exit 1
+usage() {
+ cat <<'EOF'
+Example of calling outside of FAI:
-# for calling outside of FAI.
-# source /b/fai/fai-wrapper (note: this exports everything, including functions).
-# - set any appropriate classes with: fai-setclass OPT1... which sets CLASS_OPT1=true...
-# or run eval-fai-classfile FILE.
-# - fai-setclass IANK|FSF (if not already set in 51-multiboot)
-# /a/bin/fai/fai/config/hooks/partition.DEFAULT
-## ARGS (only 0 or 1 is valid). All args are for use outside of fai.
-# mkroot2: for setting up the root2/boot2 luks and btrfs and tab files
-# mkroot2tab: for setting up the root2/boot2 tab files, in case luks and btrfs
-# happen to already be setup.
-# mktab: for generating a crypttab for the main root fs in
-# /tmp/fai. Requires DISTRO be set, see below.
-# Example use in a bootstrap distro:
-# scp /b/fai/fai-wrapper /a/bin/fai/fai/config/{distro-install-common/devbyid,hooks/partition.DEFAULT} root@HOST:
-# sl root@HOST
-# . fai-wrapper # ignore error that FAI is not set, it is not needed for SPECIAL_DISK purposes.
-# fai-setclass FSF
-# export SPECIAL_DISK=/dev/sde
-# export DISTRO=trisquelecne # not actually used
-# . ./partition.DEFAULT
-# ## cryptsetup wont take within a pipeline
-# mapfile -t lines < <(awk '! /swap/ {print $2,$1}' /tmp/fai/crypttab )
-# for l in "${lines[@]}"; do cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done
-# # or alternatively, to avoid typing it many times:
-# read -r lukspw; for l in "${lines[@]}"; do yes "$lukspw" | cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done
+Optionally: source /b/fai/fai-wrapper (note: this exports everything, including functions) and
+set any appropriate classes with: fai-setclass OPT1... which sets CLASS_OPT1=true...
+or run eval-fai-classfile FILE.
-## potentially useful later:
-# sed 's#/root/keyscript,#decrypt_keyctl,#;s/$/,noauto/' /tmp/fai/crypttab >/etc/crypttab
-##### environment variables:
-# HOSTNAME: if demohost, we set the luks password to just
-# 'x'. Used in various other ways too.
-# SPECIAL_DISK: For use outside of fai. A base disk name like
-# /dev/sdk. If set, we just cryptsetup and partition this one disk then
-# exit. It creates a single lvm pv/vg/lv called "data". If this is
-# partitioning intended to go into a root filesystem, you can modify the
-# script to change that, or run commands manually afterwards. This also
-# DISTRO: if not set, derived from VOL_... variable in a switch.
-# Required except for mkroot2, mkroot2tab, or SPECIAL_DISK.
-##### classes:
-# FSF|IANK: what kind of partitioning we want to do. Required anytime we
-# do partitioning.
-# REPARTITION: forces repartitioning even if we detect the proper amount
-# of partitions already exist.
-# NOWIPE: use existing subvolumes if they exist
-# REROOTFS: Don't reuse the root filesystem, even if we normally would
-# ROTATIONAL: forces to install onto hdds instead of sdds. normally sdds
-# are chosen if they exist.
-# PARTITION_PROMPT: command line prompt before partitioning. This is good
-# to set if we don't expect repartitioning to happen.
-# ROTATIONAL: in a system with ssd and hdd, install to the hdd
-# instead of the default ssd.
-# RAID0: forces raid0 filesystem. Normally with 4+ devices, we use
-# raid10.
-# RAID1: forces raid1 filesystem.
-# RAID1c3: forces raid1c3 filesystem (btrfs raid 1, 3 copies).
+Example use in a bootstrap distro:
+scp /b/fai/fai-wrapper /a/bin/fai/fai/config/{distro-install-common/devbyid,hooks/partition.DEFAULT} root@HOST:
+sl root@HOST
+. fai-wrapper # ignore error that FAI is not set, it is not needed for SPECIAL_DISK purposes.
+fai-setclass FSF
+./partition.DEFAULT -s /dev/sde
+cat /tmp/fai/crypttab >>/etc/crypttab
+cat /tmp/fai/fstab >>/etc/fstab
+# possibly edit fstab and do some mkfs.btrfs
+# cryptsetup wont take within a pipeline
+mapfile -t lines < <(awk '! /swap/ {print $2,$1}' /tmp/fai/crypttab )
+for l in "${lines[@]}"; do cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done
+# or alternatively, to avoid typing it many times:
+read -r lukspw; for l in "${lines[@]}"; do yes "$lukspw" | cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done
+potentially useful later:
+sed 's#/root/keyscript,#decrypt_keyctl,#;s/$/,noauto/' /tmp/fai/crypttab >/etc/crypttab
+-c DISK_COUNT Meant for use with -s, the count of disks for doing swap size calculation.
+-d Create data partition instead of root partition. Meant for use with -s.
+-m Create root/data partition with maximum size instead of the 1tb limit. Meant for use with -s.
+-s SPECIAL_DISK For use outside of fai. A base disk name like
+/dev/sdk. If set, we just cryptsetup and partition this one disk then
+exit. It creates a single lvm pv/vg/lv called "data". If this is
+partitioning intended to go into a root filesystem, you can modify the
+script to change that, or run commands manually afterwards. This also
+ARGS (only 0 or 1 is valid). All args are for use outside of fai.
+mkroot2: for setting up the root2/boot2 luks and btrfs and tab files
+mkroot2tab: for setting up the root2/boot2 tab files, in case luks and btrfs
+happen to already be setup.
+mktab: for generating a crypttab for the main root fs in
+/tmp/fai. Requires DISTRO be set, see below.
+environment variables:
+HOSTNAME: if demohost, we set the luks password to just
+'x'. Used in various other ways too.
+DISTRO: if not set, derived from VOL_... variable in a switch.
+Required except for mkroot2, mkroot2tab, or SPECIAL_DISK.
+FSF: Use fsf partitioning logic rather than for iank systems.
+REPARTITION: forces repartitioning even if we detect the proper amount
+of partitions already exist.
+NOWIPE: use existing subvolumes if they exist
+REROOTFS: Don't reuse the root filesystem, even if we normally would
+ROTATIONAL: forces to install onto hdds instead of sdds. normally sdds
+are chosen if they exist.
+PARTITION_PROMPT: command line prompt before partitioning. This is good
+to set if we don't expect repartitioning to happen.
+ROTATIONAL: in a system with ssd and hdd, install to the hdd
+instead of the default ssd.
+RAID0: forces raid0 filesystem. Normally with 4+ devices, we use
+RAID1: forces raid1 filesystem.
+RAID1c3: forces raid1c3 filesystem (btrfs raid 1, 3 copies).
+ exit $1
+## duplicates fai-wrapper, for convenience of not needing it
+if ! type -t ifclass &>/dev/null; then
+ ifclass() {
+ local var=${1/#/CLASS_}
+ [[ $HOSTNAME == "$1" || ${!var} ]]
+ }
+##### begin command line parsing ########
+temp=$(getopt -l help hc:dms: "$@") || usage 1
+eval set -- "$temp"
+while true; do
+ case $1 in
+ -c)
+ devs_count=$2
+ # note: i haven't had a need to run with -s on a system that
+ # should have a different devs_count and boot_devs_count, so
+ # setting them the same for simplicity.
+ boot_devs_count=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -d) data_part=true ;;
+ -m) max_size=true ;;
+ -s) special_disk="$2"; shift ;;
+ -h|--help) usage ;;
+ --) shift; break ;;
+ *) echo "$0: Internal error! unexpected args: $*" ; exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+ shift
if (( $# >= 1 )); then
- ## duplicates fai-wrapper, for convenience of not needing it
- if ! type -t ifclass &>/dev/null; then
- ifclass() {
- local var=${1/#/CLASS_}
- [[ $HOSTNAME == "$1" || ${!var} ]]
- }
- fi
case $1 in
-if [[ ! $SPECIAL_DISK ]] && ! $mkroot2 && ! $mkroot2tab && ! $mktab \
- && ! ifclass IANK && ! ifclass FSF; then
- echo $0: error: need class IANK or FSF or SPECIAL_DISK for running in fai
+##### end command line parsing ########
-if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
+if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
mktab() {
+ fstabstd="x-systemd.device-timeout=30s,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30s"
mkdir -p /tmp/fai
- fstabstd="x-systemd.device-timeout=30s,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30s"
if [[ $DISTRO == *_bootstrap ]]; then
cat > /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
- else
- # note, fai creates the mountpoints listed here
- cat > /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if $data_part; then
+ vg=${vgs[0]}
+ cat >/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
+crypt-$vg-data /dev/$vg/data /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
+ cat >/tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+/dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-data /mnt/dataTBD btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0$mopts 0 0
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # note, fai creates the mountpoints listed here
+ cat > /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
$first_root_dev / btrfs $fstabstd,noatime,subvol=root_$DISTRO$mopts 0 0
$first_root_dev /mnt/root btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0$mopts 0 0
$first_boot_dev /boot btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvol=$boot_vol 0 0
$first_efi /boot/efi vfat nofail,$fstabstd 0 0
$first_boot_dev /mnt/boot btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0 0 0
- if ! fsf; then
- cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+ if ! fsf; then
+ cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
/dev/mapper/crypt-${vgs[0]}-o /mnt/o btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0$mopts 0 0
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/fai/crypttab
- for vg in ${vgs[@]}; do
- if ! fsf; then
- cat >>/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
+ fi
+ rm -f /tmp/fai/crypttab
+ for vg in ${vgs[@]}; do
+ if ! fsf; then
+ cat >>/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
crypt-$vg-root /dev/$vg/root none keyscript=/root/keyscript,discard,luks,initramfs
crypt-$vg-o /dev/$vg/o none keyscript=/root/keyscript,discard,luks,initramfs
crypt-$vg-swap /dev/$vg/swap /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256,hash=ripemd160
- fi
- if fsf; then
- cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+ fi
+ if fsf; then
+ cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
/dev/$vg/swap none swap nofail,$fstabstd,sw 0 0
- else
- cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+ else
+ cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
/dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-swap none swap nofail,$fstabstd,sw 0 0
- fi
- done
+ fi
+ done
- # fai would do this:
- #BOOT_DEVICE=\${BOOT_DEVICE:-"${devs[0]}"}
+ # fai would do this:
+ #BOOT_DEVICE=\${BOOT_DEVICE:-"${devs[0]}"}
- # note: swaplist seems to do nothing.
- cat >/tmp/fai/disk_var.sh <<EOF
+ # note: swaplist seems to do nothing.
+ cat >/tmp/fai/disk_var.sh <<EOF
# ROOT_PARTITIONS is added by me, used in arch setup.
- # now example if i add big disks.
- # if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
- # big_disks=(
- # ata-Hitachi_HDS722020ALA330_JK1121YAG7SXWS-part1
- # ata-Hitachi_HDS722020ALA330_JK1121YAG7SY4S-part1
- # ata-Hitachi_HDS723030ALA640_MK0311YHG2WUSA-part1
- # ata-ST4000DM000-1F2168_Z300AZ6K-part1
- # ata-ST6000DM001-1XY17Z_Z4D2WMZK-part1
- # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_8539K4TQFS9A-part1
- # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_85NAK4T2FS9A-part1
- # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_9551K615FS9A-part1
- # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_Y5IFK6IJFS9A-part1
- # )
- # for d in ${big_disks[@]}; do
- # cat >>/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
- # crypt_dev_$d /dev/disk/by-id/$d /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
- # EOF
- # done
- # cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
- # /dev/mapper/crypt_dev_${big_disks[0]} /mnt/i btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0 0 0
- # EOF
- # fi
- # helpful for manually running later if these disks move hosts
- target_etc=/etc
- target_etc=/tmp/fai
- if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
- cat >>$target_etc/crypttab <<EOF
+ # now example if i add big disks.
+ # if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
+ # big_disks=(
+ # ata-Hitachi_HDS722020ALA330_JK1121YAG7SXWS-part1
+ # ata-Hitachi_HDS722020ALA330_JK1121YAG7SY4S-part1
+ # ata-Hitachi_HDS723030ALA640_MK0311YHG2WUSA-part1
+ # ata-ST4000DM000-1F2168_Z300AZ6K-part1
+ # ata-ST6000DM001-1XY17Z_Z4D2WMZK-part1
+ # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_8539K4TQFS9A-part1
+ # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_85NAK4T2FS9A-part1
+ # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_9551K615FS9A-part1
+ # ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_Y5IFK6IJFS9A-part1
+ # )
+ # for d in ${big_disks[@]}; do
+ # cat >>/tmp/fai/crypttab <<EOF
+ # crypt_dev_$d /dev/disk/by-id/$d /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
+ # EOF
+ # done
+ # cat >> /tmp/fai/fstab <<EOF
+ # /dev/mapper/crypt_dev_${big_disks[0]} /mnt/i btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,subvolid=0 0 0
+ # EOF
+ # fi
+ # helpful for manually running later if these disks move hosts
+ target_etc=/etc
+ target_etc=/tmp/fai
+ if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then
+ cat >>$target_etc/crypttab <<EOF
crypt_dev_ata-Samsung_SSD_870_QVO_8TB_S5VUNG0N900656V${even_bigsuf} /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_SSD_870_QVO_8TB_S5VUNG0N900656V${even_bigsuf} /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
crypt_dev_ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_84R2K773FS9A-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_84R2K773FS9A-part1 /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
crypt_dev_ata-ST6000DM001-1XY17Z_Z4D29EBL-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST6000DM001-1XY17Z_Z4D29EBL-part1 /mnt/root/q/root/luks/iank discard,luks
- cat >> $target_etc/fstab <<EOF
+ cat >> $target_etc/fstab <<EOF
# r7 = root partition7. it isnt actually #7 anymore, not a great name, but whatever
/dev/mapper/crypt_dev_ata-Samsung_SSD_870_QVO_8TB_S5VUNG0N900656V${even_bigsuf} /mnt/r7 btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,compress=zstd,subvolid=0 0 0
/dev/mapper/crypt_dev_ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_84R2K773FS9A-part1 /mnt/rust1 btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,compress=zstd,subvolid=0 0 0
/dev/mapper/crypt_dev_ata-ST6000DM001-1XY17Z_Z4D29EBL-part1 /mnt/rust2 btrfs nofail,$fstabstd,noatime,compress=zstd,subvolid=0 0 0
- fi
maybe-prompt() {
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
+ if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
declare -A disk_excludes
-if ! $mkroot2 && ! $mkroot2tab && ! $mktab ! ifclass USE_MOUNTED; then
- ## ignore disks that are mounted, eg when running from fai-cd
- while read -r l; do
- eval "$l"
- if [[ ! $PKNAME ]]; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2153 # not a misspelling
- fi
- if [[ $MOUNTPOINT ]]; then
- disk_excludes[$PKNAME]=true
- fi
- done < <(lsblk -nP -o KNAME,MOUNTPOINT,PKNAME)
-# Example output:
-# sda
-# sdb
-# sdc
-# This excludes "usb". vda disk has empty tran (transport). This may need adjustment
-# for some new type we come across. cdrom has type "rom"
-for disk in $(lsblk -ndo name,type,tran | awk '$3 ~ "^(sata|nvme|sas|)$" && $2 == "disk" { print $1 }'); do
- if [[ ${disk_excludes[$disk]} ]]; then
- continue
+if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
+ short_devs=($special_disk)
+ #tmps=$(devbyid $special_disk)
+ #devs=("$tmps")
+ if ! $mkroot2 && ! $mkroot2tab && ! $mktab ! ifclass USE_MOUNTED; then
+ ## ignore disks that are mounted, eg when running from fai-cd
+ while read -r l; do
+ eval "$l"
+ if [[ ! $PKNAME ]]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2153 # not a misspelling
+ fi
+ if [[ $MOUNTPOINT ]]; then
+ disk_excludes[$PKNAME]=true
+ fi
+ done < <(lsblk -nP -o KNAME,MOUNTPOINT,PKNAME)
- case $disk in
- # cdrom
- sr*) continue ;;
- esac
- case $(cat /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational) in
- 0)
- ssds+=("/dev/$disk")
- echo $0: found ssd /dev/$disk
- ;;
- 1)
- hdds+=("/dev/$disk")
- echo $0: found hdd /dev/$disk
- ;;
- *) echo "$0: error: unknown /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational: \
+ hdds=()
+ ssds=()
+ # Example output:
+ # sda
+ # sdb
+ # sdc
+ #
+ # This excludes "usb". vda disk has empty tran (transport). This may need adjustment
+ # for some new type we come across. cdrom has type "rom"
+ for disk in $(lsblk -ndo name,type,tran | awk '$3 ~ "^(sata|nvme|sas|)$" && $2 == "disk" { print $1 }'); do
+ if [[ ${disk_excludes[$disk]} ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ case $disk in
+ # cdrom
+ sr*) continue ;;
+ esac
+ case $(cat /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational) in
+ 0)
+ ssds+=("/dev/$disk")
+ echo $0: found ssd /dev/$disk
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ hdds+=("/dev/$disk")
+ echo $0: found hdd /dev/$disk
+ ;;
+ *) echo "$0: error: unknown /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational: \
$(cat $disk/queue/rotational)"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
+ esac
+ done
+ # Example of short_devs: (/dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc)
+ # Install all ssds, or if there are none, all hdds.
+ # Note, usb flash disks are seen as rotational, which is
+ # very odd, but convenient for ignoring them here.
+ if ! ifclass ROTATIONAL && (( ${#ssds[@]} > 0 )); then
+ read -ra short_devs<<<"${ssds[@]}"
+ else
+ read -ra short_devs<<<"${hdds[@]}"
+ fi
-# Example of short_devs: (/dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc)
-# Install all ssds, or if there are none, all hdds.
-# Note, usb flash disks are seen as rotational, which is
-# very odd, but convenient for ignoring them here.
-if ! ifclass ROTATIONAL && (( ${#ssds[@]} > 0 )); then
- read -ra short_devs<<<"${ssds[@]}"
- read -ra short_devs<<<"${hdds[@]}"
if $partition && ifclass PARTITION_PROMPT; then
echo "Press any key except ctrl-c to continue and partition these drives:"
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
- else
- echo " ${short_devs[*]}"
- fi
+ echo " ${short_devs[*]}"
read -r
-if [[ ! $SPECIAL_DISK && ! ${devs[0]} ]]; then
+if [[ ! $special_disk && ! ${devs[0]} ]]; then
echo "$0: error: failed to detect devs" >&2
exit 1
+if [[ ! $devs_count ]]; then
+ boot_devs_count=${#boot_devs[@]}
+ devs_count=${#devs[@]}
-if (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 1 )); then
+if (( boot_devs_count == 1 )); then
elif ifclass RAID0; then
- if (( ${#boot_devs[@]} >= 3 )); then
+ raid_duplication=1
+ if (( boot_devs_count >= 3 )); then
# Default is raid1 metadata for >=2 devices, but metadata is <.5%
# data use, so lets increase that redundancy.
raid_metadata_arg="-m raid1c3"
-elif ifclass RAID1 || (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 2 )); then
- if (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 2 )); then
+elif ifclass RAID1 || (( boot_devs_count == 2 )); then
+ if (( boot_devs_count == 2 )); then
-elif ifclass RAID1c3 || (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 3 )); then
+elif ifclass RAID1c3 || (( boot_devs_count == 3 )); then
-if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
+if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
# In this case, the number of detected boot_devs may not be what we
# actually end up using if and when we use this disk's boot partition.
- boot_part_mib=$(( boot_mib * raid_duplication / ${#boot_devs[@]} ))
+ boot_part_mib=$(( boot_mib * raid_duplication / boot_devs_count ))
if zilap; then
- boot2_part_mib=$(( boot2_mib * raid_duplication / ${#boot_devs[@]} ))
+ boot2_part_mib=$(( boot2_mib * raid_duplication / boot_devs_count ))
root2_part_mib=$(( root2_mib * raid_duplication / ${#root_devs[@]} ))
elif ifclass VOL_ECNE; then
- elif $mkroot2 || $mkroot2tab || [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
+ elif $mkroot2 || $mkroot2tab || [[ $special_disk ]]; then
echo "PARTITIONER ERROR: no distro class/var set" >&2
-# for servers, a bit randomly picking 6gb per disk based on https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/managing_storage_devices/getting-started-with-swap_managing-storage-devices#recommended-system-swap-space_getting-started-with-swap
-# meh, i'll just do that * drives for machines with lots of ram.
mem_kb=$(awk '$1 == "MemTotal:" {print $2}' /proc/meminfo)
+mem_mib=$(( mem_kb / 1000 ))
mem_gb=$(( mem_kb / 1024 / 1024 ))
-if (( mem_gb < 64 )); then
- # enable hibernate with 1.5x of ram, split per disk
- swap_mib=$(( mem_gb * 3 / ${#devs[@]} ))
+# somewhat random based on https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/managing_storage_devices/getting-started-with-swap_managing-storage-devices#recommended-system-swap-space_getting-started-with-swap
+if fsf; then
+ if (( mem_gb >= 64 )); then
+ swap_mib=6144
+ else
+ swap_mib=$(( mem_mib * raid_duplication / devs_count ))
+ fi
- swap_mib=6144
+ if [[ -e /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity ]]; then
+ swap_mib=$(( mem_mib * 15 * raid_duplication / ( devs_count * 10 ) ))
+ else
+ swap_mib=$(( mem_mib * raid_duplication / devs_count ))
+ fi
shopt -s nullglob
if $partition; then
### begin wipefs
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
- lvmwipe $SPECIAL_DISK
+ if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
+ lvmwipe $special_disk
maybe-prompt sleep 10
- maybe-prompt wipefs --backup -a $SPECIAL_DISK*
+ maybe-prompt wipefs --backup -a $special_disk*
echo "$0: execute the following?"
for cmd in "${cmd_prompt[@]}"; do
echo "$cmd"
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
- tmps=$(devbyid $SPECIAL_DISK)
- devs=("$tmps")
- fi
for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
# so use fixed sizes to allow both to grow
# 600 = uefi 512 + grubext 8 + bios grub 3 + some extra cuz this is lvm
#root_mib=$(( disk_mib - root2_part_mib - swap_mib - boot_part_mib - boot2_part_mib - 600 ))
- o_mib=$(( 180 * 1000 ))
+ # If we have extra devices, give /o some overhead so that we can
+ # remove & then add a device if needed.
+ o_factor=$devs_count
+ if (( o_factor >= 2 )); then
+ o_factor=$(( o_factor - 1 ))
+ fi
+ # note: math operations are left to right, so divide at the end.
+ o_mib=$(( 180 * 1000 * raid_duplication / o_factor ))
# max minus o, minus a gig just for some extra space
max_root_mib=$(( disk_mib - root2_part_mib - swap_mib - boot_part_mib - boot2_part_mib - 600 - o_mib - 1000 ))
root_mib=$(( 1700 * 1000 )) # * 1000 to make it in gb.
- if (( max_root_mib < root_mib )); then
+ if $max_size || (( max_root_mib < root_mib )); then
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]] && ! fsf; then
+ if [[ $special_disk ]] && $data_part; then
lvcreate -y -L $root_mib $vg -n data
# -L unit default mebibyte
# into ipxe which can't persist data, if we ever got that working.
mkfs.ext2 $dev$grub_extsuf
- if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then
+ if [[ $special_disk ]] && $data_part; then
if ! fsf; then
luks-setup /dev/$vg/data crypt-$vg-data
luks-setup /dev/$vg/o crypt-$vg-o
+ if [[ $special_disk ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
ls -la /dev/btrfs-control # this was probably for debugging...
sleep 1
# initial setup of extra data fs, mounted,
# btrfs subvol create nocow
# chattr +C nocow
-# chown iank.iank nocow
+# mkdir nocow/{t,user}
+# chown iank.iank nocow/{t,user}