-if [[ $client_host ]]; then
- cert_to_test=$(mktemp)
- ssh root@$client_host cat $f 2>/dev/null >$cert_to_test ||:
-if ! $force && openssl x509 -checkend $(( 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 )) -noout -in $cert_to_test &>/dev/null; then
- echo "$0: cert already exists. exiting early"
- exit 0
-# bash or else we get motd spam. note sleep 2, sleep 1 failed.
-$shell '[[ -e /etc/openvpn ]] || apt install openvpn'
-if ! ssh root@$host bash -s -- $server_name $common_name < client-cert-helper \
- | $shell 'id -u | grep -xF 0 || s=sudo; $s tar xzv -C /etc/openvpn/client'; then
- echo ssh root@$host cat /tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log:
- ssh root@$host cat /tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log
- echo EOF for root@$host:/tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log
- exit 1
-port=$(echo '/^port/ {print $2}' | ssh root@$host awk -f - /etc/openvpn/server/$name.conf | tail -n1)
-if ! $shell "test -s $f"; then
- # if common name is not unique, you get empty file. and if we didn't silence
- # build-key, you'd see an error "TXT_DB error number 2"
- echo "$0: error: $f is empty or otherwise bad. is this common name unique?"
- exit 1
$shell "dd of=/etc/openvpn/client/$name.conf" <<EOF
# From example config, from debian stretch to buster
$shell 'cd /etc/openvpn; for f in client/*; do ln -sf $f .; done'
+if [[ $client_host ]]; then
+ cert_to_test=$(mktemp)
+ ssh root@$client_host cat $f 2>/dev/null >$cert_to_test ||:
+if ! $force && openssl x509 -checkend $(( 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 )) -noout -in $cert_to_test &>/dev/null; then
+ echo "$0: cert already exists. exiting early"
+ exit 0
+# bash or else we get motd spam. note sleep 2, sleep 1 failed.
+$shell '[[ -e /etc/openvpn ]] || apt install openvpn'
+if ! ssh root@$host bash -s -- $server_name $common_name < client-cert-helper \
+ | $shell 'id -u | grep -xF 0 || s=sudo; $s tar xzv -C /etc/openvpn/client'; then
+ echo ssh root@$host cat /tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log:
+ ssh root@$host cat /tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log
+ echo EOF for root@$host:/tmp/vpn-mk-client-cert.log
+ exit 1
+port=$(echo '/^port/ {print $2}' | ssh root@$host awk -f - /etc/openvpn/server/$name.conf | tail -n1)
+if ! $shell "test -s $f"; then
+ # if common name is not unique, you get empty file. and if we didn't silence
+ # build-key, you'd see an error "TXT_DB error number 2"
+ echo "$0: error: $f is empty or otherwise bad. is this common name unique?"
+ exit 1