-# dogcam setup. not using atm
-# case $HOSTNAME in
-# lj|li)
-# /a/bin/webcam/install-server
-# ;;
-# kw)
-# /a/bin/webcam/install-client
-# ;;
-# esac
-## not actually using prometheus just yet
-# # office is not exposed to internet yet
-# if [[ $HOSTNAME != kw ]]; then
-# ## prometheus node exporter setup
-# web-conf -f 9100 -p 9101 apache2 $(hostname -f) <<'EOF'
-# #https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authtype
-# # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011102/apache-reverse-proxy-with-basic-authentication
-# <Location />
-# AllowOverride None
-# AuthType basic
-# AuthName "Authentication Required"
-# # setup one time, with root:www-data, 640
-# AuthUserFile "/etc/prometheus-htpasswd"
-# Require valid-user
-# </Location>
-# EOF
-# fi
pi debootstrap
######### begin universal pinned packages ######
case $(debian-codename) in