--- /dev/null
+# for duplicity source build
+# [--retry] interval_name [max_age]
+# takes 2 arguments specifying the name of the subfolder,
+# and optionally, the max age of the backup
+# this script setup by adding a user crontab. see t.org for the script
+# it's also setup to email me only when it fails, and only for daily or weekly runs
+# uncomment for debugging, prints all commands to stdout
+#set -x
+set -E
+#trap 'echo trapped error from \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $? line $LINENO; accumulated_errors=true' ERR
+trap 'echo trapped err: $?; accumulated_errors=true' ERR
+exec 3>&1 4>&2
+exec &>> /tmp/small-backup.log
+echo "BEGIN: $(date): args $*"
+# only works with a single letter, ie 2D, not 2D12h
+half-time() {
+ local time_word
+ local letter=${1##*[0-9]}
+ case $letter in
+ s) time_wrod=second ;;
+ m) time_word=minute ;;
+ h) time_word=hour ;;
+ D) time_word=day ;;
+ W) time_word=week ;;
+ M) time_word=month ;;
+ Y) time_word=year ;;
+ esac
+ echo "${1%%$letter} $time_word"
+ local x=$(date +%s -d "${1%%$letter} $time_word")
+ local y=$(date +%s)
+if [[ $1 == --retry ]]; then
+ shift
+ x=0
+ while pid=( $(pidof -o %PPID -x ${0##*/}) ) && (( ${#pid[@]} > 1 )) && (( x < 20 )); do
+ x=$(( x + 1 ))
+ sleep 30
+ done
+ if [[ $x == 20 ]]; then
+ ps -F ${pid[@]}
+ echo timeout error: existing ${0##*/} running for over 5 minutes >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if pid=( $(pidof -o %PPID -x ${0##*/}) ) && (( ${#pid[@]} > 1 )); then
+ echo ps -F ${pid[@]}
+ ps -F ${pid[@]}
+ echo error: existing ${0##*/} running >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [[ $max_age ]]; then
+ full_backup_arg="--full-if-older-than $(half-time $max_age)"
+rbackup () {
+ local d=$1
+ shift
+ local dest=root@li::/root/rdiff-backups/${d##*/}/${interval}
+ c="rdiff-backup $* --create-full-path $d $dest"
+ echo "$c"; $c
+ if [[ $max_age ]]; then
+ c="rdiff-backup --force --remove-older-than $max_age $dest"
+ echo "$c"; $c
+ fi
+rbackup /a/bin --exclude /a/bin/fai-basefiles
+rbackup /a/c
+# this is populated after input_setup.sh is run on login
+ssh root@li mkdir -p /root/duplicity-backups/p/$interval
+source /p/duplicity/gpg_agent_env
+if ((${#x[@]} > 1)); then
+ set -x
+ # archive-dir is sort of a persistent cache
+ duplicity --use-agent \
+ --encrypt-sign-key E969C67B \
+ --include-globbing-filelist /p/duplicity/filelist \
+ --archive-dir /p/duplicity/archive \
+ --tempdir /p/tmp \
+ $full_backup_arg /p $duplicity_dest
+ if [[ $max_age ]]; then
+ duplicity --use-agent \
+ remove-all-but-n-full 2 --force $duplicity_dest
+ fi
+ set +x
+# example restore command. We only need to make the first argument be a url for it to know it to do restore
+# the archive-dir and tempdir args are not needed
+# duplicity --use-agent --encrypt-sign-key E969C67B --archive-dir /p/duplicity/archive --tempdir /p/tmp ssh://root@li//root/duplicity-backups/p/weekly /p/duptest
+echo END
+# to restore duplicity. see man for additional options
+# duplicity --use-agent restore ...
+if [[ $accumulated_error ]]; then
+ eccho "tail -n 50 of /tmp/small-backup.log:"
+ tail -n 50 /tmp/small-backup.log
+ exit 1