2024-06-12 Ian Kellingadd trisquel 12
2024-05-20 Ian Kellingslightly more robust
2024-04-27 Ian Kellingshellcheck fixes, including real bug
2024-04-16 Ian Kellingclarify licensing
2023-04-08 Ian Kellingminor improvement on robustness
2023-01-13 Ian Kellingupdate for t11, and fixes for find file
2022-05-01 Ian Kellingminor fixes and improvements
2021-12-15 Ian Kellingfix pfile
2021-09-04 Ian Kellingminor improvements
2020-11-10 Ian Kellingbetter distro version numbers
2020-10-11 Ian Kellingmostly indenting
2020-07-03 Ian Kellingfixes and impreovements
2019-08-11 Ian Kellingremove downgrades, add checkrestart
2019-08-03 Ian Kellingcheckrestart on system upgrade
2019-06-30 Ian Kellingfalse positive for checking if already installed
2019-04-29 Ian Kellingallow downgrades when forcing yes
2019-04-29 Ian Kellingbetter error handling
2018-05-28 Ian Kellingwait for dpkg locks
2018-01-22 Ian Kellingvarious fixes and flidas support
2017-04-13 Ian Kellingbe amenable to systems without aptitude
2017-03-30 Ian Kellingimprove debian functions
2017-01-24 Ian Kellingfix debian to purge dependency config files
2016-09-01 Ian Kellingfix debian search for config files
2016-08-15 Ian Kellinglots of new stuff, good working version
2016-08-15 Ian Kellinginitial commit