start() {
+ start=true
+ stop=false
# systemd around stretch release time, would wait until openvpn actually connected,
echo "$0: error: timeout waiting for valid tun_dev, currently:$tun_dev"
exit 1
- e() { "$@"; }
+ e() { echo "$0: $*"; "$@"; }
+ # we leave it as is even when stopping, because we would like it to be default, but the only way
+ # to change the default is for every device, and I want to avoid that, even though I wouldn't mind, others users of this script might.
+ e sysctl net.ipv4.conf.$tun_dev.rp_filter=2
stop() {
+ start=false
+ stop=true
- tun_dev=$(iptables -t nat -S | sed -rn "s/^-A POSTROUTING -o (tun[[:digit:]]+) -m mark --mark 0x1 -j SNAT --to-source$/\1/p"|head -n1) || printf "failed to find tun device.\n"
- e() { "$@" || printf "maybe ok failure: %s\n" "$*"; }
+ tun_dev=$(ip a show to | sed -rn '1s/^\S+\s+([^:]+).*/\1/p')
+ e() { echo "$0: $*"; "$@" || printf "maybe ok failure: %s\n" "$*"; }
exit 0
+runtest() {
+ # debugging:
+ #echo start=$start stop=$stop exists=$exists
+ { $start && ! $exists; } || { $stop && $exists; }
+iptmod() { #iptables modify
+ local check cmd="$*" exists=true
+ ${cmd/-[AD]/-C} &>/dev/null || exists=false
+ if runtest; then e $cmd; fi
# code common to start and stop.
modify() {
# match source or dest port. note, when we send to a port, it picks a random high port as
# the source.
for port in 25 143; do # smtp and imap.
- e iptables -t mangle $iptables_op \
- OUTPUT -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport --ports $port -j MARK --set-mark 0x1
- e iptables -t mangle $iptables_op \
- OUTPUT -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport --ports $port -j MARK --set-mark 0x0 \
- -d,,
+ iptcommon="OUTPUT -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport --ports $port -j MARK --set-mark"
+ iptmod iptables -t mangle $iptables_op $iptcommon 0x1
+ iptmod iptables -t mangle $iptables_op $iptcommon 0x0 -d,,
# note, we could have used a custom chain and returned instead of setting the mark again.
# in case anyone was ever curious, the inverse of private ips is: #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- e iptables -t nat $iptables_op POSTROUTING -o $tun_dev -m mark --mark 0x1 -j SNAT --to-source
- e ip rule $ip_op fwmark 1 table 1
- # note, this rule does not persist when the tun interface is deleted
- e ip route $ip_op default via table 1
+ if [[ $tun_dev ]]; then
+ # when $tun_dev goes away, so does this rul
+ iptmod iptables -t nat $iptables_op POSTROUTING -o $tun_dev -m mark --mark 0x1 -j SNAT --to-source
+ fi
+ iprulecmd="fwmark 1 table 1"
+ exists=true; ip rule show $iprulecmd | grep . &>/dev/null || exists=false
+ if runtest; then e ip rule $ip_op $iprulecmd; fi
+ iproutecmd="default via table 1"
+ exists=true; ip route show $iproutecmd | grep . &>/dev/null || exists=false
+ if runtest; then e ip route $ip_op $iproutecmd; fi
# on debian this is 0 (no filter), on ubuntu it\'s 1, which is no good. 0 or 2 both work fine.
# 2 drops it if the packet is not routable, martian address, or my default route is screwed up,
# so, eh, might as well. some rhel docs recommend using it.
- e sysctl net.ipv4.conf.$tun_dev.rp_filter=2
exit 0