--- /dev/null
+### acl/30_exim4-config_check_mail
+# This access control list is used for every MAIL command in an incoming
+# SMTP message. The tests are run in order until the address is either
+# accepted or denied.
+# ian: I added this require statement only. accept at the end is
+# needed as the default is deny.
+ require
+ message = ian auth
+ authenticated = *
+ accept
--- /dev/null
+# from 30_exim4-config_examples
+ driver = plaintext
+ public_name = PLAIN
+ server_condition = "${if crypteq{$auth3}{${extract{1}{:}{${lookup{$auth2}lsearch{CONFDIR/passwd}{$value}{*:*}}}}}{1}{0}}"
+ server_set_id = $auth2
+ server_prompts = :
+ server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_in_cipher}{}{}{*}}
+ .endif
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# this unit is configured to start and stop whenever openvpn-client@mail.service
+# does
+Description=Routing for email vpn
+ExecStart=/a/bin/distro-setup/mail-route start
+ExecStop=/a/bin/distro-setup/mail-route stop
# DeviceAllow=/dev/net/tun rw
# ian: added just these lines from upstream
-ExecStartPre=+/a/bin/newns/newns start %i
+ExecStartPre=+/a/bin/newns/newns -n 10.173.0 start %i
ExecStartPre=+/sbin/iptables-restore /a/bin/transmission-firewall/netns.rules
ExecStopPost=+/a/bin/newns/newns stop %i
0 4 * * * ian x=$(/a/exe/logq /a/bin/small-backup --retry daily 2M); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x"
0 3 * * sun ian echo weekly backup results:; /a/bin/small-backup --retry weekly -batch -prefer ~/.mpv -silent 2>&1 | /a/exe/log-once unison-mpv
-*/5 * * * * ian /a/bin/dynamic-ip-update.sh
+*/5 * * * * ian /a/bin/distro-setup/dynamic-ip-update.sh | /a/exe/log-once -15
*/10 * * * * ian /a/bin/small-backup 10minutes 3D 2>&1 | /a/exe/log-once small-backup-10min
# put things we don't want to send mail about below this:
--- /dev/null
+# if we get an error, keep going but return it at the end
+trap 'last_error=$?' ERR
+source ~/mw_vars
+# No strict because the host is likely not named the same as
+# the domain.
+ssh="ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no"
+echo "#### starting backup at $(date) ####"
+$ssh root@$mwdomain <<ENDSSH
+set -x
+tee -a $mwc<<'EOF'
+\$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
+mkdir -p ~/wiki_backups
+mysqldump -p$dbpass --default-character-set=binary my_wiki > ~/wiki_backups/wiki_db_backup
+sed -i '\$ d' $mwc # delete read only setting
+# add no strict option to the defaults
+rdiff() { rdiff-backup --remote-schema "$ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server" "$@"; }
+set -x
+rdiff root@$mwdomain::/root/wiki_backups ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_db_backup
+rdiff root@$mwdomain::$mw ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_file_backup
+set +x
+echo "=== ending backup at $(date) ===="
+} &>>$logfile
+if [[ $last_error != 0 ]]; then
+ echo "backup for $mwdomain failed. See $logfile"
+exit $last_error
Description=Btrbk backup
+ExecStart=/a/bin/log-quiet/sysd-mail-once /a/exe/btrbk-run
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file