;; disabled while I look for another alternative
+(unless (string= (daemonp) "server")
+ (setq ac-use-comphist nil))
(require 'auto-complete-config)
;; complete after 1 char instead of default 2
-(setq ac-auto-start 1)
-(setq ac-delay 0.001)
+(setq ac-auto-start 1
+ ac-delay 0.001)
(add-to-list 'ac-modes 'org-mode 'sql-mode)
(defun toggle-night ()
(cond ((equal (car custom-enabled-themes) 'naquadah)
- (override-theme 'leuven))
+ (override-theme 'ef-light))
(override-theme 'naquadah))))
+(setq ef-themes-mixed-fonts t
+ ef-themes-variable-pitch-ui t)
;; in the leuven theme file, i made this change. will need to remake it
;; on package updates. I could fork, but its a pretty simple change
;; < `(default ((,class (:foreground "#333333" :background "#FFFFFF"))))
;; > `(default ((,class (:foreground "#333333" :background "#F6F6F0"))))
-(override-theme 'leuven)
+;; < `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#8D8D84")))) ; #696969
+;; > `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#484848")))) ; #696969
+;;(override-theme 'leuven)
+;; based on ef-themes README.org
+(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
+;; the default blue is too dark and messes with erc colors
+(setq ef-light-palette-overrides
+ '((bg-mode-line "#efefef")))
+(ef-themes-select 'ef-light)
+;;(load-theme 'ef-light)
+;; for learning about faces, see
+;; useful snippet
+;; (byte-recompile-file "/home/iank/.emacs.d/elpa/leuven-theme-20220203.947/leuven-theme.el" nil 0)
;; disable color thing with this:
;;(disable-theme (car custom-enabled-themes))
;;; cross session settings
(use-package recentf
;; defer & commands from jwiegley
:defer 10
+ :if (string= (daemonp) "server")
:commands (recentf-mode
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 400
recentf-max-menu-items 15)
-;; save it every 5 minutes. https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RecentFiles
-(run-at-time nil (* 5 60) 'recentf-save-list)
+(when (string= (daemonp) "server")
+ ;; save it every 5 minutes. https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RecentFiles
+ (run-at-time nil (* 5 60) 'recentf-save-list))
+;; less strong conditional: :unless noninteractive
(use-package saveplace
- :unless noninteractive
+ :if (string= (daemonp) "server")
save-place-version-control 'nospecial
;; savehist keeps track of some history search entries
(use-package savehist
- :unless noninteractive
+ :if (string= (daemonp) "server")
(setq savehist-additional-variables '(kill-ring search-ring regexp-search-ring)
;; save every minute
;; and a function
;; inspired by mu4e info manual, search for mu4e-compose-pre-hook.
(when (file-exists-p "/p/c/mymu4e.el")
- (load "/p/c/mymu4e.el"))
+ (load "/p/c/mymu4e"))
(when (file-exists-p "/a/h/iank-mod.el")
;; show the name of the current function definition in the modeline
-(setq which-func-modes t)
(which-function-mode 1)
;; enable winner-mode to manage window configurations
;;; org mode
-;; todo work on org-cycle-emulate-tab
;; todo, this doesn't work for a non-standard keybind
;;(setq org-special-ctrl-k t)
org-global-properties (quote (("STYLE_ALL" . "habit")))
org-special-ctrl-a/e t ;; home and end work special in headlines
org-completion-use-ido t
+ ;; i had some problem with this in the past, but don't know what, so whatever.
+ org-cycle-emulate-tab nil
org-catch-invisible-edits 'smart)
;; so that I can do completion before the dialog pops up
;;(local-set-key (kbd "<tab>") 'auto-complete)
(local-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'auto-complete)
+ (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-q") nil)
;; todo, this is causing error message on loading file, prolly not working
;;(flycheck-mode +1)
(setq ac-sources (delq 'ac-source-dictionary ac-sources))
(setq vol 80)
(when (string= (system-name) "kd") (setq vol 60))
;; speed is there so i can adjust and make it go slow so it plays long enough to adjust in pavucontrol
- (start-process-shell-command "ignoreme" nil (format "mpv --speed=1 --no-terminal --vo=null --volume=%d /a/bin/data/bird.mp3" vol)))
+ (start-process-shell-command "ignoreme" nil (format "mpv --speed=1 --no-terminal --vo=null --volume=%d /a/bin/data/d20.wav" vol)))
;; from https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcSound
(defun chirp-slow()
(setq vol 50)
(when (string= (system-name) "tp") (setq vol 80))
;; speed is there so i can adjust and make it go slow so it plays long enough to adjust in pavucontrol
- (start-process-shell-command "ignoreme" nil (format "mpv --speed=.2 --no-terminal --vo=null --volume=%d /a/bin/data/bird.mp3" vol)))
+ (start-process-shell-command "ignoreme" nil (format "mpv --speed=.2 --no-terminal --vo=null --volume=%d /a/bin/data/d20.wav" vol)))
(defun erc-my-privmsg-sound (proc parsed)
(let* ((tgt (car (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
(unless (string-match "Server:[0-9]+" nickuserhost)
+(defun erc-sound-if-not-server (match-type nickuserhost msg)
+ ;; (message "d1 %s" nickuserhost)
+ (unless (or (string-match-p "Server:[0-9]+" nickuserhost) (string-match-p "leah" nickuserhost))
+ (chirp)))
(use-package erc
:defer t
+ :custom-face
+ (erc-current-nick-face ((t :weight bold :foreground "red")))
+ (which-function-mode 0)
+ ;; fuck that default turquoise
(setq erc-fill-prefix ""
;; consider invisible frames to be unseen. seems like an obvious default
erc-track-visibility 'visible
erc-track-switch-direction 'importance
;; defaults minus fill. todo: modify the list instead of specifying it explicitly in case the defaults change
- '(autojoin button completion irccontrols list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands readonly ring stamp track)
+ '(autojoin button completion imenu irccontrols list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands readonly ring stamp track)
+ ;; expanded from https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcChannelTracking,
+ ;; ignore various messages
+ erc-track-exclude-types '("JOIN" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT" "MODE"
+ "324" "329" "332" "333" "353")
+ ;; seems good, i don't care about the server buffer generally
+ erc-track-exclude-server-buffer t
+ ;; dont highlight channels just cuz of new messages
+ erc-track-priority-faces-only 'all
+ ;; so that we don't show channels where i havent been mmentioned
+ erc-track-faces-priority-list '(erc-current-nick-face
+ erc-keyword-face
+ erc-pal-face
+ erc-nick-msg-face
+ erc-direct-msg-face
+ erc-fool-face)
) ; end setq
(add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions
(add-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-sound-if-not-server)
- (erc-track-mode 1))
+ (erc-track-mode 1)
+ (defun erc-track--switch-buffer (fun arg)
+ (if (not erc-track-mode)
+ (message (concat "Enable the ERC track module if you want to use the"
+ " tracking minor mode"))
+ (cond (erc-modified-channels-alist
+ ;; if we're not in erc-mode, set this buffer to return to
+ (if-let ((buf (erc-track-get-active-buffer arg))
+ ((buffer-live-p buf)))
+ (funcall fun buf)
+ (erc-modified-channels-update)
+ (erc-track--switch-buffer fun arg)))
+ ;; if no active channels, switch back to what we were doing before
+ (t (switch-to-buffer "#fsfsys")))))
+ )
;;; named commands
(defun rm-file-and-buffer ()
"Removes file connected to current buffer and kills buffer."
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-z")))
(use-package undo-fu-session
+ :if (string= (daemonp) "server")
(setq undo-fu-session-incompatible-files '("/COMMIT_EDITMSG\\'" "/git-rebase-todo\\'")))
-(unless (equal (user-uid) 0) ; don't make root owned files
- (global-undo-fu-session-mode)
- (when (file-exists-p "/p/c/undo-fu-session")
- (setq undo-fu-session-directory "/p/c/undo-fu-session"))
- )
+(when (string= (daemonp) "server")
+ (unless (equal (user-uid) 0) ; don't make root owned files
+ (global-undo-fu-session-mode)
+ (when (file-exists-p "/p/c/undo-fu-session")
+ (setq undo-fu-session-directory "/p/c/undo-fu-session"))
+ ))
;;; keybinds
(global-set-key (kbd "C-v") 'yank-better)
+(add-hook 'ivy-mode-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-v") nil)))
(defun yank-better (arg)