# ~/.bashrc. You dont want this. .bashrc is meant for interactive shells
# and if you customize it, probably has bugs from time to time. This is
# bad. Here's how I fix it. I have a special condition to "return" in my
-# .bashrc for noninteractive ssh shells (copy that code). Then
-# use this function or similar that passes LC_USEBASHRC=t when sshing. Also, I
-# don't keep most of my bashrc in .bashrc, i source a separate file
-# because even though I return, the whole file gets parsed which can
-# fail if there is a syntax error.
+# .bashrc for noninteractive ssh shells (copy that code). Then use this
+# function or similar that passes LC_USEBASHRC=t when sshing and I want
+# my bashrc. Also, I don't keep most of my bashrc in .bashrc, i source a
+# separate file because even if I return early on, the whole file gets
+# parsed which can fail if there is a syntax error.
sl() {
- # Background on LC_USEBASHRC var (no need to read if you just want to use this
- # function): bash builtin vars and env show no difference in ssh vs
- # local, except shell level which is not reliable. only reliable way I
- # found was env var. env variables sent across ssh are strictly
- # limited, but we get LC_*, so we just make that * be something no
- # normal program would use. Note, on hosts that dont allow LC_* I start an
- # inner shell with LC_USEBASHRC set, and the inner shell also allows running a
- # nondefault .bashrc. This means the outer shell still ran the default
- # .bashrc, but that is the best we can do.
+ # Background on LC_USEBASHRC var (no need to read if you just want to
+ # use this function): env variables sent across ssh are strictly
+ # limited, but we get LC_* at least in debian based machines, so we
+ # just make that * be something no normal program would use. Note, on
+ # hosts that dont allow LC_* I start an inner shell with LC_USEBASHRC
+ # set, and the inner shell also allows running a nondefault
+ # .bashrc. This means the outer shell still ran the default .bashrc,
+ # but that is the best we can do.
local now args remote dorsync haveinfo tmpa sshinfo tmp tmp2 type info_sec force_rsync sync_dirname
declare -a args tmpa
# use this weird yes thing to ensure we know ssh succeeded
- if ! tmp=$(LC_USEBASHRC=yes command ssh "${args[@]}" "$remote" echo '$LC_USEBASHRC'); then
+ if ! tmp=$(LC_USEBASHRC=yes command ssh "${args[@]}" "$remote" "if test -e $SL_FILES_DIR/.bashrc -a -L .bashrc; then echo '$LC_USEBASHRC'; fi"); then
echo failed sl test. doing plain ssh -v
command ssh -v "${args[@]}" "$remote"
[[ $1 ]] || { echo need arg; return 1; }
journalctl --unit=$vpn_service@$1 -f -n0 &
+ # sometimes the journal doesnt open until after the vpn output
+ # has happened. hoping this fixes that.
+ sleep 1
sudo systemctl start $vpn_service@$1
# sometimes the ask-password agent does not work and needs a delay.
sleep .5
+ sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/focal <<'EOF'
+Package: *
+Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
+Pin-Priority: -100
+ sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/spamassassin <<'EOF'
+Package: spamassassin sa-compile spamc
+Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
+Pin-Priority: 500
+ sd /etc/apt/preferences.d/spamassassin <<'EOF'
+Package: spamassassin sa-compile spamc
+Pin: release n=focal,o=Ubuntu
+Pin-Priority: 500
+ f=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/focal.list
+ t=$(mktemp)
+ cat >$t <<'EOF'
+deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal main universe
+deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-updates main universe
+deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-security main universe
+ if ! diff -q $t $f; then
+ sudo dd if=$t of=$f 2>/dev/null
+ p update
+ fi
# for ziva
#p install --no-install-recommends minetest/buster libleveldb1d/buster libncursesw6/buster libtinfo6/buster
m /a/bin/buildscripts/go
m /a/bin/buildscripts/rust
m /a/bin/buildscripts/misc
+m /a/bin/buildscripts/pithosfly
pi-nostart virtinst virt-manager
soff libvirtd
exists=true; ip -6 route show $iproutecmd | grep . &>/dev/null || exists=false
if runtest; then e ip -6 route $ip_op $iproutecmd; fi
- # We could only do this if we dont have a default route with [[ ! $(ip -6 r show default) ]] but
- # metric seems to be perfectly good. 6000 because on my home comp,
- # its about 6 times slower to ping google, than the default 1024 metric.
- iproutecmd="default dev $tun_dev"
+ # Previously, I tried setting a default route with metric 6000, so
+ # that generally an isp assigned route would have lower metric and
+ # take precedence. The problem is that with linux SLAAC, it then
+ # stops assigning any default routes after the existing one
+ # expires. I can't find any way to get SLAAC to reassign the route
+ # other than rebooting. things i tried: googling. checking ipv6
+ # sysctl settings, they are all unchanged. The next thing I would
+ # need to do seems to be looking at the kernel source code. I dun
+ # wanna delve into that.
+ haveipv6=false
+ if [[ $(ip -6 r show default) ]]; then
+ haveipv6=true
+ fi
+ runtestipv6() {
+ runtest && { $stop || ! $haveipv6; }
+ }
+ iproutecmd="::/1 dev $tun_dev"
+ exists=true; ip -6 route show $iproutecmd | grep . &>/dev/null || exists=false
+ if runtestipv6; then e ip -6 route $ip_op $iproutecmd; fi
+ iproutecmd="8000::/1 dev $tun_dev"
exists=true; ip -6 route show $iproutecmd | grep . &>/dev/null || exists=false
- if runtest; then e ip -6 route $ip_op $iproutecmd metric 6000; fi
+ if runtestipv6; then e ip -6 route $ip_op $iproutecmd; fi
# on debian this is 0 (no filter), on ubuntu it\'s 1, which is no good. 0 or 2 both work fine.
# 2 drops it if the packet is not routable, martian address, or my default route is screwed up,
+ pixz
-Font=Ubuntu Mono,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
+Font=DejaVu Sans Mono,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Book
+#!/bin/bash -l
set -eE -o pipefail
trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
rm -f /etc/dnsmasq.d/untrusted-network.conf /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/untrusted-network.conf
+if [[ -e /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dns.conf ]]; then
+ rm -f /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dns.conf
+ if [[ $(systemctl is-active NetworkManager) == active ]]; then
+ systemctl restart NetworkManager
+ fi
+cat >/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dns.conf <<'EOF'
+if [[ $(systemctl is-active NetworkManager) == active ]]; then
+ systemctl restart NetworkManager
+ fi