cat <<'EOF'
usage: ${0##*/} VPN_SERVER_HOST
--b COMMON_NAME By default, use $HOSTNAME or $CLIENT_HOST. If the cert
- already exists on the server, with the CLIENT_NAME
- name, we use the existing one. See comment below if we
- ever want to check existing common names. They must be
- unique per server, so you can use $(uuidgen) if
- needed. You used to be able to create multiple with the
- same name, but not connect at the same time, but now,
- the generator keeps track, so you can't generate.
--c CLIENT_HOST default is localhost. Else we ssh to root@CLIENT_HOST
+-b COMMON_NAME By default, use $CLIENT_HOST or if it is not given,
+ $HOSTNAME. If the cert already exists on the server,
+ with the CLIENT_NAME name, we use the existing one. See
+ comment below if we ever want to check existing common
+ names. They must be unique per server, so you can use
+ $(uuidgen) if needed. You used to be able to create
+ multiple with the same name, but not connect at the
+ same time, but now, the generator keeps track, so you
+ can't generate.
+-c CLIENT_HOST Default is localhost. Else we ssh to root@CLIENT_HOST.
-n CONFIG_NAME default is client
-s SCRIPT_PATH Use custom up/down script at SCRIPT_PATH. copied to same path
on client, if client is not localhost.
####### end command line parsing and checking ##############
# bash or else we get motd spam. note sleep 2, sleep 1 failed.
+$shell '[[ -e /etc/openvpn ]] || apt install openvpn'
if ! ssh root@$host bash -s -- $name $common_name < client-cert-helper \
| $shell 'id -u | grep -xF 0 || s=sudo; $s tar xzv -C /etc/openvpn/client'; then
echo ssh root@$host cat /tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log: