:unless noninteractive
(save-place-mode 1))
+;; find file at point
(use-package ffap)
-;; from jwiegley
-(use-package recentf
- :defer 10
- :commands (recentf-mode
- recentf-add-file
- recentf-apply-filename-handlers)
- :config
- (recentf-mode 1))
(setq package-archives
;;; cross session settings
-;; Save a list of recent files visited.
-(recentf-mode 1)
-(setq recentf-max-saved-items 400
- recentf-max-menu-items 15)
-(setq save-place t
- save-place-version-control 'nospecial
- save-place-limit 40000
- save-place-file "~/.emacs.d/places")
-;; savehist keeps track of some history
-;; search entries
-(setq savehist-additional-variables '(kill-ring search-ring regexp-search-ring)
- ;; save every minute
- savehist-autosave-interval 60
- ;; keep the home clean
- savehist-file "~/.emacs.d/.savehist")
-(savehist-mode 1)
-;;; ediff
-;; ediff-buffers is the main command to use
-;; ediff - don't start another frame for the control panel
-;; unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to use 2 frames for the diff buffers
-;; so disable this temporarily with the next line if you want that
-;; sometime I should setup 2 functions to explicitly do each type
-(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
-;;(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-default)
+(use-package recentf
+ ;; defer & commands from jwiegley
+ :defer 10
+ :commands (recentf-mode
+ recentf-add-file
+ recentf-apply-filename-handlers)
+ :config
+ (recentf-mode 1)
+ (setq recentf-max-saved-items 400
+ recentf-max-menu-items 15)
+ )
-;; do side by side diffs
-(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)
+(use-package saveplace
+ :unless noninteractive
+ :config
+ save-place-version-control 'nospecial
+ save-place-limit 4000
+ save-place-file "~/.emacs.d/places"
+ (save-place-mode 1))
-;; Things I tried which didn't work, which intuitively I think should
-;; work better: I can open the second diff buffer in a new frame, and
-;; close it's window in the first frame after starting ediff, but when I
-;; hit n to go to the next diff, it restores the window in the first
-;; frame. Another thing I tried is to open 2 new frames and set them up
-;; as I want. However, if I try to open the *Ediff Control Panel* buffer
-;; in a different window from its original one, my mouse jumps to one of
-;; the diff frames, or if that isn't visible, the buffer just hangs
-;; until I select the original ediff control panel window. This seems
-;; like a bug to me. I am using a very recent development version of
-;; emacs.
+;; savehist keeps track of some history search entries
+(use-package savehist
+ :unless noninteractive
+ :config
+ (setq savehist-additional-variables '(kill-ring search-ring regexp-search-ring)
+ ;; save every minute
+ savehist-autosave-interval 60
+ ;; keep the home clean
+ savehist-file "~/.emacs.d/.savehist")
+ (savehist-mode 1))
;;; dired
;; (setq mu4e-headers-results-limit 2000)
(defun my-mu4e-init ()
(setq mu4e-headers-fields (delq (assoc :mailing-list mu4e-headers-fields) mu4e-headers-fields))
;; it's implemented in mu4e, but not in the actions list for
(eval-after-load "mu4e" '(my-mu4e-init))
+ ;; message mode prompted me on first message.
+ ;; a function which describes options then sets this
+ ;; the other options were to use smtp directly or pass to another mail client
+ ;; here we use the standard sendmail interface. This applies for gnus too.
+ send-mail-function (quote sendmail-send-it)
;; https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/1025
mail-user-agent 'mu4e-user-agent
;; common to gnus. default sendmail-query-once asks us, then sets this via customize.
;;; modes with little configuration needed
-;; disabled temporarily
+(setq outline-minor-mode-prefix "\ 3\ 1"
+ css-indent-offset 2
+ ;; auto indent shell script comments
+ sh-indent-comment t
+ sh-here-document-word "'EOF'"
+ tramp-default-method "ssh"
+ ;; ediff-buffers is the main command to use
+ ;; don't start another frame for the control panel
+ ;; unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to use 2 frames for the diff buffers
+ ;; so disable this temporarily with the next line if you want that
+ ;; sometime I should setup 2 functions to explicitly do each type
+ ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain
+ ;;(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-default)
+ ;; do side by side diffs
+ ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally
+ ;; ediff things I tried which didn't work, which intuitively I think should
+ ;; work better: I can open the second diff buffer in a new frame, and
+ ;; close it's window in the first frame after starting ediff, but when I
+ ;; hit n to go to the next diff, it restores the window in the first
+ ;; frame. Another thing I tried is to open 2 new frames and set them up
+ ;; as I want. However, if I try to open the *Ediff Control Panel* buffer
+ ;; in a different window from its original one, my mouse jumps to one of
+ ;; the diff frames, or if that isn't visible, the buffer just hangs
+ ;; until I select the original ediff control panel window. This seems
+ ;; like a bug to me. I am using a very recent development version of
+ ;; emacs.
+ )
+;; disabled temporarily. todo, look into it
;;(add-hook 'outline-minor-mode-hook 'outshine-mode)
-(setq css-indent-offset 2)
(when (file-exists-p "/a/h/iank-mod.el")
(load-file "/a/h/iank-mod.el"))
(require 'nginx-mode)
;;The mode should automatically activate for files called nginx.conf and files under /etc/nginx - if not, you can add something like this to your init file:
;;(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/etc/nginx/sites-available/.*" . nginx-mode))
(setq-local prev-auto-revert-max (point-max)))
-;; message mode prompted me on first message.
-;; a function which describes options then sets this
-;; the other options were to use smtp directly or pass to another mail client
-;; here we use the standard sendmail interface, which I use postfix for
-(setq send-mail-function (quote sendmail-send-it))
;; delete active selection with self-insert commands
(delete-selection-mode t)
;; Transparently open compressed files
(auto-compression-mode t)
-;; not documented, but looking at the source, I find this
-;; stops me from being asked what command on every C-c-c
-;; when doing a latex document.
-(setq TeX-command-force "LaTeX")
;; dot mode, repeats last action
(require 'dot-mode)
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'dot-mode-on)
;; show the name of the current function definition in the modeline
-;;(require 'which-func)
(setq which-func-modes t)
(which-function-mode 1)
;;(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-flyspell)
-;; auto indent shell script comments
-(setq sh-indent-comment t)
;; random extra highlights
(require 'volatile-highlights)
(volatile-highlights-mode t)
(add-hook 'info-mode-hook 'my-info-init)
-(setq sh-here-document-word "'EOF'")
-(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
;;; misc general settings
;; from tramp manual, use the same ssh controlmaster. I was having problems with
;;; tex
(setq-default TeX-PDF-mode t) ; use pdf
- ; more sensible defaults based on info manual quickstart
-(setq TeX-auto-save t)
-(setq TeX-parse-self t)
+;; more sensible defaults based on info manual quickstart
+(setq TeX-auto-save t
+ TeX-parse-self t
+ ;; not documented, but looking at the source, I find this
+ ;; stops me from being asked what command on every C-c-c
+ ;; when doing a latex document.
+ TeX-command-force "LaTeX"
+ )
;;; visible mark mode
;; since it is not easy to change the mark overlay priority, I change this one.
(setq show-paren-priority 999)
(defface visible-mark-active
'((((type tty) (class mono)))
(t (:background "magenta"))) "")
(defface mouse-cursor-face
'((((type tty) (class mono)))
(t (:background "DeepPink1"))) "")
(require 'visible-mark)
-(setq visible-mark-faces '(visible-mark-face1 visible-mark-face2))
-(setq visible-mark-forward-faces '(visible-mark-forward-face1))
- ; highlight the last 2 marks
-(setq visible-mark-max 2)
- ; highlight 1 forward mark
-(setq visible-mark-forward-max 1)
- ; globally activate visible-mark-mode
+ visible-mark-faces '(visible-mark-face1 visible-mark-face2)
+ visible-mark-forward-faces '(visible-mark-forward-face1)
+ ;; highlight the last 2 marks
+ visible-mark-max 2
+ ;; highlight 1 forward mark
+ visible-mark-forward-max 1)
+;; globally activate visible-mark-mode
(global-visible-mark-mode +1)
;; if I could define overlay faces to use inverse foreground color
-;;; znc
-(setq erc-fill-prefix "")
+;;; znc/erc
(defun chirp()
(setq vol 50)
;; We must return nil. See help for `erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions'
-(add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions
- 'erc-my-privmsg-sound)
(defun erc-sound-if-not-server (match-type nickuserhost msg)
(unless (string-match "Server:[0-9]+" nickuserhost)
-(add-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-sound-if-not-server)
-(eval-after-load "erc"
- '(erc-track-mode 1))
- ;; consider invisible frames to be unseen. seems like an obvious default
- erc-track-visibility 'visible
- ;; switch to buffer where i've been mentioned, etc instead of oldest
- erc-track-switch-direction 'importance
- ;; defaults minus fill. todo: modify the list instead of specifying it explicitly in case the defaults change
- erc-modules
- '(autojoin button completion irccontrols list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands readonly ring stamp track)
- )
+(use-package erc
+ :init
+ (setq erc-fill-prefix ""
+ ;; consider invisible frames to be unseen. seems like an obvious default
+ erc-track-visibility 'visible
+ ;; switch to buffer where i've been mentioned, etc instead of oldest
+ erc-track-switch-direction 'importance
+ ;; defaults minus fill. todo: modify the list instead of specifying it explicitly in case the defaults change
+ erc-modules
+ '(autojoin button completion irccontrols list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands readonly ring stamp track)
+ ) ; end setq
+ :config
+ (add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions
+ 'erc-my-privmsg-sound)
+ (add-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-sound-if-not-server)
+ (erc-track-mode 1))
;;; named commands
(defun rm-file-and-buffer ()
"Removes file connected to current buffer and kills buffer."
;; note, this has weird errors when it was before recentf-mode
-;; more resilient undo-tree-history if we have its location set up front.
-(setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.undo-tree-history")))
-;; todo, send patch undo-tree-visualize should scroll with the scroll key, instead of just pgup pgdn (aka next/prior)
-;; disabled due to bug, something like unknown entry in undo tree canary
-;; (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t)
-(setq undo-outer-limit 100000000 ; per undo command
- undo-limit 500000000 ; undo history limit
- undo-strong-limit 600000000) ; undo history limit plus some extra
-;; Undo in region just happens accidentally, and throws me off
-(setq undo-tree-enable-undo-in-region nil)
+(use-package undo-tree
+ :config
+ ;; more resilient undo-tree-history if we have its location set up front.
+ (setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.undo-tree-history"))
+ undo-outer-limit 100000000 ; per undo command
+ undo-limit 500000000 ; undo history limit
+ undo-strong-limit 600000000 ; undo history limit plus some extra
+ ;; Undo in region just happens accidentally, and throws me off
+ undo-tree-enable-undo-in-region nil)
+ ;; disabled due to bug, something like unknown entry in undo tree canary
+ ;; (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t)
+ ;; todo, send patch undo-tree-visualize should scroll with the scroll key, instead of just pgup pgdn (aka next/prior)
+ (global-undo-tree-mode)
+ ;; simple way to fix that enable undo-tree starts out disabled in org-mode
+ (defun undo-tree-overridden-undo-bindings-p() nil))
;;; keybinds
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<S-right>") nil)))
-;;;;; esc
+;;;;; esc --- terminal dup
;; todo, test out if this can be used
;;;;; return - new line