# it is purposefully in a user startup file, not a system one, so intended for
# the user to change.
+# History related options first, or else
+# we risk screwing up history history. And this is duplicated
+# in ~/.bash_profile just for good measure
+# history number. History expansion is good.
+PS4='$LINENO+ '
+# history file size limit, set to unlimited.
+# this needs to be different from the default because
+# default HISTFILESIZE is 500 and could clobber our history
+# max commands 1 session can append/read from history
+# the time format display when doing the history command
+# also, setting this makes the history file record time
+# of each command as seconds from the epoch
+HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p "
+# consecutive duplicate lines dont go in history
+# works in addition to HISTCONTROL to do more flexible things
+# it could also do the same things as HISTCONTROL and thus replace it,
+# but meh. dunno why, but just " *" does glob expansion, so use [ ] to avoid it.
+HISTIGNORE='pass *:[ ]*:otp *:oathtool *'
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
# ensure no bad programs appending to this file will have an affect
return 0
-export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
#exec 2>>/a/tmp/bashlog
+# History related options first, or else
+# we risk screwing up history history. And this is duplicated
+# in ~/.bash_profile just for good measure
+# history number. History expansion is good.
+PS4='$LINENO+ '
+# history file size limit, set to unlimited.
+# this needs to be different from the default because
+# default HISTFILESIZE is 500 and could clobber our history
+# max commands 1 session can append/read from history
+# the time format display when doing the history command
+# also, setting this makes the history file record time
+# of each command as seconds from the epoch
+HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p "
+# consecutive duplicate lines dont go in history
+# works in addition to HISTCONTROL to do more flexible things
+# it could also do the same things as HISTCONTROL and thus replace it,
+# but meh. dunno why, but just " *" does glob expansion, so use [ ] to avoid it.
+HISTIGNORE='pass *:[ ]*:otp *:oathtool *'
# see comments in brc2 sl() function for background.
if [[ $SSH_CONNECTION ]] \
&& [[ $BRC != t ]]; then
-set -o pipefail
# remove all aliases. aliases provided by the system tend to get in the way,
# for example, error happens if I try to define a function the same name as an alias
unalias -a
-# history number. History expansion is good.
-PS4='$LINENO+ '
-# history file size limit, set to unlimited.
-# this needs to be different from the default because
-# default HISTFILESIZE is 500 and could clobber our history
-# max commands 1 session can append/read from history
-# the time format display when doing the history command
-# also, setting this makes the history file record time
-# of each command as seconds from the epoch
-HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p "
-# consecutive duplicate lines dont go in history
-# works in addition to HISTCONTROL to do more flexible things
-# it could also do the same things as HISTCONTROL and thus replace it,
-# but meh. dunno why, but just " *" does glob expansion, so use [ ] to avoid it.
-HISTIGNORE='pass *:[ ]*:otp *:oathtool *'
+# ansible option
# note, if I use a machine I dont want files readable by all users, set
# final grep is because some commands tend to have a lot of trailing spaces
y=$(echo "$x" | grep -iP "$@" | grep -o '.*[^ ]') ||:
if [[ $y ]]; then
- echo "$x" | head -n 1
+ echo "$x" | head -n 1 || [[ $? == 141 ]]
echo "$y"
bbk() { # btrbk wrapper
+ local pid
c /
local active=true
systemctl is-active btrbk.timer || active=false
# run latest
- unbuffer btrbk-run "$@" |& pee cat "systemd-cat -t btrbk-run"
+ jrun -p btrbk btrbk-run "$@"
if $active; then
- ser enable btrbk.timer
+ if (( $ret )); then
+ echo bbk: WARNING: btrbk.timer not reenabled due to failure
+ else
+ ser enable btrbk.timer
+ fi
+ return $ret
bfg() { java -jar /a/opt/bfg-1.12.14.jar "$@"; }
xclock -digital -update 1 -face 'arial black-80:bold'
-bpull() {
- [[ $1 ]] || return 1
- c /
- # run latest
- install-my-scripts
- ubuffer switch-mail-host pull $1 |& pee cat "systemd-cat -t switch-mail-host"
+_jrun() { # journal run. run args, log to journal, tail and grep the journal.
+ local pid pattern jr_pid sedscript cmd_name ended
+ ret=0
+ case $1 in
+ -p)
+ pattern="$2\|"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cmd_name=${1##*/}
+ systemd-cat -t "$cmd_name" "$@" 2>&1 &
+ pid=$!
+ sedscript="/$pattern$cmd_name/p;/^.{16}[^ ]+ $cmd_name\[$pid]: ([^ ]+ +)?exiting with status [0-9]+\$/q"
+ journalctl -S "4 seconds ago" -f |& sed -nr "$sedscript" 2>&1 &
+ jr_pid=$!
+ wait $pid 2>&1 || ret=$?
+ if (( $ret )); then
+ echo "$0: ERROR: $* returned $ret"
+ fi
+ jobs %'journalctl -S "4 seconds ago" -f' &>/dev/null
+ ended=false
+ # give it about 5 seconds to find the end of the log
+ for (( i=0; i<20; i++ )); do
+ if jobs %'journalctl -S "4 seconds ago" -f' &>/dev/null; then
+ sleep .3 2>&1
+ else
+ ended=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $ended; then
+ kill $jr_pid 2>&1
+ fi
-bpush() {
- [[ $1 ]] || return 1
+jrun() {
+ # ditching stderr avoids the jobs status change output.
+ _jrun "$@" 2>/dev/null
+sm() {
+ (( $# == 2 )) || return 1
+ action=$1
+ shift
+ host=$1
+ shift
+ case $action in
+ pull|push) : ;;
+ *) return 1 ;;
+ esac
c /
# run latest
- ubuffer switch-mail-host push $1 |& pee cat "systemd-cat -t switch-mail-host"
+ jrun -p btrbk switch-mail-host $action $host
+ return $ret
lipush() {
# note, i had --delete-excluded, but that deletes all files in --exclude-from on
# the remote site, which doesn't make sense, so not sure why i had it.
local p a
- p=(/a/bin /a/exe /a/h /a/c /p/c/machine_specific/linode{,.hosts} /a/opt/{emacs,emacs-debianstable,mu})
+ p=(/a/bin /a/exe /a/h /a/c /p/c/machine_specific/linode{,.hosts} /a/opt/{emacs-debianstable,mu})
a="-ahviSAXPH --specials --devices --delete --relative --exclude-from=/p/c/li-rsync-excludes"
m rsync "$@" $a ${p[@]} /p/c/machine_specific/l2 root@l2.b8.nz:/ || ret=$?
# kill off old shared socket then ssh
ssk() {
- m ssh -O exit "$@"
+ m ssh -O exit "$@" || [[ $? == 255 ]]
m sl "$@"
# plain limited ssh
pre="${0##*/}: "
m() { if $verbose; then printf "$pre%s\n" "$*"; fi; "$@"; }
e() { printf "$pre%s\n" "$*"; }
-die() { printf "$pre%s\n" "$*" >&2; exit 1; }
+die() { printf "$pre%s\n" "$*" >&2; echo "exiting with status 1" >&2; exit 1; }
+mexit() { echo "exiting with status $1"; exit $1; }
# latest $MAIL_HOST
if [[ -e /b/bash_unpublished/source-state ]]; then
### end options parsing
# TODO: i wonder if there should be an option to send to the default
# targets, plus any given on the command line.
if [[ ! -v targets && ! $source ]]; then
if [[ $HOSTNAME != "$MAIL_HOST" ]] && $cron ; then
echo "MAIL_HOST=$MAIL_HOST, nothing to do"
- exit 0
+ mexit 0
if [[ $source ]]; then
if [[ $(ssh $source systemctl is-active btrbk.service) != inactive ]]; then
echo "$0: error: cron btrbk is running on source. exiting out of caution"
- exit 1
+ mexit 1
e "found newer version on host $source. reexecing"
install -T $tmpf /usr/local/bin/btrbk-run
m /usr/local/bin/btrbk-run --pull-reexec "${orig_args[@]}"
- exit
+ mexit 0
if $conf_only; then
- exit
+ mexit 0
if $dry_run; then
m btrbk -v -n $cmd_arg
- exit 0
+ mexit 0
elif [[ $cmd_arg == archive ]]; then
if [[ $source ]]; then
m btrbk $verbose_arg $progress_arg $cmd_arg ssh://$source$vol $vol
m btrbk $verbose_arg $progress_arg $cmd_arg $vol ssh://$tg$vol
- exit 0
+ mexit 0
# -q and just using the syslog option seemed nice,
# but it doesn't show when a send has a parent and when it doesn't.
m /a/exe/mount-latest-remote ${targets[@]}
-exit $ret
+e btrbk-run COMPLETED with exit status $ret
+mexit $ret
# todo: move variable data we don't care about backing up
# to /nocow and symlink it.
lnf() { /a/exe/lnf "$@"; }
-# error prone
-# fast=false
-# if [[ -e $f ]] && (( $(stat -c %Y $f) > $now - 60*60*24 )); then
-# fast=true
-# fi
if [[ $1 == -f ]]; then # f for fast
common-file-setup() {
- local dir fs x f systemd_reload
- systemd_reload=false
+ local dir fs x f reload_systemd
+ local -a reload_services
+ local -a restart_services
+ reload_systemd=false
for dir in "$@"; do
if [[ -e $fs && $user =~ ^iank?$ ]]; then
- # this could be done with rsync, something like this,
- # but I haven't looked at the symlinks.
- # s rsync -n -ahviSAXPH --specials --devices --chown=root:root --chmod=g-s $fs /
- # note, symlinks get resolved, not copied.
- if s tar --anchored \
- --exclude etc/dovecot/users \
- --exclude etc/exim4/passwd \
- --exclude etc/exim4/*.pem \
- --mode=g-s --owner=0 --group=0 -cz -C $fs . | s tar -dz -C / | grep /etc/systemd &>/dev/null; then
- systemd_reload=true
- fi
+ while read -r line; do
+ file="${line:12}"
+ case $file in
+ etc/systemd/system/*)
+ reload_systemd=true
+ ;;
+ etc/dnsmasq.d/*)
+ restart_services+=(dnsmasq)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Previously did this with tar, but it doesn't
+ # update directory permissions.
+ #
+ # S = do spare files efficiently
+ # A = preserve acls
+ # X = preserve extended attributes
+ # i = itemize
+ done < <(s rsync -n -aiSAX --chown=root:root --chmod=g-s \
+ --exclude=/etc/dovecot/users \
+ --exclude='/etc/exim4/passwd*' \
+ --exclude='/etc/exim4/*.pem' \
+ $fs/ /)
if [[ -e $dir/subdir_files ]]; then
(( ${#x[@]} >= 1 )) || continue
m lnf ${x[@]} ~
- if $systemd_reload; then
+ if $reload_systemd; then
m s systemctl daemon-reload
+ for service in ${restart_services[@]}; do
+ if systemctl is-active $service >/dev/null; then
+ m s systemctl reload $service
+ fi
+ done
user=$(id -un)
if [[ -x $f ]]; then
$f _
+ mkdir -p ~/.local
echo 0 >~/.local/conflink
m /a/h/setup.sh iankelling.org
+ tp)
+ m /a/h/setup.sh -s b8.nz
+ ;;
- # allow symlinks on other hosts so i can host files in arbitrary paths
- m /a/h/setup.sh -s
+ # allow symlinks on non-main hosts so i can host files in arbitrary paths
+ m /a/h/setup.sh -s -p 80
m /a/h/build.rb
# Remove dep that came in with desktop to fix associations.
m pu transmission-gtk
-sudo gpasswd -a iank adm #needed for reading logs
m /a/bin/buildscripts/pithosfly
+++ /dev/null
-# note, this needs to be disabled to print elsewhere.
-ServerName printserver0.office.fsf.org
+++ /dev/null
-# if we get an error, keep going but return it at the end
-trap 'last_error=$?' ERR
-source ~/mw_vars
-# No strict because the host is likely not named the same as
-# the domain.
-ssh="ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no"
- echo "#### starting backup at $(date) ####"
- $ssh root@$mwdomain <<ENDSSH
-set -x
-tee -a $mwc<<'EOF'
-\$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
-mkdir -p ~/wiki_backups
-mysqldump -p$dbpass --default-character-set=binary my_wiki > ~/wiki_backups/wiki_db_backup
-sed -i '\$ d' $mwc # delete read only setting
- # add no strict option to the defaults
- rdiff() { rdiff-backup --remote-schema "$ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server" "$@"; }
- set -x
- rdiff root@$mwdomain::/root/wiki_backups ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_db_backup
- rdiff root@$mwdomain::$mw ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_file_backup
- set +x
- echo "=== ending backup at $(date) ===="
-} &>>$logfile
-if [[ $last_error != 0 ]]; then
- echo "backup for $mwdomain failed. See $logfile"
-exit $last_error
# * common exim4 config
source /a/bin/bash_unpublished/source-state
+m sudo gpasswd -a iank adm #needed for reading logs
### make local bounces go to normal maildir
# local mail that bounces goes to /Maildir or /root/Maildir
hostname -f >/etc/mailname
+ f=/p/c/filesystem/etc/exim4/passwd.client
+ if [[ ! -e $f ]]; then
+ f=/p/c/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem/etc/exim4/passwd.client
+ fi
+ m sudo rsync -ahhi --chown=root:Debian-exim --chmod=0640 $f /etc/exim4/
## we use this host to monitor MAIL_HOST
+ # not l2 and not MAIL_HOST
- f=/p/c/filesystem/etc/exim4/passwd.client
- if [[ ! -e $f ]]; then
- f=/p/c/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem/etc/exim4/passwd.client
- fi
- sudo rsync -ahhi --chown=root:Debian-exim --chmod=0640 $f /etc/exim4/
# This ends up at alerts mailbox on MAIL_HOST, but using a user that doesn't exist elsewhere
# is no good.
e $old_shell sudo systemctl start btrbk.timer
m() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; "$@"; }
e() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; }
err() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')]: $pre: $*" >&2; }
+mexit() { echo "exiting with status $1"; exit $1; }
##### begin command line parsing ########
-o) mp_args="-m /o"; shift ;;
-h|--help) usage ;;
--) shift; break ;;
- *) echo "$0: Internal error! unexpected args: $*" ; exit 1 ;;
+ *) echo "$0: Internal error! unexpected args: $*" ; mexit 1 ;;
err invalid first argument
- exit 1
+ mexit 1
source /a/bin/bash_unpublished/source-state
if [[ $old_host != "$MAIL_HOST" ]]; then
- read -r -p "warning: \$old_host != \$MAIL_HOST: $old_host != $MAIL_HOST, proceed? y/N "
- if [[ $REPLY != [yY] ]]; then
- exit 1
- fi
+ e "WARNING: \$old_host != \$MAIL_HOST. Sleeping for 5 seconds in case you want to reconsider"
+ sleep 5
if [[ ! $new_host || ! $old_host ]]; then
echo "$0: bad args. see script"
- exit 1
+ mexit 1
e $new_shell hostname
# ipv6 i think.
+e Running initial btrbk
if ! m btrbk-run -v $bbk_args $mp_args; then
err "failed initial btrbk"
- exit $ret
+ mexit $ret
m $old_shell /a/exe/primary-setup $new_hostname
+e Running main btrbk
if ! m btrbk-run -v $bbk_args -m /o; then
bang="$(printf "$(tput setaf 5)█$(tput sgr0)%.0s" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)"
e $bang failed btrbk of /o. restoring old host as primary
m $old_shell /a/exe/primary-setup localhost
- exit $ret
+ mexit $ret
m $new_shell /a/exe/primary-setup localhost
+mexit 0