m s chgrp -R bind ${files[@]}
m s chmod g+w ${files[@]}
+ sudo bash -c 'shopt -s nullglob; cd /etc/bind; for f in *.key *.private key.*; do chgrp bind $f; done'
if [[ -e /etc/davpass ]] && getent group www-data &>/dev/null; then
s chgrp www-data /etc/davpass
/a/exe/lnf -T /p/arbtt-capture.log ~/.arbtt/capture.log
##### end special extra stuff #####
- sudo bash -c 'cd /etc/openvpn; for f in client/* server/*; do ln -sf $f .; done'
- sudo bash -c 'cd /etc/openvpn; for f in server/*.key client/*.key; do chmod 600 $f; done'
+ sudo bash -c 'shopt -s nullglob; cd /etc/openvpn; for f in client/* server/*; do ln -sf $f .; done'
+ sudo bash -c 'shopt -s nullglob; cd /etc/openvpn; for f in server/*.key client/*.key; do chmod 600 $f; done'
m sudo -H -u traci "$BASH_SOURCE"
--- /dev/null
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+fqdn=$(hostname -f)
+if timeout -s 9 5 ssh-keyscan -p 2220 -t rsa 2>/dev/null | grep -qFx '[]:2220 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCH+/h1dGEfKEusBblndU2e6QT4wLCm5+yqr/sqh/0X9YfjR7BfWWm8nNmuP55cYc+Wuf5ljB1H1acXEcsl1y8e0j3agHfF0V74FE1N1zz5nn2Ep8NHnmqgEhza38ZxMPh+4p3X7zklEKU7+3SzybKBi8sg0wLzlS2LM0JaUN80zR2sK11Kye3dURUXPk78u5wodOkgcEYRwSYaDMJlUzWP+poRXIDJwFaMQnwmxbl/c84yOyaU0x/d6hFwoRscWecihX+vvBNeSyxR4xr2HDOyUWwJkctyAgt2p7w3tfkXOKcCRzTAjGVIMQLTvo0sG/yJbcyHoEFdFybCsgDvfyYn'; then
+ # we are on home network
+ cur4="$(host -4 b8.nz iankelling.org | sed -rn 's/.*has address (.*)/\1/p;T;q')"
+ if ip4=$(curl -s4 https://iankelling.org/cgi/pubip); then
+ if [[ $cur4 && $ip4 && $cur4 != $ip4 ]]; then
+ up4=true
+ fi
+ fi
+# may not be set yet so allow fail
+cur6="$(host -4 -t aaaa $fqdn iankelling.org | sed -rn 's/.*has IPv6 address (.*)/\1/p;T;q')" ||:
+# maybe we dont have ipv6 working
+if out6=$(curl -s6 https://iankelling.org/cgi/pubip) && [[ $out6 ]]; then
+ dev=$(ip -o a show to $out6 | awk '{print $2}')
+ # we use slaac with privacy extension, so get our less private more permanent address
+ mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/$dev/address)
+ IFS=: read -a f <<<$mac; set -- ${f[@]}
+ ip6=${out6%:*:*:*:*}:$(printf %x $((0x$1 + 2)))$2:$3'ff:fe'$4:$5$6
+ # in case we aren't using slaac
+ if ! ip a | grep "^ *inet6 $ip6/" &>/dev/null; then
+ ip6=$out6
+ fi
+ if [[ $cur6 != $ip6 ]]; then
+ up6=true
+ fi
+if ! $up4 && ! $up6; then
+ exit 0
+# note, a simpler way to do this would be to ssh and use
+# "${SSH_CLIENT%% *}
+# to update bind if needed.
+cat >>$f <<EOF
+server iankelling.org
+zone b8.nz
+if $up4; then
+ cat >>$f <<EOF
+update delete b8.nz. A
+update add b8.nz. 300 A $ip4
+if $up6; then
+ if [[ $HOSTNAME == tp ]]; then
+ cat >>$f <<EOF
+update delete b8.nz. AAAA
+update add b8.nz. 60 AAAA $ip6
+ fi
+ cat >>$f <<EOF
+update delete $fqdn. AAAA
+update add $fqdn. 60 AAAA $ip6
+cat >>$f <<EOF
+nsupdate -k /p/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind/Kb8.nz.*.private <$f
+# # persistent initial setup for this:
+# # create files in /a/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind
+# # note, conflink also does some group ownership stuff.
+mkc /p/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind
+s dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -b 512 -n HOST b8.nz
+s chown $USER:$USER *
+cat >$f <<EOF
+key b8.nz. {
+algorithm HMAC-SHA512;
+secret "$(awk '$1 == "Key:" {print $2}' Kb8.nz.*.private)";
+chmod 640 [kK]*
+myunison -ob li
+ssh li conflink
+ssh li ser restart bind9
+++ /dev/null
-set -eE -o pipefail
-trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
-cur="$(host -4 b8.nz iankelling.org | sed -rn 's/.*has address (.*)/\1/p;T;q')"
-ip=$(curl -s4 https://iankelling.org/cgi/pubip)
-# note, a simpler way to do this would be to ssh and use
-# "${SSH_CLIENT%% *}
-# to update bind if needed.
-if [[ $cur != $ip ]]; then
- nsupdate -k /p/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind/Kb8.nz.*.private <<EOF
-server iankelling.org
-zone b8.nz
-update delete b8.nz. A
-update add b8.nz. 300 A $ip
-update delete *.b8.nz. A
-update add *.b8.nz. 300 A $ip
-# # persistent initial setup for this:
-# # create files in /a/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind
-# # note, conflink also does some group ownership stuff.
-# mkc /p/c/machine_specific/li/filesystem/etc/bind
-# s dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST b8.nz
-# s chown $USER:$USER *
-# f=key.b8.nz
-# cat >$f <<EOF
-# key b8.nz. {
-# algorithm HMAC-MD5;
-# secret "$(awk '$1 == "Key:" {print $2}' Kb8.nz.*.private)";
-# };
-# EOF
-# chmod 640 [kK]*
-# myunison -ob li
-# ssh li conflink
-# ssh li ser restart bind9
--- /dev/null
+ExecStart=/a/bin/log-quiet/sysd-mail-once -40 dynamicipupdate /a/bin/ds/dynamic-ip-update
--- /dev/null
+# for initial run. required.
+# for subsequent runs.
0 4 * * * ian x=$(/usr/local/bin/logq /a/exe/small-backup --retry daily 2M); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x"
0 3 * * sun ian echo weekly backup results:; /a/exe/small-backup --retry weekly
-*/5 * * * * ian /a/bin/distro-setup/dynamic-ip-update.sh 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once -15
*/10 * * * * ian /a/exe/small-backup 10minutes 3D 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once small-backup-10min
# put things we don't want to send mail about below this:
// ian: ok. uncommented. 1918 zones are private ip ranges.
include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";
+# based on random internet tutorials, then reading
+# file:///usr/share/doc/bind9-doc/arm/Bv9ARM.ch06.html#dynamic_update_policies
zone "b8.nz" {
type master;
file "/var/lib/bind/db.b8.nz";
update-policy {
- // allow host to update themselves with a key having their own name
- grant b8.nz. name b8.nz. A TXT;
- grant b8.nz. name *.b8.nz. A TXT;
+ // allow updating almost anything in the zone or subdomains.
+ grant b8.nz. subdomain b8.nz.;
include "/etc/bind/key.b8.nz";
type -t $f &>/dev/null || f=unison-gtk2 # for arch
+ s ln -sTf ~/.unison /root/.unison
if s $f "$host"; then
if [[ $host == frodo ]]; then
# only send data to the machine i do full backups to
exit 1
+# TODO: turn this home dns update into a separate script that also runs
+# as a cronjob for the MAIL_HOST, so it can update dns for a laptop that
+# moves to a different network.
+# This exists because if mail_host is on the home network with a vpn
+# tunnel, and another host on the home network tries to connect to the
+# public tunnel ip, it won't work because from the public machine's
+# perspective, due to nat, both home network machines have the same
+# ip. We could solve this by using ipv6 addresses, but not all networks
+# i'm on with more than one machine are ipv6 enabled.
-if [[ $HOSTNAME == tp ]] || [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]] || timeout -s 9 5 ssh wrt.b8.nz :; then
+if timeout -s 9 5 ssh-keyscan -p 2220 -t rsa 2>/dev/null | grep -qFx '[]:2220 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCH+/h1dGEfKEusBblndU2e6QT4wLCm5+yqr/sqh/0X9YfjR7BfWWm8nNmuP55cYc+Wuf5ljB1H1acXEcsl1y8e0j3agHfF0V74FE1N1zz5nn2Ep8NHnmqgEhza38ZxMPh+4p3X7zklEKU7+3SzybKBi8sg0wLzlS2LM0JaUN80zR2sK11Kye3dURUXPk78u5wodOkgcEYRwSYaDMJlUzWP+poRXIDJwFaMQnwmxbl/c84yOyaU0x/d6hFwoRscWecihX+vvBNeSyxR4xr2HDOyUWwJkctyAgt2p7w3tfkXOKcCRzTAjGVIMQLTvo0sG/yJbcyHoEFdFybCsgDvfyYn'; then
echo "$0: at_home = $at_home"