2024-07-10 Ian Kellingpush scripts into /usr/local/bin that were possibly...
2024-07-08 Ian Kellingminor bug fix and improvements
2024-07-08 Ian Kellingvarious improvements
2024-07-08 Ian Kellingdisable rspamd but have a variable to turn it back on
2024-07-08 Ian Kellingminor improvement
2024-07-08 Ian Kellingminor fix
2024-07-07 Ian Kellingfix and improvements
2024-07-07 Ian Kellingminor bash improvements
2024-07-07 Ian Kellingemacs fix
2024-07-07 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2024-07-07 Ian Kellingfix crontab
2024-07-06 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2024-07-06 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2024-07-05 Ian Kellingbunch of improvements
2024-06-25 Ian Kellingconvert pacmd to pactl due to its removal
2024-06-24 Ian Kellinguse rspamd, speed up mailtest-check
2024-06-24 Ian Kellingminor fixes
2024-06-22 Ian Kellinglaptop keybind improvements
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingmostly misc fixes
2024-06-22 Ian Kellinglaptop remaping
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingfix workspace 1 on single output
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingif we have really bad ping, increase ssh timeouts
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingchange laptop keybinds.
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingminor fix
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingfix dryrun logic
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingfix: keys can only be defined once
2024-06-22 Ian Kellingremove duplicate file
2024-06-21 Ian Kellingsmall bug fix
2024-06-21 Ian Kellingmyx fix for different resolutions
2024-06-21 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2024-06-21 Ian Kellingfix keyboard os forward port oversight
2024-06-19 Ian Kellingstream improvements
2024-06-19 Ian Kellingdistro specific fixes
2024-06-19 Ian Kellingstream improvements
2024-06-18 Ian Kellingvarious improvements
2024-06-18 Ian Kellingi3 fix, other improvements
2024-06-17 Ian Kellingicecast improvements
2024-06-17 Ian Kellingminor fix
2024-06-17 Ian Kellingfew fixes, mostly x related improvements
2024-06-14 Ian Kellingemacs update. improvements
2024-06-14 Ian Kellinglaptop-mode daemon segfaults + kernel error spam when...
2024-06-14 Ian Kellingfixes
2024-06-13 Ian Kellingmainly minor fixes
2024-06-13 Ian Kellingi3 improvements
2024-06-13 Ian Kellingmostly fixes, some improvements
2024-06-13 Ian Kellingvarious fixes
2024-06-12 Ian Kellinglots of fixes, improvements, t12 stuff
2024-06-05 Ian Kellingi think this fixes i3 issues
2024-06-05 Ian Kellingi3 improvements wip
2024-06-05 Ian Kellingmostly improvements, wip
2024-05-26 Ian Kellinggeneral fixes
2024-05-20 Ian Kellinga few important fixes, mostly improvements
2024-04-28 Ian Kellinghost info updates
2024-04-28 Ian Kellingshellcheck, static usb ethnet addresses, fix vpn config
2024-04-28 Ian Kellingshellcheck, remove old files
2024-04-27 Ian Kellingshellcheck stuff
2024-04-27 Ian Kellingstrip out terminals that require gpu accel
2024-04-27 Ian Kellingbackup improvement
2024-04-27 Ian Kellingfixes, improve host-info-update
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingremove needless domain
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingupdate bitcoin, new host related fixes
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingfix vpn host naming
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingminor fixes/improves for new host
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingnew host related fixes
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingminor fixes
2024-04-24 Ian Kellingdns fix, some improvements
2024-04-22 Ian Kellingfixes to last commit
2024-04-22 Ian Kellingunify dns related config, change some dns settings
2024-04-19 Ian Kellingminor fix
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingcomments
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingvarious fixes
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingfix for btrbk-run archive
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingfix switch-host2
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingminor fixes
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingmail perf tuning
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingimprove automatic updates
2024-04-18 Ian Kellingminor fixes
2024-04-17 Ian Kellingminor fixes and improvements
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingbetter i3 handling
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingi3 fixes
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingadd a few tiny scripts
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingimprove apache license functions
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingfinally fully use gnu license recommendations
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingimprove licensing
2024-04-15 Ian Kellinglots: shellcheck, streaming stuff, fixes
2024-04-15 Ian Kellingreordering of settings by new konsole version
2024-03-27 Ian Kellingmostly improvements
2024-03-27 Ian Kellingfixes
2024-03-11 Ian Kellingfix debian keys, start move toward debian 12 bookworm
2024-03-11 Ian Kellingfix syntax error
2024-03-11 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2024-03-10 Ian Kellingfix for broken ipv6
2024-03-09 Ian Kellingmostly fixes, a few improvements
2023-12-29 Ian Kellingoption for disabling status for less distraction
2023-12-28 Ian Kellingremove some old unused comments
2023-12-27 Ian Kellingfixes
2023-12-27 Ian Kellingbash-bear rename and a few improvements
2023-12-18 Ian Kellingrename err to bash-bear
2023-12-11 Ian Kellinglimit sound notifications to my stuff
2023-12-11 Ian Kellingfixes