;; Package-Requires: ((pcsv "1.3.3") (dash "2.5.0") (bbdb "20140412.1949"))
;; Keywords: csv, util, bbdb
;; Homepage: https://gitlab.com/iankelling/bbdb-csv-import
+;; Mailing-List: https://lists.iankelling.org/listinfo/bbdb-csv-import
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; chance it will work out of the box. If it doesn't, you can try to fix it as
;; described below, or the maintainer will be happy to help, just anonymize your
;; csv data using the M-x bbdb-csv-anonymize-current-buffer (make sure csv
-;; buffer is the current one) and attach it to an email.
+;; buffer is the current one) and attach it to an email to the mailing list.
;; Duplicate contacts (according to email address) are skipped if
;; bbdb-allow-duplicates is nil (default). Any duplicates found are echoed at
;; file. The maintainer should be able to help with any issues and may create a
;; new mapping table given sample data.
-;; Mapping table tips: For field names or sets of field names which go together,
-;; and are numbered, 1, 2, 3, the repeat keyword can be used to expand as many
-;; as are in your csv data.
+;; Mapping table tips:
+;; * The repeat keyword expands numbered field names, based on the first
+;; subsequent field, as many times as they exist in the csv data.
+;; * All mapping fields are optional. A simple mapping table could be
+;; (setq bbdb-csv-import-mapping-table '((:mail "Primary Email")))
+;; * xfields uses the field name to create custom fields in bbdb. It downcases
+;; the field name, and replaces spaces with "-".
+;; * For example, if you had a csv data for bbdb's mail-alias, you could add to :xfields
+;; a csv field name would become "mail-alias", like "Mail Alias" or "Mail-alias"
;;; Misc tips/troubleshooting:
(require 'bbdb-com)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defconst bbdb-csv-import-thunderbird
'((:namelist "First Name" "Last Name")
(:name "Display Name")
(map-bbdb :address)))
(xfields (rd (lambda (list)
(let ((e (car list)))
- (while (string-match "-" e)
- (setq e (replace-match "" nil nil e)))
(while (string-match " +" e)
(setq e (replace-match "-" nil nil e)))
(setq e (make-symbol (downcase e)))