# c. better cd
-if type -p wcd &>/dev/null; then
- if [[ $LC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
- c() { wcd -c -z 50 -o "$@"; }
+if ! type -t c &>/dev/null; then
+ if type -p wcd &>/dev/null; then
+ if [[ $LC_INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
+ c() { wcd -c -z 50 -o "$@"; }
+ else
+ # lets see what the fancy terminal does from time to time
+ c() { wcd -c -z 50 "$@"; }
+ fi
- # lets see what the fancy terminal does from time to time
- c() { wcd -c -z 50 "$@"; }
+ c() { cd "$@"; }
- c() { cd "$@"; }
ccomp cd c
new="${f,,}" # downcase
- new="${new//[^[:alnum:]._-]/_}" # sub bad chars
+ new="${new//[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/_}" # sub bad chars
new="${new#"${new%%[[:alnum:]]*}"}" # remove leading/trailing non-alnum
# remove bad underscores, like __ and _._
# * settings
+if [[ $HISTFILE ]]; then
source /a/bin/distro-setup/path-add-function
path-add /a/exe
ccomp journalctl jtail jr jrf
-kff() { # keyboardio firmware flash
- pushd /a/bin/distro-setup/Arduino/Model01-Firmware
- yes $'\n' | make flash
+kff() { # keyboardio firmware flash. you must hold down the tilde key
+ pushd /a/opt/Model01-Firmware
+ # if we didn't want this yes hack, then remove "shell read" from
+ # /a/opt/Kaleidoscope/etc/makefiles/sketch.mk
+ yes $'\n' | VERBOSE=1 make flash
mpvd() {
mpv --profile=d "$@";
+# mpv all media files in . or $1
+mpvm() {
+ local -a extensions arg
+ # get page source of https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Video_file_format&action=edit
+ # into /a/x.log, then
+ # grep '^| *\.' /a/x.log | sed 's/| *//;s/,//g'
+ extensions=(
+ .webm
+ .mkv
+ .flv
+ .flv
+ .vob
+ .ogv .ogg
+ .drc
+ .gif
+ .gifv
+ .mng
+ .avi
+ .MTS .M2TS .TS
+ .mov .qt
+ .wmv
+ .yuv
+ .rm
+ .rmvb
+ .viv
+ .asf
+ .amv
+ .mp4 .m4p .m4v
+ .mpg .mp2 .mpeg .mpe .mpv
+ .mpg .mpeg .m2v
+ .m4v
+ .svi
+ .3gp
+ .3g2
+ .mxf
+ .roq
+ .nsv
+ )
+ arg=("(" -iname "*${extensions[0]}")
+ for (( i=1 ; i < ${#extensions[@]}; i++ )); do
+ arg+=(-o -iname "*${extensions[i]}")
+ done
+ arg+=(")")
+ dir=${1:-.}
+ # debug:
+ #find $dir "${arg[@]}" -size +1M
+ find $dir "${arg[@]}" -size +1M -exec mpv --profile=d '{}' +
mpvs() {
mpv --profile=s "$@";
vpncmd() {
m sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" nsenter -t $(pgrep -f "/usr/sbin/openvpn .* --config /etc/openvpn/.*client.conf") -n "$@"
-vpnf() {
- sudo -v
- vpncmd sudo -E -u iank env "PATH=$PATH" abrowser -no-remote -P vpn &
- sleep 5
- r
vpn2f() {
sudo -v
vpncmd sudo -u iank env "PATH=$PATH" abrowser -no-remote -P vpn2 & r
# I have both because I was trying to solve an issue that
# turned out to be unrelated.
# ARDUINO_PATH=/a/opt/Arduino/build/linux/work
-export ARDUINO_PATH=/a/opt/arduino-1.8.15
+## i should have documented this...
+# based on https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope
export KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR=/a/opt/Kaleidoscope
# They want to be added to the start, but i think
$fs/ / )
- echo "${cmd[@]@Q}"
+ m "${cmd[@]@Q}"
while read -r line; do
case $file in
# # I'm not seeing the icon, but the clipboard replication is working
-### model 01 arduino support ###
+### begin model 01 arduino support ###
# https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope/wiki/Install-Arduino-support-on-Linux
# also built latest arduino in /a/opt/Arduino, (just cd build; ant build; ant run )
# set arduino var in bashrc,
# have system config file setup too.
sudo adduser $USER dialout
+# as of 2022-05,
+# download arduino ide, extract in /a/opt, ignore the install script, run ./arduino,
+# toolbar, preferences, add board manager url:
+# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keyboardio/boardsmanager/master/package_keyboardio_index.json
+# toolbar, board manager, add keyboardio
+# toolbar, select model01 board
+# toolbar, examples, model01, compile
# this is for the mail command too. update-alternatives is kind of misleading
# since at least it's main commands pretend mail does not exist.
# bsd's mail got pulled in on some dumb dependency, i dunno how.
froms=(testignore@je.b8.nz testignore@expertpathologyreview.com testignore@amnimal.ninja ian@iankelling.org z@zroe.org iank@gnu.org)
if ! $int; then
- timeout 120 rsync --chown iank:iank -e "ssh -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -F /dev/null -i /root/.ssh/jtuttle" -t --inplace -r 'jtuttle@fencepost.gnu.org:/home/j/jtuttle/Maildir/new/' /m/md/l/testignore/new
+ ### begin rsyncing fencepost email ###
+ # We dont want to exit if rsync fails, that will get caught by
+ # our later test by virtue of not having the latest email.
+ did_rsync=false
+ try_start_time=$EPOCHSECONDS
+ try_limit=140 # somewhat arbitrary value
+ while ! $did_rsync; do
+ try_left=$(( try_limit - ( EPOCHSECONDS - try_start_time) ))
+ timeout=120 # somewhat arbitrary value
+ if (( try_left < 0 )); then
+ break
+ fi
+ if (( try_left < timeout )); then
+ timeout=$try_left
+ fi
+ if timeout $timeout rsync --chown iank:iank -e "ssh -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -F /dev/null -i /root/.ssh/jtuttle" -t --inplace -r 'jtuttle@fencepost.gnu.org:/home/j/jtuttle/Maildir/new/' /m/md/l/testignore/new; then
+ did_rsync=true
+ else
+ sleep 4
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $did_rsync; then
+ echo mailtest-check: warning: fencepost rsync failed
+ fi
+ ### end rsyncing fencepost email ###
done <$tmpfile
+ rm -f $tmpfile
to=$(awk '/^Envelope-to: / {print $2}' $latest)
rm -f $resultfile
- unexpected=$(( unexpected + ${#results[@]} ))
+ for r in ${results[@]}; do
+ case $r in
+ missing_dnswl+=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ unexpected=$(( unexpected + 1 ))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
for miss in ${missing[@]}; do
- # We expect dns reputation services to go down from time to time, so
+ # We expect dns failures from time to time, so
# we count them separately and alert differently.
case $miss in
+++ /dev/null
-####### DO NOT EDIT LIVE CONFIG. generated from /a/bin/distro-setup/i3-sway/gen #######
-# https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings
-#To get the current mapping of your keys, use xmodmap -pke. To
-#interactively enter a key and see what keysym it is configured to, use
-set $mod Mod4
-bindsym $mod+2 exec "pavucontrol"
-bindsym $mod+3 exec "abrowser"
-#bindsym $mod+3 exec "abrowser -no-remote -P sfw"
-bindsym $mod+4 exec "abrowser -no-remote -P firefox-main-profile"
-bindsym $mod+5 exec "/usr/local/bin/start-tor-browser"
-bindsym $mod+6 exec "/a/bin/redshift.sh"
-# bindsym $mod+equal exec "t s w; t in"
-# bindsym $mod+Home exec "t out"
-# #bindsym $mod+End exec "t s x; t in"
-# bindsym $mod+grave exec "t s lunch; t in; t out -a '45 minutes from now'"
-bindsym $mod+equal focus parent
-# move firefox to current workspace.
-# https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings
-# get class with xprop, example output
-# WM_CLASS(STRING) = "irssi", "URxvt"
-# xprop |& grep WM_CLASS
-bindsym $mod+w [class="abrowser"] move workspace current
-bindsym $mod+e fullscreen toggle
-bindsym $mod+r exec "/a/bin/ds/xl"
-# todo, in newer i3, make this toggle split tabbed
-bindsym $mod+t layout toggle split
-bindsym $mod+Shift+t move workspace to output right
-bindsym $mod+g layout tabbed
-# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
-floating_modifier $mod
-bindsym $mod+u focus left
-bindsym $mod+i focus right
-bindsym $mod+o focus up
-bindsym $mod+p focus down
-bindsym $mod+Left move left
-bindsym $mod+Right move right
-bindsym $mod+Up move up
-bindsym $mod+Down move down
-# switch to workspace
-bindsym $mod+Shift+a move container to workspace 4
-bindsym $mod+a workspace 4
-# move focused container to workspace
-bindsym $mod+Shift+s move container to workspace 3
-bindsym $mod+s workspace 3
-bindsym $mod+Shift+d move container to workspace 2
-bindsym $mod+d workspace 2
-bindsym $mod+Shift+f move container to workspace 1
-bindsym $mod+f workspace 1
-bindsym $mod+Shift+z move container to workspace 5
-bindsym $mod+z workspace 5
-bindsym $mod+Shift+x move container to workspace 6
-bindsym $mod+x workspace 6
-# todo, in newer i3, make this split toggle
-bindsym $mod+v split vertical
-bindsym $mod+Shift+v split horizontal
-# https://faq.i3wm.org/question/7662/reverse-perl-matches-in-criteria-in-i3-config.1.html
-bindsym $mod+b [class="Emacs" title="^(?!#[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z-]*$)"] move workspace current
-bindsym $mod+c kill
-bindsym $mod+Shift+Home move container to workspace 7
-bindsym $mod+Home workspace 7
-bindsym $mod+Shift+q move container to workspace 8
-bindsym $mod+q workspace 8
-bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 9
-bindsym $mod+8 workspace 9
-bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 10
-bindsym $mod+9 workspace 10
-# random keybind, feel free to change
-bindsym $mod+Shift+m border toggle
-# toggle tiling / floating
-bindcode $mod+Shift+65 floating toggle
-# change focus between tiling / floating windows
-bindcode $mod+65 focus mode_toggle
-# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
-floating_modifier $mod
-bindsym $mod+j exec emacsclient -c
-bindsym $mod+k exec konsole
-bindsym $mod+l exec dmenu_run
-# note default is 27% on my system76. not sure if these
-# keybinds will screw up other laptop brightness keys.
-bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl s +5%
-bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl s 5%-
-# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
-# is used in the bar {} block below.
-font pango:monospace 8
-# todo: only available in newer i3n
-#hide_edge_borders smart
-#exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd
-# Start clipster daemon
-#exec --no-startup-id /a/opt/clipster/clipster -d
-# shortcut to selection widget (primary)
-bindsym $mod+End exec /a/opt/clipster/clipster -sp
-# file:///usr/share/doc/i3-wm/userguide.html#_border_style_for_new_windows
-new_window none
-# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
-bindsym $mod+Shift+o exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
-bindsym $mod+Shift+p restart
-# need this for kde connect
-# bar {
-# status_command i3status
-# # #status_command /usr/local/bin/myi3status
-# mode hide
-# # hidden_state hide
-# # font pango:monospace 14
-# }
-exec copyq
-exec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd
+++ /dev/null
-####### DO NOT EDIT LIVE CONFIG. generated from /a/bin/distro-setup/i3-sway/gen #######
-# https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings
-#To get the current mapping of your keys, use xmodmap -pke. To
-#interactively enter a key and see what keysym it is configured to, use
-set $mod Mod4
-bindsym $mod+2 exec "pavucontrol"
-bindsym $mod+3 exec "abrowser"
-#bindsym $mod+3 exec "abrowser -no-remote -P sfw"
-bindsym $mod+4 exec "abrowser -no-remote -P firefox-main-profile"
-bindsym $mod+5 exec "/usr/local/bin/start-tor-browser"
-bindsym $mod+6 exec "/a/bin/redshift.sh"
-# bindsym $mod+equal exec "t s w; t in"
-# bindsym $mod+Home exec "t out"
-# #bindsym $mod+End exec "t s x; t in"
-# bindsym $mod+grave exec "t s lunch; t in; t out -a '45 minutes from now'"
-bindsym $mod+equal focus parent
-# move firefox to current workspace.
-# https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings
-# get class with xprop, example output
-# WM_CLASS(STRING) = "irssi", "URxvt"
-# xprop |& grep WM_CLASS
-bindsym $mod+w [class="abrowser"] move workspace current
-bindsym $mod+e fullscreen toggle
-bindsym $mod+r exec "/a/bin/ds/xl"
-# todo, in newer i3, make this toggle split tabbed
-bindsym $mod+t layout toggle split
-bindsym $mod+Shift+t move workspace to output right
-bindsym $mod+g layout tabbed
-# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
-floating_modifier $mod
-bindsym $mod+u focus left
-bindsym $mod+i focus right
-bindsym $mod+o focus up
-bindsym $mod+p focus down
-bindsym $mod+Left move left
-bindsym $mod+Right move right
-bindsym $mod+Up move up
-bindsym $mod+Down move down
-# switch to workspace
-bindsym $mod+Shift+a move container to workspace 4
-bindsym $mod+a workspace 4
-# move focused container to workspace
-bindsym $mod+Shift+s move container to workspace 3
-bindsym $mod+s workspace 3
-bindsym $mod+Shift+d move container to workspace 2
-bindsym $mod+d workspace 2
-bindsym $mod+Shift+f move container to workspace 1
-bindsym $mod+f workspace 1
-bindsym $mod+Shift+z move container to workspace 5
-bindsym $mod+z workspace 5
-bindsym $mod+Shift+x move container to workspace 6
-bindsym $mod+x workspace 6
-# todo, in newer i3, make this split toggle
-bindsym $mod+v split vertical
-bindsym $mod+Shift+v split horizontal
-# https://faq.i3wm.org/question/7662/reverse-perl-matches-in-criteria-in-i3-config.1.html
-bindsym $mod+b [class="Emacs" title="^(?!#[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z-]*$)"] move workspace current
-bindsym $mod+c kill
-bindsym $mod+Shift+Home move container to workspace 7
-bindsym $mod+Home workspace 7
-bindsym $mod+Shift+q move container to workspace 8
-bindsym $mod+q workspace 8
-bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 9
-bindsym $mod+8 workspace 9
-bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 10
-bindsym $mod+9 workspace 10
-# random keybind, feel free to change
-bindsym $mod+Shift+m border toggle
-# toggle tiling / floating
-bindcode $mod+Shift+65 floating toggle
-# change focus between tiling / floating windows
-bindcode $mod+65 focus mode_toggle
-# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
-floating_modifier $mod
-bindsym $mod+j exec emacsclient -c
-bindsym $mod+k exec konsole
-bindsym $mod+l exec dmenu_run
-# note default is 27% on my system76. not sure if these
-# keybinds will screw up other laptop brightness keys.
-bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl s +5%
-bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl s 5%-
-# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
-# is used in the bar {} block below.
-font pango:monospace 8
-# todo: only available in newer i3n
-#hide_edge_borders smart
-#exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd
-# Start clipster daemon
-#exec --no-startup-id /a/opt/clipster/clipster -d
-# shortcut to selection widget (primary)
-bindsym $mod+End exec /a/opt/clipster/clipster -sp
-# file:///usr/share/doc/i3-wm/userguide.html#_border_style_for_new_windows
-new_window none
-# exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
-bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
-bindsym $mod+Shift+p reload