+++ /dev/null
-#!/bin/bash -lx
-set -eE -o pipefail
-trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
-# note, we could have done machine specific subvols,
-# but there were so few files, it just didn't seem
-# necessary to have an rw copy on those machines
-# which did not have the whole p subvol.
-while [[ $1 ]]; do
- case $1 in
- -ob) gen_args+=(--ours -b); batch=true; shift ;;
- -b) gen_args+=(-b); batch=true; shift ;;
- -n) do_snapshot=true; shift ;;
- -h|--help)
- echo "$0: help is head of $BASH_SOURCE:"
- head -n 30 "$BASH_SOURCE"
- exit 0
- ;;
- --) shift; break ;;
- -*) gen_args+=($1) ; shift ;;
- *) host=$1; shift ;;
- esac
-if [[ ! $host ]]; then
- host=$1
-if [[ $host == demohost ]]; then
- do_snapshot=false
-# arch and debian don't play nice with unison.
-# "connection lost" on unison-gtk, with bignum errs in term,
-# and simply freezing on cli, all means compiled under
-# different ocaml versions.
-# I had the great realization that unison is a self contained
-# binary with no special runtime dependencies.
-# However, I got a gtk error running the ui version.
-# todo: I should test pushing my unison version instead
-# of pulling it.
-echo "$0: running: gen ${gen_args[@]}"
-/p/c/subdir_files/.unison/gen ${gen_args[@]}
-if [[ ! $host ]]; then
- echo "$0: error: expected argument for hostname"
- exit 1
-# todo: this doesn't deal with if the host is running arch too
-# debian uses this path, and has gtk version linked as /usr/bin/unison,
-# but I'd rather not push the gtk version
-if [[ ! -e $push_path ]]; then
- push_path=/usr/bin/unison
-# note, i'd prefer to use /usr/local/bin, but it's not in arch's default
-# path for root.
-rsync -L /usr/bin/unison-latest-stable root@$host:/usr/bin/unison
-if $do_snapshot; then
- unison-snapshot
- if ! ssh root@$host "! type unison-snapshot || unison-snapshot"; then
- if [[ ! ${gen_args[@]} ]]; then
- # gen_args are all about syncing with new systems where
- # we could expect the remote snapshot to not be available yet.
- echo "$0: error: failed remote unison-snapshot"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-if $batch; then
- # todo, figure out what the cli version is called in non-debian distros
- f=unison-latest-stable
- f=unison-gtk
- type -t $f &>/dev/null || f=unison-gtk2 # for arch
- s ln -sTf ~/.unison /root/.unison
-if s $f "$host"; then
- if [[ $host == frodo ]]; then
- # only send data to the machine i do full backups to
- p=/p/c/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/.unison/
- s rsync -rlptgohi $p root@$host:$p
- fi
- p=/p/c/machine_specific/$host/.unison/
- s rsync -rlptgohvi root@$host:$p $p
+++ /dev/null
-#!/bin/bash -l
-set -eE -o pipefail
-trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
-sv() { echo "$@"; "$@"; }
-date=unison-$(date "+%Y:%m:%d")
-for mountp in /mnt/root/q /mnt/iroot/i; do
- [[ -e $mountp ]] || continue
- date_path=${mountp%/*}/$date
- todays=( $date_path-* )
- IFS=$'\n' todays=($(sort -Vr <<<"${todays[*]}")); unset IFS
- if [[ -e ${todays[0]} ]]; then
- snapshot=$date_path-$(( ${todays[0]##*-} + 1 ))
- else
- snapshot=$date_path-1
- fi
- sv s btrfs subvolume snapshot -r $mountp $snapshot
- existing=( ${mountp%/*}/unison-* )
- IFS=$'\n' existing=($(sort -Vr <<<"${existing[*]}")); unset IFS
- # keep 10 unison snapshots around
- if (( ${#existing[@]} > 10 )); then
- sv s btrfs subvolume delete ${existing[@]:10}
- fi