The most common route and the one taken by this site is buying a domain name from a site like namecheap, and a cheap vps from companies like linode or digital ocean. They have good getting started guides which mostly apply beyond their own sites.
+'''Install Certbot'''
+For debian jessie with backports:
+<source lang="bash">
+apt-get install --install-suggests jessie-backports certbot
+For other distros, follow instructions at [].
'''Email Setup'''
Setting up email can be an involved process, and this guide assumes that a some program (usually postfix or exim) is implementing a functional sendmail interface. Mediawiki uses email with to send password reminders or notifications, and this guide includes cronjobs for updating mediawiki and doing backups which will send mail in the case of an error. Email is also the recommended way to get notifications of package updates which require manual steps such as restarting of services.
temp=$(mktemp -d)
cd $temp
-git clone $git_site/acme-tiny-wrapper
mkdir -p $l
-acme-tiny-wrapper/acme-tiny-wrapper -t $mwdomain
git clone $git_site/basic-https-conf
-{ cat <<EOF
+basic-https-conf/web-conf -r ${mw%/*} - apache2 $mwdomain <<EOF
ServerAdmin $mw_email
RewriteEngine On
# make the site's root url go to our main page
| while read line; do
echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
-} | basic-https-conf/apache-site -r ${mw%/*} - $mwdomain
rm -rf $temp
# This program is under GPL v. 3 or later, see <>
set -x
# <source lang="bash">
+apt-get install --install-suggests jessie-backports certbot
+# </source>
+# <source lang="bash">
# identify if this is a debian based distro
isdeb() { command -v apt &>/dev/null; }
# tee unique. append each stdin line if it does not exist in the file
temp=$(mktemp -d)
cd $temp
-git clone $git_site/acme-tiny-wrapper
mkdir -p $l
-acme-tiny-wrapper/acme-tiny-wrapper -t $mwdomain
git clone $git_site/basic-https-conf
-{ cat <<EOF
+basic-https-conf/web-conf -r ${mw%/*} - apache2 $mwdomain <<EOF
ServerAdmin $mw_email
RewriteEngine On
# make the site's root url go to our main page
| while read line; do
echo -e "<Directory ${line%/.htaccess}>\n $(< $line)\n</Directory>";
-} | basic-https-conf/apache-site -r ${mw%/*} - $mwdomain
rm -rf $temp
# </source>
# remove side panel
# helpfull doc:
x("mediawiki:Common.css", """/* adjust sidebar to just be home link and up top */
+/* adjust sidebar to just be home link and up top */
/* panel width increased to fit full wiki name. */
+/* selectors other than final id are for increasing priority of rule */
div#mw-panel { top: 10px; padding-top: 0em; width: 20em }
div#footer, #mw-head-base, div#content { margin-left: 1em; }
#left-navigation { margin-left: 1em; }
/* logo, and toolbar hidden */
-#p-logo, #p-tb.portal {
+#p-logo, div#mw-navigation div#mw-panel #p-tb {
-/* make the font size smaller for the misc stuff */
-#p-personal {
- font-size: 0.8em;
-#footer-info {
- font-size: 0.8em;
div#mw-content-text {
max-width: 720px;