# scp completion does not work, but this doesn't fix it. todo, figure this out
complete -r scp &> /dev/null
# todo, remote file completion fails, figure out how to turn it off
+ # This get's rid of ugly terminal escape chars in node repl
+ # sometime, I'd like to have completion working in emacs shell for node
+ # the offending chars can be found in lib/readline.js,
+ # things that do like:
+ # stream.write('\x1b[' + (x + 1) + 'G');
+ # We can remove them and keep readline, for example by doing this
+ # to start a repl:
+ #!/usr/bin/env nodejs
+ # var readline = require('readline');
+ # readline.cursorTo = function(a,b,c) {};
+ # readline.clearScreenDown = function(a) {};
+ # const repl = require('repl');
+ # var replServer = repl.start('');
+ #
+ # no prompt, or else readline complete seems to be confused, based
+ # on our column being different? node probably needs to send
+ # different kind of escape sequence that is not ugly. Anyways,
+ # completion doesn't work yet even with the ugly prompt, so whatever
+ #
-mkdir() { command mkdir -p "$@"; }
-# fast commit all
-ic() {
- git commit -am "$*"
# file cut copy and paste, like the text buffers :)
cp "$my_f_tempdir"/* "$target"
-# history search
-k() { grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | tail -n 40; }
-# horizontal row. used to break up output
-hr() { printf "$(tput setaf 5)█$(tput sgr0)%.0s" $(seq $COLUMNS); }
-# insensitive find
-ifn () {
- find -L . -iname "*$**" 2>/dev/null
-# test existence / exists
-te() {
- local ret=0
- for x in "$@"; do
- [[ -e "$x" || -L "$x" ]] || ret=1
- done
- return $ret
# todo, update this
complete -F _longopt la lower low rlt rld rl lld ts ll dircp ex fcp fct fpst gr
-# use sb instead of s is for sudo redirections, eg. sb 'echo "ok fine" > /etc/file'
-sb() {
- local SUDOD="$PWD"
- sudo -i bash -c "$@"
-complete -F _root_command s sb
_cdiff-prep() {
# join options which are continued to multiples lines onto one line
hl() { # history limit. Write extra history to archive file.
# todo: this is not working or not used currently
local max_lines linecount tempfile prune_lines x
+hr() { # horizontal row. used to break up output
+ printf "$(tput setaf 5)█$(tput sgr0)%.0s" $(seq $COLUMNS)
+ echo
i() { git "$@"; }
# modified from ~/local/bin/git-completion.bash
# other completion commands are mostly taken from bash_completion package
+ic() {
+ # fast commit all
+ git commit -am "$*"
+ifn () {
+ # insensitive find
+ find -L . -iname "*$**" 2>/dev/null
if [[ $OS == Windows_NT ]]; then
# cygstart wrapper
+k() { # history search
+ grep -P --binary-files=text "$@" ${HISTFILE:-~/.bash_history} | tail -n 40;
make-targets() {
# show make targets, via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3063507/list-goals-targets-in-gnu-make
make -qp | awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$)/ {split($1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}'
c "$1"
+mkdir() { command mkdir -p "$@"; }
pakaraoke() {
# from http://askubuntu.com/questions/456021/remove-vocals-from-mp3-and-get-only-instrumentals
-sdf() {
- c /sdx/test/sandbox/
+sb() { # sudo bash -c
+ # use sb instead of s is for sudo redirections,
+ # eg. sb 'echo "ok fine" > /etc/file'
+ local SUDOD="$PWD"
+ sudo -i bash -c "$@"
+complete -F _root_command s sb
ser() {
local s; [[ $EUID != 0 ]] && s=sudo
+te() {
+ # test existence / exists
+ local ret=0
+ for x in "$@"; do
+ [[ -e "$x" || -L "$x" ]] || ret=1
+ done
+ return $ret
tm() {
# timer in minutes
(sleep $(calc "$@ * 60") && mpv --volume 50 /a/bin/data/alarm.mp3) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# based on warning from rvmsudo
export rvmsudo_secure_path=1
+# for other script I wrote
+export ACME_TINY_PATH=/a/opt/acme-tiny
+export lt ACME_TINY_WRAPPER_CERT_DIR=/p/c/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME
if [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]]; then
source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+mkdir -p ~/.npm-global
+npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
+path_add --end ~/.npm-global
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xinitrc#Autostart_X_at_login
# i added an extra condition as gentoo xorg guide says depending on
# $DISPLAY is fragile.