# dnsecgen (in brc2)
local zone=$1
- local f tag
dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 $zone
dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a RSASHA256 -b 4096 $zone
for f in K$zone.*.key; do
otp() {
- oathtool --totp -b "$@" | xclip -selection clipboard
+ oathtool --totp -b "$*" | xclip -selection clipboard
# /msg *status shutdown
# configed auth on freenode by following
# https://wiki.znc.in/Sasl:
- # /msg *sasl RequireAuth yes
- # /msg *sasl Mechanism PLAIN
- # /msg *sasl Set ident_name password
+ # /query *sasl
+ # RequireAuth yes
+ # Mechanism PLAIN
+ # Set MyNickservName pa$$w0rd
# created the system service after, and had to do
# mv /home/iank/.znc/* /var/lib/znc
# sed -i 's,/home/iank/.znc/,/var/lib/znc,' /var/lib/znc/config/znc.conf
# /msg *status LoadMod --type=global log -sanitize
# todo: in config file AllowWeb = true should be false. better security if that is off unless we need it.
# /msg *status LoadMod --type=network perform
- # /msg *perform add PRIVMSG ChanServ :invite #fsf-office
+ # /query *perform add PRIVMSG ChanServ :invite #fsf-office
# /msg *perform add JOIN #fsf-office
+ # /msg *status LoadMod NickServ
# i set Buffer = 500
# also ran /znc LoadMod clearbufferonmsg
last_sec=$(awk '/^Subject: / {print $4}' $latest)
if $slow; then
- find $folder/new $folder/cur -type f -mmin +300 -delete
+ find $folder/new $folder/cur -type f -mmin +1080 -delete
if [[ ! $nspid ]]; then
nspid=$(systemctl status mailnn| sed -n '/^ *Main PID:/s/[^0-9]//gp')