ignoreSubmodules = dirty
tool = meld
-# gitinspector complained, but then i noticed git not detecting a rename with this.
-#renamelimit = 5000
+# on git pull of coreboot:
+# warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.
+# warning: you may want to set your diff.renameLimit variable to at least 3694 and retry the command.
+renameLimit = 50000
renames = copy
fdup() {
local -A installed updated
local p
- fdroidcl update
+ # tried putting this in go buildscript cronjob,
+ # but it failed with undefined: os.UserCacheDir. I expect its due to
+ # an environment variable missing, but its easier just to stick it here.
+ m go get -u mvdan.cc/fdroidcl || return 1
+ m fdroidcl update
if fdroidcl search -u | grep ^org.fdroid.fdroid; then
fdroidcl install org.fdroid.fdroid
sleep 5
- fdroidcl update
+ m fdroidcl update
for p in $(fdroidcl search -i| grep -o "^\S\+"); do
for p in ${fdroid_pkgs[@]}; do
if ! ${installed[$p]:-false}; then
- fdroidcl install $p
+ m fdroidcl install $p
# sleeps are just me being paranoid since replicant has a history of crashing when certain apps are installed
sleep 5
for p in ${!installed[@]}; do
if ! ${updated[$p]:-true}; then
- fdroidcl install $p
+ m fdroidcl install $p
sleep 5
sss() { # ssh solo
- ssh -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ "$@"
+ sl -oControlMaster=no -oControlPath=/ "$@"
# kill off old shared socket then ssh
ssk() {
- local -a opts=()
- while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
- opts+=("$1")
- shift
- done
- m pkill -f "^ssh: /tmp/ssh_mux_${USER}_${1#*@}_22_"
- m ssh "${opts[@]}" "$@"
+ m ssh -O exit "$@"
+ m sl "$@"
# plain limited ssh
ssh() {
sd /etc/cron.d/myupgrade <<'EOF'
# Setup reboots when running outdated stuff, unattended upgrades happen
# at 6 am + rand(60 min).
-20 7 * * * root /usr/local/bin/myupgrade | /usr/local/bin/log-once -1 myupgrade
-0 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/mycheckrestart | /usr/local/bin/log-once -1 mycheckrestart
+# default is /bin/sh
+# default is /usr/bin:/bin
+20 7 * * * iank myupgrade |& log-once -1 myupgrade
+0 * * * * root mycheckrestart |& log-once -1 mycheckrestart
##### end automatic upgrades ####
-*/10 * * * * iank /a/exe/rootsshsync 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once -15 rootsshsync
+*/10 * * * * iank rootsshsync |& log-once -15 rootsshsync
# this goes into bash prompt, does in cron for more efficient shell
-* * * * * iank /a/exe/system-status 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once system-status
-2 * * * * iank /a/exe/check-remote-mailqs 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once check-remote-mailqs
-# If theres any logged errors we didnt handle in 5 days, maybe we accidentally missed them,
+* * * * * iank system-status |& log-once system-status
+2 * * * * iank check-remote-mailqs |& log-once check-remote-mailqs
+# If theres any logged errors we didnt handle in 3 days, maybe we accidentally missed them,
# so report if we did
-4 9 * * 5 root find /var/local/cron-errors /home/iank/cron-errors -type f -mtime +5
+4 9 * * 5 root find /var/local/cron-errors /home/iank/cron-errors -type f -mtime +3
if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "error: shell is not bash" >&2; exit 1; fi
-set -eE -o pipefail
-trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+source /usr/local/lib/err
+m() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; "$@"; }
+e() { printf "$pre %s\n" "$*"; }
+err() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')]: $pre: $*" >&2; }
+if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
+ err "run as nonroot"
+ exit 1
hn=$(hostname -f)
source /a/bin/bash_unpublished/source-state
l /a/bin/buildscripts/misc
l go get -u mvdan.cc/fdroidcl
-cmd="$s /usr/sbin/checkrestart -p"
+cmd="sudo /usr/sbin/checkrestart -p"
if [[ $($cmd | sed '/^Found 0 processes using old versions of upgraded files$/d' | wc -l) != 0 ]]; then
$cmd -v | pee cat "wall -n"
for x in {30..1}; do
if ! fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock &> /dev/null; then
echo "pid $PID. unattended upgrade, rebooting now" | pee cat "wall -n"
- /sbin/reboot
+ sudo /sbin/reboot
exit 0
echo "pid $PID. unattended upgrade reboot waiting 10 seconds for dpkg lock" | wall -n
# * mail monitoring / testing
if [[ $HOSTNAME == "$MAIL_HOST" ]]; then
- f=/usr/local/bin/send-test-forward
+ fname=send-test-forward
+ f=/usr/local/bin/$fname
cat >$f <<'EOFOUTER'
/usr/sbin/exim -t <<EOF
cat >/etc/cron.d/mailtest <<EOF
# running as user just because no need to run as root
-*/10 * * * * $u $f 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once send-test-forward
-*/10 * * * * $u /usr/local/bin/mailtest-check 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once -1 mailtest-check
-*/10 * * * * root chmod -R g+rw /m/md/bounces 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/log-once -1 bounces-chmod
+*/10 * * * * $u $fname |& log-once send-test-forward
+*/10 * * * * $u mailtest-check |& log-once -1 mailtest-check
+*/10 * * * * root chmod -R g+rw /m/md/bounces |& log-once -1 bounces-chmod
m cp /a/bin/distro-setup/filesystem/usr/local/bin/mailtest-check /usr/local/bin
set -eE -o pipefail
trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
# mail-route can get messed up a bit randomly, I don't know why.
-#/b/ds/mail-route up | /b/log-quiet/log-once -1 mail-route
+#/b/ds/mail-route up |& /b/log-quiet/log-once -1 mail-route
for f in $(awk '$1 == "localfolders" {print $NF}' ~/.offlineimaprc); do
mkdir -p $f
+ # these conditions are so we dont have an overly verbose prompt
if $begin && $end; then
elif $begin; then
elif $end; then
- fi
- f=~/.local/conflink
- for _ in 1; do
- if [[ -e $f ]]; then
- now=$(date +%s)
- fsec=$(stat -c%Y $f)
- # the / 60 makes it 0-59 seconds less strict, +1 makes sure we
- # dont have any false positives.
- fmin=$(( (fsec - now ) / 60 + 1 ))
- fminplus=$(( fmin + 60*24 ))
- # Filesystem files get copied, so find any newer than the last run.
- # The rest are hueristics:
- # Given the last time we added a file in git, is that newer than the last conflink run.
- # Given new files not added to git, were they modified more recently than the last conflink? but,
- # push their modification time back by a day so we can develop them before needing to add them to git.
- all_dirs=({/a/bin/ds,/p/c}{/filesystem,/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem})
- # This part is copied from conflink
- for x in /p/c/machine_specific/*.hosts /a/bin/ds/machine_specific/*.hosts; do
- if grep -qxF $HOSTNAME $x; then all_dirs+=( ${x%.hosts} ); fi
- done
- # just because i forget a lot, -mmin -NUM means files modified <= NUM minutes ago
- if (( $(date -d "$(git log --diff-filter=ACR --format=%aD -1)" +%s) > fsec )) || \
- [[ $(find ${all_dirs[@]} -mmin $fmin -type f -print -quit 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
- v conflink newer git or newer filesystem files
- chars+=("CONFLINK!")
- break
- fi
- for d in /a/bin/distro-setup /p/c; do
- cd $d
- if [[ ! -e .git ]]; then
- # some hosts i dont push all of /p/c
- continue
- fi
- untracked=$(git ls-files -o --exclude-standard)
- if [[ $untracked && $(find $untracked -mmin $fminplus -type f -print -quit) ]]; then
- v conflink: untracked in $d
+ else
+ f=~/.local/conflink
+ for _ in 1; do
+ if [[ -e $f ]]; then
+ now=$(date +%s)
+ fsec=$(stat -c%Y $f)
+ # the / 60 makes it 0-59 seconds less strict, +1 makes sure we
+ # dont have any false positives.
+ fmin=$(( (fsec - now ) / 60 + 1 ))
+ fminplus=$(( fmin + 60*24 ))
+ # Filesystem files get copied, so find any newer than the last run.
+ # The rest are hueristics:
+ # Given the last time we added a file in git, is that newer than the last conflink run.
+ # Given new files not added to git, were they modified more recently than the last conflink? but,
+ # push their modification time back by a day so we can develop them before needing to add them to git.
+ all_dirs=({/a/bin/ds,/p/c}{/filesystem,/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem})
+ # This part is copied from conflink
+ for x in /p/c/machine_specific/*.hosts /a/bin/ds/machine_specific/*.hosts; do
+ if grep -qxF $HOSTNAME $x; then all_dirs+=( ${x%.hosts} ); fi
+ done
+ # just because i forget a lot, -mmin -NUM means files modified <= NUM minutes ago
+ if (( $(date -d "$(git log --diff-filter=ACR --format=%aD -1)" +%s) > fsec )) || \
+ [[ $(find ${all_dirs[@]} -mmin $fmin -type f -print -quit 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
+ v conflink newer git or newer filesystem files
- done
- fi
- if [[ ! -e $f || $(<$f) != 0 ]]; then
- v conflink: last run not found or failed
- chars+=("CONFLINK!")
- break
- fi
- done
+ for d in /a/bin/distro-setup /p/c; do
+ cd $d
+ if [[ ! -e .git ]]; then
+ # some hosts i dont push all of /p/c
+ continue
+ fi
+ untracked=$(git ls-files -o --exclude-standard)
+ if [[ $untracked && $(find $untracked -mmin $fminplus -type f -print -quit) ]]; then
+ v conflink: untracked in $d
+ chars+=("CONFLINK!")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e $f || $(<$f) != 0 ]]; then
+ v conflink: last run not found or failed
+ chars+=("CONFLINK!")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
## Clean the paniclog, but only up to 4 times per day, or else we