use cgi dir for better security
[] / b.rb
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling
4 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 module B # blog module
17 require 'fileutils'
18 require 'time'
19 require 'safe_yaml'
20 require 'pygments'
21 require 'sqlite3'
22 require 'redcarpet'
23 JS_INFO = "<p>All JavaScript has <a href=\"\">LibreJS</a> support.</p>"
25 DAY = 60*60*24
26 DN = 'iankelling'
27 FQDN = DN + '.org'
28 DURL = 'https://' + FQDN
29 DESCRIPTION = "Ian Kelling's personal site and blog on software"
30 DATE_LEN = 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length
31 NOW =
32 WAIT_DATE = NOW - 60*60*24*1
34 def db_init
36 end
38 # from the redcarpet readme, then a bunch of googling to figure
39 # out what to do on exception.
40 class HTMLwithPygments < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
41 def block_code(code, language)
42 begin
43 Pygments.highlight(code, lexer: language)
44 rescue MentosError
45 # when language detection fails
46 Pygments.highlight(code, lexer: 'text')
47 end
48 end
49 end
51 def fwrite(output_path, string)
52 output_path = File.join('./', output_path)
53 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output_path))
54 File.write(output_path, string)
55 end
57 def fskel(rel_path, title, content, o={})
58 head = <<EOF
59 <link rel="canonical" href="#{DURL}/#{rel_path}">
60 EOF
61 if rel_path =~ %r{^blog/.}
62 head += <<EOF
63 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="#{DN}" href="#{DURL}/feed.xml">
64 EOF
65 end
66 o[:head] = head
67 fwrite(rel_path, skel(title, content, o))
68 end
69 def skel(title, content, o={})
70 # got meta viewport from jekyll's default later. It's for better
71 # mobile viewing.
72 output = <<EOF
73 <!DOCTYPE html>
74 <html lang="en-US">
75 <head>
76 <meta charset="utf-8">
77 <title>#{title}</title>
78 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/main.css">
79 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/common.css">
80 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/assets/favicon.png" />
81 <meta name="description" content="#{o[:description] || DESCRIPTION}">
82 #{o[:head]}
83 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
84 </head>
85 <body>
86 <header>
87 <h3><a href="/"></a>#{o[:header]}</h3>
88 </header>
89 <div class="main-content-stripe">
90 <div class="content">
91 #{content}
92 </div>
93 </div>
94 <div id="comment-stripe">
95 #{o[:comments]}
96 </div>
97 <footer>
98 #{o[:footer]}
99 <p>This site has a <a href="/git/?;a=summary">git repo</a>. Code is gpl, content is <a rel="license" href=""><img id="cc-by-sa" alt="Creative Commons License" src="/assets/cc-by-sa-4.0-80x15.png" /></a> unless otherwise noted</p>
100 <p><address><a href=""></a> let me know what you think</address></p>
101 </footer>
102 </body>
103 </html>
104 EOF
105 output
106 end
108 def stdpage(page_name, content)
109 fskel("#{page_name}.html",
110 "#{DN}/#{page_name}",
111 content,
112 header: " / <a href=\"/#{page_name}.html\">#{page_name}</a>")
113 end
115 def md_to_html(md)
116 # Using redcarpet over kramdown because syntax highlighting is
117 # simpler. kramdown uses some crap highlighter by default,
118 # supports using rouge, but then the classes are all screwy
119 # for what pygments css expects, rouge has a pygments compatibility mode,
120 # but that is a pita to get working, then it doesn't even work right.
121 # kramdown is jekyll's default markdown parser, but it doesn't use
122 # it for code blocks, it strips them out using custom templating
123 # extension class, then uses rouge, then wraps it in some
124 # custom html for pygments compatibility. It's a complicated mess.
125, fenced_code_blocks: true).render(md)
126 end
128 def comment_html(comment, date)
129 inner =, fenced_code_blocks: true).render(<<EOF)
130 #{comment}
131 <span class="comment-date">#{"%b %-d '%y")}</span>
132 EOF
133 # I tried putting the time, %I:%M %p UTC, but it looks kinda
134 # clunky, going against my simple theme.
135 <<EOF
136 <div class="comment">
137 #{inner}
138 </div>
139 EOF
140 end
142 def post(file, build_time=false)
143 content =
144 content =~ %r{\A(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^((---)\s*$\n?)}m # yaml front matter
145 # stuff after last match. jekyll uses $POSTMATCH,
146 # but it's nil for me, I don't know what magic they are using.,
147 # but only $' is listed here,
148 content = $'
150 front = SafeYAML.load(Regexp.last_match(1))
151 title = front['title']
152 $page_title = "#{title} | #{DN}"
153 header_rel = ' / <a href="/blog.html">blog</a> /'
155 footer_extra = <<-EOF
156 <p><a class="icon-rss" href="/feed.xml">Subscribe</a></p>
157 EOF
158 footer_extra += JS_INFO if content =~ /<script/
162 b = File.basename(file,'.md')
163 # date is in the format: YYYY-MM-DD-
164 date = Time.parse(b[0..DATE_LEN])
165 rel_path = "/blog/#{b[(DATE_LEN + 1)..-1]}.html"
166 comments = $db.execute <<-SQL, [WAIT_DATE]
167 select comment, date from c
168 where page = '#{rel_path}' and (
169 state = 'picked' or state = 'known' or state = 'timed'
170 or (state = 'waiting' and date < ?))
171 SQL
172 # get earliest comment. earlier ones stored in git will also be
173 # published. This get's us easily sharable comments, and allows us
174 # to expire unpublished comments and ip addresses which are PII and
175 # should never be kept around indefinitely.
176 sql_start_date = $db.execute('select min(date) from c')[0][0] || NOW
177 comment_file_dir = "../comments/#{rel_path}"
178 old_comments = Dir["#{comment_file_dir}/*"].reduce([]) do |memo, f|
179 dt = File.basename(f).to_f
180 if dt < sql_start_date
181 memo << [, dt]
182 else
183 FileUtils.rm(f) if build_time
184 memo
185 end
186 end
187 if build_time
188 FileUtils.mkdir_p comment_file_dir
189 comments.each do |c, c_date|
190 # fyi: there is an extremely small chance of 2 comments having
191 # the same floating point time and thus overwriting each other.
192 # Small enough that it won't happen at my site's scale.
193 File.write(File.join(comment_file_dir, c_date.to_s), c)
194 end
195 # says keep logs for 3-6 months
196 $db.execute("delete from c where date < #{NOW - DAY*180}")
197 end
198 comments = old_comments + comments
199 pending_comments = $db.execute(<<-SQL, [WAIT_DATE])[0][0]
200 select count(*) from c
201 where page = '#{rel_path}' and
202 (state = 'waiting' and date > ? or state = 'suspect')
203 SQL
205 feed_html = md_to_html(content)
206 page_html = <<-EOF
207 <header class="post-header">
208 <h1 class="post-title">#{title}</h1>
209 <p class="post-date">#{date.strftime("%b %-d, %Y")}</p>
210 </header>
211 #{feed_html}
212 EOF
213 com_list = ''
214 comments.each { |c, date| com_list += comment_html(c, date) }
215 if pending_comments > 0
216 if pending_comments >= 2
217 text = "are #{pending_comments} new comments"
218 else
219 text = 'is 1 new comment'
220 end
221 com_list +=
222 comment_html("Note: there #{text} pending approval.", NOW)
223 end
224 com_section = <<-EOF
225 <form class="comment" action="/cgi/comment" method="post">
226 <input class="misc" type="text" name="url">
227 <input name="goto" type="hidden" value="#{rel_path}">
228 <textarea rows="10" name="comment" placeholder="markdown" maxlength="1000"></textarea>
229 <input type="submit" value="Leave a comment">
230 </form>
231 <div id="comments">
232 #{com_list}
233 </div>
234 EOF
235 links = front['comment_links']
236 if links
237 link_html = { |name,url| "<a href=\"#{url}\">#{name}</a>" }
238 .join(', ')
239 com_section += (<<EOF)
240 <p>More comments at #{link_html}</p>
241 EOF
242 end
244 blog_toc_entry = "<li><a href=\"#{rel_path}\">#{title}</a></li>"
246 com_section = <<EOF
247 <div id="comment-section">
248 #{com_section}
249 </div>
250 EOF
253 if front['description']
254 description = front['description']
255 else
256 # the first 300 saves ~ 1 ms
257 # regex for striping html from liquid template src
258 description = feed_html[0..300].gsub(/<script.*?<\/script>/m, '').
259 gsub(/<!--.*?-->/m, '').gsub(/<style.*?<\/style>/m, '').
260 gsub(/<.*?>/m, '')
261 if description.length > 160
262 description = description[0..156] + '...'
263 end
264 end
266 head = <<EOF
267 EOF
269 fskel(rel_path, title, page_html,
270 header: header_rel,
271 footer: footer_extra,
272 comments: com_section,
273 description: description)
274 url="#{DURL}#{rel_path}"
277 # following from,
278 # with the addition of "unless otherwise noted", for js licenses.
279 feed_copyright = <<-EOF
280 <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="" href="" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">#{title}</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="#{url}" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Ian Kelling</a> unless otherwise noted is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
281 EOF
283 feed_entry = <<EOF
284 <entry>
285 <title>#{title}</title>
286 <link rel="alternate" href="#{url}"/>
287 <id>#{url}</id>
288 <updated>#{date.to_datetime.rfc3339}</updated>
289 <content type="html" xml:lang="en-us" xml:base="#{DURL}/blog">
290 <![CDATA[
291 #{feed_html}
292 ]]>
293 </content>
294 <rights>
295 #{feed_copyright}
296 </rights>
297 </entry>
298 EOF
299 return [feed_entry, blog_toc_entry]
300 end
301 end