fix for emacs update, various improvements
[dot-emacs] /
1 #+title: My Personal Init Customization
2 #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil ^:nil
4 * python disabled due to long load time
5 todo: get smart-operator to work
6 todo, checkout refactoring python,
7 todo, try py-autopep8, autoformatter
8 todo, check out some python linting stuff. pychecker is one, others are in *packages*
9 todo, finish reading through python-mode.el functions
10 ;; todo, figure out multi-line input in shell mode
13 usefull m-x commands:
14 m-x py-describe-mode: doc for mode which is extensive
15 m-x py-sort-imports
16 m-x py-guess-indent-offset: setup indent for code i didn't write
18 possibly usefull commands:
19 found via looking through python-mode.el, quit like 1/4 through, cuz its tedious, last spot was at:
20 (defun py-comment-region (beg end &optional arg)
21 after finding py-describe-mode, it seemed to do a good job of documenting all the most important stuff
23 py-switch-to-python
24 python-shell-completion-complete-or-indent may be usefull to get completion working in the shell
25 py-insert-default-shebang
26 py-electric-*
27 py-indent-line-outmost
28 py-newline-and-close-block
29 py-indent-and-forward (indent line, move to next)
30 py-fill-*
31 py-which-function (for showing in the modeline)
32 py-help-at-point
33 py-execute-import-or-reload
34 py-execute-def-or-class
35 various pdb functions
38 installing jedi
39 #+begin_src sh :tangle no
40 pi python-pip
41 s pip install jedi virtualenv
42 #+end_src
43 then do m-x jedi:install-server
47 disabled because it takes 152 ms to load,
48 and I don't know how to do it conditioally
49 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
51 ;; change from default python3 to be compatibile with Pywikibot
52 (setq py-shell-name "/usr/bin/python")
53 (require 'python-mode)
55 (setq py-autopep8-options '("--max-line-length=110"))
57 (defun py-execute-block-or-clause-create-shell ()
58 (interactive)
59 (cond ((get-buffer "*Python*")
60 (py--execute-prepare "block-or-clause")
61 (py-execute-block-or-clause)
62 (call-interactively 'next-line))
63 (t
64 (py-shell)
65 ;; py-shell starts the shell but not display the buffer on the first run
66 ;; subsequent runs, it does. I grabbed this command from inside to
67 ;; do just the relevant part from the second run, as a hack.
68 ;; todo: report a bug on this
69 (py--shell-manage-windows py-buffer-name))))
70 (setq py-tab-shifts-region-p t)
71 (setq py-tab-indents-region-p t)
73 (defun py-run ()
74 "default action to run the current buffer"
75 (basic-save-buffer)
76 (py-execute-buffer))
79 (add-hook 'python-mode-hook
80 (lambda ()
81 (setq run-fun 'py-run)
82 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-a") nil)
83 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-d") nil)
84 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-e") nil)
85 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-h") nil)
86 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-i") nil)
87 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-u") nil)
88 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-x") nil)
89 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'indent-for-tab-command)
90 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-j") nil)
91 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<C-backspace>") nil)
92 ;;(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-(") (lambda () (interactive) (basic-save-buffer) (py-execute-buffer)))
93 ;; fix default return bindings
94 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-j") nil)
95 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "RET") nil)
96 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<return>") 'py-newline-and-indent)
97 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<M-tab>") 'py-indent-line)
98 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-(") 'py-shift-left)
99 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-)") 'py-shift-right)
100 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<home>") 'py-beginning-of-line)
101 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<end>") 'py-end-of-line)
102 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-t") 'py-execute-block-or-clause-create-shell)
103 (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "<S-delete>") 'py-ian-execute-line-or-region)
104 ;; python mode adds these to this list, which is normally empty.
105 ;; it makes my send-python function not reuse an existing python shell window
106 ;; there are other ways to override this, but I don't know of any other value of
107 ;; having this set.
108 (setq same-window-buffer-names (delete "*Python*" same-window-buffer-names))
109 (setq same-window-buffer-names (delete "*IPython*" same-window-buffer-names))))
111 ;; i dunno, why, but this didn't work:
112 ;; and we can't eval-after-load cuz it is part of the greater python mode file
113 (add-hook 'py-shell-hook
114 (lambda ()
115 (define-key py-shell-map "\r" nil)
116 (define-key py-shell-map (kbd "<return>") 'comint-send-input)
117 (define-key py-shell-map (kbd "C-t") 'py-shell-toggle-arrow-keys)
118 (define-key py-shell-map "\C-d" nil)
119 (define-key py-shell-map (kbd "<up>") 'my-comint-previous-input)
120 (define-key py-shell-map (kbd "<down>") 'my-comint-next-input)))
123 (defun py-ian-execute-line-or-region ()
124 (interactive)
125 (cond ((get-buffer "*Python*")
126 (if mark-active
127 (py-execute-region)
128 (py-execute-statement))
129 (call-interactively 'next-line))
130 (t (py-shell))))
132 ;;
133 (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup)
134 (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
136 (defun py-shell-toggle-arrow-keys ()
137 (interactive)
138 (toggle-arrow-keys py-shell-map))
140 #+end_src
143 ;; py-shell window stuff
144 ;; it splits the window if the shell is in a different frame
145 ;; which seems to be a bug, but it can be fixed with this option
146 ;; (setq py-keep-windows-configuration 'force)
147 ;; however, with py-execute-block-or-clause, if the shell is in a different frame,
148 ;; you get errors "buffer is read only", when the point is near the beginning of a command
149 ;; todo: test with emacs -Q and file a bug
150 ;; if you execute py-execute-... without a python shell open,
151 ;; it starts one, doesn't display it, and subsequent py-execute commands
152 ;; give error "buffer is read only"
153 ;; these functions fix / improve these problems
156 ** initial python-mode setup
158 python-mode seems to be the most canonical package, based on
160 much more feature rich than the emacs built in one.
162 getting it, it wants you to setup an account on launchpad by default,
163 there is some way to get anonymous bzr access, but google didn't answer it right away,
164 so fuck it, ill go the happy path.
166 based on error messages,
167 add public ssh key to
168 bzr launchpad-login iank
169 cd ~/.emacs.d/src/
170 bzr branch lp:python-mode
172 add lines from INSTALL to init
175 ** background on packages
176 jedi appears most popular based on github stats
177 pysmell appears dead
178 ac-python appears dead
179 seems to be kicking along
182 ** misc notes:
184 python-mode has a TON of functions that are just aliases or verbatim wrappers of other functions.
185 also has undocumented/unused vars all around. it is quite annoying.
187 the dedicated argument to py-shell does nothing,
188 and py-dedicated-shell just sets that, so it is a waste
191 ** background on sending to python shell
193 using the builtin python execute shell functions, sending one line doesn't really work well.
194 The bulit in functions don't wait for further input if a block is not closed.
195 And doing a copy/paste thing gets messed up because of indents.
196 With some hacking, I could probably do copy/paste and remove indents, only to a
197 certain level if we have entered a block and are waiting to finish it.
198 But just doing the builtin execute block is a decent work around.
201 Here is the scrapped function for single line built in sending to shell.
204 (setq w32-enable-num-lock nil)
205 (global-set-key (kbd "<num_lock>") 'left-char)
208 (defun sqlup-find-correct-keywords ()
209 "If emacs is handling the logic for syntax highlighting of SQL keywords, then we piggyback on top of that logic. If not, we use an sql-mode function to create a list of regular expressions and use that."
210 (mapcar 'car (sql-add-product-keywords sql-product '())))
213 largest subarray sum, array of pos and neg ints.
215 * disabled but saved for documentation purposes
217 :header-args: :tangle no
218 :END:
220 ** ido keybinds
221 *** C-j
222 ido-find-file create file
223 *** //]
224 ido goto root
225 *** C-k]
226 ido kill buffer/file
227 *** C-d]
228 ido open dired buffer
229 *** M-d]
230 ido search within all subdirectories
231 *** M-m]
232 ido create subdirectory
233 *** M-s]
234 ido search recently used directories
235 *** M-n/p]
236 ido next/previous recently used directory
237 *** C-s]
238 **** TODO implement this keybind, normally ctrl-space
239 ido use current pattern and start a new one
242 ** indent settings for git's perl code
243 don't have a way to set this automatically or a good place to put this
244 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
245 (setq
246 perl-indent-level 8
247 perl-continued-statement-offset 8
248 perl-continued-brace-offset -8
249 perl-brace-offset 0
250 perl-brace-imaginary-offset 0
251 indent-tabs-mode t
252 )
253 #+end_src
254 ** org mode website
256 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
257 ;; use org-publish-current-project with a project file open
258 (setq org-publish-project-alist
259 '(("org"
260 :base-directory "/a/h/src"
261 :publishing-directory "/a/h/output"
262 :base-extension "org"
263 ;;:publishing-function org-org-publish-to-org
264 :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
265 :preserve-breaks t
266 :html-postamble "Everything here is <a rel=\"license\"
267 href=\"\"><img
268 alt=\"Creative Commons License\" style=\"border-width:0\"
269 src=\"\" /></a>"
270 :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"
271 href=\"style.css\"
272 type=\"text/css\"/>"
273 :htmlized-source t)
274 ("othersrc"
275 :base-directory "/a/h/src"
276 :base-extension "css\\|el\\|"
277 :publishing-directory "/a/h/output"
278 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
279 ("other"
280 :base-directory "/a/h/other"
281 :base-extension ".*"
282 :publishing-directory "/a/h/output"
283 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)))
284 ;; default is xhtml-strict. don't really care, but this is more common
285 (setq org-html-doctype "html4-strict")
287 ;; this is needed for worg
288 ;; todo: for my own site, I need to define the css in a separate file
289 ;; in order to use this setting. see the variable help for info
290 (setq org-export-htmlize-output-type t)
293 #+end_src
295 ** bash-completion
296 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
297 ;; this eventually gets set in
298 ;; comint-dynamic-complete-functions
299 ;; (car comint-dynamic-complete-functions)
300 (autoload 'bash-completion-dynamic-complete "bash-completion"
301 "BASH completion hook")
302 (add-hook 'shell-dynamic-complete-functions
303 'bash-completion-dynamic-complete)
305 ;; this appears useless, but was in the recommended init code
306 (add-hook 'shell-command-complete-functions
307 'bash-completion-dynamic-complete)
309 (defun ac-rlc-setup-sources ()
310 "Add me to shell-mode-hook!"
311 (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-shell)))
312 (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ac-rlc-setup-sources)
314 #+end_src
316 ** misc stuff
317 It is an awesome mode for keyboard navigation.
318 However, using the mouse takes less thought and works as well
320 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
323 ;; whitespace-mode config. minimal for bad whitespace
324 ;(setq whitespace-line-column 80) ; for style of lines-tail, but I have it disabled
325 (setq whitespace-style '(face tabs empty trailing))
326 ;to enable whitespace mode
327 (whitespace-mode +1)
331 (defun org-set-mark-command (arg)
332 "Do set-mark-command and then org-show-context if the point
333 moves to invisible text."
334 (interactive "P")
335 (let ((initial-point (point)))
336 (setq this-command 'set-mark-command)
337 (set-mark-command (arg))
338 (if (and (not (= (point) initial-point))
339 (or (outline-invisible-p) (org-invisible-p2)))
340 (org-show-context 'mark-goto))))
342 (defun org-exchange-point-and-mark (&optional arg)
343 (interactive "P")
344 (let ((initial-point (point)))
345 (exchange-point-and-mark)
346 (if (and (not (= (point) initial-point))
347 (or (outline-invisible-p) (org-invisible-p2)))
348 (org-show-context 'mark-goto))))
351 (defun toggle-mode-line ()
352 "Toggle mode line on and off."
353 (interactive)
354 (if mode-line-format
355 (progn (setq my-saved-mode-line-format mode-line-format)
356 (setq mode-line-format nil))
357 (setq mode-line-format my-saved-mode-line-format))
358 (force-mode-line-update))
359 (toggle-mode-line)
360 (global-set-key (kbd "M-m") 'toggle-mode-line)
361 (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook
362 (lambda () (setq my-saved-mode-line-format mode-line-format)
363 (setq mode-line-format nil)))
366 #+end_src
368 ** Copy mode-line to the top
369 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
370 ;; Copy mode-line to the top
371 (setq-default header-line-format mode-line-format
372 mode-line-format nil)
373 ;; copied the mode-line theme into the header theme, else it is unreadable
374 ;; this goes after loading the theme
375 (let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89))))
376 (custom-theme-set-faces
377 'leuven
378 `(header-line ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#1A2F54") :foreground "#85CEEB" :background "#335EA8"))))))
380 #+end_src
382 ** tab bindings for when I wanted to make tab be for search
383 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
385 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") nil)
386 (define-key button-buffer-map "\t" nil)
387 (define-key button-buffer-map (kbd "f") 'forward-button)
388 (define-key Info-mode-map "\t" nil)
389 (define-key widget-keymap "\t" nil)
390 (define-key widget-keymap (kbd "<tab>") nil)
392 (add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook (lambda ()
393 (define-key compilation-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") nil)
394 (define-key compilation-mode-map "\t" nil)))
396 ;; unbind c-i for yas. it already separately binds <tab>
397 (add-hook 'yas-minor-mode-hook (lambda ()
398 (define-key yas-minor-mode-map "\t" nil)))
400 (add-hook 'haskell-interactive-mode-hook
401 (lambda ()
402 (define-key haskell-interactive-mode-map "\t" nil)
403 (define-key haskell-interactive-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'haskell-interactive-mode-tab)))
405 (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map "\t" nil)
406 (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map (kbd "<tab>") 'minibuffer-complete)
407 (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map (kbd "<tab>") 'minibuffer-complete)
408 (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "\t" 'minibuffer-complete)
410 (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook
411 (lambda()
412 (define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "<tab>") 'ido-complete)
413 (define-key ido-completion-map "\t" nil)))
415 #+end_src
417 ** kill buffer and window
418 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
419 (defun kill-buffer-and-window ()
420 "Close the current window and kill the buffer it's visiting."
421 (interactive)
422 (progn
423 (kill-buffer)
424 (delete-window)))
425 #+end_src
426 ** sending multiple commands to a comint buffer
427 without waiting for commands to finish is unreliable.
428 seems like 1 in 100 times, an invisible command to restore prompt didn't work
429 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
430 (setq shell-unset-prompt "unset PROMPT_COMMAND; unset PS1")
431 (setq shell-set-prompt "PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt_command")
433 (if (boundp 'shell-unset-prompt)
434 (send-invisible-string proc shell-unset-prompt))
435 (if (boundp 'shell-set-prompt)
436 (send-invisible-string proc shell-set-prompt))
439 (defun send-invisible-string (proc string)
440 "Like send-invisible, but non-interactive"
441 (comint-snapshot-last-prompt)
442 (funcall comint-input-sender proc string))
444 #+end_src
449 ** org-mode auto-complete source
451 todo, someday take a look at this. it is broken.
453 ;(defvar ac-source-eshell-pcomplete
454 ; '((candidates . (pcomplete-completions))))
455 ;(defun ac-complete-eshell-pcomplete ()
456 ; (interactive)
457 ; (auto-complete '(ac-source-eshell-pcomplete)))
459 ;(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (setq ac-sources (cons 'ac-source-eshell-pcomplete ac-sources))))
460 ;(add-to-list 'ac-modes 'eshell-mode)
463 ** gnus nice unicode
466 this looks nice, but it lags gnus just a bit
467 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
469 (defun gnus-pretty-chars-setup ()
470 (when window-system
471 (setq gnus-sum-thread-tree-indent " "
472 gnus-sum-thread-tree-root "● "
473 gnus-sum-thread-tree-false-root "◯ "
474 gnus-sum-thread-tree-single-indent "◎ "
475 gnus-sum-thread-tree-leaf-with-other "├─► "
476 gnus-sum-thread-tree-vertical "│"
477 gnus-sum-thread-tree-single-leaf "╰─► ")))
478 ;; dunno why, but this didn't work just setting on startup
479 (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'gnus-pretty-chars-setup)
481 #+end_src
483 ** misc
484 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
486 ;; this makes more ergonomic sense, since our eyes are mostly on the left,
487 ;; but after using it a while, it's too much cognitive dissonance that
488 ;; every other program has it on the right
489 ;;(set-scroll-bar-mode 'left)
493 ; todo, is this require things necessary?
494 ; (require 'flyspell)
498 ; whenever M-tab is completion, swap it with tab
499 ;(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'completion-at-point)
500 ;(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "C-M-i") 'indent-for-tab-command)
501 ;(define-key lisp-interaction-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'completion-at-point)
502 ;(define-key lisp-interaction-mode-map (kbd "C-M-i") 'indent-for-tab-command)
503 ;the global tab keyind. for some reason this totally screws up mini-buffer tab.
504 ; disabled until I actually find myself using this, and find a fix for the above problem
505 ;(global-set-key (kbd "<tab>") 'complete-symbol)
508 ; todo, make my custom overlays have an underline if they are
509 ; overriding a paren matching overlay
510 ; make right click set the mark
511 ; make search tab do completion instead of meta-tab
512 ; in isearch, move C-y to C-v
513 ; in isearch, move c-s to c-f
515 ; some testing to figure out the underlining when paren highlight conflicts
516 ; (let ((extra-overlays (overlays-at (1+ end-point))))
517 ; (when extra-overlays (print extra-overlays)))
522 ; commented out because it messes up yank-pop.
523 ; todo, fix it someday
524 ; make yank linewise if it ends in a newline
525 ;(defadvice yank (before linewise-yank-advice activate)
526 ; (let ((arg (ad-get-arg 0)))
527 ; (when (string-match "\n[ \t]*$" (current-kill (cond
528 ;; ((listp arg) 0)
529 ;; ((eq arg '-) -2)
530 ;; (t (1- arg))) t))
531 ;; (move-beginning-of-line nil))))
535 ; todo, look into augmenting auto-complete with hippie expand.
536 ; starter kit has some hippie expand settings to look into:
537 ; (when (boundp 'hippie-expand-try-functions-list)
538 ; (delete 'try-expand-line hippie-expand-try-functions-list)
539 ; (delete 'try-expand-list hippie-expand-try-functions-list))
542 ;; hippie expand is dabbrev expand on steroids
543 ;(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list '(try-expand-dabbrev
544 ; try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers
545 ; try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill
546 ; try-complete-file-name-partially
547 ; try-complete-file-name
548 ; try-expand-all-abbrevs
549 ; try-expand-list
550 ; try-expand-line
551 ; try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially
552 ; try-complete-lisp-symbol))
553 ;; use hippie-expand instead of dabbrev
554 ;(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'hippie-expand)
557 ; commented because i haven't had time to check it out yet
558 ;; shorter aliases for ack-and-a-half commands
559 ;(defalias 'ack 'ack-and-a-half)
560 ;(defalias 'ack-same 'ack-and-a-half-same)
561 ;(defalias 'ack-find-file 'ack-and-a-half-find-file)
562 ;(defalias 'ack-find-file-same 'ack-and-a-half-find-file-same)
567 ; todo. take a look at fixing this
568 ;delete-old-versions t ; fix description in
573 ;; prelude uses paredit mode.
574 ;; paredit has some useful stuff but also annoying stuff.
575 ;; if I ever do a ton of lisp coding, I should look into it
582 ; random notes and example code
585 ; usefull thing
586 ;(map 'list #'list tabSwapKeys (reverse (getBinds tabSwapKeys)))
588 ; example of getting keymap info
589 ;(car (car (minor-mode-key-binding (kbd "C-/") t)))
590 ;(cdr (car (minor-mode-key-binding (kbd "C-/") t)))
591 ;(global-key-binding (kbd "C-M-i") t)
592 ;(minor-mode-key-binding (kbd "<tab>") t)
593 ;(local-key-binding (kbd "C-M-i") t)
594 ;(current-minor-mode-maps)
595 ;(cdr (assq 'undo-tree-mode minor-mode-map-alist))
598 ; center on incremental search, instead of being at top or bottom of screen.
599 ; i'm hoping that setting Isearch Allow Scroll is good enough to fix this annoyance
600 ;from
602 ;example of constant definition of an overlay and propreries
603 ;(defface mouse-flash-position '((t (:background "Yellow")))
604 ; "*Face used to highlight mouse position temporarily."
605 ; :group 'mouse)
606 ;(defface mouse-flash-position '((t (:background "Yellow")))
607 ; "*Face used to highlight mouse position temporarily."
608 ; :group 'mouse)
609 ;(defconst mouse-flash-posn-overlay
610 ; ;; Create and immediately delete, to get "overlay in no buffer".
611 ; (let ((ol (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max))))
612 ; ;(delete-overlay ol)
613 ; ;(overlay-put ol 'face 'mouse-flash-position)
614 ; (overlay-put ol 'mouse-face 'mouse-flash-position)
615 ; (overlay-put ol 'priority 1000000)
616 ; ol)
617 ; "Overlay to highlight current mouse position.")
620 ;tip, put the last interactive command as elisp on the kill ring:
621 ;C-x <ESC> <ESC> C-a C-k C-g
623 ; example of overlay testing
624 ;(setq foo (make-overlay 2 3 nil t nil))
625 ;(setq foo2 (make-overlay 3 4 nil t nil))
626 ;(overlay-put foo 'face '(:background "red3" :foreground "black"))
627 ;(overlay-put foo2 'face '(:background "red1" :foreground "black"))
628 ;(overlay-put foo 'face 'visible-mark-face)
629 ;(overlay-put foo 'face visible-mark-face2)
632 #+end_src
635 ** SQL
637 disabled, as I haven't used it in a long time. I think it was good for learning some sql stuff.
638 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
639 (require 'sqlup-mode)
640 (add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode)
641 (add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode)
643 (setq sql-product 'postgres)
644 #+end_src
647 ** icomplete
648 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
649 ;; without this, on partial completion return would exit the minibuffer, and i had to
650 ;; keep typing out letters do a full completion before pressing enter.
651 ;; super annoying. So I picked ctrl-j as a free key to put exit,
652 ;; but in practice, I would just use ctrl-g to quit. Anyways,
653 ;; ivy is doing all the minibuffer stuff, so removed this as it's
654 ;; unused, so it can't cause any problems in future
655 (when (boundp 'icomplete-minibuffer-map)
656 (define-key icomplete-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-j") 'exit-minibuffer)
657 (define-key icomplete-minibuffer-map (kbd "<return>")
658 'minibuffer-force-complete-and-exit))
661 #+end_src
663 ** java eclim
665 based on
668 eclim: eclipse completion, searching, validation, etc inside emacs
669 install:
670 cd ~/opt
671 git clone git://
672 cd eclim
673 pi ant
674 ant -Declipse.home=/a/opt/eclipse
677 currently makes emacs hang a bunch. dunno why. just using eclipse instead
678 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
679 (require 'eclim)
680 (global-eclim-mode)
682 ;; just do java
683 (setq eclim-accepted-file-regexps
684 '("\\.java"))
686 (custom-set-variables
687 '(eclim-eclipse-dirs '("/a/opt/eclipse"))
688 '(eclim-executable "/a/opt/eclipse/eclim"))
690 (setq help-at-pt-display-when-idle t)
691 (setq help-at-pt-timer-delay 0.1)
692 (help-at-pt-set-timer)
694 ;; dunno if this line is needed
695 (require 'eclimd)
696 (setq eclimd-default-workspace "/a/bin/eclipse-workspace")
698 ;;add the emacs-eclim source
699 (require 'ac-emacs-eclim-source)
700 (add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'ac-emacs-eclim-java-setup)
702 #+end_src
704 #+RESULTS:
705 | ac-emacs-eclim-java-setup |
709 * broken & disabled mouse stuff
711 all mouse stuff disabled till i have time to figure it out again.
712 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
713 (defun xterm-mouse-translate-1 (&optional extension)
714 (save-excursion
715 (let* ((event (xterm-mouse-event extension))
716 (ev-command (nth 0 event))
717 (ev-data (nth 1 event))
718 (ev-where (nth 1 ev-data))
719 (vec (vector event))
720 (is-down (string-match "down-" (symbol-name ev-command))))
722 (cond
723 ((null event) nil) ;Unknown/bogus byte sequence!
724 (is-down
725 (setf (terminal-parameter nil 'xterm-mouse-last-down) event)
726 vec)
727 (t
728 (let* ((down (terminal-parameter nil 'xterm-mouse-last-down))
729 (down-data (nth 1 down))
730 (down-where (nth 1 down-data)))
731 (setf (terminal-parameter nil 'xterm-mouse-last-down) nil)
732 (cond
733 ((null down)
734 ;; This is an "up-only" event. Pretend there was an up-event
735 ;; right before and keep the up-event for later.
736 (push event unread-command-events)
737 (vector (cons (intern (replace-regexp-in-string
738 "\\`\\([ACMHSs]-\\)*" "\\&down-"
739 (symbol-name ev-command) t))
740 (cdr event))))
741 ((equal ev-where down-where) vec)
742 (t
743 (let ((drag (if (symbolp ev-where)
744 0 ;FIXME: Why?!?
745 (list (intern (replace-regexp-in-string
746 "\\`\\([ACMHSs]-\\)*" "\\&drag-"
747 (symbol-name ev-command) t))
748 down-data ev-data))))
749 (if (null track-mouse)
750 (vector drag)
751 (push drag unread-command-events)
752 (vector (list 'mouse-movement ev-data))))))))))))
754 #+end_src
757 ** cursor highlight
758 disabled until fixed
759 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
760 (defun mouse-follow-cursor ()
761 ;(if (not (equal this-command last-command)) (print this-command))
762 ;debug
763 ; (print this-command)
764 (when (and this-command (not (string= this-command "show-pointer")))
765 (let* ((pos (posn-col-row (posn-at-point)))
766 (x (1+ (car pos))) ; no idea why this is off by 1
767 (y (cdr pos)))
768 (setq ignore-mouse-visibility t)
769 (set-mouse-position (selected-frame) x y))
770 ;(sleep-for 0 100)
771 (frame-make-pointer-invisible)))
773 ; (when this-command
774 ; (if (string= this-command "show-pointer")
775 ; (frame-make-pointer-visible)
776 ;))
780 (defun show-pointer ()
781 (interactive)
782 (if ignore-mouse-visibility
783 (setq ignore-mouse-visibility nil)
784 ; (print "visible")
785 (frame-make-pointer-visible)))
787 (setq ignore-mouse-visibility t)
788 ; disabled
789 ; (global-set-key (kbd "<mouse-movement>") 'show-pointer)
791 ; (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'mouse-follow-cursor t)
794 ; status. working, except that all scroll wheel actions send a mouse-movement command before doing their actual command, which makes the pointer flicker.
795 ; this is just an artifact of xbindkeys. when i do my own mouse chip, it will fix this.
797 ; we could set track-mouse to nil, then do the command, then set it back. i like that idea a bit better.
798 ; we could do the same thing in the other case of ignore-mouse-visibility.
800 ; there are also other issues, it doesn't work with changing buffers on a split screen.
801 ; i think a good idea along with this would be for the cursor to follow the mouse all the time.
802 ; i have done code for that in my mouse 1 function,
803 ; i just need to read it again and try it out.
808 ; this does not take care of scrolling,
809 ; a post-command hook function below does,
810 ; but it breaks when the frame is split.
811 ; the bug is specifically in mouse-pixel-position
812 ; todo, fix this eventually
813 (defun mouse-highlight-event (event)
814 (interactive "e")
815 (when (or (not event) (mouse-movement-p event)
816 (memq (car-safe event) '(switch-frame select-window)))
817 (let ((pos (posn-point (event-end event))))
818 (if (eq (overlay-buffer mouse-hi-ov) (current-buffer))
819 (move-overlay mouse-hi-ov pos (1+ pos))
820 (delete-overlay mouse-hi-ov)
821 (setq mouse-hi-ov
822 (make-overlay pos (1+ pos)))
823 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov
824 'insert-in-front-hooks (list 'mouse-hi-modification))
825 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'priority 1001))
826 (cond ((save-excursion (goto-char pos) (eolp))
827 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'face nil)
828 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'before-string
829 (propertize
830 " "
831 'cursor t
832 'face 'mouse-cursor-face)))
833 (t
834 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'face 'mouse-cursor-face)
835 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'before-string nil))))))
838 ; overlay changed hook function
839 (defun mouse-hi-modification (ov timing beginning end &optional length)
840 "Make an overlay of length 1 not expand when text is inserted at the front."
841 (when timing
842 (let ((start (overlay-start ov)))
843 (move-overlay ov start (1+ start)))))
848 (defun mouse-hi-command-hook ()
849 ; not sure if I need to deal with case of a nil mouse position in some unforseen situation.
850 (let ((x-y (cdr (mouse-pixel-position))))
851 (when (wholenump (car x-y))
852 (let ((pos (posn-point (posn-at-x-y (car x-y) (cdr x-y) nil t))))
853 (when pos
854 (if (eq (overlay-buffer mouse-hi-ov) (current-buffer))
855 (move-overlay mouse-hi-ov pos (1+ pos))
856 (delete-overlay mouse-hi-ov)
857 (setq mouse-hi-ov
858 (make-overlay pos (1+ pos)))
860 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'priority 1001))
861 (cond ((save-excursion (goto-char pos) (eolp))
863 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'face nil)
864 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'before-string
865 (propertize
866 " "
867 'cursor t
868 'face 'mouse-cursor-face)))
869 (t
870 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'face 'mouse-cursor-face)
871 (overlay-put mouse-hi-ov 'before-string nil))))))))
872 ; (pcase-let ((`(,_ ,x . ,y) (mouse-pixel-position)))
873 ; (posn-point (posn-at-x-y x y)))))
874 ; equivalent of above to find pos. todo, learn about the above syntax
876 (setq mouse-hi-ov (make-overlay 1 1))
877 (delete-overlay mouse-hi-ov)
878 ; initialized overlay
879 ; temporarily set to nil instead of t because it is broken and
880 ; also has a bug that makes emacs not remember the column when
881 ; doing up and down movements.
882 ; it also messes up yas/insert-snippet, dunno why.
883 ; i should test out whether it is something in the post-command hook
884 ; (setq track-mouse t)
885 ;(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'mouse-hi-command-hook)
887 ;(mouse-hi-command-hook)
888 ;(setq debug-on-error nil)
890 #+end_src
891 ** mouse 1 drag func
893 disabled as it breaks in newer emacs versions with this error, when
894 clicking on info links
896 "and: Symbol's function definition is void: mouse--remap-link-click-p"
898 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
900 ; Copied from mouse.el and modified.
901 ; my modifications have comments prefaced by "ian"
902 (defun mouse-drag-track (start-event &optional
903 do-mouse-drag-region-post-process)
904 "Track mouse drags by highlighting area between point and cursor.
905 The region will be defined with mark and point.
906 DO-MOUSE-DRAG-REGION-POST-PROCESS should only be used by
907 `mouse-drag-region'."
908 (mouse-minibuffer-check start-event)
909 (setq mouse-selection-click-count-buffer (current-buffer))
910 ; ian. removed as unneeded since I don't use TMM
911 ;(deactivate-mark)
912 (let* ((scroll-margin 0) ; Avoid margin scrolling (Bug#9541).
913 (original-window (selected-window))
914 ;; We've recorded what we needed from the current buffer and
915 ;; window, now let's jump to the place of the event, where things
916 ;; are happening.
917 (_ (mouse-set-point start-event))
918 (echo-keystrokes 0)
919 (start-posn (event-start start-event))
920 (start-point (posn-point start-posn))
921 (start-window (posn-window start-posn))
922 (start-window-start (window-start start-window))
923 (start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
924 (bounds (window-edges start-window))
925 (make-cursor-line-fully-visible nil)
926 (top (nth 1 bounds))
927 (bottom (if (window-minibuffer-p start-window)
928 (nth 3 bounds)
929 ;; Don't count the mode line.
930 (1- (nth 3 bounds))))
931 (on-link (and mouse-1-click-follows-link
932 ;; Use start-point before the intangibility
933 ;; treatment, in case we click on a link inside
934 ;; intangible text.
935 (mouse-on-link-p start-posn)))
936 (click-count (1- (event-click-count start-event)))
937 (remap-double-click (and on-link
938 (eq mouse-1-click-follows-link 'double)
939 (= click-count 1)))
940 ;; Suppress automatic hscrolling, because that is a nuisance
941 ;; when setting point near the right fringe (but see below).
942 (auto-hscroll-mode-saved auto-hscroll-mode)
943 (auto-hscroll-mode nil)
944 moved-off-start event end end-point)
946 (setq mouse-selection-click-count click-count)
947 ;; In case the down click is in the middle of some intangible text,
948 ;; use the end of that text, and put it in START-POINT.
949 (if (< (point) start-point)
950 (goto-char start-point))
951 (setq start-point (point))
952 (if remap-double-click
953 (setq click-count 0))
955 ;; Activate the region, using `mouse-start-end' to determine where
956 ;; to put point and mark (e.g., double-click will select a word).
957 (setq transient-mark-mode
958 (if (eq transient-mark-mode 'lambda)
959 '(only)
960 (cons 'only transient-mark-mode)))
961 (delete-overlay mouse-hi-ov) ; ian, added this.
963 (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point start-point click-count)))
964 (push-mark (nth 0 range) t t)
965 (goto-char (nth 1 range)))
967 ;; Track the mouse until we get a non-movement event.
968 (track-mouse
969 (while (progn
970 (setq event (read-event))
971 (or (mouse-movement-p event)
972 (memq (car-safe event) '(switch-frame select-window))))
973 (unless (memq (car-safe event) '(switch-frame select-window))
974 ;; Automatic hscrolling did not occur during the call to
975 ;; `read-event'; but if the user subsequently drags the
976 ;; mouse, go ahead and hscroll.
977 (let ((auto-hscroll-mode auto-hscroll-mode-saved))
978 (redisplay))
979 (setq end (event-end event)
980 end-point (posn-point end))
981 ;; Note whether the mouse has left the starting position.
982 (unless (eq end-point start-point)
983 (setq moved-off-start t))
984 (if (and (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
985 (integer-or-marker-p end-point))
986 (mouse--drag-set-mark-and-point start-point
987 end-point click-count)
988 (let ((mouse-row (cdr (cdr (mouse-position)))))
989 (cond
990 ((null mouse-row))
991 ((< mouse-row top)
992 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (- mouse-row top)
993 nil start-point))
994 ((>= mouse-row bottom)
995 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (1+ (- mouse-row bottom))
996 nil start-point))))))
997 (visible-mark-move-overlays))) ; ian, added this
1000 ;; Handle the terminating event if possible.
1001 (when (consp event)
1002 ;; Ensure that point is on the end of the last event.
1003 (when (and (setq end-point (posn-point (event-end event)))
1004 (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
1005 (integer-or-marker-p end-point)
1006 (/= start-point end-point))
1007 (mouse--drag-set-mark-and-point start-point
1008 end-point click-count))
1010 ;; Find its binding.
1011 (let* ((fun (key-binding (vector (car event))))
1012 (do-multi-click (and (> (event-click-count event) 0)
1013 (functionp fun)
1014 (not (memq fun '(mouse-set-point
1015 mouse-set-region))))))
1016 (if (and (/= (mark) (point))
1017 (not do-multi-click))
1019 ;; If point has moved, finish the drag.
1020 (let* (last-command this-command)
1021 (and mouse-drag-copy-region
1022 do-mouse-drag-region-post-process
1023 (let (deactivate-mark)
1024 (copy-region-as-kill (mark) (point)))))
1026 ;; Otherwise, run binding of terminating up-event.
1027 (if do-multi-click
1028 (goto-char start-point)
1029 (deactivate-mark)
1030 (unless moved-off-start
1031 ;; ian: poping the mark is a poor choice of behavior.
1032 ;; we should delete the mark instead.
1033 ;; The first way I found to delete it is to pop it first
1034 (pop-mark)
1035 (setq mark-ring (nbutlast mark-ring))))
1037 (when (and (functionp fun)
1038 (= start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
1039 ;; Don't run the up-event handler if the window
1040 ;; start changed in a redisplay after the
1041 ;; mouse-set-point for the down-mouse event at
1042 ;; the beginning of this function. When the
1043 ;; window start has changed, the up-mouse event
1044 ;; contains a different position due to the new
1045 ;; window contents, and point is set again.
1046 (or end-point
1047 (= (window-start start-window)
1048 start-window-start)))
1050 (when (and on-link
1051 (= start-point (point))
1052 (mouse--remap-link-click-p start-event event))
1054 ;; If we rebind to mouse-2, reselect previous selected
1055 ;; window, so that the mouse-2 event runs in the same
1056 ;; situation as if user had clicked it directly. Fixes
1057 ;; the bug reported by on 2005-12-27.
1058 (if (or (vectorp on-link) (stringp on-link))
1059 (setq event (aref on-link 0))
1060 (select-window original-window)
1061 (setcar event 'mouse-2)
1062 ;; If this mouse click has never been done by the
1063 ;; user, it doesn't have the necessary property to be
1064 ;; interpreted correctly.
1065 (put 'mouse-2 'event-kind 'mouse-click)))
1066 (push event unread-command-events)))))))
1067 #+end_src
1069 ** mouse 3
1070 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
1073 (defun mouse3-range-mark (start click click-count)
1074 (let* ((range (mouse-start-end start click click-count))
1075 (beg (nth 0 range))
1076 (end (nth 1 range)))
1077 (cond ((<= click start)
1078 (set-mark beg))
1079 (t
1080 (set-mark end))))
1081 (visible-mark-move-overlays))
1084 (defun mouse3-set-mark (event)
1085 "in development"
1086 (interactive "e")
1087 (mouse-minibuffer-check event)
1088 ;; Use event-end in case called from mouse-drag-region.
1089 ;; If EVENT is a click, event-end and event-start give same value.
1090 (set-mark (posn-point (event-end event)))
1091 (visible-mark-move-overlays))
1094 (defun mouse3-func (start-event)
1095 "in development"
1096 (interactive "e")
1098 (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
1100 (mouse-minibuffer-check start-event)
1101 (setq mouse-selection-click-count-buffer (current-buffer))
1102 (push-mark (posn-point (event-end start-event)))
1104 (let* ((scroll-margin 0) ; Avoid margin scrolling (Bug#9541).
1105 (original-window (selected-window))
1106 ;; We've recorded what we needed from the current buffer and
1107 ;; window, now let's jump to the place of the event, where things
1108 ;; are happening.
1109 ;(_ (mouse-set-point start-event)) ; ian: commented, replaced
1110 (echo-keystrokes 0)
1111 (start-posn (event-start start-event))
1112 (start-point (posn-point start-posn))
1113 (start-window (posn-window start-posn))
1114 (start-window-start (window-start start-window))
1115 (start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
1116 (bounds (window-edges start-window))
1117 (make-cursor-line-fully-visible nil)
1118 (top (nth 1 bounds))
1119 (bottom (if (window-minibuffer-p start-window)
1120 (nth 3 bounds)
1121 ;; Don't count the mode line.
1122 (1- (nth 3 bounds))))
1123 (click-count (1- (event-click-count start-event)))
1124 ;; Suppress automatic hscrolling, because that is a nuisance
1125 ;; when setting point near the right fringe (but see below).
1126 (auto-hscroll-mode-saved auto-hscroll-mode)
1127 (auto-hscroll-mode nil)
1128 moved-off-start event end end-point)
1130 (setq mouse-selection-click-count click-count)
1131 ;; In case the down click is in the middle of some intangible text,
1132 ;; use the end of that text, and put it in START-POINT.
1133 (if (< (mark) start-point) ; ian: change point to the mark
1134 (set-mark start-point)
1135 (visible-mark-move-overlays))
1136 (setq start-point (mark))
1138 (delete-overlay mouse-hi-ov) ; ian, added this.
1140 ;; Activate the region, using `mouse-start-end' to determine where
1141 ;; to put point and mark (e.g., double-click will select a word).
1142 (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point start-point click-count)))
1143 (set-mark (nth 1 range)))
1144 (visible-mark-move-overlays)
1147 ;; Track the mouse until we get a non-movement event.
1148 (track-mouse
1150 (while (progn
1151 (setq event (read-event))
1152 (or (mouse-movement-p event)
1153 (memq (car-safe event) '(switch-frame select-window))))
1154 (unless (memq (car-safe event) '(switch-frame select-window))
1156 ;; Automatic hscrolling did not occur during the call to
1157 ;; `read-event'; but if the user subsequently drags the
1158 ;; mouse, go ahead and hscroll.
1159 (let ((auto-hscroll-mode auto-hscroll-mode-saved))
1160 (redisplay))
1161 (setq end (event-end event)
1162 end-point (posn-point end))
1163 ;; Note whether the mouse has left the starting position.
1165 (unless (eq end-point start-point)
1166 (setq moved-off-start t))
1167 (if (and (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
1168 (integer-or-marker-p end-point))
1169 (mouse3-range-mark start-point end-point click-count); ian, set mark
1171 ; do scrolling if needed
1172 (let ((mouse-row (cdr (cdr (mouse-position)))))
1173 (cond
1174 ((null mouse-row))
1175 ((< mouse-row top)
1176 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (- mouse-row top)
1177 nil start-point))
1178 ((>= mouse-row bottom)
1179 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (1+ (- mouse-row bottom))
1180 nil start-point))))))))
1182 ;; Handle the terminating event if possible.
1183 (when (consp event)
1184 ;; Ensure that point is on the end of the last event.
1185 (when (and (setq end-point (posn-point (event-end event)))
1186 (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
1187 (integer-or-marker-p end-point)
1188 (/= start-point end-point))
1189 ;(mouse--drag-set-mark-and-point start-point ; ian, set mark
1190 ;end-point click-count))
1191 (mouse3-range-mark start-point end-point click-count)); ian, set mark
1193 ;; Find its binding.
1194 (let* ((fun (key-binding (vector (car event))))
1195 (do-multi-click (and (> (event-click-count event) 0)
1196 (functionp fun)
1197 (not (memq fun '(mouse3-set-mark))))))
1198 (if (and (/= end-point start-point)
1199 (not do-multi-click))
1201 ;; If point has moved, finish the drag.
1202 (let* (last-command this-command)
1203 (and mouse-drag-copy-region
1204 do-mouse-drag-region-post-process
1205 (let (deactivate-mark)
1206 (copy-region-as-kill (mark) (point)))))
1208 ;; Otherwise, run binding of terminating up-event.
1209 (when do-multi-click
1210 (set-mark start-point)) ; ian, change this. why?
1211 (visible-mark-move-overlays)
1214 (when (and (functionp fun)
1215 (= start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
1216 ;; Don't run the up-event handler if the window
1217 ;; start changed in a redisplay after the
1218 ;; mouse-set-point for the down-mouse event at
1219 ;; the beginning of this function. When the
1220 ;; window start has changed, the up-mouse event
1221 ;; contains a different position due to the new
1222 ;; window contents, and point is set again.
1223 (or end-point
1224 (= (window-start start-window)
1225 start-window-start)))
1227 (push event unread-command-events)))))))
1229 #+end_src
1235 * disabled planning to fix
1236 ** speedbar
1237 (sr-speedbar-close)
1238 (sr-speedbar-open)
1240 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
1241 (require 'sr-speedbar)
1242 (setq speedbar-hide-button-brackets-flag t ;; didn't notice a diff
1243 speedbar-file-unshown-regexp "flycheck-.*"
1244 sr-speedbar-width 40
1245 sr-speedbar-width-x 40
1246 sr-speedbar-auto-refresh nil
1247 sr-speedbar-skip-other-window-p t
1248 sr-speedbar-right-side nil
1249 speedbar-hide-button-brackets-flag nil)
1250 #+end_src
1252 * TODO look into session saving
1253 * TODO investigate modes i had installed, but removed due to not using:
1254 inf-ruby
1255 jedi
1256 key-chord
1257 paredit
1258 python-info
1259 rust-mode
1260 python-mode
1261 tabulated-list
1262 python-environment
1263 popup
1264 transient
1265 lv
1266 outorg
1267 ac-haskell-process
1268 ghc
1270 * TODO in init.el, use (expand-file-name "myinit.el" init-dir) instead of ~/.emacs.d
1271 so it could be relocated
1272 * TODO fix auto save to be reliable and not rely on idle time
1273 sometimes emacs or computer stays busy and idle never comes
1274 * TODO try out which key mode
1275 * TODO make installed emacs package declarative
1276 * TODO see if there are more cool functions in sh-script
1277 like sh-cd-here, and bind that to a key
1278 * TODO assign a key to append-next-kill
1279 * TODO keybinds to remember
1281 keys worth memorizing
1283 c-2
1284 c-m-3
1286 s-return
1288 in isearch, C-o
1289 isearch-occur
1291 org, C-c / t
1292 make just todo items visible
1294 C-mouse-1
1295 buffer list menu
1297 C-up/down
1298 move up/down fast
1300 M-right-scroll
1301 forward/back sexp
1303 C-M-right-scroll
1304 scroll
1306 C-S-scroll
1307 change text size
1309 how to control+left scroll on kinesis
1310 right shift = control
1312 C-left-scroll
1313 forward/backward word
1315 C-M-d
1316 swap buffers across windows
1318 shell-cd-to-file
1319 M-2
1321 * TODO add simpler keybind for make-frame-command
1322 current one is C-x 5 2.
1324 * TODO learn some more ivy mode stuff
1325 * TODO declarative package installations,
1326 with documentation.
1327 * TODO shell mode reverse search hides 2nd+ line of multi-line result
1328 * TODO figure out browsing files with broken nfs mount
1329 causes emacs to freeze until I kill -9 it.
1330 * TODO make a keybind to print var under cursor
1331 and actually, putting the start of it in th emodeline might be cool
1332 * TODO make recent files save periodically,
1333 normally it just saves on exit, but half the time I don't exit cleanly
1334 so they don't get saved, because I leave emacs running until it crashes
1335 * TODO fix undo tree outside visible buffer bug
1336 * TODO c-<delete> in shell mode should send over
1337 previous line if current line is empty
1338 * TODO make c-m-s be just a control key for easier use
1339 * TODO try out avy mode for laptop
1340 i used to have ace jump mode, but google says avy is better.
1341 * TODO bind a in group mode of gnus to c-u a,
1342 also, make a default for number of articles
1343 * TODO make auto-complete be on by default in sql-mode
1344 * TODO make an easy bind for open previous buffer
1345 * TODO i think my autosave for sudo-edit might be too fast
1346 it sometimes leaves #_asdfjasdf files littered
1347 * TODO readline-compleste doesn't work when you cat a file without a newline,
1348 and so the prompt is messed up. not sure exactly what needs to be in end, or if its anything
1349 * TODO figure out how to paste a path into find file
1350 probably have to use the old kind of find file
1351 * TODO readline-complete doesn't escape special chars in filenames
1352 * TODO readline-complete dev
1356 ** misc fixes
1358 bad code, the comment this relates to was removed, but not the comment
1359 /* If waiting for this channel, arrange to return as
1360 soon as no more input to be processed. No more
1361 waiting. */
1364 (status_notify): New arg WAIT_PROC. this is unused, this is a bug.
1365 The change in status_notify's return is just passing more information
1366 from what it did already. No changes at all inside this function.
1368 * TODO consider whether to bind indent-for-tab-command
1369 I removed it from m-tab for terminal compatibility.
1370 It's the default tab command, which yasnippet replaces.
1371 * TODO readline-complete: remove the hardcoded rlc-no-readline-hook
1372 * TODO isearch doesn't automatically wrap in info
1373 * TODO look into fixing shell mode reverse search
1374 and why auto-complete dies
1375 caveat is that it doesn't work well with certain unusual prompts, for example if $/# is not used at the end
1376 see if we can load history, or reverse search with history commands
1377 * TODO keybinds for s-delete/tab etc
1378 * TODO fix bbdb info packaging in melpa
1379 * TODO figure out why my emacs startup script doesn't work from dmenu
1380 * TODO post idea to make customize group show function var names so we can read doc strings
1381 * TODO report/fix bug that kill-whole-line doesn't work right with append kill
1382 * TODO make bash keybind for copy paste interoperate with x windows
1383 * TODO fix org stderr redirection
1384 make this produce output of "ok"
1385 #+begin_src sh
1386 echo ok >&2
1388 #+end_src
1389 * TODO make ido keybinds better
1390 * TODO fix indenting in org
1392 (defun my-org-indent-region (start end)
1393 "Indent region."
1394 (interactive "r")
1395 (save-excursion
1396 (let ((line-end (org-current-line end)))
1397 (goto-char start)
1398 (while (< (org-current-line) line-end)
1399 (cond ((org-in-src-block-p) (org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer (indent-according-to-mode)))
1400 (t (call-interactively 'org-indent-line)))
1401 (move-beginning-of-line 2)))))
1405 org-indent-region is broken for source blocks
1406 the above function works, but has several problems.
1407 first: it should not have separate logic from org-indent-line
1408 second: it runs way too slow, mainly the command
1409 (org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer (indent-according-to-mode)))
1412 * TODO figure out newline in prompt shell issue
1413 setting this before readline-complete is loaded allows completion to work,
1414 but auto-completion still fails. Need to debug readline-complete to figure this out.
1415 (setq shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>]*[#$]\n")
1416 * TODO setup bind for find tag / lisp function at point
1418 * TODO org-delete-char should also work for the delete/backspace keys!
1419 fix and send patch
1421 * TODO checkout projectile / graphene's project settings
1423 * TODO check up on recent changes to 3rd party default configs
1424 - last checked apr 24
1427 last checked mayish
1429 - redefined mouse functions from this file
1431 * TODO figure out how to setup emacs to format text nicely like thunderbird
1432 * TODO it appears impossible make C-[ not be the same as escape
1433 * TODO movement within info buffer after opening a link doesn't cancel isearch
1434 leads to many frustrations
1435 * TODO fix org resolve clock message. it is innacurate
1436 i is not the same, becuase it does not make org realize there is an active clock
1438 * TODO add apropos commands to help prefix, from
1440 * TODO my autosave goes into an endless prompting loop
1441 when running save buffer, and the buffer has been changed
1442 outside of emacs
1443 * TODO smart peren does not see ?\\) as a valid paren
1445 * TODO why does org-end-of-line not go all the way to the end on a closed headline?
1446 * TODO org makes random ... things, and delete right before them does ctrl-i
1447 * TODO try mark word, which might be a useful keybind
1448 * TODO fix org-cycle: it assumes which key it is bound to for its last alternative
1449 * TODO checkout lisp-complete-symbol to augment auto-complete
1450 * TODO emacs keylogger to optimize key binds
1451 * TODO remap/investigate find tag, find tag at point
1452 * TODO set key to cycle buffers by mode, example below
1454 (defun cycle-buffer-by-mode (p-mode)
1455 "Cycle buffers by mode name"
1456 (interactive)
1457 (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
1458 (with-current-buffer buffer
1459 (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
1460 (if (string-match p-mode mode-name) ;(regexp-quote p-mode)
1461 (setq switch2buffer buffer)))))
1462 (when (boundp 'switch2buffer)
1463 (switch-to-buffer switch2buffer)))
1465 And I have bound this to my F9 key
1467 (global-set-key [f9] '(lambda () (interactive) (cycle-buffer-by-mode "Shell$")))
1469 * TODO test out usefulness of forward/back sexp in different languages
1471 * TODO major mode settings to check out in future
1472 ** emacs24 starter kit
1473 - Nxhtml -- utilities for web development
1474 [[][Nxhtml]] is a large package of utilities for web development and for
1475 embedding multiple major modes in a single buffer.
1477 Nxhtml is not installed in this version of the starter-kit by default,
1478 for information on installing nxhtml see [[][EmacsWiki-Nxhtml]].
1480 web-mode is competing package and actively developed, so i'm using that instead
1483 (dolist (package '(yaml-mode js2-mode))
1484 (unless (package-installed-p package)
1486 - Associate modes with file extensions
1488 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("COMMIT_EDITMSG$" . diff-mode))
1489 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.css$" . css-mode))
1490 (require 'yaml-mode)
1491 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ya?ml$" . yaml-mode))
1492 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rb$" . ruby-mode))
1493 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Rakefile$" . ruby-mode))
1494 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\(on\\)?$" . js2-mode))
1495 ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.xml$" . nxml-mode))
1497 - clojure in
1499 - others = gnus, js, publish, perl, python, perl, ruby
1500 they each have their own starter kit file.
1502 - snippets for various modes other than org-mode
1504 * TODO update yasnippet documentation
1505 yas expand key customization is rediculously hard to figure out
1506 and completely undocumented
1507 * TODO fix org source indenting, send patch
1508 * TODO check out bundling aka compiling yasnippet
1509 * TODO try xml/html mode url func
1511 (defun view-url ()
1512 "Open a new buffer containing the contents of URL."
1513 (interactive)
1514 (let* ((default (thing-at-point-url-at-point))
1515 (url (read-from-minibfer "URL: " default)))
1516 (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
1517 (rename-buffer url t)
1518 ;; TODO: switch to nxml/nxhtml mode
1519 (cond ((search-forward "<?xml" nil t) (xml-mode))
1520 ((search-forward "<html" nil t) (html-mode)))))
1522 * TODO flyspell-buffer automatically
1524 * TODO respond to ediff thread
1525 * TODO fix horizontal mouse resizing
1526 resizing a window horizontally with the mouse should be allowed in more places
1528 * TODO try using / making abbreviations
1530 * TODO move over to ivy, ditch ido
1532 * key binds. keep at end of file
1533 this should come at the end because it depends on key maps being
1534 created in earlier sections.
1536 ** emacs keys notes
1537 commands not needed in ido mode and their replacement in ido mode
1538 spell check fix -> use current pattern and start new one
1539 narrow -> create subdirectory
1540 org-cycle -> M-s search recently used directory
1541 vert split Window -> create file instead of select match
1542 delete-other-windows -> open dired buffer
1543 delete current window -> delete buffer/file
1544 find file -> search within all subdirectories
1546 forward/back error
1548 buffer select -> toggle find file / buffer
1549 up/down -> next/previous history
1550 forward/back -> ido-forward/back
1553 right keyboard attributes: movement, involve typing words
1554 left keyboard attributes: non-typing universal non-movement
1559 todo
1560 fix global unpop mark ring
1561 setup helm
1562 learn cedet and projectile and helm
1563 setup key for pop-global-mark
1564 try out C-M-\ indent region
1565 set quoted insert to some obscure keybind
1566 make currently overrided M-u uppercase word into something obscure
1567 remember mode
1568 bind shell-command to something better
1569 investigate tags
1570 investigate keys in isearch mode and find file mode
1571 try out occur. M-s o
1572 investigate programming modes. M-g n/b next/previous error. gdb?
1573 investigate org mode keys
1574 learn version control
1575 learn mail
1576 check out imenu
1577 bind capitalize-word to something obscure
1578 sentance/paragraph movement/marking should be swapped with sexp/paren movement based on mode
1579 bind fill-paragraph to something obscure
1580 setup linewise paste
1581 install magit (git control)
1582 magpie expansion provides a completion key for acronym expansion based on buffer text
1583 learn ediff
1584 universal google
1585 figure out auto-indent
1586 learn eshell and prelude settings for it
1587 combine register prefix and c-x prefix
1588 note: remember to think of mouse & foot pedals
1589 commands to change: select other window: C-x o.
1591 ** named commands
1592 *** gdb
1593 gdb-many-windows
1594 *** tramp sudo
1595 /ssh:host|sudo:host:
1596 when in the same session, you can then do:
1597 /sudo:root@host:
1599 *** org insert table row
1600 [org-shiftmetadown/up]
1601 *** toggle line continuation / truncation / wrap
1602 toggle-truncate-lines
1603 *** auto-save on/off
1604 my-as-on/my-as-off
1605 *** toggle menu bar
1606 menu-bar-mode
1607 *** show abbreviations
1608 list-abbrevs
1610 *** rename-file-and-buffer
1611 *** ediff-buffers
1612 *** refill-mode
1613 automatically balance a paragraph with newlines
1614 *** executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p
1615 make a script executable
1616 *** (setq lazy-highlight-cleanup nil)
1617 keep search highlight on after search is done
1618 *** auto-revert-tail-mode
1619 tail a file
1620 *** what-line
1621 *** linum-mode
1622 line numbers
1624 *** sgml-pretty-print
1625 format xml in nxml-mode
1626 *** visual-line-mode
1627 toggle word wrap.
1628 ** compound commands
1629 *** C-xc
1630 exit0
1631 *** C-x s
1632 save file
1633 *** C-x e
1634 eval last sexp
1635 *** C-c -
1636 [org insert table horizontal line or create list]
1637 *** C-x tab
1638 indent/dedent region
1640 *** C-x *
1641 [calc-dispatch]
1642 *** C-x =
1643 [point information]
1644 *** C-x d
1645 [dired]
1646 *** C-xb
1647 [ibuffer]
1649 *** C-x r c
1650 rectangular clear, replace area with whitespace
1651 ** gnus
1652 searching overview.
1653 3 types:
1654 ingroup searching
1655 nnir searching with notmuch, specific group (not sure if it can do multiple)
1656 search all groups with mairix
1657 *** a]
1658 compose new message
1659 *** C-c C-c]
1660 send message
1661 *** s]
1662 save newsrc file, alterations to groups.
1663 *** g]
1664 gnus refresh / get new
1665 *** m]
1666 gnus new message
1667 *** F]
1668 gnus quoted reply all
1669 *** e]
1670 gnus draft edit message
1671 *** delete]
1672 gnus delete draft
1673 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
1674 (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook
1675 (lambda ()
1676 (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "<delete>") 'gnus-summary-delete-article)))
1677 #+end_src
1679 *** b]
1680 mairix search
1681 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
1682 (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook
1683 (lambda ()
1684 (define-key gnus-group-mode-map "b" 'nnmairix-search)
1685 (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "b" 'nnmairix-search)))
1686 #+end_src
1687 *** B m]
1688 move message, or messages in region
1689 *** #]
1690 mark article, move with B m
1691 *** B delete]
1692 gnus delete draft
1693 *** / plus x a / b]
1694 search current group (or see info manual for more groups),
1695 using the gnus native search (its slow, do a notmuch or mairix search instead)
1696 x= extra (ie. to)
1697 todo; send in patch to make author search to in sent folder
1698 a = author
1699 / = subject
1700 b = body
1701 see C-h m for a full list
1702 *** G G ]
1703 do a nnir notmuch search, for the group on the current line
1704 *** A T ]
1705 jump to thread from nnir group
1707 *** marks]
1708 ! = saved for later
1709 E = expired
1710 M-& apply process mark to a non-process mark command
1711 *** S D e]
1712 edit as new
1713 *** T k / C-M-k
1714 maybe rebind this to a shorter keybind, like del
1715 gnus-summary-kill-thread
1716 ** message mode
1717 *** C-ck]
1718 discard message
1719 ** notmuch
1720 *** space]
1721 notmuch advance to next message/thread
1723 ** readline / bash / .inputrc
1724 *** C-m
1725 [--------]
1726 terminal crap, duplicate of enter
1728 ** isearch
1729 *** C-w
1730 paste word/char under cursor into isearch
1731 *** M-n/p
1732 next/previous isearch history
1733 *** C-o
1734 *** m-r
1736 ** icomplete
1737 *** C-. C-,
1738 icomplete-forward/backward-completions
1740 ** info
1741 *** [, ]
1742 forward / previous node, descend/ascend tree as needed
1743 *** x
1744 Info-follow-nearest-node
1746 m, f, n, p or ^ command, depending on where you click.
1747 ** auto-complete
1748 *** S-return
1749 select next completion candidate
1750 ac-expand
1751 ** agenda
1752 *** t]
1753 agenda cycle todo state
1754 ** org
1755 *** C-c / t]
1756 make just todo items visible
1757 *** S-<tab>
1758 org-shifttab global visibility cycle / move table cell
1759 *** C-cs]
1760 schedule todo item
1761 *** C-cx p]
1762 org set property
1763 *** C-c -]
1764 org insert horizontal line
1765 *** C-cq]
1766 org tag
1767 ** calc
1768 i'd like to drill these sometime when I have space in my head, or I
1769 plan to use calc.
1770 *** space
1771 [enter input to the stack, or duplicate top stack item]
1772 *** C-M-i
1773 [cycle 3 elements on stack]
1774 *** tab
1775 [cycle 2 elements on stack]
1776 *** n
1777 [negate]
1778 *** _
1779 [begin negative number]
1780 *** /
1781 [reciprocal]
1782 *** x
1783 [calc named command]
1784 *** M-delete
1785 [delete 2nd from top of stack]
1786 *** C-u [-]0-9
1787 [0=whole stack, 1-9=that many, -1-9=that element]
1788 *** delete
1789 [remove from the top of the stack]
1790 *** '
1791 [algebraic mode. infix expressions are calculated when input to the stack]
1792 *** m a
1793 [auto algebraic mode]
1794 *** $,$$,$$$
1795 [top x of stack reference]
1796 *** s s/t/r/u
1797 [store to variable: store, top, retrieve, unstore. the quick variables 0-9 don't need s prefix]
1798 *** U/D
1799 [undo/redo]
1800 *** t p/n/]/y
1801 [trail prev/next/end/yankh]
1802 *** `
1803 [calc edit mode, to edit the top of stack]
1805 * keybind tables
1807 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1808 | left primary | C- | M- | C-M- | C-S- |
1809 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1810 | 2 | copy-symbol | shell-cd-to-file | --- | |
1811 | 3 | dot-mode-execute | | recenter-top-bottom | |
1812 | q | mode specific | org-archive-... | quoted-insert | |
1813 | w | find-file | org-clock-in | | |
1814 | e | copy-line | org-clock-in-last | | |
1815 | r | isearch-backward | org-clock-out | | |
1816 | a | copy-all | | | |
1817 | s | C-x prefix | | split-window-vertically | |
1818 | d | C-c prefix | run | swap buffer | |
1819 | f | kill-whole-line | print-var-at-point | kill rest of line | |
1820 | g | other-window / cancel | abort-recursive-edit | gnus | |
1821 | z | undo-tree-undo | | | |
1822 | x | kill-region | append-next-kill | append-next-kill | |
1823 | c | copy | org-capture | copy-to-register | |
1824 | v | yank | insert-register | yank pop | |
1825 | b | delete-other-windows | search back symbol | isearch-current-symbol | |
1826 | tab | --- | indent line | | |
1827 | delete | kill-symbol | | kill-sexp | |
1828 | left-arrow | backward-symbol | | org-shiftup | |
1829 | right-arrow | forward-symbol | | org-shiftdown | |
1830 | backspace | backward-kill-symbol | | backward-kill-sexp | |
1831 | f7 | | | | |
1832 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1833 | right primary | C- | M- | C-M- | C-S- |
1834 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1835 | * | split-window-horizontally | | calc-dispatch | |
1836 | 9 | delete-window-or-exit | kill-buffer-and-window | kill client buffer | |
1837 | u | universal-argument | | search-keybind | |
1838 | i | | | query-replace-regexp | |
1839 | o | occur | | counsel-imenu | |
1840 | p | move-mouse-to-point | | delete-horizontal-space | |
1841 | j | pop-to-mark | previous-error | register prefix | |
1842 | k | jump to register | next-error | man | |
1843 | l | ivy-switch-buffer | | cursor top bottom mid | |
1844 | ; | comment-dwim | comment-dwim | comment line | |
1845 | m | | | recursive grep | |
1846 | , | counsel-find-file | | find-file-in-project | |
1847 | . | recentf-ido-find-file | | - | |
1848 | / | join lines | | copy-variable | |
1849 | 8 | calc-embedded-word | | | |
1850 | up-arrow | back defun/headline | | | winner undo |
1851 | down-arrow | forward dfun/headline | | toggle-mark-activation | smex-major-mode |
1852 | lbracket | ---- | | scroll-right | |
1853 | rbracket | fill-paragraph | | scroll-left | |
1854 | return | newline next line | newline plain | | |
1855 | space | org-edit-special | | spell check word | |
1856 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1857 | left secondary | C- | M- | C-M- | C-S- |
1858 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1859 | = | | | | |
1860 | 1 | | | | |
1861 | 4 | | | widen | |
1862 | 5 | | | | |
1863 | tab-key | query-replace | | | |
1864 | t | org change todo state | | org insert timestamp | |
1865 | home | start of buffer | | | |
1866 | end | end of buffer | | | |
1867 | f9 | | | | |
1868 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1869 | right secondary | C- | M- | C-M- | C-S- |
1870 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1871 | 6 | | | insert-small-copyright | save-buffers-kill-emacs |
1872 | 7 | | | insert-full-copyright | |
1873 | 0 | text-scale-reset | | insert-apache | |
1874 | - | | | org-edit-src-exit | |
1875 | y | undo-tree-redo | | | |
1876 | \ | sr-speedbar-toggle | | mark-defun | |
1877 | h | help-prefix | | | |
1878 | ' | eval-expression | | | |
1879 | n | unpop-to-mark-command | | narrow-to-region | |
1880 | rshift | | | | |
1881 | escape | find-tag | | | |
1882 |-----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------|
1884 * keybind notes
1885 todo:
1888 common keys, which would be better off doing swaps than rebinds:
1889 c-x prefix -> c-s
1890 c-c prefix -> c-d
1891 yank c-y -> c-c
1892 search c-s -> kp-add
1893 kill line c-k -> c-f
1894 undo c-_ -> c-z
1895 set-mark-command c-@ -> kp-enter
1896 quoted-insert c-q -> c-m-q
1897 recenter-top-bottom c-l -> c-m-3
1898 kill-region c-w -> c-x
1900 commands to make less accessible
1901 narrow-to-defun/subtree -> M-2 maybe
1902 occur
1904 command to make more accessible, ...
1908 (defun comint-send-string (process string)
1909 "Like `process-send-string', but also does extra bookkeeping for Comint mode."
1910 (if process
1911 (with-current-buffer (if (processp process)
1912 (process-buffer process)
1913 (get-buffer process))
1914 (comint-snapshot-last-prompt))
1915 (comint-snapshot-last-prompt))
1916 (process-send-string process string))