for dist in ecne noble; do
# thunderbird is just a way to get rid of its langpacks, since its main package depends on snap
- { grep-dctrl -F package -v -r 'ubuntu\|zfs\|thunderbird\|snapd\|microcode\|^linux-' ${!dist} | grep-dctrl -s package -n -F depends,pre-depends -v snapd - ; if [[ $dist == noble ]]; then echo ubuntu-keyring; fi; } | sort >$dist
+ { grep-dctrl -F package -v -r 'ubuntu\|zfs\|thunderbird\|snapd\|microcode\|^linux-' ${!dist} | grep-dctrl -s package -n -F depends,pre-depends -v snapd - ; if [[ $dist == noble ]]; then echo ubuntu-keyring; fi; } | sort -u >$dist
# for just debootstrapped packages:
#grep-dctrl -s package -n -F essential -r '^yes$' --or -F priority -r '^required\|important$' ${!dist} | sort >$dist
btrbk-run [OPTIONS] [run|resume|archive]
usually -t TARGET_HOST or -s SOURCE_HOST
-Note, at source location, intentionally not executable, run and read
echo "top of script file:"
sed -n '/^[# ]*begin command line/,/^[# ]*end command line/{p;b};q' "$0"
mexit() { echo "$pre exiting with status $1"; exit $1; }
uninstalled-file-die() {
- die "file $1 is not latest. run install-my-scripts or rerun with -f"
+ die "file $1 is not latest. run conflink or rerun with -f"
set-location() {