shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s dotglob
+if [[ $1 ]]; then
+ verbose=true
+v() {
+ if $verbose; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$*"
+ fi
lo() { /usr/local/bin/log-once "$@"; }
write-status() {
- if [[ -e $f ]]; then
- now=$(date +%s)
- fsec=$(stat -c%Y $f)
- fmin=$(( (fsec - now ) / 60 + 1 ))
- fminplus=$(( fmin + 60*24 ))
- # Filesystem files get copied, so find any newer than the last run.
- # The rest are hueristics:
- # Given the last time we added a file in git, is that newer than the last conflink run.
- # Given new files not added to git, were they modified more recently than the last conflink? but,
- # push their modification time back by a day so we can develop them before needing to add them to git.
- if (( $(date -d "$(git log --diff-filter=ACR --format=%aD -1)" +%s) > fsec )) || \
- [[ $(find {/a/bin/ds,/p/c}{/filesystem,/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem} -mmin $fmin -type f -print -quit 2>/dev/null) ]] \
- || [[ $(find $(git ls-files -o --exclude-standard) -mmin $fminplus -type f -print -quit) ]]; then
+ for _ in 1; do
+ if [[ -e $f ]]; then
+ now=$(date +%s)
+ fsec=$(stat -c%Y $f)
+ fmin=$(( (fsec - now ) / 60 + 1 ))
+ fminplus=$(( fmin + 60*24 ))
+ # Filesystem files get copied, so find any newer than the last run.
+ # The rest are hueristics:
+ # Given the last time we added a file in git, is that newer than the last conflink run.
+ # Given new files not added to git, were they modified more recently than the last conflink? but,
+ # push their modification time back by a day so we can develop them before needing to add them to git.
+ all_dirs=({/a/bin/ds,/p/c}{/filesystem,/machine_specific/$HOSTNAME/filesystem})
+ # This part is copied from conflink
+ for x in /p/c/machine_specific/*.hosts /a/bin/ds/machine_specific/*.hosts; do
+ if grep -qxF $HOSTNAME $x; then all_dirs+=( ${x%.hosts} ); fi
+ done
+ if (( $(date -d "$(git log --diff-filter=ACR --format=%aD -1)" +%s) > fsec )) || \
+ [[ $(find ${all_dirs[@]} -mmin $fmin -type f -print -quit 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
+ v conflink newer git or newer filesystem files
+ chars+=("CONFLINK!")
+ break
+ fi
+ for d in /a/bin/distro-setup /p/c; do
+ cd $d
+ untracked=$(git ls-files -o --exclude-standard)
+ if [[ $untracked && $(find $untracked -mmin $fminplus -type f -print -quit) ]]; then
+ v conflink: untracked in $d
+ chars+=("CONFLINK!")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e $f || $(<$f) != 0 ]]; then
+ v conflink: last run not found or failed
+ break
- fi
- if [[ ! -e $f || $(<$f) != 0 ]]; then
- chars+=("CONFLINK!")
- fi
+ done
## Clean the paniclog, but only up to 4 times per day, or else we