usage: ${0##*/} [OPTS] start|stop NS_NAME
Nat a network namespace. systemd friendly
-Also creates a mount namespace with a cloned /etc/resolv.conf.
+Also creates a mount namespace with a cloned /run/resolvconf.
-c, --create Create a named network namespace. When running from
the same network namespace as pid 1, this is set automatically.
- This is the case when running outside a systemd created
- private network.
+ A systemd created private network is in a network namespace
+ different than pid 1.
-n NETWORK x.x.x /24 private network to use. If not specified, uses
the first one starting at 10.173.1
-h, --help Show this help and exit.
copy /run/resolvconf somehwere then bind mount it on top of
+Note: for debugging, adding set -x is a pretty good option.
Please email me if you have a patches, bugs, feedback, or republish this
somewhere else: Ian Kelling <>.
ipd() { ip -n default "$@"; }
if $create; then
+ # run ip in the network namespace
ipnn() { ip -n $nn "$@"; }
# we are already in the network namespace and it's unnamed.
+ # run ip in the network namespace
ipnn() { ip "$@"; }
+# default network namespace exec
dexec() { ip netns exec default "$@"; }
+# mount namespace exec
+mexec() { /usr/bin/nsenter --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/$nn "$@"; }
# background: head -n1 is defensive. Not sure if there is some weird feature
# namespace is marked on mounts within the namespace. Here, we
# specify that we want mount changes propagated to us, but not
# back.
- unshare --propagation slave --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/$nn
+ unshare --propagation slave --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/$nn /bin/true
#### end mount namespace setup ####
echo 1 | dexec dd of=/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 2>/dev/null
+ # docker helpfully changes the default FORWARD to drop...
+ if ! dexec iptables -C FORWARD -i $v0 -j ACCEPT &>/dev/null; then
+ dexec iptables -A FORWARD -i $v0 -j ACCEPT
+ fi
ipnn link add $v0 type veth peer name $v1
ipnn link set $v0 netns default
ipnn link set $v1 up
ipnn route add default via $network.1
+ ###### begin setup resolvconf
+ resolv_copy=/root/resolvconf-$nn
+ # this condition should never happen, just coding defensively
+ if mexec mountpoint /run/resolvconf &>/dev/null; then
+ mexec umount /run/resolvconf
+ fi
+ cp -aT /run/resolvconf $resolv_copy
+ if ! mexec mount -o bind $resolv_copy /run/resolvconf; then
+ echo "error: resolv-conf bindmount failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # if running dnsmasq, we have for dns, but it can't listen on the loopback
+ # in the network namespace, so adjust the address.
+ if mexec [ -s /run/resolvconf/interface/lo.dnsmasq ]; then
+ mexec sed --follow-symlinks -i "s/nameserver 127\..*/nameserver $network.1/" /run/resolvconf/interface/lo.dnsmasq
+ mexec resolvconf -u
+ fi
+ # background: if we did this in openvpn's resolv-conf script, we could guard it in
+ # if capsh --print|grep '\bcap_sys_admin\b' &>/dev/null
+ # and we could get $nn by
+ # config_basename=${config%%.*}
+ # config_basename=${config_basename##*/}
+ # but dnsmasq forces us to do it earlier.
+ ###### end setup resolvconf
stop() {
if ! $existing; then
if nat -C &>/dev/null; then nat -D; fi
+ dexec iptables -D FORWARD -i $v0 -j ACCEPT ||:
if $create; then
ip netns del $nn
+ # not sure this is necessary since we are tearing down the mount namespace
+ if mexec mountpoint /run/resolvconf &>/dev/null; then
+ mexec umount /run/resolvconf
+ fi
if mountpoint /root/mount_namespaces/$nn >/dev/null; then
umount /root/mount_namespaces/$nn