== Introduction ==
-'''Currently undergoing revisions to upgrade from mediawiki version 1.23 to 1.27.
-Should be done on 5/30/2016'''
'''tldr''': Automated setup on gnu/linux after you set options in [[#Dependent Variables and Functions]], except email. Any code which is not ready to be run has bold text saying so immediately before it.
''' Goals / Why use this guide? '''
* Self hosting, single Linux system with Bash shell
* Root shell is assumed throughout
-* Code blocks are [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idempotent idempotent] unless stated otherwise
+* Code blocks are [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idempotent idempotent]
'''Version Support'''
Very minor adjustments needed for other distros. Help expand this list.
-* Mediawiki 1.23
-* Fedora 20 (tested)
-* Ubuntu 14.04 (tested)
-* Debian 7
+* Mediawiki 1.27
+* Debian 8 (tested)
+Pre 5/2016 revisions ran Mediawiki 1.23, tested on Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 14.04.
== Production Server Prerequisites ==
# customize these questions to something your contributors would know,
# is not super common / scriptable, and doesn't have the answer in the question
captchaArray() {
- if ! grep -Fx '$localSettingsQuestyQuestions = array (' $mwc
- tee -a $mwc <<'EOF'
+ if ! grep -Fx '$localSettingsQuestyQuestions = array (' $mwc; then
+ tee -a $mwc <<'EOF'
$localSettingsQuestyQuestions = array (
"What is the name of the wiki software this site (and wikipedia) uses?" => "Mediawiki",
"What does f in ofswiki.org stand for?" => "Free"
export mw_email="admin@$mwdomain"
-Here we define some small useful bash functions. This should be part of the same file.
+Here we define some small useful bash functions. This can be part of the same file.
<source lang="bash">
# for convenience, Mediawiki config file
-if isdeb; then
- apache_user=www-data
- apache_user=apache
+# identify if this is a debian based distro
+isdeb() { command -v apt &>/dev/null; }
+# tee unique. append each stdin line if it does not exist in the file
+teeu () {
+ local MAPFILE
+ mapfile -t
+ for line in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do
+ grep -xFq "$line" "$1" &>/dev/null || tee -a "$1" <<<"$line"
+ done
# get and reset an extension/skin repository, and enable it
-mw-ext () { mw-extra extension $@; }
-mw-skin() { mw-extra skin $@; }
+mw-ext () { mw-extra extensions $@; }
+mw-skin() { mw-extra skins $@; }
mw-extra() {
- local type=${1}s # extension or skin
+ local type=$1 # extension or skin
- local clone=true
- if [[ $1 == -g ]]; then
- clone=false
- shift
- fi
local ext
for ext in "$@"; do
- if $clone; then
- local original_pwd="$PWD"
- # it's ok that this fails if we already have it
- url=https://git.wikimedia.org/git/mediawiki
- target=$mw/$type/$ext
+ local original_pwd="$PWD"
+ # it's ok that this fails if we already have it
+ url=https://git.wikimedia.org/git/mediawiki
+ target=$mw/$type/$ext
+ if [[ ! -e $target/.git ]]; then
git clone $url/$type/$ext.git $target
- if ! cd $target; then
- echo "mw-ext error: failed cd $mw/extensions/$ext";
- exit 1
- fi
- git fetch
- git checkout -qf origin/$mw_branch || git checkout -qf origin/master
- git clean -xffd
- cd "$original_pwd"
+ if ! cd $target; then
+ echo "mw-ext error: failed cd $mw/extensions/$ext";
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ git fetch
+ git checkout -qf origin/$mw_branch || git checkout -qf origin/master
+ git clean -xffd
+ cd "$original_pwd"
case $type in
if [[ -e $target/extension.json ]]; then
sed -i '/^wfLoadSkin/d' $mwc
sed -i '/^\$wgDefaultSkin/d' $mwc
teeu $mwc <<EOF
-$wgDefaultSkin = "${ext,,*}";
-wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
+\$wgDefaultSkin = "${ext,,*}";
+wfLoadSkin( '$ext' );
# but still add a sleep to make sure everything works right
sudo -u $apache_user php $mw/maintenance/update.php -q --quick; sleep 1
+if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then
+ apache_user=www-data
+ apache_user=apache
== Install Mediawiki Dependencies ==
[[mediawikiwiki:Manual:Installation_requirements|Manual:Installation_requirements]]: Overview of installation requirements.
+Note, this guide needs a little adjustment before it will work with php7.0: make sure settings are still valid, update ini path.
<source lang="bash">
+# From here on out, exit if a command fails.
+# This will prevent us from not noticing an important failure.
+# We recommend setting this for the entire installation session.
+# If you are running commands interactively, it might be best to
+# put it in your ~/.bashrc temporarily.
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+source ~/mw_vars
if isdeb; then
+ # main reference:
+ # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu
apt-get update
- # noninteractive to avoid mysql password prompt
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install mediawiki ImageMagick php5-mysqlnd php-apc
+ apt-get install -y ImageMagick
+ if apt-get install -s mediawiki &>/dev/null; then
+ # in debian wheezy time-frame distros, mediawiki was packaged.
+ apt-get -y install php-apc mediawiki
+ else
+ # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_requirements
+ if apt-get install -s php7.0 &>/dev/null; then
+ # note, 7.0 is untested by the editor here, since it's not
+ # available in debian 8. it's listed as supported
+ # in the mediawiki page.
+ # noninteractive to avoid mysql password prompt
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server \
+ php7.0 php7.0-mysql libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-xml \
+ php7.0-apcu
+ else
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server \
+ php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 php5-apcu
+ fi
+ fi
service apache2 restart
+ # note
# fedora deps are missing a database, so some is translated from debian packages
yum -y install mediawiki ImageMagick php-mysqlnd php-pecl-apcu mariadb-server
mkdir -p $mw
cd $mw
# this will just fail if it already exists which is fine
-git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/core.git .
+if [[ ! -e .git ]]; then
+ git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/core.git .
# to see available branches: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle
# and
# git branch -r
git clean -ffxd
# Get the php libraries wmf uses. Based on:
# https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git#Fetch_external_libraries
-git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/vendor.git
+if [[ ! -e vendor/.git ]]; then
+ git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/vendor.git
cd vendor
git checkout -f origin/$mw_branch
cd ..
# Drop any previous database which may have been installed while testing.
# If upgrading, we should have a db backup which will get restored.
# https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading
-mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<'EOF'
+mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<'EOF' ||:
drop database my_wiki;
# remove any existing directory
rm -rf $mw/../analytics
mv piwik $mw/../analytics
+cd $mw
rm -rf $tmpdir
Then, copy the input to apache-site below and insert it into the apache config.
-Here, I use my scripts to setup apache. It's behind nginx because the same server hosts other sites which are not convenient to use the same apache instance.
+Here, we use some scripts automate setting up the Let 's Encrypt cert and
+the apache config.
<source lang="bash">
+temp=$(mktemp -d)
+cd $temp
+git clone $git_site/acme-tiny-wrapper
-mkdir $l
+mkdir -p $l
-acme-tiny-wrapper $mwdomain
-dd of=/etc/apache2/ports.conf <<'EOF'
-Listen 8082
+acme-tiny-wrapper/acme-tiny-wrapper $mwdomain
+git clone $git_site/basic-https-conf
{ cat <<EOF
- ServerAdmin $mw_email
- RewriteEngine On
- # make the site's root url go to our main page
- RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
- # use short urls https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
- RewriteRule ^/*\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
+ServerAdmin $mw_email
+RewriteEngine On
+# make the site's root url go to our main page
+RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
+# use short urls https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
+RewriteRule ^/*\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
- find -L $(readlink -f $mw/..) -name .htaccess \
- | while read line; do
- echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
- done
-} | apache-site -i -p -- - $mwdomain
-nginx-site -p 8082 $mwdomain
-Turn on the new configuration
-<source lang="bash">
-if isdeb; then
- a2ensite $mwdomain.conf
- # for short urls
- a2enmod rewrite
- # We restart rather than reload because of the module
- service apache2 restart
- systemctl reload httpd.service
+find -L $(readlink -f $mw/..) -name .htaccess \
+ | while read line; do
+ echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
+} | basic-https-conf/apache-site -r ${mw%/*} - $mwdomain
Now mediawiki should load in your browser at $mwdomain .
-Allow proper search bots and internet archiver bots, via [[Mediawiki:Robots.txt]]
+Allow proper search bots and internet archiver bots, via [[Mediawiki:Robots.txt]],
+and install the default skin.
<source lang="bash">
dd of=$mw/../robots.txt <<'EOF'
User-agent: ia_archiver
Allow: /*&action=raw
+mw-skin Vector
'''Skippable Notes'''
\$wgRightsUrl = "$mw_RightsUrl";
\$wgRightsText = "$mw_RightsText";
\$wgRightsIcon = "$mw_RightsIcon";
-wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
Settings I recommend which are different than the defaults.
# Increase from default of 2M to 100M.
# This will at least allow high res pics etc.
php_ini=$(isdeb && echo /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini || echo /etc/php.ini)
-sed -i 's/^\(upload_max_filesize\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/'
-sed -i 's/^\(post_max_size\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/'
+sed -i 's/^\(upload_max_filesize\|post_max_size\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/' $php_ini
if isdeb; then
service apache2 restart
<source lang="bash">
teeu $mwc <<'EOF'
$wgLogo = null;
-$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
-$wgFooterIcons = null;
+#$wgFooterIcons = null;
# Make the toolbox go into the drop down.
-cd $mw
-git remote add ian git@gitorious.org:mediawiki-toolbox-patch/mediawiki-toolbox-patch.git
-git fetch ian
-git rebase ian/REL1_23-toolbox-in-dropdown
+cd $mw/skins/Vector
+if ! git remote show ian-kelling &>/dev/null; then
+ git remote add ian-kelling https://iankelling.org/git/Vector
+git fetch ian-kelling
+git checkout ian-kelling/REL1_27-toolbox-in-dropdown
== Install and Configure Mediawiki Extensions ==
''' Extensions with no configuration needed '''
{| class="wikitable"
-! Name
-! Description
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Cite|Extension:Cite]]
-| Have references in footnotes.
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:CiteThisPage|Extension:CiteThisPage]]
-| Ability to generate citations to pages in a variety of styles.
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:CSS|Extension:CSS]]
-| Allows CSS stylesheets to be included in specific articles
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:DynamicPageList|Extension:DynamicPageList]]
-| Embed page lists from categories & combinations of categories
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Echo|Extension:Echo]]
-| Notification subsystem for usage by other extensions
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Gadgets|Extension:Gadgets]]
-| UI extension system for users
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:ImageMap|Extension:ImageMap]]
-| Links for a region of an image
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Interwiki|Extension:Interwiki]]
-| Tool for nice links to other wikis
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:News|Extension:News]]
-| Embed or rss recent changes
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Nuke|Extension:Nuke]]
-| Mass delete of pages, in the case of spam
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:ParserFunctions|Extension:ParserFunctions]]
-| Useful for templates
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Poem|Extension:Poem]]
-| Useful for formatting things various ways
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi|Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi]]
-| Source code highlighting
-| [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Variables|Extension:Variables]]
-| Define per-page variables
+ ! Name
+ ! Description
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Cite|Extension:Cite]]
+ | Have references in footnotes.
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:CiteThisPage|Extension:CiteThisPage]]
+ | Ability to generate citations to pages in a variety of styles.
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:CSS|Extension:CSS]]
+ | Allows CSS stylesheets to be included in specific articles
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Echo|Extension:Echo]]
+ | Notification subsystem for usage by other extensions
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Gadgets|Extension:Gadgets]]
+ | UI extension system for users
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:ImageMap|Extension:ImageMap]]
+ | Links for a region of an image
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Interwiki|Extension:Interwiki]]
+ | Tool for nice links to other wikis
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:News|Extension:News]]
+ | Embed or rss recent changes
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Nuke|Extension:Nuke]]
+ | Mass delete of pages, in the case of spam
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:ParserFunctions|Extension:ParserFunctions]]
+ | Useful for templates
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Poem|Extension:Poem]]
+ | Useful for formatting things various ways
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi|Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi]]
+ | Source code highlighting
+ |-
+ | [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Variables|Extension:Variables]]
+ | Define per-page variables
+ |}
<source lang="bash">
-mw-ext Cite CiteThisPage CSS DynamicPageList Echo Gadgets ImageMap Interwiki News \
+mw-ext Cite CiteThisPage CSS Echo Gadgets ImageMap Interwiki News \
Nuke ParserFunctions Poem SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi Variables
mw-ext Math
# php5-curl according to Math readme
if isdeb; then
- apt-get -y install latex-cjk-all texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-base ghostscript imagemagick ocaml php5-curl
+ curl_pkg=php7.0-curl
+ if ! apt-get -s install $curl_pkg &>/dev/null; then
+ curl_pkg=php5-curl
+ fi
+ apt-get -y install latex-cjk-all texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-base \
+ ghostscript imagemagick ocaml $curl_pkg make
# todo, php5-curl equivalent on fedora
yum -y install texlive-cjk ghostscript ImageMagick texlive ocaml
<source lang="bash">
# get repo
-mkdir ~/opt
-git clone --recursive https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/pywikibot/core.git ~/opt/pywikibot
-cd ~/opt/pywikibot
+if [[ ! -e ~/pywikibot/.git ]]; then
+ git clone --recursive \
+ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/pywikibot/core.git ~/pywikibot
+cd ~/pywikibot
git pull --all
git submodule update
<source lang="bash">
-cd $HOME/opt/pywikibot
+cd $HOME/pywikibot
dd of=user-config.py <<EOF
mylang = 'en'
usernames["$mwfamily"]['en'] = u'$wikiuser'
# it won't overrwrite an existing file. Remove if if one exists
rm -f pywikibot/families/${mwfamily}_family.py
+if isdeb; then
+ apt-get install -y python-requests
+ yum -y install python-requests
python generate_family_file.py https://$mwdomain/wiki/Main_Page "$mwfamily"
# Note, this needed only for ssl site
This will take a full minute or so because the bot waits a few seconds between edits. Useful doc: [[mediawikiwiki:Pywikipediabot/Create_your_own_script]].
<source lang="bash">
+cd "$HOME/pywikibot"
-dd of=$pw/scripts/${mwfamily}_setup.py<<EOF
+dd of=scripts/${mwfamily}_setup.py<<EOF
import pywikibot
import time
import sys
-cd $pw
python pwb.py ${mwfamily}_setup
== Automatic Backups ==
-Copy this to a file (the next block assumes ~/bin/remote_wiki_backup) on a different machine than the one hosting mediawiki. Also copy ~/mw_vars to the same machine. Setup passwordless sudo to the mediawiki host (specifically, name the host $mwdomain). This will make a versioned backup of the wiki to ~/backup/wiki_file_backup and ~/backup/wiki_db_backup.
+Here we will have a daily cronjob where a backup host sshs to the mediawiki host, makes a backup then copies it back. Copy ~/mw_vars to the backup host at /root/mw_vars. Setup passwordless ssh from the backup host to the mediawiki host. Then run this code on the backup host. This will make a versioned backup of the wiki to ~/backup.
-<source lang="bash">
+<source lang="bash" type="backup">
+sudo dd of=$backup_script <<'EOFOUTER'
-source ~/mw_vars
# if we get an error, keep going but return it at the end
trap 'last_error=$?' ERR
+source ~/mw_vars
+echo "#### starting backup at $(date) ####"
ssh root@$mwdomain <<ENDSSH
+set -x
tee -a $mwc<<'EOF'
-$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
+\$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
-mysqldump -p$dbpass --default-character-set=binary my_wiki > ~/wiki_backup/wikidump
-sed -i '$ d' $mwc # delete last line
+mkdir -p ~/wiki_backups
+mysqldump -p$dbpass --default-character-set=binary my_wiki > ~/wiki_backups/wiki_db_backup
+sed -i '\$ d' $mwc # delete read only setting
-rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::/root/wiki_db_backup ~/backup/wiki_db_backup
-rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::$mw ~/backup/wiki_file_backup
+set -x
+rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::/root/wiki_backups ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_db_backup
+rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::$mw ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_file_backup
+set +x
+echo "=== ending backup at $(date) ===="
+} &>>$logfile
+if [[ $last_error != 0 ]]; then
+ echo "backup for $mwdomain failed. See $logfile"
exit $last_error
-Run this script on the backup machine to setup daily backups at 4 am.
-<source lang="bash">
-chmod +x $HOME/bin/remote_wiki_backup
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<'EOF'
-0 4 * * * x=$($HOME/bin/remote_wiki_backup 2>&1); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x"
-crontab "$x"
+sudo chmod +x $backup_script
If you are like most people and don't use the old-school mail spool, setup the backup system to send mail externally. Some ways to do that are on this [http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/36982/can-i-set-up-system-mail-to-use-an-external-smtp-server stackoverflow answer]. Then make local mail to your user get forwarded to an address you will read:
# Change REPLACE_ME in the code below (as in the backup section so you get the right variables),
# Execute the code on the backup machine.
-<source lang="bash">
+<source lang="bash" type="example">
source ~/mw_vars
HOSTNAME=REPLACE_ME source ~/mw_vars
-rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/wiki_file_backup /tmp/wiki_file_restore
+rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_file_backup /tmp/wiki_file_restore
scp -r /tmp/wiki_file_restore/images root@$mwdomain:$mw/images
-rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/wiki_db_backup /tmp/wiki_db_restore
+rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/${mwdomain}_wiki_db_backup /tmp/wiki_db_restore
scp -r /tmp/wiki_db_restore root@$mwdomain:/tmp
-ssh root@$mwdomain "mysql -u root -p$dbpass my_wiki < /tmp/wiki_db_restore/wiki_db_dump"
+ssh root@$mwdomain <<EOF
+mysql -u root -p$dbpass my_wiki < /tmp/wiki_db_restore/wiki_db_dump
+php $mw/maintenance/update.php
Then browse to your wiki and see if everything appears to work.
Minor updates script:
<source lang="bash">
dd of=$s<<'EOF'
source ~/mw_vars
php $mw/maintenance/update.php -q
chmod +x $s
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<EOF
-0 5 * * * $s
-crontab "$x"
== Upgrading Major Versions ==
== Setup Piwik ==
<source lang="bash">
-# docs suggests using separate database user, google lead me here for how
-# https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-new-user-and-grant-permissions-in-mysql
+# based on recommendation from install page
+if ! dpkg -s php5-gd &>/dev/null; then
+ apt-get install -y php5-gd
+ service apache2 restart
+# docs suggests using separate database user
mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<EOF
-CREATE USER 'piwik'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$piwik_pass';
-GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON piwik . * TO 'piwik'@'localhost';
+GRANT ALL ON piwik.* TO 'piwik'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$piwik_pass';
+php_ini=$(isdeb && echo /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini || echo /etc/php.ini)
+# based on the install page. however, ths option is changing with php7.0
+sed -ri "/^ *$opt\b/d;/^ *\[PHP\]/a $opt = -1" $php_ini
+service apache2 restart
Unfortunately, Piwik does not document how to do a fully automated install, and although it certainly seems possible, my first glance at the config file after doing manual steps showed a lot of noise, so we are sticking with the manual steps for now.
-In a browser, navigate to your_domain/analytics. Follow these steps [http://piwik.org/docs/installation/#the-5-minute-piwik-installation the-5-minute-piwik-installation], using the database password from the previous section.
+In a browser, navigate to your_domain/analytics. Follow these steps [http://piwik.org/docs/installation/#the-5-minute-piwik-installation the-5-minute-piwik-installation]. Use the user/db/pass from the previous section.
We are going to use an extension to handle the javaScript tracking tag part.
<source lang="bash">
git clone https://github.com/DaSchTour/piwik-mediawiki-extension.git $mw/extensions/Piwik
-mw-ext -g Piwik
+mw-ext Piwik
teeu $mwc <<EOF
\$wgPiwikURL = '$mwdomain/analytics/';
\$wgPiwikIDSite = '1';
You will need to adjust the previous $wgPiwikIDSite variable. The correct value can be found in the Piwik javaScript tracking tag code, in the line that looks like <code>_paq.push(['setSiteId', 2]);</code>
-'''Automatic Updates'''
-Automatically update on tuesday, 3 am server time. This code will create an update script at ~/bin/piwik-remote-update. Based on [http://piwik.org/docs/update/ piwik.org/docs/update].
+Based on [http://piwik.org/docs/update/ piwik.org/docs/update]. Previously it's been seen to require manual steps, so it is not recommended to put in a cron script.
-<source lang="bash">
+<source lang="bash" type="example">
mkdir -p ${s%/*}
-dd of=$s <<EOF
-cd "\$(mktemp -d)"
+cd "$(mktemp -d)"
wget -q http://builds.piwik.org/piwik.zip
unzip -q piwik.zip
rm -f piwik.zip
-cp \$piwik_path/config/config.ini.php piwik/config
-cp -rf piwik/* \$piwik_path
+cp $piwik_path/config/config.ini.php piwik/config
+cp -rf piwik/* $piwik_path
# prevent making an email out of the standard success response
-x="\$( \$piwik_path/console core:update )"
-if [[ \$x != "Everything is already up to date." ]]; then
-echo "\$x"
-chmod +x $s
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<< "0 3 * * tue $s"
-crontab "$x"
+$piwik_path/console core:update
Here are brief descriptions of extensions that are part of distributions and why they were rejected for this wiki.
{| class="wikitable"
-| '''InputBox''' || Add html forms to pages. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
-| '''Pdfhandler''' || Gallery of pages from a pdf file. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
-| '''Footnote''' || deprecated in newer versions
-| '''NewUserNotif''' || Send me a notification when a user registers. Seems like an excessive notification.
-| '''NewestPages''' || A page creation history that doesn't expire like recent-changes. Meh
-| '''RSSReader''' || Embed an rss feed. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
-| '''Openid''' || Poor UI. 2 pages & 2 links <login> <login with openid> which is confusing & ugly.
-| '''Validator''' || dependency of of semantic
-| '''Semantic''' || Seems like a lot of trouble around analyzing kinds of data which my wiki will not have.
-| '''wikicalendar''' || Make a calendar of events etc. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
+ |+
+ | '''InputBox''' || Add html forms to pages. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
+ |+
+ | '''Pdfhandler''' || Gallery of pages from a pdf file. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
+ |+
+ | '''Footnote''' || deprecated in newer versions
+ |+
+ | '''NewUserNotif''' || Send me a notification when a user registers. Seems like an excessive notification.
+ |+
+ | '''NewestPages''' || A page creation history that doesn't expire like recent-changes. Meh
+ |+
+ | '''RSSReader''' || Embed an rss feed. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
+ |+
+ | '''Openid''' || Poor UI. 2 pages & 2 links <login> <login with openid> which is confusing & ugly.
+ |+
+ | '''Validator''' || dependency of of semantic
+ |+
+ | '''Semantic''' || Seems like a lot of trouble around analyzing kinds of data which my wiki will not have.
+ |+
+ | '''wikicalendar''' || Make a calendar of events etc. Can't imagine using it. Would install if I did.
== Misc Notes ==
== todo list for this page ==
* Evaluate any extensions bundled in 27 which I haven't checked out before.
-* Update style patch link.
* Visual editor
-* Upgrade instructions
-* Consider changing default signature to not have talk link
+* Don't require registration for edits
# for convenience, Mediawiki config file
-if isdeb; then
- apache_user=www-data
- apache_user=apache
+# identify if this is a debian based distro
+isdeb() { command -v apt &>/dev/null; }
+# tee unique. append each stdin line if it does not exist in the file
+teeu () {
+ local MAPFILE
+ mapfile -t
+ for line in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do
+ grep -xFq "$line" "$1" &>/dev/null || tee -a "$1" <<<"$line"
+ done
# get and reset an extension/skin repository, and enable it
-mw-ext () { mw-extra extension $@; }
-mw-skin() { mw-extra skin $@; }
+mw-ext () { mw-extra extensions $@; }
+mw-skin() { mw-extra skins $@; }
mw-extra() {
- local type=${1}s # extension or skin
+ local type=$1 # extension or skin
- local clone=true
- if [[ $1 == -g ]]; then
- clone=false
- shift
- fi
local ext
for ext in "$@"; do
- if $clone; then
- local original_pwd="$PWD"
- # it's ok that this fails if we already have it
- url=https://git.wikimedia.org/git/mediawiki
- target=$mw/$type/$ext
+ local original_pwd="$PWD"
+ # it's ok that this fails if we already have it
+ url=https://git.wikimedia.org/git/mediawiki
+ target=$mw/$type/$ext
+ if [[ ! -e $target/.git ]]; then
git clone $url/$type/$ext.git $target
- if ! cd $target; then
- echo "mw-ext error: failed cd $mw/extensions/$ext";
- exit 1
- fi
- git fetch
- git checkout -qf origin/$mw_branch || git checkout -qf origin/master
- git clean -xffd
- cd "$original_pwd"
+ if ! cd $target; then
+ echo "mw-ext error: failed cd $mw/extensions/$ext";
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ git fetch
+ git checkout -qf origin/$mw_branch || git checkout -qf origin/master
+ git clean -xffd
+ cd "$original_pwd"
case $type in
if [[ -e $target/extension.json ]]; then
sed -i '/^wfLoadSkin/d' $mwc
sed -i '/^\$wgDefaultSkin/d' $mwc
teeu $mwc <<EOF
-$wgDefaultSkin = "${ext,,*}";
-wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
+\$wgDefaultSkin = "${ext,,*}";
+wfLoadSkin( '$ext' );
# but still add a sleep to make sure everything works right
sudo -u $apache_user php $mw/maintenance/update.php -q --quick; sleep 1
+if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then
+ apache_user=www-data
+ apache_user=apache
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
+# From here on out, exit if a command fails.
+# This will prevent us from not noticing an important failure.
+# We recommend setting this for the entire installation session.
+# If you are running commands interactively, it might be best to
+# put it in your ~/.bashrc temporarily.
+set -eE -o pipefail
+trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
+source ~/mw_vars
if isdeb; then
+ # main reference:
+ # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Running_MediaWiki_on_Ubuntu
apt-get update
- # noninteractive to avoid mysql password prompt
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install mediawiki ImageMagick php5-mysqlnd php-apc
+ apt-get install -y ImageMagick
+ if apt-get install -s mediawiki &>/dev/null; then
+ # in debian wheezy time-frame distros, mediawiki was packaged.
+ apt-get -y install php-apc mediawiki
+ else
+ # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_requirements
+ if apt-get install -s php7.0 &>/dev/null; then
+ # note, 7.0 is untested by the editor here, since it's not
+ # available in debian 8. it's listed as supported
+ # in the mediawiki page.
+ # noninteractive to avoid mysql password prompt
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server \
+ php7.0 php7.0-mysql libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-xml \
+ php7.0-apcu
+ else
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server \
+ php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 php5-apcu
+ fi
+ fi
service apache2 restart
+ # note
# fedora deps are missing a database, so some is translated from debian packages
yum -y install mediawiki ImageMagick php-mysqlnd php-pecl-apcu mariadb-server
mkdir -p $mw
cd $mw
# this will just fail if it already exists which is fine
-git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/core.git .
+if [[ ! -e .git ]]; then
+ git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/core.git .
# to see available branches: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle
# and
# git branch -r
git clean -ffxd
# Get the php libraries wmf uses. Based on:
# https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git#Fetch_external_libraries
-git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/vendor.git
+if [[ ! -e vendor/.git ]]; then
+ git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/vendor.git
cd vendor
git checkout -f origin/$mw_branch
cd ..
# Drop any previous database which may have been installed while testing.
# If upgrading, we should have a db backup which will get restored.
# https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading
-mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<'EOF'
+mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<'EOF' ||:
drop database my_wiki;
# remove any existing directory
rm -rf $mw/../analytics
mv piwik $mw/../analytics
+cd $mw
rm -rf $tmpdir
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
+temp=$(mktemp -d)
+cd $temp
+git clone $git_site/acme-tiny-wrapper
-mkdir $l
+mkdir -p $l
-acme-tiny-wrapper $mwdomain
-dd of=/etc/apache2/ports.conf <<'EOF'
-Listen 8082
+acme-tiny-wrapper/acme-tiny-wrapper $mwdomain
+git clone $git_site/basic-https-conf
{ cat <<EOF
- ServerAdmin $mw_email
- RewriteEngine On
- # make the site's root url go to our main page
- RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
- # use short urls https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
- RewriteRule ^/*\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
- find -L $(readlink -f $mw/..) -name .htaccess \
- | while read line; do
- echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
- done
-} | apache-site -i -p -- - $mwdomain
-nginx-site -p 8082 $mwdomain
-# </source>
-# <source lang="bash">
-if isdeb; then
- a2ensite $mwdomain.conf
- # for short urls
- a2enmod rewrite
- # We restart rather than reload because of the module
- service apache2 restart
- systemctl reload httpd.service
+ServerAdmin $mw_email
+RewriteEngine On
+# make the site's root url go to our main page
+RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
+# use short urls https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
+RewriteRule ^/*\$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
+find -L $(readlink -f $mw/..) -name .htaccess \
+ | while read line; do
+ echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
+} | basic-https-conf/apache-site -r ${mw%/*} - $mwdomain
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
dd of=$mw/../robots.txt <<'EOF'
User-agent: ia_archiver
Allow: /*&action=raw
+mw-skin Vector
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
teeu $mwc<<EOF
\$wgRightsUrl = "$mw_RightsUrl";
\$wgRightsText = "$mw_RightsText";
\$wgRightsIcon = "$mw_RightsIcon";
-wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
# Increase from default of 2M to 100M.
# This will at least allow high res pics etc.
php_ini=$(isdeb && echo /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini || echo /etc/php.ini)
-sed -i 's/^\(upload_max_filesize\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/'
-sed -i 's/^\(post_max_size\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/'
+sed -i 's/^\(upload_max_filesize\|post_max_size\)\b.*/\1 = 100M/' $php_ini
if isdeb; then
service apache2 restart
# <source lang="bash">
teeu $mwc <<'EOF'
$wgLogo = null;
-$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
-$wgFooterIcons = null;
+#$wgFooterIcons = null;
# Make the toolbox go into the drop down.
-cd $mw
-git remote add ian git@gitorious.org:mediawiki-toolbox-patch/mediawiki-toolbox-patch.git
-git fetch ian
-git rebase ian/REL1_23-toolbox-in-dropdown
+cd $mw/skins/Vector
+if ! git remote show ian-kelling &>/dev/null; then
+ git remote add ian-kelling https://iankelling.org/git/Vector
+git fetch ian-kelling
+git checkout ian-kelling/REL1_27-toolbox-in-dropdown
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
-mw-ext Cite CiteThisPage CSS DynamicPageList Echo Gadgets ImageMap Interwiki News \
+mw-ext Cite CiteThisPage CSS Echo Gadgets ImageMap Interwiki News \
Nuke ParserFunctions Poem SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi Variables
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
mw-ext Math
# php5-curl according to Math readme
if isdeb; then
- apt-get -y install latex-cjk-all texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-base ghostscript imagemagick ocaml php5-curl
+ curl_pkg=php7.0-curl
+ if ! apt-get -s install $curl_pkg &>/dev/null; then
+ curl_pkg=php5-curl
+ fi
+ apt-get -y install latex-cjk-all texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-base \
+ ghostscript imagemagick ocaml $curl_pkg make
# todo, php5-curl equivalent on fedora
yum -y install texlive-cjk ghostscript ImageMagick texlive ocaml
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
# get repo
-mkdir ~/opt
-git clone --recursive https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/pywikibot/core.git ~/opt/pywikibot
-cd ~/opt/pywikibot
+if [[ ! -e ~/pywikibot/.git ]]; then
+ git clone --recursive \
+ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/pywikibot/core.git ~/pywikibot
+cd ~/pywikibot
git pull --all
git submodule update
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
-cd $HOME/opt/pywikibot
+cd $HOME/pywikibot
dd of=user-config.py <<EOF
mylang = 'en'
usernames["$mwfamily"]['en'] = u'$wikiuser'
# it won't overrwrite an existing file. Remove if if one exists
rm -f pywikibot/families/${mwfamily}_family.py
+if isdeb; then
+ apt-get install -y python-requests
+ yum -y install python-requests
python generate_family_file.py https://$mwdomain/wiki/Main_Page "$mwfamily"
# Note, this needed only for ssl site
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
+cd "$HOME/pywikibot"
-dd of=$pw/scripts/${mwfamily}_setup.py<<EOF
+dd of=scripts/${mwfamily}_setup.py<<EOF
import pywikibot
import time
import sys
-cd $pw
python pwb.py ${mwfamily}_setup
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
-source ~/mw_vars
-# if we get an error, keep going but return it at the end
-trap 'last_error=$?' ERR
-ssh root@$mwdomain <<ENDSSH
-tee -a $mwc<<'EOF'
-$wgReadOnly = 'Dumping Database, Access will be restored shortly';
-mysqldump -p$dbpass --default-character-set=binary my_wiki > ~/wiki_backup/wikidump
-sed -i '$ d' $mwc # delete last line
-rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::/root/wiki_db_backup ~/backup/wiki_db_backup
-rdiff-backup root@$mwdomain::$mw ~/backup/wiki_file_backup
-exit $last_error
-# </source>
-# <source lang="bash">
-chmod +x $HOME/bin/remote_wiki_backup
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<'EOF'
-0 4 * * * x=$($HOME/bin/remote_wiki_backup 2>&1); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x"
-crontab "$x"
-# </source>
-# <source lang="bash">
-source ~/mw_vars
-HOSTNAME=REPLACE_ME source ~/mw_vars
-rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/wiki_file_backup /tmp/wiki_file_restore
-scp -r /tmp/wiki_file_restore/images root@$mwdomain:$mw/images
-rdiff-backup -r now ~/backup/wiki_db_backup /tmp/wiki_db_restore
-scp -r /tmp/wiki_db_restore root@$mwdomain:/tmp
-ssh root@$mwdomain "mysql -u root -p$dbpass my_wiki < /tmp/wiki_db_restore/wiki_db_dump"
-# </source>
-# <source lang="bash">
dd of=$s<<'EOF'
source ~/mw_vars
php $mw/maintenance/update.php -q
chmod +x $s
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<EOF
-0 5 * * * $s
-crontab "$x"
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
-# docs suggests using separate database user, google lead me here for how
-# https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-new-user-and-grant-permissions-in-mysql
+# based on recommendation from install page
+if ! dpkg -s php5-gd &>/dev/null; then
+ apt-get install -y php5-gd
+ service apache2 restart
+# docs suggests using separate database user
mysql -u root -p$dbpass <<EOF
-CREATE USER 'piwik'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$piwik_pass';
-GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON piwik . * TO 'piwik'@'localhost';
+GRANT ALL ON piwik.* TO 'piwik'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$piwik_pass';
+php_ini=$(isdeb && echo /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini || echo /etc/php.ini)
+# based on the install page. however, ths option is changing with php7.0
+sed -ri "/^ *$opt\b/d;/^ *\[PHP\]/a $opt = -1" $php_ini
+service apache2 restart
# </source>
# <source lang="bash">
git clone https://github.com/DaSchTour/piwik-mediawiki-extension.git $mw/extensions/Piwik
-mw-ext -g Piwik
+mw-ext Piwik
teeu $mwc <<EOF
\$wgPiwikURL = '$mwdomain/analytics/';
\$wgPiwikIDSite = '1';
# </source>
-# <source lang="bash">
-mkdir -p ${s%/*}
-dd of=$s <<EOF
-cd "\$(mktemp -d)"
-wget -q http://builds.piwik.org/piwik.zip
-unzip -q piwik.zip
-rm -f piwik.zip
-cp \$piwik_path/config/config.ini.php piwik/config
-cp -rf piwik/* \$piwik_path
-# prevent making an email out of the standard success response
-x="\$( \$piwik_path/console core:update )"
-if [[ \$x != "Everything is already up to date." ]]; then
-echo "\$x"
-chmod +x $s
-crontab -l > "$x"
-teeu "$x" <<< "0 3 * * tue $s"
-crontab "$x"
-# </source>