--- /dev/null
+xkb_keymap {
+xkb_keycodes "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" {
+ minimum = 8;
+ maximum = 255;
+ <ESC> = 9;
+ <AE01> = 10;
+ <AE02> = 11;
+ <AE03> = 12;
+ <AE04> = 13;
+ <AE05> = 14;
+ <AE06> = 15;
+ <AE07> = 16;
+ <AE08> = 17;
+ <AE09> = 18;
+ <AE10> = 19;
+ <AE11> = 20;
+ <AE12> = 21;
+ <BKSP> = 22;
+ <TAB> = 23;
+ <AD01> = 24;
+ <AD02> = 25;
+ <AD03> = 26;
+ <AD04> = 27;
+ <AD05> = 28;
+ <AD06> = 29;
+ <AD07> = 30;
+ <AD08> = 31;
+ <AD09> = 32;
+ <AD10> = 33;
+ <AD11> = 34;
+ <AD12> = 35;
+ <RTRN> = 36;
+ <LCTL> = 37;
+ <AC01> = 38;
+ <AC02> = 39;
+ <AC03> = 40;
+ <AC04> = 41;
+ <AC05> = 42;
+ <AC06> = 43;
+ <AC07> = 44;
+ <AC08> = 45;
+ <AC09> = 46;
+ <AC10> = 47;
+ <AC11> = 48;
+ <TLDE> = 49;
+ <LFSH> = 50;
+ <BKSL> = 51;
+ <AB01> = 52;
+ <AB02> = 53;
+ <AB03> = 54;
+ <AB04> = 55;
+ <AB05> = 56;
+ <AB06> = 57;
+ <AB07> = 58;
+ <AB08> = 59;
+ <AB09> = 60;
+ <AB10> = 61;
+ <RTSH> = 62;
+ <KPMU> = 63;
+ <LALT> = 64;
+ <SPCE> = 65;
+ <CAPS> = 66;
+ <FK01> = 67;
+ <FK02> = 68;
+ <FK03> = 69;
+ <FK04> = 70;
+ <FK05> = 71;
+ <FK06> = 72;
+ <FK07> = 73;
+ <FK08> = 74;
+ <FK09> = 75;
+ <FK10> = 76;
+ <NMLK> = 77;
+ <SCLK> = 78;
+ <KP7> = 79;
+ <KP8> = 80;
+ <KP9> = 81;
+ <KPSU> = 82;
+ <KP4> = 83;
+ <KP5> = 84;
+ <KP6> = 85;
+ <KPAD> = 86;
+ <KP1> = 87;
+ <KP2> = 88;
+ <KP3> = 89;
+ <KP0> = 90;
+ <KPDL> = 91;
+ <LVL3> = 92;
+ <LSGT> = 94;
+ <FK11> = 95;
+ <FK12> = 96;
+ <AB11> = 97;
+ <KATA> = 98;
+ <HIRA> = 99;
+ <HENK> = 100;
+ <HKTG> = 101;
+ <MUHE> = 102;
+ <JPCM> = 103;
+ <KPEN> = 104;
+ <RCTL> = 105;
+ <KPDV> = 106;
+ <PRSC> = 107;
+ <RALT> = 108;
+ <LNFD> = 109;
+ <HOME> = 110;
+ <UP> = 111;
+ <PGUP> = 112;
+ <LEFT> = 113;
+ <RGHT> = 114;
+ <END> = 115;
+ <DOWN> = 116;
+ <PGDN> = 117;
+ <INS> = 118;
+ <DELE> = 119;
+ <I120> = 120;
+ <MUTE> = 121;
+ <VOL-> = 122;
+ <VOL+> = 123;
+ <POWR> = 124;
+ <KPEQ> = 125;
+ <I126> = 126;
+ <PAUS> = 127;
+ <I128> = 128;
+ <I129> = 129;
+ <HNGL> = 130;
+ <HJCV> = 131;
+ <AE13> = 132;
+ <LWIN> = 133;
+ <RWIN> = 134;
+ <COMP> = 135;
+ <STOP> = 136;
+ <AGAI> = 137;
+ <PROP> = 138;
+ <UNDO> = 139;
+ <FRNT> = 140;
+ <COPY> = 141;
+ <OPEN> = 142;
+ <PAST> = 143;
+ <FIND> = 144;
+ <CUT> = 145;
+ <HELP> = 146;
+ <I147> = 147;
+ <I148> = 148;
+ <I149> = 149;
+ <I150> = 150;
+ <I151> = 151;
+ <I152> = 152;
+ <I153> = 153;
+ <I154> = 154;
+ <I155> = 155;
+ <I156> = 156;
+ <I157> = 157;
+ <I158> = 158;
+ <I159> = 159;
+ <I160> = 160;
+ <I161> = 161;
+ <I162> = 162;
+ <I163> = 163;
+ <I164> = 164;
+ <I165> = 165;
+ <I166> = 166;
+ <I167> = 167;
+ <I168> = 168;
+ <I169> = 169;
+ <I170> = 170;
+ <I171> = 171;
+ <I172> = 172;
+ <I173> = 173;
+ <I174> = 174;
+ <I175> = 175;
+ <I176> = 176;
+ <I177> = 177;
+ <I178> = 178;
+ <I179> = 179;
+ <I180> = 180;
+ <I181> = 181;
+ <I182> = 182;
+ <I183> = 183;
+ <I184> = 184;
+ <I185> = 185;
+ <I186> = 186;
+ <I187> = 187;
+ <I188> = 188;
+ <I189> = 189;
+ <I190> = 190;
+ <FK13> = 191;
+ <FK14> = 192;
+ <FK15> = 193;
+ <FK16> = 194;
+ <FK17> = 195;
+ <FK18> = 196;
+ <FK19> = 197;
+ <FK20> = 198;
+ <FK21> = 199;
+ <FK22> = 200;
+ <FK23> = 201;
+ <FK24> = 202;
+ <MDSW> = 203;
+ <ALT> = 204;
+ <META> = 205;
+ <SUPR> = 206;
+ <HYPR> = 207;
+ <I208> = 208;
+ <I209> = 209;
+ <I210> = 210;
+ <I211> = 211;
+ <I212> = 212;
+ <I213> = 213;
+ <I214> = 214;
+ <I215> = 215;
+ <I216> = 216;
+ <I217> = 217;
+ <I218> = 218;
+ <I219> = 219;
+ <I220> = 220;
+ <I221> = 221;
+ <I222> = 222;
+ <I223> = 223;
+ <I224> = 224;
+ <I225> = 225;
+ <I226> = 226;
+ <I227> = 227;
+ <I228> = 228;
+ <I229> = 229;
+ <I230> = 230;
+ <I231> = 231;
+ <I232> = 232;
+ <I233> = 233;
+ <I234> = 234;
+ <I235> = 235;
+ <I236> = 236;
+ <I237> = 237;
+ <I238> = 238;
+ <I239> = 239;
+ <I240> = 240;
+ <I241> = 241;
+ <I242> = 242;
+ <I243> = 243;
+ <I244> = 244;
+ <I245> = 245;
+ <I246> = 246;
+ <I247> = 247;
+ <I248> = 248;
+ <I249> = 249;
+ <I250> = 250;
+ <I251> = 251;
+ <I252> = 252;
+ <I253> = 253;
+ indicator 1 = "Caps Lock";
+ indicator 2 = "Num Lock";
+ indicator 3 = "Scroll Lock";
+ indicator 4 = "Compose";
+ indicator 5 = "Kana";
+ indicator 6 = "Sleep";
+ indicator 7 = "Suspend";
+ indicator 8 = "Mute";
+ indicator 9 = "Misc";
+ indicator 10 = "Mail";
+ indicator 11 = "Charging";
+ virtual indicator 12 = "Shift Lock";
+ virtual indicator 13 = "Group 2";
+ virtual indicator 14 = "Mouse Keys";
+ alias <AC12> = <BKSL>;
+ alias <MENU> = <COMP>;
+ alias <HZTG> = <TLDE>;
+ alias <LMTA> = <LWIN>;
+ alias <RMTA> = <RWIN>;
+ alias <ALGR> = <RALT>;
+ alias <KPPT> = <I129>;
+ alias <LatQ> = <AD01>;
+ alias <LatW> = <AD02>;
+ alias <LatE> = <AD03>;
+ alias <LatR> = <AD04>;
+ alias <LatT> = <AD05>;
+ alias <LatY> = <AD06>;
+ alias <LatU> = <AD07>;
+ alias <LatI> = <AD08>;
+ alias <LatO> = <AD09>;
+ alias <LatP> = <AD10>;
+ alias <LatA> = <AC01>;
+ alias <LatS> = <AC02>;
+ alias <LatD> = <AC03>;
+ alias <LatF> = <AC04>;
+ alias <LatG> = <AC05>;
+ alias <LatH> = <AC06>;
+ alias <LatJ> = <AC07>;
+ alias <LatK> = <AC08>;
+ alias <LatL> = <AC09>;
+ alias <LatZ> = <AB01>;
+ alias <LatX> = <AB02>;
+ alias <LatC> = <AB03>;
+ alias <LatV> = <AB04>;
+ alias <LatB> = <AB05>;
+ alias <LatN> = <AB06>;
+ alias <LatM> = <AB07>;
+xkb_types "complete" {
+ virtual_modifiers NumLock,Alt,LevelThree,LAlt,RAlt,RControl,LControl,ScrollLock,LevelFive,AltGr,Meta,Super,Hyper;
+ type "ONE_LEVEL" {
+ modifiers= none;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Any";
+ };
+ type "TWO_LEVEL" {
+ modifiers= Shift;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ };
+ type "ALPHABETIC" {
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Caps";
+ };
+ type "KEYPAD" {
+ modifiers= Shift+NumLock;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[NumLock]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Number";
+ };
+ type "SHIFT+ALT" {
+ modifiers= Shift+Alt;
+ map[Shift+Alt]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift+Alt";
+ };
+ type "PC_CONTROL_LEVEL2" {
+ modifiers= Control;
+ map[Control]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Control";
+ };
+ modifiers= LControl;
+ map[LControl]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "LControl";
+ };
+ modifiers= RControl;
+ map[RControl]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "RControl";
+ };
+ type "PC_ALT_LEVEL2" {
+ modifiers= Alt;
+ map[Alt]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Alt";
+ };
+ type "PC_LALT_LEVEL2" {
+ modifiers= LAlt;
+ map[LAlt]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "LAlt";
+ };
+ type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" {
+ modifiers= RAlt;
+ map[RAlt]= Level2;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "RAlt";
+ };
+ type "CTRL+ALT" {
+ modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ preserve[Shift]= Shift;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ preserve[Shift+LevelThree]= Shift;
+ map[Control+Alt]= Level5;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level5]= "Ctrl+Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+Control+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift+Lock]= Level1;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Control]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+Lock+Control]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+Control]= Level6;
+ map[Lock+Control]= Level6;
+ map[Control+LevelThree]= Level7;
+ map[Shift+Lock+Control+LevelThree]= Level7;
+ map[Shift+Control+LevelThree]= Level8;
+ map[Lock+Control+LevelThree]= Level8;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Level3";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Level3";
+ level_name[Level5]= "Ctrl";
+ level_name[Level6]= "Shift Ctrl";
+ level_name[Level7]= "Level3 Ctrl";
+ level_name[Level8]= "Shift Level3 Ctrl";
+ };
+ type "THREE_LEVEL" {
+ modifiers= Shift+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Level3";
+ };
+ type "EIGHT_LEVEL" {
+ modifiers= Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[LevelFive]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+LevelFive]= Level6;
+ map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level7;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level8;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level5]= "X";
+ level_name[Level6]= "X Shift";
+ level_name[Level7]= "X Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level8]= "X Shift Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[LevelFive]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+LevelFive]= Level6;
+ map[Lock+LevelFive]= Level6;
+ map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level7;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level8;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level8;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level7;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level5]= "X";
+ level_name[Level6]= "X Shift";
+ level_name[Level7]= "X Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level8]= "X Shift Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Lock;
+ map[LevelFive]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+LevelFive]= Level6;
+ map[Lock+LevelFive]= Level6;
+ preserve[Lock+LevelFive]= Lock;
+ map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level7;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level8;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level7;
+ preserve[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Lock;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Level8;
+ preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Lock;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= Level1;
+ preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= Lock;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level5]= "X";
+ level_name[Level6]= "X Shift";
+ level_name[Level7]= "X Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level8]= "X Shift Alt";
+ };
+ type "FOUR_LEVEL" {
+ modifiers= Shift+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Lock;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+NumLock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift+NumLock]= Level1;
+ map[NumLock]= Level2;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[NumLock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Number";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ };
+ type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" {
+ modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+LevelThree;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level2;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Control+Alt]= Level4;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Ctrl+Alt";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[Lock]= Level4;
+ preserve[Lock]= Lock;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "AltGr Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift AltGr";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Lock]= Level5;
+ map[Shift+Lock]= Level2;
+ map[Lock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Shift Alt";
+ level_name[Level5]= "Lock";
+ };
+ modifiers= Shift+NumLock+LevelThree;
+ map[Shift]= Level2;
+ map[NumLock]= Level2;
+ map[LevelThree]= Level3;
+ map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[NumLock+LevelThree]= Level4;
+ map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= Level3;
+ level_name[Level1]= "Base";
+ level_name[Level2]= "Number";
+ level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
+ level_name[Level4]= "Alt Number";
+ };
+xkb_compatibility "complete" {
+ virtual_modifiers NumLock,Alt,LevelThree,LAlt,RAlt,RControl,LControl,ScrollLock,LevelFive,AltGr,Meta,Super,Hyper;
+ interpret.useModMapMods= AnyLevel;
+ interpret.repeat= False;
+ interpret.locking= False;
+ interpret ISO_Level2_Latch+Exactly(Shift) {
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LatchMods(modifiers=Shift,clearLocks,latchToLock);
+ };
+ interpret Shift_Lock+AnyOf(Shift+Lock) {
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=Shift);
+ };
+ interpret Num_Lock+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= NumLock;
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=NumLock);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Lock+AnyOf(all) {
+ action= ISOLock(modifiers=modMapMods,affect=all);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelThree;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Latch+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelThree;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks,latchToLock);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Lock+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelThree;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree);
+ };
+ interpret Alt_L+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Alt;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Alt_R+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Alt;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Meta_L+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Meta;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Meta_R+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Meta;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Super_L+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Super;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Super_R+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Super;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Hyper_L+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Hyper;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Hyper_R+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= Hyper;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Scroll_Lock+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= ScrollLock;
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=modMapMods);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Shift+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelFive;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Latch+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelFive;
+ action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks,latchToLock);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOf(all) {
+ virtualModifier= LevelFive;
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelFive);
+ };
+ interpret Mode_switch+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ virtualModifier= AltGr;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= SetGroup(group=+1);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks,latchToLock);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level3_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Group_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ virtualModifier= AltGr;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LatchGroup(group=2);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Next_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ virtualModifier= AltGr;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LockGroup(group=+1);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Prev_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ virtualModifier= AltGr;
+ useModMapMods=level1;
+ action= LockGroup(group=-1);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_First_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockGroup(group=1);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Last_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockGroup(group=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Button_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=default);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Button1+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=1);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Button2+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Button3+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=3);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DblClick_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=default,count=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DblClick1+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=1,count=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DblClick2+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=2,count=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DblClick3+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= PtrBtn(button=3,count=2);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Drag_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=both);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Drag1+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockPtrBtn(button=1,affect=both);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Drag2+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockPtrBtn(button=2,affect=both);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Drag3+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockPtrBtn(button=3,affect=both);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_EnableKeys+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeys);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_Accelerate+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeysAccel);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DfltBtnNext+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=+1);
+ };
+ interpret Pointer_DfltBtnPrev+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=-1);
+ };
+ interpret AccessX_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=AccessXKeys);
+ };
+ interpret AccessX_Feedback_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=AccessXFeedback);
+ };
+ interpret RepeatKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=RepeatKeys);
+ };
+ interpret SlowKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=SlowKeys);
+ };
+ interpret BounceKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=BounceKeys);
+ };
+ interpret StickyKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=StickyKeys);
+ };
+ interpret MouseKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeys);
+ };
+ interpret MouseKeys_Accel_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeysAccel);
+ };
+ interpret Overlay1_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=Overlay1);
+ };
+ interpret Overlay2_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=Overlay2);
+ };
+ interpret AudibleBell_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockControls(controls=AudibleBell);
+ };
+ interpret Terminate_Server+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= Terminate();
+ };
+ interpret Alt_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Alt,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Alt_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Alt,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Meta_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Meta,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Meta_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Meta,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Super_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Super,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Super_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Super,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Hyper_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Hyper,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Hyper_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Hyper,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=Shift,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_1+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=1,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_2+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=2,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_3+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=3,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_4+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=4,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_5+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=5,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_6+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=6,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_7+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=7,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_8+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=8,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_9+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=9,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_10+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=10,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_11+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=11,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Switch_VT_12+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= SwitchScreen(screen=12,!same);
+ };
+ interpret XF86LogGrabInfo+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x50,data[1]=0x72,data[2]=0x47,data[3]=0x72,data[4]=0x62,data[5]=0x73,data[6]=0x00);
+ };
+ interpret XF86LogWindowTree+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x50,data[1]=0x72,data[2]=0x57,data[3]=0x69,data[4]=0x6e,data[5]=0x73,data[6]=0x00);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Next_VMode+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x2b,data[1]=0x56,data[2]=0x4d,data[3]=0x6f,data[4]=0x64,data[5]=0x65,data[6]=0x00);
+ };
+ interpret XF86Prev_VMode+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ repeat= True;
+ action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x2d,data[1]=0x56,data[2]=0x4d,data[3]=0x6f,data[4]=0x64,data[5]=0x65,data[6]=0x00);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Shift+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks,latchToLock);
+ };
+ interpret ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelFive);
+ };
+ interpret Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=Lock);
+ };
+ interpret Any+Exactly(Lock) {
+ action= LockMods(modifiers=Lock);
+ };
+ interpret Any+AnyOf(all) {
+ action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
+ };
+ group 2 = AltGr;
+ group 3 = AltGr;
+ group 4 = AltGr;
+ indicator "Caps Lock" {
+ !allowExplicit;
+ whichModState= locked;
+ modifiers= Lock;
+ };
+ indicator "Num Lock" {
+ !allowExplicit;
+ whichModState= locked;
+ modifiers= NumLock;
+ };
+ indicator "Scroll Lock" {
+ whichModState= locked;
+ modifiers= ScrollLock;
+ };
+ indicator "Shift Lock" {
+ !allowExplicit;
+ whichModState= locked;
+ modifiers= Shift;
+ };
+ indicator "Group 2" {
+ !allowExplicit;
+ groups= 0xfe;
+ };
+ indicator "Mouse Keys" {
+ indicatorDrivesKeyboard;
+ controls= mouseKeys;
+ };
+xkb_symbols "pc+us+inet(evdev)" {
+ name[group1]="English (US)";
+ key <ESC> { [ Escape ] };
+ key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam ] };
+ key <AE02> { [ 2, at ] };
+ key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign ] };
+ key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar ] };
+ key <AE05> { [ 5, percent ] };
+ key <AE06> { [ 6, asciicircum ] };
+ key <AE07> { [ 7, ampersand ] };
+ key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk ] };
+ key <AE09> { [ 9, parenleft ] };
+ key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright ] };
+ key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore ] };
+ key <AE12> { [ equal, plus ] };
+ key <BKSP> { [ BackSpace, BackSpace ] };
+ key <TAB> { [ Tab, ISO_Left_Tab ] };
+ key <AD01> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ q, Q ]
+ };
+ key <AD02> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ w, W ]
+ };
+ key <AD03> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ e, E ]
+ };
+ key <AD04> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ r, R ]
+ };
+ key <AD05> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ t, T ]
+ };
+ key <AD06> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ y, Y ]
+ };
+ key <AD07> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ u, U ]
+ };
+ key <AD08> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ i, I ]
+ };
+ key <AD09> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ o, O ]
+ };
+ key <AD10> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ p, P ]
+ };
+ key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft ] };
+ key <AD12> { [ bracketright, braceright ] };
+ key <RTRN> { [ Return ] };
+ key <LCTL> { [ Control_L ] };
+ key <AC01> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ a, A ]
+ };
+ key <AC02> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ s, S ]
+ };
+ key <AC03> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ d, D ]
+ };
+ key <AC04> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ f, F ]
+ };
+ key <AC05> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ g, G ]
+ };
+ key <AC06> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ h, H ]
+ };
+ key <AC07> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ j, J ]
+ };
+ key <AC08> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ k, K ]
+ };
+ key <AC09> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ l, L ]
+ };
+ key <AC10> { [ semicolon, colon ] };
+ key <AC11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl ] };
+ key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde ] };
+ key <LFSH> { [ Shift_L ] };
+ key <BKSL> { [ backslash, bar ] };
+ key <AB01> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ z, Z ]
+ };
+ key <AB02> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ x, X ]
+ };
+ key <AB03> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ c, C ]
+ };
+ key <AB04> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ v, V ]
+ };
+ key <AB05> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ b, B ]
+ };
+ key <AB06> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ n, N ]
+ };
+ key <AB07> {
+ type= "ALPHABETIC",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ m, M ]
+ };
+ key <AB08> { [ comma, less ] };
+ key <AB09> { [ period, greater ] };
+ key <AB10> { [ slash, question ] };
+ key <RTSH> { [ Shift_R ] };
+ key <KPMU> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ underscore, grave, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, XF86ClearGrab ]
+ };
+ key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
+ key <SPCE> { [ space ] };
+ key <CAPS> { [ Caps_Lock ] };
+ key <FK01> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F1, F1, F1, F1, XF86Switch_VT_1 ]
+ };
+ key <FK02> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F2, F2, F2, F2, XF86Switch_VT_2 ]
+ };
+ key <FK03> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F3, F3, F3, F3, XF86Switch_VT_3 ]
+ };
+ key <FK04> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F4, F4, F4, F4, XF86Switch_VT_4 ]
+ };
+ key <FK05> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F5, F5, F5, F5, XF86Switch_VT_5 ]
+ };
+ key <FK06> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F6, F6, F6, F6, XF86Switch_VT_6 ]
+ };
+ key <FK07> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F7, F7, F7, F7, XF86Switch_VT_7 ]
+ };
+ key <FK08> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F8, F8, F8, F8, XF86Switch_VT_8 ]
+ };
+ key <FK09> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F9, F9, F9, F9, XF86Switch_VT_9 ]
+ };
+ key <FK10> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ Pointer_Button1, Pointer_Button1, Pointer_Button1, Pointer_Button1, XF86Switch_VT_10 ]
+ };
+ key <NMLK> { [ Num_Lock ] };
+ key <SCLK> { [ Scroll_Lock ] };
+ key <KP7> { [ KP_Home, KP_7 ] };
+ key <KP8> { [ KP_Up, KP_8 ] };
+ key <KP9> { [ KP_Prior, KP_9 ] };
+ key <KPSU> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ asterisk, grave, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, XF86Prev_VMode ]
+ };
+ key <KP4> { [ KP_Left, KP_4 ] };
+ key <KP5> { [ KP_Begin, KP_5 ] };
+ key <KP6> { [ KP_Right, KP_6 ] };
+ key <KPAD> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Add, asciitilde, KP_Add, KP_Add, XF86Next_VMode ]
+ };
+ key <KP1> { [ KP_End, KP_1 ] };
+ key <KP2> { [ KP_Down, KP_2 ] };
+ key <KP3> { [ KP_Next, KP_3 ] };
+ key <KP0> { [ KP_Insert, KP_0 ] };
+ key <KPDL> { [ KP_Delete, KP_Decimal ] };
+ key <LVL3> { [ ISO_Level3_Shift ] };
+ key <LSGT> {
+ type= "FOUR_LEVEL",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ less, greater, bar, brokenbar ]
+ };
+ key <FK11> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F11, F11, F11, F11, XF86Switch_VT_11 ]
+ };
+ key <FK12> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ F12, F12, F12, F12, XF86Switch_VT_12 ]
+ };
+ key <KATA> { [ Katakana ] };
+ key <HIRA> { [ Hiragana ] };
+ key <HENK> { [ Henkan_Mode ] };
+ key <HKTG> { [ Hiragana_Katakana ] };
+ key <MUHE> { [ Muhenkan ] };
+ key <KPEN> { [ KP_Enter ] };
+ key <RCTL> { [ Control_R ] };
+ key <KPEQ> { type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ parenleft, KP_Equal, KP_Equal, KP_Equal, XF86Ungrab ]
+ };
+ key <KPDV> {
+ type= "CTRL+ALT",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ parenright, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, XF86Ungrab ]
+ };
+ key <PRSC> {
+ type= "PC_ALT_LEVEL2",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ Print, Sys_Req ]
+ };
+ key <RALT> {
+ type= "TWO_LEVEL",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ Alt_R, Meta_R ]
+ };
+ key <LNFD> { [ Linefeed ] };
+ key <HOME> { [ Home ] };
+ key <UP> { [ Up ] };
+ key <PGUP> { [ Pointer_Button2 ] };
+ key <LEFT> { [ Left ] };
+ key <RGHT> { [ Right ] };
+ key <END> { [ End ] };
+ key <DOWN> { [ Down ] };
+ key <PGDN> { [ Pointer_Button3 ] };
+ key <INS> { [ Insert ] };
+ key <DELE> { [ Delete ] };
+ key <MUTE> { [ XF86AudioMute ] };
+ key <VOL-> { [ XF86AudioLowerVolume ] };
+ key <VOL+> { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] };
+ key <POWR> { [ XF86PowerOff ] };
+ key <I126> { [ plusminus ] };
+ key <PAUS> {
+ type= "PC_CONTROL_LEVEL2",
+ symbols[Group1]= [ Pause, Break ]
+ };
+ key <I128> { [ XF86LaunchA ] };
+ key <I129> { [ KP_Decimal, KP_Decimal ] };
+ key <HNGL> { [ Hangul ] };
+ key <HJCV> { [ Hangul_Hanja ] };
+ key <LWIN> { [ Super_L ] };
+ key <RWIN> { [ Super_R ] };
+ key <COMP> { [ Menu ] };
+ key <STOP> { [ Cancel ] };
+ key <AGAI> { [ Redo ] };
+ key <PROP> { [ SunProps ] };
+ key <UNDO> { [ Undo ] };
+ key <FRNT> { [ SunFront ] };
+ key <COPY> { [ XF86Copy ] };
+ key <OPEN> { [ SunOpen ] };
+ key <PAST> { [ XF86Paste ] };
+ key <FIND> { [ Find ] };
+ key <CUT> { [ XF86Cut ] };
+ key <HELP> { [ Help ] };
+ key <I147> { [ XF86MenuKB ] };
+ key <I148> { [ XF86Calculator ] };
+ key <I150> { [ XF86Sleep ] };
+ key <I151> { [ XF86WakeUp ] };
+ key <I152> { [ XF86Explorer ] };
+ key <I153> { [ XF86Send ] };
+ key <I155> { [ XF86Xfer ] };
+ key <I156> { [ XF86Launch1 ] };
+ key <I157> { [ XF86Launch2 ] };
+ key <I158> { [ XF86WWW ] };
+ key <I159> { [ XF86DOS ] };
+ key <I160> { [ XF86ScreenSaver ] };
+ key <I162> { [ XF86RotateWindows ] };
+ key <I163> { [ XF86Mail ] };
+ key <I164> { [ XF86Favorites ] };
+ key <I165> { [ XF86MyComputer ] };
+ key <I166> { [ XF86Back ] };
+ key <I167> { [ XF86Forward ] };
+ key <I169> { [ XF86Eject ] };
+ key <I170> { [ XF86Eject, XF86Eject ] };
+ key <I171> { [ XF86AudioNext ] };
+ key <I172> { [ XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioPause ] };
+ key <I173> { [ XF86AudioPrev ] };
+ key <I174> { [ XF86AudioStop, XF86Eject ] };
+ key <I175> { [ XF86AudioRecord ] };
+ key <I176> { [ XF86AudioRewind ] };
+ key <I177> { [ XF86Phone ] };
+ key <I179> { [ XF86Tools ] };
+ key <I180> { [ XF86HomePage ] };
+ key <I181> { [ XF86Reload ] };
+ key <I182> { [ XF86Close ] };
+ key <I185> { [ XF86ScrollUp ] };
+ key <I186> { [ XF86ScrollDown ] };
+ key <I187> { [ parenleft ] };
+ key <I188> { [ parenright ] };
+ key <I189> { [ XF86New ] };
+ key <I190> { [ Redo ] };
+ key <FK13> { [ XF86Tools ] };
+ key <FK14> { [ XF86Launch5 ] };
+ key <FK15> { [ XF86Launch6 ] };
+ key <FK16> { [ XF86Launch7 ] };
+ key <FK17> { [ XF86Launch8 ] };
+ key <FK18> { [ XF86Launch9 ] };
+ key <FK20> { [ XF86AudioMicMute ] };
+ key <FK21> { [ XF86TouchpadToggle ] };
+ key <FK22> { [ XF86TouchpadOn ] };
+ key <FK23> { [ XF86TouchpadOff ] };
+ key <MDSW> { [ Mode_switch ] };
+ key <ALT> { [ NoSymbol, Alt_L ] };
+ key <META> { [ NoSymbol, Meta_L ] };
+ key <SUPR> { [ NoSymbol, Super_L ] };
+ key <HYPR> { [ NoSymbol, Hyper_L ] };
+ key <I208> { [ XF86AudioPlay ] };
+ key <I209> { [ XF86AudioPause ] };
+ key <I210> { [ XF86Launch3 ] };
+ key <I211> { [ XF86Launch4 ] };
+ key <I212> { [ XF86LaunchB ] };
+ key <I213> { [ XF86Suspend ] };
+ key <I214> { [ XF86Close ] };
+ key <I215> { [ XF86AudioPlay ] };
+ key <I216> { [ XF86AudioForward ] };
+ key <I218> { [ Print ] };
+ key <I220> { [ XF86WebCam ] };
+ key <I223> { [ XF86Mail ] };
+ key <I224> { [ XF86Messenger ] };
+ key <I225> { [ XF86Search ] };
+ key <I226> { [ XF86Go ] };
+ key <I227> { [ XF86Finance ] };
+ key <I228> { [ XF86Game ] };
+ key <I229> { [ XF86Shop ] };
+ key <I231> { [ Cancel ] };
+ key <I232> { [ XF86MonBrightnessDown ] };
+ key <I233> { [ XF86MonBrightnessUp ] };
+ key <I234> { [ XF86AudioMedia ] };
+ key <I235> { [ XF86Display ] };
+ key <I236> { [ XF86KbdLightOnOff ] };
+ key <I237> { [ XF86KbdBrightnessDown ] };
+ key <I238> { [ XF86KbdBrightnessUp ] };
+ key <I239> { [ XF86Send ] };
+ key <I240> { [ XF86Reply ] };
+ key <I241> { [ XF86MailForward ] };
+ key <I242> { [ XF86Save ] };
+ key <I243> { [ XF86Documents ] };
+ key <I244> { [ XF86Battery ] };
+ key <I245> { [ XF86Bluetooth ] };
+ key <I246> { [ XF86WLAN ] };
+ modifier_map Control { <LCTL> };
+ modifier_map Shift { <LFSH> };
+ modifier_map Shift { <RTSH> };
+ modifier_map Mod1 { <LALT> };
+ modifier_map Lock { <CAPS> };
+ modifier_map Mod2 { <NMLK> };
+ modifier_map Mod5 { <LVL3> };
+ modifier_map Control { <RCTL> };
+ modifier_map Mod1 { <RALT> };
+ modifier_map Mod4 { <LWIN> };
+ modifier_map Mod4 { <RWIN> };
+ modifier_map Mod5 { <MDSW> };
+ modifier_map Mod1 { <META> };
+ modifier_map Mod4 { <SUPR> };
+ modifier_map Mod4 { <HYPR> };
+xkb_geometry "pc(pc105)" {
+ width= 470;
+ height= 180;
+ alias <AC00> = <CAPS>;
+ alias <AA00> = <LCTL>;
+ baseColor= "white";
+ labelColor= "black";
+ xfont= "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
+ description= "Generic 105";
+ shape "NORM" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 18, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 16, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "BKSP" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 38, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 36, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "TABK" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 28, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 26, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "BKSL" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 28, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 26, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "RTRN" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 0, 0 ], [ 28, 0 ], [ 28, 37 ], [ 5, 37 ],
+ [ 5, 18 ], [ 0, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 26, 1 ], [ 26, 35 ], [ 7, 35 ],
+ [ 7, 16 ], [ 2, 16 ] },
+ approx= { [ 5, 0 ], [ 28, 37 ] }
+ };
+ shape "CAPS" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 33, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 31, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "LFSH" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 25, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 23, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "RTSH" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 50, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 48, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "MODK" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 27, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 25, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "SMOD" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 23, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 21, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "SPCE" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 113, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 111, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "KP0" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 37, 18 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 35, 16 ] }
+ };
+ shape "KPAD" {
+ corner= 1,
+ { [ 18, 37 ] },
+ { [ 2, 1 ], [ 16, 35 ] }
+ };
+ shape "LEDS" { { [ 75, 20 ] } };
+ shape "LED" { { [ 5, 1 ] } };
+ section "Function" {
+ key.color= "grey20";
+ priority= 7;
+ top= 22;
+ left= 19;
+ width= 351;
+ height= 19;
+ row {
+ top= 1;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <ESC>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <FK01>, "NORM", 20, color="white" },
+ { <FK02>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK03>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK04>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK05>, "NORM", 11, color="white" },
+ { <FK06>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK07>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK08>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK09>, "NORM", 11, color="white" },
+ { <FK10>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK11>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <FK12>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <PRSC>, "NORM", 8, color="white" },
+ { <SCLK>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <PAUS>, "NORM", 1, color="white" }
+ };
+ };
+ }; // End of "Function" section
+ section "Alpha" {
+ key.color= "white";
+ priority= 8;
+ top= 61;
+ left= 19;
+ width= 287;
+ height= 95;
+ row {
+ top= 1;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <TLDE>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE01>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE02>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE03>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE04>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE05>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE06>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE07>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE08>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE09>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE10>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AE11>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AE12>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <BKSP>, "BKSP", 1, color="grey20" }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 20;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <TAB>, "TABK", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <AD01>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD02>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AD03>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD04>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AD05>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD06>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AD07>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD08>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AD09>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD10>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AD11>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AD12>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <RTRN>, "RTRN", 1, color="grey20" }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 39;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <CAPS>, "CAPS", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <AC01>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AC02>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AC03>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AC04>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AC05>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AC06>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AC07>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AC08>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AC09>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AC10>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AC11>, "NORM", 1 }, { <BKSL>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 58;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <LFSH>, "LFSH", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <LSGT>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AB01>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AB02>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AB03>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AB04>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AB05>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AB06>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AB07>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AB08>, "NORM", 1 }, { <AB09>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <AB10>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <RTSH>, "RTSH", 1, color="grey20" }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 77;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <LCTL>, "MODK", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <LWIN>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <LALT>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <SPCE>, "SPCE", 1 },
+ { <RALT>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <RWIN>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <MENU>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" },
+ { <RCTL>, "SMOD", 1, color="grey20" }
+ };
+ };
+ }; // End of "Alpha" section
+ section "Editing" {
+ key.color= "grey20";
+ priority= 9;
+ top= 61;
+ left= 312;
+ width= 58;
+ height= 95;
+ row {
+ top= 1;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <INS>, "NORM", 1 }, { <HOME>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <PGUP>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 20;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <DELE>, "NORM", 1 }, { <END>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <PGDN>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 58;
+ left= 20;
+ keys {
+ { <UP>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 77;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <LEFT>, "NORM", 1 }, { <DOWN>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <RGHT>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ }; // End of "Editing" section
+ section "Keypad" {
+ key.color= "grey20";
+ priority= 10;
+ top= 61;
+ left= 376;
+ width= 77;
+ height= 95;
+ row {
+ top= 1;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <NMLK>, "NORM", 1 }, { <KPDV>, "NORM", 1 },
+ { <KPMU>, "NORM", 1 }, { <KPSU>, "NORM", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 20;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <KP7>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP8>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP9>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KPAD>, "KPAD", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 39;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <KP4>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP5>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP6>, "NORM", 1, color="white" }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 58;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <KP1>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP2>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KP3>, "NORM", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KPEN>, "KPAD", 1 }
+ };
+ };
+ row {
+ top= 77;
+ left= 1;
+ keys {
+ { <KP0>, "KP0", 1, color="white" },
+ { <KPDL>, "NORM", 1, color="white" }
+ };
+ };
+ }; // End of "Keypad" section
+ solid "LedPanel" {
+ top= 22;
+ left= 377;
+ priority= 0;
+ color= "grey10";
+ shape= "LEDS";
+ };
+ indicator "Num Lock" {
+ top= 37;
+ left= 382;
+ priority= 1;
+ onColor= "green";
+ offColor= "green30";
+ shape= "LED";
+ };
+ indicator "Caps Lock" {
+ top= 37;
+ left= 407;
+ priority= 2;
+ onColor= "green";
+ offColor= "green30";
+ shape= "LED";
+ };
+ indicator "Scroll Lock" {
+ top= 37;
+ left= 433;
+ priority= 3;
+ onColor= "green";
+ offColor= "green30";
+ shape= "LED";
+ };
+ text "NumLockLabel" {
+ top= 25;
+ left= 378;
+ priority= 4;
+ width= 19.8;
+ height= 10;
+ XFont= "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
+ text= "Num\nLock";
+ };
+ text "CapsLockLabel" {
+ top= 25;
+ left= 403;
+ priority= 5;
+ width= 26.4;
+ height= 10;
+ XFont= "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
+ text= "Caps\nLock";
+ };
+ text "ScrollLockLabel" {
+ top= 25;
+ left= 428;
+ priority= 6;
+ width= 39.6;
+ height= 10;
+ XFont= "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
+ text= "Scroll\nLock";
+ };
--- /dev/null
+keycode 94 = underscore F10
--- /dev/null
+Xft.autohint: 0
+Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefaault
+Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
+Xft.hinting: 1
+Xft.antialias: 1
+Xft.rgba: vrgb
+! commented because I am not using urxvt currently
+!URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=11
+!URxvt*boldFont: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=11
+!URxvt*foreground: White
+!URxvt*background: Black
+!URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
--- /dev/null
+# Maintainer: Magnus Woldrich <m@japh.se>
+# URL: https://github.com/trapd00r/LS_COLORS
+# Version: master
+# Updated: undefined
+# This is a collection of extension:color mappings, suitable to use as your
+# LS_COLORS environment variable. Most of them use the extended color map,
+# described in the ECMA-48 document; in other words, you'll need a terminal
+# with capabilities of displaying 256 colors.
+# As of this writing, around 300 different filetypes/extensions is supported.
+# That's indeed a lot of extensions, but there's a lot more! Therefore I need
+# your help.
+# Fork this project on github, add the extensions you are missing, and send me
+# a pull request.
+# For files that usually ends up next to each other, like html, css and js,
+# try to pick colors that fit nicely together. Filetypes with multiple
+# possible extensions, like htm and html, should have the same color.
+# To install and use this file, put something like this is your shell resource
+# file:
+# eval $( dircolors -b $HOME/.LS_COLORS)
+# where .LS_COLORS is this file.
+# {{{ Base
+BLK 38;5;68
+CHR 38;5;113;1
+DIR 38;5;33
+DOOR 38;5;127
+EXEC 38;5;174;1
+FIFO 38;5;126
+LINK target
+ORPHAN 38;5;196;38;5;232;1
+OTHER_WRITABLE 38;5;220;1
+SETGID 38;5;234;38;5;100;1
+SETUID 38;5;137
+SOCK 38;5;197
+STICKY 38;5;86;48;5;234
+STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 38;5;235;38;5;139
+# }}}
+# Code, text, documents {{{
+.BAT 38;5;108
+.PL 38;5;160
+.asm 38;5;240;1
+.awk 38;5;148;1
+.bash 38;5;173
+.bat 38;5;108
+.c 38;5;110
+.cfg 38;5;63
+.coffee 38;5;94;1
+.cow 38;5;94;1
+.conf 38;5;63
+.cpp 38;5;24;1
+.cs 38;5;74;1
+.css 38;5;91
+.csv 38;5;78
+.ctp 38;5;95
+.diff 38;5;197
+.enc 38;5;192;3
+.eps 38;5;192
+.etx 38;5;172
+.ex 38;5;148;1
+.example 38;5;225;1
+.git 38;5;197
+.gitignore 38;5;240
+.go 38;5;117;1
+.h 38;5;81
+.hs 38;5;155;1
+.htm 38;5;125;1
+.html 38;5;125;1
+.info 38;5;101
+.ini 38;5;122
+.java 38;5;142;1
+.jhtm 38;5;125;1
+.js 38;5;42
+.jsm 38;5;42
+.jsm 38;5;42
+.json 38;5;13
+.jsp 38;5;45
+.lisp 38;5;204;1
+.log 38;5;190
+.lua 38;5;34;1
+.map 38;5;58;3
+.markdown 38;5;184
+.md 38;5;184
+.mf 38;5;220;3
+.mfasl 38;5;73
+.mi 38;5;124
+.mkd 38;5;184
+.mtx 38;5;36;3
+.nfo 38;5;220
+.o 38;5;240
+.pacnew 38;5;33
+.patch 38;5;5;1
+.pc 38;5;100
+.pfa 38;5;43
+.php 38;5;93
+.pid 38;5;160
+.pl 38;5;214
+.pm 38;5;197;1
+.pod 38;5;172;1
+.py 38;5;41
+.rb 38;5;192
+.rdf 38;5;144
+.rst 38;5;67
+.ru 38;5;142
+.sed 38;5;130;1
+.sfv 38;5;197
+.sh 38;5;113
+.signature 38;5;206
+.sql 38;5;222
+.srt 38;5;116
+.sty 38;5;58
+.sug 38;5;44
+.t 38;5;28;1
+.tcl 38;5;64;1
+.tdy 38;5;214
+.tex 38;5;172
+.textile 38;5;106
+.tfm 38;5;64
+.tfnt 38;5;140
+.theme 38;5;109
+.txt 38;5;192
+.urlview 38;5;85
+.vim 38;5;28
+.viminfo 38;5;240;1
+.xml 38;5;13
+.yml 38;5;208
+.zsh 38;5;173
+# Build stuff
+.1 38;5;196;1
+.1p 38;5;160
+.3p 38;5;160
+.am 38;5;242
+.in 38;5;242
+.old 38;5;242
+.out 38;5;46;1
+# Pictures, icons {{{
+.bmp 38;5;62
+.cdr 38;5;59
+.gif 38;5;72
+.ico 38;5;73
+.jpeg 38;5;66
+.jpg 38;5;66
+.JPG 38;5;66
+.png 38;5;68;1
+.svg 38;5;24;1
+.xpm 38;5;36
+# Emulator roms, emulator savegames {{{
+.32x 38;5;137
+.A64 38;5;82
+.a00 38;5;11
+.a52 38;5;112
+.a64 38;5;82
+.a78 38;5;112
+.adf 38;5;35
+.atr 38;5;213
+.cdi 38;5;124
+.fm2 38;5;35
+.gb 38;5;203
+.gba 38;5;205
+.gbc 38;5;204
+.gel 38;5;83
+.gg 38;5;138
+.ggl 38;5;83
+.j64 38;5;102
+.nds 38;5;193
+.nes 38;5;160
+.rom 38;5;59;1
+.sav 38;5;220
+.sms 38;5;33
+.st 38;5;208;1
+# Images {{{
+.ipsw 38;5;146
+.iso 38;5;1
+.nrg 38;5;124
+.qcow 38;5;141
+# Video {{{
+.VOB 38;5;137
+.IFO 38;5;240
+.BUP 38;5;241
+.MOV 38;5;42
+.asf 38;5;25
+.avi 38;5;114
+.flv 38;5;131
+.m2v 38;5;166
+.mkv 38;5;173
+.mov 38;5;42
+.mp4 38;5;9
+.mpg 38;5;38
+.mpeg 38;5;38
+.ogm 38;5;97
+.ogv 38;5;94
+.rmvb 38;5;112
+.sample 38;5;130;1
+.ts 38;5;39
+.vob 38;5;137
+.webm 38;5;109
+.wmv 38;5;113
+# Music, audio {{{
+.S3M 38;5;71;1
+.aac 38;5;137
+.cue 38;5;112
+.dat 38;5;165
+.dts 38;5;100;1
+.fcm 38;5;41
+.flac 38;5;166;1
+.m3u 38;5;172
+.m4 38;5;196;3
+.m4a 38;5;137;1
+.mid 38;5;102
+.midi 38;5;102
+.mod 38;5;72
+.mp3 38;5;191
+.oga 38;5;95
+.ogg 38;5;96
+.s3m 38;5;71;1
+.sid 38;5;69;1
+.spl 38;5;173
+.wv 38;5;149
+.wvc 38;5;149
+# Fonts {{{
+.afm 38;5;58
+.pfb 38;5;58
+.pfm 38;5;58
+.ttf 38;5;1
+.pcf 38;5;65
+.psf 38;5;64
+# Backups, undo files, tempfiles {{{
+.bak 38;5;41;1
+.bin 38;5;249
+.swo 38;5;236
+.swp 38;5;241
+.tmp 38;5;244
+.un~ 38;5;240
+.zcompdump 38;5;240
+.zwc 38;5;240
+# Databases {{{
+.db 38;5;60
+.dump 38;5;119
+.sqlite 38;5;60
+.typelib 38;5;60
+# Archives {{{
+.7z 38;5;40
+.a 38;5;46
+.arj 38;5;41
+.bz2 38;5;44
+.ipk 38;5;117
+.jad 38;5;50
+.jar 38;5;51
+.part 38;5;240;1
+.r00 38;5;235
+.r01 38;5;235
+.r02 38;5;235
+.r03 38;5;236
+.r04 38;5;237
+.r05 38;5;238
+.r06 38;5;239
+.r07 38;5;240
+.r08 38;5;241
+.r09 38;5;242
+.r10 38;5;243
+.r100 38;5;244
+.r101 38;5;240
+.r102 38;5;241
+.r103 38;5;242
+.r104 38;5;243
+.r105 38;5;244
+.r106 38;5;245
+.r107 38;5;246
+.r108 38;5;247
+.r109 38;5;248
+.r11 38;5;244
+.r110 38;5;249
+.r111 38;5;250
+.r112 38;5;251
+.r113 38;5;252
+.r114 38;5;253
+.r115 38;5;254
+.r116 38;5;255
+.r12 38;5;245
+.r13 38;5;246
+.r14 38;5;247
+.r15 38;5;248
+.r16 38;5;249
+.r17 38;5;250
+.r18 38;5;251
+.r19 38;5;252
+.r20 38;5;253
+.r21 38;5;254
+.r22 38;5;255
+.r25 38;5;255
+.r26 38;5;254
+.r27 38;5;253
+.r28 38;5;252
+.r29 38;5;251
+.r30 38;5;250
+.r31 38;5;249
+.r32 38;5;248
+.r33 38;5;247
+.r34 38;5;246
+.r35 38;5;245
+.r36 38;5;244
+.r37 38;5;243
+.r38 38;5;242
+.r39 38;5;241
+.r40 38;5;240
+.r41 38;5;239
+.r42 38;5;238
+.r43 38;5;237
+.r44 38;5;236
+.r45 38;5;235
+.r46 38;5;235
+.r47 38;5;235
+.r48 38;5;235
+.r49 38;5;235
+.r50 38;5;236
+.r51 38;5;237
+.r52 38;5;238
+.r53 38;5;239
+.r54 38;5;240
+.r55 38;5;241
+.r56 38;5;242
+.r57 38;5;243
+.r58 38;5;244
+.r59 38;5;245
+.r60 38;5;246
+.r61 38;5;247
+.r62 38;5;248
+.r63 38;5;249
+.r64 38;5;250
+.r65 38;5;251
+.r66 38;5;252
+.r67 38;5;253
+.r68 38;5;254
+.r69 38;5;255
+.r69 38;5;255
+.r70 38;5;254
+.r71 38;5;253
+.r72 38;5;252
+.r73 38;5;251
+.r74 38;5;250
+.r75 38;5;249
+.r76 38;5;248
+.r77 38;5;247
+.r78 38;5;246
+.r79 38;5;245
+.r80 38;5;244
+.r81 38;5;243
+.r82 38;5;242
+.r83 38;5;241
+.r84 38;5;240
+.r85 38;5;239
+.r86 38;5;238
+.r87 38;5;237
+.r88 38;5;236
+.r89 38;5;235
+.r90 38;5;235
+.r91 38;5;235
+.r92 38;5;236
+.r93 38;5;237
+.r94 38;5;238
+.r95 38;5;239
+.r96 38;5;240
+.r97 38;5;241
+.r98 38;5;242
+.r99 38;5;243
+.rar 38;5;106;1
+.tar 38;5;118
+.tar.gz 38;5;34
+.tgz 38;5;35;1
+.xz 38;5;118
+.zip 38;5;41
+.xpi 38;5;106
+# {{{ Really compressed archives (documends, comics)
+.pdf 38;5;203
+.djvu 38;5;141
+.cbr 38;5;140
+.cbz 38;5;140
+.chm 38;5;144
+# Open document formats {{{
+.odt 38;5;111
+.ods 38;5;112
+.odp 38;5;166
+.odb 38;5;161
+# /etc/hosts.{deny,allow} {{{
+.allow 38;5;112
+.deny 38;5;196
+# other {{{
+.SKIP 38;5;244
+.def 38;5;136
+.directory 38;5;83
+.err 38;5;160;1
+.error 38;5;160;1
+.pi 38;5;126
+.properties 38;5;197;1
+.torrent 38;5;2
+.gp3 38;5;114
+.gp4 38;5;115
+.tg 38;5;99
+# {{{ TERM
+TERM Eterm
+TERM ansi
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM putty
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.rxvt
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM terminator
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+# }}}
+# vim: set ft=dircolors fdm=marker et sw=2:
--- /dev/null
+# if a gem fails on documentation, uncomment this.
+# gem: --no-document
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is the git upstream example hook, but it's actually useful.
+# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
+# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
+# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
+# it wants to stop the commit.
+# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-commit".
+if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
+ against=HEAD
+ # Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
+ against=4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904
+# If you want to allow non-ASCII filenames set this variable to true.
+allownonascii=$(git config --bool hooks.allownonascii)
+# Redirect output to stderr.
+exec 1>&2
+# Cross platform projects tend to avoid non-ASCII filenames; prevent
+# them from being added to the repository. We exploit the fact that the
+# printable range starts at the space character and ends with tilde.
+if [[ $allownonascii != true ]] &&
+ # Note that the use of brackets around a tr range is ok here, (it's
+ # even required, for portability to Solaris 10's /usr/bin/tr), since
+ # the square bracket bytes happen to fall in the designated range.
+ test $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against |
+ LC_ALL=C tr -d '[ -~]\0' | wc -c) != 0
+ cat <<EOF
+Error: Attempt to add a non-ASCII file name.
+This can cause problems if you want to work with people on other platforms.
+To be portable it is advisable to rename the file.
+If you know what you are doing you can disable this check using:
+ git config hooks.allownonascii true
+ exit 1
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?"' ERR
+# inspired from:
+# https://github.com/ntc2/conf/blob/master/dot.gitconfig
+# duplicated at,
+# http://stackoverflow.com/a/15398512/14456
+# last checked for any changes there on 7/2016
+if [[ $(git config --bool hooks.allowwhitespace) == true ]] || \
+ [[ $GIT_ALLOWWHITESPACE == true ]]; then
+ exit 0
+# bail out when we call ourselves or there are no whitespace issues.
+if [[ $GIT_ALLOWWHITESPACE == ignore ]] ||
+ ws_issues=$(git diff-index --check --cached $against --); then
+ echo "$ws_issues"
+ exit 0
+if [[ -d "$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/rebase-merge" ]] ; then
+ cat <<'EOF'
+warning: whitespace issues, but rebase in progress, so I can't/won't fix them.
+If you want to fix them, do for example:
+git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~2
+ echo "$ws_issues"
+ exit 0
+# can't do it on the first commit
+if ! git rev-list HEAD --count &>/dev/null; then
+ cat <<'EOF'
+Whitespace issues found. We can't fix in a pre-commit hook for the first commit.
+Either fix on your own. I suggest https://github.com/dlenski/wtf, from git root:
+find . -not -name .git -type f -exec bash -c \
+ 'grep -Il "" "$1" &>/dev/null && wtf.py -i -E lf "$1"' _ {} \;
+or allow whitespace with:
+git config hooks.allowwhitespace true, or export GIT_ALLOWWHITESPACE=true
+ echo "$ws_issues"
+ exit 1
+echo "Fixing whitespace lines. To avoid this, do:
+git config hooks.allowwhitespace true, or export GIT_ALLOWWHITESPACE=true"
+if ! git diff-files --quiet . && \
+ ! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD; then
+ # - dirty tree and dirty index
+ git commit -m "temporary commit of index while fixing whitespace"
+ git add -u :/
+ git commit -m "temporary commit of non-index while fixing whitespace"
+ git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~2
+ git reset HEAD~ &&
+ git reset --soft HEAD~
+elif ! git diff-files --quiet .; then
+ # - dirty tree and clean index
+ git add -u :/
+ git commit -m "temporary commit of non-index while fixing whitespace"
+ git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~
+ git reset HEAD~
+elif ! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD; then
+ # - clean tree and dirty index
+ git commit -m "temporary commit of index while fixing whitespace"
+ git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~
+ git reset --soft HEAD~
--- /dev/null
+ name = Ian Kelling
+ email = ian@iankelling.org
+ co = checkout
+ s = status
+ ci = commit
+ excludesfile = /home/ian/.gitignore_global
+ user = ian-kelling
+ token = d2dc0c5c6fef5378cc896a617e53c1a9
+ helper = cache
+ # new option, but not available yet on debian wheezy
+ # [push]
+# default = simple
+# based on ghc advice,
+# https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/GettingTheSources
+ ignoreSubmodules = dirty
+ tool = meld
+ username = iank
+# this is for newer git version. Doesn't work for ubuntu 12.04's version
+# default = simple
+ ui = auto
+# for hooks. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2293498/git-commit-hooks-global-settings
+ templatedir = ~/.git_template
+ tool = meld
+ prompt = false
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+set mousemodel=popup " right mouse button pops up a menu in the GUI
+" set the X11 font to use
+" this may need to be set for a newer host
+" set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 11
+if $OS ==# 'Windows_NT'
+ if has("xterm_clipboard")
+ set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 12
+ else
+ set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI
+ endif
+ set winaltkeys=no
+if hostname() ==# 'gd'
+ set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 13
+if hostname() ==# 'jl'
+ set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 11
+set guicursor=a:blinkwait1000-blinkon10000-blinkoff100
+"here are the defaults:
+"set guicursor=n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,ve:ver35-Cursor,o:hor50-Cursor,i-ci:ver25-Cursor/lCursor,r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor,sm:block-Cursor-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175
+"Crude way of maximizing when the console is small. optimized for my system.
+if &columns < 60 || &lines <20 || exists("$DMAXVIM")
+ set columns=158
+ set lines=51
+"remove menu and button stuff.
+set go-=m
+set go-=T
+" no right scrollbar
+set go-=r
+"use non gui tabline, stops maxmized kde bug.
+set go-=e
+"use console prompts
+set go+=c
+" no left scrollbar
+set go-=L
+" Use a sufficiently wide window automatically when started as "gvimdiff"
+if (&foldmethod == 'diff')
+ set columns=165
+" For bug 33327, add a mapping which allows shift-insert to function
+" as expected in insert and command-line modes
+map! <s-insert> <c-r>*
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# google mailcap for more info.
+text/plain; g '%s'; edit=g '%s'; compose=g '%s'; needsterminal
--- /dev/null
+# Write your default config options here!
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# turn off visual bell
+vbell off
+# bufferfile /tmp/screen-exchange
+# replace ctrl-A by ctrl-O
+# escape ^Oo
+# set a big scrolling buffer
+defscrollback 20000
+# Set the caption on the bottom line
+# %-w all window names & numbers up to the current one. %+w all after the current.
+# modified from this
+#caption always "%{= kw}%-w%{= kw}%n %t%{-}%+w %-= %u@%H - %LD %d %LM - %C"
+caption always "%{= kw}%-w%{= kw}%n %t%{-}%+w %-= %h"
+# useless stuff taken away.
+# %u other users using this session or something
+# %H host, doesn't change after ssh
+# make vim go away when it exits
+altscreen on
+# syn with X paste buffer
+#bindkey -m > eval "stuff ' '" writebuf "exec sh -c 'xsel -n < /tmp/screen-exchange'"
+#screen -t shell1
+startup_message off
+# terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
+# allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
+attrcolor b ".I"
+# tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
+termcapinfo xterm|xterm-256color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
+# erase background with current bg color. bce = background color erase
+defbce "on"
+# make shift-pgup/pgdn work
+termcapinfo xterm|xterm-256color ti@:te=\E[2J
+# can update the hardstatus (xterm title) with a command like this:
+# hardstatus string "SCREEN @ %H: %-n - %t"
--- /dev/null
+let g:netrw_dirhistmax =10
+let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt =2
+let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_2='/a/.vim'
--- /dev/null
+if exists("cpre")
+ syn region c_Preprocessor_Conditional_Fold fold transparent start="^\s*#\s*if\|^\s*#\s*else" end="^\s*#\s*else\>\&\|^\s*#\s*endif\>"
--- /dev/null
+" Show the syntax group name of the item under cursor.
+" map -a :call SyntaxAttr()<CR>
+function! SyntaxAttr()
+ let synid = ""
+ let guifg = ""
+ let guibg = ""
+ let gui = ""
+ let id1 = synID(line("."), col("."), 1)
+ let tid1 = synIDtrans(id1)
+ if synIDattr(id1, "name") != ""
+ let synid = "group: " . synIDattr(id1, "name")
+ if (tid1 != id1)
+ let synid = synid . '->' . synIDattr(tid1, "name")
+ endif
+ let id0 = synID(line("."), col("."), 0)
+ if (synIDattr(id1, "name") != synIDattr(id0, "name"))
+ let synid = synid . " (" . synIDattr(id0, "name")
+ let tid0 = synIDtrans(id0)
+ if (tid0 != id0)
+ let synid = synid . '->' . synIDattr(tid0, "name")
+ endif
+ let synid = synid . ")"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Use the translated id for all the color & attribute lookups; the linked id yields blank values.
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "fg") != "" )
+ let guifg = " guifg=" . synIDattr(tid1, "fg") . "(" . synIDattr(tid1, "fg#") . ")"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "bg") != "" )
+ let guibg = " guibg=" . synIDattr(tid1, "bg") . "(" . synIDattr(tid1, "bg#") . ")"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "bold" ))
+ let gui = gui . ",bold"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "italic" ))
+ let gui = gui . ",italic"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "reverse" ))
+ let gui = gui . ",reverse"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "inverse" ))
+ let gui = gui . ",inverse"
+ endif
+ if (synIDattr(tid1, "underline"))
+ let gui = gui . ",underline"
+ endif
+ if (gui != "" )
+ let gui = substitute(gui, "^,", " gui=", "")
+ endif
+ echohl MoreMsg
+ let message = synid . guifg . guibg . gui
+ if message == ""
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ let message = "<no syntax group here>"
+ endif
+ echo message
+ echohl None
--- /dev/null
+" ir_black color scheme
+" More at: http://blog.infinitered.com/entries/show/8
+" ********************************************************************************
+" Standard colors used in all ir_black themes:
+" Note, x:x:x are RGB values
+" normal: #f6f3e8
+" string: #A8FF60 168:255:96
+" string inner (punc, code, etc): #00A0A0 0:160:160
+" number: #FF73FD 255:115:253
+" comments: #7C7C7C 124:124:124
+" keywords: #96CBFE 150:203:254
+" operators: white
+" class: #FFFFB6 255:255:182
+" method declaration name: #FFD2A7 255:210:167
+" regular expression: #E9C062 233:192:98
+" regexp alternate: #FF8000 255:128:0
+" regexp alternate 2: #B18A3D 177:138:61
+" variable: #C6C5FE 198:197:254
+" Misc colors:
+" red color (used for whatever): #FF6C60 255:108:96
+" light red: #FFB6B0 255:182:176
+" brown: #E18964 good for special
+" lightpurpleish: #FFCCFF
+" Interface colors:
+" background color: black
+" cursor (where underscore is used): #FFA560 255:165:96
+" cursor (where block is used): white
+" visual selection: #1D1E2C
+" current line: #151515 21:21:21
+" search selection: #07281C 7:40:28
+" line number: #3D3D3D 61:61:61
+" ********************************************************************************
+" The following are the preferred 16 colors for your terminal
+" Colors Bright Colors
+" Black #4E4E4E #7C7C7C
+" Red #FF6C60 #FFB6B0
+" Green #A8FF60 #CEFFAB
+" Yellow #FFFFB6 #FFFFCB
+" Blue #96CBFE #FFFFCB
+" Magenta #FF73FD #FF9CFE
+" Cyan #C6C5FE #DFDFFE
+" ********************************************************************************
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let colors_name = "ir_black"
+"hi Example guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+" General colors
+hi Normal guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi NonText guifg=#070707 guibg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Cursor guifg=black guibg=white gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white cterm=reverse
+hi LineNr guifg=#3D3D3D guibg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi VertSplit guifg=#202020 guibg=#202020 gui=NONE ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=darkgray cterm=NONE
+hi StatusLine guifg=#CCCCCC guibg=#202020 gui=italic ctermfg=white ctermbg=darkgray cterm=NONE
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=black guibg=#202020 gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=darkgray cterm=NONE
+hi Folded guifg=#a0a8b0 guibg=#384048 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Title guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=NONE gui=bold ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Visual guifg=NONE guibg=#262D51 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=darkgray cterm=NONE
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#808080 guibg=#343434 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi WildMenu guifg=green guibg=yellow gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow cterm=NONE
+hi PmenuSbar guifg=black guibg=white gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white cterm=NONE
+"hi Ignore guifg=gray guibg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Error guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=undercurl ctermfg=white ctermbg=red cterm=NONE guisp=#FF6C60 " undercurl color
+hi ErrorMsg guifg=white guibg=#FF6C60 gui=BOLD ctermfg=white ctermbg=red cterm=NONE
+hi WarningMsg guifg=white guibg=#FF6C60 gui=BOLD ctermfg=white ctermbg=red cterm=NONE
+" Message displayed in lower left, such as --INSERT--
+hi ModeMsg guifg=black guibg=#C6C5FE gui=BOLD ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan cterm=BOLD
+if version >= 700 " Vim 7.x specific colors
+ hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=#121212 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=BOLD
+ hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE guibg=#121212 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=BOLD
+ hi MatchParen guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#857b6f gui=BOLD ctermfg=white ctermbg=darkgray cterm=NONE
+ hi Pmenu guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+ hi PmenuSel guifg=#000000 guibg=#cae682 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+ hi Search guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=underline ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline
+" Syntax highlighting
+hi Comment guifg=#7C7C7C guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi String guifg=#A8FF60 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=green ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Number guifg=#FF73FD guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Keyword guifg=#96CBFE guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi PreProc guifg=#96CBFE guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Conditional guifg=#6699CC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE " if else end
+hi Todo guifg=#8f8f8f guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=red ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Constant guifg=#99CC99 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Identifier guifg=#C6C5FE guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Function guifg=#FFD2A7 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=brown ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Type guifg=#FFFFB6 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Statement guifg=#6699CC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Special guifg=#E18964 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Delimiter guifg=#00A0A0 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi Operator guifg=white guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi link Character Constant
+hi link Boolean Constant
+hi link Float Number
+hi link Repeat Statement
+hi link Label Statement
+hi link Exception Statement
+hi link Include PreProc
+hi link Define PreProc
+hi link Macro PreProc
+hi link PreCondit PreProc
+hi link StorageClass Type
+hi link Structure Type
+hi link Typedef Type
+hi link Tag Special
+hi link SpecialChar Special
+hi link SpecialComment Special
+hi link Debug Special
+" Special for Ruby
+hi rubyRegexp guifg=#B18A3D guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=brown ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi rubyRegexpDelimiter guifg=#FF8000 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=brown ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi rubyEscape guifg=white guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi rubyInterpolationDelimiter guifg=#00A0A0 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi rubyControl guifg=#6699CC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=blue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE "and break, etc
+"hi rubyGlobalVariable guifg=#FFCCFF guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE "yield
+hi rubyStringDelimiter guifg=#336633 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=lightgreen ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+"hi link rubyArrayDelimiter Special " [ , , ]
+"rubyCurlyBlock { , , }
+hi link rubyClass Keyword
+hi link rubyModule Keyword
+hi link rubyKeyword Keyword
+hi link rubyOperator Operator
+hi link rubyIdentifier Identifier
+hi link rubyInstanceVariable Identifier
+hi link rubyGlobalVariable Identifier
+hi link rubyClassVariable Identifier
+hi link rubyConstant Type
+" Special for Java
+" hi link javaClassDecl Type
+hi link javaScopeDecl Identifier
+hi link javaCommentTitle javaDocSeeTag
+hi link javaDocTags javaDocSeeTag
+hi link javaDocParam javaDocSeeTag
+hi link javaDocSeeTagParam javaDocSeeTag
+hi javaDocSeeTag guifg=#CCCCCC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+hi javaDocSeeTag guifg=#CCCCCC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+"hi javaClassDecl guifg=#CCFFCC guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
+" Special for XML
+hi link xmlTag Keyword
+hi link xmlTagName Conditional
+hi link xmlEndTag Identifier
+" Special for HTML
+hi link htmlTag Keyword
+hi link htmlTagName Conditional
+hi link htmlEndTag Identifier
+" Special for Javascript
+hi link javaScriptNumber Number
+" Special for Python
+"hi link pythonEscape Keyword
+" Special for CSharp
+hi link csXmlTag Keyword
+" Special for PHP
--- /dev/null
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer: Lorenzo Leonini <vim-theme[a]leonini[.]net>
+" Last Change: 2008 Aug 13
+" URL: http://www.leonini.net
+" Description:
+" A colored, contrasted theme for long programming sessions.
+" For 256-colors term (xterm, Eterm, konsole, gnome-terminal, ...)
+" Very good with Ruby, C, Lua, PHP, ... (but no language specific settings)
+" Note:
+" If your term report 8 colors (but is 256 capable), put 'set t_Co=256'
+" in your .vimrc
+" Tips:
+" :verbose hi StatusLine
+" Color numbers (0-255) see:
+" http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
+if !has("gui_running")
+ if &t_Co != 256
+ echomsg "err: Please use a 256-colors terminal (so that t_Co=256 could be set)."
+ echomsg ""
+ finish
+ end
+let g:colors_name = "leo256"
+set background=dark
+if v:version > 580
+ highlight clear
+ if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+ endif
+hi Normal cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=16 guibg=#000000 guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorLine cterm=none ctermbg=233 guibg=#121212
+hi DiffAdd cterm=none ctermbg=235
+hi DiffChange cterm=none ctermbg=235
+hi DiffDelete cterm=none ctermfg=238 ctermbg=244
+hi DiffText cterm=bold ctermfg=255 ctermbg=196
+hi Directory cterm=none ctermfg=196
+hi ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=160
+hi FoldColumn cterm=none ctermfg=110 ctermbg=16 guibg=#000000
+hi SignColumn cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=16 guibg=#000000
+hi Folded cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=110 guifg=#000000 guibg=#87afd7
+hi IncSearch cterm=reverse
+hi LineNr cterm=none ctermfg=124 guifg=#af0000
+hi ModeMsg cterm=bold
+hi MoreMsg cterm=none ctermfg=40
+hi NonText cterm=none ctermfg=27
+hi Question cterm=none ctermfg=40
+hi Search cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=248 guifg=#000000 guibg=#a8a8a8
+hi SpecialKey cterm=none ctermfg=124 guifg=#af0000
+" grey style
+"hi StatusLine cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=252
+"hi StatusLineNC cterm=none ctermfg=246 ctermbg=235
+" blue style
+hi StatusLine cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=21 guibg=#FFFFFF guifg=#0000FF
+hi StatusLineNC cterm=none ctermfg=252 ctermbg=17 guibg=#dddddd guifg=#0000aa
+hi Title cterm=none ctermfg=33
+hi VertSplit cterm=none ctermfg=254 ctermbg=16 guibg=#EEEEEE guifg=#000000
+hi Visual cterm=reverse ctermbg=none
+hi VisualNOS cterm=underline,bold
+hi WarningMsg cterm=none ctermfg=255
+hi WildMenu cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=11
+if v:version >= 700
+ " light
+ "hi Pmenu cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=252
+ "hi PmenuSel cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=21
+ "hi PmenuSbar cterm=none ctermfg=240 ctermbg=240
+ "hi PmenuThumb cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=255
+ "dark
+ hi Pmenu cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=235 guibg=#222222 guifg=#eeeeee
+ hi PmenuSel cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=21 guibg=#3333ff
+ hi PmenuSbar cterm=none ctermfg=240 ctermbg=240 guibg=#444444
+ hi PmenuThumb cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=255
+ hi SpellBad cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=196
+ hi SpellCap cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=196
+ hi SpellLocal cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=196
+ hi SpellRare cterm=none ctermfg=16 ctermbg=196
+ hi TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=252 ctermbg=17
+ hi TabLineSel cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=21
+ hi TabLineFill cterm=none ctermfg=17 ctermbg=17
+hi Boolean cterm=none ctermfg=135 guifg=#af5fff
+hi Character cterm=none ctermfg=184
+hi Comment cterm=none ctermfg=247 guifg=#A5A5A5
+hi Constant cterm=none ctermfg=226 guifg=#ffff00
+hi Conditional cterm=none ctermfg=154 guifg=#afff00
+hi Define cterm=bold ctermfg=27 guifg=#005fff
+hi Delimiter cterm=none ctermfg=196 guifg=#af0000
+hi Exception cterm=bold ctermfg=226 guifg=#ffff00
+hi Error cterm=none ctermfg=255 ctermbg=9
+hi Keyword cterm=none ctermfg=159 guifg=#d7af00
+hi Function cterm=none ctermfg=red guifg=#ff0000
+hi Identifier cterm=none ctermfg=27 guifg=#005fff
+hi Number cterm=none ctermfg=135 guifg=#af5fff
+hi Operator cterm=none ctermfg=11
+hi PreProc cterm=none ctermfg=202 guifg=#ff5f00
+hi Special cterm=none ctermfg=206 ctermbg=234 guifg=#ff5fd7
+hi Statement cterm=none ctermfg=2 guifg=#00cd00
+hi String cterm=none ctermfg=224 ctermbg=234 guifg=#ffd7d7 guibg=#1c1c1c
+hi Todo cterm=none ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11 guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffff00
+hi Type cterm=none ctermfg=75 guifg=#5fafff
+hi Repeat cterm=none ctermfg=142 guifg=#878700
--- /dev/null
+" Vim color file based on nightsky
+" Maintainer: Ian Kelling
+" Last Change:
+" cool help screens
+" :he group-name
+" :he highlight-groups
+" :he cterm-colors
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="northsky"
+" Search & normal
+hi Normal guifg=#eeeeee guibg=black
+hi Search guibg=#3D5B8C guifg=yellow gui=bold
+hi IncSearch guifg=bg guibg=cyan gui=bold
+if &t_Co == "256"
+ hi Normal ctermfg=255 ctermbg=16
+ hi Search ctermfg=226 ctermbg=60
+ hi IncSearch ctermfg=16 ctermbg=51
+ hi Normal ctermfg=lightgray ctermbg=black
+ hi Search ctermbg=darkblue ctermfg=yellow
+ hi IncSearch ctermfg=bg ctermbg=cyan
+" highlight groups
+hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg
+hi VertSplit guibg=#C0FFFF guifg=#075554 gui=none
+hi Folded guifg=plum1 guibg=#061A3E
+hi FoldColumn guibg=#800080 guifg=tan
+hi ModeMsg guifg=#404040 guibg=#C0C0C0
+hi MoreMsg guifg=darkturquoise guibg=#188F90
+hi NonText guibg=#191919 guifg=#9FADC5
+hi Question guifg=#F4BB7E
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#BF9261
+hi StatusLine guibg=#222222 guifg=#b0b0b0 gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guibg=#001111 guifg=DimGrey gui=none
+hi Title guifg=#8DB8C3
+hi Visual gui=bold guifg=black guibg=#84AF84
+hi WarningMsg guifg=#F60000 gui=underline
+if &t_Co == "256"
+ hi Cursor ctermfg=254 ctermbg=166
+ hi VertSplit ctermfg=23 ctermbg=159
+ hi Folded ctermfg=219 ctermbg=17
+ hi FoldColumn ctermfg=180 ctermbg=90
+ hi ModeMsg ctermfg=238 ctermbg=250
+ hi MoreMsg ctermfg=44 ctermbg=30
+ hi NonText ctermfg=146 ctermbg=234
+ hi Question ctermfg=216
+ hi SpecialKey ctermfg=137
+ hi StatusLine ctermfg=145 ctermbg=235
+ hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=242 ctermbg=16
+ hi Title ctermfg=109
+ hi Visual ctermfg=16 ctermbg=108
+ hi WarningMsg ctermfg=196
+ hi Cursor ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
+ hi VertSplit ctermfg=darkblue ctermbg=cyan
+ hi Folded ctermfg=lightmagenta ctermbg=bg
+ hi FoldColumn ctermfg=lightgray ctermbg=darkmagenta
+ hi ModeMsg ctermfg=black ctermbg=gray
+ hi MoreMsg ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=darkcyan
+ hi NonText ctermfg=gray ctermbg=darkgrey
+ hi Question ctermfg=yellow
+ hi SpecialKey ctermfg=brown
+ hi StatusLine ctermfg=lightgray ctermbg=darkgray
+ hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=black
+ hi Title ctermfg=blue
+ hi Visual ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgreen
+ hi WarningMsg ctermfg=red
+" syntax highlighting groups
+hi Comment guifg=DarkGray
+hi Constant guifg=#72A5E4 gui=bold
+hi Number guifg=chartreuse2 gui=bold
+hi Identifier guifg=#ADCBF1
+hi Statement guifg=yellow
+hi PreProc guifg=#14967C
+hi Type guifg=#FFAE66
+hi Special guifg=#EEBABA
+hi Ignore guifg=grey60
+hi Todo guibg=#9C8C84 guifg=#244C0A
+hi Label guifg=#ffc0c0
+if &t_Co == "256"
+ hi Comment ctermfg=248
+ hi Constant ctermfg=74
+ hi Number ctermfg=118
+ hi Identifier ctermfg=153
+ hi Statement ctermfg=226
+ hi PreProc ctermfg=30
+ hi Type ctermfg=215
+ hi Special ctermfg=217
+ hi Ignore ctermfg=246
+ hi Todo ctermfg=22 ctermbg=138
+ hi Label ctermfg=217
+ hi Comment ctermfg=darkgray
+ hi Constant ctermfg=lightcyan
+ hi Number ctermfg=green
+ hi Identifier ctermfg=gray
+ hi Statement ctermfg=yellow
+ hi PreProc ctermfg=darkgreen
+ hi Type ctermfg=white "brown
+ hi Special ctermfg=brown "darkmagenta
+ hi Ignore ctermfg=gray
+ hi Todo ctermfg=darkblue ctermbg=darkgray
+ hi Label ctermfg=darkmagenta
+" Vim defaults
+hi ErrorMsg guifg=White guibg=Red
+hi DiffAdd guibg=DarkBlue
+hi DiffChange guibg=aquamarine4
+hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=Yellow guibg=DarkBlue
+hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=#940303
+hi Directory guifg=Cyan
+hi LineNr guifg=DarkGreen
+hi WildMenu guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
+hi lCursor guibg=SeaGreen1 guifg=NONE
+hi Underlined gui=underline guifg=#80a0ff
+hi Error guifg=White guibg=Red
+if &t_Co == "256"
+ hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=231 ctermbg=196
+ hi DiffAdd ctermbg=18
+ hi DiffChange ctermbg=66
+ hi DiffDelete ctermfg=226 ctermbg=18
+ hi DiffText ctermbg=88
+ hi Directory ctermfg=51
+ hi LineNr ctermfg=22
+ hi WildMenu ctermfg=16 ctermbg=226
+ hi lCursor ctermbg=85
+ hi Underlined ctermfg=111
+ hi Error ctermfg=231 ctermbg=196
+ hi lCursor ctermbg=lightgreen ctermfg=NONE
+" vim:sw=4 ts=4 sts=4
--- /dev/null
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "RefractorMyCode"
+hi Comment guifg=#80a0ff
+hi Constant guifg=#527023
+hi Cursor gui=bold guifg=black guibg=green
+hi CursorColumn guibg=gray40
+hi CursorIM gui=None
+hi CursorLine guibg=gray40
+hi DiffAdd guibg=darkblue
+hi DiffChange guibg=darkmagenta
+hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=blue guibg=darkcyan
+hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=red
+hi Directory guifg=cyan
+hi Error guifg=white guibg=red
+hi ErrorMsg guifg=white guibg=red
+hi FoldColumn guifg=#3387CC guibg=grey
+hi Folded guifg=#0a1926 guibg=darkgray
+hi Identifier guifg=#40ffff
+hi Ignore guifg=black
+hi IncSearch gui=reverse
+hi LineNr guifg=gray40
+hi MatchParen guibg=darkcyan
+hi ModeMsg gui=bold
+hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=seagreen
+hi NonText gui=bold guifg=#cc0099
+hi Normal guifg=gray80 guibg=black
+hi Pmenu guibg=magenta
+hi PmenuSbar guibg=grey
+hi PmenuSel guibg=darkgray
+hi PmenuThumb gui=reverse
+hi PreProc guifg=#AFC4DB
+hi Question gui=bold guifg=green
+hi Search gui=bold guifg=black guibg=red
+hi SignColumn guifg=cyan guibg=grey
+hi Special guifg=orange
+hi SpecialKey guifg=cyan
+hi SpellBad gui=undercurl
+hi SpellCap gui=undercurl
+hi SpellLocal gui=undercurl
+hi SpellRare gui=undercurl
+hi Statement guifg=#E28964
+hi StatusLine gui=bold,reverse guifg=#3387CC guibg=white
+hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
+hi TabLine guifg=black guibg=darkgray
+hi TabLineFill gui=reverse
+hi TabLineSel gui=bold
+hi Title gui=bold guifg=magenta
+hi Todo gui=italic guifg=black guibg=yellow
+hi Type guifg=#99CF50
+hi Underlined gui=underline guifg=#80a0ff
+hi VertSplit gui=reverse
+hi Visual gui=bold guifg=gray25 guibg=darkgray
+hi VisualNOS gui=bold,underline
+hi WarningMsg guifg=red
+hi WildMenu guifg=black guibg=yellow
+hi link Boolean Constant
+hi link Character Constant
+hi link Conditional Statement
+hi link Debug Special
+hi link Define PreProc
+hi link Delimiter Special
+hi link Exception Statement
+hi link Float Constant
+hi link Function Identifier
+hi link Include PreProc
+hi link Keyword Statement
+hi link Label Statement
+hi link Macro PreProc
+hi link Number Constant
+hi link Operator Statement
+hi link PreCondit PreProc
+hi link Repeat Statement
+hi link SpecialChar Special
+hi link SpecialComment Special
+hi link StorageClass Type
+hi link String Constant
+hi link Structure Type
+hi link Tag Special
+hi link Typedef Type
--- /dev/null
+*bufexplorer.txt* Buffer Explorer Last Change: 21 Dec 2007
+Buffer Explorer *buffer-explorer* *bufexplorer*
+ Version 7.1.7
+Plugin for easily exploring (or browsing) Vim |:buffers|.
+|bufexplorer-usage| Usage
+|bufexplorer-installation| Installation
+|bufexplorer-customization| Customization
+|bufexplorer-changelog| Change Log
+|bufexplorer-todo| Todo
+|bufexplorer-credits| Credits
+For Vim version 7.0 and above.
+This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
+{Vi does not have any of this}
+INSTALLATION *bufexplorer-installation*
+To install:
+ - Download the bufexplorer.zip.
+ - Extract the zip archive into your runtime directory.
+ The archive contains plugin/bufexplorer.vim, and doc/bufexplorer.txt.
+ - Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
+ - Execute the following command:
+ :helptag <your runtime directory/doc
+ This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
+ directory.
+USAGE *bufexplorer-usage*
+To start exploring in the current window, use: >
+ \be OR :BufExplorer
+If you would like to use something other than '\', you may simply change the
+leader (see |mapleader|).
+Note: If the current buffer is modified when bufexplorer started, the current
+ window is always split and the new bufexplorer is displayed in that new
+ window.
+Commands to use once exploring:
+ <enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
+ window.
+ <F1> Toggle help information.
+ <leftmouse> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
+ window.
+ <shift-enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
+ d |:wipeout| the buffer under the cursor from the list.
+ When a buffers is wiped, it will not be shown when unlisted
+ buffer are displayed.
+ D |:delete| the buffer under the cursor from the list.
+ The buffer's 'buflisted' is cleared. This allows for the buffer
+ to be displayed again using the 'show unlisted' command.
+ f Toggles whether you are taken to the active window when
+ selecting a buffer or not.
+ p Toggles the showing of a split filename/pathname.
+ q Quit exploring.
+ r Reverses the order the buffers are listed in.
+ R Toggles relative path/absolute path.
+ s Selects the order the buffers are listed in. Either by buffer
+ number, file name, file extension, most recently used (MRU), or
+ full path.
+ t Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
+ u Toggles the showing of "unlisted" buffers.
+Once invoked, Buffer Explorer displays a sorted list (MRU is the default
+sort method) of all the buffers that are currently opened. You are then
+able to move the cursor to the line containing the buffer's name you are
+wanting to act upon. Once you have selected the buffer you would like,
+you can then either open it, close it(delete), resort the list, reverse
+the sort, quit exploring and so on...
+CUSTOMIZATION *bufexplorer-customization*
+ *g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp*
+To control whether the default help is displayed or not, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=0 " Do not show default help.
+ let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=1 " Show default help.
+The default is to show the default help.
+ *g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp*
+To control whether detailed help is display by, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=0 " Do not show detailed help.
+ let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=1 " Show detailed help.
+The default is NOT to show detailed help.
+ *g:bufExplorerFindActive*
+To control whether you are taken to the active window when selecting a buffer,
+use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerFindActive=0 " Do not go to active window.
+ let g:bufExplorerFindActive=1 " Go to active window.
+The default is to be taken to the active window.
+ *g:bufExplorerReverseSort*
+To control whether to sort the buffer in reverse order or not, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=0 " Do not sort in reverse order.
+ let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=1 " Sort in reverse order.
+The default is NOT to sort in reverse order.
+ *g:bufExplorerShowDirectories*
+Directories usually show up in the list from using a command like ":e .".
+To control whether to show directories in the buffer list or not, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=1 " Show directories.
+ let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=0 " Don't show directories.
+The default is to show directories.
+ *g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath*
+To control whether to show absolute paths or relative to the current
+directory, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=0 " Show absolute paths.
+ let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1 " Show relative paths.
+The default is to show absolute paths.
+ *g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted*
+To control whether to show unlisted buffer or not, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=0 " Do not show unlisted buffers.
+ let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=1 " Show unlisted buffers.
+The default is to NOT show unlisted buffers.
+ *g:bufExplorerSortBy*
+To control what field the buffers are sorted by, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerSortBy='extension' " Sort by file extension.
+ let g:bufExplorerSortBy='fullpath' " Sort by full file path name.
+ let g:bufExplorerSortBy='mru' " Sort by most recently used.
+ let g:bufExplorerSortBy='name' " Sort by the buffer's name.
+ let g:bufExplorerSortBy='number' " Sort by the buffer's number.
+The default is to sort by mru.
+ *g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName*
+To control whether to split out the path and file name or not, use: >
+ let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=1 " Split the path and file name.
+ let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=0 " Don't split the path and file
+ " name.
+The default is to split the path and file name.
+CHANGE LOG *bufexplorer-changelog*
+7.1.7 - Fixes:
+ * TaCahiroy fixed several issues related to opening a buffer in a
+ tab.
+7.1.6 - Fixes:
+ * Removed ff=unix from modeline in bufexplorer.txt. Found by Bill
+ McCarthy.
+7.1.5 - Fixes:
+ * Could not open unnamed buffers. Fixed by TaCahiroy.
+7.1.4 - Fixes:
+ * Sometimes when a file's path has 'white space' in it, extra buffers
+ would be created containing each piece of the path. i.e:
+ opening c:\document and settings\test.txt would create a buffer
+ named "and" and a buffer named "Documents". This was reported and
+ fixed by TaCa Yoss.
+7.1.3 - Fixes:
+ * Added code to allow only one instance of the plugin to run at a
+ time. Thanks Dennis Hostetler.
+7.1.2 - Fixes:
+ * Fixed a jumplist issue spotted by JiangJun. I overlooked the
+ 'jumplist' and with a couple calls to 'keepjumps', everything is
+ fine again.
+ * Went back to just having a plugin file, no autoload file. By having
+ the autoload, WinManager was no longer working and without really
+ digging into the cause, it was easier to go back to using just a
+ plugin file.
+7.1.1 - Fixes:
+ * A problem spotted by Thomas Arendsen Hein.
+ When running Vim (7.1.94), error E493 was being thrown.
+ Enhancements:
+ * Added 'D' for 'delete' buffer as the 'd' command was a 'wipe'
+ buffer.
+7.1.0 - Another 'major' update, some by Dave Larson, some by me.
+ * Making use of 'autoload' now to make the plugin load quicker.
+ * Removed '\bs' and '\bv'. These are now controlled by the user. The
+ user can issue a ':sp' or ':vs' to create a horizontal or vertical
+ split window and then issue a '\be'
+ * Added handling of tabs.
+7.0.17 - Fixed issue with 'drop' command.
+ Various enhancements and improvements.
+7.0.16 - Fixed issue reported by Liu Jiaping on non Windows systems, which was
+ ...
+ Open file1, open file2, modify file1, open bufexplorer, you get the
+ following error:
+ --------8<--------
+ Error detected while processing function
+ <SNR>14_StartBufExplorer..<SNR>14_SplitOpen:
+ line 4:
+ E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
+ But the worse thing is, when I want to save the current buffer and
+ type ':w', I get another error message:
+ E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set
+ --------8<--------
+7.0.15 - Thanks to Mark Smithfield for suggesting bufexplorer needed to handle
+ the ':args' command.
+7.0.14 - Thanks to Randall Hansen for removing the requirement of terminal
+ versions to be recompiled with 'gui' support so the 'drop' command
+ would work. The 'drop' command is really not needed in terminal
+ versions.
+7.0.13 - Fixed integration with WinManager.
+ Thanks to Dave Eggum for another update.
+ - Fix: The detailed help didn't display the mapping for toggling
+ the split type, even though the split type is displayed.
+ - Fixed incorrect description in the detailed help for toggling
+ relative or full paths.
+ - Deprecated s:ExtractBufferNbr(). Vim's str2nr() does the same
+ thing.
+ - Created a s:Set() function that sets a variable only if it hasn't
+ already been defined. It's useful for initializing all those
+ default settings.
+ - Removed checks for repetitive command definitions. They were
+ unnecessary.
+ - Made the help highlighting a little more fancy.
+ - Minor reverse compatibility issue: Changed ambiguous setting
+ names to be more descriptive of what they do (also makes the code
+ easier to follow):
+ Changed bufExplorerSortDirection to bufExplorerReverseSort
+ Changed bufExplorerSplitType to bufExplorerSplitVertical
+ Changed bufExplorerOpenMode to bufExplorerUseCurrentWindow
+ - When the BufExplorer window closes, all the file-local marks are
+ now deleted. This may have the benefit of cleaning up some of the
+ jumplist.
+ - Changed the name of the parameter for StartBufExplorer from
+ "split" to "open". The parameter is a string which specifies how
+ the buffer will be open, not if it is split or not.
+ - Deprecated DoAnyMoreBuffersExist() - it is a one line function
+ only used in one spot.
+ - Created four functions (SplitOpen(), RebuildBufferList(),
+ UpdateHelpStatus() and ReSortListing()) all with one purpose - to
+ reduce repeated code.
+ - Changed the name of AddHeader() to CreateHelp() to be more
+ descriptive of what it does. It now returns an array instead of
+ updating the window directly. This has the benefit of making the
+ code more efficient since the text the function returns is used a
+ little differently in the two places the function is called.
+ - Other minor simplifications.
+7.0.12 - MAJOR Update.
+ This version will ONLY run with Vim version 7.0 or greater.
+ Dave Eggum has made some 'significant' updates to this latest
+ version:
+ - Added BufExplorerGetAltBuf() global function to be used in the
+ user\92s rulerformat.
+ - Added g:bufExplorerSplitRight option.
+ - Added g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath option with mapping.
+ - Added current line highlighting.
+ - The split type can now be changed whether bufexplorer is opened
+ in split mode or not.
+ - Various major and minor bug fixes and speed improvements.
+ - Sort by extension.
+ Other improvements/changes:
+ - Changed the help key from '?' to <F1> to be more 'standard'.
+ - Fixed splitting of vertical bufexplorer window.
+ Hopefully I have not forgot something :)
+7.0.11 - Fixed a couple of highlighting bugs, reported by David Eggum. He also
+ changed passive voice to active on a couple of warning messages.
+7.0.10 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. If the 'ssl' option is set,
+ the slash character used when displaying the path was incorrect.
+7.0.9 - Martin Grenfell found and eliminated an annoying bug in the
+ bufexplorer/winmanager integration. The bug was were an
+ annoying message would be displayed when a window was split or
+ a new file was opened in a new window. Thanks Martin!
+7.0.8 - Thanks to Mike Li for catching a bug in the WinManager integration.
+ The bug was related to the incorrect displaying of the buffer
+ explorer's window title.
+7.0.7 - Thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for adding a new enhancement. This
+ enhancement allows the user to press 'S', that is capital S, which
+ will open the buffer under the cursor in a newly created split
+ window.
+7.0.6 - Thanks to Larry Zhang for finding a bug in the "split" buffer code.
+ If you force set g:bufExplorerSplitType='v' in your vimrc, and if you
+ tried to do a \bs to split the bufexplorer window, it would always
+ split horizontal, not vertical. He also found that I had a typeo in
+ that the variable g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize was all lower case in
+ the documentation which was incorrect.
+7.0.5 - Thanks to Mun Johl for pointing out a bug that if a buffer was
+ modified, the '+' was not showing up correctly.
+7.0.4 - Fixed a problem discovered first by Xiangjiang Ma. Well since I've
+ been using vim 7.0 and not 6.3, I started using a function (getftype)
+ that is not in 6.3. So for backward compatibility, I conditionaly use
+ this function now. Thus, the g:bufExplorerShowDirectories feature is
+ only available when using vim 7.0 and above.
+7.0.3 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a problem when the last
+ buffer was deleted. This issue got me to rewrite the buffer display
+ logic (which I've wanted to do for sometime now).
+ Also great thanks to Dave Eggum for coming up with idea for
+ g:bufExplorerShowDirectories. Read the above information about this
+ feature.
+7.0.2 - Thanks to Thomas Arendsen Hein for finding a problem when a user
+ has the default help turned off and then brought up the explorer. An
+ E493 would be displayed.
+7.0.1 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a couple problems.
+ The first problem allowed a modified buffer to be deleted. Opps! The
+ second problem occurred when several files were opened, BufExplorer
+ was started, the current buffer was deleted using the 'd' option, and
+ then BufExplorer was exited. The deleted buffer was still visible
+ while it is not in the buffers list. Opps again!
+7.0.0 - Thanks to Shankar R. for suggesting to add the ability to set
+ the fixed width (g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize) of a new window
+ when opening bufexplorer vertically and fixed height
+ (g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize) of a new window when opening
+ bufexplorer horizontally. By default, the windows are normally
+ split to use half the existing width or height.
+6.3.0 - Added keepjumps so that the jumps list would not get cluttered with
+ bufexplorer related stuff.
+6.2.3 - Thanks to Jay Logan for finding a bug in the vertical split position
+ of the code. When selecting that the window was to be split
+ vertically by doing a '\bv', from then on, all splits, i.e. '\bs',
+ were split vertically, even though g:bufExplorerSplitType was not set
+ to 'v'.
+6.2.2 - Thanks to Patrik Modesto for adding a small improvement. For some
+ reason his bufexplorer window was always showing up folded. He added
+ 'setlocal nofoldenable' and it was fixed.
+6.2.1 - Thanks goes out to Takashi Matsuo for added the 'fullPath' sorting
+ logic and option.
+6.2.0 - Thanks goes out to Simon Johann-Ganter for spotting and fixing a
+ problem in that the last search pattern is overridden by the search
+ pattern for blank lines.
+6.1.6 - Thanks to Artem Chuprina for finding a pesky bug that has been around
+ for sometime now. The <esc> key mapping was causing the buffer
+ explored to close prematurely when vim was run in an xterm. The <esc>
+ key mapping is now removed.
+6.1.5 - Thanks to Khorev Sergey. Added option to show default help or not.
+6.1.4 - Thanks goes out to Valery Kondakoff for suggesting the addition of
+ setlocal nonumber and foldcolumn=0. This allows for line numbering
+ and folding to be turned off temporarily while in the explorer.
+6.1.3 - Added folding. Did some code cleanup. Added the ability to force the
+ newly split window to be temporarily vertical, which was suggested by
+ Thomas Glanzmann.
+6.1.2 - Now pressing the <esc> key will quit, just like 'q'.
+ Added folds to hide winmanager configuration.
+ If anyone had the 'C' option in their cpoptions they would receive
+ a E10 error on startup of BufExplorer. cpo is now saved, updated and
+ restored. Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr.
+ Attempted to make sure there can only be one BufExplorer window open
+ at a time.
+6.1.1 - Thanks to Brian D. Goodwin for adding toupper to FileNameCmp. This
+ way buffers sorted by name will be in the correct order regardless of
+ case.
+6.0.16 - Thanks to Andre Pang for the original patch/idea to get bufexplorer
+ to work in insertmode/modeless mode (evim). Added Initialize
+ and Cleanup autocommands to handle commands that need to be
+ performed when starting or leaving bufexplorer.
+6.0.15 - Srinath Avadhanulax added a patch for winmanager.vim.
+6.0.14 - Fix a few more bug that I thought I already had fixed. Thanks
+ to Eric Bloodworth for adding 'Open Mode/Edit in Place'. Added
+ vertical splitting.
+6.0.13 - Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. for pointing out some embarrassing
+ typos that I had in the documentation. I guess I need to run
+ the spell checker more :o)
+6.0.12 - Thanks to Madoka Machitani, for the tip on adding the augroup command
+ around the MRUList autocommands.
+6.0.11 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. '"=' was being added to the
+ search history which messed up hlsearch.
+6.0.10 - Added the necessary hooks so that the Srinath Avadhanula's
+ winmanager.vim script could more easily integrate with this script.
+ Tried to improve performance.
+6.0.9 - Added MRU (Most Recently Used) sort ordering.
+6.0.8 - Was not resetting the showcmd command correctly.
+ Added nifty help file.
+6.0.7 - Thanks to Brett Carlane for some great enhancements. Some are added,
+ some are not, yet. Added highlighting of current and alternate
+ filenames. Added splitting of path/filename toggle. Reworked
+ ShowBuffers().
+ Changed my email address.
+6.0.6 - Copyright notice added. Needed this so that it could be distributed
+ with Debian Linux. Fixed problem with the SortListing() function
+ failing when there was only one buffer to display.
+6.0.5 - Fixed problems reported by David Pascoe, in that you where unable to
+ hit 'd' on a buffer that belonged to a files that no longer existed
+ and that the 'yank' buffer was being overridden by the help text when
+ the bufexplorer was opened.
+6.0.4 - Thanks to Charles Campbell, Jr. for making this plugin more plugin
+ *compliant*, adding default keymappings of <Leader>be and <Leader>bs
+ as well as fixing the 'w:sortDirLabel not being defined' bug.
+6.0.3 - Added sorting capabilities. Sort taken from explorer.vim.
+6.0.2 - Can't remember.
+6.0.1 - Initial release.
+TODO *bufexplorer-todo*
+- The issuing of a ':bd' command does not always remove the buffer number from
+ the MRU list.
+- Look into adding '\bs' (buffer split) command back into the code.
+CREDITS *bufexplorer-credits*
+Author: Jeff Lanzarotta <delux256-vim at yahoo dot com>
+Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for
+making the world's best editor (IMHO). I also want to thank everyone who
+helped and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
+won't list names.
--- /dev/null
+:CVSEdit vcscommand.txt /*:CVSEdit*
+:CVSEditors vcscommand.txt /*:CVSEditors*
+:CVSUnedit vcscommand.txt /*:CVSUnedit*
+:CVSWatch vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatch*
+:CVSWatchAdd vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatchAdd*
+:CVSWatchOff vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatchOff*
+:CVSWatchOn vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatchOn*
+:CVSWatchRemove vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatchRemove*
+:CVSWatchers vcscommand.txt /*:CVSWatchers*
+:VCSAdd vcscommand.txt /*:VCSAdd*
+:VCSAnnotate vcscommand.txt /*:VCSAnnotate*
+:VCSBlame vcscommand.txt /*:VCSBlame*
+:VCSCommit vcscommand.txt /*:VCSCommit*
+:VCSDelete vcscommand.txt /*:VCSDelete*
+:VCSDiff vcscommand.txt /*:VCSDiff*
+:VCSGotoOriginal vcscommand.txt /*:VCSGotoOriginal*
+:VCSInfo vcscommand.txt /*:VCSInfo*
+:VCSLock vcscommand.txt /*:VCSLock*
+:VCSLog vcscommand.txt /*:VCSLog*
+:VCSRemove vcscommand.txt /*:VCSRemove*
+:VCSRevert vcscommand.txt /*:VCSRevert*
+:VCSReview vcscommand.txt /*:VCSReview*
+:VCSStatus vcscommand.txt /*:VCSStatus*
+:VCSUnlock vcscommand.txt /*:VCSUnlock*
+:VCSUpdate vcscommand.txt /*:VCSUpdate*
+:VCSVimDiff vcscommand.txt /*:VCSVimDiff*
+VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt*
+VCSCommandCVSExec vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandCVSExec*
+VCSCommandCommitOnWrite vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandCommitOnWrite*
+VCSCommandDeleteOnHide vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDeleteOnHide*
+VCSCommandDiffSplit vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDiffSplit*
+VCSCommandDisableAll vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDisableAll*
+VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings*
+VCSCommandDisableMappings vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDisableMappings*
+VCSCommandDisableMenu vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandDisableMenu*
+VCSCommandEdit vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandEdit*
+VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup*
+VCSCommandMapPrefix vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandMapPrefix*
+VCSCommandMappings vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandMappings*
+VCSCommandMenuPriority vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandMenuPriority*
+VCSCommandMenuRoot vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandMenuRoot*
+VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension*
+VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction*
+VCSCommandSVKExec vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandSVKExec*
+VCSCommandSVNDiffExt vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandSVNDiffExt*
+VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt*
+VCSCommandSVNExec vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandSVNExec*
+VCSCommandSplit vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandSplit*
+VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride vcscommand.txt /*VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride*
+b:VCSCommandCommand vcscommand.txt /*b:VCSCommandCommand*
+b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer vcscommand.txt /*b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer*
+b:VCSCommandSourceFile vcscommand.txt /*b:VCSCommandSourceFile*
+b:VCSCommandVCSType vcscommand.txt /*b:VCSCommandVCSType*
+bufexplorer bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer*
+bufexplorer-changelog bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-changelog*
+bufexplorer-credits bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-credits*
+bufexplorer-customization bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-customization*
+bufexplorer-installation bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-installation*
+bufexplorer-todo bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-todo*
+bufexplorer-usage bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer-usage*
+bufexplorer.txt bufexplorer.txt /*bufexplorer.txt*
+buffer-explorer bufexplorer.txt /*buffer-explorer*
+cvscommand-changes vcscommand.txt /*cvscommand-changes*
+g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp*
+g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp*
+g:bufExplorerFindActive bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerFindActive*
+g:bufExplorerReverseSort bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerReverseSort*
+g:bufExplorerShowDirectories bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerShowDirectories*
+g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath*
+g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted*
+g:bufExplorerSortBy bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerSortBy*
+g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName bufexplorer.txt /*g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName*
+vcscommand vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand*
+vcscommand-buffer-management vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-buffer-management*
+vcscommand-buffer-variables vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-buffer-variables*
+vcscommand-bugs vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-bugs*
+vcscommand-commands vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-commands*
+vcscommand-config vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-config*
+vcscommand-contents vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-contents*
+vcscommand-customize vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-customize*
+vcscommand-events vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-events*
+vcscommand-install vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-install*
+vcscommand-intro vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-intro*
+vcscommand-manual vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-manual*
+vcscommand-mappings vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-mappings*
+vcscommand-mappings-override vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-mappings-override*
+vcscommand-naming vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-naming*
+vcscommand-options vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-options*
+vcscommand-ssh vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-ssh*
+vcscommand-ssh-config vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-ssh-config*
+vcscommand-ssh-env vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-ssh-env*
+vcscommand-ssh-other vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-ssh-other*
+vcscommand-ssh-wrapper vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-ssh-wrapper*
+vcscommand-statusline vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand-statusline*
+vcscommand.txt vcscommand.txt /*vcscommand.txt*
--- /dev/null
+*vcscommand.txt* vcscommand
+Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+For instructions on installing this file, type
+ :help add-local-help
+inside Vim.
+Author: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+Credits: Benji Fisher's excellent MatchIt documentation
+1. Contents *vcscommand-contents*
+ Installation : |vcscommand-install|
+ vcscommand Intro : |vcscommand|
+ vcscommand Manual : |vcscommand-manual|
+ Customization : |vcscommand-customize|
+ SSH "integration" : |vcscommand-ssh|
+ Changes from cvscommand : |cvscommand-changes|
+ Bugs : |vcscommand-bugs|
+2. vcscommand Installation *vcscommand-install*
+The vcscommand plugin comprises five files: vcscommand.vim, vcssvn.vim,
+vcscvs.vim, vcssvk.vim and vcscommand.txt (this file). In order to install
+the plugin, place the vcscommand.vim, vcssvn.vim, vcssvk.vim, and vcscvs.vim
+files into a plugin directory in your runtime path (please see
+|add-global-plugin| and |'runtimepath'|.
+This help file can be included in the VIM help system by copying it into a
+'doc' directory in your runtime path and then executing the |:helptags|
+command, specifying the full path of the 'doc' directory. Please see
+|add-local-help| for more details.
+vcscommand may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and
+specifying event handlers. Please see |vcscommand-customize| for more
+3. vcscommand Intro *vcscommand*
+ *vcscommand-intro*
+The vcscommand plugin provides global ex commands for manipulating
+version-controlled source files, currently those controlled either by CVS or
+Subversion. In general, each command operates on the current buffer and
+accomplishes a separate source control function, such as update, commit, log,
+and others (please see |vcscommand-commands| for a list of all available
+commands). The results of each operation are displayed in a scratch buffer.
+Several buffer variables are defined for those scratch buffers (please see
+The notion of "current file" means either the current buffer, or, in the case
+of a directory buffer (such as Explorer or netrw buffers), the directory (and
+all subdirectories) represented by the the buffer.
+For convenience, any vcscommand invoked on a vcscommand scratch buffer acts as
+though it was invoked on the original file and splits the screen so that the
+output appears in a new window.
+Many of the commands accept revisions as arguments. By default, most operate
+on the most recent revision on the current branch if no revision is specified.
+Each vcscommand is mapped to a key sequence starting with the |<Leader>|
+keystroke. The default mappings may be overridden by supplying different
+mappings before the plugin is loaded, such as in the vimrc, in the standard
+fashion for plugin mappings. For examples, please see
+The vcscommand plugin may be configured in several ways. For more details,
+please see |vcscommand-customize|.
+4. vcscommand Manual *vcscommand-manual*
+4.1 vcscommand commands *vcscommand-commands*
+vcscommand defines the following commands:
+The following commands are specific to CVS files:
+:VCSAdd *:VCSAdd*
+This command adds the current file to source control. Please note, this does
+not commit the newly-added file. All parameters to the command are passed to
+the underlying VCS.
+:VCSAnnotate[!] *:VCSAnnotate*
+This command displays the current file with each line annotated with the
+version in which it was most recently changed. If an argument is given, the
+argument is used as a revision number to display. If not given an argument,
+it uses the most recent version of the file (on the current branch, if under
+CVS control). Additionally, if the current buffer is a VCSAnnotate buffer
+already, the version number on the current line is used.
+If '!' is used, the view of the annotated buffer is split so that the
+annotation is in a separate window from the content, and each is highlighted
+For CVS buffers, the 'VCSCommandCVSAnnotateParent' option, if set to non-zero,
+will cause the above behavior to change. Instead of annotating the version on
+the current line, the parent revision is used instead, crossing branches if
+With no arguments the cursor will jump to the line in the annotated buffer
+corresponding to the current line in the source buffer.
+:VCSBlame[!] *:VCSBlame*
+Alias for |:VCSAnnotate|.
+:VCSCommit[!] *:VCSCommit*
+This command commits changes to the current file to source control.
+If called with arguments, the arguments are the log message.
+If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
+If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command. The first step opens
+a buffer to accept a log message. When that buffer is written, it is
+automatically closed and the file is committed using the information from that
+log message. The commit can be abandoned if the log message buffer is deleted
+or wiped before being written.
+Alternatively, the mapping that is used to invoke :VCSCommit (by default
+|<Leader>|cc, please see |vcscommand-mappings|) can be used in the log message
+buffer in Normal mode to immediately commit. This is useful if the
+|VCSCommandCommitOnWrite| variable is set to 0 to disable the normal
+commit-on-write behavior.
+:VCSDelete *:VCSDelete*
+Deletes the current file and removes it from source control. All parameters
+to the command are passed to the underlying VCS.
+:VCSDiff *:VCSDiff*
+With no arguments, this displays the differences between the current file and
+its parent version under source control in a new scratch buffer.
+With one argument, the diff is performed on the current file against the
+specified revision.
+With two arguments, the diff is performed between the specified revisions of
+the current file.
+For CVS, this command uses the |VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt| variable to specify diff
+options. If that variable does not exist, a plugin-specific default is used.
+If you wish to have no options, then set it to the empty string.
+For SVN, this command uses the |VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt| variable to specify diff
+options. If that variable does not exist, the SVN default is used.
+Additionally, |VCSCommandSVNDiffExt| can be used to select an external diff
+:VCSGotoOriginal *:VCSGotoOriginal*
+This command jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a VCS scratch
+Like ":VCSGotoOriginal" but also executes :bufwipeout on all VCS scrach
+buffers associated with the original file.
+:VCSInfo *:VCSInfo*
+This command displays extended information about the current file in a new
+scratch buffer.
+:VCSLock *:VCSLock*
+This command locks the current file in order to prevent other users from
+concurrently modifying it. The exact semantics of this command depend on the
+underlying VCS. This does nothing in CVS. All parameters are passed to the
+underlying VCS.
+:VCSLog *:VCSLog*
+Displays the version history of the current file in a new scratch buffer. If
+there is one parameter supplied, it is taken as as a revision parameters to be
+passed through to the underlying VCS. Otherwise, all parameters are passed to
+the underlying VCS.
+:VCSRemove *:VCSRemove*
+Alias for |:VCSDelete|.
+:VCSRevert *:VCSRevert*
+This command replaces the current file with the most recent version from the
+repository in order to wipe out any undesired changes.
+:VCSReview *:VCSReview*
+Displays a particular version of the current file in a new scratch buffer. If
+no argument is given, the most recent version of the file on the current
+branch is retrieved.
+:VCSStatus *:VCSStatus*
+Displays versioning information about the current file in a new scratch
+buffer. All parameters are passed to the underlying VCS.
+:VCSUnlock *:VCSUnlock*
+Unlocks the current file in order to allow other users from concurrently
+modifying it. The exact semantics of this command depend on the underlying
+VCS. All parameters are passed to the underlying VCS.
+:VCSUpdate *:VCSUpdate*
+Updates the current file with any relevant changes from the repository. This
+intentionally does not automatically reload the current buffer, though vim
+should prompt the user to do so if the underlying file is altered by this
+:VCSVimDiff *:VCSVimDiff*
+Uses vimdiff to display differences between versions of the current file.
+If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the file on the
+current branch is used. With one argument, that argument is used as the
+revision as above. With two arguments, the differences between the two
+revisions is displayed using vimdiff.
+With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used to perform the
+vimdiff. When the scratch buffer is closed, the original buffer will be
+returned to normal mode.
+Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods, additional vimdiff
+buffers may be added by passing a single version argument to the command.
+There may be up to 4 vimdiff buffers total.
+Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff to only those 2
+versions. Additionally, invoking the command on a different file will close
+the previous vimdiff buffers.
+:CVSEdit *:CVSEdit*
+This command performs "cvs edit" on the current file. Yes, the output buffer
+in this case is almost completely useless.
+:CVSEditors *:CVSEditors*
+This command performs "cvs edit" on the current file.
+:CVSUnedit *:CVSUnedit*
+Performs "cvs unedit" on the current file. Again, yes, the output buffer here
+is basically useless.
+:CVSWatch *:CVSWatch*
+This command takes an argument which must be one of [on|off|add|remove]. The
+command performs "cvs watch" with the given argument on the current file.
+:CVSWatchAdd *:CVSWatchAdd*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch add"
+:CVSWatchOn *:CVSWatchOn*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch on"
+:CVSWatchOff *:CVSWatchOff*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch off"
+:CVSWatchRemove *:CVSWatchRemove*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch remove"
+:CVSWatchers *:CVSWatchers*
+This command performs "cvs watchers" on the current file.
+4.2 Mappings *vcscommand-mappings*
+By default, a mapping is defined for each command. These mappings execute the
+default (no-argument) form of each command.
+|<Leader>|ca VCSAdd
+|<Leader>|cn VCSAnnotate
+|<Leader>|cN VCSAnnotate!
+|<Leader>|cc VCSCommit
+|<Leader>|cD VCSDelete
+|<Leader>|cd VCSDiff
+|<Leader>|cg VCSGotoOriginal
+|<Leader>|cG VCSGotoOriginal!
+|<Leader>|ci VCSInfo
+|<Leader>|cl VCSLog
+|<Leader>|cL VCSLock
+|<Leader>|cr VCSReview
+|<Leader>|cs VCSStatus
+|<Leader>|cu VCSUpdate
+|<Leader>|cU VCSUnlock
+|<Leader>|cv VCSVimDiff
+Only for CVS buffers:
+|<Leader>|ce CVSEdit
+|<Leader>|cE CVSEditors
+|<Leader>|ct CVSUnedit
+|<Leader>|cwv CVSWatchers
+|<Leader>|cwa CVSWatchAdd
+|<Leader>|cwn CVSWatchOn
+|<Leader>|cwf CVSWatchOff
+|<Leader>|cwf CVSWatchRemove
+ *vcscommand-mappings-override*
+The default mappings can be overridden by user-provided instead by mapping to
+<Plug>CommandName. This is especially useful when these mappings collide with
+other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization,
+but will not clobber the existing mappings).
+There are three methods for controlling mapping:
+First, maps can be overriden for individual commands. For instance, to
+override the default mapping for :VCSAdd to set it to '\add', add the
+following to the vimrc:
+nmap \add <Plug>VCSAdd
+Second, the default map prefix ('<Leader>c') can be overridden by defining the
+|VCSCommandMapPrefix| variable.
+Third, the entire set of default maps can be overridden by defining the
+|VCSCommandMappings| variable.
+4.3 Automatic buffer variables *vcscommand-buffer-variables*
+Several buffer variables are defined in each vcscommand result buffer. These
+may be useful for additional customization in callbacks defined in the event
+handlers (please see |vcscommand-events|).
+The following variables are automatically defined:
+b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer *b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer*
+This variable is set to the buffer number of the source file.
+b:VCSCommandCommand *b:VCSCommandCommand*
+This variable is set to the name of the vcscommand that created the result
+b:VCSCommandSourceFile *b:VCSCommandSourceFile*
+This variable is set to the name of the original file under source control.
+b:VCSCommandVCSType *b:VCSCommandVCSType*
+This variable is set to the type of the source control. This variable is also
+set on the original file itself.
+5. Configuration and customization *vcscommand-customize*
+ *vcscommand-config*
+The vcscommand plugin can be configured in several ways: by setting
+configuration variables (see |vcscommand-options|) or by defining vcscommand
+event handlers (see |vcscommand-events|). Additionally, the vcscommand plugin
+supports a customized status line (see |vcscommand-statusline| and
+5.1 vcscommand configuration variables *vcscommand-options*
+Several variables affect the plugin's behavior. These variables are checked
+at time of execution, and may be defined at the window, buffer, or global
+level and are checked in that order of precedence.
+The following variables are available:
+VCSCommandCommitOnWrite *VCSCommandCommitOnWrite*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending commit
+to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
+If set to zero, only the VCSCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
+occur. If not set, it defaults to 1.
+VCSCommandCVSExec *VCSCommandCVSExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all CVS commands If not set,
+it defaults to "cvs".
+VCSCommandDeleteOnHide *VCSCommandDeleteOnHide*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary result buffers
+to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt *VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt*
+This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command of
+CVS. If not set, it defaults to 'u'.
+VCSCommandDiffSplit *VCSCommandDiffSplit*
+This variable overrides the |VCSCommandSplit| variable, but only for buffers
+created with |:VCSVimDiff|.
+VCSCommandDisableAll *VCSCommandDisableAll*
+This variable, if set, prevents the plugin or any extensions from loading at
+all. This is useful when a single runtime distribution is used on multiple
+systems with varying versions.
+VCSCommandDisableMappings *VCSCommandDisableMappings*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command
+mappings from being set. This supercedes
+VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings *VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command
+mappings from being set for commands specific to an individual VCS.
+VCSCommandEdit *VCSCommandEdit*
+This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
+split ('split'). If not set, it defaults to 'split'.
+VCSCommandDisableMenu *VCSCommandDisableMenu*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command menu
+from being set.
+VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup *VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates VCS buffer management
+mode see (|vcscommand-buffer-management|). This mode means that the
+'VCSCommandBufferInfo' variable is filled with version information if the file
+is VCS-controlled. This is useful for displaying version information in the
+status bar.
+VCSCommandMappings *VCSCommandMappings*
+This variable, if set, overrides the default mappings used for shortcuts. It
+should be a List of 2-element Lists, each containing a shortcut and function
+name pair. The value of the '|VCSCommandMapPrefix|' variable will be added to
+each shortcut.
+VCSCommandMapPrefix *VCSCommandMapPrefix*
+This variable, if set, overrides the default mapping prefix ('<Leader>c').
+This allows customization of the mapping space used by the vcscommand
+VCSCommandMenuPriority *VCSCommandMenuPriority*
+This variable, if set, overrides the default menu priority '' (empty)
+VCSCommandMenuRoot *VCSCommandMenuRoot*
+This variable, if set, overrides the default menu root 'Plugin.VCS'
+VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension *VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension*
+This variable, if set to a non-blank value, is appended to the name of the VCS
+command output buffers. For example, '.vcs'. Using this option may help
+avoid problems caused by autocommands dependent on file extension.
+VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction *VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction*
+This variable, if set, specifies a custom function for naming VCS command
+output buffers. This function is expected to return the new buffer name, and
+will be passed the following arguments:
+ command - name of the VCS command being executed (such as 'Log' or
+ 'Diff').
+ originalBuffer - buffer number of the source file.
+ vcsType - type of VCS controlling this file (such as 'CVS' or 'SVN').
+ statusText - extra text associated with the VCS action (such as version
+ numbers).
+VCSCommandSplit *VCSCommandSplit*
+This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+may occur.
+If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+one another. If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+side-by-side. If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+VCSVimDiff windows. VCSVimDiff windows default to the user's 'diffopt'
+setting, if set, otherwise 'vertical'.
+VCSCommandSVKExec *VCSCommandSVKExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all SVK commands If not set,
+it defaults to "svk".
+VCSCommandSVNDiffExt *VCSCommandSVNDiffExt*
+This variable, if set, is passed to SVN via the --diff-cmd command to select
+an external application for performing the diff.
+VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt *VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt*
+This variable, if set, determines the options passed with the '-x' parameter
+to the SVN diff command. If not set, no options are passed.
+VCSCommandSVNExec *VCSCommandSVNExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all SVN commands If not set,
+it defaults to "svn".
+VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride *VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride*
+This variable allows the VCS type detection to be overridden on a path-by-path
+basis. The value of this variable is expected to be a List of Lists. Each
+item in the high-level List is a List containing two elements. The first
+element is a regular expression that will be matched against the full file
+name of a given buffer. If it matches, the second element will be used as the
+VCS type.
+5.2 VCSCommand events *vcscommand-events*
+For additional customization, vcscommand can trigger user-defined events.
+Event handlers are provided by defining User event autocommands (see
+|autocommand|, |User|) in the vcscommand group with patterns matching the
+event name.
+For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+mapping to quit a vcscommand scratch buffer:
+augroup VCSCommand
+ au User VCSBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr>
+augroup END
+The following hooks are available:
+VCSBufferCreated This event is fired just after a vcscommand
+ result buffer is created and populated. It is
+ executed within the context of the vcscommand
+ buffer. The vcscommand buffer variables may
+ be useful for handlers of this event (please
+ see |vcscommand-buffer-variables|).
+VCSBufferSetup This event is fired just after vcscommand buffer
+ setup occurs, if enabled.
+VCSPluginInit This event is fired when the vcscommand plugin
+ first loads.
+VCSPluginFinish This event is fired just after the vcscommand
+ plugin loads.
+VCSVimDiffFinish This event is fired just after the VCSVimDiff
+ command executes to allow customization of,
+ for instance, window placement and focus.
+Additionally, there is another hook which is used internally to handle loading
+the multiple scripts in order. This hook should probably not be used by an
+end user without a good idea of how it works. Among other things, any events
+associated with this hook are cleared after they are executed (during
+vcscommand.vim script initialization).
+VCSLoadExtensions This event is fired just before the
+ VCSPluginFinish. It is used internally to
+ execute any commands from the VCS
+ implementation plugins that needs to be
+ deferred until the primary plugin is
+ initialized.
+5.3 vcscommand buffer naming *vcscommand-naming*
+vcscommand result buffers use the following naming convention:
+[{VCS type} {VCS command} {Source file name}]
+If additional buffers are created that would otherwise conflict, a
+distinguishing number is added:
+[{VCS type} {VCS command} {Source file name}] (1,2, etc)
+5.4 vcscommand status line support *vcscommand-statusline*
+It is intended that the user will customize the |'statusline'| option to
+include vcscommand result buffer attributes. A sample function that may be
+used in the |'statusline'| option is provided by the plugin,
+VCSCommandGetStatusLine(). In order to use that function in the status line, do
+something like the following:
+set statusline=%<%f\ %{VCSCommandGetStatusLine()}\ %h%m%r%=%l,%c%V\ %P
+of which %{VCSCommandGetStatusLine()} is the relevant portion.
+The sample VCSCommandGetStatusLine() function handles both vcscommand result
+buffers and VCS-managed files if vcscommand buffer management is enabled
+(please see |vcscommand-buffer-management|).
+5.5 vcscommand buffer management *vcscommand-buffer-management*
+The vcscommand plugin can operate in buffer management mode, which means that
+it attempts to set a buffer variable ('VCSCommandBufferInfo') upon entry into
+a buffer. This is rather slow because it means that the VCS will be invoked
+at each entry into a buffer (during the |BufEnter| autocommand).
+This mode is disabled by default. In order to enable it, set the
+|VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup| variable to a true (non-zero) value. Enabling
+this mode simply provides the buffer variable mentioned above. The user must
+explicitly include information from the variable in the |'statusline'| option
+if they are to appear in the status line (but see |vcscommand-statusline| for
+a simple way to do that).
+The 'VCSCommandBufferInfo' variable is a list which contains, in order, the
+revision of the current file, the latest revision of the file in the
+repository, and (for CVS) the name of the branch. If those values cannot be
+determined, the list is a single element: 'Unknown'.
+6. SSH "integration" *vcscommand-ssh*
+The following instructions are intended for use in integrating the
+vcscommand.vim plugin with an SSH-based CVS environment.
+Familiarity with SSH and CVS are assumed.
+These instructions assume that the intent is to have a message box pop up in
+order to allow the user to enter a passphrase. If, instead, the user is
+comfortable using certificate-based authentication, then only instructions
+6.1.1 and 6.1.2 (and optionally 6.1.4) need to be followed; ssh should then
+work transparently.
+6.1 Environment settings *vcscommand-ssh-env*
+6.1.1 CVSROOT should be set to something like:
+ :ext:user@host:/path_to_repository
+6.1.2 CVS_RSH should be set to:
+ ssh
+ Together, those settings tell CVS to use ssh as the transport when
+ performing CVS calls.
+6.1.3 SSH_ASKPASS should be set to the password-dialog program. In my case,
+ running gnome, it's set to:
+ /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
+ This tells SSH how to get passwords if no input is available.
+6.1.4 OPTIONAL. You may need to set SSH_SERVER to the location of the cvs
+ executable on the remote (server) machine.
+6.2 CVS wrapper program *vcscommand-ssh-wrapper*
+Now you need to convince SSH to use the password-dialog program. This means
+you need to execute SSH (and therefore CVS) without standard input. The
+following script is a simple perl wrapper that dissasociates the CVS command
+from the current terminal. Specific steps to do this may vary from system to
+system; the following example works for me on linux.
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(setsid);
+open STDIN, '/dev/null';
+fork and do {wait; exit;};
+exec('cvs', @ARGV);
+6.3 Configuring vcscommand.vim *vcscommand-ssh-config*
+At this point, you should be able to use your wrapper script to invoke CVS with
+various commands, and get the password dialog. All that's left is to make CVS
+use your newly-created wrapper script.
+6.3.1 Tell vcscommand.vim what CVS executable to use. The easiest way to do this
+ is globally, by putting the following in your .vimrc:
+ let VCSCommandCVSExec=/path/to/cvs/wrapper/script
+6.4 Where to go from here *vcscommand-ssh-other*
+The script given above works even when non-SSH CVS connections are used,
+except possibly when interactively entering the message for CVS commit log
+(depending on the editor you use... VIM works fine). Since the vcscommand.vim
+plugin handles that message without a terminal, the wrapper script can be used
+all the time.
+This allows mixed-mode operation, where some work is done with SSH-based CVS
+repositories, and others with pserver or local access.
+It is possible, though beyond the scope of the plugin, to dynamically set the
+CVS executable based on the CVSROOT for the file being edited. The user
+events provided (such as VCSBufferCreated and VCSBufferSetup) can be used to
+set a buffer-local value (b:VCSCommandCVSExec) to override the CVS executable
+on a file-by-file basis. Alternatively, much the same can be done (less
+automatically) by the various project-oriented plugins out there.
+It is highly recommended for ease-of-use that certificates with no passphrase
+or ssh-agent are employed so that the user is not given the password prompt
+too often.
+7. Changes from cvscommand *cvscommand-changes*
+1. Require Vim 7 in order to leverage several convenient features; also
+because I wanted to play with Vim 7.
+2. Renamed commands to start with 'VCS' instead of 'CVS'. The exceptions are
+the 'CVSEdit' and 'CVSWatch' family of commands, which are specific to CVS.
+3. Renamed options, events to start with 'VCSCommand'.
+4. Removed option to jump to the parent version of the current line in an
+annotated buffer, as opposed to the version on the current line. This made
+little sense in the branching scheme used by subversion, where jumping to a
+parent branch required finding a different location in the repository. It
+didn't work consistently in CVS anyway.
+5. Removed option to have nameless scratch buffers.
+6. Changed default behavior of scratch buffers to split the window instead of
+displaying in the current window. This may still be overridden using the
+'VCSCommandEdit' option.
+7. Split plugin into multiple plugins.
+8. Added 'VCSLock' and 'VCSUnlock' commands. These are implemented for
+subversion but not for CVS. These were not kept specific to subversion as they
+seemed more general in nature and more likely to be supported by any future VCS
+supported by this plugin.
+9. Changed name of buffer variables set by commands.
+'b:cvsOrigBuffNR' became 'b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer'
+'b:cvscmd' became 'b:VCSCommandCommand'
+10. Added new automatic variables to command result buffers.
+8. Known bugs *vcscommand-bugs*
+Please let me know if you run across any.
+CVSUnedit may, if a file is changed from the repository, provide prompt text
+to determine whether the changes should be thrown away. Currently, that text
+shows up in the CVS result buffer as information; there is no way for the user
+to actually respond to the prompt and the CVS unedit command does nothing. If
+this really bothers anyone, please let me know.
+VCSVimDiff, when using the original (real) source buffer as one of the diff
+buffers, uses some hacks to try to restore the state of the original buffer
+when the scratch buffer containing the other version is destroyed. There may
+still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.
--- /dev/null
+setlocal foldmethod=syntax
--- /dev/null
+" my math filetype that extends txt for unicode/ascii math symbol abbreviations
+ab pi π
+ab sqrt √
+ab intg ∫
+ab ^2 ²
+ab sigma σ
+ab mew µ
+ab half ½
+ab epsilon ε 03b5
+ab _0 ₀
+ab _1 ₁
+ab beta β
+ab && ∩
--- /dev/null
+" Javadoc comments (/** and */ pairs) and code sections (marked by {} pairs) mark the start and end of folds. All other
+" lines simply take the fold level that is going so far.
+function! MyFoldLevel( lineNumber )
+ let thisLine = getline( a:lineNumber )
+ " If the entire Javadoc comment or the {} pair is on one line, then don't create a fold for it.
+ if ( thisLine =~ '\%(\%(/\*\*\).*\%(\*/\)\)\|\%({.*}\)' )
+ return '='
+ elseif ( thisLine =~ '\%(^\s*/\*\*\s*$\)\|{' )
+ return "a1"
+ elseif ( thisLine =~ '\%(^\s*\*/\s*$\)\|}' )
+ return "s1"
+ endif
+ return '='
+setlocal foldexpr=MyFoldLevel(v:lnum)
+setlocal foldmethod=expr
--- /dev/null
+setlocal tw=0
+setlocal foldmethod=indent
--- /dev/null
+augroup filetypedetec
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt setf txt
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.R setf r
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.R set syntax=r
+augroup END
--- /dev/null
+" vim: set ff=unix ai si noet ts=4 sw=4 fdls=1 fdm=marker wrap tw=0 sm mat=3 spell tags=$HOME/.vim/vimrc.tags :
+" Terry M P<SNIP>, personal vimrc file
+" $Id: .vimrc,v 1.11 2008/11/14 07:42:37 Terry Exp $:
+" WARNING !!!
+" This file must have UNIX end of lines to avoid errors when starting
+" under unix. Use the pdos2unix and punix2dos sh scripts to convert or
+" perl -p -e 's/\n/\r\n/' inputfile > outputfile # UNIX to DOS
+" perl -p -e 's/\r\n/\n/' inputfile > outputfile # DOS to UNIX
+" on the command line or vim it self.
+" Table of Contents
+" |SETTINGS| --- Settings
+" |GENERAL| --- General options
+" |FORMATS| --- Configuration for various file formats
+" |AUTOCMDS| --- Auto commands for calling format handler functions
+" |HANDLERS| --- Handler functions for various file formats
+" |INTERFACE| --- Interface specific settings
+" |BINDS| --- Common Bindings
+" |FUNCTIONS| --- Global helper functions
+" |COMMANDS| --- Normal mode commands
+" |MAPS| --- Key mappings
+" |PLUGINS| --- Plugin specific configuration
+" |Taglist|
+" |NERDTree|
+" |play| --- Misc stuff, usually notes / code snippets
+" Preferences
+" *SETTINGS* {{{
+" *GENERAL* {{{
+ " Don't be VI compatible - Keep this at top of file !
+ " Also skip loading .exrc and friend sin the CWD.
+ set nocompatible
+ set noexrc
+ " highlight matched text when searching
+ "if has('extra_search')
+ " set hlsearch
+ "endif
+ " Ignore case when searching unless it starts with a Capitol
+ set ignorecase
+ set smartcase
+ " Use the system clipboard as the default register, '*'
+ if has("clipboard")
+ set clipboard=unnamed,exclude:cons\|linux
+ endif
+ " Make join commands smarter
+ set joinspaces
+ " Kill visual bell
+ set visualbell t_vb=
+ " Allow names with some spaces in path, like when using gf
+ set isfname+=32
+ " Show matching symbols Vi style
+ set showmatch
+ set matchtime=3
+ set matchpairs=(:),{:},[:],<:>
+ " How to display tabs when list is on and expand tab is off
+ set listchars=tab:\|\
+ set nolist
+ " Physical word wrapping
+ set textwidth=78
+ " Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
+ set backspace=indent,eol,start
+ " Allow keys to move to next logical line marker at EOL
+ set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,],~
+ " Set folding
+ if has("folding")
+ set foldlevelstart=99
+ set foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ " Indentation settings (explictly)
+ set tabstop=8
+ set shiftwidth=8
+ set noexpandtab
+ " Set minimal length of line numbering
+ set numberwidth=2
+ " Set tab menu 0=never, 1=when more then one, 2=always
+ set showtabline=1
+ " Preferred file formats, ffs
+ set fileformat=unix
+ set fileformats=unix,dos,mac
+ " Show status bar with file name e.t.c.
+ " 0 = never, 1 = if >= 2 window, 2 = always
+ set laststatus=2
+ " Show % of file in status bar
+ if has("cmdline_info")
+ set ruler
+ endif
+ " Vim command line completion lists possible matches
+ set wildmode=list:full
+ " Start with mouse support in all modes
+ set mouse=a
+ " Hide mouse pointer when typing in text
+ set mousehide
+ " Allow split windows to shrink to this size
+ set winminheight=0
+ " Set spell checker language
+ if exists("+spell")
+ set spelllang=en_us,en_gb,de
+ set spell
+ " disable highlighting
+ " XXX see |MAPS| for a mapping to toggle this highlighting
+ set hl+=B:none,P:none,R:none,L:none
+ endif
+ " Show function prototypes when doing ins-completion
+ set showfulltag
+ " Settings for omni completion
+ if exists("+omnifunc")
+ set completeopt=menu
+ set infercase
+ "Enable syntax file based omni completion when no other method is set
+ if has("autocmd")
+ autocmd Filetype *
+ \ if &omnifunc == "" |
+ \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
+ \ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Allow cursor to move virtually in =mode or =onemore past the EOL
+ "set virtualedit=onemore
+ " UNIX: Include system tags file
+ if has("unix")
+ set tags+=~/.vim/systags
+ endif
+ " Enable filetypes and plugins
+ filetype plugin indent on
+ "Enable syntax related features
+ if has("syntax")
+ syntax on
+ endif
+ " Automatically change to directories if possible.
+ if has("netbeans_intg") || has("sun_workshop")
+ set autochdir
+ elseif has("autocmd")
+ " Mimic the autochdir option with a function and an autocmd
+ function! My_Autochdir()
+ exec "cd %:p:h"
+ endfunction
+ autocmd BufEnter * call My_Autochdir()
+ endif
+" !GENERAL }}}
+" *FORMATS* {{{
+" *AUTOCMDS* {{{
+ if has("autocmd")
+" XXX Document based formats
+ " make *.txt dos/win friendly
+ autocmd BufNewFile *.txt set ff=dos
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt call TextFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile *.rtf call RtfFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.rtf call RtfFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.doc call DocFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.pdf call PdfFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.ps call PsFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.dvi call DviFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.outline call My_OutlineMode()
+" XXX Image file based formats
+ autocmd BufRead *.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.tiff,*.bmp,*.gif call ImgFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufRead *.xpm call XImgFileHandler()
+" XXX Code based formats
+ autocmd filetype ada call AdaFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype asm call AsmFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.c,*.h call CFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype css call CSSFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.cc,*.cxx,*.cpp,*.hh,*.hpp,*.hxx call CXXFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.d call DFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.el call ELispFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.html,*.xhtml call HtmlFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype java call JavaFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype javascript call JavaScriptFileHandler()
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.lua call LuaFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype make call MakefileFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype perl call PerlFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype php call PhpFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype python call PythonFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype ruby call RubyFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype scheme call SchemeFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype sh call ShellFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype sql call SqlFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype tex call TexFileHanlder()
+ autocmd filetype nroff call TroffFileHandler()
+ autocmd filetype vim call VimFileHanlder()
+ autocmd filetype vb call VisualBasicFileHandler()
+" XXX for use with other programs
+ autocmd BufNewFIle,BUfRead *.tmp call My_KNodeConfig()
+ endif
+" !AUTOCMDS }}}
+" *HANDLERS* {{{
+ function! PreHandlerHook()
+ setl autoindent
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl spell
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+" XXX Document based formats
+ function! TextFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ " turn off some stuff when viewing Vim help files
+ if &ft == "help"
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl nospell
+ endif
+ endif
+ setl fdm=expr
+ set fo+=tqn
+ set ai
+ " fixes gq from using c-keyword based indentation
+ set cinwords=""
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! RtfFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ let l:prompt = input("View or edit % [yes|no]?: ")
+ if l:prompt=="y" || l:prompt=="yes" || l:prompt=="Y" || l:prompt=="YES"
+ !{abiword "%" || wordpad.exe "%" || kword "%" || swriter "%"} &
+ q
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! DocFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("gui_running") || has("win32")
+ !{abiword "%" || kword "%" || swriter "%"} &
+ q
+ else
+ r!antiword -tf "%s"
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! PdfFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("x11")
+ !{evince "%" || kpdf "%" || xpdf "%"} &
+ q
+ elseif has("win32")
+ !"Foxit Reader.exe" "%" &
+ q
+ else
+ echo "No text dump program setup available...."
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! PsFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ let l:prompt = input("View or edit % [yes|no]?: ")
+ if l:prompt=="y" || l:prompt=="yes" || l:prompt=="Y" || l:prompt=="YES"
+ if has("x11")
+ !{evince "%" || kpdf "%" || xpdf "%"} &
+ q
+ elseif has("win32")
+ echo "Whats the ps viewer?"
+ else
+ echo "No text dump program installed...."
+ endif
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! DviFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ let l:prompt = input("View % in Vim [yes|no]?: ")
+ if l:prompt=="y" || l:prompt=="yes" || l:prompt=="Y" || l:prompt=="YES"
+ " depends on the dvi2tty program
+ !dvi2tty -F'vim -c "setl ro fdl=99" -' "%"
+ q
+ else
+ if has("x11")
+ !{xdvi "%" || kdvi "%" || "%"} &
+ q
+ elseif has("win32")
+ !echo "Go look up how to open DVI on TexLive Win"
+ endif
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+" XXX Image file based formats
+ function! ImgFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("x11")
+ !xv "%" &
+ q
+ elseif has("win32")
+ !\%systemroot\%\system32\rundll32.exe \%systemroot\%\system32\shimgvw.dll,imageview_fullscreen "%" || \%systemroot\%\system32\mspaint.exe "%"
+ q
+ else
+ echo "no external viewer for text mode set...."
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! XImgFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ let l:prompt = input("View or edit % [yes|no]?: ")
+ if l:prompt=="y" || l:prompt=="yes" || l:prompt=="Y" || l:prompt=="YES"
+ if has("x11")
+ !xv "%" &
+ q
+ endif
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+" XXX Code based formats
+ function! AdaFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! AsmFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl nospell
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! CFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=syntax foldcolumn=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ if has("cindent")
+ " modify cindent to understand my switch...case and paren style
+ setl cinoptions+=:2,=2,g2,(0
+ setl cinkeys-=0#
+ endif
+ " highlight GNU Compiler stuff
+ let c_gnu=1
+ " highlight preceding spaces before a tab as an error
+ let c_space_errors=1
+ let c_no_trail_space_error=1
+ " use C syntax in *.h rather then C++ syntax
+ if has("syntax")
+ let c_syntax_for_h=1
+ " allow doxygen highlighting
+ set syntax=c.doxygen
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! CSSFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=5 shiftwidth=5 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! CXXFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=syntax foldcolumn=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ if has("cindent")
+ " modify cindent to understand my switch...case / class member
+ " access specifier / paren styles and not force #directives into
+ " col 1
+ setl cinoptions+=:2,=2,g2,h2,(0,#1
+ setl cinkeys-=0#
+ endif
+ if has("syntax")
+ " allow doxygen highlighting
+ set syntax=cpp.doxygen
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! DFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! ELispFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! HtmlFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("syntax") && &t_Co > 2
+ syntax on
+ colo elflord
+ endif
+ setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ filetype indent on
+ if exists("+omnifunc") " think twice about using this with other langs
+ imap </ </<c-x><c-o>
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! JavaFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl nospell " FUBAR in Java
+ endif
+ " Highlight all identifiers in java.lang.*
+ let java_highlight_java_lang_ids=1
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! JavaScriptFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! LuaFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! MakefileFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! PerlFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ let perl_fold=1
+ let perl_fold_blocks=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! PhpFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ " allow code folding for classes and functions!
+ let php_folding=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ " highlight HTML tags within strings
+ let php_htmlInStrings=1
+ " disable short tags
+ let php_noShortTags=1
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! PythonFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=marker
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ setl keywordprg=pydoc
+ let python_highlight_all=1
+ " slightly smarter indenting for (code\n morecode) situations
+ let g:pyindent_open_paren = '&sw + 1'
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! RubyFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=syntax
+ let ruby_fold=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ filetype indent on
+ setl keywordprg=ri
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! SchemeFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=syntax
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl nospell " FUBAR in Scheme
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! ShellFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ let g:sh_fold_enabled=8
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! SqlFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ " We almost always work with MySQL, so default to it.
+ SQLSetType mysql
+ setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! TexFileHanlder()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("syntax") && &t_Co > 2
+ syntax on
+ colo elflord
+ endif
+ setl fileformat=dos
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ " syntax-based folding of parts, chapters, sections, etc
+ let g:tex_fold_enabled=1
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ " fixes gq from using c-keyword based indentation
+ set cinwords=""
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! TroffFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl nospell " FUBAR in Java
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! VimFileHanlder()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ if has("syntax") && &t_Co > 2
+ syntax on
+ colo elflord
+ endif
+ setl fileformat=unix
+ setl tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=marker
+ endif
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ function! VisualBasicFileHandler()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ "setl fileformat=unix
+ setl matchpairs-=<:>
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+" XXX for use with other programs
+ " Settings for outlining ideas
+ function! My_OutlineMode()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab
+ setl listchars =tab:\|\ " Mark \t's with |'s
+ setl list
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl spell
+ endif
+ setl autoindent
+ if has("smartindent")
+ setl smartindent
+ endif
+ setl showmatch matchtime=3
+ setl matchpairs+=(:),{:},[:],<:>
+ if has("folding")
+ " Fold by tabs
+ "setl foldmethod=expr
+ "setl foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)[0]==\"\\t\"
+ " Fold by braces
+ setl foldmethod=marker
+ setl foldmarker={,}
+ endif
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+ " For the .tmp files created by knode
+ function! My_KNodeConfig()
+ call PreHandlerHook()
+ setl textwidth=0 wrap
+ if exists("+spell")
+ setl spell
+ endif
+ setl autoindent
+ if has('smartindent')
+ smartindent
+ endif
+ if has("folding")
+ setl foldmethod=indent
+ endif
+ set ft=mail
+ call PostHandlerHook()
+ endfunction
+" !HANDLERS }}}
+" !FORMATS }}}
+" *INTERFACE* {{{
+ "set :command line height in lines
+ if has("gui_running")
+ set cmdheight=2
+ else
+ set cmdheight=1
+ endif
+ " GUI: Set options mainly used for for GVim
+ " autoselect, console dialogs, tabpages, icon, menubar, show grey menu
+ " items, tearoff menu items, Toolbar, always right scrollbar.
+ set guioptions=aceimgtTr
+ " Right click menu lists correction options when spell is set
+ set mousemodel=popup_setpos
+ " Make mouse pointer an I-Beam in insert mode like most other programs
+ set mouseshape=i:beam
+ " X11: Specifics for GVim
+ if has("x11")
+ "I love this font!!
+ set guifont=Terminus\ 14
+ "set lines=40
+ "set columns=80
+ " WINDOWS: Specifics for GVim
+ elseif has("win32")
+ set guifont=Fixedsys:h11:cANSI
+ set lines=25
+ set columns=80
+ endif
+ function! SetGuiColo() " {{{ XXX DEPRECIATED
+ if exists("*strftime")
+ let s:random = strftime("%S")
+ else " fall through to the else
+ let s:random = 61
+ endif
+ if s:random < 2
+ colo ron
+ elseif s:random < 4
+ colo candycode
+ elseif s:random < 6
+ colo silent
+ elseif s:random < 8
+ colo default
+ elseif s:random < 12
+ colo denim
+ elseif s:random < 14
+ colo midnight2
+ elseif s:random < 16
+ colo hhazure
+ elseif s:random < 18
+ colo rootwater
+ elseif s:random < 20
+ colo nightshimmer
+ elseif s:random < 22
+ colo murphy
+ elseif s:random < 24
+ colo coffee
+ elseif s:random < 26
+ colo professional
+ elseif s:random < 28
+ colo sf
+ elseif s:random < 30
+ colo my
+ elseif s:random < 32
+ colo vcbc
+ elseif s:random < 34
+ colo gobo
+ elseif s:random < 36
+ colo metacosm
+ elseif s:random < 38
+ colo blackboard
+ elseif s:random < 40
+ colo billw
+ elseif s:random < 42
+ colo dusk
+ elseif s:random < 44
+ colo desert
+ elseif s:random < 46
+ colo evening
+ elseif s:random < 48
+ colo golden
+ elseif s:random < 50
+ colo chela_light
+ elseif s:random < 52
+ colo camo
+ elseif s:random < 54
+ colo developer
+ elseif s:random < 56
+ colo neon
+ elseif s:random < 58
+ colo chlordane
+ elseif s:random < 60
+ colo shine
+ else
+ colo default
+ endif
+ endfunction " }}}
+ function! SetConsoleColo() "{{{ XXX DEPRECIATED
+ " XXX override this for now
+ colo none
+ return
+ if exists("*strftime")
+ let s:random = strftime("%S")
+ else " fall through to the else
+ let s:random = 61
+ endif
+ if s:random < 2
+ colo astronaut
+ elseif s:random < 4
+ colo redblack
+ elseif s:random < 6
+ colo default
+ elseif s:random < 8
+ colo golden
+ elseif s:random < 12
+ colo candycode
+ elseif s:random < 14
+ colo murphy
+ elseif s:random < 16
+ colo my
+ elseif s:random < 18
+ colo c
+ elseif s:random < 20
+ colo elflord
+ elseif s:random < 22
+ colo relaxedgreen
+ elseif s:random < 24
+ colo astronaut
+ elseif s:random < 26
+ colo redblack
+ elseif s:random < 28
+ colo default
+ elseif s:random < 30
+ colo golden
+ elseif s:random < 32
+ colo candycode
+ elseif s:random < 34
+ colo elflord
+ elseif s:random < 36
+ colo c
+ elseif s:random < 38
+ elseif s:random < 40
+ elseif s:random < 42
+ colo relaxedgreen
+ elseif s:random < 44
+ colo redblack
+ elseif s:random < 46
+ colo default
+ elseif s:random < 48
+ colo candycode
+ elseif s:random < 50
+ colo golden
+ elseif s:random < 52
+ colo relaxedgreen
+ elseif s:random < 54
+ colo astronaut
+ elseif s:random < 56
+ colo my
+ elseif s:random < 58
+ colo astronaut
+ elseif s:random < 60
+ colo murphy
+ else
+ colo default
+ endif
+ endfunction " }}}
+ if !has("gui_running")
+ call SetConsoleColo()
+ endif
+" !SETTINGS }}}
+" |BINDS| {{{
+" *FUNCTIONS* {{{
+" XXX: Be sure to add ! to functions and commands in order to overwrite
+" the definitions if this file is resourced after startup.
+" Make current file executable
+function! ChmodScript()
+ silent! execute ":!chmod +x %"
+command! Chmod call ChmodScript()
+" ROT13 encode/decode the current file
+function! ROT13()
+ <esc>ggvGg?
+" *MAPS* {{{
+"""" WARNING !!!
+ " Use ";" as an alias for ":" -> it makes life so much easier
+ nnoremap ; :
+ " show more data when we ask for a line count
+ nnoremap <C-g> <C-g>2<C-g>
+ " clear search highlighting when redrawing the screen
+ nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :nohl<CR><C-l>
+ " Make Escape toggle normal/insert mode -> I don't like this!
+ "nnoremap <silent> <esc> :startinsert<CR>
+ " Combine [s and ]s with z=
+ " (e.g. move to miss spelled word in direction and get suggestions)
+ nnoremap [z [sz=
+ nnoremap ]z ]sz=
+ " toggle spelling highlights on/off
+ nnoremap <leader>Z :set hl&<cr>
+ nnoremap <leader>z :set hl+=B:none,P:none,R:none,L:none<cr>
+ " swap words under cursor with \xp or \gw (where \ = <leader>
+ noremap <silent> <leader>xp "_yiw:s/\(\%#\w\+\)\(\W\+\)\(\w\+\)/\3\2\1/<cr><c-o><c-l>
+ noremap <silent> <leader>gw <leader>xp
+ " Use emacs style movement commands in insert mode
+ " XXX: these redine Vim maps, ctrl-a => useless, ctrl-e => useful
+ "inoremap <c-a> <esc>I
+ "inoremap <c-e> <esc>A
+ " F1 toggles spell checking for this buffer
+ if exists("+spell")
+ inoremap <F1> <esc>:set spell! <bar> set spell?<CR>i
+ nnoremap <F1> <esc>:set spell! <bar> set spell?<CR>
+ endif
+ " F2 toggles line numbers
+ nnoremap <F2> :set number! <bar> set number?<CR>
+ inoremap <F2> <esc>:set number! <bar> set number?<CR>i
+ " F3 turns on auto indentations
+ nnoremap <F3> :set smartindent autoindent<CR>
+ inoremap <F3> <esc>:set smartindent autoindent<CR>i
+ " XXX make this toggle the nerd tree plugin
+ " F5 launches file manager in the current directory
+ nnoremap <F5> :OPEN %:p:h<CR>
+ inoremap <F5> <esc>:OPEN %:p:h<CR>i
+" !KEYS }}}
+" !BINDS }}}
+" *PLUGINS* {{{
+" *Taglist* {{{
+ map <silent><leader>tl :TlistToggle<CR>
+ let g:Tlist_Auto_Open=0
+ let g:Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen=1
+ let g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column=0
+ let g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1
+ let g:Tlist_Display_Prototype=1
+ let g:Tlist_Show_Menu=1
+" !Taglist }}}
+" *NERDTree* {{{
+" !NERDTree }}}
+" !PLUGINS }}}
+""""" *play* {{{
+" Beautify omnicompletion popup
+"highlight Pmenu guifg=white guibg=blue ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue
+" Fold paragraphs
+"if has("folding")
+" set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v:lnum+1)=~'\\S'?'<1':1
+ if exists("*strftime")
+ iabbrev insert_date <c-r>=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")<cr>
+ endif
+ iabbrev teh the
+ iabbrev swtich switch
+""""" !play }}}
--- /dev/null
+" Settings for test script execution
+" Always use "sh", don't use the value of "$SHELL".
+set shell=sh
--- /dev/null
+" matrix.vim - Don Yang (uguu.org)
+" Matrix screensaver for VIM.
+" After loading the script, use :Matrix to start.
+" Press any key a few times to exit.
+" You will need to edit s:mindelay and s:maxdelay below to match your
+" machine speed and window size.
+"Known Issues:
+" Sometimes you need to press keys a few times to exit instead of just
+" once. Press and hold is another way to go... feels like getchar is
+" checking for keypress state instead of keystroke availability.
+" If the window is too small, script will not run. If the window is
+" resized and become too small (less than 8 rows or 10 columns) after
+" the script started, script will abort and *buffers may be lost*, so
+" don't do that. Resizing the window to most other sizes will be fine.
+" Doesn't work if multiple windows exist before script started. In
+" that case the script will abort with error message.
+" If the current buffer is modified, some error messages will appear
+" before the script starts, and an extra window is left behind after
+" the script exits. Workaround: save your buffers first.
+"Other Info:
+" Inspired by cmatrix...
+" Didn't feel inspired enough to start using pico/nano, of course ^_^;
+" 05/13/08 - disable cursorline, cursorcolumn and spell
+" (thanks to Diederick Niehorster for the suggestion).
+" 12/21/06 - multiwindow support by S. Lockwood-Childs.
+" 10/03/05 - added silent! to cursor positioning code to stop drawing
+" numbers during animation (thanks to David Eggum for the
+" suggestion).
+" 10/02/05 - disable showmatch
+" 03/16/05 - make new buffer modifiable before running
+" 01/27/05 - added sleep to consume less CPU
+" removed frame counter
+" 01/26/05 - initial version
+" Speed range, must be positive. Lower delay = faster.
+let s:mindelay = 1
+let s:maxdelay = 5
+" Session file for preserving original window layout
+let s:session_file = tempname()
+function! s:Rand()
+ let b:seed = b:seed * 22695477 + 1
+ if b:seed < 0
+ return -b:seed
+ endif
+ return b:seed
+function! s:CreateObject(i)
+ while 1
+ let b:x{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:columns
+ if b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} > 4
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let b:y{a:i} = 1
+ let b:t{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:s{b:x{a:i}}
+ let b:head{a:i} = s:Rand() % 4
+ let b:len{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:h + 3
+ let b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} = 1 - b:len{a:i}
+function! s:DrawObject(i)
+ let x = b:x{a:i} * 2 + 1
+ let y = b:y{a:i}
+ " Draw head
+ if y <= b:h
+ if b:head{a:i}
+ silent! exec 'norm! :' . y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R' . b:d[s:Rand()%b:dl] . '_' . nr2char(27)
+ if y > 1
+ silent! exec 'norm! kR' . ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
+ endif
+ else
+ let a = ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
+ silent! exec 'norm! :'. y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R' . b:d[s:Rand() % b:dl] . a
+ endif
+ else
+ if b:head{a:i} && y == b:h + 1
+ silent! exec 'norm! :' . b:h . nr2char(13) . (x + 1) . '|R' . ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Draw tail
+ let y = y - b:len{a:i}
+ if 1 <= y && y <= b:h
+ silent! exec 'norm! :'. y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R ' . nr2char(27)
+ endif
+ let b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} = y
+function! s:Animate()
+ let i = 0
+ while i < b:objcount
+ " Animate object
+ if b:t{i} <= 0
+ if b:y{i} - b:len{i} <= b:h
+ " Draw
+ call s:DrawObject(i)
+ let b:t{i} = b:s{b:x{i}}
+ let b:y{i} = b:y{i} + 1
+ else
+ " Regenerate
+ call s:CreateObject(i)
+ endif
+ endif
+ let b:t{i} = b:t{i} - 1
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ redraw
+ if getchar(1)
+ let b:run = 0
+ endif
+ sleep 20m
+function! s:Reset()
+ " Clear screen
+ let b:w = winwidth(0)
+ let b:h = winheight(0)
+ exec 'norm! gg"_dG' . b:h . 'O' . nr2char(27) . 'gg'
+ redraw
+ if b:w < 10 || b:h < 8
+ let b:run = 0
+ return
+ endif
+ " Set number of columns. This is rounded down due to line wrapping
+ " at the last column if the screen width is even. So you end up
+ " seeing the cursor blinking a lot at the right side of the screen.
+ " Alternatively, ':set rl' before running the script to have it
+ " blink on the left side.
+ let b:columns = (b:w - 1) / 2
+ " Initialize columns.
+ let i = 0
+ while i < b:columns
+ " Set delay time. Each column gets the same delay time.
+ let b:s{i} = s:Rand() % (s:maxdelay - s:mindelay) + s:mindelay
+ " Unreserve column
+ let b:reserve{i} = b:h
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ " Initialize objects
+ let b:objcount = b:columns - 2
+ let i = 0
+ while i < b:objcount
+ call s:CreateObject(i)
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+function! s:Init()
+ " Create new buffer and hide the existing buffers. Hiding the
+ " existing buffers without switching to a new buffer preserves
+ " undo history.
+ exec 'mksession! ' . s:session_file
+ let s:num_orig_win = winnr("$")
+ " move to top window, so created window will become window 1,
+ " then attempt to create new window
+ 1 wincmd w
+ silent! new
+ " check that there really is an additional window
+ if winnr("$") != s:num_orig_win + 1
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let s:newbuf = bufnr('%')
+ " close all but window 1, which is the new window
+ only
+ setl bh=delete bt=nofile ma nolist nonu noro noswf tw=0 nowrap
+ " Set GUI options
+ if has('gui')
+ let s:o_gcr = &gcr
+ let s:o_go = &go
+ set gcr=a:ver1-blinkon0 go=
+ endif
+ if has('cmdline_info')
+ let s:o_ru = &ru
+ let s:o_sc = &sc
+ set noru nosc
+ endif
+ if has('title')
+ let s:o_ts = &titlestring
+ exec 'set titlestring=\ '
+ endif
+ if v:version >= 700
+ let s:o_spell = &spell
+ let s:o_cul = &cul
+ let s:o_cuc = &cuc
+ set nospell nocul nocuc
+ endif
+ let s:o_ch = &ch
+ let s:o_ls = &ls
+ let s:o_lz = &lz
+ let s:o_siso = &siso
+ let s:o_sm = &sm
+ let s:o_smd = &smd
+ let s:o_so = &so
+ let s:o_ve = &ve
+ set ch=1 ls=0 lz nosm nosmd siso=0 so=0 ve=all
+ " Initialize PRNG
+ let b:seed = localtime()
+ let b:run = 1
+ " Clear screen and initialize objects
+ call s:Reset()
+ " Set colors. Output looks better if your color scheme has black
+ " background. I would rather not have the script change the
+ " current color scheme since there is no good way to restore them
+ " afterwards.
+ hi MatrixHidden ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Black guifg=#000000 guibg=#000000
+ hi MatrixNormal ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=Black guifg=#008000 guibg=#000000
+ hi MatrixBold ctermfg=LightGreen ctermbg=Black guifg=#00ff00 guibg=#000000
+ hi MatrixHead ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000
+ sy match MatrixNormal /^.*/ contains=MatrixHidden
+ sy match MatrixHidden contained /.`/ contains=MatrixBold
+ sy match MatrixHidden contained /._/ contains=MatrixHead
+ sy match MatrixBold contained /.\(`\)\@=/
+ sy match MatrixHead contained /.\(_\)\@=/
+ " Create random char dictionary
+ let b:d = ''
+ let i = 33
+ while i < 127
+ if i != 95 && i != 96
+ let b:d = b:d . nr2char(i)
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ let b:dl = strlen(b:d)
+ return 0
+function! s:Cleanup()
+ " Restore options
+ if has('gui')
+ let &gcr = s:o_gcr
+ let &go = s:o_go
+ unlet s:o_gcr s:o_go
+ endif
+ if has('cmdline_info')
+ let &ru = s:o_ru
+ let &sc = s:o_sc
+ unlet s:o_ru s:o_sc
+ endif
+ if has('title')
+ let &titlestring = s:o_ts
+ unlet s:o_ts
+ endif
+ if v:version >= 700
+ let &spell = s:o_spell
+ let &cul = s:o_cul
+ let &cuc = s:o_cuc
+ unlet s:o_cul s:o_cuc
+ endif
+ let &ch = s:o_ch
+ let &ls = s:o_ls
+ let &lz = s:o_lz
+ let &siso = s:o_siso
+ let &sm = s:o_sm
+ let &smd = s:o_smd
+ let &so = s:o_so
+ let &ve = s:o_ve
+ unlet s:o_ch s:o_ls s:o_lz s:o_siso s:o_sm s:o_smd s:o_so s:o_ve
+ " Restore old buffers
+ exec 'source ' . s:session_file
+ exec 'bwipe ' . s:newbuf
+ unlet s:newbuf
+ " Clear keystroke
+ let c = getchar(0)
+function! Matrix()
+ if s:Init()
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echon 'Can not create window'
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ while b:run
+ if b:w != winwidth(0) || b:h != winheight(0)
+ call s:Reset()
+ else
+ call s:Animate()
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ call s:Cleanup()
+if !has('virtualedit') || !has('windows') || !has('syntax')
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echon 'Not enough features, need at least +virtualedit, +windows and +syntax'
+ echohl None
+ command! Matrix call Matrix()
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" BZR extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandBZRExec
+" This variable specifies the BZR executable. If not set, it defaults to
+" 'bzr' executed from the user's executable path.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandBZRExec', 'bzr'))
+ " BZR is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:bzrFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke bzr suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandBZRExec', 'bzr'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the BZR executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'BZR'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ else
+ throw 'BZR VCSCommand plugin called on non-BZR item.'
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+ let l:save_bzr_log=$BZR_LOG
+ try
+ let $BZR_LOG=has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16") ? "nul" : "/dev/null"
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' info -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ finally
+ let $BZR_LOG=l:save_bzr_log
+ endtry
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ endif
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'BZRannotate'
+ " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+ let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+')
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = ''
+ let options = ''
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let caption = a:argList[0]
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let options = ' ' . caption
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('blame' . options, 'annotate', caption, {})
+ if resultBuffer > 0
+ normal 1G2dd
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ if resultBuffer == 0
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endif
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['rm'] + a:argList, ' '), 'rm', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revOptions = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, '..')]
+ let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')'
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let revOptions = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {'allowNonZeroExit': 1})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository]
+function! s:bzrFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(originalBuffer))
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status -S -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ let revision = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' revno -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return []
+ endif
+ " File not under BZR control.
+ if statusText =~ '^?'
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let [flags, repository] = matchlist(statusText, '^\(.\{3}\)\s\+\(\S\+\)')[1:2]
+ if revision == ''
+ " Error
+ return ['Unknown']
+ elseif flags =~ '^A'
+ return ['New', 'New']
+ else
+ return [revision, repository]
+ endif
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Info(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Info(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['version-info'] + a:argList, ' '), 'version-info', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Lock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Lock(argList)
+ echomsg 'bzr lock is not necessary'
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Log(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let options = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = options[0]
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['log', '-v'] + options), 'log', caption, {})
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let versiontag = '(current)'
+ let versionOption = ''
+ else
+ let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+ let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Status(argList)
+ let options = ['-S']
+ if len(a:argList) != 0
+ let options = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + options, ' '), 'status', join(options, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Unlock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Unlock(argList)
+ echomsg 'bzr unlock is not necessary'
+" Function: s:bzrFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:bzrFunctions.Update(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '', {})
+" Annotate setting {{{2
+let s:bzrFunctions.AnnotateSplitRegex = '^[^|]\+ | '
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('BZR', expand('<sfile>'), s:bzrFunctions, [])
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" Vim plugin to assist in working with files under control of various Version
+" Control Systems, such as CVS, SVN, SVK, and git.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Provides functions to invoke various source control commands on the current
+" file (either the current buffer, or, in the case of an directory buffer, the
+" directory and all subdirectories associated with the current buffer). The
+" output of the commands is captured in a new scratch window.
+" This plugin needs additional extension plugins, each specific to a source
+" control system, to function. Several options include the name of the
+" version control system in the option name. Such options use the placeholder
+" text '{VCSType}', which would be replaced in actual usage with 'CVS' or
+" 'SVN', for instance.
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" VCSAdd Adds the current file to source control.
+" VCSAnnotate[!] Displays the current file with each line annotated with the
+" version in which it was most recently changed. If an
+" argument is given, the argument is used as a revision
+" number to display. If not given an argument, it uses the
+" most recent version of the file on the current branch.
+" Additionally, if the current buffer is a VCSAnnotate buffer
+" already, the version number on the current line is used.
+" If '!' is used, the view of the annotated buffer is split
+" so that the annotation is in a separate window from the
+" content, and each is highlighted separately.
+" VCSBlame Alias for 'VCSAnnotate'.
+" VCSCommit[!] Commits changes to the current file to source control.
+" If called with arguments, the arguments are the log message.
+" If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
+" If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.
+" The first step opens a buffer to accept a log message.
+" When that buffer is written, it is automatically closed and
+" the file is committed using the information from that log
+" message. The commit can be abandoned if the log message
+" buffer is deleted or wiped before being written.
+" VCSDelete Deletes the current file and removes it from source control.
+" VCSDiff With no arguments, this displays the differences between
+" the current file and its parent version under source
+" control in a new scratch buffer.
+" With one argument, the diff is performed on the
+" current file against the specified revision.
+" With two arguments, the diff is performed between the
+" specified revisions of the current file.
+" This command uses the 'VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt' variable
+" to specify diff options. If that variable does not exist,
+" a plugin-specific default is used. If you wish to have no
+" options, then set it to the empty string.
+" VCSGotoOriginal Jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a VCS
+" scratch buffer. If VCSGotoOriginal[!] is used, remove all
+" VCS scratch buffers associated with the original file.
+" VCSInfo Displays extended information about the current file in a
+" new scratch buffer.
+" VCSLock Locks the current file in order to prevent other users from
+" concurrently modifying it. The exact semantics of this
+" command depend on the underlying VCS.
+" VCSLog Displays the version history of the current file in a new
+" scratch buffer.
+" VCSRemove Alias for 'VCSDelete'.
+" VCSRevert Replaces the modified version of the current file with the
+" most recent version from the repository.
+" VCSReview Displays a particular version of the current file in a new
+" scratch buffer. If no argument is given, the most recent
+" version of the file on the current branch is retrieved.
+" VCSStatus Displays versioning information about the current file in a
+" new scratch buffer.
+" VCSUnlock Unlocks the current file in order to allow other users from
+" concurrently modifying it. The exact semantics of this
+" command depend on the underlying VCS.
+" VCSUpdate Updates the current file with any relevant changes from the
+" repository.
+" VCSVimDiff Uses vimdiff to display differences between versions of the
+" current file.
+" If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the
+" file on the current branch is used. With one argument,
+" that argument is used as the revision as above. With two
+" arguments, the differences between the two revisions is
+" displayed using vimdiff.
+" With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is
+" used to perform the vimdiff. When the scratch buffer is
+" closed, the original buffer will be returned to normal
+" mode.
+" Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods,
+" additional vimdiff buffers may be added by passing a single
+" version argument to the command. There may be up to 4
+" vimdiff buffers total.
+" Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff
+" to only those 2 versions. Additionally, invoking the
+" command on a different file will close the previous vimdiff
+" buffers.
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command. User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nmap ,ca <Plug>VCSAdd
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+" <Leader>ca VCSAdd
+" <Leader>cn VCSAnnotate
+" <Leader>cN VCSAnnotate!
+" <Leader>cc VCSCommit
+" <Leader>cD VCSDelete
+" <Leader>cd VCSDiff
+" <Leader>cg VCSGotoOriginal
+" <Leader>cG VCSGotoOriginal!
+" <Leader>ci VCSInfo
+" <Leader>cl VCSLog
+" <Leader>cL VCSLock
+" <Leader>cr VCSReview
+" <Leader>cs VCSStatus
+" <Leader>cu VCSUpdate
+" <Leader>cU VCSUnlock
+" <Leader>cv VCSVimDiff
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" Several variables are checked by the script to determine behavior as follow:
+" VCSCommandCommitOnWrite
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending commit to
+" take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written. If
+" set to zero, only the VCSCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
+" occur. If not set, it defaults to 1.
+" VCSCommandDeleteOnHide
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary VCS result
+" buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+" VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt
+" This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command
+" of the underlying VCS. Each VCS plugin defines a default value.
+" VCSCommandDiffSplit
+" This variable overrides the VCSCommandSplit variable, but only for buffers
+" created with VCSVimDiff.
+" VCSCommandDisableAll
+" This variable, if set, prevents the plugin or any extensions from loading
+" at all. This is useful when a single runtime distribution is used on
+" multiple systems with varying versions.
+" VCSCommandDisableMappings
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command
+" mappings from being set.
+" VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command
+" mappings from being set for commands specific to an individual VCS.
+" VCSCommandDisableMenu
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, prevents the default command
+" menu from being set.
+" VCSCommandEdit
+" This variable controls whether to split the current window to display a
+" scratch buffer ('split'), or to display it in the current buffer ('edit').
+" If not set, it defaults to 'split'.
+" VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+" This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates VCS buffer management
+" mode. This mode means that the buffer variable 'VCSRevision' is set if
+" the file is VCS-controlled. This is useful for displaying version
+" information in the status bar. Additional options may be set by
+" individual VCS plugins.
+" VCSCommandMappings
+" This variable, if set, overrides the default mappings used for shortcuts.
+" It should be a List of 2-element Lists, each containing a shortcut and
+" function name pair.
+" VCSCommandMapPrefix
+" This variable, if set, overrides the default mapping prefix ('<Leader>c').
+" This allows customization of the mapping space used by the vcscommand
+" shortcuts.
+" VCSCommandMenuPriority
+" This variable, if set, overrides the default menu priority '' (empty)
+" VCSCommandMenuRoot
+" This variable, if set, overrides the default menu root 'Plugin.VCS'
+" VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension
+" This variable, if set to a non-blank value, is appended to the name of the
+" VCS command output buffers. For example, '.vcs'. Using this option may
+" help avoid problems caused by autocommands dependent on file extension.
+" VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction
+" This variable, if set, specifies a custom function for naming VCS command
+" output buffers. This function will be passed the following arguments:
+" command - name of the VCS command being executed (such as 'Log' or
+" 'Diff').
+" originalBuffer - buffer number of the source file.
+" vcsType - type of VCS controlling this file (such as 'CVS' or 'SVN').
+" statusText - extra text associated with the VCS action (such as version
+" numbers).
+" VCSCommandSplit
+" This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+" may occur (such as with VCSVimDiff, when using a VCS command on a VCS
+" command buffer, or when the 'VCSCommandEdit' variable is set to 'split'.
+" If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+" one another. If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+" side-by-side. If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+" VCSVimDiff windows.
+" VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride
+" This variable allows the VCS type detection to be overridden on a
+" path-by-path basis. The value of this variable is expected to be a List
+" of Lists. Each high-level List item is a List containing two elements.
+" The first element is a regular expression that will be matched against the
+" full file name of a given buffer. If it matches, the second element will
+" be used as the VCS type.
+" Event documentation {{{2
+" For additional customization, VCSCommand.vim uses User event autocommand
+" hooks. Each event is in the VCSCommand group, and different patterns
+" match the various hooks.
+" For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+" mapping to quit a VCS scratch buffer:
+" augroup VCSCommand
+" au VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr>
+" augroup END
+" The following hooks are available:
+" VCSBufferCreated This event is fired just after a VCS command
+" output buffer is created. It is executed
+" within the context of the new buffer.
+" VCSBufferSetup This event is fired just after VCS buffer setup
+" occurs, if enabled.
+" VCSPluginInit This event is fired when the VCSCommand plugin
+" first loads.
+" VCSPluginFinish This event is fired just after the VCSCommand
+" plugin loads.
+" VCSVimDiffFinish This event is fired just after the VCSVimDiff
+" command executes to allow customization of,
+" for instance, window placement and focus.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+" loaded_VCSCommand is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it
+" completes. This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after
+" system initialization.
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if exists('loaded_VCSCommand')
+ finish
+let loaded_VCSCommand = 1
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Event group setup {{{1
+augroup VCSCommand
+augroup END
+augroup VCSCommandCommit
+augroup END
+" Section: Plugin initialization {{{1
+silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginInit
+" Section: Constants declaration {{{1
+" Section: Script variable initialization {{{1
+" Hidden functions for use by extensions
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = {}
+" plugin-specific information: {vcs -> [script, {command -> function}, {key -> mapping}]}
+let s:plugins = {}
+" temporary values of overridden configuration variables
+let s:optionOverrides = {}
+" state flag used to vary behavior of certain automated actions
+let s:isEditFileRunning = 0
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:ReportError(mapping) {{{2
+" Displays the given error in a consistent faction. This is intended to be
+" invoked from a catch statement.
+function! s:ReportError(error)
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand: ' . a:error|echohl None
+" Function: s:VCSCommandUtility.system(...) {{{2
+" Replacement for system() function. This version protects the quoting in the
+" command line on Windows systems.
+function! s:VCSCommandUtility.system(...)
+ if (has("win32") || has("win64")) && &sxq !~ '"'
+ let save_sxq = &sxq
+ set sxq=\"
+ endif
+ try
+ return call('system', a:000)
+ finally
+ if exists("save_sxq")
+ let &sxq = save_sxq
+ endif
+ endtry
+" Function: s:VCSCommandUtility.addMenuItem(shortcut, command) {{{2
+" Adds the given menu item.
+function! s:VCSCommandUtility.addMenuItem(shortcut, command)
+ if s:menuEnabled
+ exe 'amenu <silent> '.s:menuPriority.' '.s:menuRoot.'.'.a:shortcut.' '.a:command
+ endif
+" Function: s:ClearMenu() {{{2
+" Removes all VCSCommand menu items
+function! s:ClearMenu()
+ if s:menuEnabled
+ execute 'aunmenu' s:menuRoot
+ endif
+" Function: s:CreateMapping(shortcut, expansion, display) {{{2
+" Creates the given mapping by prepending the contents of
+" 'VCSCommandMapPrefix' (by default '<Leader>c') to the given shortcut and
+" mapping it to the given plugin function. If a mapping exists for the
+" specified shortcut + prefix, emit an error but continue. If a mapping
+" exists for the specified function, do nothing.
+function! s:CreateMapping(shortcut, expansion, display)
+ let lhs = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandMapPrefix', '<Leader>c') . a:shortcut
+ if !hasmapto(a:expansion)
+ try
+ execute 'nmap <silent> <unique>' lhs a:expansion
+ catch /^Vim(.*):E227:/
+ if(&verbose != 0)
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand: mapping ''' . lhs . ''' already exists, refusing to overwrite. The mapping for ' . a:display . ' will not be available.'|echohl None
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endif
+" Function: s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping) {{{2
+" Invokes the appropriate extension mapping depending on the type of the
+" current buffer.
+function! s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping)
+ let buffer = bufnr('%')
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer)
+ if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+ throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:plugins[vcsType][2], a:mapping)
+ throw 'This extended mapping is not defined for ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ silent execute 'normal' ':' . s:plugins[vcsType][2][a:mapping] . "\<CR>"
+" Function: s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, argList) {{{2
+" Calls the indicated plugin-specific VCS command on the current buffer.
+" Returns: buffer number of resulting output scratch buffer, or -1 if an error
+" occurs.
+function! s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, argList)
+ try
+ let buffer = bufnr('%')
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer)
+ if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+ throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(buffer)
+ let bufferName = bufname(originalBuffer)
+ " It is already known that the directory is under VCS control. No further
+ " checks are needed. Otherwise, perform some basic sanity checks to avoid
+ " VCS-specific error messages from confusing things.
+ if !isdirectory(bufferName)
+ if !filereadable(bufferName)
+ throw 'No such file ' . bufferName
+ endif
+ endif
+ let functionMap = s:plugins[vcsType][1]
+ if !has_key(functionMap, a:command)
+ throw 'Command ''' . a:command . ''' not implemented for ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ return functionMap[a:command](a:argList)
+ catch
+ call s:ReportError(v:exception)
+ return -1
+ endtry
+" Function: s:GenerateResultBufferName(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) {{{2
+" Default method of generating the name for VCS result buffers. This can be
+" overridden with the VCSResultBufferNameFunction variable.
+function! s:GenerateResultBufferName(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText)
+ let fileName = bufname(a:originalBuffer)
+ let bufferName = a:vcsType . ' ' . a:command
+ if strlen(a:statusText) > 0
+ let bufferName .= ' ' . a:statusText
+ endif
+ let bufferName .= ' ' . fileName
+ let counter = 0
+ let versionedBufferName = bufferName
+ while bufexists(versionedBufferName)
+ let counter += 1
+ let versionedBufferName = bufferName . ' (' . counter . ')'
+ endwhile
+ return versionedBufferName
+" Function: s:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText) {{{2
+" Method of generating the name for VCS result buffers that uses the original
+" file name with the VCS type and command appended as extensions.
+function! s:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension(command, originalBuffer, vcsType, statusText)
+ let fileName = bufname(a:originalBuffer)
+ let bufferName = a:vcsType . ' ' . a:command
+ if strlen(a:statusText) > 0
+ let bufferName .= ' ' . a:statusText
+ endif
+ let bufferName .= ' ' . fileName . VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension', '.vcs')
+ let counter = 0
+ let versionedBufferName = bufferName
+ while bufexists(versionedBufferName)
+ let counter += 1
+ let versionedBufferName = '(' . counter . ') ' . bufferName
+ endwhile
+ return versionedBufferName
+" Function: s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText) {{{2
+" Creates a new buffer of the given name and associates it with the given
+" original buffer.
+function! s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText)
+ let vcsType = getbufvar(a:originalBuffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType')
+ " Protect against useless buffer set-up
+ let s:isEditFileRunning += 1
+ try
+ let editCommand = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split')
+ if editCommand == 'split'
+ if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'horizontal') == 'horizontal'
+ rightbelow split
+ else
+ vert rightbelow split
+ endif
+ endif
+ enew
+ call s:SetupScratchBuffer(a:command, vcsType, a:originalBuffer, a:statusText)
+ finally
+ let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1
+ endtry
+" Function: s:SetupScratchBuffer(command, vcsType, originalBuffer, statusText) {{{2
+" Creates convenience buffer variables and the name of a vcscommand result
+" buffer.
+function! s:SetupScratchBuffer(command, vcsType, originalBuffer, statusText)
+ let nameExtension = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameExtension', '')
+ if nameExtension == ''
+ let nameFunction = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction', 's:GenerateResultBufferName')
+ else
+ let nameFunction = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandResultBufferNameFunction', 's:GenerateResultBufferNameWithExtension')
+ endif
+ let name = call(nameFunction, [a:command, a:originalBuffer, a:vcsType, a:statusText])
+ let b:VCSCommandCommand = a:command
+ let b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer = a:originalBuffer
+ let b:VCSCommandSourceFile = bufname(a:originalBuffer)
+ let b:VCSCommandVCSType = a:vcsType
+ if a:statusText != ''
+ let b:VCSCommandStatusText = a:statusText
+ endif
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ let &filetype = tolower(a:vcsType . a:command)
+ if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDeleteOnHide', 0)
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ endif
+ silent noautocmd file `=name`
+" Function: s:SetupBuffer() {{{2
+" Attempts to set the b:VCSCommandBufferInfo variable
+function! s:SetupBuffer()
+ if (exists('b:VCSCommandBufferSetup') && b:VCSCommandBufferSetup)
+ " This buffer is already set up.
+ return
+ endif
+ if !isdirectory(@%) && (strlen(&buftype) > 0 || !filereadable(@%))
+ " No special status for special buffers other than directory buffers.
+ return
+ endif
+ if !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0) || s:isEditFileRunning > 0
+ unlet! b:VCSCommandBufferSetup
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+ let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = s:plugins[vcsType][1].GetBufferInfo()
+ silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferSetup
+ catch /No suitable plugin/
+ " This is not a VCS-controlled file.
+ let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = []
+ endtry
+ let b:VCSCommandBufferSetup = 1
+" Function: s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer) {{{2
+" Resets the buffer setup state of the original buffer for a given VCS scratch
+" buffer.
+" Returns: The VCS buffer number in a passthrough mode.
+function! s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer)
+ checktime
+ if a:buffer > 0
+ let origBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(a:buffer)
+ " This should never not work, but I'm paranoid
+ if origBuffer != a:buffer
+ call setbufvar(origBuffer, 'VCSCommandBufferSetup', 0)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return a:buffer
+" Function: s:OverrideOption(option, [value]) {{{2
+" Provides a temporary override for the given VCS option. If no value is
+" passed, the override is disabled.
+function! s:OverrideOption(option, ...)
+ if a:0 == 0
+ call remove(s:optionOverrides[a:option], -1)
+ else
+ if !has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:option)
+ let s:optionOverrides[a:option] = []
+ endif
+ call add(s:optionOverrides[a:option], a:1)
+ endif
+" Function: s:WipeoutCommandBuffers() {{{2
+" Clears all current VCS output buffers of the specified type for a given source.
+function! s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(originalBuffer, VCSCommand)
+ let buffer = 1
+ while buffer <= bufnr('$')
+ if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == a:originalBuffer
+ if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandCommand') == a:VCSCommand
+ execute 'bw' buffer
+ endif
+ endif
+ let buffer = buffer + 1
+ endwhile
+" Function: s:VimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff) {{{2
+" Checks whether the given buffer is one whose deletion should trigger
+" restoration of an original buffer after it was diffed. If so, it executes
+" the appropriate setting command stored with that original buffer.
+function! s:VimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff)
+ let s:isEditFileRunning += 1
+ try
+ if exists('t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer')
+ if a:vimDiffBuff == t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer
+ " Original file is being removed.
+ unlet! t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer
+ unlet! t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd
+ unlet! t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList
+ else
+ let index = index(t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList, a:vimDiffBuff)
+ if index >= 0
+ call remove(t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList, index)
+ if len(t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList) == 0
+ if exists('t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd')
+ " All scratch buffers are gone, reset the original.
+ " Only restore if the source buffer is still in Diff mode
+ let sourceWinNR = bufwinnr(t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer)
+ if sourceWinNR != -1
+ " The buffer is visible in at least one window
+ let currentWinNR = winnr()
+ while winbufnr(sourceWinNR) != -1
+ if winbufnr(sourceWinNR) == t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer
+ execute sourceWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+ if getwinvar(0, '&diff')
+ execute t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd
+ endif
+ endif
+ let sourceWinNR = sourceWinNR + 1
+ endwhile
+ execute currentWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+ else
+ " The buffer is hidden. It must be visible in order to set the
+ " diff option.
+ let currentBufNR = bufnr('')
+ execute 'hide buffer' t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer
+ if getwinvar(0, '&diff')
+ execute t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd
+ endif
+ execute 'hide buffer' currentBufNR
+ endif
+ unlet t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd
+ endif
+ " All buffers are gone.
+ unlet t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer
+ unlet t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ finally
+ let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1
+ endtry
+" Section: Generic VCS command functions {{{1
+" Function: s:VCSAnnotate(...) {{{2
+function! s:VCSAnnotate(bang, ...)
+ try
+ let line = line('.')
+ let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(currentBuffer)
+ let annotateBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Annotate', a:000)
+ if annotateBuffer == -1
+ return -1
+ endif
+ if a:bang == '!' && VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableSplitAnnotate', 0) == 0
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(annotateBuffer)
+ let functionMap = s:plugins[vcsType][1]
+ let splitRegex = ''
+ if has_key(s:plugins[vcsType][1], 'AnnotateSplitRegex')
+ let splitRegex = s:plugins[vcsType][1]['AnnotateSplitRegex']
+ endif
+ let splitRegex = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommand' . vcsType . 'AnnotateSplitRegex', splitRegex)
+ if splitRegex == ''
+ return annotateBuffer
+ endif
+ let originalFileType = getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&ft')
+ let annotateFileType = getbufvar(annotateBuffer, '&ft')
+ execute "normal 0zR\<c-v>G/" . splitRegex . "/e\<cr>d"
+ call setbufvar('%', '&filetype', getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&filetype'))
+ set scrollbind
+ leftabove vert new
+ normal 0P
+ execute "normal" . col('$') . "\<c-w>|"
+ call s:SetupScratchBuffer('annotate', vcsType, originalBuffer, 'header')
+ wincmd l
+ endif
+ if currentBuffer == originalBuffer
+ " Starting from the original source buffer, so the
+ " current line is relevant.
+ if a:0 == 0
+ " No argument list means that we're annotating
+ " the current version, so jumping to the same
+ " line is the expected action.
+ execute "normal" line . 'G'
+ if has('folding')
+ " The execution of the buffer created autocommand
+ " re-folds the buffer. Display the current line
+ " unfolded.
+ normal zv
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return annotateBuffer
+ catch
+ call s:ReportError(v:exception)
+ return -1
+ endtry
+" Function: s:VCSCommit() {{{2
+function! s:VCSCommit(bang, message)
+ try
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+ if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+ throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ " Handle the commit message being specified. If a message is supplied, it
+ " is used; if bang is supplied, an empty message is used; otherwise, the
+ " user is provided a buffer from which to edit the commit message.
+ if strlen(a:message) > 0 || a:bang == '!'
+ return s:VCSFinishCommit([a:message], originalBuffer)
+ endif
+ call s:EditFile('commitlog', originalBuffer, '')
+ setlocal ft=vcscommit
+ " Create a commit mapping.
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>VCSCommit :call <SID>VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()<CR>
+ silent 0put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+ silent put ='VCS: Please enter log message. Lines beginning with ''VCS:'' are removed automatically.'
+ silent put ='VCS: To finish the commit, Type <leader>cc (or your own <Plug>VCSCommit mapping)'
+ if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCommitOnWrite', 1) == 1
+ setlocal buftype=acwrite
+ au VCSCommandCommit BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()
+ silent put ='VCS: or write this buffer'
+ endif
+ silent put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+ $
+ setlocal nomodified
+ silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated
+ catch
+ call s:ReportError(v:exception)
+ return -1
+ endtry
+" Function: s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() {{{2
+" Wrapper for s:VCSFinishCommit which is called only from a commit log buffer
+" which removes all lines starting with 'VCS:'.
+function! s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()
+ setlocal nomodified
+ let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
+ let logMessageList = getbufline('%', 1, '$')
+ call filter(logMessageList, 'v:val !~ ''^\s*VCS:''')
+ let resultBuffer = s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer)
+ if resultBuffer >= 0
+ execute 'bw' currentBuffer
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer) {{{2
+function! s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer)
+ let messageFileName = tempname()
+ call writefile(a:logMessageList, messageFileName)
+ try
+ let resultBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Commit', [messageFileName])
+ if resultBuffer < 0
+ return resultBuffer
+ endif
+ return s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(resultBuffer)
+ finally
+ call delete(messageFileName)
+ endtry
+" Function: s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang) {{{2
+function! s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang)
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ if originalBuffer > 0
+ let origWinNR = bufwinnr(originalBuffer)
+ if origWinNR == -1
+ execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
+ else
+ execute origWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ if a:bang == '!'
+ let buffnr = 1
+ let buffmaxnr = bufnr('$')
+ while buffnr <= buffmaxnr
+ if getbufvar(buffnr, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == originalBuffer
+ execute 'bw' buffnr
+ endif
+ let buffnr = buffnr + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+function! s:VCSDiff(...) "{{{2
+ let resultBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Diff', a:000)
+ if resultBuffer > 0
+ let &filetype = 'diff'
+ elseif resultBuffer == 0
+ echomsg 'No differences found'
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+function! s:VCSReview(...) "{{{2
+ let resultBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Review', a:000)
+ if resultBuffer > 0
+ let &filetype = getbufvar(b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer, '&filetype')
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:VCSVimDiff(...) {{{2
+function! s:VCSVimDiff(...)
+ try
+ let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+ if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+ throw 'Unknown VCS type: ' . vcsType
+ endif
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning + 1
+ try
+ " If there's already a VimDiff'ed window, restore it.
+ " There may only be one VCSVimDiff original window at a time.
+ if exists('t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer') && t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer != originalBuffer
+ " Clear the existing vimdiff setup by removing the result buffers.
+ call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+ endif
+ let orientation = &diffopt =~ 'horizontal' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
+ let orientation = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', orientation)
+ let orientation = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDiffSplit', orientation)
+ " Split and diff
+ if(a:0 == 2)
+ " Reset the vimdiff system, as 2 explicit versions were provided.
+ if exists('t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer')
+ call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:VCSReview(a:1)
+ if resultBuffer < 0
+ echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1
+ return resultBuffer
+ endif
+ let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+ diffthis
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer]
+ " If no split method is defined, cheat, and set it to vertical.
+ try
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', orientation)
+ let resultBuffer = s:VCSReview(a:2)
+ finally
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit')
+ endtry
+ if resultBuffer < 0
+ echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1
+ return resultBuffer
+ endif
+ let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+ diffthis
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer]
+ else
+ " Add new buffer
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split')
+ try
+ " Force splitting behavior, otherwise why use vimdiff?
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', orientation)
+ try
+ if(a:0 == 0)
+ let resultBuffer = s:VCSReview()
+ else
+ let resultBuffer = s:VCSReview(a:1)
+ endif
+ finally
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit')
+ endtry
+ finally
+ call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit')
+ endtry
+ if resultBuffer < 0
+ echomsg 'Can''t open current revision'
+ return resultBuffer
+ endif
+ let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+ diffthis
+ if !exists('t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer')
+ " New instance of vimdiff.
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer]
+ " This could have been invoked on a VCS result buffer, not the
+ " original buffer.
+ wincmd W
+ execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
+ " Store info for later original buffer restore
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffRestoreCmd =
+ \ 'call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&diff'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&diff').')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldcolumn'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldcolumn').')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldenable'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldenable').')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldmethod'', '''.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldmethod').''')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldlevel'', '''.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldlevel').''')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&scrollbind'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&scrollbind').')'
+ \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&wrap'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&wrap').')'
+ \ . '|if &foldmethod==''manual''|execute ''normal zE''|endif'
+ diffthis
+ wincmd w
+ else
+ " Adding a window to an existing vimdiff
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer]
+ endif
+ endif
+ let t:vcsCommandVimDiffSourceBuffer = originalBuffer
+ " Avoid executing the modeline in the current buffer after the autocommand.
+ let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
+ let saveModeline = getbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline')
+ try
+ call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', 0)
+ silent do VCSCommand User VCSVimDiffFinish
+ finally
+ call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', saveModeline)
+ endtry
+ return resultBuffer
+ finally
+ let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning - 1
+ endtry
+ catch
+ call s:ReportError(v:exception)
+ return -1
+ endtry
+" Section: Public functions {{{1
+" Function: VCSCommandGetVCSType() {{{2
+" Sets the b:VCSCommandVCSType variable in the given buffer to the
+" appropriate source control system name.
+" This uses the Identify extension function to test the buffer. If the
+" Identify function returns VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT, the match is considered
+" exact. If the Identify function returns VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_INEXACT, the
+" match is considered inexact, and is only applied if no exact match is found.
+" Multiple inexact matches is currently considered an error.
+function! VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer)
+ let vcsType = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType')
+ if strlen(vcsType) > 0
+ return vcsType
+ endif
+ if exists("g:VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride")
+ let fullpath = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
+ for [path, vcsType] in g:VCSCommandVCSTypeOverride
+ if match(fullpath, path) > -1
+ call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType', vcsType)
+ return vcsType
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let matches = []
+ for vcsType in keys(s:plugins)
+ let identified = s:plugins[vcsType][1].Identify(a:buffer)
+ if identified
+ if identified == g:VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT
+ let matches = [vcsType]
+ break
+ else
+ let matches += [vcsType]
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(matches) == 1
+ call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType', matches[0])
+ return matches[0]
+ elseif len(matches) == 0
+ throw 'No suitable plugin'
+ else
+ throw 'Too many matching VCS: ' . join(matches)
+ endif
+" Function: VCSCommandChdir(directory) {{{2
+" Changes the current directory, respecting :lcd changes.
+function! VCSCommandChdir(directory)
+ let command = 'cd'
+ if exists("*haslocaldir") && haslocaldir()
+ let command = 'lcd'
+ endif
+ execute command escape(a:directory, ' ')
+" Function: VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir() {{{2
+" Go to the directory in which the given file is located.
+function! VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+ let oldCwd = getcwd()
+ let newCwd = fnamemodify(resolve(a:fileName), ':p:h')
+ if strlen(newCwd) > 0
+ call VCSCommandChdir(newCwd)
+ endif
+ return oldCwd
+" Function: VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer) {{{2
+" Attempts to locate the original file to which VCS operations were applied
+" for a given buffer.
+function! VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer)
+ let origBuffer = getbufvar(a:vcsBuffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer')
+ if origBuffer
+ if bufexists(origBuffer)
+ return origBuffer
+ else
+ " Original buffer no longer exists.
+ throw 'Original buffer for this VCS buffer no longer exists.'
+ endif
+ else
+ " No original buffer
+ return a:vcsBuffer
+ endif
+" Function: VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, file, commandMap) {{{2
+" Allows VCS modules to register themselves.
+function! VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, path, commandMap, mappingMap)
+ let s:plugins[a:name] = [a:path, a:commandMap, a:mappingMap]
+ if !empty(a:mappingMap)
+ \ && !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableMappings', 0)
+ \ && !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableExtensionMappings', 0)
+ for shortcut in keys(a:mappingMap)
+ let expansion = ":call <SID>ExecuteExtensionMapping('" . shortcut . "')<CR>"
+ call s:CreateMapping(shortcut, expansion, a:name . " extension mapping " . shortcut)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return s:VCSCommandUtility
+" Function: VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, [options]) {{{2
+" General skeleton for VCS function execution. The given command is executed
+" after appending the current buffer name (or substituting it for
+" <VCSCOMMANDFILE>, if such a token is present). The output is captured in a
+" new buffer.
+" The optional 'options' Dictionary may contain the following options:
+" allowNonZeroExit: if non-zero, if the underlying VCS command has a
+" non-zero exit status, the command is still considered
+" successfuly. This defaults to zero.
+" Returns: name of the new command buffer containing the command results
+function! VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ let allowNonZeroExit = 0
+ if has_key(a:options, 'allowNonZeroExit')
+ let allowNonZeroExit = a:options.allowNonZeroExit
+ endif
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ if originalBuffer == -1
+ throw 'Original buffer no longer exists, aborting.'
+ endif
+ let path = resolve(bufname(originalBuffer))
+ " Work with netrw or other systems where a directory listing is displayed in
+ " a buffer.
+ if isdirectory(path)
+ let fileName = '.'
+ else
+ let fileName = fnamemodify(path, ':t')
+ endif
+ if match(a:cmd, '<VCSCOMMANDFILE>') > 0
+ let fullCmd = substitute(a:cmd, '<VCSCOMMANDFILE>', fileName, 'g')
+ else
+ let fullCmd = a:cmd . ' -- "' . fileName . '"'
+ endif
+ " Change to the directory of the current buffer. This is done for CVS, but
+ " is left in for other systems as it does not affect them negatively.
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(path)
+ try
+ let output = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(fullCmd)
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+ " HACK: if line endings in the repository have been corrupted, the output
+ " of the command will be confused.
+ let output = substitute(output, "\r", '', 'g')
+ if v:shell_error && !allowNonZeroExit
+ if strlen(output) == 0
+ throw 'Version control command failed'
+ else
+ let output = substitute(output, '\n', ' ', 'g')
+ throw 'Version control command failed: ' . output
+ endif
+ endif
+ if strlen(output) == 0
+ " Handle case of no output. In this case, it is important to check the
+ " file status, especially since cvs edit/unedit may change the attributes
+ " of the file with no visible output.
+ checktime
+ return 0
+ endif
+ call s:EditFile(a:cmdName, originalBuffer, a:statusText)
+ silent 0put=output
+ " The last command left a blank line at the end of the buffer. If the
+ " last line is folded (a side effect of the 'put') then the attempt to
+ " remove the blank line will kill the last fold.
+ "
+ " This could be fixed by explicitly detecting whether the last line is
+ " within a fold, but I prefer to simply unfold the result buffer altogether.
+ if has('folding')
+ normal zR
+ endif
+ $d
+ 1
+ " Define the environment and execute user-defined hooks.
+ silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated
+ return bufnr('%')
+" Function: VCSCommandGetOption(name, default) {{{2
+" Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided. Options are
+" searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces.
+function! VCSCommandGetOption(name, default)
+ if has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:name) && len(s:optionOverrides[a:name]) > 0
+ return s:optionOverrides[a:name][-1]
+ elseif exists('w:' . a:name)
+ return w:{a:name}
+ elseif exists('b:' . a:name)
+ return b:{a:name}
+ elseif exists('g:' . a:name)
+ return g:{a:name}
+ else
+ return a:default
+ endif
+" Function: VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for deactivating the buffer autovariables.
+function! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup()
+ let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 0
+ silent! augroup! VCSCommandPlugin
+" Function: VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for activating the buffer autovariables.
+function! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+ let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 1
+ augroup VCSCommandPlugin
+ au!
+ au BufEnter * call s:SetupBuffer()
+ augroup END
+ " Only auto-load if the plugin is fully loaded. This gives other plugins a
+ " chance to run.
+ if g:loaded_VCSCommand == 2
+ call s:SetupBuffer()
+ endif
+" Function: VCSCommandGetStatusLine() {{{2
+" Default (sample) status line entry for VCS-controlled files. This is only
+" useful if VCS-managed buffer mode is on (see the VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+" variable for how to do this).
+function! VCSCommandGetStatusLine()
+ if exists('b:VCSCommandCommand')
+ " This is a result buffer. Return nothing because the buffer name
+ " contains information already.
+ return ''
+ endif
+ if exists('b:VCSCommandVCSType')
+ \ && exists('g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup')
+ \ && g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+ \ && exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
+ return '[' . join(extend([b:VCSCommandVCSType], b:VCSCommandBufferInfo), ' ') . ']'
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! -nargs=* VCSAdd call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Add', [<f-args>]))
+com! -nargs=* -bang VCSAnnotate call s:VCSAnnotate(<q-bang>, <f-args>)
+com! -nargs=* -bang VCSBlame call s:VCSAnnotate(<q-bang>, <f-args>)
+com! -nargs=? -bang VCSCommit call s:VCSCommit(<q-bang>, <q-args>)
+com! -nargs=* VCSDelete call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Delete', [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=* VCSDiff call s:VCSDiff(<f-args>)
+com! -nargs=0 -bang VCSGotoOriginal call s:VCSGotoOriginal(<q-bang>)
+com! -nargs=* VCSInfo call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Info', [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=* VCSLock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Lock', [<f-args>]))
+com! -nargs=* VCSLog call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Log', [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=* VCSRemove call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Delete', [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=0 VCSRevert call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Revert', []))
+com! -nargs=? VCSReview call s:VCSReview(<f-args>)
+com! -nargs=* VCSStatus call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Status', [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=* VCSUnlock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Unlock', [<f-args>]))
+com! -nargs=0 VCSUpdate call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Update', []))
+com! -nargs=* VCSVimDiff call s:VCSVimDiff(<f-args>)
+" Section: VCS buffer management commands {{{2
+com! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup call VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup()
+com! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+" Allow reloading VCSCommand.vim
+com! VCSReload let savedPlugins = s:plugins|let s:plugins = {}|call s:ClearMenu()|unlet! g:loaded_VCSCommand|runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim|for plugin in values(savedPlugins)|execute 'source' plugin[0]|endfor|unlet savedPlugins
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSAdd :VCSAdd<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSAnnotate :VCSAnnotate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSCommit :VCSCommit<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSDelete :VCSDelete<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSDiff :VCSDiff<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSClearAndGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal!<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSInfo :VCSInfo<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSLock :VCSLock<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSLog :VCSLog<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSRevert :VCSRevert<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSReview :VCSReview<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSSplitAnnotate :VCSAnnotate!<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSStatus :VCSStatus<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSUnlock :VCSUnlock<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSUpdate :VCSUpdate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSVimDiff :VCSVimDiff<CR>
+" Section: Default mappings {{{1
+let s:defaultMappings = [
+ \['a', 'VCSAdd'],
+ \['c', 'VCSCommit'],
+ \['D', 'VCSDelete'],
+ \['d', 'VCSDiff'],
+ \['G', 'VCSClearAndGotoOriginal'],
+ \['g', 'VCSGotoOriginal'],
+ \['i', 'VCSInfo'],
+ \['L', 'VCSLock'],
+ \['l', 'VCSLog'],
+ \['N', 'VCSSplitAnnotate'],
+ \['n', 'VCSAnnotate'],
+ \['q', 'VCSRevert'],
+ \['r', 'VCSReview'],
+ \['s', 'VCSStatus'],
+ \['U', 'VCSUnlock'],
+ \['u', 'VCSUpdate'],
+ \['v', 'VCSVimDiff'],
+ \]
+if !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableMappings', 0)
+ for [s:shortcut, s:vcsFunction] in VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandMappings', s:defaultMappings)
+ call s:CreateMapping(s:shortcut, '<Plug>' . s:vcsFunction, '''' . s:vcsFunction . '''')
+ endfor
+ unlet s:shortcut s:vcsFunction
+unlet s:defaultMappings
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+let s:menuEnabled = !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDisableMenu', 0)
+let s:menuRoot = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandMenuRoot', '&Plugin.VCS')
+let s:menuPriority = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandMenuPriority', '')
+for [s:shortcut, s:command] in [
+ \['&Add', '<Plug>VCSAdd'],
+ \['A&nnotate', '<Plug>VCSAnnotate'],
+ \['&Commit', '<Plug>VCSCommit'],
+ \['Delete', '<Plug>VCSDelete'],
+ \['&Diff', '<Plug>VCSDiff'],
+ \['&Info', '<Plug>VCSInfo'],
+ \['&Log', '<Plug>VCSLog'],
+ \['Revert', '<Plug>VCSRevert'],
+ \['&Review', '<Plug>VCSReview'],
+ \['&Status', '<Plug>VCSStatus'],
+ \['&Update', '<Plug>VCSUpdate'],
+ \['&VimDiff', '<Plug>VCSVimDiff']
+ \]
+ call s:VCSCommandUtility.addMenuItem(s:shortcut, s:command)
+unlet s:shortcut s:command
+" Section: Autocommands to restore vimdiff state {{{1
+augroup VimDiffRestore
+ au!
+ au BufUnload * call s:VimDiffRestore(str2nr(expand('<abuf>')))
+augroup END
+" Section: Optional activation of buffer management {{{1
+if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0)
+ call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+" Section: VIM shutdown hook {{{1
+" Close all result buffers when VIM exits, to prevent them from being restored
+" via viminfo.
+" Function: s:CloseAllResultBuffers() {{{2
+" Closes all vcscommand result buffers.
+function! s:CloseAllResultBuffers()
+ " This avoids using bufdo as that may load buffers already loaded in another
+ " vim process, resulting in an error.
+ let buffnr = 1
+ let buffmaxnr = bufnr('$')
+ while buffnr <= buffmaxnr
+ if getbufvar(buffnr, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') != ""
+ execute 'bw' buffnr
+ endif
+ let buffnr = buffnr + 1
+ endwhile
+augroup VCSCommandVIMShutdown
+ au!
+ au VimLeavePre * call s:CloseAllResultBuffers()
+augroup END
+" Section: Plugin completion {{{1
+let loaded_VCSCommand = 2
+silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginFinish
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" CVS extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" The following commands only apply to files under CVS source control.
+" CVSEdit Performs "cvs edit" on the current file.
+" CVSEditors Performs "cvs editors" on the current file.
+" CVSUnedit Performs "cvs unedit" on the current file.
+" CVSWatch Takes an argument which must be one of [on|off|add|remove].
+" Performs "cvs watch" with the given argument on the current
+" file.
+" CVSWatchers Performs "cvs watchers" on the current file.
+" CVSWatchAdd Alias for "CVSWatch add"
+" CVSWatchOn Alias for "CVSWatch on"
+" CVSWatchOff Alias for "CVSWatch off"
+" CVSWatchRemove Alias for "CVSWatch remove"
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command. User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nnoremap ,ce <Plug>CVSEdit
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+" <Leader>ce CVSEdit
+" <Leader>cE CVSEditors
+" <Leader>ct CVSUnedit
+" <Leader>cwv CVSWatchers
+" <Leader>cwa CVSWatchAdd
+" <Leader>cwn CVSWatchOn
+" <Leader>cwf CVSWatchOff
+" <Leader>cwr CVSWatchRemove
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandCVSExec
+" This variable specifies the CVS executable. If not set, it defaults to
+" 'cvs' executed from the user's executable path.
+" VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt
+" This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the cvs diff
+" command. If not set, it defaults to 'u'.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSExec', 'cvs'))
+ " CVS is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:cvsFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke cvs suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSExec', 'cvs'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the CVS executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'CVS'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ let ret = VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ if ret > 0
+ if getline(line('$')) =~ '^cvs \w\+: closing down connection'
+ $d
+ 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ret
+ else
+ throw 'CVS VCSCommand plugin called on non-CVS item.'
+ endif
+" Function: s:GetRevision() {{{2
+" Function for retrieving the current buffer's revision number.
+" Returns: Revision number or an empty string if an error occurs.
+function! s:GetRevision()
+ if !exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
+ let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = s:cvsFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ endif
+ if len(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo) > 0
+ return b:VCSCommandBufferInfo[0]
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ let directoryName = fileName
+ else
+ let directoryName = fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
+ endif
+ if strlen(directoryName) > 0
+ let CVSRoot = directoryName . '/CVS/Root'
+ else
+ let CVSRoot = 'CVS/Root'
+ endif
+ if filereadable(CVSRoot)
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Add(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'CVSannotate'
+ " This is a CVSAnnotate buffer. Perform annotation of the version
+ " indicated by the current line.
+ let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^[0-9.]+')
+ if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSAnnotateParent', 0) != 0
+ if caption != '1.1'
+ let revmaj = matchstr(caption,'\v[0-9.]+\ze\.[0-9]+')
+ let revmin = matchstr(caption,'\v[0-9.]+\.\zs[0-9]+') - 1
+ if revmin == 0
+ " Jump to ancestor branch
+ let caption = matchstr(revmaj,'\v[0-9.]+\ze\.[0-9]+')
+ else
+ let caption = revmaj . "." . revmin
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let options = ['-r' . caption]
+ else
+ " CVS defaults to pulling HEAD, regardless of current branch.
+ " Therefore, always pass desired revision.
+ let caption = ''
+ let options = ['-r' . s:GetRevision()]
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let caption = a:argList[0]
+ let options = ['-r' . caption]
+ else
+ let caption = join(a:argList)
+ let options = a:argList
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['-q', 'annotate'] + options), 'annotate', caption, {})
+ if resultBuffer > 0
+ " Remove header lines from standard error
+ silent v/^\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+/d
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ if resultBuffer == 0
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+" By default, use the -f option to remove the file first. If options are
+" passed in, use those instead.
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ let options = ['-f']
+ let caption = ''
+ if len(a:argList) > 0
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['remove'] + options, ' '), 'delete', caption, {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revOptions = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ' -r')]
+ let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')'
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let revOptions = a:argList
+ endif
+ let cvsDiffOpt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt', 'u')
+ if cvsDiffOpt == ''
+ let diffOptions = []
+ else
+ let diffOptions = ['-' . cvsDiffOpt]
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + diffOptions + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {'allowNonZeroExit': 1})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin. This CVS extension adds branch name to the return
+" list as well.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:cvsFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let fileName = bufname(originalBuffer)
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ let tag = ''
+ if filereadable(fileName . '/CVS/Tag')
+ let tagFile = readfile(fileName . '/CVS/Tag')
+ if len(tagFile) == 1
+ let tag = substitute(tagFile[0], '^T', '', '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ return [tag]
+ endif
+ let realFileName = fnamemodify(resolve(fileName), ':t')
+ if !filereadable(fileName)
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+ try
+ let statusText=s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status -- "' . realFileName . '"')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return []
+ endif
+ let revision=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Working revision:\s*\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|New file!\)\_.*$', '\1', '')
+ " We can still be in a CVS-controlled directory without this being a CVS
+ " file
+ if match(revision, '^New file!$') >= 0
+ let revision='New'
+ elseif match(revision, '^\d\+\.\d\+\%(\.\d\+\.\d\+\)*$') <0
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let branch=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Sticky Tag:\s\+\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|\a[A-Za-z0-9-_]*\|(none)\).*$', '\1', '')
+ let repository=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Repository revision:\s*\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|New file!\|No revision control file\)\_.*$', '\1', '')
+ let repository=substitute(repository, '^New file!\|No revision control file$', 'New', '')
+ return [revision, repository, branch]
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Log(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let options = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = options[0]
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['log'] + options), 'log', caption, {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update -C', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let versiontag = '(current)'
+ let versionOption = ''
+ else
+ let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+ let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('-q update -p' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Status(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + a:argList, ' '), 'status', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Update(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '', {})
+" Section: CVS-specific functions {{{1
+" Function: s:CVSEdit() {{{2
+function! s:CVSEdit()
+ return s:DoCommand('edit', 'cvsedit', '', {})
+" Function: s:CVSEditors() {{{2
+function! s:CVSEditors()
+ return s:DoCommand('editors', 'cvseditors', '', {})
+" Function: s:CVSUnedit() {{{2
+function! s:CVSUnedit()
+ return s:DoCommand('unedit', 'cvsunedit', '', {})
+" Function: s:CVSWatch(onoff) {{{2
+function! s:CVSWatch(onoff)
+ if a:onoff !~ '^\c\%(on\|off\|add\|remove\)$'
+ echoerr 'Argument to CVSWatch must be one of [on|off|add|remove]'
+ return -1
+ end
+ return s:DoCommand('watch ' . tolower(a:onoff), 'cvswatch', '', {})
+" Function: s:CVSWatchers() {{{2
+function! s:CVSWatchers()
+ return s:DoCommand('watchers', 'cvswatchers', '', {})
+" Annotate setting {{{2
+let s:cvsFunctions.AnnotateSplitRegex = '): '
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! CVSEdit call s:CVSEdit()
+com! CVSEditors call s:CVSEditors()
+com! CVSUnedit call s:CVSUnedit()
+com! -nargs=1 CVSWatch call s:CVSWatch(<f-args>)
+com! CVSWatchAdd call s:CVSWatch('add')
+com! CVSWatchOn call s:CVSWatch('on')
+com! CVSWatchOff call s:CVSWatch('off')
+com! CVSWatchRemove call s:CVSWatch('remove')
+com! CVSWatchers call s:CVSWatchers()
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+let s:cvsExtensionMappings = {}
+let mappingInfo = [
+ \['CVSEdit', 'CVSEdit', 'e'],
+ \['CVSEditors', 'CVSEditors', 'E'],
+ \['CVSUnedit', 'CVSUnedit', 't'],
+ \['CVSWatchers', 'CVSWatchers', 'wv'],
+ \['CVSWatchAdd', 'CVSWatch add', 'wa'],
+ \['CVSWatchOff', 'CVSWatch off', 'wf'],
+ \['CVSWatchOn', 'CVSWatch on', 'wn'],
+ \['CVSWatchRemove', 'CVSWatch remove', 'wr']
+ \]
+for [pluginName, commandText, shortCut] in mappingInfo
+ execute 'nnoremap <silent> <Plug>' . pluginName . ' :' . commandText . '<CR>'
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>' . pluginName)
+ let s:cvsExtensionMappings[shortCut] = commandText
+ endif
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('CVS', expand('<sfile>'), s:cvsFunctions, s:cvsExtensionMappings)
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+for [s:shortcut, s:command] in [
+ \['CVS.&Edit', '<Plug>CVSEdit'],
+ \['CVS.Ed&itors', '<Plug>CVSEditors'],
+ \['CVS.Unedi&t', '<Plug>CVSUnedit'],
+ \['CVS.&Watchers', '<Plug>CVSWatchers'],
+ \['CVS.WatchAdd', '<Plug>CVSWatchAdd'],
+ \['CVS.WatchOn', '<Plug>CVSWatchOn'],
+ \['CVS.WatchOff', '<Plug>CVSWatchOff'],
+ \['CVS.WatchRemove', '<Plug>CVSWatchRemove']
+ \]
+ call s:VCSCommandUtility.addMenuItem(s:shortcut, s:command)
+unlet s:shortcut s:command
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" git extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandGitExec
+" This variable specifies the git executable. If not set, it defaults to
+" 'git' executed from the user's executable path.
+" VCSCommandGitDiffOpt
+" This variable, if set, determines the default options passed to the
+" VCSDiff command. If any options (starting with '-') are passed to the
+" command, this variable is not used.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandGitExec', 'git'))
+ " git is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:gitFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke git suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandGitExec', 'git'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the git executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'git'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ else
+ throw 'git VCSCommand plugin called on non-git item.'
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+" This function only returns an inexact match due to the detection method used
+" by git, which simply traverses the directory structure upward.
+function! s:gitFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(resolve(bufname(a:buffer)))
+ try
+ call s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return 0
+ else
+ endif
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Add(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + ['-v'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'gitannotate'
+ " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+ let options = matchstr(getline('.'),'^\x\+')
+ else
+ let options = ''
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let options = a:argList[0]
+ else
+ let options = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('blame ' . options, 'annotate', options, {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ try
+ return s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ catch /\m^Version control command failed.*nothing\%( added\)\? to commit/
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endtry
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+" All options are passed through.
+function! s:gitFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['rm'] + options, ' '), 'delete', caption, {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+" Pass-through call to git-diff. If no options (starting with '-') are found,
+" then the options in the 'VCSCommandGitDiffOpt' variable are added.
+function! s:gitFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ let gitDiffOpt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandGitDiffOpt', '')
+ if gitDiffOpt == ''
+ let diffOptions = []
+ else
+ let diffOptions = [gitDiffOpt]
+ for arg in a:argList
+ if arg =~ '^-'
+ let diffOptions = []
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + diffOptions + a:argList), 'diff', join(a:argList), {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin. This CVS extension adds branch name to the return
+" list as well.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:gitFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(resolve(bufname('%')))
+ try
+ let branch = substitute(s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' symbolic-ref -q HEAD'), '\n$', '', '')
+ if v:shell_error
+ let branch = 'DETACHED'
+ else
+ let branch = substitute(branch, '^refs/heads/', '', '')
+ endif
+ let info = [branch]
+ for method in split(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandGitDescribeArgList', (',tags,all,always')), ',', 1)
+ if method != ''
+ let method = ' --' . method
+ endif
+ let tag = substitute(s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' describe' . method), '\n$', '', '')
+ if !v:shell_error
+ call add(info, tag)
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return info
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Log(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['log'] + a:argList), 'log', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('checkout', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revision = 'HEAD'
+ else
+ let revision = a:argList[0]
+ endif
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(resolve(bufname(VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer('%'))))
+ try
+ let prefix = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' rev-parse --show-prefix')
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+ let prefix = substitute(prefix, '\n$', '', '')
+ let blob = '"' . revision . ':' . prefix . '<VCSCOMMANDFILE>"'
+ return s:DoCommand('show ' . blob, 'review', revision, {})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Status(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + a:argList), 'status', join(a:argList), {'allowNonZeroExit': 1})
+" Function: s:gitFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:gitFunctions.Update(argList)
+ throw "This command is not implemented for git because file-by-file update doesn't make much sense in that context. If you have an idea for what it should do, please let me know."
+" Annotate setting {{{2
+let s:gitFunctions.AnnotateSplitRegex = ') '
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('git', expand('<sfile>'), s:gitFunctions, [])
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" Mercurial extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandHGExec
+" This variable specifies the mercurial executable. If not set, it defaults
+" to 'hg' executed from the user's executable path.
+" VCSCommandHGDiffExt
+" This variable, if set, sets the external diff program used by Subversion.
+" VCSCommandHGDiffOpt
+" This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the hg diff
+" command (such as 'u', 'w', or 'b').
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandHGExec', 'hg'))
+ " HG is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:hgFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke hg suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandHGExec', 'hg'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the HG executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'HG'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ else
+ throw 'HG VCSCommand plugin called on non-HG item.'
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let oldCwd = VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(resolve(bufname(a:buffer)))
+ try
+ call s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' root')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return 0
+ else
+ endif
+ finally
+ call VCSCommandChdir(oldCwd)
+ endtry
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add -v'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'HGannotate'
+ " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+ let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+')
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = ''
+ let options = ' -un'
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let caption = a:argList[0]
+ let options = ' -un -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let options = ' ' . caption
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('blame' . options, 'annotate', caption, {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ try
+ return s:DoCommand('commit -v -l "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ catch /Version control command failed.*nothing changed/
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endtry
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['remove'] + a:argList, ' '), 'remove', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revOptions = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')'
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let revOptions = a:argList
+ endif
+ let hgDiffExt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandHGDiffExt', '')
+ if hgDiffExt == ''
+ let diffExt = []
+ else
+ let diffExt = ['--diff-cmd ' . hgDiffExt]
+ endif
+ let hgDiffOpt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandHGDiffOpt', '')
+ if hgDiffOpt == ''
+ let diffOptions = []
+ else
+ let diffOptions = ['-x -' . hgDiffOpt]
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + diffExt + diffOptions + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Info(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Info(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['log --limit 1'] + a:argList, ' '), 'log', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:hgFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let fileName = bufname(originalBuffer)
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return []
+ endif
+ " File not under HG control.
+ if statusText =~ '^?'
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let parentsText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' parents -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ let revision = matchlist(parentsText, '^changeset:\s\+\(\S\+\)\n')[1]
+ let logText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' log -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ let repository = matchlist(logText, '^changeset:\s\+\(\S\+\)\n')[1]
+ if revision == ''
+ " Error
+ return ['Unknown']
+ elseif statusText =~ '^A'
+ return ['New', 'New']
+ else
+ return [revision, repository]
+ endif
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Log(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Log(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let options = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = options[0]
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['log', '-v'] + options), 'log', caption, {})
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let versiontag = '(current)'
+ let versionOption = ''
+ else
+ let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+ let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Status(argList)
+ let options = ['-A', '-v']
+ if len(a:argList) != 0
+ let options = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + options, ' '), 'status', join(options, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:hgFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:hgFunctions.Update(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '', {})
+" Annotate setting {{{2
+let s:hgFunctions.AnnotateSplitRegex = '\d\+: '
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('HG', expand('<sfile>'), s:hgFunctions, [])
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" SVK extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandSVKExec
+" This variable specifies the SVK executable. If not set, it defaults to
+" 'svk' executed from the user's executable path.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVKExec', 'svk'))
+ " SVK is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:svkFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke SVK suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVKExec', 'svk'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the SVK executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'SVK'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ else
+ throw 'SVK VCSCommand plugin called on non-SVK item.'
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ let directoryName = fileName
+ else
+ let directoryName = fnamemodify(fileName, ':p:h')
+ endif
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' info -- "' . directoryName . '"', "no")
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ endif
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'SVKannotate'
+ " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+ let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+')
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = ''
+ let options = ''
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let caption = a:argList[0]
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let options = ' ' . caption
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('blame' . options, 'annotate', caption, {})
+ if resultBuffer > 0
+ normal 1G2dd
+ endif
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ if resultBuffer == 0
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endif
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['delete'] + a:argList, ' '), 'delete', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revOptions = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')'
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let revOptions = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository]
+function! s:svkFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(originalBuffer))
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status -v -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return []
+ endif
+ " File not under SVK control.
+ if statusText =~ '^?'
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let [flags, revision, repository] = matchlist(statusText, '^\(.\{3}\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s')[1:3]
+ if revision == ''
+ " Error
+ return ['Unknown']
+ elseif flags =~ '^A'
+ return ['New', 'New']
+ else
+ return [revision, repository]
+ endif
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Info(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Info(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['info'] + a:argList, ' '), 'info', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Lock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Lock(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['lock'] + a:argList, ' '), 'lock', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Log(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let options = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = options[0]
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['log', '-v'] + options), 'log', caption, {})
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let versiontag = '(current)'
+ let versionOption = ''
+ else
+ let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+ let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Status(argList)
+ let options = ['-v']
+ if len(a:argList) != 0
+ let options = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + options, ' '), 'status', join(options, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Unlock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Unlock(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['unlock'] + a:argList, ' '), 'unlock', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svkFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svkFunctions.Update(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '', {})
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('SVK', expand('<sfile>'), s:svkFunctions, [])
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" SVN extension for VCSCommand.
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandSVNExec
+" This variable specifies the SVN executable. If not set, it defaults to
+" 'svn' executed from the user's executable path.
+" VCSCommandSVNDiffExt
+" This variable, if set, sets the external diff program used by Subversion.
+" VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt
+" This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the svn diff
+" command (such as 'u', 'w', or 'b').
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+ finish
+runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim
+if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNExec', 'svn'))
+ " SVN is not installed
+ finish
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:svnFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:Executable() {{{2
+" Returns the executable used to invoke git suitable for use in a shell
+" command.
+function! s:Executable()
+ return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNExec', 'svn'))
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the SVN executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options)
+ if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'SVN'
+ let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd
+ return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options)
+ else
+ throw 'SVN VCSCommand plugin called on non-SVN item.'
+ endif
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+ let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ let directoryName = fileName
+ else
+ let directoryName = fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
+ endif
+ if strlen(directoryName) > 0
+ let svnDir = directoryName . '/.svn'
+ else
+ let svnDir = '.svn'
+ endif
+ if isdirectory(svnDir)
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Add(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ if &filetype == 'SVNannotate'
+ " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+ let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+')
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = ''
+ let options = ''
+ endif
+ elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-'
+ let caption = a:argList[0]
+ let options = ' -r' . caption
+ else
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let options = ' ' . caption
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('blame --non-interactive' . options, 'annotate', caption, {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Commit(argList)
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit --non-interactive -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {})
+ if resultBuffer == 0
+ echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+ endif
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Delete() {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Delete(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['delete --non-interactive'] + a:argList, ' '), 'delete', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Diff(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let revOptions = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')'
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ let revOptions = a:argList
+ endif
+ let svnDiffExt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNDiffExt', '')
+ if svnDiffExt == ''
+ let diffExt = []
+ else
+ let diffExt = ['--diff-cmd ' . svnDiffExt]
+ endif
+ let svnDiffOpt = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNDiffOpt', '')
+ if svnDiffOpt == ''
+ let diffOptions = []
+ else
+ let diffOptions = ['-x -' . svnDiffOpt]
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['diff --non-interactive'] + diffExt + diffOptions + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file. Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.
+" Returns: List of results: [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:svnFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+ let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+ let fileName = bufname(originalBuffer)
+ let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status --non-interactive -vu -- "' . fileName . '"')
+ if(v:shell_error)
+ return []
+ endif
+ " File not under SVN control.
+ if statusText =~ '^?'
+ return ['Unknown']
+ endif
+ let [flags, revision, repository] = matchlist(statusText, '^\(.\{9}\)\s*\(\d\+\)\s\+\(\d\+\)')[1:3]
+ if revision == ''
+ " Error
+ return ['Unknown']
+ elseif flags =~ '^A'
+ return ['New', 'New']
+ elseif flags =~ '*'
+ return [revision, repository, '*']
+ else
+ return [revision, repository]
+ endif
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Info(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Info(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['info --non-interactive'] + a:argList, ' '), 'info', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Lock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Lock(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['lock --non-interactive'] + a:argList, ' '), 'lock', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Log(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Log(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let options = []
+ let caption = ''
+ elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1
+ let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')]
+ let caption = options[0]
+ else
+ " Pass-through
+ let options = a:argList
+ let caption = join(a:argList, ' ')
+ endif
+ let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['log --non-interactive', '-v'] + options), 'log', caption, {})
+ return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Revert(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '', {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Review(argList)
+ if len(a:argList) == 0
+ let versiontag = '(current)'
+ let versionOption = ''
+ else
+ let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+ let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand('cat --non-interactive' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Status(argList)
+ let options = ['-u', '-v']
+ if len(a:argList) != 0
+ let options = a:argList
+ endif
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['status --non-interactive'] + options, ' '), 'status', join(options, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Unlock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Unlock(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand(join(['unlock --non-interactive'] + a:argList, ' '), 'unlock', join(a:argList, ' '), {})
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Update(argList)
+ return s:DoCommand('update --non-interactive', 'update', '', {})
+" Annotate setting {{{2
+let s:svnFunctions.AnnotateSplitRegex = '\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+ '
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('SVN', expand('<sfile>'), s:svnFunctions, [])
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- /dev/null
+" Note, this config is many years old and needs serious updating.
+notes for everything in .vim.
+this is just a vimrc to set nocomptable for testing
+not currently installed:
+ColorSamplerPack: {{{
+download from vim.org
+cd ~/.vim
+unzip ~/dt/ColorSamplerPack.zip
+javacomplete - omnicompletion for java.{{{
+files are:
+ .vim/autoload/java_parser.vim
+ .vim/doc/javacomplete.txt
+ .vim/autoload/javacomplete.vim
+ .vim/autoload/Reflection.java
+install instructions are on the site, and in the vim documentation.
+my install procedure:
+download from website
+in shell:
+> unzip ~/dt/javacomplete.zip -d ~/.vim
+> vim -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/doc"
+add stuff to vimrc, has "javacomplete near added parts.
+{{{ syntaxattr.vim
+get this file:
+add this to vimrc:
+autocmd FuncUndefined * exe 'runtime autoload/' . expand('<afile>') . '.vim'
+map <F6> :call SyntaxAttr()<CR>
+syntax/sh.vim, modified from official version to make highlighting better
+" vim:sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 foldmethod=marker
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: CVS annotate output
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" Remark: Used by the cvscommand plugin. Originally written by Mathieu
+" Clabaut
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match cvsDate /\d\d-...-\d\d/ contained
+syn match cvsName /(\S* /hs=s+1,he=e-1 contained nextgroup=cvsDate
+syn match cvsVer /^\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\+/ contained nextgroup=cvsName
+syn region cvsHead start="^\d\+\.\d\+" end="):" contains=cvsVer,cvsName,cvsDate
+if !exists("did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits")
+ let did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+ hi link cvsDate Comment
+ hi link cvsName Type
+ hi link cvsVer Statement
+let b:current_syntax="CVSAnnotate"
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: git annotate output
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" Remark: Used by the vcscommand plugin.
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn region gitName start="(\@<=" end="\( \d\d\d\d-\)\@=" contained
+syn match gitCommit /^\^\?\x\+/ contained
+syn match gitDate /\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [+-]\d\d\d\d/ contained
+syn match gitLineNumber /\d\+)\@=/ contained
+syn region gitAnnotation start="^" end=") " oneline keepend contains=gitCommit,gitLineNumber,gitDate,gitName
+if !exists("did_gitannotate_syntax_inits")
+ let did_gitannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+ hi link gitName Type
+ hi link gitCommit Statement
+ hi link gitDate Comment
+ hi link gitLineNumber Label
+let b:current_syntax="gitAnnotate"
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: HG annotate output
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" Remark: Used by the vcscommand plugin.
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match hgVer /\d\+/ contained
+syn match hgName /^\s*\S\+/ contained
+syn match hgHead /^\s*\S\+\s\+\d\+:/ contains=hgVer,hgName
+if !exists("did_hgannotate_syntax_inits")
+ let did_hgannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+ hi link hgName Type
+ hi link hgVer Statement
+let b:current_syntax="hgAnnotate"
--- /dev/null
+" modified to remove obnoxious overhighliting
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh)
+" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
+" Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz <Lennart.Schultz@ecmwf.int>
+" Last Change: Sep 17, 2008
+" Version: 104
+" URL: http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#vimlinks_syntax
+" For options and settings, please use: :help ft-sh-syntax
+" This file includes many ideas from Éric Brunet (eric.brunet@ens.fr)
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items {{{1
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" handling /bin/sh with is_kornshell/is_sh {{{1
+" b:is_sh is set when "#! /bin/sh" is found;
+" However, it often is just a masquerade by bash (typically Linux)
+" or kornshell (typically workstations with Posix "sh").
+" So, when the user sets "is_bash" or "is_kornshell",
+" a b:is_sh is converted into b:is_bash/b:is_kornshell,
+" respectively.
+if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash")
+ if exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_kornshell")
+ let g:is_kornshell= g:is_posix
+ endif
+ if exists("g:is_kornshell")
+ let b:is_kornshell= 1
+ if exists("b:is_sh")
+ unlet b:is_sh
+ endif
+ elseif exists("g:is_bash")
+ let b:is_bash= 1
+ if exists("b:is_sh")
+ unlet b:is_sh
+ endif
+ else
+ let b:is_sh= 1
+ endif
+" set up default g:sh_fold_enabled {{{1
+if !exists("g:sh_fold_enabled")
+ let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0
+elseif g:sh_fold_enabled != 0 && !has("folding")
+ let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0
+ echomsg "Ignoring g:sh_fold_enabled=".g:sh_fold_enabled."; need to re-compile vim for +fold support"
+if !exists("s:sh_fold_functions")
+ let s:sh_fold_functions = 1
+if !exists("s:sh_fold_heredoc")
+ let s:sh_fold_heredoc = 2
+if !exists("s:sh_fold_ifdofor")
+ let s:sh_fold_ifdofor = 4
+if g:sh_fold_enabled && &fdm == "manual"
+ set fdm=syntax
+" sh syntax is case sensitive {{{1
+syn case match
+" Clusters: contains=@... clusters {{{1
+syn cluster shErrorList contains=shDoError,shIfError,shInError,shCaseError,shEsacError,shCurlyError,shParenError,shTestError
+if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ syn cluster ErrorList add=shDTestError
+syn cluster shArithParenList contains=shArithmetic,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEcho,shEscape,shNumber,shOperator,shPosnParm,shExSingleQuote,shRedir,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shStatement,shVariable,shAlias,shTest,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial,shParen
+syn cluster shArithList contains=@shArithParenList,shParenError
+syn cluster shCaseEsacList contains=shCaseStart,shCase,shCaseBar,shCaseIn,shComment,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCaseCommandSub,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote,shCtrlSeq,@shErrorList,shStringSpecial
+syn cluster shCaseList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shCtrlSeq
+syn cluster shColonList contains=@shCaseList
+syn cluster shCommandSubList contains=shArithmetic,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEscape,shNumber,shOperator,shPosnParm,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shStatement,shVariable,shSubSh,shAlias,shTest,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial
+syn cluster shCurlyList contains=shNumber,shComma,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefSpecial
+syn cluster shDblQuoteList contains=shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shPosnParm,shExSingleQuote,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial
+syn cluster shDerefList contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefVar,shDerefSpecial,shDerefWordError,shDerefPPS
+syn cluster shDerefVarList contains=shDerefOp,shDerefVarArray
+syn cluster shEchoList contains=shArithmetic,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shExpr,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shCtrlSeq,shEchoQuote
+syn cluster shExprList1 contains=shCharClass,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shDblBrace,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCtrlSeq
+syn cluster shExprList2 contains=@shExprList1,@shCaseList,shTest
+syn cluster shFunctionList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shOperator,shCtrlSeq
+if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn cluster shFunctionList add=shRepeat
+ syn cluster shFunctionList add=shDblBrace,shDblParen
+syn cluster shHereBeginList contains=@shCommandSubList
+syn cluster shHereList contains=shBeginHere,shHerePayload
+syn cluster shHereListDQ contains=shBeginHere,@shDblQuoteList,shHerePayload
+syn cluster shIdList contains=shCommandSub,shWrapLineOperator,shSetOption,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shRedir,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shCtrlSeq,shStringSpecial
+syn cluster shLoopList contains=@shCaseList,shTestOpr,shExpr,shDblBrace,shConditional,shCaseEsac,shTest,@shErrorList,shSet
+syn cluster shSubShList contains=@shCaseList,shOperator
+syn cluster shTestList contains=shCharClass,shComment,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shExpr,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shTestOpr,shTest,shCtrlSeq
+" Alias: {{{1
+" =====
+if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn match shStatement "\<alias\>"
+ syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\<alias\>\s\+\(\w\+\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="\>\|`"
+ syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\<alias\>\s\+\(\w\+=\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="="
+" Error Codes: {{{1
+" ============
+syn match shDoError "\<done\>"
+syn match shIfError "\<fi\>"
+syn match shInError "\<in\>"
+syn match shCaseError ";;"
+syn match shEsacError "\<esac\>"
+syn match shCurlyError "}"
+syn match shParenError ")"
+if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ syn match shDTestError "]]"
+syn match shTestError "]"
+" Options: {{{1
+" ====================
+syn match shOption "\s\zs[-+][a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>"
+syn match shOption "\s\zs--[^ \t$`'"|]\+"
+" File Redirection Highlighted As Operators: {{{1
+syn match shRedir "\d\=>\(&[-0-9]\)\="
+syn match shRedir "\d\=>>-\="
+syn match shRedir "\d\=<\(&[-0-9]\)\="
+syn match shRedir "\d<<-\="
+" Operators: {{{1
+" ==========
+syn match shOperator "<<\|>>" contained
+syn match shOperator "[!&;|]" contained
+syn match shOperator "\[[[^:]\|\]]" contained
+syn match shOperator "!\==" skipwhite nextgroup=shPattern
+syn match shPattern "\<\S\+\())\)\@=" contained contains=shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shDeref
+" Subshells: {{{1
+" ==========
+syn region shExpr transparent matchgroup=shExprRegion start="{" end="}" contains=@shExprList2
+syn region shSubSh transparent matchgroup=shSubShRegion start="(" end=")" contains=@shSubShList
+" Tests: {{{1
+"syn region shExpr transparent matchgroup=shRange start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]" contains=@shTestList
+syn region shExpr matchgroup=shRange start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]" contains=@shTestList
+syn region shTest transparent matchgroup=shStatement start="\<test\>" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ matchgroup=NONE end="[;&|]"me=e-1 end="$" contains=@shExprList1
+syn match shTestOpr contained "<=\|>=\|!=\|==\|-.\>\|-\(nt\|ot\|ef\|eq\|ne\|lt\|le\|gt\|ge\)\>\|[!<>]"
+syn match shTestOpr contained '=' skipwhite nextgroup=shTestDoubleQuote,shTestSingleQuote,shTestPattern
+syn match shTestPattern contained '\w\+'
+syn match shTestDoubleQuote contained '"[^"]*"'
+syn match shTestSingleQuote contained '\\.'
+syn match shTestSingleQuote contained "'[^']*'"
+if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn region shDblBrace matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]\]" contains=@shTestList
+ syn region shDblParen matchgroup=Delimiter start="((" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="))" contains=@shTestList
+" Character Class In Range: {{{1
+" =========================
+syn match shCharClass contained "\[:\(backspace\|escape\|return\|xdigit\|alnum\|alpha\|blank\|cntrl\|digit\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|tab\):\]"
+" Loops: do, if, while, until {{{1
+" ======
+if (g:sh_fold_enabled % (s:sh_fold_ifdofor * 2))/s:sh_fold_ifdofor
+ syn region shDo fold transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\<do\>" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<done\>" contains=@shLoopList
+ syn region shIf fold transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\<if\_s" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<;\_s*then\>" end="\<fi\>" contains=@shLoopList,shDblBrace,shDblParen,shFunctionKey
+ syn region shFor fold matchgroup=shLoop start="\<for\_s" end="\<in\_s" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen skipwhite nextgroup=shCurlyIn
+ syn region shDo transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\<do\>" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<done\>" contains=@shLoopList
+ syn region shIf transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\<if\_s" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<;\_s*then\>" end="\<fi\>" contains=@shLoopList,shDblBrace,shDblParen,shFunctionKey
+ syn region shFor matchgroup=shLoop start="\<for\_s" end="\<in\>" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen skipwhite nextgroup=shCurlyIn
+if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn cluster shCaseList add=shRepeat
+ syn cluster shFunctionList add=shRepeat
+ syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\<while\_s" end="\<in\_s" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen,shDblBrace
+ syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\<until\_s" end="\<in\_s" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen,shDblBrace
+ syn region shCaseEsac matchgroup=shConditional start="\<select\s" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<in\>" end="\<do\>" contains=@shLoopList
+ syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\<while\_s" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList
+ syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\<until\_s" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList
+syn region shCurlyIn contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}" contains=@shCurlyList
+syn match shComma contained ","
+" Case: case...esac {{{1
+" ====
+syn match shCaseBar contained skipwhite "\(^\|[^\\]\)\(\\\\\)*\zs|" nextgroup=shCase,shCaseStart,shCaseBar,shComment,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote
+syn match shCaseStart contained skipwhite skipnl "(" nextgroup=shCase,shCaseBar
+syn region shCase contained skipwhite skipnl matchgroup=shSnglCase start="\%(\\.\|[^#$()'" \t]\)\{-}\zs)" end=";;" end="esac"me=s-1 contains=@shCaseList nextgroup=shCaseStart,shCase,shComment
+if (g:sh_fold_enabled % (s:sh_fold_ifdofor * 2))/s:sh_fold_ifdofor
+ syn region shCaseEsac fold matchgroup=shConditional start="\<case\>" end="\<esac\>" contains=@shCaseEsacList
+ syn region shCaseEsac matchgroup=shConditional start="\<case\>" end="\<esac\>" contains=@shCaseEsacList
+syn keyword shCaseIn contained skipwhite skipnl in nextgroup=shCase,shCaseStart,shCaseBar,shComment,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn region shCaseExSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained
+ syn region shCaseExSingleQuote matchgroup=Error start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained
+syn region shCaseSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained
+syn region shCaseDoubleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained
+syn region shCaseCommandSub start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+`+ contains=@shCommandSubList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained
+" Misc: {{{1
+syn match shWrapLineOperator "\\$"
+syn region shCommandSub start="`" skip="\\\\\|\\." end="`" contains=@shCommandSubList
+syn match shEscape contained '\\.'
+" $() and $(()): {{{1
+" $(..) is not supported by sh (Bourne shell). However, apparently
+" some systems (HP?) have as their /bin/sh a (link to) Korn shell
+" (ie. Posix compliant shell). /bin/ksh should work for those
+" systems too, however, so the following syntax will flag $(..) as
+" an Error under /bin/sh. By consensus of vimdev'ers!
+if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn region shCommandSub matchgroup=shCmdSubRegion start="\$(" skip='\\\\\|\\.' end=")" contains=@shCommandSubList
+ syn region shArithmetic matchgroup=shArithRegion start="\$((" skip='\\\\\|\\.' end="))" contains=@shArithList
+ syn match shSkipInitWS contained "^\s\+"
+ syn region shCommandSub matchgroup=Error start="\$(" end=")" contains=@shCommandSubList
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn cluster shCommandSubList add=bashSpecialVariables,bashStatement
+ syn cluster shCaseList add=bashAdminStatement,bashStatement
+if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ syn cluster shCommandSubList add=kshSpecialVariables,kshStatement
+ syn cluster shCaseList add=kshStatement
+ syn keyword kshStatement cat chmod clear cp du egrep expr fgrep find grep install killall less ls mkdir mv nice printenv rm rmdir sed sort strip stty tail touch tput
+syn match shSource "^\.\s"
+syn match shSource "\s\.\s"
+syn region shColon start="^\s*:" end="$\|" end="#"me=e-1 contains=@shColonList
+" String And Character Constants: {{{1
+syn match shNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>#\="
+syn match shCtrlSeq "\\\d\d\d\|\\[abcfnrtv0]" contained
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn match shSpecial "\\\o\o\o\|\\x\x\x\|\\c.\|\\[abefnrtv]" contained
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn region shExSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial
+ syn region shExSingleQuote matchGroup=Error start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial
+syn region shSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,@Spell
+syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial,@Spell
+syn match shStringSpecial "[^[:print:] \t]" contained
+syn match shStringSpecial "\%(\\\\\)*\\[\\"'`$()#]"
+syn match shSpecial "[^\\]\zs\%(\\\\\)*\\[\\"'`$()#]"
+syn match shSpecial "^\%(\\\\\)*\\[\\"'`$()#]"
+" Comments: {{{1
+syn cluster shCommentGroup contains=shTodo,@Spell
+syn keyword shTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX
+syn match shComment "^\s*\zs#.*$" contains=@shCommentGroup
+syn match shComment "\s\zs#.*$" contains=@shCommentGroup
+syn match shQuickComment contained "#.*$"
+" Here Documents: {{{1
+" =========================================
+if version < 600
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**EOF\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^EOF$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**EOF\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*EOF$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**\.\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\.$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**\.\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\.$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+elseif (g:sh_fold_enabled % (s:sh_fold_heredoc * 2))/s:sh_fold_heredoc
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\\\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\=\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$"
+ syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\\\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$"
+" Here Strings: {{{1
+" =============
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn match shRedir "<<<"
+" Identifiers: {{{1
+syn match shSetOption "\s\zs[-+][a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>" contained
+syn match shVariable "\<\([bwglsav]:\)\=[a-zA-Z0-9.!@_%+,]*\ze=" nextgroup=shSetIdentifier
+syn match shSetIdentifier "=" contained nextgroup=shPattern,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shExSingleQuote
+" Functions: {{{1
+if !exists("g:is_posix")
+ syn keyword shFunctionKey function skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionTwo
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ if (g:sh_fold_enabled % (s:sh_fold_functions * 2))/s:sh_fold_functions
+ syn region shFunctionOne fold matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment
+ syn region shFunctionTwo fold matchgroup=shFunction start="\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment
+ else
+ syn region shFunctionOne matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList
+ syn region shFunctionTwo matchgroup=shFunction start="\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained
+ endif
+ if (g:sh_fold_enabled % (s:sh_fold_functions * 2))/s:sh_fold_functions
+ syn region shFunctionOne fold matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment
+ syn region shFunctionTwo fold matchgroup=shFunction start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment
+ else
+ syn region shFunctionOne matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList
+ syn region shFunctionTwo matchgroup=shFunction start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained
+ endif
+" Parameter Dereferencing: {{{1
+" ========================
+syn match shDerefSimple "\$\%(\h\w*\|\d\)"
+syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${" end="}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefVarArray
+syn match shDerefSimple "\$[-#*@!?]"
+syn match shDerefSimple "\$\$"
+if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${##\=" end="}" contains=@shDerefList
+ syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${\$\$" end="}" contains=@shDerefList
+" bash: ${!prefix*} and ${#parameter}: {{{1
+" ====================================
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${!" end="\*\=}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefOp
+ syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=!\w\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
+syn match shDerefSpecial contained "{\@<=[-*@?0]" nextgroup=shDerefOp
+syn match shDerefSpecial contained "\({[#!]\)\@<=[[:alnum:]*@_]\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList,shDerefOp
+syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=\w\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
+" sh ksh bash : ${var[... ]...} array reference: {{{1
+syn region shDerefVarArray contained matchgroup=shDeref start="\[" end="]" contains=@shCommandSubList nextgroup=shDerefOp
+" Special ${parameter OPERATOR word} handling: {{{1
+" sh ksh bash : ${parameter:-word} word is default value
+" sh ksh bash : ${parameter:=word} assign word as default value
+" sh ksh bash : ${parameter:?word} display word if parameter is null
+" sh ksh bash : ${parameter:+word} use word if parameter is not null, otherwise nothing
+" ksh bash : ${parameter#pattern} remove small left pattern
+" ksh bash : ${parameter##pattern} remove large left pattern
+" ksh bash : ${parameter%pattern} remove small right pattern
+" ksh bash : ${parameter%%pattern} remove large right pattern
+syn cluster shDerefPatternList contains=shDerefPattern,shDerefString
+syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=[-=?]" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList
+syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=+" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList
+if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ syn match shDerefOp contained "#\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList
+ syn match shDerefOp contained "%\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList
+ syn match shDerefPattern contained "[^{}]\+" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefPattern,shDerefString,shCommandSub,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefPattern
+ syn region shDerefPattern contained start="{" end="}" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefString,shCommandSub nextgroup=shDerefPattern
+ syn match shDerefEscape contained '\%(\\\\\)*\\.'
+syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shOperator start=+\%(\\\)\@<!'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial
+syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shOperator start=+\%(\\\)\@<!"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial
+syn match shDerefString contained "\\["']" nextgroup=shDerefPattern
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ " bash : ${parameter:offset}
+ " bash : ${parameter:offset:length}
+ syn region shDerefOp contained start=":[$[:alnum:]_]"me=e-1 end=":"me=e-1 end="}"me=e-1 contains=@shCommandSubList nextgroup=shDerefPOL
+ syn match shDerefPOL contained ":[^}]\+" contains=@shCommandSubList
+ " bash : ${parameter//pattern/string}
+ " bash : ${parameter//pattern}
+ syn match shDerefPPS contained '/\{1,2}' nextgroup=shDerefPPSleft
+ syn region shDerefPPSleft contained start='.' skip=@\%(\\\)\/@ matchgroup=shDerefOp end='/' end='\ze}' nextgroup=shDerefPPSright contains=@shCommandSubList
+ syn region shDerefPPSright contained start='.' end='\ze}' contains=@shCommandSubList
+" Arithmetic Parenthesized Expressions: {{{1
+syn region shParen matchgroup=shArithRegion start='(\ze[^(]' end=')' contains=@shArithParenList
+" Useful sh Keywords: {{{1
+" ===================
+syn keyword shConditional contained elif else then
+syn keyword shCondError elif else then
+" Useful ksh Keywords: {{{1
+" ====================
+ if exists("g:is_posix")
+ syn keyword shStatement command
+ else
+ syn keyword shStatement time
+ endif
+" Useful bash Keywords: {{{1
+" =====================
+" Synchronization: {{{1
+" ================
+if !exists("sh_minlines")
+ let sh_minlines = 200
+if !exists("sh_maxlines")
+ let sh_maxlines = 2 * sh_minlines
+exec "syn sync minlines=" . sh_minlines . " maxlines=" . sh_maxlines
+syn sync match shCaseEsacSync grouphere shCaseEsac "\<case\>"
+syn sync match shCaseEsacSync groupthere shCaseEsac "\<esac\>"
+syn sync match shDoSync grouphere shDo "\<do\>"
+syn sync match shDoSync groupthere shDo "\<done\>"
+syn sync match shForSync grouphere shFor "\<for\>"
+syn sync match shForSync groupthere shFor "\<in\>"
+syn sync match shIfSync grouphere shIf "\<if\>"
+syn sync match shIfSync groupthere shIf "\<fi\>"
+syn sync match shUntilSync grouphere shRepeat "\<until\>"
+syn sync match shWhileSync grouphere shRepeat "\<while\>"
+" Default Highlighting: {{{1
+" =====================
+hi def link shArithRegion shShellVariables
+hi def link shBeginHere shRedir
+hi def link shCaseBar shConditional
+hi def link shCaseCommandSub shCommandSub
+hi def link shCaseDoubleQuote shDoubleQuote
+hi def link shCaseIn shConditional
+hi def link shCaseSingleQuote shSingleQuote
+hi def link shCaseStart shConditional
+hi def link shCmdSubRegion shShellVariables
+hi def link shColon shStatement
+hi def link shDerefOp shOperator
+hi def link shDerefPOL shDerefOp
+hi def link shDerefPPS shDerefOp
+hi def link shDeref shShellVariables
+hi def link shDerefSimple shDeref
+hi def link shDerefSpecial shDeref
+hi def link shDerefString shDoubleQuote
+hi def link shDerefVar shDeref
+hi def link shDoubleQuote shString
+hi def link shEcho shString
+hi def link shEchoQuote shString
+hi def link shEmbeddedEcho shString
+hi def link shEscape shCommandSub
+hi def link shExSingleQuote shSingleQuote
+hi def link shFunction Function
+hi def link shHereDoc shString
+hi def link shHerePayload shHereDoc
+hi def link shLoop shStatement
+hi def link shOption shCommandSub
+hi def link shPattern shString
+hi def link shParen shArithmetic
+hi def link shPosnParm shShellVariables
+hi def link shQuickComment shComment
+hi def link shRange shOperator
+hi def link shRedir shOperator
+hi def link shSetOption shOption
+hi def link shSingleQuote shString
+hi def link shSource shOperator
+hi def link shStringSpecial shSpecial
+hi def link shSubShRegion shOperator
+hi def link shTestOpr shConditional
+hi def link shTestPattern shString
+hi def link shTestDoubleQuote shString
+hi def link shTestSingleQuote shString
+hi def link shVariable shSetList
+hi def link shWrapLineOperator shOperator
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ hi def link bashAdminStatement shStatement
+ hi def link bashSpecialVariables shShellVariables
+ hi def link bashStatement shStatement
+ hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter
+ hi def link shFunctionDelim Delimiter
+if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ hi def link kshSpecialVariables shShellVariables
+ hi def link kshStatement shStatement
+ hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter
+hi def link shCaseError Error
+hi def link shCondError Error
+hi def link shCurlyError Error
+hi def link shDerefError Error
+hi def link shDerefWordError Error
+hi def link shDoError Error
+hi def link shEsacError Error
+hi def link shIfError Error
+hi def link shInError Error
+hi def link shParenError Error
+hi def link shTestError Error
+if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ hi def link shDTestError Error
+hi def link shArithmetic Special
+hi def link shCharClass Identifier
+hi def link shSnglCase Statement
+hi def link shCommandSub Special
+hi def link shComment Comment
+hi def link shConditional Conditional
+hi def link shCtrlSeq Special
+hi def link shExprRegion Delimiter
+hi def link shFunctionKey Function
+hi def link shFunctionName Function
+hi def link shNumber Number
+hi def link shOperator Operator
+hi def link shRepeat Repeat
+hi def link shSet Statement
+hi def link shSetList Identifier
+hi def link shShellVariables PreProc
+hi def link shSpecial Special
+hi def link shStatement Statement
+hi def link shString String
+hi def link shTodo Todo
+hi def link shAlias Identifier
+" Set Current Syntax: {{{1
+" ===================
+if exists("b:is_bash")
+ let b:current_syntax = "bash"
+elseif exists("b:is_kornshell")
+ let b:current_syntax = "ksh"
+ let b:current_syntax = "sh"
+" vim: ts=16 fdm=marker
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: SVK annotate output
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" Remark: Used by the vcscommand plugin.
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match svkDate /\d\{4}-\d\{1,2}-\d\{1,2}/ skipwhite contained
+syn match svkName /(\s*\zs\S\+/ contained nextgroup=svkDate skipwhite
+syn match svkVer /^\s*\d\+/ contained nextgroup=svkName skipwhite
+syn region svkHead start=/^/ end="):" contains=svkVer,svkName,svkDate oneline
+if !exists("did_svkannotate_syntax_inits")
+ let did_svkannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+ hi link svkName Type
+ hi link svkDate Comment
+ hi link svkVer Statement
+let b:current_syntax="svkAnnotate"
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: SVN annotate output
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com>
+" Remark: Used by the vcscommand plugin.
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match svnName /\S\+/ contained
+syn match svnVer /^\s*\zs\d\+/ contained nextgroup=svnName skipwhite
+syn match svnHead /^\s*\d\+\s\+\S\+/ contains=svnVer,svnName
+if !exists("did_svnannotate_syntax_inits")
+ let did_svnannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+ hi link svnName Type
+ hi link svnVer Statement
+let b:current_syntax="svnAnnotate"
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: VCS commit file
+" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand (bob.hiestand@gmail.com)
+" License:
+" Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+" deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+" rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+" sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syntax region vcsComment start="^VCS: " end="$"
+highlight link vcsComment Comment
+let b:current_syntax = "vcscommit"
--- /dev/null
+" Note, this config is many years old and needs serious updating.
+" }}}
+" vim:sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 foldmethod=marker
+" MAPPINGS: {{{1
+set encoding=utf-8 "the world is big
+" set tab stops to 4
+set sw=4
+set ts=4
+set sts=4
+" mapping that should change: -, +, _
+" j and k should go to first non-whitespace.
+" |i_CTRL-Y|
+" paste unnamed register
+inoremap <C-e> <C-r>"
+" when pasting, don't yank the pasted over text
+vnoremap p "_dP
+" save
+inoremap <C-s> <C-o>:update<CR>
+"swap " and '
+noremap " '
+noremap ' "
+" Make ctrl-n and ctrl-p cycle through buffers in cmd mode
+nnoremap <C-N> :bn<Enter>
+nnoremap <C-P> :bp<Enter>
+" quick command line window.
+noremap m q:k
+" mark
+noremap <A-m> m
+noremap , q:i
+noremap Q ,
+noremap q: Q
+" yank to end of line
+map Y y$
+" Insert a single char
+nmap <Space> i<Space><Esc>r
+" Previously unmammed keys.
+" yank document to clipboard
+noremap - mzgg"+yG<C-o>'zzz
+" save
+noremap <C-s> :w<CR>
+" current_file:line_number
+nmap \x :let @"=expand("%:t") . ':' . line(".")<cr>
+" split common files
+noremap <A-q> :tabe ~/.vimrc<CR>
+noremap <A-k> :tabe ~/t<CR>
+" paste clipboard
+noremap <A-p> "+p
+noremap <A-P> "+P
+" alt-shift-letter has some terminal incompatibilities, so
+" this needs to find a new key:
+inoremap <A-p> <C-r>+
+" yank clipboard
+noremap <A-y> "+y:let@*=@+<CR>
+" easier window, tab and quickfix cycling
+noremap <A-w> <C-w>w
+noremap <A-n> :cn<CR>
+noremap <A-N> :cp<CR>
+" needs new key
+noremap <silent> <C-l> :nohl<CR><C-l>
+inoremap <C-l> <C-O>:nohl<CR>
+" make x and X not affect registers
+noremap x "_x
+noremap X "_X
+"stop # from unindenting newlines with smartcase
+inoremap # X\b#
+"make * and # in visual mode search for the selection, instead of word under cursor.
+vnoremap * :<C-u>call <SID>VSearch()<CR>/<CR>
+vnoremap # :<C-u>call <SID>VSearch()<CR>?<CR>
+function! s:VSearch()
+ let old = @"
+ norm! gvy
+ let @/ = '\V' . substitute(escape(@", '\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
+ let @" = old
+" remove trailing whitespace
+nnoremap <F3> :%s/\s\+$//<CR>:unlet! b:statusline_trailing_space_warning<CR>
+" easy vim.. use ctrl-o and ctrl-l to use normal mode.
+noremap <F4> :call <SID>easyVim()<CR>
+inoremap <F4> <C-o>:call <SID>easyVim()<CR>
+function! s:easyVim()
+if !&insertmode
+ set insertmode
+ "menu and button stuff.
+ set go+=m
+ set go+=T
+ " right scrollbar
+ set go+=r
+ " left scrollbar
+ set go+=L
+ set noinsertmode
+ set go-=m
+ set go-=T
+ set go-=r
+ set go-=L
+" found this to compile the current buffer, took a bit from it
+"function Make()
+ "let curr_dir = expand('%:h')
+ "if curr_dir == ''
+ "let curr_dir = '.'
+ "endif
+ "echo curr_dir
+ "execute 'lcd ' . curr_dir
+ "execute 'make %:r.o'
+ "execute 'lcd -'
+"imap <A-b> <Esc>:wa<CR>:call Make()<CR>
+"nmap <A-b> :wa<CR>:call Make()<CR>
+" standard make
+" haven't been using it so its getting kicked out
+"inoremap <A-d> <Esc>:wa<CR>:make<CR>
+"nnoremap <A-d> :wa<CR>:make<CR>
+inoremap <A-d> <Esc>gT
+nnoremap <A-d> gT
+inoremap <A-e> <Esc>gt
+nnoremap <A-e> gt
+" used to have !silent, but if make fails without an error that vim can parse,
+" it doesn't show any failure, which is extremely confusing. I'd like
+" something that would be silent except for a failure.
+command! -bar -complete=file -nargs=* Make lcd %:h | make <args> | cw
+nnoremap <A-b> :wa<CR>:Make<CR>
+inoremap <A-b> <Esc>:wa<CR>:Make<CR>
+nnoremap <A-c> :!./run.sh<CR>
+nnoremap <A-t> :silent! !ctags -R .<CR>:redr!<CR>
+" Execute the current line.
+nnoremap <A-v> "pyy:@p<CR>
+vnoremap <A-v> :<C-u>call ExecRegion('vis')<CR>
+function! ExecRegion(type, ...)
+ if a:type == "vis"
+ " Yank and execute the visual region.
+ :'<,'> y p
+ @p
+ endif
+" EX COMMANDS: {{{1
+" originally I was using a macro for this
+" do yy@0 on the next line
+" ggzn/^{{\rnyyddnkk::r !date +"\%I:\%M \%p \%A \%D"\r<<zm'0pA
+" now I have hte following command:
+command! J call JournalEntry()
+function JournalEntry()
+ normal ggzn/^{{\rnyyddnO\e:call setline(".", strftime("%I:%M %p %A %d/%m/%y"))\r<<ddkPzm'0pzvjO
+ startinsert!
+" insert date in the format I like
+noremap <A-s> :call setline(".", strftime("%I:%M %p %A %d/%m/%y"))<CR>
+command! T :call setline(".", strftime("%I:%M %p %A %d/%m/%y"))<CR>
+" need to lookup the cross platform date for this one
+command! D :r !date +"\%D"<CR>
+" for my super simple version control.
+command! -nargs=* I w|!ii % <args>
+command! -nargs=* O w|!io % <args>
+ab J) Ïåñ
+" SETTINGS: {{{1
+"taken or modified from gentoo
+set wildignore+=.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.out,.o,.lo "ignore some files for filename completion
+" Terminal fixes
+" todo: make this work like == screen*
+if &term ==? "xterm" || &term ==? "screen" || &term == "xterm-color" || &term == "screen-bce"
+ set t_Sb=^[4%dm
+ set t_Sf=^[3%dm
+ set ttymouse=xterm2
+ set term=xterm-color
+ set t_Co=256 "terminal colors
+set virtualedit=block "Allow visual block to move in empty space.
+set showbreak=\ "show a single character on wrapped lines, uses the non-text highlight.
+set ttimeoutlen=10 " 10 milliseconds for esc timeout
+set nocompatible
+" end of gentoo stuff
+" Allow split windows to shrink to this size
+set winminheight=0
+" show partial wrapped lines at the bottom
+set display=lastline
+" show menu for completion
+set wildmenu
+" was auto, but this caused new files created when writting which messes up
+" my aufs
+set bkc=yes
+" we can see what mode we are in from the cursor.
+set nomodeline
+if v:version >= 701
+ set diffopt=filler,context:1,vertical,foldcolumn:1
+" grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
+" search in a singe file. Set grep to always generate a file-name.
+set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
+set report=0 " Show a 'N lines were changed' report always
+set shiftround " < and > will hit indent levels instead of +-4 always
+" note: for some reason, windows gvim didn't like ~/tmp to be windows
+" directory link to ../m/tmp. I used a different dir.
+set backupdir=~/.editor-backups " keep backup files in one directory.
+set mouse=a " Enable the mouse in all terminals if possible
+set laststatus=2
+set statusline=\|%n\|\ \ %f%M%R%h%W:%l\ \ \|%v»\ %P\|%<\ \ %{getcwd()}
+set modeline " use modelines when root. security be damned.
+set listchars=tab:._ "show tabs.
+set foldignore= " don't ignore # when using foldmethod=indent
+filetype plugin on
+filetype indent on
+set autoindent
+syntax enable
+set hlsearch
+"Tab settings, for reference.
+"set shiftwidth=2
+"set noexpandtab
+"set softtabstop=2
+"set tabstop=2
+"End tab settings.
+set number
+"viminfo settings
+" the viminfo file deletes symlinks, so i moved it to tmp/
+set vi='100,<1000,s10,h,n~/.viminfo
+set foldlevel=99
+set ic "set ignorecase
+set scs "set smartcase
+" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
+set backspace=indent,eol,start
+set backup " keep a backup file
+set history=1000 " keep 1000 lines of command line history
+set showcmd " display incomplete commands
+set incsearch " do incremental searching
+colorscheme nightsky
+set foldmethod=indent
+" Just need to define it. Picked single char 'y' cuz its the smallest
+let c_no_comment_fold = 1
+let c_space_errors = 1
+"for folding C preprocessor if, from my syntax addition.
+"the problem is that sometime
+" let cpre
+"for easy x11 cutting and pasting, but it gets in the way.
+"note: exclude must be the last option.
+"set clipboard=autoselect,unnamed,exclude:cons\|linux
+" for syntax highlighting
+let is_bash = 1
+if $OS ==# 'Windows_NT'
+ set directory=p:\tmp,.
+if !exists("autocommands_loaded")
+ let autocommands_loaded = 1
+ " au BufNewFile,BufRead /usr/src/linux*/** set patchmode=.orig
+if v:version >= 701
+ au BufReadPre * set numberwidth=3
+ "au BufEnter * syntax sync fromstart
+ "
+ "my attempt to have foldlevel=0 but still show the cursor. gives errors
+ "when opening help files, so avoid that.
+ au BufWinEnter * if &ft != 'help' | exe "normal zv" | endif
+ " for highlighting c preprocessor conditionals
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead syn match prePConditional "^\s*#\s*\(ifndef\|else\|endif\|ifdef\)"
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead hi link prePConditional WarningMSG
+ " alternate version which highlights only certain things inside the main match
+ "syn match prePSub contained "[^# ]*\>"
+ "syn match prePConditional contains=prePSub "^\s*#\s*\(ifndef\|else\|endif\|ifdef\)"
+ "hi link prePSub DiffText
+ " make shell scripts executable. todo: Make this into an ex command.
+ " au BufWritePost *.sh !/bin/bash -c 'if [ -x % ]; then exit; else /bin/chmod +x %; fi'
+ " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
+ " this is in the reference manual.
+ autocmd BufReadPost *
+ \ if ! exists("g:leave_my_cursor_position_alone") |
+ \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
+ \ exe "normal g'\"" |
+ \ endif |
+ \ endif
+autocmd FuncUndefined * exe 'runtime autoload/' . expand('<afile>') . '.vim'
+nnoremap <F6> :call SyntaxAttr()<CR>
+if has("autocmd")
+ " vim -b : edit binary using xxd-format!
+ augroup Binary
+ au!
+ au BufReadPre *.bin,*.hex setlocal binary
+ au BufReadPost *
+ \ if &binary | exe "Hexmode" | endif
+ au BufWritePre *
+ \ if exists("b:editHex") && b:editHex && &binary |
+ \ exe "%!xxd -r" |
+ \ endif
+ au BufWritePost *
+ \ if exists("b:editHex") && b:editHex && &binary |
+ \ exe "%!xxd" |
+ \ exe "set nomod" |
+ \ endif
+ augroup END
+command Hexmode call ToggleHex()
+function ToggleHex()
+ " hex mode should be considered a read-only operation
+ " save values for modified and read-only for restoration later,
+ " and clear the read-only flag for now
+ let l:modified=&mod
+ let l:oldreadonly=&readonly
+ let &readonly=0
+ if !exists("b:editHex") || !b:editHex
+ " save old options
+ let b:oldft=&ft
+ let b:oldbin=&bin
+ " set new options
+ setlocal binary " make sure it overrides any textwidth, etc.
+ let &ft="xxd"
+ " set status
+ let b:editHex=1
+ " switch to hex editor
+ %!xxd
+ else
+ " restore old options
+ let &ft=b:oldft
+ if !b:oldbin
+ setlocal nobinary
+ endif
+ " set status
+ let b:editHex=0
+ " return to normal editing
+ %!xxd -r
+ endif
+ " restore values for modified and read only state
+ let &mod=l:modified
+ let &readonly=l:oldreadonly
+" Copy matches function {{{1
+" Copy matches of the last search to a register (default is the clipboard).
+" Accepts a range (default is the current line).
+" Matches are appended to the register and each match is terminated by \n.
+" Usage: [RANGE]CopyMatches [REGISTER]
+command! -nargs=0 -range -register CopyMatches call s:CopyMatches(<line1>, <line2>, "<reg>")
+function! s:CopyMatches(line1, line2, reg)
+ let reg = a:reg != '' ? a:reg : '+'
+ for line in range(a:line1, a:line2)
+ let txt = getline(line)
+ let idx = match(txt, @/)
+ while idx > -1
+ exec "let @".reg." .= matchstr(txt, @/, idx) . \"\n\""
+ let end = matchend(txt, @/, idx)
+ let idx = match(txt, @/, end)
+ endwhile
+ endfor
+" Miscelany {{{1
+ " trailing whitespace warning
+ set statusline+=\ \ %{StatuslineTrailingSpaceWarning()}
+ "recalculate the trailing whitespace warning when idle, and after saving
+ autocmd cursorhold,bufwritepost * unlet! b:statusline_trailing_space_warning
+ "return '[\s]' if trailing white space is detected
+ "return '' otherwise
+ function! StatuslineTrailingSpaceWarning()
+ if !exists("b:statusline_trailing_space_warning")
+ if search('\s\+$', 'nw') != 0
+ let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = '[\s]'
+ else
+ let b:statusline_trailing_space_warning = ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ return b:statusline_trailing_space_warning
+ endfunction
--- /dev/null
+;; left scroll = left/right, including alt/meta modifiers
+(xbindkey '(b:11) "echo KeyStrPress Left KeyStrRelease Left | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(b:10) "echo KeyStrPress Right KeyStrRelease Right | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control b:11) "echo KeyStrPress Left KeyStrRelease Left | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control b:10) "echo KeyStrPress Right KeyStrRelease Right | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control alt b:11) "echo KeyStrPress Left KeyStrRelease Left | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control alt b:10) "echo KeyStrPress Right KeyStrRelease Right | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(alt b:11) "echo KeyStrPress Left KeyStrRelease Left | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(alt b:10) "echo KeyStrPress Right KeyStrRelease Right | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+;; i chose delay of 1 without really testing, and delay of 2 because
+;; that is what worked with xdotool
+;; right mouse = up / down
+(xbindkey '(b:13) "echo KeyStrPress Up KeyStrRelease Up | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(b:14) "echo KeyStrPress Down KeyStrRelease Down | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+;; ctrl+alt = scroll
+(xbindkey '(control alt b:13) "echo KeyStrRelease Control_R KeyStrRelease Alt_L ButtonPress 4 ButtonRelease 4 KeyStrPress Control_R KeyStrPress Alt_L | xmacroplay -d 2 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control alt b:14) "echo KeyStrRelease Control_R KeyStrRelease Alt_L ButtonPress 5 ButtonRelease 5 KeyStrPress Control_R KeyStrPress Alt_L | xmacroplay -d 2 :0")
+;; ctrl = ctrl + up/down
+(xbindkey '(control b:13) "echo KeyStrPress Up KeyStrRelease Up | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(control b:14) "echo KeyStrPress Down KeyStrRelease Down | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+;; alt = alt+scroll
+(xbindkey '(alt b:13) "echo ButtonPress 4 ButtonRelease 4 | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+(xbindkey '(alt b:14) "echo ButtonPress 5 ButtonRelease 5 | xmacroplay -d 1 :0")
+;; disabled because xdotool is laggy on debian. worked on fedora. just using xmacro instead for now.
+;; ;; right mouse = up / down
+;; (xbindkey '(b:13) "xdotool key --delay 2 Up")
+;; (xbindkey '(b:14) "xdotool key --delay 2 Down")
+;; ;; ctrl+alt = scroll
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt b:13) "xdotool click --clearmodifiers --delay 1 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt b:14) "xdotool click --clearmodifiers --delay 1 5")
+;; ;; ctrl = ctrl+scroll
+;; (xbindkey '(control b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(control b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; ;; alt = alt+scroll
+;; (xbindkey '(alt b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; ;; left scroll = left/right, including alt/meta modifiers
+;; (xbindkey '(b:11) "xdotool key --delay 2 Left")
+;; (xbindkey '(b:10) "xdotool key --delay 2 Right")
+;; (xbindkey '(control b:11) "xdotool key --delay 2 Left")
+;; (xbindkey '(control b:10) "xdotool key --delay 2 Right")
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt b:11) "xdotool key --delay 2 Left")
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt b:10) "xdotool key --delay 2 Right")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt b:11) "xdotool key --delay 2 Left")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt b:10) "xdotool key --delay 2 Right")
+;; default delay is 12, i change to 5 or else some faster scrolls do not register
+;;started to define these, then figured there were so many of them,
+;;and the only point was so that some default scroll keybind would work,
+;;but I don't actually know of any, so disabled this
+;; (xbindkey '(shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(Mod4 b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(Mod4 b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(control shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(control shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(Mod4 shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(Mod4 shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt Mod4 b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt Mod4 b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(control Mod4 b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(control Mod4 b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(control alt shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt shift b:13) "xdotool click --delay 2 4")
+;; (xbindkey '(alt shift b:14) "xdotool click --delay 2 5")
--- /dev/null
+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+ APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+ To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+ boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+ replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+ the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+ comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+ file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+ same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+ identification within third-party archives.
+ Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
--- /dev/null
+Misc config files that don't have their own repos. There is probably
+some poorly documented, and some outdated, but also some stuff someone
+could find useful. Some other config stuff has their own repos at
--- /dev/null
+# after discovering apt would fail if the proxy was down.
+# This overrides the hardcoded proxy setting done by fai.
+# Figured I'd leave it as post install so I could adjust the
+# detect script easier.
+Acquire::http::Proxy-Auto-Detect "/etc/apt/detect-http-proxy";
--- /dev/null
+# based on
+# http://askubuntu.com/questions/53443/how-do-i-ignore-a-proxy-if-not-available
+# altered because testing a down proxy takes like 2 seconds,
+# and we would do it like 100 times in a row. so cache a failed result
+# locally for 1 hour. Also, using newer option based on man apt.conf.
+if [[ ! -r $f ]] \
+ || (( $(( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Y $f ) )) > 60*60 )); then
+ if host $proxy_host && nc -z $proxy_host $proxy_port; then
+ echo $proxy_url
+ else
+ touch $f
+ fi
+echo DIRECT
--- /dev/null
+/var/log/debian-auto-update.log {
+ size 10M
+ rotate 10
+ compress
+ notifempty
+ sharedscripts
+ delaycompress
--- /dev/null
+section: screens
+ treetowl:
+ frodo:
+ tp:
+section: links
+ tp:
+ right = frodo
+ treetowl:
+ left = frodo
+ frodo:
+ left = tp
+ right = treetowl
--- /dev/null
+# noticed find slowing down my system,
+# pstree lead back to /etc/cron.daily/locate, which
+# says to consult /usr/share/doc/locate/README.Debian
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# note, I'm not using btrbk because of this bug
+# https://github.com/digint/btrbk/issues/102
+ssh_identity /root/.ssh/id_rsa
+transaction_log /var/log/btrbk
+target_preserve_daily 10
+target_preserve_weekly 4
+target_preserve_monthly all
+# default is to do local snapshots, turn that off
+snapshot_preserve_daily 0
+snapshot_preserve_weekly 0
+snapshot_preserve_monthly 0
+# if something fails and it's not obvious, try doing
+btrbk -l debug dryrun
+volume /mnt/btrfs_root
+subvolume i
+target send-receive ssh://frodo/mnt/btrfs_root
--- /dev/null
+# runs every 10 minutes, every day 4 am, every sunday at 3 am
+# stored for 3 days, 2 months, and unlimited respectively
+#0 4 * * * x=$(/a/bin/small-backup --retry daily 2M 2>&1); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x"
+#0 3 * * sun echo weekly backup results:; /a/bin/small-backup --retry weekly
+#*/5 * * * * /a/bin/offlineimap_cronjob
+#*/1 * * * * . /a/bin/log-quiet/log-once-function; unison ~/.mpv ssh://htpc/.mpv -batch -prefer ~/.mpv -silent 2>&1 | log-once unison-mpv
+*/5 * * * * . /a/bin/dynamic-ip-update.sh
+*/10 * * * * /a/bin/small-backup 10minutes 3D
+*/10 * * * * /home/ian/.ssh/* /root/.ssh
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+!keycode 94 = underscore F10
+! on x200:
+! 108 = alt_r
+! 105 = control_r
+! 37 = control_l
+! 64 = alt_l
+! 66 = caps lock
+! instead of keycode, you can say
+! keysym Alt_R = Control_L
+! however, this seems confusing, and not idempotent
+! although I havent tested for idempontency
+remove Lock = Caps_Lock
+remove Control = Control_L
+remove Mod1 = Alt_R
+remove Control = Control_R
+keycode 37 = End
+keycode 105 = KP_Enter
+keycode 66 = Home
+keycode 108 = Control_L
+add Control = Control_L
--- /dev/null
+host = .launchpad.net
+scheme = ssh
+user = iank
--- /dev/null
+launchpad_username = iank
--- /dev/null
+library: /a/bin/data/musiclibrary.blb
+directory: /i/music
+ log: /a/dt/beetlog.log
+ move: yes
+ quiet_fallback: skip
+# be a little more liberal for strong matches
+ strong_rec_thresh: 0.07
+plugins: discogs duplicates web info
+# all the usefull plugins I've used:
+#plugins: copyartifacts chroma discogs duplicates web
+# duplicates can be found based on tagged keys or a checksum program.
+# the sugggested checksum program takes hours :(
+# the default is tags, but it is broken.
+# the default ffmpeg command, using the libav equivalent based on debian recommendations
+ #checksum: avconv -i {file} -f crc -
--- /dev/null
+font=Ubuntu Mono,monospace 13
--- /dev/null
+# Note: initial files in this directory were created by running
+# gpg -k
+# for aur, automatically dl & add gpg keys.
+keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve
+# start gpg agent on login
+# standard short key ids are easy to collide
+# https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/84280/short-openpgp-key-ids-are-insecure-how-to-configure-gnupg-to-use-long-key-ids-i
+# https://evil32.com/
+keyid-format 0xlong
--- /dev/null
+import XMonad
+--import XMonad.Config.Gnome
+import Data.Monoid
+import System.Exit
+-- to get mouse move with window
+import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
+-- needed for the panel toggle keybind
+import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
+-- not sure if this is redundant with Xfce import
+import XMonad.Config.Desktop
+-- based on http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_XFCE
+import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
+import XMonad.Config.Xfce
+import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows -- Reset the layouts on the current workspace to default
+import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
+-- /usr/share/xmonad/xmonad.hs on fedora has integration with gnome etc. but I
+-- had lots of problems with gnome integration.
+main = xmonad $ defaults
+defaults = desktopConfig
+ {
+ terminal = "sakura"
+ , borderWidth = 0
+ , modMask = mod4Mask
+ , keys = myKeys
+ --, logHook = myLogHook <+> logHook desktopConfig
+ , mouseBindings = myMouseBindings
+ -- manageDocks & ewmh stuff is based on xfce integration wiki page
+ , manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
+ , logHook = ewmhDesktopsLogHook
+-- todo, look into the suggested avoidStruts. my nieve attempt to integrate it failed
+ , layoutHook = myLayout
+ , handleEventHook = ewmhDesktopsEventHook
+-- this makes some java programs work, like intellij idea,
+-- but it also makes the ui buggy for some gtk apps, like transmission
+-- and gnome-terminal
+-- https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=744577
+ , startupHook = setWMName "LG3D"
+ -- combining the 2 with <+> didn't make java apps work.
+ --, startupHook = ewmhDesktopsStartup
+-- for android emulator buggy window
+myManageHook = composeAll [ className =? "emulator64-arm" --> unfloat]
+ where unfloat = ask >>= doF . W.sink
+-- this is a nice idea but needs some tweaking cuz i don't want it to
+-- have an affect when switching to a floating window,
+-- and I remember sometimes being stuck in floating dialog boxes
+-- myLogHook = updatePointer (Relative 0.5 0.5)
+myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
+-- Move focus to the previous window
+-- , ((modm, xK_q ), windows W.focusUp )
+ [ ((modm, xK_q), io (exitWith ExitSuccess)) -- %! Quit xmonad
+ , ((modm, xK_2), spawn "pavucontrol")
+ , ((modm, xK_3), spawn "firefox")
+ , ((modm, xK_4), spawn "input-setup.sh")
+ -- we would really want to keep track of which workspace is darkened,
+ -- and change things depending on where that workspace is
+ -- fedora vs debian ordering
+-- , ((modm, xK_w), spawn "redshift.sh 0")
+-- , ((modm, xK_e), spawn "redshift.sh 2")
+-- , ((modm, xK_r), spawn "redshift.sh 1")
+ , ((modm, xK_w), spawn "/a/bin/redshift.sh 2")
+ , ((modm, xK_e), spawn "/a/bin/redshift.sh 1")
+ , ((modm, xK_r), spawn "/a/bin/redshift.sh 0")
+ -- Rotate through the available layout algorithms
+ , ((modm, xK_t ), sendMessage NextLayout)
+ , ((modm , xK_Home ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
+-- disabled default of cycling windows. instead use traditional stack based alt-tab behavior
+ , ((modm, xK_g ), cycleRecentWindows [xK_Super_L,xK_Super_R] xK_g xK_Tab)
+ -- close focused window
+ , ((modm , xK_c ), kill)
+ -- Reset the layouts on the current workspace to default
+ , ((modm, xK_b ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
+-- todo, this is broken. not sure what it is supposed to do
+ , ((modm, xK_Tab ), cycleRecentWindows [xK_Super_L] xK_g xK_Tab)
+ -- todo, make the pointer follow the window for these
+ -- fedora's order
+-- , ((modm , xK_Delete), screenWorkspace 0 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+-- , ((modm , xK_parenleft), screenWorkspace 2 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+-- , ((modm , xK_parenright), screenWorkspace 1 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+-- debian's order
+ , ((modm , xK_Delete), screenWorkspace 2 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+ , ((modm , xK_parenleft), screenWorkspace 1 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+ , ((modm , xK_parenright), screenWorkspace 0 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.shift))
+ -- Move focus to the next window
+ , ((0, xK_F8 ), windows W.focusDown)
+ , ((modm , xK_6), windows $ W.greedyView "6")
+-- Swap the focused window with the next window
+ , ((modm, xK_asterisk ), windows W.swapDown )
+ -- Swap the focused window with the previous window
+ , ((modm, xK_9 ), windows W.swapUp )
+-- fedora's order
+-- , ((modm , xK_u), screenWorkspace 0 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+-- , ((modm , xK_i), screenWorkspace 2 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+-- , ((modm , xK_o), screenWorkspace 1 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+-- debian's order
+ , ((modm , xK_u), screenWorkspace 2 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+ , ((modm , xK_i), screenWorkspace 1 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+ , ((modm , xK_o), screenWorkspace 0 >>= flip whenJust (windows . W.view))
+ -- Restart xmonad
+ , ((modm , xK_p), spawn "xmonad --recompile; xmonad --restart")
+ -- Push window back into tiling
+ , ((modm, xK_h ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
+ -- this working is dependent upon env vars set in distro-start
+ , ((modm, xK_j ), spawn "emacsclient -c")
+ -- launch a terminal
+ , ((modm, xK_k), spawn $ XMonad.terminal conf)
+ , ((modm, xK_l), spawn "dmenu_run")
+ -- Expand the master area
+ , ((modm, xK_n ), sendMessage Expand)
+ -- Shrink the master area
+ , ((modm, xK_m ), sendMessage Shrink)
+ -- Move focus to the master window
+ , ((modm, xK_y ), windows W.focusMaster )
+ -- Increment the number of windows in the master area
+ , ((modm , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
+ -- Deincrement the number of windows in the master area
+ , ((modm , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
+ -- Swap the focused window and the master window
+ --, ((modm, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
+-- in recent versions, a different name works better
+ , ((modm, xK_Return), windows W.shiftMaster)
+ ]
+ ++
+ -- open workspace, and send to workspace with same key plus control
+ [((m .|. modm, k), windows $ f i)
+ | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_f, xK_d, xK_s, xK_a, xK_z, xK_grave, xK_7, xK_0]
+ , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
+-- fedora's default ordering of workspaces
+ -- xK_s, xK_f, xK_d,
+myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
+ -- mod-button1, Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging
+ [ ((modm, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w
+ >> windows W.shiftMaster))
+ -- mod-button2, Raise the window to the top of the stack
+ , ((modm, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
+ -- mod-button3, Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging
+ , ((modm, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w
+ >> windows W.shiftMaster))
+ -- you may also bind events to the mouse scroll wheel (button4 and button5)
+ ]
+myLayout = desktopLayoutModifiers $ Full ||| Mirror tiled ||| tiled
+ where
+ -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
+ tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
+ -- The default number of windows in the master pane
+ nmaster = 1
+ -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
+ ratio = 1/2
+ -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
+ delta = 3/100