# -r = recursive
# -i = ignore non-matching class warnings, always exit 0
# -B = no backup files
-fcopy -riBM /boot
-# this is also done by FABASE/10-misc by default.
-fcopy -riBM /root
+fcopy -riB /boot
+# this is also done by FABASE/10-misc by default (without B)
+fcopy -riB /root
-if ifclass VOL_BUSTER_BOOTSTRAP; then
- fcopy -riM /etc/systemd/system
- chroot $FAI_ROOT bash <<'EOFOUTER'
-systemctl enable fai_check.service
- exit 0 # avoid unnecessary stuff in bootstrap vol
+### begin sources install + updates
# these get copied in an earlier stage by fai, but leaving it here since
# I run this as a single post-fai script to update things that have changed.
if ! diff -q $tmpfile1 $tmpfile2; then
chroot $FAI_ROOT /usr/bin/apt update
# outside of fai, this seems to regularly lead to
# E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
# so add a sleep. 1 sec is probably way more than needed.
$ROOTCMD apt-get update
+### end sources install + updates
#### misc configurations
apt-get install -y pxe-kexec
-#### begin .ssh setup ###
-set -x
-set -eE -o pipefail
-mkdir -p /home/iank/.ssh
-if [[ -e $f ]]; then
- cp $f /home/iank/.ssh
-chown -R 1000:1000 /home/iank/.ssh
-chmod -R u=Xrw,og= /home/iank/.ssh
-rm -rf /root/.ssh
-# remove broken symlinks or the following cp will fail
-find /home/iank/.ssh -xtype l -exec rm '{}' \;
-cp -rL /home/iank/.ssh /root
-chown -R root:root /root/.ssh
-chmod 700 /root/.ssh
-# https://ticktockhouse.svbtle.com/my-obligatory-ubuntu-ssh-agent-post
-# systemctl --user is not available at fai time, so create the link ourselves
-sudo -u iank mkdir -p $d
-sudo -u iank ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/user/ssh-agent.service $d
-#### end .ssh setup ###
-## duplicated in ssh-emacs-setup
-# done here so its setup earlier for convenience
-grep -xFq "$line" $f || tee -a $f <<<"$line"
-# default debian groups (jessie through buster) + adm, sudo, root
-for g in cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev netdev adm sudo; do
- if getent gropu $g >/dev/null; then
- usermod -aG $g iank
- fi
-if getent group systemd-journal >/dev/null; then
- usermod -aG systemd-journal iank
# this is usefull. Only thing reason I see this being disabled by default is
# that a normal user can disrupt the system, eg cause a reboot.
sed -i '$a kernel.sysrq=1
/^kernel.sysrq=/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
-rm -f $target/etc/resolv.conf
-ln -s ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf $target/etc/resolv.conf
-# needed for bitfolk image
-if [[ -e /a/bin/fai/fai-wrapper ]]; then
- systemctl enable systemd-resolved
- systemctl start systemd-resolved
-# bitfolk installer handles the rest
-case $HOSTNAME in
- bk|je) exit 0 ;;
if [[ $FAI_ACTION != dirinstall ]] && ! ifclass NOCRYPT; then
fi ##### end != dirinstall && != NOCRYPT
-# reading through the groups that iank is in but user2 isn't,
-for g in plugdev audio video cdrom; do
- $ROOTCMD usermod -a -G $g user2
###### begin network setup ####
# use old names. the idea of them changing between boots has never
# https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/
ln -sf /dev/null $target/etc/systemd/network/99-default.link
-# use networkmanager if this host has wireless.
+# bitfolk installer handles the rest
+case $HOSTNAME in
+ bk|je) exit 0 ;;
+# use networkmanager if this host has wireless.
if type -p iw &>/dev/null && [[ $(iw dev) ]]; then
chroot $FAI_ROOT bash <<EOF
apt-get -y install network-manager
##### end network setup #####
+if ifclass VOL_BUSTER_BOOTSTRAP; then
+ fcopy -riM /etc/systemd/system
+ chroot $FAI_ROOT bash <<'EOFOUTER'
+systemctl enable fai_check.service
+ exit 0 # avoid unnecessary stuff in bootstrap vol
+## misc settings
+chroot $FAI_ROOT bash <<'EOFOUTER'
+#### begin .ssh setup ###
+set -x
+set -eE -o pipefail
+mkdir -p /home/iank/.ssh
+if [[ -e $f ]]; then
+ cp $f /home/iank/.ssh
+chown -R 1000:1000 /home/iank/.ssh
+chmod -R u=Xrw,og= /home/iank/.ssh
+rm -rf /root/.ssh
+# remove broken symlinks or the following cp will fail
+find /home/iank/.ssh -xtype l -exec rm '{}' \;
+cp -rL /home/iank/.ssh /root
+chown -R root:root /root/.ssh
+chmod 700 /root/.ssh
+# https://ticktockhouse.svbtle.com/my-obligatory-ubuntu-ssh-agent-post
+# systemctl --user is not available at fai time, so create the link ourselves
+sudo -u iank mkdir -p $d
+sudo -u iank ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/user/ssh-agent.service $d
+#### end .ssh setup ###
+## duplicated in ssh-emacs-setup
+# done here so its setup earlier for convenience
+grep -xFq "$line" $f || tee -a $f <<<"$line"
+# default debian groups (jessie through buster) + adm, sudo, root
+for g in cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev netdev adm sudo; do
+ if getent gropu $g >/dev/null; then
+ usermod -aG $g iank
+ fi
+if getent group systemd-journal >/dev/null; then
+ usermod -aG systemd-journal iank
+rm -f $target/etc/resolv.conf
+ln -s ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf $target/etc/resolv.conf
+# needed for bitfolk image
+if [[ -e /a/bin/fai/fai-wrapper ]]; then
+ systemctl enable systemd-resolved
+ systemctl start systemd-resolved
+# reading through the groups that iank is in but user2 isn't,
+for g in plugdev audio video cdrom; do
+ $ROOTCMD usermod -a -G $g user2
if [[ -e /root/router-secrets ]]; then
: ${hostname:=wrt}
while getopts hm:t: opt; do
case $opt in
uset wireless.radio0.disabled false
uset wireless.radio1.disabled true
+ # defaults, just reseting in case client config ran
+ uset wireless.default_radio0.mode ap
for x in 0 1; do
uset wireless.default_radio$x.ssid "$ssid"
uset wireless.default_radio$x.key $key
firewall-cedit || firewall_restart=true
-if ! uci get firewall.@zone[1].network | grep wg0 &>/dev/null; then
- # cant mix cedit plus uci
- echo | cedit /etc/config/firewall ||:
- uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network=wg0
- uci commit firewall
- firewall-cedit ||:
- firewall_restart=true
+# not using wireguard for now
+# if ! uci get firewall.@zone[1].network | grep wg0 &>/dev/null; then
+# # cant mix cedit plus uci
+# echo | cedit /etc/config/firewall ||:
+# uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network=wg0
+# uci commit firewall
+# firewall-cedit ||:
+# firewall_restart=true
+# fi
v cedit /etc/hosts <<EOF || dnsmasq_restart=true $hostname
-#$l.7 x3
-$l.12 demohost
-$l.13 trp
- li
-2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe6d:baf8 li
-# netns creation looks for next free subnet starting at 10.173, but I only
-# use one, and I would keep this one as the first created.
- transmission
+# not sure this case statement is needed
case $hostname in
v cedit host /etc/hosts <<EOF || dnsmasq_restart=true
$l.1 $hostname
-$l.2 kd b8.nz faiserver
-#$l.3 frodo
-$l.4 wrt2
-$l.5 x2
-$l.6 x2w
-$l.7 rp
-$l.8 tp
-$l.9 bb8
-$l.14 wrt3
-#$l.18 x3
-$l.19 brother
-$l.25 hp
-#$l.28 frodow
uset dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain b8.nz
-uset dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local /b8.nz/
uset system.@system[0].hostname $hostname
+uset dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local
# uci doesnt seem to have a way to set an empty value,
# if you delete it, it goes back to the default. this seems
# to be a decent workaround.
# to start.
mkdir -p /mnt/usb/tftpboot
v cedit /etc/dnsmasq.conf <<EOF || dnsmasq_restart=true
-txt-record=b8.nz,"v=spf1 a ?all"
# https://ret2got.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/how-your-ethereum-can-be-stolen-using-dns-rebinding/
# this says the ip of default gateway and dns server,
# but I think they are unneded and default
if $dnsmasq_restart && ! $dev2; then
+ # todo: can our ptr records be put in /etc/hosts?
+ # eg: user normal /etc/hosts records, and they wont be used for A resolution
+ # due to the other settings, but will be used for ptr? then maybe
+ # we dont have to restart dnsmasq for a dns update?
+ #
+ # todo: according to this
+ # https://www.redpill-linpro.com/techblog/2019/08/27/evaluating-local-dnssec-validators.html#toggling-dnssec-validation-1
+ # we should turn on dnssec validation when wrt gets version > 2.80. currently at 2.80.
+ # todo: download https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/mipsel_24kc/base/dnsmasq_2.84~~test3-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk
+ # and install it. then we can turn off dnssec in systemd-resolved
+ #
+ # Also, reload of dnsmasq seems to break things, wifi
+ # clients were not getting internet connectivity.
v /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart