if ! type -p apt-rdepends &>/dev/null; then
sudo apt-get -y install --purge --auto-remove apt-rdepends
- apt-rdepends -p --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS $x|sed -rn 's/^\s*Build-Depends: (\S+).*/\1/p'
+ apt-rdepends -p --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS $x/$(debian-codename)|sed -rn 's/^\s*Build-Depends: (\S+).*/\1/p'
exit 0
+#building emacs, INSTALL.BZR
# gawk and attr were no longer automatically installed in stretch,
# looking back, i assume i got some error.
# autoconf-archive due to come error
pi ${pkgs[@]}
-case $(distro-name) in
- fedora )
- logq s yum-builddep -y emacs
- logq pi texlive-dvipng
- ;;&
- debian|ubuntu|trisquel)
- # todo: unknown for other distros, this will fail
- logq p -y build-dep maildir-utils
- # oddly, on ubuntu 14.04 this installs postfix, but I dun care
- # ubuntu 14.04 gave this error message
- # Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libpng-dev
- # this is satisfied by dvipng. the build-dep is just wrong
- # minor bug I'm not going to bother reporting.
- #
- # note, useful command to see build dep packagages:
- # apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS emacs25
- logq p -y build-dep $latest_emacs
- ;;&
-#building emacs, INSTALL.BZR
#git repo
dir+=`debian-archive` ||: # we may not be on debian
e cd $dir
-if $recompile; then
- # todo, consider when this should be uncommented
- #logq s make uninstall
- find ~/.emacs.d/ -name '*.elc' -delete
- # git version
- if [[ $1 ]]; then
- e i clean -xxxfd
- elif $update; then
- e i fetch
- e i clean -xxxffd
- e i reset --hard origin/master
- e i clean -xxxffd
+rev=$(cat ~/.local/emacs-build-git-revision 2>/dev/null) ||:
+head=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+if $recompile || [[ $rev != "$head" ]]; then
+ case $(distro-name) in
+ fedora )
+ logq s yum-builddep -y emacs
+ logq pi texlive-dvipng
+ ;;&
+ debian|ubuntu|trisquel)
+ # todo: unknown for other distros, this will fail
+ logq p -y build-dep maildir-utils/$(debian-codename)
+ # oddly, on ubuntu 14.04 this installs postfix, but I dun care
+ # ubuntu 14.04 gave this error message
+ # Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: libpng-dev
+ # this is satisfied by dvipng. the build-dep is just wrong
+ # minor bug I'm not going to bother reporting.
+ #
+ # note, useful command to see build dep packagages:
+ # apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS emacs25
+ logq p -y build-dep $latest_emacs
+ ;;&
+ esac
+ if $recompile; then
+ # todo, consider when this should be uncommented
+ #logq s make uninstall
+ find ~/.emacs.d/ -name '*.elc' -delete
+ # git version
+ if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ e i clean -xxxfd
+ elif $update; then
+ e i fetch
+ e i clean -xxxffd
+ e i reset --hard origin/master
+ e i clean -xxxffd
+ fi
+ # autogen is usually only for the first build, assume it works
+ logq ./autogen.sh all
+ # I tried changing O2 to O3, don't know if it made it faster or slower so I went back to 02.
+ # Also, link-time-optimization based on ./INSTALL
+ # for debugging, use -Og, or -O0 to make debug really correspond to sources
+ # dunno why I have had -std=gnu99 in the past
+ #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -Og'
+ export CFLAGS='-g3 -Og'
+ #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -O2' logq ./configure --enable-link-time-optimization
+ # on ubuntu 12.04, the above fails, says my c compiler won't work, so intead, just use defaults
+ logq ./configure
+ logq make -j `nproc` bootstrap
- # autogen is usually only for the first build, assume it works
- logq ./autogen.sh all
- # I tried changing O2 to O3, don't know if it made it faster or slower so I went back to 02.
- # Also, link-time-optimization based on ./INSTALL
- # for debugging, use -Og, or -O0 to make debug really correspond to sources
- # dunno why I have had -std=gnu99 in the past
- #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -Og'
- export CFLAGS='-g3 -Og'
- #CFLAGS='-std=gnu99 -g3 -O2' logq ./configure --enable-link-time-optimization
- # on ubuntu 12.04, the above fails, says my c compiler won't work, so intead, just use defaults
- logq ./configure
- logq make -j `nproc` bootstrap
-# temporarily for testing multiple versions
-logq make -j `nproc`
-logq sudo make install
+ # temporarily for testing multiple versions
+ logq make -j `nproc`
+ logq sudo make install
-# make emacs always work for root
-s /a/exe/lnf /usr/local/bin/emacs /usr/bin
+ # make emacs always work for root
+ s /a/exe/lnf /usr/local/bin/emacs /usr/bin
+ echo $head >~/.local/emacs-build-git-revision
#git clone https://github.com/djcb/mu
# note: master failed, i moved back to the commit before a bug https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/1400
# from its HACKING file
cd /a/opt/mu
-if [[ $(distro-name) == trisquel ]]; then
- # use the flidas branch, stuck behind because
- # needs newer crypt libraries that are too troublesome.
- cd /a/opt/muflidas
- # newer version than build-dep installs for buster
- sudo apt-get -y install --purge --auto-remove libgmime-3.0-dev
+rev=$(cat ~/.local/mu-build-git-revision 2>/dev/null) ||:
+head=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+if $recompile || [[ $rev != "$head" ]]; then
+ if [[ $(distro-name) == trisquel ]]; then
+ # use the flidas branch, stuck behind because
+ # needs newer crypt libraries that are too troublesome.
+ cd /a/opt/muflidas
+ else
+ # newer version than build-dep installs for buster
+ sudo apt-get -y install --purge --auto-remove libgmime-3.0-dev
+ fi
+ git clean -xfffd
+ ./autogen.sh
+ make
+ sudo make install
+ echo $head >~/.local/mu-build-git-revision
+ # note uninstall is implemented
-git clean -xfffd
-sudo make install
-# note uninstall is implemented
if $recompile; then
# note, not totally sure its right to put this within recompile, but its taking up most of the time, so going for it.
- logq emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -l ~/.emacs.d/compile-init-dir.el
+ logq emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/compile-init-dir.el
# as of 01-2017, built-in org mode has a bug that
--- /dev/null
+apt-get install -y libopendmarc-dev libspf2-dev
+apt-get -y build-dep exim4/flidas
+# https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingAPackage
+apt-get install build-essential dpatch fakeroot devscripts equivs lintian quilt
+apt-get source exim4/flidas
+# to just patch heavy:
+# first apply below patch, then build, then
+#diff -u ./EDITME.exim4-light ./EDITME.exim4-heavy > /tmp/EDITME.exim4-heavy.diff
+# remove extraneous differences
+# meld ./debian/EDITME.exim4-heavy.diff /tmp/EDITME.exim4-heavy.diff
+# diff -u ./debian/EDITME.exim4-heavy.diff /tmp/EDITME.exim4-heavy.diff
+# edit the diff to get filenames right.
+patch -p0 <<'EOF'
+--- ./exim4-4.86.2/src/EDITME.orig 2019-07-31 11:34:22.284977059 -0400
++++ ./exim4-4.86.2/src/EDITME 2019-07-31 11:35:01.361206192 -0400
+@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@
+ # installed on your system (www.libspf2.org). Depending on where it is installed
+ # you may have to edit the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS lines.
+-# CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
+-# LDFLAGS += -lspf2
++CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
++LDFLAGS += -lspf2
+ # Uncomment the following lines to add SRS (Sender rewriting scheme) support.
+ # You need to have libsrs_alt installed on your system (srs.mirtol.com).
+@@ -469,9 +469,9 @@
+ # Uncomment the following line to add DMARC checking capability, implemented
+ # using libopendmarc libraries.
+-# CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
+-# LDFLAGS += -lopendmarc
++CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
++LDFLAGS += -lopendmarc
+ # Uncomment the following line to support Events,
+cd exim4-4.86.2
+fakeroot debian/rules binary
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Ian Kelling
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# usage: no args, run to install latest go.
+if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "error: shell is not bash" >&2; exit 1; fi
+shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null ||: # ignore fail in bash < 4.4
+source /a/bin/errhandle/err
+m() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; "$@"; }
+e() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; }
+err() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')]: $0: $*" >&2; }
+m cd /a/opt/go.git
+m git fetch
+vers=($(git tag | sort -Vr | grep -E '^go[0-9.]+$' | head))
+dl() {
+ arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
+ f=${ver}.linux-${arch}.tar.gz
+ if [[ -e $f ]]; then
+ timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f)
+ else
+ timestamp=0
+ fi
+ m wget -N https://dl.google.com/go/$f || ret=$?
+# 8 is return code for 404. for a new release, they might not have a binary out yet
+if [[ $ret == 8 ]]; then
+ ver=${vers[1]}
+ dl
+new_timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f)
+if [[ $timestamp != $new_timestamp || ! -e /usr/local/go/bin/go ]]; then
+ m sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
+ m sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf $f
+shopt -s nullglob
+for x in go*.tar.gz; do
+ if [[ $x == $f ]]; then continue; fi
+ rm -fv $x
+go get -u mvdan.cc/fdroidcl
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Ian Kelling
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "error: shell is not bash" >&2; exit 1; fi
+shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null ||: # ignore fail in bash < 4.4
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+# alternatively, using https://iankelling.org/git/?p=errhandle;a=tree
+# source /path/errhandle/err
+# on my machine
+source /a/bin/errhandle/err
+# fuck pip. i hate it.
+# pip install --user -U pip
+# Traceback (most recent call last):
+# File "/usr/local/bin/pip", line 10, in <module>
+# sys.exit(main())
+# TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
+# if type -t pip &>/dev/null; then
+# pip install --user -U pip
+# else
+# x=$(mktemp)
+# wget -O$x https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
+# python3 $x --user
+# fi
+# https://github.com/jlebon/textern
+cd /a/opt/textern
+git pull
+make native-install USER=1
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Ian Kelling
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "error: shell is not bash" >&2; exit 1; fi
+shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null ||: # ignore fail in bash < 4.4
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+# alternatively, using https://iankelling.org/git/?p=errhandle;a=tree
+# source /path/errhandle/err
+# on my machine
+source /a/bin/errhandle/err
+# install rust.
+if type -t rustc &>/dev/null; then
+ rustup update
+ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | bash -s -- -y
+# todo: update this. updates in rust are stupidly complicate
+if ! which rg &>/dev/null; then
+ cargo install ripgrep
+if ! type -t cargo-install-update &>/dev/null; then
+ cargo-install-update
+cargo install-update -a
# we exclude verions with letters, as that seems to
# be a relatively reliable indication of alpha/beta releases.
-ver=$(curl -s https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/ \
+vers=($(curl -s https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/ \
| sed -rn 's#.*href="([0-9]+\.[0-9]+[.0-9]*)/.*#\1#p' \
- | sort -Vr | head -n 1)
+ | sort -Vr))
# by default it has perms for just 1 non-root user, which is ok for now.
cd /a/opt
-timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f) ||:
-wget -N https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/$ver/$f
-new_timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f) ||:
+dl() {
+ f=tor-browser-linux64-${ver}_en-US.tar.xz
+ if [[ -e $f ]]; then
+ timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f)
+ else
+ timestamp=0
+ fi
+ echo wget -N https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/$ver/$f
+ wget -N https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/$ver/$f || ret=$?
+# 8 is return code for 404. for a new release, they might not have released to linux yet.
+if [[ $ret == 8 ]]; then
+ ver=${vers[1]}
+ dl
+new_timestamp=$(stat -c %Y $f)
if [[ $timestamp != $new_timestamp || ! -e /a/opt/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser ]]; then
- # not already installed
- rm -rf tor-browser_en-US
- ex $f
+ # not already installed
+ rm -rf tor-browser_en-US
+ ex $f
for x in tor-*.tar.xz; do
- # cleanup old tarballs
- [[ -e $x ]] || break
- [[ $x != $f ]] || continue
- command rm -f $x
+ # cleanup old tarballs
+ [[ -e $x ]] || break
+ [[ $x != $f ]] || continue
+ command rm -f $x
s lnf /a/opt/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser /usr/local/bin