c -
-vp9() {
- in=$PWD/$1
+hexipv4() {
+ printf '%d.%d.%d.%d\n' $(echo $1 | sed 's/../0x& /g')
- if [[ $2 ]]; then
- out=$PWD/$2
- else
- out=$PWD/vp9/$1
- fi
- cd $(mktemp -d)
- pwd
- ffmpeg -threads 0 -i $in -g 192 -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -vf scale=-1:720 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -b:v 750K -pass 1 -an -f null /dev/null && \
- ffmpeg -y -threads 0 -i $in -g 192 -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -vf scale=-1:720 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -b:v 750K -pass 2 -c:a libvorbis -qscale:a 5 $out
- cd -
+vp9() {
+ local f out outdir in
+ outdir=vp9
+ case $1 in
+ --out)
+ outdir=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ m mkdir -p $outdir
+ for f; do
+ out=$PWD/$outdir/$f
+ in=$PWD/$f
+ m cd $(mktemp -d)
+ pwd
+ m ffmpeg -threads 0 -i $in -g 192 -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -vf scale=-1:720 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -b:v 750K -pass 1 -an -f null /dev/null
+ m ffmpeg -y -threads 0 -i $in -g 192 -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -vf scale=-1:720 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -b:v 750K -pass 2 -c:a libvorbis -qscale:a 5 $out
+ cd -
+ done
utcl() { # utc 24 hour time to local hour 24 hour time
for d in dev proc sys dev/pts; do
[[ -d $d ]]
if ! mountpoint $d &>/dev/null; then
- s mount -o bind /$d $d
+ m s mount -o bind /$d $d
+ fi
+ done
+chumount() {
+ local d
+ # dev/pts needed for pacman signature check
+ for d in dev proc sys dev/pts; do
+ [[ -d $d ]]
+ if mountpoint $d &>/dev/null; then
+ m s umount $d
return 1
- now=$(date +%s)
RSYNC_RSH="ssh ${args[*]}" m rsync -rptL --delete $sl_rsync_args $SL_FILES_DIR "$remote":
if $dorsync || ! $haveinfo; then
- sshinfo=$SL_INFO_DIR/$now$type"$remote"
+ sshinfo=$SL_INFO_DIR/$EPOCHSECONDS$type"$remote"
[[ -e $SL_INFO_DIR ]] || mkdir -p $SL_INFO_DIR
printf "%s\n" "$extra_info" >$sshinfo
chmod 666 $sshinfo
# * misc stuff
-if $use_color; then
+if $use_color && type -p tput &>/dev/null; then
term_bold="$(tput bold)"
term_red="$(tput setaf 1)"
term_green="$(tput setaf 2)"
# term_underl="$(tput smul)"
# term_blue="$(tput setaf 4)"
# term_cyan="$(tput setaf 6)"
# Try to keep environment pollution down, EPA loves us.
unset safe_term match_lhs use_color
dnsb8() {
local f=/var/lib/bind/db.b8.nz
- ser stop bind9
- sleep 1
- sudo rm -fv $f.jnl
- sudo install -m 644 -o bind -g bind /p/c/machine_specific/vps/bind-initial/db.b8.nz $f
- ser restart bind9
+ m ser stop bind9
+ m sleep 1
+ m sudo rm -fv $f.jnl
+ m sudo install -m 644 -o bind -g bind /p/c/machine_specific/vps/bind-initial/db.b8.nz $f
+ m ser restart bind9
dnsecgen() {
# keys generated like this
# work log
wlog() {
local day now i
- now=$(date +%s)
for (( i=0; i<60; i++ )); do
- day=$( date +%F -d @$((now - 86400*i )) )
- date "+%a %b %d" -d @$((now - 86400*i )) | tr '\n' ' '
+ day=$( date +%F -d @$((EPOCHSECONDS - 86400*i )) )
+ date "+%a %b %d" -d @$((EPOCHSECONDS - 86400*i )) | tr '\n' ' '
/a/opt/timetrap/bin/t d -ftotal -s $day -e $day all -m '^w|lunch$'
mygajim() {
- local now time time_sec time_pretty
- now=$(date +%s)
+ local time time_sec time_pretty
sqlite3 -separator ' ' /p/c/subdir_files/.local/share/gajim/logs.db "select time, message from logs where contact_name = 'iank' and jid_id = 17;" | while read -r time l; do
case $time in
16*) : ;;
echo $time_pretty "$l"
# only look at the last 18 days. generally just use this for timesheet.
- if (( time_sec < now - 60 * 60 * 24 * 18 )); then break; fi
+ if (( time_sec < EPOCHSECONDS - 60 * 60 * 24 * 18 )); then break; fi
# the wiki recommends 30 days or so, but
# it makes the comp lag like shit for a day,
# so I'm going with 90 days.
- if (( date > $(date +%s) - 60*60*24*30 )); then
+ if (( date > EPOCHSECONDS - 60*60*24*30 )); then
if $dryrun; then
- echo "$0: skiping scrub of $mnt, last was $(( ($(date +%s) - date) / 60/60/24 )) days ago, < 30 days"
+ echo "$0: skiping scrub of $mnt, last was $(( (EPOCHSECONDS - date) / 60/60/24 )) days ago, < 30 days"
if [[ -s $statefile ]]; then
logsec=$(date +%s -d "$(head -n1 $statefile | awk '{print $1,$2}')")
- nowsec=$(date +%s)
- if (( logsec < nowsec - 60*60*20 )); then
+ if (( logsec < EPOCHSECONDS - 60*60*20 )); then
echo $0: host $h ssh /usr/local/bin/check-mailq fail for over 20 hours
# It is a read & write cache.
if ! systemctl is-active transmission-daemon-nn &>/dev/null && \
! systemctl is-active transmission-daemon; then
- sudo ruby <<EOF | sponge /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json
+ tmp=$(mktemp)
+ command sudo ruby <<EOF >$tmp
require 'json'
p = '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json'
s = {
"ratio-limit" => 5.0,
"ratio-limit-enabled" => false,
+ cat $tmp | sudo dd of=/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json
####### end transmission
main() {
+ pr_metric=0
if [[ ! -s $pl ]]; then
+ echo "exim_paniclog $pr_metric" >/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/exim_paniclog.prom
return 0
grep "$regex" $pl >> $pl-archive ||:
sed -i "/$regex/d" $pl
- ## begin broken pipe & write lock ##
- regex="Failed to get write lock\|Failed writing transport results to pipe: Broken pipe$"
- now_s=$(date +%s)
- newlines=false
- count=0
- while read -r day time _; do
- log_s=$(date -d "$day $time" +%s)
- count=$((count+1))
- if (( now_s - 300 > log_s )); then
- newlines=true
- fi
- done < <(grep "$regex" $pl ||:)
- if (( count )); then
- # I see broken pipe in groups of 3 for the same message around once a day
- # randomly. I'm guessing they are related to running 2 instances of
- # exim which share the same spool. So, if we have some, but not in
- # the last 5 minutes, and less than 20, it should be fine to clear
- # them. write lock happens less but can fit under the same rule.
- if (( count > 20 )); then
- cat $pl
- elif ! $newlines; then
- grep "$regex" $pl >>$pl-archive
- sed -i "/$regex/d" $pl
- fi
- fi
- ## end broken pipe ##
while read -r service regex; do
d "$d1 $d2"
tmptime=$(date -d "$d1 $d2" +%s)
- # dont consider every matching line, just those in > 60 second intervals
+ # Checking the journal takes a second or two, so
+ # dont consider every matching line, just those > 60 seconds apart. We are
+ # testing the journal for 60 seconds after the message, so should be ok.
if [[ ! $logtime ]]; then
elif (( tmptime > logtime + 60 )); then
clamav-daemon malware acl condition
spamassassin spam acl condition
+ ## begin broken pipe & write lock & general alert ##
+ regex="Failed to get write lock\|Failed writing transport results to pipe: Broken pipe$"
+ newlines=false
+ count=0
+ while read -r day time _; do
+ log_s=$(date -d "$day $time" +%s)
+ count=$((count+1))
+ if (( log_s > EPOCHSECONDS - 300 )); then
+ newlines=true
+ fi
+ done < <(grep "$regex" $pl ||:)
+ if (( count )); then
+ # I see broken pipe in groups of 3 for the same message around once a day
+ # randomly. I'm guessing they are related to running 2 instances of
+ # exim which share the same spool. So, if we have some, but not in
+ # the last 5 minutes, and less than 20, it should be fine to clear
+ # them. write lock happens less but can fit under the same rule.
+ if (( count > 20 )); then
+ pr_metric=1
+ elif ! $newlines; then
+ grep "$regex" $pl >>$pl-archive
+ sed -i "/$regex/d" $pl
+ fi
+ fi
+ # I think we could alert on anything else older than 61 seconds,
+ # but lets just add some slack, make it 5 minutes.
+ while read -r day time _; do
+ log_s=$(date -d "$day $time" +%s)
+ if (( log_s < EPOCHSECONDS - 300 )); then
+ pr_metric=1
+ fi
+ done < <(grep -v "$regex" $pl ||:)
+ ## end broken pipe ##
+ echo "exim_paniclog $pr_metric" >/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/exim_paniclog.prom
loop-main() {
exit 0
modtime=$(stat -c %Y $f 2>/dev/null ) ||:
-if [[ $modtime ]] && (( $(( $(date +%s) - modtime )) < 60*10 )); then
+if [[ $modtime ]] && (( $(( EPOCHSECONDS - modtime )) < 60*10 )); then
exit 0
# Restart mode: (l)ist only, (i)nteractive or (a)utomatically.
$nrconf{restart} = 'a';
+# 0: disable microcode checks completely
+# On my systems, the default makes the nagios check return 3, unknown.
+# I don't have any systems which need microcode update detection.
+$nrconf{ucodehints} = 0;
severity: warn
- alert: sysd_result_fail
+ # not sure 30m is really needed, it prevents the alert from flapping
+ # i guess.
expr: |-
rate(node_systemd_unit_result_fail_count[30m]) > 0
severity: day
+ - alert: exim_paniclog
+ expr: |-
+ exim_paniclog > 0
+ labels:
+ severity: warn
- alert: mailtest_check_vps
expr: |-
time() - mailtest_check_last_usec{job="tlsnode"} >= 60 * 12
--- /dev/null
+# https://github.com/betrusted-io/betrusted-wiki/wiki/Updating-Your-Device
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5bf0", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
ssh wrt tar -C /etc -c hosts | tar -x
if grep -qFx "$ip $host" hosts; then continue; fi
# openvpn udpates its status file every 60 seconds by default
- if (( $(stat -c%Y hosts) > $(( $(date +%s) + 60 )) )); then
+ if (( $(stat -c%Y hosts) > EPOCHSECONDS + 60 )); then
sleep 60
if $is_connected; then continue; fi
COMMONOPTIONS='-C /etc/exim4/my.conf'
UPEX4OPTS='-o /etc/exim4/my.conf'
-#E4BCD_PANICLOG_NOISE='exim user lost privilege for using -C option'
+# i use epanic-clean for alerting if there are bad paniclog entries
chown Debian-exim:Debian-exim /usr/sbin/exim4
# needs guid set in order to become Debian-exim
/usr/sbin/exim -f $test_from -t <<EOF
From: $test_from
To: $test_to
-Subject: test \$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z) \$(date +%s)
+Subject: test \$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z) \$EPOCHSECONDS
fi # if $slow
fi # if [[ $latest ]]
- now=$(date +%s)
limit=$(( now - 60 * min_limit ))
age_sec=$(( now - last_sec ))
e $((age_sec / 60)):$(( age_sec % 60 )) ago. to:$to from:$from $latest
## begin expire leaf vols ##
- leaf_limit_time=$(( $(date +%s) - 60*60*24*60 )) # 60 days
- leaf_new_limit_time=$(( $(date +%s) - 60*60*24 )) # 1 day
+ leaf_limit_time=$(( EPOCHSECONDS - 60*60*24*60 )) # 60 days
+ leaf_new_limit_time=$(( EPOCHSECONDS - 60*60*24 )) # 1 day
# this goes backwards from oldest. leaf_new_limit_time is just in case
# the order gets screwed up or something.
for leaf in ${leaf_vols[@]}; do
#weekly work+study in the last 16 weeks, not counting today.
#weekly work+study in the last 52 weeks, not counting today.
- unixtime=$(date +%s)
+ unixtime=$EPOCHSECONDS
midnight=$(date +%s -d 'tomorrow 00:00')
tmp=($(echo "scale=1; today_left=($midnight-$unixtime) / 60 / 60;
if (( ${#files[@]} )); then
snaps=($(ls -1avdr "${files[@]}" 2>/dev/null |head -n1 || : ))
- now=$(date +%s)
for s in ${snaps[@]}; do
- if pgrep -G iank -u iank -f 'emacs --daemon' &>/dev/null; then
- emacsfiles="$(emacsclient --eval "$(cat /usr/local/bin/unsaved-buffers.el)"| sed '/^"nil"$/d;s/^"(/E: /;s/)"$//')"
- if [[ $emacsfiles ]]; then
- chars+=("$emacsfiles")
+ # We do this once every 5 minutes, since this is not a grave problem.
+ # For formatted elisp, see /b/ds/unsaved-buffers.el
+ elisp='(format "%s" (-reduce-from (lambda (acc buf) (let ((bpath (buffer-file-name buf))) (if (and bpath (buffer-modified-p buf)) (cons bpath acc ) acc))) nil (buffer-list)))'
+ if [[ ! $last_emacs_check || $emacsfiles ]] || (( last_emacs_check < EPOCHSECONDS - 300 )); then
+ if pgrep -G iank -u iank -f 'emacs --daemon' &>/dev/null; then
+ # i dun care if this fails
+ emacsfiles="$(timeout 1 emacsclient --eval "$elisp"| sed '/^"nil"$/d;s/^"(/E: /;s/)"$//' ||:)"
+ if [[ $emacsfiles ]]; then
+ chars+=("$emacsfiles")
+ fi
+ last_emacs_check=$EPOCHSECONDS
if [[ -e ${glob[0]} ]]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2043
for _ in 1; do
if [[ -e $f ]]; then
- now=$(date +%s)
fsec=$(stat -c%Y $f)
# the / 60 makes it 0-59 seconds less strict, +1 to help make sure we
# dont have any false positives.
;; print buffers unsaved, unless within "seconds" below
-;; run with
-;; emacsclient --eval "$(cat /a/bin/ds/unsaved-buffers.el)" | sed 's/^..//;s/..$//'
+;; for example running, see system-stat
(format "%s"
(lambda (acc buf)
- (let ((seconds 60)
- (bpath (buffer-file-name buf)))
+ (let ((bpath (buffer-file-name buf)))
(if (and bpath
- (buffer-modified-p buf)
- (time-less-p
- (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes bpath))
- (time-add (current-time) (- seconds))))
+ (buffer-modified-p buf))
(cons bpath acc )
nil (buffer-list))
+;; put into
+;; (format "%s" (-reduce-from (lambda (acc buf) (let ((bpath (buffer-file-name buf))) (if (and bpath (buffer-modified-p buf)) (cons bpath acc ) acc))) nil (buffer-list)))
+;; Previously, I used a condition to check only for files not saved
+;; which had mod times > 60 seconds. However, using it my system status
+;; script meant stating a lot of files over and over, which eventually
+;; caused some lag, so I abandoned it.
## begin check on btrbk
-now=$(date +%s)
age_limit_sec=$(( 60 * 60 * 50 )) # 50 hours
for prefix in root boot; do
err "could not find latest snapshot for $svp among ${snaps[*]}"
exit 1
- if (( last_snap_sec < now - age_limit_sec )); then
+ if (( last_snap_sec < EPOCHSECONDS - age_limit_sec )); then
err vol $vol last backup older than 50 hours: $last_snap