ralerts() { # remote alerts
local ret shell
# this list is duplicated in check-remote-mailqs
- for h in bk je li frodo kwwg x3wg x2wg kdwg sywg; do
+ for h in bk je li frodo x3wg kdwg sywg; do
echo $h:
shell="ssh $h"
if [[ $HOSTNAME == "${h%wg}" ]]; then
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s dotglob
+# temp disabled: x2wg kwwg
# this list duplicated in brc2 ralerts
-for h in bk je li frodo kwwg x3wg x2wg kdwg sywg; do
+for h in bk je li frodo x3wg kdwg sywg; do
[[ -d $statedir ]] || continue
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# for setting up a new machine
+#### for setting up a new machine
# usage: $0 [-r] [HOSTNAME]
# HOSTNAME changes the machine's hostname
+# Update target_down alerts in
+# /a/bin/ds/filesystem/etc/prometheus/rules/iank.yml
+# Update hostnames in /b/ds/check-remote-mailqs
+### end new machine setup
# tips:
# run any sudo command first so your pass is cached
# set the scrollback to unlimited in case something goes wrong
description: "A Prometheus job has disappeared\n VALUE = {{ $value }}"
- alert: lowpri_target_down
- expr: up{instance!~"kdwg:9101|bkex.b8.nz:9101|liex.b8.nz:9101|"} == 0
+ expr: up{instance!~"kdwg:9101|bkex.b8.nz:9101|liex.b8.nz:9101||kwwg:9101"} == 0
for: 30m
severity: warn