}
1317 # newer distro had gpg2 as default, older one, flidas, need to make it that way
1318 gpgpath=$(which gpg2) ||:
1319 if [[ $gpgpath ]]; then
1320 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/spdhackfix
1321 s lnf -T $gpgpath /usr/local/spdhackfix/gpg
1322 fi
1323 fi
1324 ### end spd install
1327 # nagstamon setting which were set through the ui
1328 # monitor url https://klaxon.fsf.org/cgi-bin
1329 # monitor url cgi https://klaxon.fsf.org/cgi-bin
1330 # in filters tab:
1331 # all unknown services
1332 # all warning services
1333 # acknowledged hosts & services
1334 # hosts & services down for maintenence
1335 # services on down hosts
1336 # services on hosts in maintenece
1337 # services on unreachable osts
1338 # hosts in soft state
1339 # services in soft state
1340 # in display tab: fullscreen
1342 # these translate to these settings I think
1343 # filter_acknowledged_hosts_services = True
1344 # filter_all_unknown_services = True
1345 # filter_all_warning_services = True
1346 # filter_hosts_in_soft_state = True
1347 # filter_hosts_services_maintenance = True
1348 # filter_services_in_soft_state = True
1349 # filter_services_on_down_hosts = True
1350 # filter_services_on_hosts_in_maintenance = True
1351 # filter_services_on_unreachable_hosts = True
1352 # notify_if_up = False
1353 # statusbar_floating = False
1354 # fullscreen = True
1355 # but i'm just going to rely on the webpage plus sms for now.
1358 # it asks if it should make users in it's group capture packets without root,
1359 # which is arguably more secure than running wireshark as root. default is no,
1360 # which is what i prefer, since I plan to use tcpdump to input to wireshark.
1361 s DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pi wireshark-gtk
1363 # /run and /dev/shm are listed as required for pulseaudio. All 4 in the group
1364 # listed in the default config as suggested.
1365 # /run/usr/1000 i noticed was missing for pulseaudio
1366 # /run/user/0 just seemed like a not bad idea, given the above
1367 tu /etc/schroot/desktop/fstab <<'EOF'
1368 /p /p none rw,bind 0 0
1369 /a /a none rw,bind 0 0
1370 /run /run none rw,bind 0 0
1371 /run/lock /run/lock none rw,bind 0 0
1372 /dev/shm /dev/shm none rw,bind 0 0
1373 /run/shm /run/shm none rw,bind 0 0
1374 /run/user/1000 /run/user/1000 none rw,bind 0 0
1375 /run/user/1001 /run/user/1001 none rw,bind 0 0
1376 /run/user/0 /run/user/0 none rw,bind 0 0
1377 EOF
1379 sd /etc/systemd/system/schrootupdate.service <<'EOF'
1380 [Unit]
1381 Description=schrootupdate
1382 After=multi-user.target
1384 [Service]
1385 Type=oneshot
1386 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sysd-mail-once schrootupdate /a/bin/distro-setup/schrootupdate
1387 EOF
1388 sd /etc/systemd/system/schrootupdate.timer <<'EOF'
1389 [Unit]
1390 Description=schrootupdate
1392 [Timer]
1393 OnCalendar=*-*-* 04:20:00 America/New_York
1395 [Install]
1396 WantedBy=timers.target
1397 EOF
1398 ser daemon-reload
1399 sgo schrootupdate.timer
1403 # for my roommate
1404 case $distro in
1405 trisquel)
1406 m mkschroot -s /a/bin/fai/fai/config/files/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bullseye.list/BULLSEYE_FREE \
1407 debian bullseye firefox-esr pulseaudio chromium anki
1408 case $(debian-codename) in
1409 etiona|nabia)
1410 # we have a lot of t8 stuff, useful to have
1411 m mkschroot -s /a/bin/fai/fai/config/files/etc/apt/sources.list.d/flidas.list/FLIDAS \
1412 trisquel flidas
1413 tu /nocow/schroot/flidas/etc/sudoers <<EOF
1415 Defaults env_keep += SUDOD
1416 Defaults always_set_home
1417 Defaults !umask
1418 EOF
1419 sd /nocow/schroot/flidas//etc/locale.gen <<'EOF'
1420 en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
1421 EOF
1422 s schroot -c flidas locale-gen
1423 s schroot -c flidas update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
1424 ;;
1425 esac
1426 ;;
1427 debian)
1428 pi chromium
1429 ;;
1430 esac
1432 sudo mkdir -p /nocow/user
1433 sudo chown $USER:$USER /nocow/user
1434 pi anki
1437 ####### begin transmission
1439 case $HOSTNAME in
1440 frodo)
1441 tdir=/i/k
1442 ;;
1443 kd)
1444 tdir=/d/tor
1445 ;;
1446 *)
1447 tdir=/nocow/user/tor
1448 ;;
1449 esac
1451 mkdir -p $tdir
1453 # adapted from /var/lib/dpkg/info/transmission-daemon.postinst
1454 # 450 seems likely to be unused. we need to specify one or else
1455 # it won't be stable across installs.
1456 if ! getent passwd debian-transmission > /dev/null; then
1457 sudo groupadd -g 450 debian-transmission
1458 sudo adduser --quiet \
1459 --gid 450 \
1460 --uid 450 \
1461 --system \
1462 --no-create-home \
1463 --disabled-password \
1464 --home /var/lib/transmission-daemon \
1465 debian-transmission
1466 fi
1467 # We want group writable stuff from transmission.
1468 # However, after setting this, I learn that transmission sets it's
1469 # own umask based on it's settings file. Well, no harm leaving this
1470 # so it's set right from the beginning.
1471 sudo chfn debian-transmission -o umask=0002
1473 # note i had to do this, which is persistent:
1474 # cd /i/k
1475 # s chgrp debian-transmission torrents partial-torrents
1477 # syslog says things like
1478 # 'Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 425984'
1479 # google suggets giving it even more than that
1480 tu /etc/sysctl.conf<<'EOF'
1481 net.core.rmem_max = 67108864
1482 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
1483 EOF
1484 sudo sysctl -p
1486 # some reason it doesn\'t seem to start automatically anyways
1487 pi-nostart transmission-daemon
1488 # be extra sure its not started
1489 ser disable transmission-daemon
1490 ser stop transmission-daemon
1492 # the folder was moved here after an install around 02/2017.
1493 # it contains runtime data,
1494 # plus a simple symlink to the config file which it\'s
1495 # not worth separating out.
1496 # between comps, the uid can change
1498 f=$tdir/transmission-daemon
1499 for d in $tdir/partial-torrents $tdir/torrents $f; do
1500 if [[ ! -d $d ]]; then
1501 mkdir $d
1502 fi
1503 sudo chown -R debian-transmission:user2 $d
1504 done
1505 s lnf -T $f /var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config/transmission-daemon
1506 s lnf -T /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json $f/settings.json
1507 sudo chown -R debian-transmission:debian-transmission $f
1508 sudo chown -R debian-transmission:debian-transmission /var/lib/transmission-daemon
1509 #
1510 # config file documented here, and it\'s the same config
1511 # for daemon vs client, so it\'s documented in the gui.
1512 # https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles#Options
1513 #
1514 # I originaly setup rpc-whitelist, but after using
1515 # routing to a network namespace, it doesn\'t see the
1516 # real source address, so it\'s disabled.
1517 #
1518 # Changed the cache-size to 256 mb, reduces disk use.
1519 # It is a read & write cache.
1520 sudo ruby <<EOF
1521 require 'json'
1522 p = '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json'
1523 File.write(p, JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(File.read(p)).merge({
1524 'rpc-whitelist-enabled' => false,
1525 'rpc-authentication-required' => false,
1526 'incomplete-dir' => '$tdir/partial-torrents',
1527 'incomplete-dir-enabled' => true,
1528 'download-dir' => '$tdir/torrents',
1529 "speed-limit-up" => 800,
1530 "speed-limit-up-enabled" => true,
1531 "peer-port" => 61486,
1532 "cache-size-mb" => 256,
1533 "ratio-limit" => 5.0,
1534 "ratio-limit-enabled" => false,
1535 })) + "\n")
1536 EOF
1538 ####### end transmission
1540 case $HOSTNAME in
1541 kd)
1542 # to persist upload/dl metadata. initially, moved all the stuff
1543 # in /var/lib/transmission-daemon to /d/tor
1544 s usermod --home /d/tor debian-transmission
1545 sgo transmission-daemon-nn
1547 ;;
1548 esac
1551 ######### begin transmission client setup ######
1553 if [[ -e /p/transmission-rpc-pass ]]; then
1554 # arch had a default config,
1555 # debian had nothing until you start it.
1556 # With a little trial an error, here is a minimal config
1557 # taken from the generated one, plus changes that the
1558 # settings ui does, without a bunch of ui crap settings.
1559 #
1560 # only settings I set were
1561 # hostname
1562 # auto-connect
1563 # password
1565 # the password is randomly generated on first run, i copied it out
1566 # so it could be used by other hosts.
1567 sudo ruby <<'EOF'
1568 require 'json'
1569 p = '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json'
1570 s = JSON.parse(File.read(p))
1571 s["rpc-password"] = File.read("/p/transmission-rpc-pass").chomp
1572 # default is 0022 (18 in decimal)
1573 s["umask"] = 2
1574 File.write p, JSON.pretty_generate(s)
1575 EOF
1577 rpc_pass=$(</p/transmission-rpc-pass)
1578 for f in /home/*; do
1579 u=${f##*/}
1580 uid=$(id -u $u 2>/dev/null) || continue
1581 if [[ ! $uid -ge 1000 ]]; then
1582 continue
1583 fi
1584 d=$f/.config/transmission-remote-gtk
1585 sudo -u $u mkdir -p $d
1586 # i tried setting hostname to transmission.b8.nz, so i could dynamically change where
1587 # this connects to, but it said some 421 denied error when I did that. Then it
1588 # froze X when i ran it under strace. Whatever.
1589 sudo -u $u dd of=$d/config.json <<EOF
1590 {
1591 "profiles" : [
1592 {
1593 "profile-name" : "Default",
1594 "hostname" : "",
1595 "rpc-url-path" : "/transmission/rpc",
1596 "username" : "",
1597 "password" : "$rpc_pass",
1598 "auto-connect" : true,
1599 "ssl" : false,
1600 "timeout" : 40,
1601 "retries" : 3,
1602 "update-active-only" : false,
1603 "activeonly-fullsync-enabled" : false,
1604 "activeonly-fullsync-every" : 2,
1605 "update-interval" : 3,
1606 "min-update-interval" : 3,
1607 "session-update-interval" : 60,
1608 "exec-commands" : [],
1609 "destinations" : []
1610 }
1611 ],
1612 "profile-id" : 0,
1613 "add-options-dialog" : false
1614 }
1615 EOF
1616 done
1617 fi
1618 ######### end transmission client setup ######
1621 ### printer setup
1622 pi cups
1624 sudo gpasswd -a $USER lpadmin # based on ubuntu wiki
1625 # goto
1626 # administration tab, add new printer button.
1627 # In debian, I could use hte recommended driver,
1628 # in arch, I had to pick out the 6L driver.
1631 # bridge networking as user fails. google lead here, but it doesn\'t work:
1632 # oh well, I give up.
1633 # http://wiki.qemu.org/Features-Done/HelperNetworking
1634 # s mkdir /etc/qemu
1635 # f=/etc/qemu/bridge.conf
1636 # sd $f <<'EOF'
1637 # allow br0
1638 # EOF
1639 # #s chown root:qemu $f # debian has somethig like qemu-libvirt. equivalent?
1640 # s chmod 640 $f
1642 # general known for debian/ubuntu, not for fedora
1644 m /a/bin/buildscripts/go
1645 m /a/bin/buildscripts/rust
1646 m /a/bin/buildscripts/misc
1647 m /a/bin/buildscripts/pithosfly
1648 #m /a/bin/buildscripts/alacritty
1649 m /a/bin/buildscripts/kitty
1651 pi-nostart virtinst virt-manager
1652 soff libvirtd
1653 # i cant if this is whats causing it to start even though
1654 # its disabled. note: it leaves around dnsmasq instances even
1655 # if you stop it. what the hell systemd?
1656 soff libvirt-guests
1657 # allow user to run vms, from debian handbook. libvirt-qemu
1658 # based on https://www.whonix.org/wiki/KVM#First-time_User.3F
1659 for x in iank user2; do s usermod -a -G libvirt,kvm,libvirt-qemu $x; done
1662 pi --no-install-recommends kdeconnect
1663 ### kdeconnect for gnome. started in /a/bin/distro-setup/desktop-20-autostart.sh
1664 ### but gnome + xmonad not working in flidas, so i disabled it
1665 # pi libgtk-3-dev python3-requests-oauthlib valac cmake python-nautilus libappindicator3-dev
1666 # cd /a/opt/indicator-kdeconnect
1667 # mkdir -p build
1668 # cd build
1669 # cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
1670 # make
1671 # sudo make install
1672 # # we can start it manually with /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd
1673 # # it seems, according to
1674 # # /etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop
1675 # # I'm not seeing the icon, but the clipboard replication is working
1678 ### model 01 arduino support ###
1679 # https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope/wiki/Install-Arduino-support-on-Linux
1680 # also built latest arduino in /a/opt/Arduino, (just cd build; ant build; ant run )
1681 # set arduino var in bashrc,
1682 # have system config file setup too.
1683 sudo adduser $USER dialout
1685 # this is for the mail command too. update-alternatives is kind of misleading
1686 # since at least it's main commands pretend mail does not exist.
1687 # bsd's mail got pulled in on some dumb dependency, i dunno how.
1688 sudo update-alternatives --set mailx /usr/bin/mail.mailutils
1690 ######### end misc packages #########
1693 # packages I once used before and liked, but don\'t want installed now for
1694 # various reasons:
1695 # python-sqlite is used for offlineimap
1696 # lxappearance python-sqlite dolphin paman dconf-editor
1700 ######## unfinished
1702 # todo, finish configuring smart.
1704 pi smartmontools
1705 # mostly from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/S.M.A.R.T.
1706 # turn on smart. background on options:
1707 # first line, -a = test everyting on all devices.
1708 # -S on, turn on disk internal saving of vendor specific info,
1709 # from google, seems like this is usually already on and fairly standard.
1710 # -o on, turn on 4 hour period non-performance degrading testing.
1711 # short test daily 2-3am, extended tests Saturdays between 3-4am:
1712 sched="-s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)"
1713 sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks "s#^[[:space:]]*DEVICESCAN.*#\
1714 DEVICESCAN -a -o on -S on -n standby,q $sched \
1715 -m root@mail.iankelling.org -M exec /usr/local/bin/smart-notify#" /etc/smartd.conf
1717 # in the default configuration of at least ubuntu 14.04, resolvconf is
1718 # configured to order any nameservers associated with tun* or tap*
1719 # before the normal internet interfaces, which means they are always
1720 # consulted first. This is often slower and undesirable, ie. local dns
1721 # queries go from 0ms to 10+ or 100+ ms. To reverse the ordering, you
1722 # can do:
1723 #sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '/tun\*\|tap\*/d' /etc/resolvconf/interface-order
1724 # however, this breaks dns lookup for hosts on the openvpn lan.
1725 # I can\'t figure out why hosts on the normal lan would not be
1726 # broken under the default ordering, except the host I was
1727 # testing with previously had an entry in /etc/hosts.
1729 ############# end unfinished
1731 ########### misc stuff
1733 if [[ $HOSTNAME != frodo ]]; then
1734 # remove. i moved this into dns
1735 echo | s cedit hole /etc/hosts ||:
1736 fi
1738 if [[ ! -e ~/.local/bin/pip ]]; then
1739 tmp=$(mktemp)
1740 wget -O$tmp https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
1741 python3 $tmp --user
1742 hash -r
1743 fi
1746 ### begin timetrap setup
1747 if mountpoint /p &>/dev/null; then
1748 mkdir -p ~/.timetrap/
1749 ln -sf /a/opt/timetrap_formatters ~/.timetrap/formatters
1750 if ! type -p t &>/dev/null; then
1751 pi ruby-dev libsqlite3-dev
1752 gem install --user timetrap
1753 fi
1754 fi
1755 ### end timetrap setup
1757 # leftover cleanup for t9
1758 pu resolvconf
1760 case $codename in
1761 # needed for debootstrap scripts for fai since fai requires debian
1762 flidas)
1763 pi dnsmasq
1764 pi-nostart network-manager
1765 # i hate networkmanager. noo, of course disabling it doesnt work
1766 # unless you add a hack. found this by doing
1767 # systemd-analyze dot > x.dot
1768 # less x.dot
1769 # /networkman
1770 soff NetworkManager
1771 soff NetworkManager-wait-online.service
1772 # make networkmanager use resolvconf instead of its own dnsmasq which
1773 # conflicts with the normal dnsmasq package.
1774 f=/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
1775 m=$(md5sum $f)
1776 sudo sed -ri '/ *\[main\]/,/^ *\[[^]]+\]/{/^\s*dns[[:space:]=]/d}' $f
1777 sudo sed -ri '/ *\[main\]/a dns=default' $f
1778 if [[ $m != $(md5sum $f) ]]; then
1779 srestart NetworkManager
1780 fi
1781 # networkmanager has this nasty behavior on flidas: if the machine
1782 # crashes with dnsmasq running, on subsequent boot, it adds an entry to
1783 # resolvconf for in some stupid attempt to restore
1784 # nameservers.
1785 # This can be manually fixed by stoping dnsmasq,
1786 # then based on whats in /run/dnsmasq/, i see we can run
1787 # s resolvconf -d NetworkManager
1788 # oh ya, and stoping NetworkManager leaves this crap behind without cleaning it up.
1789 ser disable NetworkManager
1790 ;;
1791 esac
1793 # I have no use for avahi,
1794 # had to run this twice when doing manually, i dunno why
1795 soff avahi-daemon ||:
1796 sleep 1
1797 soff avahi-daemon
1799 # make my /etc/fonts/conf.d/ get used.
1800 # I have a new sans-serif font there because the default one
1801 # displays l and I as the same char, grrrrr.
1802 sudo fc-cache
1804 pi desktop-file-utils
1805 m /a/bin/distro-setup/mymimes
1808 sgo dynamicipupdate.timer
1811 # stop autopoping windows when i plug in an android phone.
1812 # dbus-launch makes this work within an ssh connection, otherwise you get this message,
1813 # with still 0 exit code.
1814 # dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
1815 m dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false
1818 # on grub upgrade, we get prompts unless we do this
1819 devs=()
1820 for dev in $(s btrfs fil show /boot | sed -nr 's#.*path\s+(\S+)$#\1#p'); do
1821 devs+=("$(devbyid $dev),")
1822 done
1823 devs[-1]=${devs[-1]%,} # jonied by commas
1824 sudo debconf-set-selections <<EOF
1825 grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect ${devs[*]}
1826 EOF
1828 # btrfs maintenance
1829 sgo btrfsmaint.timer
1830 sgo btrfsmaintstop.timer
1832 sgo systemstatus.timer
1835 if grep -xFq $HOSTNAME /a/bin/ds/machine_specific/btrbk.hosts; then
1836 sgo btrbk.timer
1837 fi
1838 # note: to see when it was last run,
1839 # ser list-timers
1841 case $HOSTNAME in
1842 kd)
1843 sgo btrbkrust.timer
1844 ;;
1845 esac
1847 ### begin prometheus ###
1849 case $HOSTNAME in
1850 kd)
1851 # ive got these + a needed dependency pinned to bullseye, just to get
1852 # versions more in line with the main docs.
1853 pi prometheus-alertmanager prometheus prometheus-node-exporter
1854 web-conf -p 9091 -f 9090 - apache2 i.b8.nz <<'EOF'
1855 <Location "/">
1856 AuthType Basic
1857 AuthName "basic_auth"
1858 # created with
1859 # htpasswd -c prometheus-htpasswd USERNAME
1860 AuthUserFile "/etc/prometheus-htpasswd"
1861 Require valid-user
1862 </Location>
1863 EOF
1864 ;;
1865 *)
1866 pi prometheus-node-exporter
1867 ;;
1868 esac
1870 case $HOSTNAME in
1871 # frodo needs upgrade first.
1872 frodo) : ;;
1873 # todo, for limiting node exporter http,
1874 # either use iptables or, in
1875 # /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter
1876 # listen on the wireguard interface
1877 ;;
1878 li|je|bk)
1879 # ex for exporter
1880 web-conf -p 9101 -f 9100 - apache2 ${HOSTNAME}ex.b8.nz <<'EOF'
1881 <Location "/">
1882 AuthType Basic
1883 AuthName "basic_auth"
1884 # created with
1885 # htpasswd -c prometheus-export-htpasswd USERNAME
1886 AuthUserFile "/etc/prometheus-export-htpasswd"
1887 Require valid-user
1888 </Location>
1889 EOF
1890 ;;
1891 *)
1892 wgip=$(sudo sed -rn 's,^ *Address *= *([^/]+).*,\1,p' /etc/wireguard/wghole.conf)
1893 web-conf -i -a $wgip -p 9101 -f 9100 - apache2 ${HOSTNAME}wg.b8.nz <<'EOF'
1894 <Location "/">
1895 AuthType Basic
1896 AuthName "basic_auth"
1897 # created with
1898 # htpasswd -c prometheus-export-htpasswd USERNAME
1899 AuthUserFile "/etc/prometheus-export-htpasswd"
1900 Require valid-user
1901 </Location>
1902 EOF
1903 ;;
1904 esac
1906 ### end prometheus ###
1909 end_msg <<'EOF'
1910 In mate settings settings, change scrolling to two-finger,
1911 because the default edge scroll doesn\'t work. Originally found this in debian.
1912 EOF
1914 # Remove dep that came in with desktop to fix associations.
1915 m pu transmission-gtk
1917 case $HOSTNAME in
1918 kd)
1919 lnf -T /d/vidshare /home/iank/Videos
1920 ;;
1921 esac
1923 # # Based on guix manual instructions, also added code to profile.
1924 # # disabled since i'm not using it now.
1925 # pi nscd
1926 # if ! type -p guix >/dev/null; then
1927 # cd $(mktemp -d)
1928 # wget https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh
1929 # # added some stuff to envonment.sh for profile based on
1930 # # manual instructions
1931 # # wget https://sv.gnu.org/people/viewgpg.php?user_id=15145 -qO - | gpg --import -
1932 # # echo is to get past prompt
1933 # yes | sudo -E HOME=$HOME bash guix-install.sh || [[ $? == 141 ]]
1934 # guix install glibc-utf8-locales
1935 # guix package --install guile
1936 # fi
1938 lnf -T /a/opt ~/src
1940 pi tor
1941 m /a/bin/buildscripts/tor-browser
1942 # one root command needed to install
1943 s ln -sf /a/opt/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser /usr/local/bin
1946 # nfs server
1947 pi-nostart nfs-kernel-server
1949 if [[ $HOSTNAME == tp ]]; then
1950 sd /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf <<EOF
1951 [Interface]
1952 PrivateKey = $(cat /p/c/machine_specific/tp/filesystem/root/wg.key)
1953 Address =, fdfd::2/64
1955 [Peer]
1956 PresharedKey = $(cat /p/c/machine_specific/tp/filesystem/root/wg.psk)
1957 PublicKey = 9RnAsJB+ISrA/9lmDKBoT08oBiKwzA64exBBj+rO+ng=
1958 Endpoint = b8.nz:26000
1959 AllowedIPs =, fdfd::1/64
1960 PersistentKeepalive = 20
1961 EOF
1962 sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0
1963 sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
1964 fi
1967 if [[ $HOSTNAME == kw ]]; then
1968 # hosts 1-199. 200+ are dynamic, avoid those
1969 tu /etc/exports <<'EOF'
1970 /root/.ianktrisquel_9/.iank/e/e,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check),no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check),no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)
1971 /home/iank/.iank/e/e,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check),no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check),no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)
1972 EOF
1973 ekw
1974 sgo nfs-server
1975 sudo exportfs -rav
1976 fi
1979 # if I was going to create a persistent vm, i might do it like this:
1980 # variant=something # from: virt-install --os-variant list
1981 # s virt-install --noautoconsole --graphics spice,listen= \
1982 # --disk=/a/images/some_name.qcow2,bus=virtio --vcpus 2 -r 4096 -w bridge=br0 \
1983 # -n some_name --import --os-variant $variant --cpu host-model-only
1986 # for brother HL-2270DW, this worked:
1987 # https://askubuntu.com/questions/1067234/cant-use-wireless-brother-printer-2270dw-ubuntu-18-04
1988 # /a/opt/linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1
1989 # answer n when it asks about uri.
1990 # Then go to cups, delete the existing printer, added on with dnssd url. browsed to
1991 # ppd at /usr/share/ppd/HL2270DW.ppd, which is duplicated at /usr/share/cups/model/HL2270DW.ppd
1992 # ppd file got installed from bash -x ./usr/local/Brother/Printer/HL2270DW/cupswrapper/cupswrap,
1993 # which I downloaded from their driver. but dont do that again, i copied it to /a/opt/HL2270DW.ppd,
1994 # use that.
1996 # I had to reset it to use wired instead of wifi. it only uses 1 at a time. boot with go button held, after lights turn off, tap go 6 times.
1997 # Then it was already configured, but if i needed to, go to its web ui, default pass is "access".
1999 ######### begin stuff belonging at the end ##########
2001 end