m s cp -RLT --preserve=mode,timestamps $fs /
- # one program so far does not work with a symlink,
- # so we have to use a bind mount
- bdir=$dir/binds
- if [[ -e $bdir && $USER == ian ]]; then
- for f in $(find $bdir -type f); do
- dst=/home/ian/${f##$bdir}
- binds+="$f $dst none bind 0 0"$'\n'
- if [[ ! -e $dst || $(stat -c%i $f $dst |uniq -u) ]]; then
- if mountpoint -q $dst; then
- s umount $dst
- fi
- # note: in future, may need to mkdir also
- [[ -e $dst ]] || touch $dst
- s mount --bind $f $dst
- fi
- done
- fi
if [[ -e $dir/subdir_files ]]; then
subdir-link-r $dir/subdir_files
# note, we assume a group of hosts does not have the
# same name as a single host, which is no problem on our scale.
# p needs to go first so .ssh link is created, then config link inside it
common-file-setup ${all_dirs[@]}
- if [[ $binds ]]; then
- s /a/exe/cedit conflink /etc/fstab <<<"$binds" || [[ $? == 1 ]]
- fi
if [[ -d /etc/bind/bind-writable ]]; then
# need bind writable dir for nsupdate, or else we get
# named[20823]: /etc/bind/db.iank.pw.jnl: create: permission denied