# ~/.bashrc. You dont want this. .bashrc is meant for interactive shells
# and if you customize it, probably has bugs from time to time. This is
# bad. Here's how I fix it. I have a special condition to "return" in my
-# .bashrc for noninteractive ssh shells (you can copy this). To make
-# this work, you need to alter AcceptEnv in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, adding
-# the var BRC to it. And in ~/.ssh/config or equivalent, add SendEnv
-# BRC, plus any other environment vars you want to send. This function
-# uses the BRC environment variable to enable that. Also, I don't keep
-# most of my bashrc in .bashrc, because even though I return, the whole
-# file gets parsed which can fail if there is a syntax error (plus,
-# faster bash startup when we are just going to return).
+# .bashrc for noninteractive ssh shells (copy that code). Then alter
+# AcceptEnv in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, adding the var BRC to it. And in
+# ~/.ssh/config or equivalent, add SendEnv BRC, plus any other
+# environment vars you want to send. Just that var should be fine. Then
+# use this function or similar that passes BRC=t when sshing. Also, I
+# don't keep most of my bashrc in .bashrc, i source a separate file
+# because even though I return, the whole file gets parsed which can
+# fail if there is a syntax error.
sl() {
# Background on BRC var (no need to read if you just want to use this
# function): bash builtin vars and env show no difference in ssh vs