# http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/
# might be sourced by the system already, but I've noticed it not being sourced before
if ! type _init_completion &> /dev/null && [[ -r "/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion" ]]; then
- . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
+ . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
# inside emcas fixes
if [[ $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
- # EMACS is used by bash on startup, but we don't need it anymore.
- # plus I hit a bug in a makefile which inherited it
- unset EMACS
- export PAGER=cat
- export MANPAGER=cat
- # scp completion does not work, but this doesn't fix it. todo, figure this out
- complete -r scp &> /dev/null
- # todo, remote file completion fails, figure out how to turn it off
- # This get's rid of ugly terminal escape chars in node repl
- # sometime, I'd like to have completion working in emacs shell for node
- # the offending chars can be found in lib/readline.js,
- # things that do like:
- # stream.write('\x1b[' + (x + 1) + 'G');
- # We can remove them and keep readline, for example by doing this
- # to start a repl:
- #!/usr/bin/env nodejs
- # var readline = require('readline');
- # readline.cursorTo = function(a,b,c) {};
- # readline.clearScreenDown = function(a) {};
- # const repl = require('repl');
- # var replServer = repl.start('');
- #
- # no prompt, or else readline complete seems to be confused, based
- # on our column being different? node probably needs to send
- # different kind of escape sequence that is not ugly. Anyways,
- # completion doesn't work yet even with the ugly prompt, so whatever
- #
+ # EMACS is used by bash on startup, but we don't need it anymore.
+ # plus I hit a bug in a makefile which inherited it
+ unset EMACS
+ export PAGER=cat
+ export MANPAGER=cat
+ # scp completion does not work, but this doesn't fix it. todo, figure this out
+ complete -r scp &> /dev/null
+ # todo, remote file completion fails, figure out how to turn it off
+ # This get's rid of ugly terminal escape chars in node repl
+ # sometime, I'd like to have completion working in emacs shell for node
+ # the offending chars can be found in lib/readline.js,
+ # things that do like:
+ # stream.write('\x1b[' + (x + 1) + 'G');
+ # We can remove them and keep readline, for example by doing this
+ # to start a repl:
+ #!/usr/bin/env nodejs
+ # var readline = require('readline');
+ # readline.cursorTo = function(a,b,c) {};
+ # readline.clearScreenDown = function(a) {};
+ # const repl = require('repl');
+ # var replServer = repl.start('');
+ #
+ # no prompt, or else readline complete seems to be confused, based
+ # on our column being different? node probably needs to send
+ # different kind of escape sequence that is not ugly. Anyways,
+ # completion doesn't work yet even with the ugly prompt, so whatever
+ #
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- # for readline-complete.el
- if [[ $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
- # all for readline-complete.el
- stty echo
- bind 'set horizontal-scroll-mode on'
- bind 'set print-completions-horizontally on'
- bind '"\C-i": self-insert'
+ # for readline-complete.el
+ if [[ $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
+ # all for readline-complete.el
+ stty echo
+ bind 'set horizontal-scroll-mode on'
+ bind 'set print-completions-horizontally on'
+ bind '"\C-i": self-insert'
+ else
+ # sakura == xterm-256color
+ # konsole == xterm
+ if [[ $TERM == "xterm" ]]; then
+ # control + arrow keys. for other terminals, see http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10806/how-to-change-previous-next-word-shortcut-in-bash
+ bind '"\e[1;5C": shell-forward-word' 2>/dev/null
+ bind '"\e[1;5D": shell-backward-word' 2>/dev/null
- # sakura == xterm-256color
- # konsole == xterm
- if [[ $TERM == "xterm" ]]; then
- # control + arrow keys. for other terminals, see http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10806/how-to-change-previous-next-word-shortcut-in-bash
- bind '"\e[1;5C": shell-forward-word' 2>/dev/null
- bind '"\e[1;5D": shell-backward-word' 2>/dev/null
- else
- # make ctrl-backspace work. for konsole, i fixed it through
-# /home/iank/.local/share/konsole/default.keytab
- stty werase '^h'
- bind '"\eOc": shell-forward-word'
- bind '"\eOd": shell-backward-word'
- fi
- # i can't remember why i did this, probably to free up some keys to bind
- # to other things in bash.
- # other than C-c and C-z, the rest defined by stty -a are, at least in
- # gnome-terminal, overridden by bash, or disabled by the system
- stty lnext undef stop undef start undef
+ # make ctrl-backspace work. for konsole, i fixed it through
+ # /home/iank/.local/share/konsole/default.keytab
+ stty werase '^h'
+ bind '"\eOc": shell-forward-word'
+ bind '"\eOd": shell-backward-word'
+ # i can't remember why i did this, probably to free up some keys to bind
+ # to other things in bash.
+ # other than C-c and C-z, the rest defined by stty -a are, at least in
+ # gnome-terminal, overridden by bash, or disabled by the system
+ stty lnext undef stop undef start undef
+ fi
## include files ###
for _x in /a/bin/distro-functions/src/* /a/bin/!(githtml)/*-function?(s); do
- source "$_x"
+ source "$_x"
unset _x
# so I can share my bashrc
# ancient stuff.
if [[ $OS == Windows_NT ]]; then
- alias ffs='cygstart "/c/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" -P scratch'
- export DISPLAY=nt
- alias j='command cygpath'
- alias t='command cygstart'
- alias cygstart='echo be quick, use the alias "t" instead :\)'
- alias cygpath='echo be quick, use the alias "j" instead :\)'
+ alias ffs='cygstart "/c/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" -P scratch'
+ export DISPLAY=nt
+ alias j='command cygpath'
+ alias t='command cygstart'
+ alias cygstart='echo be quick, use the alias "t" instead :\)'
+ alias cygpath='echo be quick, use the alias "j" instead :\)'
# file cut copy and paste, like the text buffers :)
# I havn't tested these.
_fbufferinit() { # internal use by
- ! [[ $my_f_tempdir ]] && my_f_tempdir=$(mktemp -d)
- rm -rf "$my_f_tempdir"/*
+ ! [[ $my_f_tempdir ]] && my_f_tempdir=$(mktemp -d)
+ rm -rf "$my_f_tempdir"/*
fcp() { # file cp
- _fbufferinit
- cp "$@" "$my_f_tempdir"/
+ _fbufferinit
+ cp "$@" "$my_f_tempdir"/
fct() { # file cut
- _fbufferinit
- mv "$@" "$my_f_tempdir"/
+ _fbufferinit
+ mv "$@" "$my_f_tempdir"/
fpst() { # file paste
- [[ $2 ]] && { echo too many arguments; return 1; }
- target=${1:-.}
- cp "$my_f_tempdir"/* "$target"
+ [[ $2 ]] && { echo too many arguments; return 1; }
+ target=${1:-.}
+ cp "$my_f_tempdir"/* "$target"
_cdiff-prep() {
- # join options which are continued to multiples lines onto one line
- local first=true
- grep -vE '^([ \t]*#|^[ \t]*$)' "$1" | while IFS= read -r line; do
- # remove leading spaces/tabs. assumes extglob
- if [[ $line == "[ ]*" ]]; then
- line="${line##+( )}"
- fi
- if $first; then
- pastline="$line"
- first=false
- elif [[ $line == *=* ]]; then
- echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
- pastline="$line"
- else
- pastline="$pastline $line"
- fi
- done
- echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
+ # join options which are continued to multiples lines onto one line
+ local first=true
+ grep -vE '^([ \t]*#|^[ \t]*$)' "$1" | while IFS= read -r line; do
+ # remove leading spaces/tabs. assumes extglob
+ if [[ $line == "[ ]*" ]]; then
+ line="${line##+( )}"
+ fi
+ if $first; then
+ pastline="$line"
+ first=false
+ elif [[ $line == *=* ]]; then
+ echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
+ pastline="$line"
+ else
+ pastline="$pastline $line"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
_khfix_common() {
- local h=${1##*@}
- local x
- ssh-keygen -R $h -f $(readlink -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
- x=$(timeout 1 ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ -v $1 |& sed -rn "s/debug1: Connecting to $h \[([^\]*)].*/\1/p")
- if [[ ! $x ]]; then
- echo "khfix: ssh failed"
- return 1
- fi
- echo "khfix: removing key for $x"
- ssh-keygen -R $x -f $(readlink -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
+ local h=${1##*@}
+ local x
+ ssh-keygen -R $h -f $(readlink -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
+ x=$(timeout 1 ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ -v $1 |& sed -rn "s/debug1: Connecting to $h \[([^\]*)].*/\1/p")
+ if [[ ! $x ]]; then
+ echo "khfix: ssh failed"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo "khfix: removing key for $x"
+ ssh-keygen -R $x -f $(readlink -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
khfix() { # known hosts fix
- _khfix_common "$@" || return 1
- ssh $1 :
+ _khfix_common "$@" || return 1
+ ssh $1 :
khcopy() {
- _khfix_common "$@"
- ssh-copy-id $1
+ _khfix_common "$@"
+ ssh-copy-id $1
a() {
- beet "${@}"
+ beet "${@}"
ack() { ack-grep "$@"; }
anki() {
- if which anki &>/dev/null; then
- command anki
- else
- schroot -c anki -- anki
- fi
+ if which anki &>/dev/null; then
+ command anki
+ else
+ schroot -c anki -- anki
+ fi
astudio() {
- # googling android emulator libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
- # lead to http://stackoverflow.com/a/36625175/14456
- /a/opt/android-studio/bin/studio.sh "$@" &r;
+ # googling android emulator libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
+ # lead to http://stackoverflow.com/a/36625175/14456
+ /a/opt/android-studio/bin/studio.sh "$@" &r;
b() {
- # backwards
- c -
+ # backwards
+ c -
bkrun() {
- # use -p from interactive shell
- btrbk-run -p "$@"
+ # use -p from interactive shell
+ btrbk-run -p "$@"
bfg() { java -jar /a/opt/bfg-1.12.14.jar "$@"; }
bigclock() {
- xclock -digital -update 1 -face 'arial black-80:bold'
+ xclock -digital -update 1 -face 'arial black-80:bold'
btc() {
- local f=/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
- # importprivkey will timeout if using the default of 15 mins.
- # upped it to 1 hour.
- bitcoin-cli -rpcclienttimeout=60000 -$(s grep rpcuser= $f) -$(s grep rpcpassword= $f) "$@"
+ local f=/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
+ # importprivkey will timeout if using the default of 15 mins.
+ # upped it to 1 hour.
+ bitcoin-cli -rpcclienttimeout=60000 -$(s grep rpcuser= $f) -$(s grep rpcpassword= $f) "$@"
btcusd() { # $1 btc in usd
- local price
- price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
- printf "$%s\n" "$price"
- if [[ $1 ]]; then
- printf "$%.2f\n" "$(echo "scale=4; $price * $1"| bc -l)"
- fi
+ local price
+ price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
+ printf "$%s\n" "$price"
+ if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ printf "$%.2f\n" "$(echo "scale=4; $price * $1"| bc -l)"
+ fi
usdbtc() { # $1 usd in btc
- local price
- price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
- printf "$%s\n" "$price"
- if [[ $1 ]]; then
- # 100 mil satoshi / btc. 8 digits after the 1.
- printf "%.8f btc\n" "$(echo "scale=10; $1 / $price "| bc -l)"
- fi
+ local price
+ price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
+ printf "$%s\n" "$price"
+ if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ # 100 mil satoshi / btc. 8 digits after the 1.
+ printf "%.8f btc\n" "$(echo "scale=10; $1 / $price "| bc -l)"
+ fi
satoshi() { # $1 satoshi in usd
- local price
- price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
- price=$(echo "scale=10; $price * 0.00000001"| bc -l)
- printf "$%f\n" "$price"
- if [[ $1 ]]; then
- printf "$%.2f\n" "$(echo "scale=10; $price * $1"| bc -l)"
- fi
+ local price
+ price="$(curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/BTC-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount)"
+ price=$(echo "scale=10; $price * 0.00000001"| bc -l)
+ printf "$%f\n" "$price"
+ if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ printf "$%.2f\n" "$(echo "scale=10; $price * $1"| bc -l)"
+ fi
# c. better cd
if [[ $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
- c() { wcd -c -z 50 -o "$@"; }
+ c() { wcd -c -z 50 -o "$@"; }
- # lets see what the fancy terminal does from time to time
- c() { wcd -c -z 50 "$@"; }
+ # lets see what the fancy terminal does from time to time
+ c() { wcd -c -z 50 "$@"; }
caa() { git commit --amend --no-edit -a; }
caf() {
- find -L $1 -type f -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
- -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
- -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) \
- -exec bash -lc 'hr; echo "$1"; hr; cat "$1"' _ {} \; 2>/dev/null
+ find -L $1 -type f -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
+ -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
+ -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) \
+ -exec bash -lc 'hr; echo "$1"; hr; cat "$1"' _ {} \; 2>/dev/null
calc() { echo "scale=3; $*" | bc -l; }
# no having to type quotes, but also no command history:
clc() {
- local x
- read -r x
- echo "scale=3; $x" | bc -l
+ local x
+ read -r x
+ echo "scale=3; $x" | bc -l
cam() {
- git commit -am "$*"
+ git commit -am "$*"
ccat () { # config cat. see a config without extra lines.
- grep '^\s*[^;[:space:]#]' "$@"
+ grep '^\s*[^;[:space:]#]' "$@"
cdiff() {
- # diff config files,
- # setup for format of postfix, eg:
- # option = stuff[,]
- # [more stuff]
- local pastline
- local unified="$(mktemp)"
- local f1="$(mktemp)"
- local f2="$(mktemp)"
- _cdiff-prep "$1" "$f1"
- _cdiff-prep "$2" "$f2"
- cat "$f1" "$f2" | grep -Po '^[^=]+=' | sort | uniq > "$unified"
- while IFS= read -r line; do
- # the default bright red / blue doesn't work in emacs shell
- dwdiff -cblue,red -A best -d " ," <(grep "^$line" "$f1" || echo ) <(grep "^$line" "$f2" || echo ) | colordiff
- done < "$unified"
+ # diff config files,
+ # setup for format of postfix, eg:
+ # option = stuff[,]
+ # [more stuff]
+ local pastline
+ local unified="$(mktemp)"
+ local f1="$(mktemp)"
+ local f2="$(mktemp)"
+ _cdiff-prep "$1" "$f1"
+ _cdiff-prep "$2" "$f2"
+ cat "$f1" "$f2" | grep -Po '^[^=]+=' | sort | uniq > "$unified"
+ while IFS= read -r line; do
+ # the default bright red / blue doesn't work in emacs shell
+ dwdiff -cblue,red -A best -d " ," <(grep "^$line" "$f1" || echo ) <(grep "^$line" "$f2" || echo ) | colordiff
+ done < "$unified"
- if (($#)); then
- cp /a/bin/data/COPYING "$@"
- else
- cp /a/bin/data/COPYING .
- fi
+ if (($#)); then
+ cp /a/bin/data/COPYING "$@"
+ else
+ cp /a/bin/data/COPYING .
+ fi
- if (($#)); then
- cp /a/bin/data/LICENSE "$@"
- else
- cp /a/bin/data/LICENSE .
- fi
+ if (($#)); then
+ cp /a/bin/data/LICENSE "$@"
+ else
+ cp /a/bin/data/LICENSE .
+ fi
chown() {
- # makes it so chown -R symlink affects the symlink and its target.
- if [[ $1 == -R ]]; then
- shift
- command chown -h "$@"
- command chown -R "$@"
- else
- command chown "$@"
- fi
+ # makes it so chown -R symlink affects the symlink and its target.
+ if [[ $1 == -R ]]; then
+ shift
+ command chown -h "$@"
+ command chown -R "$@"
+ else
+ command chown "$@"
+ fi
cim() {
- git commit -m "$*"
+ git commit -m "$*"
cl() {
- # choose recent directory. cl = cd list
- c =
+ # choose recent directory. cl = cd list
+ c =
chrome() {
- if type -p chromium &>/dev/null; then
- cmd=chromium
- else
- cd
- cmd="schroot -c stretch chromium"
- CHROMIUM_FLAGS='--enable-remote-extensions' $cmd &r
- fi
+ if type -p chromium &>/dev/null; then
+ cmd=chromium
+ else
+ cd
+ cmd="schroot -c stretch chromium"
+ CHROMIUM_FLAGS='--enable-remote-extensions' $cmd &r
+ fi
d() { builtin bg; }
complete -A stopped -P '"%' -S '"' d
dat() { # do all tee, for more complex scripts
- tee >(ssh frodo bash -l) >(bash -l) >(ssh x2 bash -l) >(ssh tp bash -l)
+ tee >(ssh frodo bash -l) >(bash -l) >(ssh x2 bash -l) >(ssh tp bash -l)
da() { # do all
- local host
- "$@"
- for host in x2 tp treetowl; do
- ssh $host "$@"
- done
+ local host
+ "$@"
+ for host in x2 tp treetowl; do
+ ssh $host "$@"
+ done
dc() {
- diff --strip-trailing-cr -w "$@" # diff content
+ diff --strip-trailing-cr -w "$@" # diff content
debian_pick_mirror () {
- # netselect-apt finds a fast mirror.
- # but we need to replace the mirrors ourselves,
- # because it doesn't do that. best it can do is
- # output a basic sources file
- # here we get the server it found, get the main server we use
- # then substitute all instances of one for the other in the sources file
- # and backup original to /etc/apt/sources.list-original.
- # this is idempotent. the only way to identify debian sources is to
- # note the original server, so we put it in a comment so we can
- # identify it later.
- local file=$(mktemp -d)/f # safe way to get file name without creating one
- sudo netselect-apt -o "$file" || return 1
- url=$(grep ^\\w $file | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
- sudo cp -f /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-original
- sudo sed -ri "/http.us.debian.org/ s@( *[^ #]+ +)[^ ]+([^#]+).*@\1$url\2# http.us.debian.org@" /etc/apt/sources.list
- sudo apt-get update
+ # netselect-apt finds a fast mirror.
+ # but we need to replace the mirrors ourselves,
+ # because it doesn't do that. best it can do is
+ # output a basic sources file
+ # here we get the server it found, get the main server we use
+ # then substitute all instances of one for the other in the sources file
+ # and backup original to /etc/apt/sources.list-original.
+ # this is idempotent. the only way to identify debian sources is to
+ # note the original server, so we put it in a comment so we can
+ # identify it later.
+ local file=$(mktemp -d)/f # safe way to get file name without creating one
+ sudo netselect-apt -o "$file" || return 1
+ url=$(grep ^\\w $file | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
+ sudo cp -f /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-original
+ sudo sed -ri "/http.us.debian.org/ s@( *[^ #]+ +)[^ ]+([^#]+).*@\1$url\2# http.us.debian.org@" /etc/apt/sources.list
+ sudo apt-get update
despace() {
- local x y
- for x in "$@"; do
- y="${x// /_}"
- safe_rename "$x" "$y"
- done
+ local x y
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ y="${x// /_}"
+ safe_rename "$x" "$y"
+ done
dt() {
- date "+%A, %B %d, %r" "$@"
+ date "+%A, %B %d, %r" "$@"
dus() { # du, sorted, default arg of
- du -sh ${@:-*} | sort -h
+ du -sh ${@:-*} | sort -h
ediff() {
- [[ ${#@} == 2 ]] || { echo "error: ediff requires 2 arguments"; return 1; }
- emacs --eval "(ediff-files \"$1\" \"$2\")"
+ [[ ${#@} == 2 ]] || { echo "error: ediff requires 2 arguments"; return 1; }
+ emacs --eval "(ediff-files \"$1\" \"$2\")"
envload() { # load environment from a previous: export > file
- local file=${1:-$HOME/.${USER}_env}
- eval "$(export | sed 's/^declare -x/export -n/')"
- while IFS= read -r line; do
- # declare -x makes variables local to a function
- eval ${line/#declare -x/export}
- done < "$file"
+ local file=${1:-$HOME/.${USER}_env}
+ eval "$(export | sed 's/^declare -x/export -n/')"
+ while IFS= read -r line; do
+ # declare -x makes variables local to a function
+ eval ${line/#declare -x/export}
+ done < "$file"
# mail related
etail() {
- sudo tail -f /var/log/exim4/mainlog
+ sudo tail -f /var/log/exim4/mainlog
f() {
- # cd forward
- c +
+ # cd forward
+ c +
fa() {
- # find array. make an array of file names found by find into $x
- # argument: find arguments
- # return: find results in an array $x
- while read -rd ''; do
- x+=("$REPLY");
- done < <(find "$@" -print0);
+ # find array. make an array of file names found by find into $x
+ # argument: find arguments
+ # return: find results in an array $x
+ while read -rd ''; do
+ x+=("$REPLY");
+ done < <(find "$@" -print0);
faf() { # find all files
- find -L $1 -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
- -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
- -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) 2>/dev/null
+ find -L $1 -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
+ -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
+ -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) 2>/dev/null
# one that comes with distros is too old for newer devices
fastboot() {
- /a/opt/android-platform-tools/fastboot "$@";
+ /a/opt/android-platform-tools/fastboot "$@";
kdecd() { /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd; }
# usually good enough to just rm -rf /data/app/APPNAME
# currently broken:
+# # causes replicant to crash
+# org.quantumbadger.redreader
+# org.kde.kdeconnect_tp
+# not broke, but won't work without gps
+# not broke, but not using atm
+# # doesn\'t work on replicant
- at.bitfire.davdroid
- com.alaskalinuxuser.justnotes
- com.artifex.mupdfdemo
- com.fsck.k9
- com.ichi2.anki
- com.jmstudios.redmoon
- com.notecryptpro
- com.nutomic.syncthingandroid
- com.termux
- com.zoffcc.applications.zanavi
- cz.martykan.forecastie
- de.danoeh.antennapod
- im.vector.alpha # riot
- info.papdt.blackblub
- me.tripsit.tripmobile
- net.gaast.giggity
- net.osmand.plus
- net.sourceforge.opencamera
- org.dmfs.tasks # caldav tasks thing
- org.fdroid.fdroid
- org.isoron.uhabits
- org.kde.kdeconnect_tp
- org.quantumbadger.redreader
- org.smssecure.smssecure
- org.fedorahosted.freeotp
- org.yaaic
+ at.bitfire.davdroid
+ com.alaskalinuxuser.justnotes
+ com.artifex.mupdf.viewer.app
+ com.fsck.k9
+ com.ghostsq.commander
+ com.ichi2.anki
+ com.jmstudios.redmoon
+ com.jmstudios.chibe
+ com.notecryptpro
+ com.termux
+ cz.martykan.forecastie
+ de.danoeh.antennapod
+ im.vector.alpha # riot
+ info.papdt.blackblub
+ me.tripsit.tripmobile
+ net.gaast.giggity
+ net.osmand.plus
+ org.isoron.uhabits
+ org.smssecure.smssecure
+ org.yaaic
# https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/wip-selinux-capable-superuser-t3216394
# for maru,
fdup() {
- local -A installed updated
- local p
+ local -A installed updated
+ local p
+ fdroidcl update
+ if fdroidcl search -u | grep ^org.fdroid.fdroid; then
+ fdroidcl upgrade org.fdroid.fdroid
+ sleep 5
fdroidcl update
- for p in $(fdroidcl search -i| grep -o "^\S\+"); do
- installed[$p]=true
- done
- for p in $(fdroidcl search -u| grep -o "^\S\+"); do
- updated[$p]=false
- done
- for p in ${fdroid_pkgs[@]}; do
- ${installed[$p]:-false} || fdroidcl install $p
- done
- for p in ${!installed[@]}; do
- ${updated[$p]:-true} || fdroidcl upgrade $p
- done
+ fi
+ for p in $(fdroidcl search -i| grep -o "^\S\+"); do
+ installed[$p]=true
+ done
+ for p in $(fdroidcl search -u| grep -o "^\S\+"); do
+ updated[$p]=false
+ done
+ for p in ${fdroid_pkgs[@]}; do
+ if ! ${installed[$p]:-false}; then
+ fdroidcl install $p
+ # sleeps are just me being paranoid since replicant has a history of crashing when certain apps are installed
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ done
+ for p in ${!installed[@]}; do
+ if ! ${updated[$p]:-true}; then
+ fdroidcl upgrade $p
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ done
firefox-default-profile() {
- key=Default value=1 section=$1
- file=/p/c/subdir_files/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
- sed -ri "/^ *$key/d" "$file"
- sed -ri "/ *\[$section\]/,/^ *\[[^]]+\]/{/^\s*$key[[:space:]=]/d};/ *\[$section\]/a $key=$value" "$file"
+ key=Default value=1 section=$1
+ file=/p/c/subdir_files/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
+ sed -ri "/^ *$key/d" "$file"
+ sed -ri "/ *\[$section\]/,/^ *\[[^]]+\]/{/^\s*$key[[:space:]=]/d};/ *\[$section\]/a $key=$value" "$file"
fdhome() { #firefox default home profile
- firefox-default-profile Profile0
+ firefox-default-profile Profile0
fdwork() {
- firefox-default-profile Profile4
+ firefox-default-profile Profile4
ff() {
- if type -P firefox &>/dev/null; then
- firefox "$@"
- else
- iceweasel "$@"
- fi
+ if type -P firefox &>/dev/null; then
+ firefox "$@"
+ else
+ iceweasel "$@"
+ fi
fn() {
- firefox -P alt "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ firefox -P alt "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
fsdiff () {
- local missing=false
- local dname="${PWD##*/}"
- local m="/a/tmp/$dname-missing"
- local d="/a/tmp/$dname-diff"
- [[ -e $d ]] && rm "$d"
- [[ -e $m ]] && rm "$m"
- local msize=0
- local fsfile
- while read -r line; do
- fsfile="$1${line#.}"
- if [[ -e "$fsfile" ]]; then
- md5diff "$line" "$fsfile" && tee -a "/a/tmp/$dname-diff" <<< "$fsfile $line"
- else
- missing=true
- echo "$line" >> "$m"
- msize=$((msize + 1))
- fi
- done < <(find -type f )
- if $missing; then
- echo "$m"
- (( msize <= 100 )) && cat $m
+ local missing=false
+ local dname="${PWD##*/}"
+ local m="/a/tmp/$dname-missing"
+ local d="/a/tmp/$dname-diff"
+ [[ -e $d ]] && rm "$d"
+ [[ -e $m ]] && rm "$m"
+ local msize=0
+ local fsfile
+ while read -r line; do
+ fsfile="$1${line#.}"
+ if [[ -e "$fsfile" ]]; then
+ md5diff "$line" "$fsfile" && tee -a "/a/tmp/$dname-diff" <<< "$fsfile $line"
+ else
+ missing=true
+ echo "$line" >> "$m"
+ msize=$((msize + 1))
+ done < <(find -type f )
+ if $missing; then
+ echo "$m"
+ (( msize <= 100 )) && cat $m
+ fi
fsdiff-test() {
- # expected output, with different tmp dirs
- # /tmp/tmp.HDPbwMqdC9/c/d ./c/d
- # /a/tmp/tmp.qLDkYxBYPM-missing
- # ./b
- cd $(mktemp -d)
- echo ok > a
- echo nok > b
- mkdir c
- echo ok > c/d
- local x=$(mktemp -d)
- mkdir $x/c
- echo different > $x/c/d
- echo ok > $x/a
- fsdiff $x
+ # expected output, with different tmp dirs
+ # /tmp/tmp.HDPbwMqdC9/c/d ./c/d
+ # /a/tmp/tmp.qLDkYxBYPM-missing
+ # ./b
+ cd $(mktemp -d)
+ echo ok > a
+ echo nok > b
+ mkdir c
+ echo ok > c/d
+ local x=$(mktemp -d)
+ mkdir $x/c
+ echo different > $x/c/d
+ echo ok > $x/a
+ fsdiff $x
rename-test() {
- # test whether missing files were renamed, generally for use with fsdiff
- # $1 = fsdiff output file, $2 = directory to compare to. pwd = fsdiff dir
- # echos non-renamed files
- local x y found
- unset sums
- for x in "$2"/*; do
- { sums+=( "$(md5sum < "$x")" ) ; } 2>/dev/null
+ # test whether missing files were renamed, generally for use with fsdiff
+ # $1 = fsdiff output file, $2 = directory to compare to. pwd = fsdiff dir
+ # echos non-renamed files
+ local x y found
+ unset sums
+ for x in "$2"/*; do
+ { sums+=( "$(md5sum < "$x")" ) ; } 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ while read -r line; do
+ { missing_sum=$(md5sum < "$line") ; } 2>/dev/null
+ renamed=false
+ for x in "${sums[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $missing_sum == "$x" ]]; then
+ renamed=true
+ break
+ fi
- while read -r line; do
- { missing_sum=$(md5sum < "$line") ; } 2>/dev/null
- renamed=false
- for x in "${sums[@]}"; do
- if [[ $missing_sum == "$x" ]]; then
- renamed=true
- break
- fi
- done
- $renamed || echo "$line"
- done < "$1"
- return 0
+ $renamed || echo "$line"
+ done < "$1"
+ return 0
feh() {
- # F = fullscren, z = random, Z = auto zoom
- command feh -FzZ "$@"
+ # F = fullscren, z = random, Z = auto zoom
+ command feh -FzZ "$@"
# mail related
frozen() {
- rm -rf /tmp/frozen
- s mailq |gr frozen|awk '{print $3}' | while read -r id; do
- s exim -Mvl $id
- echo
- s exim -Mvh $id
- echo
- s exim -Mvb $id
- echo -e '\n\n##############################\n'
- done | tee -a /tmp/frozen
+ rm -rf /tmp/frozen
+ s mailq |gr frozen|awk '{print $3}' | while read -r id; do
+ s exim -Mvl $id
+ echo
+ s exim -Mvh $id
+ echo
+ s exim -Mvb $id
+ echo -e '\n\n##############################\n'
+ done | tee -a /tmp/frozen
frozenrm() {
- local ids=()
- while read -r line; do
- printf '%s\n' "$line"
- ids+=($(printf '%s\n' "$line" |gr frozen|awk '{print $3}'))
- done < <(s mailq)
- echo "sleeping for 2 in case you change your mind"
- sleep 2
- s exim -Mrm "${ids[@]}"
+ local ids=()
+ while read -r line; do
+ printf '%s\n' "$line"
+ ids+=($(printf '%s\n' "$line" |gr frozen|awk '{print $3}'))
+ done < <(s mailq)
+ echo "sleeping for 2 in case you change your mind"
+ sleep 2
+ s exim -Mrm "${ids[@]}"
funce() {
- # like -e for functions. returns on error.
- # at the end of the function, disable with:
- # trap ERR
+ # like -e for functions. returns on error.
+ # at the end of the function, disable with:
+ # trap ERR
trap ERR
return' ERR
fw() {
- firefox -P default "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ firefox -P default "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
getdir () {
- local help="Usage: getdir [--help] PATH
+ local help="Usage: getdir [--help] PATH
Output the directory of PATH, or just PATH if it is a directory."
- if [[ $1 == --help ]]; then
- echo "$help"
- return 0
- fi
- if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
- echo "getdir error: expected 1 argument, got $#"
- return 1
- fi
- if [[ -d $1 ]]; then
- echo "$1"
+ if [[ $1 == --help ]]; then
+ echo "$help"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ echo "getdir error: expected 1 argument, got $#"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -d $1 ]]; then
+ echo "$1"
+ else
+ local dir="$(dirname "$1")"
+ if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
+ echo "$dir"
- local dir="$(dirname "$1")"
- if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
- echo "$dir"
- else
- echo "getdir error: directory does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
+ echo "getdir error: directory does not exist"
+ return 1
+ fi
git_empty_branch() { # start an empty git branch. carefull, it deletes untracked files.
- [[ $# == 1 ]] || { echo 'need a branch name!'; return 1;}
- local gitroot
- gitroot || return 1 # function to set gitroot
- builtin cd "$gitroot"
- git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$1
- rm .git/index
- git clean -fdx
+ [[ $# == 1 ]] || { echo 'need a branch name!'; return 1;}
+ local gitroot
+ gitroot || return 1 # function to set gitroot
+ builtin cd "$gitroot"
+ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$1
+ rm .git/index
+ git clean -fdx
gitroot() {
- local help="Usage: gitroot [--help]
+ local help="Usage: gitroot [--help]
Print the full path to the root of the current git repo
Handles being within a .git directory, unlike git rev-parse --show-toplevel,
and works in older versions of git which did not have that."
- if [[ $1 == --help ]]; then
- echo "$help"
- return
- fi
- local p=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) || { echo "error: not in a git repo" ; return 1; }
- [[ $p != /* ]] && p=$PWD
- echo "${p%%/.git}"
+ if [[ $1 == --help ]]; then
+ echo "$help"
+ return
+ fi
+ local p=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) || { echo "error: not in a git repo" ; return 1; }
+ [[ $p != /* ]] && p=$PWD
+ echo "${p%%/.git}"
gitian() {
- git config user.email ian@iankelling.org
+ git config user.email ian@iankelling.org
+gh() {
+ # i got an error, gh not found when doing a pull request, it seems like it wants itself in it's path.
+ local _oldpath="$PATH"
+ PATH="$PATH:~/node_modules/.bin"
+ command gh "$@"
+ PATH="$_oldpath"
gmacs() {
- # quit will prompt if the program crashes.
- gdb -ex=r -ex=quit --args emacs "$@"; r;
+ # quit will prompt if the program crashes.
+ gdb -ex=r -ex=quit --args emacs "$@"; r;
gdkill() {
- # kill the emacs daemon
- pk1 emacs --daemon
+ # kill the emacs daemon
+ pk1 emacs --daemon
gse() {
- git send-email --notes '--envelope-sender=<ian@iankelling.org>' \
- --suppress-cc=self "$@"
+ git send-email --notes '--envelope-sender=<ian@iankelling.org>' \
+ --suppress-cc=self "$@"
gr() {
- grep -iIP --color=auto "$@"
+ grep -iIP --color=auto "$@"
grr() {
- if [[ ${#@} == 1 ]]; then
- grep -riIP --color=auto "$@" .
- else
- grep -riIP --color=auto "$@"
- fi
+ if [[ ${#@} == 1 ]]; then
+ grep -riIP --color=auto "$@" .
+ else
+ grep -riIP --color=auto "$@"
+ fi
hstatus() {
- # do git status on published repos
+ # do git status on published repos
+ cd /a/bin/githtml
+ for x in !(forks) forks/* ian-specific/*; do
+ cd `readlink -f $x`/..
+ hr
+ echo $x
+ i status
cd /a/bin/githtml
- for x in !(forks) forks/* ian-specific/*; do
- cd `readlink -f $x`/..
- hr
- echo $x
- i status
- cd /a/bin/githtml
- done
+ done
hl() { # history limit. Write extra history to archive file.
- # todo: this is not working or not used currently
- local max_lines linecount tempfile prune_lines x
- local harchive="${HISTFILE}_archive"
- for x in "$HISTFILE" "$harchive"; do
- [[ -e $x ]] || { touch "$x" && echo "notice from hl(): creating $x"; }
- if [[ ! $x || ! -e $x || ! -w $x || $(stat -c "%u" "$x") != $EUID ]]; then
- echo "error in hl: history file \$x:$x no good"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- history -a # save history
- max_lines=$HISTFILELINES
- [[ $max_lines =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "error in hl: failed to get max line count"; return 1; }
- linecount=$(wc -l < $HISTFILE) # pipe so it doesn't output a filename
- [[ $linecount =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "error in hl: wc failed"; return 1; }
- if (($linecount > $max_lines)); then
- prune_lines=$(($linecount - $max_lines))
- head -n $prune_lines "$HISTFILE" >> "$harchive" \
- && sed --follow-symlinks -ie "1,${prune_lines}d" $HISTFILE
+ # todo: this is not working or not used currently
+ local max_lines linecount tempfile prune_lines x
+ local harchive="${HISTFILE}_archive"
+ for x in "$HISTFILE" "$harchive"; do
+ [[ -e $x ]] || { touch "$x" && echo "notice from hl(): creating $x"; }
+ if [[ ! $x || ! -e $x || ! -w $x || $(stat -c "%u" "$x") != $EUID ]]; then
+ echo "error in hl: history file \$x:$x no good"
+ return 1
+ done
+ history -a # save history
+ max_lines=$HISTFILELINES
+ [[ $max_lines =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "error in hl: failed to get max line count"; return 1; }
+ linecount=$(wc -l < $HISTFILE) # pipe so it doesn't output a filename
+ [[ $linecount =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "error in hl: wc failed"; return 1; }
+ if (($linecount > $max_lines)); then
+ prune_lines=$(($linecount - $max_lines))
+ head -n $prune_lines "$HISTFILE" >> "$harchive" \
+ && sed --follow-symlinks -ie "1,${prune_lines}d" $HISTFILE
+ fi
hr() { # horizontal row. used to break up output
- printf "$(tput setaf 5)â–ˆ$(tput sgr0)%.0s" $(seq ${COLUMNS:-60})
- echo
+ printf "$(tput setaf 5)â–ˆ$(tput sgr0)%.0s" $(seq ${COLUMNS:-60})
+ echo
hrcat() { local f; for f; do [[ -f $f ]] || continue; hr; echo "$f"; cat "$f"; done }
+hub() { /nocow/t/hub-linux-amd64-2.3.0-pre10/bin/hub "$@"; }
i() { git "$@"; }
# modified from ~/local/bin/git-completion.bash
# other completion commands are mostly taken from bash_completion package
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git i 2>/dev/null \
- || complete -o default -o nospace -F _git i
+ || complete -o default -o nospace -F _git i
if ! type service &>/dev/null; then
- service() {
- echo actually running: systemctl $2 $1
- systemctl $2 $1
- }
+ service() {
+ echo actually running: systemctl $2 $1
+ systemctl $2 $1
+ }
ic() {
- # fast commit all
- git commit -am "$*"
+ # fast commit all
+ git commit -am "$*"
idea() {
- /a/opt/idea-IC-163.7743.44/bin/idea.sh "$@" &r
+ /a/opt/idea-IC-163.7743.44/bin/idea.sh "$@" &r
ifn() {
- # insensitive find
- find -L . -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
- -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
- -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) -iname "*$**" 2>/dev/null
+ # insensitive find
+ find -L . -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
+ -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
+ -o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) -iname "*$**" 2>/dev/null
if [[ $OS == Windows_NT ]]; then
- # cygstart wrapper
- cs() {
- cygstart "$@" &
- }
- xp() {
- explorer.exe .
- }
- # launch
- o() {
- local x=(*$1*)
- (( ${#x[#]} > 1 )) && { echo "warning ${#x[#]} matches found"; sleep 1; }
- cygstart *$1* &
- }
+ # cygstart wrapper
+ cs() {
+ cygstart "$@" &
+ }
+ xp() {
+ explorer.exe .
+ }
+ # launch
+ o() {
+ local x=(*$1*)
+ (( ${#x[#]} > 1 )) && { echo "warning ${#x[#]} matches found"; sleep 1; }
+ cygstart *$1* &
+ }
- o() {
- if type gvfs-open &> /dev/null ; then
- gvfs-open "$@"
- else
- xdg-open "$@"
- fi
- # another alternative is run-mailcap
- }
+ o() {
+ if type gvfs-open &> /dev/null ; then
+ gvfs-open "$@"
+ else
+ xdg-open "$@"
+ fi
+ # another alternative is run-mailcap
+ }
ipdrop() {
- s iptables -A INPUT -s $1 -j DROP
+ s iptables -A INPUT -s $1 -j DROP
net-dev-info() {
- e "lspci -nnk|gr -iA2 net"
- lspci -nnk|gr -iA2 net
- hr
- e "s lshw -C network"
- hr
- s lshw -C network
+ e "lspci -nnk|gr -iA2 net"
+ lspci -nnk|gr -iA2 net
+ hr
+ e "s lshw -C network"
+ hr
+ s lshw -C network
istext() {
- grep -Il "" "$@" &>/dev/null
+ grep -Il "" "$@" &>/dev/null
jtail() {
- journalctl -n 10000 -f "$@" | grep -Evi "^(\S+\s+){4}(sudo|sshd|cron)"
+ journalctl -n 10000 -f "$@" | grep -Evi "^(\S+\s+){4}(sudo|sshd|cron)"
kff() { # keyboardio firmware flash
- pushd /a/bin/distro-setup/Arduino/Model01-Firmware
- yes $'\n' | make flash
- popd
+ pushd /a/bin/distro-setup/Arduino/Model01-Firmware
+ yes $'\n' | make flash
+ popd
l() {
- if [[ $PWD == /[iap] ]]; then
- command ls -A --color=auto -I lost+found "$@"
- else
- command ls -A --color=auto "$@"
- fi
+ if [[ $PWD == /[iap] ]]; then
+ command ls -A --color=auto -I lost+found "$@"
+ else
+ command ls -A --color=auto "$@"
+ fi
lld() { ll -d "$@"; }
low() { # make filenames lowercase, remove bad chars
- local f new
- for f in "$@"; do
- new="${f,,}" # downcase
- new="${new//[^[:alnum:]._-]/_}" # sub bad chars
- new="${new#"${new%%[[:alnum:]]*}"}" # remove leading/trailing non-alnum
- new="${new%"${new##*[[:alnum:]]}"}"
- # remove bad underscores, like __ and _._
- new=$(echo $new | sed -r 's/__+/_/g;s/_+([.-])|([.-])_+/\1/g')
- safe_rename "$f" "$new" || return 1
- done
- return 0
+ local f new
+ for f in "$@"; do
+ new="${f,,}" # downcase
+ new="${new//[^[:alnum:]._-]/_}" # sub bad chars
+ new="${new#"${new%%[[:alnum:]]*}"}" # remove leading/trailing non-alnum
+ new="${new%"${new##*[[:alnum:]]}"}"
+ # remove bad underscores, like __ and _._
+ new=$(echo $new | sed -r 's/__+/_/g;s/_+([.-])|([.-])_+/\1/g')
+ safe_rename "$f" "$new" || return 1
+ done
+ return 0
lower() { # make first letter of filenames lowercase.
- local x
- for x in "$@"; do
- if [[ ${x::1} == [A-Z] ]]; then
- y=$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" <<<"${x::1}")"${x:1}"
- safe_rename "$x" "$y" || return 1
- fi
- done
+ local x
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ if [[ ${x::1} == [A-Z] ]]; then
+ y=$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" <<<"${x::1}")"${x:1}"
+ safe_rename "$x" "$y" || return 1
+ fi
+ done
k() { # history search
- grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | tail -n 80;
+ grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | tail -n 80;
ks() { # history search
- grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | uniq;
+ grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | uniq;
make-targets() {
- # show make targets, via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3063507/list-goals-targets-in-gnu-make
- make -qp | awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$)/ {split($1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}'
+ # show make targets, via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3063507/list-goals-targets-in-gnu-make
+ make -qp | awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$)/ {split($1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}'
mbenable() {
- mb=$1
- dst=/m/4e/$1
- src=/m/md/$1
- set -x
- mv -T $src $dst || { set +x; return 1; }
- ln -s -T $dst $src
- /a/exe/lnf /p/.mu ~
- mu index --maildir=/m/4e
- set +x
+ mb=$1
+ dst=/m/4e/$1
+ src=/m/md/$1
+ set -x
+ mv -T $src $dst || { set +x; return 1; }
+ ln -s -T $dst $src
+ /a/exe/lnf /p/.mu ~
+ mu index --maildir=/m/4e
+ set +x
mbdisable() {
- mb=$1
- dst=/m/md/$1
- src=/m/4e/$1
- set -x
- if [[ -L $dst ]]; then rm $dst; fi
- mv -T $src $dst
- set +x
+ mb=$1
+ dst=/m/md/$1
+ src=/m/4e/$1
+ set -x
+ if [[ -L $dst ]]; then rm $dst; fi
+ mv -T $src $dst
+ set +x
mdt() {
- markdown -o /tmp/mdtest.html "$1"
- firefox /tmp/mdtest.html
+ markdown "$1" >/tmp/mdtest.html
+ firefox /tmp/mdtest.html
mkc() {
- mkdir "$1"
- c "$1"
+ mkdir "$1"
+ c "$1"
mkt() { # mkdir and touch file
- local path="$1"
- mkdir -p "$(dirname "$path")"
- touch "$path"
+ local path="$1"
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$path")"
+ touch "$path"
mkdir() { command mkdir -p "$@"; }
mo() { xset dpms force off; } # monitor off
otp() {
- oathtool --totp -b "$@" | xclip -selection clipboard
+ oathtool --totp -b "$@" | xclip -selection clipboard
-# pithosfly is broken due to bitrot.
-pithos() {
- cd /
- export PYTHONPATH=/a/opt/Pithosfly
- python3 -m pithos&r
pakaraoke() {
- # from http://askubuntu.com/questions/456021/remove-vocals-from-mp3-and-get-only-instrumentals
- pactl load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=Karaoke master=alsa_output.usb-Audioengine_Audioengine_D1-00.analog-stereo plugin=karaoke_1409 label=karaoke control=-30
+ # from http://askubuntu.com/questions/456021/remove-vocals-from-mp3-and-get-only-instrumentals
+ pactl load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=Karaoke master=alsa_output.usb-Audioengine_Audioengine_D1-00.analog-stereo plugin=karaoke_1409 label=karaoke control=-30
pfind() { #find *$1* in $PATH
- [[ $# != 1 ]] && { echo requires 1 argument; return 1; }
- local pathArray
- IFS=: pathArray=($PATH); unset IFS
- find "${pathArray[@]}" -iname "*$1*"
+ [[ $# != 1 ]] && { echo requires 1 argument; return 1; }
+ local pathArray
+ IFS=: pathArray=($PATH); unset IFS
+ find "${pathArray[@]}" -iname "*$1*"
pk1() {
- local pid
- pid=($(pgrep -f "$*"))
- case ${#pid[@]} in
- 1)
- ps -F $pid
- m kill $pid
- ;;
- 0) echo "no pid found" ;;
- *)
- ps -F ${pid[@]}
- ;;
- esac
+ local pid
+ pid=($(pgrep -f "$*"))
+ case ${#pid[@]} in
+ 1)
+ ps -F $pid
+ m kill $pid
+ ;;
+ 0) echo "no pid found" ;;
+ *)
+ ps -F ${pid[@]}
+ ;;
+ esac
pick-trash() {
- # trash-restore lists everything that has been trashed at or below CWD
- # This picks out files just in CWD, not subdirectories,
- # which also match grep $1, usually use $1 for a time string
- # which you get from running restore-trash once first
- local name x ask
- local nth=1
- # last condition is to not ask again for ones we skipped
- while name="$( echo | restore-trash | gr "$PWD/[^/]\+$" | gr "$1" )" \
- && [[ $name ]] && (( $(wc -l <<<"$name") >= nth )); do
- name="$(echo "$name" | head -n $nth | tail -n 1 )"
- read -p "$name [Y/n] " ask
- if [[ ! $ask || $ask == [Yy] ]]; then
- x=$( echo "$name" | gr -o "^\s*[0-9]*" )
- echo $x | restore-trash > /dev/null
- elif [[ $ask == [Nn] ]]; then
- nth=$((nth+1))
- else
- return
- fi
- done
+ # trash-restore lists everything that has been trashed at or below CWD
+ # This picks out files just in CWD, not subdirectories,
+ # which also match grep $1, usually use $1 for a time string
+ # which you get from running restore-trash once first
+ local name x ask
+ local nth=1
+ # last condition is to not ask again for ones we skipped
+ while name="$( echo | restore-trash | gr "$PWD/[^/]\+$" | gr "$1" )" \
+ && [[ $name ]] && (( $(wc -l <<<"$name") >= nth )); do
+ name="$(echo "$name" | head -n $nth | tail -n 1 )"
+ read -p "$name [Y/n] " ask
+ if [[ ! $ask || $ask == [Yy] ]]; then
+ x=$( echo "$name" | gr -o "^\s*[0-9]*" )
+ echo $x | restore-trash > /dev/null
+ elif [[ $ask == [Nn] ]]; then
+ nth=$((nth+1))
+ else
+ return
+ fi
+ done
ping8() { ping; }
pub() {
- rld /a/h/_site/ li:/var/www/iankelling.org/html
+ rld /a/h/_site/ li:/var/www/iankelling.org/html
pubip() { curl -4s https://icanhazip.com; }
whatismyip() { pubip; }
pumpa() {
- # fixes the menu bar in xmonad. this won\'t be needed when xmonad
- # packages catches up on some changes in future (this is written in
- # 4/2017)
- #
- # geekosaur: so you'll want to upgrade to xmonad 0.13 or else use a
- # locally modified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks that doesn't set the
- # work area; turns out it's impossible to set correctly if you are
- # not a fully EWMH compliant desktop environment
- #
- # geekosaur: chrome shows one failure mode, qt/kde another, other
- # gtk apps a third, ... I came up with a setting that works for me
- # locally but apparently doesn't work for others, so we joined the
- # other tiling window managers in giving up on setting it at all
- #
- xprop -root -remove _NET_WORKAREA
- command pumpa &r
+ # fixes the menu bar in xmonad. this won\'t be needed when xmonad
+ # packages catches up on some changes in future (this is written in
+ # 4/2017)
+ #
+ # geekosaur: so you'll want to upgrade to xmonad 0.13 or else use a
+ # locally modified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks that doesn't set the
+ # work area; turns out it's impossible to set correctly if you are
+ # not a fully EWMH compliant desktop environment
+ #
+ # geekosaur: chrome shows one failure mode, qt/kde another, other
+ # gtk apps a third, ... I came up with a setting that works for me
+ # locally but apparently doesn't work for others, so we joined the
+ # other tiling window managers in giving up on setting it at all
+ #
+ xprop -root -remove _NET_WORKAREA
+ command pumpa &r
pwgen() {
- # -m = min length
- # -x = max length
- # -t = print pronunciation
- apg -m 12 -x 16 -t
+ # -m = min length
+ # -x = max length
+ # -t = print pronunciation
+ apg -m 14 -x 17 -t
pwlong() {
- # -M CLN = use Caps, Lowercase, Numbers
- # -n 1 = 1 password
- # -a 1 = use random instead of pronounceable algorithm
- apg -m 50 -x 70 -n 1 -a 1 -M CLN
+ # -M CLN = use Caps, Lowercase, Numbers
+ # -n 1 = 1 password
+ # -a 1 = use random instead of pronounceable algorithm
+ apg -m 50 -x 70 -n 1 -a 1 -M CLN
q() { # start / launch a program in the backround and redir output to null
- "$@" &> /dev/null &
+ "$@" &> /dev/null &
r() {
- exit "$@" 2>/dev/null
+ exit "$@" 2>/dev/null
rbpipe() { rbt post -o --diff-filename=- "$@"; }
rbp() { rbt post -o "$@"; }
rl() {
- # rsync, root is required to keep permissions right.
- # rsync --archive --human-readable --verbose --itemize-changes --checksum \(-ahvic\) \
- # --no-times --delete
- # basically, make an exact copy, use checksums instead of file times to be more accurate
- rsync -ahvic --delete "$@"
+ # rsync, root is required to keep permissions right.
+ # rsync --archive --human-readable --verbose --itemize-changes --checksum \(-ahvic\) \
+ # --no-times --delete
+ # basically, make an exact copy, use checksums instead of file times to be more accurate
+ rsync -ahvic --delete "$@"
rld() {
- # like rlu, but don't delete files on the target end which
- # do not exist on the original end.
- rsync -ahvic "$@"
+ # like rlu, but don't delete files on the target end which
+ # do not exist on the original end.
+ rsync -ahvic "$@"
complete -F _rsync -o nospace rld rl rlt
rlt() {
- # rl without preserving modification time.
- rsync -ahvic --delete --no-t "$@"
+ # rl without preserving modification time.
+ rsync -ahvic --delete --no-t "$@"
rlu() { # [OPTS] HOST PATH
- # eg. rlu -opts frodo /testpath
- # relative paths will expanded with readlink -f.
- # useful for selectively sending dirs which have been synced with unison,
- # where the path is the same on both hosts.
- opts=("${@:1:$#-2}") # 1 to last -2
- path="${@:$#}" # last
- host="${@:$#-1:1}" # last -1
- if [[ $path == .* ]]; then
- path=$(readlink -f $path)
- fi
- # rync here uses checksum instead of time so we don't mess with
- # unison relying on time as much. g is for group, same reason
- # to keep up with unison.
- s rsync -rlpchviog --relative "${opts[@]}" "$path" "root@$host:/";
+ # eg. rlu -opts frodo /testpath
+ # relative paths will expanded with readlink -f.
+ # useful for selectively sending dirs which have been synced with unison,
+ # where the path is the same on both hosts.
+ opts=("${@:1:$#-2}") # 1 to last -2
+ path="${@:$#}" # last
+ host="${@:$#-1:1}" # last -1
+ if [[ $path == .* ]]; then
+ path=$(readlink -f $path)
+ fi
+ # rync here uses checksum instead of time so we don't mess with
+ # unison relying on time as much. g is for group, same reason
+ # to keep up with unison.
+ s rsync -rlpchviog --relative "${opts[@]}" "$path" "root@$host:/";
# only run on desktop. simpler to keep this on one system.
r2eadd() { # usage: name url
- # initial setup of rss2email:
- # r2e new r2e@iankelling.org
- # that initializes files, and sets default email.
- # symlink to the config doesn't work, so I copied it to /p/c
- # and then use cli option to specify explicit path.
- # Only option changed from default config is to set
- # force-from = True
- #
- # or else for a few feeds, the from address is set by the feed, and
- # if I fail delivery, then I send a bounce message to that from
- # address, which makes me be a spammer.
- r2e add $1 "$2" $1@r2e.iankelling.org
- # get up to date and don't send old entries now:
- r2e run --no-send $1
+ # initial setup of rss2email:
+ # r2e new r2e@iankelling.org
+ # that initializes files, and sets default email.
+ # symlink to the config doesn't work, so I copied it to /p/c
+ # and then use cli option to specify explicit path.
+ # Only option changed from default config is to set
+ # force-from = True
+ #
+ # or else for a few feeds, the from address is set by the feed, and
+ # if I fail delivery, then I send a bounce message to that from
+ # address, which makes me be a spammer.
+ r2e add $1 "$2" $1@r2e.iankelling.org
+ # get up to date and don't send old entries now:
+ r2e run --no-send $1
r2e() { command r2e -d /p/c/rss2email.json -c /p/c/rss2email.cfg "$@"; }
rspicy() { # usage: HOST DOMAIN
- # connect to spice vm remote host. use vspicy for local host
- local port=$(ssh $1<<EOF
+ # connect to spice vm remote host. use vspicy for local host
+ local port=$(ssh $1<<EOF
sudo virsh dumpxml $2|grep "<graphics.*type='spice'" | \
sed -rn "s/.*port='([0-9]+).*/\1/p"
- )
- if [[ $port ]]; then
- spicy -h $1 -p $port
- else
- echo "error: no port found. check that the domain is running."
- fi
+ )
+ if [[ $port ]]; then
+ spicy -h $1 -p $port
+ else
+ echo "error: no port found. check that the domain is running."
+ fi
rmstrips() {
- ssh fencepost head -n 300 /gd/gnuorg/EventAndTravelInfo/rms-current-trips.txt
+ ssh fencepost head -n 300 /gd/gnuorg/EventAndTravelInfo/rms-current-trips.txt
s() {
- # background
- # I use a function because otherwise we can't use in a script,
- # can't assign to variable.
- #
- # note: gksudo is recommended for X apps because it does not set the
- # home directory to the same, and thus apps writing to ~ fuck things up
- # with root owned files.
- #
- if [[ $EUID != 0 || $1 == -* ]]; then
- SUDOD="$PWD" sudo -i "$@"
- else
- "$@"
- fi
+ # background
+ # I use a function because otherwise we can't use in a script,
+ # can't assign to variable.
+ #
+ # note: gksudo is recommended for X apps because it does not set the
+ # home directory to the same, and thus apps writing to ~ fuck things up
+ # with root owned files.
+ #
+ if [[ $EUID != 0 || $1 == -* ]]; then
+ SUDOD="$PWD" sudo -i "$@"
+ else
+ "$@"
+ fi
safe_rename() { # warn and don't rename if file exists.
- # mv -n exists, but it's silent
- if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
- echo safe_rename error: $# args, need 2 >2
- return 1
- fi
- if [[ $1 != $2 ]]; then # yes, we want to silently ignore this
- if [[ -e $2 || -L $2 ]]; then
- echo "Cannot rename $1 to $2 as it already exists."
- else
- mv -vi "$1" "$2"
- fi
+ # mv -n exists, but it's silent
+ if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
+ echo safe_rename error: $# args, need 2 >2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $1 != $2 ]]; then # yes, we want to silently ignore this
+ if [[ -e $2 || -L $2 ]]; then
+ echo "Cannot rename $1 to $2 as it already exists."
+ else
+ mv -vi "$1" "$2"
+ fi
sb() { # sudo bash -c
- # use sb instead of s is for sudo redirections,
- # eg. sb 'echo "ok fine" > /etc/file'
- local SUDOD="$PWD"
- sudo -i bash -c "$@"
+ # use sb instead of s is for sudo redirections,
+ # eg. sb 'echo "ok fine" > /etc/file'
+ local SUDOD="$PWD"
+ sudo -i bash -c "$@"
complete -F _root_command s sb
scssl() {
- # s gem install scss-lint
- pushd /a/opt/thoughtbot-guides
- git pull --stat
- popd
- scss-lint -c /a/opt/thoughtbot-guides/style/sass/.scss-lint.yml "$@"
+ # s gem install scss-lint
+ pushd /a/opt/thoughtbot-guides
+ git pull --stat
+ popd
+ scss-lint -c /a/opt/thoughtbot-guides/style/sass/.scss-lint.yml "$@"
ser() {
- local s; [[ $EUID != 0 ]] && s=sudo
- if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null; then
- $s systemctl $1 $2
- else
- $s service $2 $1
- fi
+ local s; [[ $EUID != 0 ]] && s=sudo
+ if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null; then
+ $s systemctl $1 $2
+ else
+ $s service $2 $1
+ fi
setini() { # set a value in a .ini style file
- key="$1" value="$2" section="$3" file="$4"
- if [[ -s $file ]]; then
- sed -ri -f - "$file" <<EOF
+ key="$1" value="$2" section="$3" file="$4"
+ if [[ -s $file ]]; then
+ sed -ri -f - "$file" <<EOF
# remove existing keys
/ *\[$section\]/,/^ *\[[^]]+\]/{/^\s*$key[[:space:]=]/d}
# add key
\$a [$section]\\
- else
- cat >"$file" <<EOF
+ else
+ cat >"$file" <<EOF
- fi
+ fi
sgo() { # service go
- service=$1
- ser restart $service || return 1
- if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null; then
- ser enable $service
- fi
+ service=$1
+ ser restart $service || return 1
+ if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null; then
+ ser enable $service
+ fi
shellck() {
- # 2086 = unquoted $var
- # 2046 = unquoted $(cmd)
- # i had -x as an arg, but debian testing(stretch) doesn\'t support it
- shellcheck -e 2086,2046,2068,2006,2119 "$@"
+ # 2086 = unquoted $var
+ # 2046 = unquoted $(cmd)
+ # i had -x as an arg, but debian testing(stretch) doesn\'t support it
+ shellcheck -e 2086,2046,2068,2006,2119 "$@"
skaraoke() {
- local tmp out
- in="$1"
- out=${2:-${1%.*}.sh}
- tmp=$(mktemp -d)
- script -t -c "mpv --no-config --no-resume-playback --no-terminal --no-audio-display '$1'" $tmp/typescript 2>$tmp/timing
- # todo, the current sleep seems pretty good, but it
- # would be nice to have an empirical measurement, or
- # some better wait to sync up.
- #
- # note: --loop-file=no prevents it from hanging if you have that
- # set to inf the mpv config.
- # --loop=no prevents it from exit code 3 due to stdin if you
- # had it set to inf in mpv config.
- #
- # args go to mpv, for example --volume=80, 50%
- cat >$out <<EOFOUTER
+ local tmp out
+ in="$1"
+ out=${2:-${1%.*}.sh}
+ tmp=$(mktemp -d)
+ script -t -c "mpv --no-config --no-resume-playback --no-terminal --no-audio-display '$1'" $tmp/typescript 2>$tmp/timing
+ # todo, the current sleep seems pretty good, but it
+ # would be nice to have an empirical measurement, or
+ # some better wait to sync up.
+ #
+ # note: --loop-file=no prevents it from hanging if you have that
+ # set to inf the mpv config.
+ # --loop=no prevents it from exit code 3 due to stdin if you
+ # had it set to inf in mpv config.
+ #
+ # args go to mpv, for example --volume=80, 50%
+ cat >$out <<EOFOUTER
trap "trap - TERM && kill 0" INT TERM ERR; set -e
( sleep .2; scriptreplay <( cat <<'EOF'
kill 0
- rm -r $tmp
- chmod +x $out
+ rm -r $tmp
+ chmod +x $out
slog() {
- # log with script. timing is $1.t and script is $1.s
- # -l to save to ~/typescripts/
- # -t to add a timestamp to the filenames
- local logdir do_stamp arg_base
- (( $# >= 1 )) || { echo "arguments wrong"; return 1; }
- logdir="/a/dt/"
- do_stamp=false
- while getopts "lt" option
- do
- case $option in
- l ) arg_base=$logdir ;;
- t ) do_stamp=true ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
- arg_base+=$1
- [[ -e $logdir ]] || mkdir -p $logdir
- $do_stamp && arg_base+=$(date +%F.%T%z)
- script -t $arg_base.s 2> $arg_base.t
+ # log with script. timing is $1.t and script is $1.s
+ # -l to save to ~/typescripts/
+ # -t to add a timestamp to the filenames
+ local logdir do_stamp arg_base
+ (( $# >= 1 )) || { echo "arguments wrong"; return 1; }
+ logdir="/a/dt/"
+ do_stamp=false
+ while getopts "lt" option
+ do
+ case $option in
+ l ) arg_base=$logdir ;;
+ t ) do_stamp=true ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+ arg_base+=$1
+ [[ -e $logdir ]] || mkdir -p $logdir
+ $do_stamp && arg_base+=$(date +%F.%T%z)
+ script -t $arg_base.s 2> $arg_base.t
splay() { # script replay
- #logRoot="$HOME/typescripts/"
- #scriptreplay "$logRoot$1.t" "$logRoot$1.s"
- scriptreplay "$1.t" "$1.s"
+ #logRoot="$HOME/typescripts/"
+ #scriptreplay "$logRoot$1.t" "$logRoot$1.s"
+ scriptreplay "$1.t" "$1.s"
spend() {
- s systemctl suspend
+ s systemctl suspend
sr() {
- # sudo redo. be aware, this command may not work right on strange distros or earlier software
- if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
- sudo -E bash -c -l "$(history -p '!!')"
- else
- echo this command redos last history item. no argument is accepted
- fi
+ # sudo redo. be aware, this command may not work right on strange distros or earlier software
+ if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
+ sudo -E bash -c -l "$(history -p '!!')"
+ else
+ echo this command redos last history item. no argument is accepted
+ fi
srm () {
- # with -ll, less secure but faster.
- command srm -ll "$@"
+ # with -ll, less secure but faster.
+ command srm -ll "$@"
srun() {
- scp $2 $1:/tmp
- ssh $1 /tmp/${2##*/} "${@:2}"
+ scp $2 $1:/tmp
+ ssh $1 /tmp/${2##*/} "${@:2}"
sss() { # ssh solo
- ssh -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ "$@"
+ ssh -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ "$@"
ssk() {
- local -a opts=()
- while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
- opts+=("$1")
- shift
- done
- m pkill -f "^ssh: /tmp/ssh_mux_${USER}_${1#*@}_22_"
- m ssh "${opts[@]}" "$@"
+ local -a opts=()
+ while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
+ opts+=("$1")
+ shift
+ done
+ m pkill -f "^ssh: /tmp/ssh_mux_${USER}_${1#*@}_22_"
+ m ssh "${opts[@]}" "$@"
swap() {
- local tmp
- tmp=$(mktemp)
- mv $1 $tmp
- mv $2 $1
- mv $tmp $2
+ local tmp
+ tmp=$(mktemp)
+ mv $1 $tmp
+ mv $2 $1
+ mv $tmp $2
t() {
- local x
- local -a args
- if type -t trash-put >/dev/null; then
- # skip args that don't exist, or else trash-put will have an error
- for x in "$@"; do
- if [[ -e $x || -L $x ]]; then
- args+=("$x")
- fi
- done
- [[ ! ${args[@]} ]] || trash-put "${args[@]}"
- else
- rm -rf "$@"
- fi
- tclock() {
- clear
- date +%l:%_M
- len=60
- # this goes to full width
- #len=${1:-$((COLUMNS -7))}
- x=1
- while true; do
- if (( x == len )); then
- end=true
- d="$(date +%l:%_M) "
- else
- end=false
- d=$(date +%l:%M:%_S)
- fi
- echo -en "\r"
- echo -n "$d"
- for ((i=0; i<x; i++)); do
- if (( i % 6 )); then
- echo -n _
- else
- echo -n .
- fi
- done
- if $end; then
- echo
- x=1
- else
- x=$((x+1))
- fi
- sleep 5
- done
- }
- te() {
- # test existence / exists
- local ret=0
- for x in "$@"; do
- [[ -e "$x" || -L "$x" ]] || ret=1
- done
- return $ret
- }
- # mail related
- testmail() {
- declare -gi _seq; _seq+=1
- echo "test body" | m mail -s "test mail from $HOSTNAME, $_seq" "${@:-root@localhost}"
- # for testing to send from an external address, you can do for example
- # -fian@iank.bid -aFrom:ian@iank.bid web-6fnbs@mail-tester.com
- # note in exim, you can retry a deferred message
- # s exim -M MSG_ID
- # MSG_ID is in /var/log/exim4/mainlog, looks like 1ccdnD-0001nh-EN
- }
- # to test sieve, use below command. for fsf mail, see fsf-get-mail script.
- # make modifications, then copy to live file, use -eW to actually modify mailbox
- # cp /p/c/subdir_files/sieve/personal{test,}.sieve; testsievelist -eW INBOX
- #
- # Another option is to use sieve-test SCRIPT MAIL_FILE. note,
- # sieve-test doesn't know about envelopes, I'm not sure if sieve-filter does.
- # sieve with output filter. arg is mailbox, like INBOX.
- # This depends on dovecot conf, notably mail_location in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf
- testsievelist() {
- sieve-filter ~/sieve/maintest.sieve "$@" >/tmp/testsieve.log 2> >(tail) && sed -rn '/^Performed actions:/{n;n;p}' /tmp/testsieve.log | sort -u
- }
- # mail related
- # plain sieve
- testsieve() {
- sieve-filter ~/sieve/main.sieve "$@"
- }
- # mail related
- testexim() {
- # testmail above calls sendmail, which is a link to exim/postfix.
- # it's docs don't say a way of adding an argument
- # to sendmail to turn on debug output. We could make a wrapper, but
- # that is a pain. Exim debug args are documented here:
- # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-the_exim_command_line.html
- #
- # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-building_and_installing_exim.html
- # note, for exim daemon, you can turn on debug options by
- # adding -d, etc to COMMONOPTIONS in
- # /etc/default/exim4
- # for testing external mail, you need the to address as final cmdline arg
- exim -d+tls -t <<'EOF'
+ local x
+ local -a args
+ if type -t trash-put >/dev/null; then
+ # skip args that don't exist, or else trash-put will have an error
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ if [[ -e $x || -L $x ]]; then
+ args+=("$x")
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ ! ${args[@]} ]] || trash-put "${args[@]}"
+ else
+ rm -rf "$@"
+ fi
+tclock() {
+ clear
+ date +%l:%_M
+ len=60
+ # this goes to full width
+ #len=${1:-$((COLUMNS -7))}
+ x=1
+ while true; do
+ if (( x == len )); then
+ end=true
+ d="$(date +%l:%_M) "
+ else
+ end=false
+ d=$(date +%l:%M:%_S)
+ fi
+ echo -en "\r"
+ echo -n "$d"
+ for ((i=0; i<x; i++)); do
+ if (( i % 6 )); then
+ echo -n _
+ else
+ echo -n .
+ fi
+ done
+ if $end; then
+ echo
+ x=1
+ else
+ x=$((x+1))
+ fi
+ sleep 5
+ done
+te() {
+ # test existence / exists
+ local ret=0
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ [[ -e "$x" || -L "$x" ]] || ret=1
+ done
+ return $ret
+# mail related
+testmail() {
+ declare -gi _seq; _seq+=1
+ echo "test body" | m mail -s "test mail from $HOSTNAME, $_seq" "${@:-root@localhost}"
+ # for testing to send from an external address, you can do for example
+ # -fian@iank.bid -aFrom:ian@iank.bid web-6fnbs@mail-tester.com
+ # note in exim, you can retry a deferred message
+ # s exim -M MSG_ID
+ # MSG_ID is in /var/log/exim4/mainlog, looks like 1ccdnD-0001nh-EN
+# to test sieve, use below command. for fsf mail, see fsf-get-mail script.
+# make modifications, then copy to live file, use -eW to actually modify mailbox
+# cp /p/c/subdir_files/sieve/personal{test,}.sieve; testsievelist -eW INBOX
+# Another option is to use sieve-test SCRIPT MAIL_FILE. note,
+# sieve-test doesn't know about envelopes, I'm not sure if sieve-filter does.
+# sieve with output filter. arg is mailbox, like INBOX.
+# This depends on dovecot conf, notably mail_location in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf
+testsievelist() {
+ sieve-filter ~/sieve/maintest.sieve "$@" >/tmp/testsieve.log 2> >(tail) && sed -rn '/^Performed actions:/{n;n;p}' /tmp/testsieve.log | sort -u
+# mail related
+# plain sieve
+testsieve() {
+ sieve-filter ~/sieve/main.sieve "$@"
+# mail related
+testexim() {
+ # testmail above calls sendmail, which is a link to exim/postfix.
+ # it's docs don't say a way of adding an argument
+ # to sendmail to turn on debug output. We could make a wrapper, but
+ # that is a pain. Exim debug args are documented here:
+ # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-the_exim_command_line.html
+ #
+ # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-building_and_installing_exim.html
+ # note, for exim daemon, you can turn on debug options by
+ # adding -d, etc to COMMONOPTIONS in
+ # /etc/default/exim4
+ # for testing external mail, you need the to address as final cmdline arg
+ exim -d+tls -t <<'EOF'
From: root@frodo.lan
To: ian@mail.iankelling.org
Subject: Testing Exim
This is a test message.
- }
- tm() {
- # timer in minutes
- # --no-config
- (sleep $(calc "$@ * 60") && mpv --no-config --volume 50 /a/bin/data/alarm.mp3) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- }
- trg() { transmission-remote-gtk&r; }
- trc() {
- # example, set global upload limit to 100 kilobytes:
- # trc -u 100
- TR_AUTH=":$(jq -r .profiles[0].password ~/.config/transmission-remote-gtk/config.json)" transmission-remote transmission.lan -ne "$@"
- }
- tu() {
- local s;
- local dir="$(dirname "$1")"
- if [[ -e $1 && ! -w $1 || ! -w $(dirname "$1") ]]; then
- s=s;
- fi
- $s teeu "$@"
- }
- tx() { # toggle set -x, and the prompt so it doesn't spam
- if [[ $- == *x* ]]; then
- set +x
- PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt-command
- else
- PS1="\w \$ "
- set -x
- fi
+tm() {
+ # timer in minutes
+ # --no-config
+ (sleep $(calc "$@ * 60") && mpv --no-config --volume 50 /a/bin/data/alarm.mp3) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+tpx2() {
+ case $HOSTNAME in
+ tp) target=x2 ;;
+ x2) target=tp ;;
+ esac
+ btrbk-run -t $target -pv && switch-mail-host $HOSTNAME $target
+trg() { transmission-remote-gtk&r; }
+trc() {
+ # example, set global upload limit to 100 kilobytes:
+ # trc -u 100
+ TR_AUTH=":$(jq -r .profiles[0].password ~/.config/transmission-remote-gtk/config.json)" transmission-remote transmission.lan -ne "$@"
+tu() {
+ local s;
+ local dir="$(dirname "$1")"
+ if [[ -e $1 && ! -w $1 || ! -w $(dirname "$1") ]]; then
+ s=s;
+ fi
+ $s teeu "$@"
+tx() { # toggle set -x, and the prompt so it doesn't spam
+ if [[ $- == *x* ]]; then
+ set +x
+ PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt-command
+ else
+ PS1="\w \$ "
+ set -x
+ fi
psnetns() {
- # show all processes in the network namespace $1.
- # blank entries appear to be subprocesses/threads
- local x netns
- netns=$1
- ps -w | head -n 1
- s find -L /proc/[1-9]*/task/*/ns/net -samefile /run/netns/$netns | cut -d/ -f5 | \
- while read l; do
- x=$(ps -w --no-headers -p $l);
- if [[ $x ]]; then echo "$x"; else echo $l; fi;
- done
+ # show all processes in the network namespace $1.
+ # blank entries appear to be subprocesses/threads
+ local x netns
+ netns=$1
+ ps -w | head -n 1
+ s find -L /proc/[1-9]*/task/*/ns/net -samefile /run/netns/$netns | cut -d/ -f5 | \
+ while read l; do
+ x=$(ps -w --no-headers -p $l);
+ if [[ $x ]]; then echo "$x"; else echo $l; fi;
+ done
m() { printf "%s\n" "$*"; "$@"; }
vpncmd() {
- m s nsenter -t $(pgrep -f "/usr/sbin/openvpn .* --config /etc/openvpn/.*client.conf") -n -m "$@"
+ m s nsenter -t $(pgrep -f "/usr/sbin/openvpn .* --config /etc/openvpn/.*client.conf") -n -m "$@"
vpnf() {
- vpncmd gksudo -u iank "firefox -no-remote -P firefox-main-profile" &r
+ vpncmd gksudo -u iank "firefox -no-remote -P firefox-main-profile" &r
vpnbash() {
- vpncmd bash
+ vpncmd bash
virshrm() {
- for x in "$@"; do virsh destroy "$x"; virsh undefine "$x"; done
+ for x in "$@"; do virsh destroy "$x"; virsh undefine "$x"; done
- local t=$(mktemp)
- local vm=$1
- local ip=$2
- s virsh dumpxml $vm | sed -r "s/(<listen.*address=')([^']+)/\1$ip/" | \
- sed -r "s/listen='[^']+/listen='$ip/"> $t
- s virsh undefine $vm
- s virsh define $t
+ local t=$(mktemp)
+ local vm=$1
+ local ip=$2
+ s virsh dumpxml $vm | sed -r "s/(<listen.*address=')([^']+)/\1$ip/" | \
+ sed -r "s/listen='[^']+/listen='$ip/"> $t
+ s virsh undefine $vm
+ s virsh define $t
vmshare() {
- vm-set-listen $1
+ vm-set-listen $1
vmunshare() {
- vm-set-listen $1
+ vm-set-listen $1
vpn() {
- if [[ -e /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service ]]; then
- local vpn_service=openvpn-client
- else
- local vpn_service=openvpn
- fi
- [[ $1 ]] || { echo need arg; return 1; }
- journalctl --unit=$vpn_service@$1 -f -n0 &
- s systemctl start $vpn_service@$1
- # sometimes the ask-password agent does not work and needs a delay.
- sleep .5
- # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=779240
- # noticed around 8-2017 after update from around stretch release
- # on debian testing, even though the bug is much older.
- s systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
+ if [[ -e /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service ]]; then
+ local vpn_service=openvpn-client
+ else
+ local vpn_service=openvpn
+ fi
+ [[ $1 ]] || { echo need arg; return 1; }
+ journalctl --unit=$vpn_service@$1 -f -n0 &
+ s systemctl start $vpn_service@$1
+ # sometimes the ask-password agent does not work and needs a delay.
+ sleep .5
+ # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=779240
+ # noticed around 8-2017 after update from around stretch release
+ # on debian testing, even though the bug is much older.
+ s systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
vpnoff() {
- [[ $1 ]] || { echo need arg; return 1; }
- if [[ -e /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service ]]; then
- local vpn_service=openvpn-client
- else
- local vpn_service=openvpn
- fi
- s systemctl stop $vpn_service@$1
+ [[ $1 ]] || { echo need arg; return 1; }
+ if [[ -e /lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service ]]; then
+ local vpn_service=openvpn-client
+ else
+ local vpn_service=openvpn
+ fi
+ s systemctl stop $vpn_service@$1
vrm() {
- virsh destroy $1
- virsh undefine $1
+ virsh destroy $1
+ virsh undefine $1
vspicy() { # usage: VIRSH_DOMAIN
- # connect to vms made with virt-install
- spicy -p $(sudo virsh dumpxml "$1"|grep "<graphics.*type='spice'"|\
- sed -r "s/.*port='([0-9]+).*/\1/")
+ # connect to vms made with virt-install
+ spicy -p $(sudo virsh dumpxml "$1"|grep "<graphics.*type='spice'"|\
+ sed -r "s/.*port='([0-9]+).*/\1/")
wtr() { curl wttr.in/boston; }
xl() {
- if pgrep gnome-screensav &>/dev/null; then
+ if pgrep gnome-screensav &>/dev/null; then
# this command actually starts gnome-screensaver if it isn't running.
# lololol, what crap
gnome-screensaver-command --exit &>/dev/null
- fi
- mate-screensaver-command --exit &>/dev/null
- if ! pidof xscreensaver; then
- pushd /
- xscreensaver &
- popd
- # 1 was not long enough
- sleep 3
- fi
- xscreensaver-command -activate
+ fi
+ mate-screensaver-command --exit &>/dev/null
+ if ! pidof xscreensaver; then
+ pushd /
+ xscreensaver &
+ popd
+ # 1 was not long enough
+ sleep 3
+ fi
+ xscreensaver-command -activate
# from curl cheat.sh/:bash_completion
- local cur prev opts
- _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur
- prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
- opts="$(curl -s cheat.sh/:list | sed s@^@cheat.sh/@)"
- if [[ ${cur} == cheat.sh/* ]] ; then
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
- return 0
- fi
+ local cur prev opts
+ _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur
+ prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
+ opts="$(curl -s cheat.sh/:list | sed s@^@cheat.sh/@)"
+ if [[ ${cur} == cheat.sh/* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
+ __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
+ return 0
+ fi
complete -F _cheatsh_complete_curl curl
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- # commands to run when bash exits normally
- trap "hl" EXIT
+ # commands to run when bash exits normally
+ trap "hl" EXIT
[[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
[[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
[[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
- && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
- && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
+ && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
+ && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
# test if our $TERM is in the TERM values in dircolor
[[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color=true
if ${use_color} && [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- if [[ $XTERM_VERSION == Cygwin* ]]; then
- get_term_color() {
- for x in "$@"; do
- case $x in
- underl) echo -n $'\E[4m' ;;
- bold) echo -n $'\E[1m' ;;
- red) echo -n $'\E[31m' ;;
- green) echo -n $'\E[32m' ;;
- blue) echo -n $'\E[34m' ;;
- cyan) echo -n $'\E[36m' ;;
- yellow) echo -n $'\E[33m' ;;
- purple) echo -n $'\E[35m' ;;
- nocolor) echo -n $'\E(B\E[m' ;;
- esac
- done
- }
+ if [[ $XTERM_VERSION == Cygwin* ]]; then
+ get_term_color() {
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ case $x in
+ underl) echo -n $'\E[4m' ;;
+ bold) echo -n $'\E[1m' ;;
+ red) echo -n $'\E[31m' ;;
+ green) echo -n $'\E[32m' ;;
+ blue) echo -n $'\E[34m' ;;
+ cyan) echo -n $'\E[36m' ;;
+ yellow) echo -n $'\E[33m' ;;
+ purple) echo -n $'\E[35m' ;;
+ nocolor) echo -n $'\E(B\E[m' ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ }
- else
- get_term_color() {
- for x in "$@"; do
- case $x in
- underl) echo -n $(tput smul) ;;
- bold) echo -n $(tput bold) ;;
- red) echo -n $(tput setaf 1) ;;
- green) echo -n $(tput setaf 2) ;;
- blue) echo -n $(tput setaf 4) ;;
- cyan) echo -n $(tput setaf 6) ;;
- yellow) echo -n $(tput setaf 3) ;;
- purple) echo -n $(tput setaf 5) ;;
- nocolor) echo -n $(tput sgr0) ;; # no font attributes
- esac
- done
- }
- fi
+ else
get_term_color() {
- :
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ case $x in
+ underl) echo -n $(tput smul) ;;
+ bold) echo -n $(tput bold) ;;
+ red) echo -n $(tput setaf 1) ;;
+ green) echo -n $(tput setaf 2) ;;
+ blue) echo -n $(tput setaf 4) ;;
+ cyan) echo -n $(tput setaf 6) ;;
+ yellow) echo -n $(tput setaf 3) ;;
+ purple) echo -n $(tput setaf 5) ;;
+ nocolor) echo -n $(tput sgr0) ;; # no font attributes
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ get_term_color() {
+ :
+ }
# Try to keep environment pollution down, EPA loves us.
unset safe_term match_lhs use_color
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- # git branch/status prompt function
- if [[ $OS != Windows_NT ]]; then
- fi
- # arch source lopip show -fcation
- [[ -r /usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh ]] && source /usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh
- # fedora/debian source
- [[ -r /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ]] && source /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
- # in case we didn't source git-prompt.sh
- if ! declare -f __git_ps1 > /dev/null; then
- __git_ps1() {
- :
- }
- fi
- # this needs to come before next ps1 stuff
- # this stuff needs bash 4, feb 2009,
- # old enough to no longer condition on $BASH_VERSION anymore
- shopt -s autocd
- shopt -s dirspell
- PS1='\w'
- if [[ $- == *i* ]] && [[ ! $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
- bind -m vi-command B:shell-backward-word
- bind -m vi-command W:shell-forward-word
- fi
- if [[ $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then
- PS1="\h $PS1"
- fi
+ # git branch/status prompt function
+ if [[ $OS != Windows_NT ]]; then
+ fi
+ # arch source lopip show -fcation
+ [[ -r /usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh ]] && source /usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh
+ # fedora/debian source
+ [[ -r /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ]] && source /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
+ # in case we didn't source git-prompt.sh
+ if ! declare -f __git_ps1 > /dev/null; then
+ __git_ps1() {
+ :
+ }
+ fi
+ # this needs to come before next ps1 stuff
+ # this stuff needs bash 4, feb 2009,
+ # old enough to no longer condition on $BASH_VERSION anymore
+ shopt -s autocd
+ shopt -s dirspell
+ PS1='\w'
+ if [[ $- == *i* ]] && [[ ! $RLC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
+ bind -m vi-command B:shell-backward-word
+ bind -m vi-command W:shell-forward-word
+ fi
+ if [[ $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then
+ PS1="\h $PS1"
+ fi
- prompt-command() {
- local return=$? # this MUST COME FIRST
- local psc pst ps_char ps_color stale_subvol
- unset IFS
- history -a # save history
+ prompt-command() {
+ local return=$? # this MUST COME FIRST
+ local psc pst ps_char ps_color stale_subvol
+ unset IFS
+ history -a # save history
- case $return in
- 0) ps_color="$(get_term_color blue)"
- ps_char='\$'
- ;;
- 1) ps_color="$(get_term_color green)"
- ps_char="$return \\$"
- ;;
- *) ps_color="$(get_term_color yellow)"
- ps_char="$return \\$"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ ! -O . ]]; then # not owner
- if [[ -w . ]]; then # writable
- ps_color="$(get_term_color bold red)"
- else
- ps_color="$(get_term_color bold green)"
- fi
- fi
- # I would set nullglob, but bash has had bugs where that
- # doesn't work if not in top level.
- if [[ -e /nocow/btrfs-stale ]] && ((`ls -AUq /nocow/btrfs-stale|wc -l`)); then
- ps_char="! $ps_char"
- fi
- PS1="${PS1%"${PS1#*[wW]}"} \[$ps_color\]$ps_char\[$(get_term_color nocolor)\] "
- # emacs completion doesn't like the git prompt atm, so disabling it.
- #PS1="${PS1%"${PS1#*[wW]}"}$(__git_ps1 ' (%s)') \[$ps_color\]$ps_char\[$(get_term_color nocolor)\] "
- }
- PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt-command
- settitle () {
- if [[ $TERM == screen* ]]; then
- local title_escape="\033]..2;"
- else
- local title_escape="\033]0;"
- fi
- if [[ $* != prompt-command ]]; then
- echo -ne "$title_escape$USER@$HOSTNAME ${PWD/#$HOME/~} $*\007"
- fi
- }
- # for titlebar
- # condition from the screen man page i think
- if [[ $TERM == *(screen*|xterm*|rxvt*) ]]; then
- trap 'settitle "$BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG
+ case $return in
+ 0) ps_color="$(get_term_color blue)"
+ ps_char='\$'
+ ;;
+ 1) ps_color="$(get_term_color green)"
+ ps_char="$return \\$"
+ ;;
+ *) ps_color="$(get_term_color yellow)"
+ ps_char="$return \\$"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ ! -O . ]]; then # not owner
+ if [[ -w . ]]; then # writable
+ ps_color="$(get_term_color bold red)"
+ else
+ ps_color="$(get_term_color bold green)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # I would set nullglob, but bash has had bugs where that
+ # doesn't work if not in top level.
+ if [[ -e /nocow/btrfs-stale ]] && ((`ls -AUq /nocow/btrfs-stale|wc -l`)); then
+ ps_char="! $ps_char"
+ fi
+ PS1="${PS1%"${PS1#*[wW]}"} \[$ps_color\]$ps_char\[$(get_term_color nocolor)\] "
+ # emacs completion doesn't like the git prompt atm, so disabling it.
+ #PS1="${PS1%"${PS1#*[wW]}"}$(__git_ps1 ' (%s)') \[$ps_color\]$ps_char\[$(get_term_color nocolor)\] "
+ }
+ PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt-command
+ settitle () {
+ if [[ $TERM == screen* ]]; then
+ local title_escape="\033]..2;"
- trap DEBUG
+ local title_escape="\033]0;"
+ if [[ $* != prompt-command ]]; then
+ echo -ne "$title_escape$USER@$HOSTNAME ${PWD/#$HOME/~}"; printf "%s" "$*"; echo -ne "\007"
+ fi
+ }
+ # for titlebar
+ # condition from the screen man page i think
+ if [[ $TERM == *(screen*|xterm*|rxvt*) ]]; then
+ trap 'settitle "$BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG
+ else
+ trap DEBUG
+ fi
reset-konsole() {
- # we also have a file in /a/c/...konsole...
- local f=$HOME/.config/konsolerc
- setini DefaultProfile profileian.profile "Desktop Entry" $f
- setini Favorites profileian.profile "Favorite Profiles" $f
- setini ShowMenuBarByDefault false KonsoleWindow $f
- setini TabBarPosition Top TabBar $f
+ # we also have a file in /a/c/...konsole...
+ local f=$HOME/.config/konsolerc
+ setini DefaultProfile profileian.profile "Desktop Entry" $f
+ setini Favorites profileian.profile "Favorite Profiles" $f
+ setini ShowMenuBarByDefault false KonsoleWindow $f
+ setini TabBarPosition Top TabBar $f
reset-sakura() {
- while read k v; do
- setini $k $v sakura /a/c/subdir_files/.config/sakura/sakura.conf
- done <<'EOF'
+ while read k v; do
+ setini $k $v sakura /a/c/subdir_files/.config/sakura/sakura.conf
+ done <<'EOF'
colorset1_back rgb(33,37,39
less_questions true
audible_bell No
reset-xscreensaver() {
- # except for spash, i set these by setting gui options in
- # xscreensaver-command -demo
- # then finding the corresponding option in .xscreensaver
- # spash, i happened to notice in .xscreensaver
- cat > /home/iank/.xscreensaver <<'EOF'
+ # except for spash, i set these by setting gui options in
+ # xscreensaver-command -demo
+ # then finding the corresponding option in .xscreensaver
+ # spash, i happened to notice in .xscreensaver
+ cat > /home/iank/.xscreensaver <<'EOF'
mode: blank
dpmsEnabled: True
-dpmsStandby: 0:01:00
-dpmsSuspend: 0:01:00
-dpmsOff: 0:02:00
-timeout: 0:01:00
+dpmsStandby: 0:02:00
+dpmsSuspend: 0:02:00
+dpmsOff: 0:03:00
+timeout: 0:02:00
lock: True
-lockTimeout: 0:02:00
+lockTimeout: 0:03:00
splash: False
# stuff that makes sense to be at the end #
if [[ "$SUDOD" ]]; then
- cd "$SUDOD"
- unset SUDOD
+ cd "$SUDOD"
+ unset SUDOD
elif [[ -d /a ]] && [[ $PWD == $HOME ]] && [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- cd /a
+ cd /a
# if someone exported $SOE, catch errors
if [[ $SOE ]]; then
- errcatch
+ errcatch
# I'd prefer to have system-wide, plus user ruby, due to bug in it
export rvmsudo_secure_path=1
if [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]]; then
- source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
+ source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
elif [[ -s $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]]; then
- source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+ source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
# i added an extra condition as gentoo xorg guide says depending on
# $DISPLAY is fragile.
if [[ ! $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR == 1 ]] && shopt -q login_shell && isarch; then
- exec startx
+ exec startx