[[ $EUID == 0 ]] || exec sudo -E "$BASH_SOURCE" "$@"
+tmp="$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE}")"; script_dir="${tmp%/*}"
if [[ ! $ERRHANDLE_PATH ]]; then
- ERRHANDLE_PATH=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE}")
- ERRHANDLE_PATH=$(readlink -f ${ERRHANDLE_PATH%/*}/../errhandle)
+ ERRHANDLE_PATH="$script_dir"/../errhandle/err
-for p in $ERRHANDLE_PATH/{errcatch-function,bash-trace-function}; do
- if [[ -e $p ]]; then
- source $p
- else
- err_sourced=false
- fi
-if $err_sourced; then
- errcatch
+if [[ -s $ERRHANDLE_PATH ]]; then
- set -eE -o pipefail
- trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+ cd "$script_dir"
+ if ! wget -O err 'https://iankelling.org/git/?p=errhandle;a=blob_plain;f=err;hb=HEAD'; then
+ echo "$0: failed to get errhandle dependency" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ source err
usage() {
the first unused one starting at 10.173.1
-h, --help Show this help and exit.
-From within a systemd network namespace, nat it to the outside. This
+From a normal shell:
+If we do create the netns, to join it with a shell, we can do
+/usr/bin/nsenter --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/NAME --net=/var/run/netns/NAME bash
+If you dont care about the mount namespace, you can leave that option off.
+For systemd:
+From within a systemd network namespace, we nat it to the outside. This
would be called from ExecStartPre, and or subsequent units called with
JoinsNamespaceOf= and PrivateNetwork=true.
-Also create a named mount namespace under /root/mount_namespaces, so we
-can alter some system config for this namespace. Subsequent systemd
+We also create a named mount namespace under /root/mount_namespaces, so we
+can alter some system config for this namespace. systemd
command lines would be prefixed with:
/usr/bin/nsenter --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/NS_NAME
will update the script to that the mount namespace not created unless a
flag is passed in. Patch welcome to add that flag before then.
-A recommmended dependency of this script is my other repo named "errhandle",
-which prints stack trace on error, and calls a cleanup function:
-https://iankelling.org/git/?p=errhandle, set ERRHANDLE_PATH, or put it
-in a directory adjacent to the absolute, resolved directory this file is
+This script has a dependency which you can download manually or it
+will be automatically downloaded into the same directory.
+It handles errors by printing stack trace and and cleaning up the namespaces.
+To download manually,
+git clone https://iankelling.org/git/errhandle
+into an adjacent directory, or
+export ERRHANDLE_PATH to point to the 'err' file in that repo.
+Background on this project (you can skip if you like):
If we aren't creating a named network namespace, to join the namespace
with a shell, I use:
Note: if I knew how to easily ask systemd what pid a unit has, i would
do that.
-If we do create the netns, to join it with a shell, we can do
-/usr/bin/nsenter --mount=/root/mount_namespaces/NAME --net=/var/run/netns/NAME bash
"ip netns new ..." also does a mount namespace, then bind
mounts each file/dir in /etc/netns/NS_NAME to /etc/NS_NAME. Note,
for openvpn having it's own resolv.conf by using it's user script which
copy /run/resolvconf somehwere then bind mount it on top of
Note: for debugging, adding set -x is a pretty good option.
Please email me if you have a patches, bugs, feedback, or republish this