#exec 2>/a/tmp/bashlog
-# By default this file is sourced for all ssh commands. This is wonky.
-# Normally, this file is not sourced when a script is run, and it would be much
-# better and more consistent if that also happened when when running a script
-# over ssh. so here we test for conditions of a script under ssh and return if
-# so. we can override with ssh -t which sets $SSH_TTY, which we can detect
-# But inside a script, ssh -t won't work, because we aren't using a tty at all.
-# So we need something else. Command lines and env variables sent across ssh are strictly limited.
-# We could override an obscure unused LC_var, like telephone, or we could transfer a file.
-# But I choose to set SendEnv and AcceptEnv ssh vars for BASH_LOGIN_SHELL.
-# In a private file, i have aliases for if $- == *i*, ssh -t, else ssh.
-[[ $- != *i* && ! $SSH_CONNECTION ]] && export BASH_LOGIN_SHELL=true
+# By default this file is sourced for ALL ssh commands. This is wonky.
+# Normally, this file is not sourced when a script is run, but we can override
+# that by having #!/bin/bash -l.
+# I want something similar for ssh commands. when a local script runs an ssh command,
+# this file should not be sourced by default, but we should be able to override that.
+# so here we test for conditions of a script under ssh and return if so. To test
+# for an overriding condition, we have a few options. one is to use an
+# environment variable. env variables sent across ssh are strictly limited. ssh
+# -t which sets $SSH_TTY, but within a script that won't work because tty
+# allocation will fail. We could override an obscure unused LC_var, like
+# telephone, but I don't want to run into some edge case where that messes
+# things up. we could transfer a file which we could test for, but I can't think
+# of a way to make that inherently limited to a single ssh command. I choose to
+# set SendEnv and AcceptEnv ssh config vars to allow the environment variable
+# BASH_LOGIN_SHELL to propagate across ssh.
+# assume we want ssh commands to source this file if we are sourcing it,
+# and we haven't specified otherwise already
+[[ ! $BASH_LOGIN_SHELL ]] && export BASH_LOGIN_SHELL=true
+# first conditions show that we are an ssh command without an interactive shell
if [[ $SSH_CONNECTION ]] \
- && [[ $- == *c* ]] \
- && [[ ! $SSH_TTY ]] \
- && [[ ! $BASH_LOGIN_SHELL == true ]] \
- && [[ $- != *i* ]]; then
+ && [[ $- == *c* ]] \
+ && [[ ! $SSH_TTY ]] \
+ && [[ $- != *i* ]] \
+ && [[ ! $BASH_LOGIN_SHELL == true ]]; then
# settings #
# remove gnome keyring warning messages
# there is probably a more proper way, but I didn't find any easily on google
+# now using xfce+xmonad instead of vanilla xmonad, so disabling this
-#use extra globing features. See man bash, search extglob.
+# use extra globing features.
shopt -s extglob
-#include .files when globbing.
-shopt -s dotglob
-#but ignore files name . and ..
-# this also sets dotglob, but no harm in setting it explicitly
+# include .files when globbing, but ignore files name . and ..
+# setting this also sets dotglob
export GLOBIGNORE=*/.:*/..
# broken with bash_completion package. Saw a bug for this once. Don't anymore.
# inside emacs fixes
if [[ $INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
+ # EMACS is used by bash on startup, but we don't need it anymore.
+ # plus I hit a bug in a makefile which inherited it
+ unset EMACS
export PAGER=cat
export MANPAGER=cat
- # for readline-complete.el
- stty echo
+ # scp completion does not work, but this doesn't fix it. todo, figure this out
+ complete -r scp &> /dev/null
# todo, remote file completion fails, figure out how to turn it off
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
# for readline-complete.el
if [[ $INSIDE_EMACS ]]; then
+ # all for readline-complete.el
+ stty echo
bind 'set horizontal-scroll-mode on'
bind 'set print-completions-horizontally on'
bind '"\C-i": self-insert'
## include files ###
-for x in $HOME/bin/bash-programs-by-ian/repos/*/*-function; do
- source "$x"
+for _x in $HOME/bin/bash-programs-by-ian/repos/*/*-function ~/opt/distro-functions/src/*; do
+ source "$_x"
-source $HOME/identify-distro-functions
+unset _x
source $HOME/bin/semi-private # so I can share my bashrc
source $HOME/path_add-function
path_add --ifexists /a/opt/adt-bundle*/tools /a/opt/adt-bundle*/platform-tools
path_add $HOME/bin/bash-programs-by-ian/utils
+source $HOME/mw_vars
### aliases ###
-if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
- alias cp='cp -i'
- alias mv='mv -i'
+# disabled for now, but these are generally good
+# if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
+# alias cp='cp -i'
+# alias mv='mv -i'
+# fi
# remove any default aliases for these
alias ls > /dev/null 2>&1 && unalias ls
s() {
if [[ $EUID != 0 || $1 == -* ]]; then
- local SUDOD="$PWD"
- sudo -i "$@"
+ SUDOD="$PWD" sudo -i "$@"
echo "${x//\//\\/}"
+# portable daemon, for debian & fedora
+pdaemon () {
+ if isdeb; then
+ sudo /etc/init.d/$1 $2
+ else
+ sudo systemctl $2 $1.service
+ fi
a() {
beet "${@}"
grep -ri --binary-files=without-match --color=auto "$@"
+pub() {
+ rsync -rhc /a/h/_site/ li:/var/www/iankelling.org/public_html
bashrcpush () {
local startdir="$PWD"
cd ~
for x in "$@"; do
- ssh $x mkdir -p bin
- tar cz bin/bash-programs-by-ian bin/semi-private | ssh $x tar xz
+ ssh $x mkdir -p bin opt/distro-functions
+ tar cz bin/bash-programs-by-ian bin/semi-private opt/distro-functions/src | ssh $x tar xz
cd $(mktemp -d)
- cp /a/c/repos/bash/!(.git) .
+ command cp /a/c/repos/bash/!(.git) ~/.gitconfig .
for x in "$@"; do
tar cz * | ssh $x tar xz
calc() { echo "scale=3; $*" | bc -l; }
+# diff config files,
+# setup for format of postfix
+# option = stuff[,]
+# [more stuff]
+cdiff() {
+ local pastline
+ local unified="$(mktemp)"
+ local f1="$(mktemp)"
+ local f2="$(mktemp)"
+ _cdiff-prep "$1" "$f1"
+ _cdiff-prep "$2" "$f2"
+ cat "$f1" "$f2" | grep -Po '^[^=]+=' | sort | uniq > "$unified"
+ while IFS= read -r line; do
+ # the default bright red / blue doesn't work in emacs shell
+ dwdiff -cblue,red -A best -d " ," <(grep "^$line" "$f1" || echo ) <(grep "^$line" "$f2" || echo ) | colordiff
+ done < "$unified"
+# join options which are continued to multiples lines onto one line
+_cdiff-prep() {
+ local first=true
+ grep -vE '^([ \t]*#|^[ \t]*$)' "$1" | while IFS= read -r line; do
+ # remove leading spaces/tabs. assumes extglob
+ if [[ $line == "[ ]*" ]]; then
+ line="${line##+( )}"
+ fi
+ if $first; then
+ pastline="$line"
+ first=false
+ elif [[ $line == *=* ]]; then
+ echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
+ pastline="$line"
+ else
+ pastline="$pastline $line"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$pastline" >> "$2"
# makes it so chown -R symlink affects the symlink and its target.
chown() {
git clean -fdx
+ff() {
+ if type -P firefox &>/dev/null; then
+ firefox "$@"
+ else
+ iceweasel "$@"
+ fi
fw() {
firefox -P default "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
lld() { ll -d "$@"; }
-# package manager
-# aliases would be much more compact, but they can't be used as ssh commands
-# also, to be used in a script, you need -i which prints annoying
-# warnings. instead, use -l in a script to source this file
-if type -p yum > /dev/null; then
- p() {
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- yum "$@"
- else
- sudo yum "$@"
- fi
- }
- pi() {
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- yum -y install "$@"
- else
- sudo yum -y install "$@"
- fi
- }
- pf() {
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- yum search "$@"
- else
- sudo yum search "$@"
- fi
- }
- p() {
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- aptitude "$@"
- else
- sudo aptitude "$@"
- fi
- }
- pi() {
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- aptitude -y install "$@"
- else
- sudo aptitude -y install "$@"
- fi
- }
- pf() {
- # scratch a very annoying itch.
- # package description width as wide as the screen, and package name field small
- # aptitude manual can't figure out how wide emacs terminal is,
- # of course it doesn't consult the $COLUMNS variable...
- # and in a normal terminal, it makes the package name field ridiculously big
- # also, remove that useless dash before the description
- if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
- aptitude -F "%c%a%M %p %$((COLUMNS - 30))d" -w $COLUMNS search "$@"
- else
- sudo aptitude -F "%c%a%M %p %$((COLUMNS - 30))d" -w $COLUMNS search "$@"
- fi
- }
# test existence / exists
te() {
return $ret
+# show make targets, via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3063507/list-goals-targets-in-gnu-make
+make-targets() {
+ make -qp | awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$)/ {split($1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}'
# fix root file ownership for FILE argument.
# check if parent or grandparent is not root and if the dir of FILE is also
+# see notes for usage
+fsdiff () {
+ local missing=false
+ local dname="${PWD##*/}"
+ local m="/a/tmp/$dname-missing"
+ local d="/a/tmp/$dname-diff"
+ [[ -e $d ]] && rm "$d"
+ [[ -e $m ]] && rm "$m"
+ local msize=0
+ local fsfile
+ while read -r line; do
+ fsfile="$1${line#.}"
+ if [[ -e "$fsfile" ]]; then
+ md5diff "$line" "$fsfile" && tee -a "/a/tmp/$dname-diff" <<< "$fsfile $line"
+ else
+ missing=true
+ echo "$line" >> "$m"
+ msize=$((msize + 1))
+ fi
+ done < <(find -type f )
+ if $missing; then
+ echo "$m"
+ (( msize <= 100 )) && cat $m
+ fi
+fsdiff-test() {
+ cd $(mktemp -d)
+ echo ok > a
+ echo nok > b
+ mkdir c
+ echo ok > c/d
+ local x=$(mktemp -d)
+ mkdir $x/c
+ echo different > $x/c/d
+ echo ok > $x/a
+ fsdiff $x
+# expected output, with different tmp dirs
+# /tmp/tmp.HDPbwMqdC9/c/d ./c/d
+# /a/tmp/tmp.qLDkYxBYPM-missing
+# ./b
+# test whether missing files were renamed, generally for use with fsdiff
+# $1 = fsdiff output file, $2 = directory to compare to. pwd = fsdiff dir
+# echos non-renamed files
+rename-test() {
+ local x y found
+ unset sums
+ for x in "$2"/*; do
+ { sums+=( "$(md5sum < "$x")" ) ; } 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ while read -r line; do
+ { missing_sum=$(md5sum < "$line") ; } 2>/dev/null
+ renamed=false
+ for x in "${sums[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $missing_sum == "$x" ]]; then
+ renamed=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ $renamed || echo "$line"
+ done < "$1"
+ return 0
+# get a random string
+#par2rbase=$(head -c 50 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]')
+par2r() {
+ [[ $par2rbase ]] || { echo "set \$par2rbase first"; return 1; }
+ d="$PWD"
+ for x in **; do
+ if [[ -d $x ]]; then
+ cd "$x"
+ par2 c QDLDeDJ6z4.par2 *
+ cd "$d"
+ fi
+ done
+md5diff() {
+ [[ $(md5sum < "$1") != $(md5sum < "$2") ]]
pfind() { #find *$1* in $PATH
[[ $# != 1 ]] && { echo requires 1 argument; return 1; }
local pathArray
find "${pathArray[@]}" -iname "*$1*"
-pwd() { # do pwd + some other info.
- echo "$(ll -d "$PWD") $USER@$HOSTNAME $(date +%r)"
+# do pwd + some other info.
+#pwd() { echo "$(ll -d "$PWD") $USER@$HOSTNAME $(date +%r)"; }
pwgen() { # generate a random password, with digits & punctuation and without
head -c 200 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:graph:]' | head -c "$arg"
head -c 200 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c "$arg"
+ head -c 5 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | head -c "$arg"
local nth=1
# last condition is to not ask again for ones we skipped
while name="$( echo | restore-trash | gr "$PWD/[^/]\+$" | gr "$1" )" \
- && [[ $name ]] && (( $(wc -l <<<"$name") >= nth )); do
+ && [[ $name ]] && (( $(wc -l <<<"$name") >= nth )); do
name="$(echo "$name" | head -n $nth | tail -n 1 )"
read -p "$name [Y/n] " ask
if [[ ! $ask || $ask == [Yy] ]]; then
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
# commands to run when bash exits normally
- trap "hl; smh" EXIT
+ trap "hl; _smh" EXIT